Newspaper Page Text
, jst "37 m v s$i?VEOfe&&JSSSr2S 5W i' KX. r, & Just Received at EloSlister & Go A largo assortment of PERFUMES! PERFUMES Comprising the well-known brands of COLGATE & CO., LUNDUOKGS, LUBIN'S, ATKINSON'S, EASTMAN'S ALOHA, IIOYT'S COLOGNE FARINA GEEMAN COLOGNE, &c. 1592 Sale nvfc IfccassonraTble Pricegr WHOLESALE AMD RETABL. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY. Export No. 85 FORT STREET. HONOLULU. Gleiievjil jVk-"0-i Accountants and Colloolors, Real Estate, Firo & Lii'o Insurance Agents, Custom-Houso, Loan and Exchango Brokors. Departments of Business. Books and Accounts accurately kept and piopcrly adjusted. Collotl0!i3 I11 receive special attention and returns promptly made. Convoyancing a Specialty, lUcords searched and correct Abstract of Title furnished. Local Documents and Papers of every dtcriptlon carofully drawn and hand. komely digressed. Copying nnd Translating in all languages in general uie is this Kingdom. Real Estate nought and sold. raid and 1'iopcrty s ifely insured. Houses, Cottages, Rooms, Offices and Land lci-ed and rented, and rents collected. Tiro and Life Insurance ellccted in first cli's Insurauce Companies. Custom-House Business transacted w idi ai curacy and dispatch. Loans negotiated at lavcrablo rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions elicited for Publishers. Any Article purchased or sold on most fnxomble terms. Inter-Island Orders will receive particular attention. tT AH Business entrusted to our care will rcccuc prompt and faithful attention at moderate chargos. Having had an cxtonsne businiss e.peiicnco foi oci tuenty-fhe jcar- in Xcw York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an iutricale and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, nud respectfully soliclf a trial. Bell Telephone No. 274. XXirwaiiiiii ISutsiucsN -tVyrene-. ian 7-SS ly Telephone Uotli Companies 240. LEWBS & CO F. O. Box 237. 1 11 FORT. IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. FRESH GOODS from California on 1013, by each steamer of the O. S. S. Co. ' A COMTLLTE IJNE 01" ' CROSSE & BLACKWELL, AND J. T. MORTON'S GOODS ALWAYS ON HAND. jusr nncnivED f.x "zualandia." A FINE LOT OF "NEW ZEALAND," "KIDNEY" AND "BLUE DERWENT" POTATOES. ALSO A Very Choice Lot of N. Z. " Taranaki Butter," (IN KEGS.) All of which we olTcr to the Public, at ItUASONABLE PRICES. Fresh New Zealand Butter, ON IGE, In 1 Pound Pats ! By each arrival Horn New Zealand SOMETHING FINE. ISfiO IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. New Goods received by every Packet from the Eastern State3 and Europe Fresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders fnitlitullv attended to and Goods delivered to any part ot the city free of charge. Island eiders soli cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box 145. Telephone No. 93. 1G8 ly FROM EUROPE, LINES OF HAVE JUST RECEIVED OHE OF THE FINEST EftflBROSDERIES, LACE EVER SHOWN IN HONOLULU. & CURTAINS, i SPECTIOi INVITED 1751 ly TO THE PUBLIC. I THE UNDERSIGNED, Ah Young, liave livul in Honolulu lor ten years, woiKlng for foreigners, auu nae commuted no oiienso in tins country. I know of a gambling house, which is constantly tilled with Chinese gamblers, soino of whom have lived there for three yeurs, witli no other woik than gamb ling at all times. 1 know this gambling house, into which they are constantly going, and I have let much mouey in it myself. This is why I wish this gambling houso stopped. 1 was sum moucd to appear bofoio iheCouit, and these gambler:. Here arretted foi the offenso of gambling. 1 was the witness before the Court. Therefore they aic angry with me for my testimony in die trial, and with to Mil me. Fortlds reason, I publish these fuels beforu the people. (Signed) AH YOUNG. Honolulu, March 10, 1688. 8(! 