Newspaper Page Text
?wypr EP 'V Pnff ?' v-s:.;i , If ""?. fv fcjHwgrf''.t'','!y,l-''.'y''?'''',IJ'''''w,'' "h'ij'j" i lV,.li.j.rTM,.T.1W.'';vi-.-LT 'i'''ne''fa!gg'?iyVij;gVftffLf jrvr''ir'CAXiylXl'?lH , ' " 1 t . "4. 1 v 3t! f i zra 'i!1 mnwuu' 'VJl-uJTTj,j''i'p,'LLlirr?,sgswwjJL?L.1 ri-CPi,iii;MnwJiurw.pgiwrrw!j"ii-JWL Vol. Xnr. No. 1900. HONOLULU, H. I.. MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 26, 1888. BUBQOrtlPTION 60 OEHTB PER MONTH. ytMUl.lllh '23pJSg M 3it $ 'LtSSr? iHitthh. fJHli!- l3i ' , v .&- f t Jr V: e it . "t THE DAILY BULLETIN Is printed anil published at tho ofllcc, Queen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subicriptlon, GO conlt per Month. Addrois nil Communications Daiiv Bulletin. Advciliuimunls, tc ciuuro Insertion, should bo handed In before one o'clock V. M. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor JAS G. CLEVIOR Managor Bulletin Steam Printing OIQco. Nowspapor, It mils nnd Job Printing of all klndB done on the most favorablo terms. 13cll Telephone No. 2D0 Mutual Telephone No. 250 Bally Mil Slimy Published twice a Month, An intereitlng and comprehensive publication, and lionUins from 40 to 00 columns of reading matter on local top ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu and Wind News. It is the 'best paper DublHiied iu tlio Kingdom to send to filends abroad. Sulwo ip lo'i (milled) SJ.fcO a year. Coinmisbion Meronants. tt jJUVOKirASJT-W So Co., Qoneral Commission Agents. P,7I5 iy Honolulu 6. W. MACZAllLANE & Co. MPOHTERB AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Queen streot, - - - Honolulu. H. I. 101S i BBBWISB ft OOtdPANY, j. (Limited) general mercantile and Commission Agents. list OV OFKICKBSr P. O. Jones, Jr President & Manager J. O. Oarteu .Tieasurer & Secretary DIKBCTOBS: " Hon. O. ft. Uisuoi1. S. C. Allen, 11. Wailbiiouse. Jjsly JOHN T. WATBKHOUSE, Importer and Dealer In General Merchandise, tucm it., Honolulu. 1 S. N. Ciibtlc -J B. Atherton-Q. P. Castle CASTLE & OOOKE, -Shipping and Commission Merchant. Importers and Dealers In General Merchandise, No. 80 King St., Honolulu. 1 Clans airocLi.l. Wm. a. Irwin. WQ. IB WIN & COMPANY, . Sugar Pactors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 WILDBB 6s OO., Dialers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. I MS. OrUlNBAUM &t CO., . Importers of General Mer chandise ami Commission Merchants, Honolulu, .mil 12-1 California, street, 1 Ban FrauclBco, Cal. B. Lowers, F. J. Lowrey. O. M. Cooke. LEWEB3 it OOOKIIS, (successors to Lewers & Dickson.) Importers and IValers in Lumber and all kind ot Building Materials, Port street, Honolulu I O-ojutHSJJLvers &c Co., Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants 289 Benvoi block, Honolulu. Notice of Removal! THOMAS LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Has removed to one of tho Now Stores In the Tliomni IllocU, King Street, Three doois fiom Cattle & Cookes', Where ho Is proparcd to manufacture all kinds i f Jewelry. 00 OEThewett, Stationer & Newsdealer, Merchant Street, - Honolulu, H. I Mutual TeLS71. BcU Tel.aoss. Law Book & Lawyers' Stationery aSpoclalty. OiJerrtakru fm Newspapers, Priodl. cals, Beak?, MifnlV! etc., from anypitt of the world, having made all nrrenge. meuU theiefor -whilst, in Ban FrancUoo. Bed Kubber StiuupstoOrflcr. 11 TF YOU FIND ANYTHING, X advertise it lu the Dailt Bulletin Profoaaionals. M. THOMPSON, .A.t.toriioy-tit.-X.atr. Oulco in Campbell's IilocU, Cor. Poit & Merchant Stt., Honolulu, 11. 1. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. 