4t J. G. MAROHANT, (Successor to T. G. Thrum) Book-binder, Paper-ruler & Blank book Manufacturer, STARVINC A CRIMitlALTO DEATll. The "North China Hcrnld" of November 2-itli says thnt persons who doubt tho bnrbntity of somo of tho Chinese punishments "hnvo only townlk into tho city of Shanghai this morning, n few minutes' task, and thoy will Ond ono of the most revolting of thoso punishments in full operation, nnd its Infliction ap plauded by all thd Chinese who know of it." Tho criminal, ono Koli, is a hardened rtilllan who litis passed the greater pat t of the past ton years In jail. The spcclUc offense for which he has been punished was his habit of blackmailing the new prisoners who were put in jnil with him. lie was suspended in a cage about live feet high, with his head through tho top in a wooden collar, so that he could not reach it with his hands. His feet, which were loaded with chains, wcic so far from the bottom that he could only just touch it when standing on tip toe. Ileto hu was condemned to stand, without food or water, just inside the outer gale of the Magis trate's yatiiom, the s-pott of bun (beds, until death put an cud to his sufferings. Tito writer suggests that a photograph of the cage and its oceupaut would be a telling frontis piece to the Marquis Tseng's recent article on the 4 'Aw akentng of China. " The exhibition is supposed to act as a detencnt; practically Koh is a popular heio. The wiiter found him laughing and joking with the mob, and bandying coarse jests with them and the guards. Some one had .given him a stone to stand on. and he had got from some other charit able person some rice and water, and a pipe. "It may be that tho sight is such an amusing one, and the vic tim is such a witty fellow, to judge by the laughter with which his sallies are received, that the by-standeis are anxious to prolong tho spectacle as much as possible." The people arc said to be full of admiration for the Magistrate's linn and intelligent administration of justice, but the Shanghai w riter views the matter in a diffeieut light: "Here is a nation claiming to take its place with the leaders of civilization, introducing railways and telegraphs, sending its Ministers to foreign courts, and ask ing to be treated as a sister by the great Powers of the world ; and in one of its foremost cities, adminis tered by an English-speaking ollleial, and within a few yards of foreign settlements provided with all the re sources of modern civilization, a criminal is being slowly done to death with circumstances of cruelty that would not be tolerated in the treatment of a dangerous wild beast in a really enlightened country." 0. S. S. CO.'S TIME TABLE. Arrive at Honolulu Irom San Francisco. Australia April .'1 Mariposa, Apiil 12 Austiali.i May 1 Zealandia May 10 Australia May 29 Alameda Juno 7 Austialia June 20 Mniipoba July 5 Australia July 21 Zealaudia August 2 Austialia August 21 Alameda August 30 Austialia September 18 Muiipofr.i September 27 Australia October 10 Zealandia October 25 Australia November 13 Alameda November 22 Austialia December 11 Notice of Election, AT the adjourned annual meeting of the Hawaiian Hell Telephone Company held March 5, 1838, the fob lowing officers were elected for tho en. suing year: i President, Treasuier, ecl'roddcut, J. F. Brown Secretary, J. Cassidy Gmcrnl-Superd't, L Valentine Audltni. Directors J. Campbell, J. F. Dtawn nnd W. O. Smith. J. F. BROWN, 8S 2w Secretary II. 11. Tel. Co. For Sale! To Let 1 For Lease! Lcavo Honolulu lor San Francisco. Zealandia April 8 Australia Apiil 10 Alameda May 0 Australia May Maiiposa Juno Australia Juno Zealaudia July Austialia July Alameda July 29 Australia July 31 Mnripoba August 2G Australia August 28 Zealandia September 23 Australia September 25 Alameda October 21 Australia .October 23 Mariposa November 18 Australia November 20 Zealandia December 10 Australia December 18 Alameda . . , .(1889) Junuary 13 Honolulu Library AND Reading Room Association. Friend Building, Uuhel Mteet, (12 lulu. Ilono-tf O LUSO HAWAIIANO. ALL persons who want to com muni cato with the Poituguese, cither for business, or for procuring workmen, bcrvants or any other helps, will ihul it ihoniost proiltnblo way to advertise in the Luso Jawaiiano, tho new organ of tho Portuguese colony, which is pub lished on Merchant street, Gazette Huild. ing, (Post-OIUco Letter Box E,), and only charges rensouablo rates for adver tlsemcntB TF YOU WANT A SITUATION JL udvcrtieo In tho Daimt Bollkiim. FOE SALE 1 Lot of Land. nfixlOS ft. Healthy Location. Good view, $960. 1 Lot of Land, 11)5x108 ft. Healthy Lo cation, etc., $850. TO LET 1 Dwelling House, 4 rooms if 15 per month. 1 Houso with Store, $40 per month. Rooms, en suito or single, from $2 to $G per week. FOR LEASE 4 Lots, each C0x70 feet, lor building. Good Location; water laid on; teims easy nnd the right par. ties asbUted in building, Ari'LY TO PRANK GODFREY, C'opj'lwt una General ItiiMliieuu Agent No. 81 King Street. P 0. Box 315, liurgr Express Oaice. 01 Mil te 11m o OF SAN FRANCISCO. BJ3r3rJ7 Made in Amcilca. Meals Superior to all Others, GONSALVES & CO., Solo Acctitn of tlio Hawaiian iHtmutft. 78tf FOR SALE 4,000 Asparagus Roots ! Two years old and strong. Heady for planting. iKS $5.00 a Hundred S8 APPLY TO ALLEN HERBERT. sniw GKXUINK BUTTER SCOTCH Is only made nud sold nt the I' Steam Candy Factory, Bakery & Ice Cream Parlors, IIOTJLX STItnET, EST AND NOWUEHE ELSE "tea 91 lw FERTILIZERS ! For Plantations, Gardens, Lawns, Etc., Etc. for Sole by HAXSOX JL H3IYTII. WE are now prepared to receive all ordcis for the above Fertilizer of a supirior quality, thoroughly cured and warranted one of the best articles of the kind In tho market. Orders may ue it-it wun L. I G. iiS lm P. HANSON, SCO Queen street, M. SMYTH, Haw. Hotel Stable. Rubbish ! Rubbish ! Rubbish ! rxUlE undersigned who lins hecn au JL thorized by the Hoard of Health as a Gaibjgcs Collector, givis notice to the public oi Honolulu, that he is ready to lvmovc the Rubbish from stores and private lcs-iricuccs at the unprcec dentedly tmall charge of CO cents per mouth and to remove the same from lestaurants for $1.00 per month. Horse litter is classed as Bubbish. Tiec tilui mings will be charged fur extra. Dead Dogs, Cats anil any small animals v ill beiemoved free of chaige. A leason nble charge will be made for the re inoval of dead Horses and Cattle. The undersigned can ho communi cated with by Uirice Telephone 310, and Piivalo Telephone 220, Mutual Tel. Co. N. B. My carts work on Saturdays. L. L. LnriERRE. 02 lw Rubbish! Rubbish! Rubbish! THE undersigned having been in the business for the pnbt 15 months, and now being appointed by the Board of Health as Kubbish Col'ector. I hcicby wish to thank the public lor there Hbiral patronage, hoping a con tinuance of the same with a more ex tended list of cuitomera. I shall, as heretofore have my rubbish carts go on each stiect where lequired three times each week, except in very ininy weather, then two times each week. After this month each cart will carry a bell to announce its appearance- on the street, that no ono will have an excuse for not setting out their dirt. BtaPriccs af heretofore; Ordinary House Bubbish and Yard Sweeping, 50 cents, 75 cents and $1.00 per month, if put in containers. The above prices arranged according to the amount of lubbish tnkeu away. Tito Ti Huntings and Hor.e Litter w ill be charged extra. Horfo. Bullocks, Hogs and Dogs will be burled nt reasonable rates. N. E. BURGESS. P. S. Anyone knowing of one who is required to have their rubbish le. moved, who la not able to pay the tax, if tho paity or parties will let mo know I will do their carting free of isharge. 00 lm N. F. B. A HANDSOME COOL BARBER SHOP. Cor. Hotel & Alttkctv MticHH. Open eveiy Day und Eveuiug. DAILY BULLETIN SUMMARY 40 columns. $3 per innum. Tho Libiary consists at the present time of over Fhe Thousand Volumes. Tho Heading Room is supplied With about fifty of tha leading newspapers and nciiodicdls, A Parlor Is provided for conveisatlon ud games, Tetins of membership, fifty cents u jionth, pnynule quarteily in advance, No fotmality requited iu joining except signing tho roll. Strangers from foreign countries and visitors fi om tho other islands aio wel come to the rooms nt all times as guests. This Association having no leguhir means of suppsit except tho dues of members, it is expected that lesidcuts of Honolulu who desiio to avail them selves of its pilvlleges, and all who feel an intciest in maintaining an Institution of this kind, will put down their names and become leguhir coiitiibutors. A. J. OARTWKIOHT, Pros,, M. M. SCOTT, Vlee-Piesldent, 11. A, PAltMKLEE, Secretary, A. L. SMITH, Tieasmer, C. T. RODQERS, M.D., Chairman Hall und Library Conimlttoo. 