5J" When desired, will rIvo tho law lu a 'rllteu opinion, as to tho probuhlu ie suit of tho contention urou tho facts slated. lf)881v JM. MONHARBAT, AlTOltNEY AT LAW ami Notary Public. Real Estate in auy part of tho Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotta ted, Lugnl Documents Drawn. No. 2? Meichant st. (Gazctto Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 108 CECIL BROWN, Attornerand Counsellor at Law Notary Public, aud Agent for taking Ac knowlcdgmeuts of Instruments for tho Island ol Oahu. Merchant streot, Hono ulu. J Alfred Magoon, AT I OltNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Meichant sticet, Honolulu. Iy JOHN A. HASSINQER, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contiacts for Labor. Interior OQleo, Honolulu. VETERINARY. A RITCHIE ROWAT, xs.0 Vetcviimvy Siii'eoii. Office nnd Residence: 1G0 Klngsticct aiutuul Telephone 5J5). Orders lufuu Hotel Stables will' bo 'rectived and ptemptly utieiidcil to. 43 m J. H. BOPBR, M. D. Consulting Physician and Surgeon. S. "V. Comer Sixth and Murki t trccts, opposite Hawaii Nci Millinery Estab lishment, Snn riuucitco. 23 MALCOLM BaOWN, NOTARY PUBLIC For tho Island of Oahu. Ofllco, : Gov't Building, Honolulu. 3Gtf II. M. BtNSON. O. AV. BMITlt. BENSON, SMITE & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & 116 Fort Slrctt, - Honolulu. Depot for Boerioke & Sceolilk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, Ilicfaecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y HOLLISTER & CO., Druggists & Tobacconists, "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fo-t Street, "William's Block, lTono 216 Honolulu, II. I. WEMER & CO. Slnmifticturiiic Jon cIIerH, NO. OS J?OBT 8TKEET, Constantly on hand a large astortmon of every desciiptlouof. Jewelry, WatchLS Gold and Silver Plated Ware, &c. 958 ly J. A. DOWER, Ship Carpenter & Boat Builder. Having Improved facilities, is prepared to 1111 orders at short notice. 1851 tf CARREACE CO. Carringes at all hours, day and uight. Saddle Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes and VillHgc Carfs with stylish and gentle horses to let. FOR SALE. A few Horses, guaranteed. Bccond hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies, Carts and Harness. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Ring up Telephone 112, or apply kj MIjLES & IBAY03Y. 1C74 ly Stcum Works, Bunnv South Tele, Bell 172, Mutual 215 DopDt. Mirchuiit titreet Tdo, Bell 112, Mutual SGO. Taiilti Lcinle Worte. The undersigned having purchased the business of the. Tahiti Lemonade Works, tlte depot hai been removed to No. 23 Merchant Street. All orders for Aerated Wnters manu factured at the above establishment vwll receive prompt intention. J. K. BROWN & Co. P. O. Ho 400. 1820 NOTICE. MR. John Mngron Is nuthorbed to collect for our a-couut. nnd tign rrrelptt. J. K BROWN & CO. Jjui. 10. 1SS3. lW! TF YOU LOSE ANYTHING, X advortlso it in tho Daily Bullictin. BeavBr J4. Saloon Tho Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours The lnost Brui d ol Cigars & 1 obacco always on band. , H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. STEAI CA1Y FACTOR! AND KA.IC3J311Y. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. "1325 Telephone 74 No. 0 Queen street. Fish Market, Deilei in choicest Kpef, Vcul, Mutton, I'lah, Ac, Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of al kinds supplied to order. 840 ly S. THE i. IM&M? ryinfrnnnlitrin M d&siLa ' !eat Company 85 King Street, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager. Wholesale & Retail Butchers AKD NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly D. MEIIE k GO. & 'Commission Mercliaiits SHIP CHANDLERY, ISp.vnl Stores & Groceries ItricKH,"LInio & Cement. Families and Ships supplied on most reasonable terms. COT ISLAND ORDERS SOLICITED. Mutual Tele, 292. P. O. Box, 470. No. 20 Port St., op. O. S. S. Co's Wharf. 