88 KING 8TKEET. Great Bargains ! Tho business of tho lato GEO. EWGrELHARDT Will be conducted by tho undersigned eiocutora of tho Mill of the deceased, until tho stock, -consistino or- nardwnro, G lnnsware, Crocltory, Tlmrnrc, If ltclien UiouhUh, Stoves, Outllei-y, Xuiip;cN, Clmnclolierw, -IS Disrosci) OF- Everytking will be sold at' Cost Price! Thus affording housekeepers and others a rare opportunity of re plenishing or renewing these neces sary household articles nt small ex pense. They will also sel at public auction sometime next e.k dale to be announced in a futuie isaue at the lato reidenco of the deceased on Queen street, near tho corner of Alakei, the entire contents of the Fernery and Conservatory ! CSp-Therc is a gnrdener in dally at tendance nud public inspection is cor dially invited. L. A. THURSTON, O. BOLTE, Executors of tho Will. 72 tf a o BS3 CD o p p fcT"1 go od ld I CD 05 cr; o o o C 0? o a M D v a c p a p. B a ef 54 (1 15 I - CD O e-5- CD tf NOTICE. Richard Cayford, VETERINARY t fSliooing" Forge, Fort St.. Noxt I.nrnH' 3I1U. Shooing, irom $1.50. HONOLULU CARRIAGE CO., Nos. 33, 45, 62, 63, 67, 73 & 97. K. G. Bchumau, - - 1'roprlctor. Jg? Stand Comer Merchant and Fort Streets. XGT Tcloplioiiea, 335. "G mch 0 8Cly New York Line. V3TJv Horsoo and Oattlo Treated for all Diseases. BchIiIciicc: :tl Alnkca Street, X. O. BOX 408. Bell Telephone jac8;i858i HAS been opened over the restaurant by ono of tho best practical barbers in the city. Gentlemen wish ing a nice cnny Shave, or a fashionable Hair Cut t ill find it to their advantage to givo me n trial. 7fi lm FOR SALE. 3 WHALE loATSi 1 Decked "iVhalo iloat. 30 feet long. 3 feet deep; 8 feet wide; 2 22 feet Surf Boats: 1 18 feet Surf Boat; 3 Decked Plunger, 10 feet long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 2 feet 0 inches deep, with mast and ballaall complete; 1 22 feet Sniling Scow, with mast nnd sails all complete. Applv to. E. R. RYAN. Boat Builder nnd General Jobber. 51 tf NOTICE. iiislniliiiii Mail Service. FOK SAN FKAKCISCO, Tho now and fluo Al steel steamship " Zealandia," Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, rrlll bo due nt Honolulu from Sydney nnd Auckland on nr about April 8, 1888. And will mails aud dale. leave for tho above port with pnvipngers on or nbout that BU. CCOMMODATIONB, apply For ficlgbt or pass-age, having A1 PEIHOR to WE G. IRWIN & CO., Agents. For Sydney Tho new and fine and Al Auckland, steel steamship A1 A vessel will bo despatched this Line for Honolulu, to lravo ew lork in all May. For further Information apply to W. H. GROSSMAN & BRO., 77 & 70 Broad Streo', New York. OR CASTLE & C00KE, "7 8m Honolulu. by it ianposa, ? Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be duo at Honolulu from San Francisco on or about April 12, 1888, And will havu prompt difpatcb. with malls and passengers for tho above ports. For freight or passage, having SU PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to 37 Wtt G. IEWIN & CO., AROnts. Bell Tel. 318. JUutual Tel. P.O. Box 41 5. 180 Offlco - . 38 Merchant St., Honolulu Af NOTARY PUBLIC. Conveyancing a Specialty Records earch cd and abstracts of title furnishod on short notice. Copying, Translating, and engrossing in fill languages in general use in tho King dom. Custom House brokerage Firo and Life Insuiance receive piompt attention. ACCOUNTS ADJUSTED AND MR. JOHN GOOD JR.-Collector. COLLECTED. -Authorized Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. WE beg to intimate that Mr. "W. L. Green who has hitheito, with Mr. G. W. Macfarlanc, conducted our agency here, retires from the same as on 1st January, 1888. Mr. G. W. Macfarlane, assisted by Mr. Robcit Catton, will continue to represent our firm here. MIK1UJSES, "VAT.-ON & CO. Honolulu, 23rd February, 1888. 