1800 tf Polled Alps Stoci &&J1SS iif Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old. Hellor Calves from 10 tu 13 months old. APPLY TO J. I. DOSETT. Honolulu, Juno 24, 1887. 70 xtjra.:no:e. Continental and Colonial AGENCY. 36 Eue do Dunkorquo, - - - Paris. Executes Indents for every description of French, Belgian, Swis", German, and English Goods, at tho Lest Manufacturers' Loneat Price. Commission, Tno.and.ii Half per cent. All Tiado and Cish Discounts allowed to Clients. Original Invoices forwarded when requested. Remittances, through n London or P.wis Banker, payable on delivery of Shipping documents; or, direct to tho manager. Tho Agency Represents, Buys, nnd Sells, for Homu and Colonial Firms. l'icco Goods, CaBhmcrcs, Cambrics, Silks. Velvets, L iwns, Chintzes, Muslins, Carpets, Cloths, Millinery, Laces, Gloves, Fringes, Parasols, Hubordashcry, Gold and Silver Lace, Flannels, Feathers, Pearls, Boots and Shoes, Gluts, nnd Chitm-wiiio, Clocks, Watches, Jeuellry, Funny Goods, Electro-plat o, Musjcal Instruments, Fans, Ecclcslustlcul mid Optical Goods, Mirrors, Toys. Perfumery, Wines, &c , Oilman's Stores, Booki, Artistic Furniture, Stationery, Chromes, Machinery, Ac. &o, 1801 j S TaMti Lemonade Works. CUSTOMERS who Imvo on hand any of our Bottles or dues, would greatly oblige by tending word to tho Depot. 28 Merchant street, and they will at once be called for. Our Buttles nro all crystal vnlve, aud tho u'ordu "TAHITI LEMONADE WOBICK" blown i hereon. Hull Telephone 172. Mutual Telephone 300. 15 tf .' K BROWN is CO, T YOU WANT A SERVANT, . advertise iu tho Daily Bulletin, & JDvSsiS !K522r BARGAIN in EMBROIDERIES, imbroideries, Embroidehe .- AT THE , POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE, 104 Fort Sticet, Honolulu. W. S. SACHS, - - - Proprietor. Hamburg and Swiss Edgings ! Hamburg- and Sveiss Inuertinss ! ALL OVER EMBROIDERIES ! Children's Embroidery Flounces ! Ladies' Embroidery Flounces ! In Skirt and lloloku Lengths. Ladies' Box Suits, Ladies' Box Suits, DIEECT IMPORTATION PROM EUROPE, Thcieby snwug United States Duty. Tho Entire Lot will be ofleicd at Astonishing Prices, Astonishing Prices, Astonishing Prices, iwrnnrriiL jw j i j . , m q . A. MORGAN, Blacksmith Work, , -s Carriage Building:, Painting; and " Trimming:. 79 k 81 Kii Street, - - - - oil tee Premises. Entrances IVoin Iiiiif- nnd Blcrclinnt SBtH. o Every description of work in the abovo lines performed in a first class manner. Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty. B-Bcll Telephone, 107-vga (mrh 1-tJS.Iy) eSBcll Telephone, 107-TBa H HAY and-G GRAIN. Largest Stocks, Choicest Telephones 175. Corner " j "' JOI ITT, 1. 8 GO o H CO Granite, Iron and Tin Ware ! Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns, WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE, House Keeping Goods, PLUMBING, TIN, COPIES, AND 093 SHEET IRON WORK. "GEO. EMELHARDT, (Formerly with Sainuol Nott). Importer, unci Oonlor In STOVES, CHANDELIERS, LAMPS, OltOOKKRY, GLABBWAUE, IIOUSE FuitMIBHIKO 1IABDWA1IB, AGATE IRON AND TINWARE Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company. Beaver Block, - Tort Street. XW Store formerly occupied by S. NOTT, oppos'tto Sprockets & Co.'b Bank. - 1G0 rcaecc duality, Lowest Prices. n, Edinburgh & Queen Streets. ' ..i.ii,i ip. mmr Mi ms-, to i CO VT'wfw RARE CHANCE EOS, INVESTMENT BETTER THAN A GOVERNMENT BOND OFFERED BY TUB OF TJIB IW'tTB) STATES. AMSKTS OVBK npHE proloL'tion of Life Insmnntu com blnrd with the Investment Principles of X a Savings Hank Kximplool :i'J'yeur BnihnMiient Policy for $10,000 taken out at the age of 25 jeais: Annual Total Premiums Cih Fund Equivalent Paid m, Premium. Paid in 