73 tf FOR RENT. LEASE, f Git HiVJLVE. REAL ESTATE, bought, sold and rented. Several valuable properties in and around ihe city now for salo on easy termB. Convenient Cottages in desirable healthy locations in and uear the city to let or lcaso at reasonable rates. Employment Wanted by several men and boys, who will make themselves use ful in performing tho various offices and chores required by private faml lies. Full particulars given on application at the agency. Ordors from the other Islands prompt ly attended to. HOLIDAY PICTURES Satnoan Bell Tel. 172. P. O, Mutual Tel. Box 409. iews ! At J. J. flams 05 tf XUESOjB2I'VX2I By tho B. S. "Australia" 8lh February, -AND NOW ON SALE- California Oranges---primo samplo, Barrels Saurkraut. Kegs Saurkraut, Crates While Heart Cabbage, Celery on Ice, Crates Cauliflower, AND ALT. SEABOKAUI.K VAWKTIK8 OF A.XXaL,33S AND P03AKH I A largo consignment of Potatoes, Figs, Canned Fruits, Jellies, Jams, Prunes, Eaisins, Chestnut. Wal. nuts, Hardnuts, Almondnntt, C.mned Tomatoes. Etc., Etc., Etc, Etc, Etc ES'LOW PRICE TO SUIT THE TIMES-a CALIFORNIA FRUIT MARKET, King street, Honolulu, tf 60 M. R. COIiBTJRN, DRAYMAN. ALL kinds of diajage attended to with promptness. "Whito and Blnck Sand delivered in quantities to suit. Also, Black Hock and Coral Rock. Onice: With J. F. Colhurn, King street, near Maunakca. 72 8m A. H. KASEMAOT, Book-binder, Paper-ruler & Blank book Manufacturer. "Wsbcs to notify the public that bo has removed to larger quarters, No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, tar up status, -a 81 3m Tahiti Lemonade Steam Works, fSUNISTY SOUTJEC. Honolulu Depot, - - - 2S Merchant St. Manufacturers of Waters, put up in Valvo Bottles High Patent Crystal Class Aerated GUARANTEED 1ST ABSOLUTELY PURE. Plain Soda, Glucer Ale, KaspTberryndo, Hop Ale. - Tahiti Lemonade, Cream Soda Grenadine. 68 J. E. BROWN & Proprietors. CO., tf SCO. J. E. BROWN & CO., Firo Proof Stono Building, 42 Merchant Street. The Watkiki residence of Mr. Fred H Hajseldcn situated at Kaplolani Park between the residences of Hon. MY. G. Irwin, nnd Mr. Frank Brown, Is offered for lent, lease, or sale. For termB apply to the undersigned. 02 tf FRED II, IIAYSELDEN. TO iff ? ?KftJ6 LET, MESSRS J. E. BROWN & CO. XTl. Are authorised to collect for the Buj.lj.tin. Honolulu Juno 8th, lf?S7, B7 THE .PEOPLES' PAPER-The Daily Bulletin 00 cts per month, Tho premises nt Knlihi Valley adjoin ing the residence of Mrj. Markliam and known as tire Guerrero Homestead. They consist of three distinct lots, viz: 1 House lot unon which stands a sub stantial two-story house and outrhouses. Arca,about 1 3-4 acres. 2 House lot ol about 3-4 ol an acre. 3 Houso lot and taro land. Area about 2 1-2 acres. For further paillculars apply to J. M. MONSARKAT, 74 Merchant Street, ' Itf "-.AND- Gcneral Commission Merchants General Agency for JIaw'n island ortne Burlington and Chicago Railway AcrosM America. Connecting at Boston with tho Azores and Madeira. Through tiekcts granted from Honolulu to all points East. Accountant Department. Merphandiso stored and sold on com mission. Consignments solicited. Shipping and Custom Houso Business attended to. Books and Accounts kept and audited, Legal Documents prepared. Avnrairi'i ndlusted. Properties leased, rented and sold. Legal documents drawn. To Let No 80 Kinau street-, parlor, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, servant's room, stable, carriage house, garden, etc, Rent very moderate, Cottage at Walklkl, opposite Sunny South; largo yard, stable, eto. Pos session on 1st April. LOVE'S BAKERY, 73 HOUAND STREET. MRS. R0BT. LOVE, - PROPRIETRESS. Every description of PLAIN & FANCY Bread & Crackers, FRESH SODA CRACKERS AND SALOON BREAD Alwnys on hand. MILK BREAD A SPECIALTY. iBlnnd orders promptly attended to. 08 Cm Yosemite Skating 8CS RINK-gl Skating! Skating! Skating! Corner Queen & Richard Streets, Will be open every evening from 7 o 0:80 v. u. MTJSIO; Tuesdays oven(qg for the Publio and Saturdays in General, XUOMLA-S 12. W.AIJU 1C01 Proprietor. lyr ts - vSfl ) f .' .v ii un. - V .k i; T . p i Jrk r. i. ms i ,y ff ,1 A Ar -4 M i Va tftJelZi,,' ' J 'tW