20 yw Thtn due. Up Policy for Life. u" $487 59,740 $18,110 $43,800 Estimates for different amounts and different aces cheerfully civen. your family from future vrnnt or provide luuispuiame, wou-jyoricimuip, x,c, ic. For full particulars, apply to Alexander lflio lv mjiwmnmi'ijmwu liiii ii'wmwii Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Kspla nado, Honolulu. Manufactures nil kinds ot Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, aud all kinds of Wood work llulsb. Turning, Scroll and Band Saw ing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan ing, Morticing aud Tcnantlnjr. Oi ders promptly nttuuded to and woik guaranteed. Orders from tho other Is amls solicited I. BJCo3K3E12:S:3E9 Contractor and ltuildcr. Sorca and ofllces fitted up, Estimates given on nil kinds of brick nnd voodcn buildings, Plans and Specifications fur nished. CSf Ofllco, HO Bcretania St.; Mutual Telephone, 352; PostolBco Box, 100. 322 ly PLANING MILL. AIuHen, near nccn St. TcUphouo .1.'. Office 42 Merchant St, Honolulu. Collector & Real Estate Agent. 18 ly vK-ffl HONOLULU IEON "WORKS, iSiSSSSaStcam engines, sugar mills, boil eiH, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast ings; machinery of ovcry description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe cuted at pliort notice. 1 B-aorse Clipping! NEATLY DONE nnd with despatch nt the HAWAIIAN" HOTEL bTA BLES. Hand Clippers. 82tf CHR. GEKTZ, Impoiler and Dealer in UcutH', Ladles', JL Clitldrcn'H Boots, Shoes and Slippers. The Choicest Brands of Cigars & Tobacco Always on Hand. RrOnlers from the othei Islands solicited. 70 tf J. HOPP & CO. 71 KiiiK Street. Mnuufanturcrs and Importers of all kinds of Furniture & Upholstery Goods FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY. All kinds of Jobbing promptly attended to. CHAIRS TO RENT For Balls or Patties in small orlaigo 801 quantities. ly. NEW- Merchant Tailoring Establishm't Tho underslgntd having opened a lint. class Merchant Tailoring Estab lishment nt the Cor. King and Bethel Streets, (Damon Building) under the firm name of F.Haipacher&Co. Begs IraOTtosfilioU; tlio patronage of his friends and public generally. 00 Om p. WABERMACHER. THE ONLY LIVE PAPER in Honojulu-sj-'Tno Dally Bulletin." 60 cents per month. GEORGE LUCAS, Jg, Contractor -fei and Bullder,pi uranoe Go 880,000,000. Annuity for Life $1,310 Protect for your own old agej Policies .Free, J. Cartwright, General Agent, Hawaiian Islands. FIRE, LIFE, AND MAHIKE INSURANCE. Hartford Firo Insurance Co. Assets, $5,055,000 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and Marine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Nevada Assurance Corporation (Fire nnd Marine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire and Marine Ins. Go Capital $10,000,000 New York Life Insurance Co. Asset3, $75,000,000 C.O.BERGER HONOLULU. General Agent, HaVn Islands. 1053 ly CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Firo &. Marino Insur'ce Agents. agents ron Tlio Sow r.ucland - MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. The JEtna Tire Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn. Tho Uulon fire ana Marine Insurance Cc. of San Francisco, Cala. 11)1 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'y ESTABLISHED 1845, Capital, 9,000,000 Relchtmarki. npHE undersigned, having been up. X pointed agent of the abovo Company for tho Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Building, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terras Lossos Promptly Adjusted and Payablo in Honolulu. II. BIEMENSCHNEIDElt, C0 1y at Wilder & Co'g. Hustace& Robertson, DRAYMEN. LL orders lor Cartage promptly at. XX tended to. Particular attention paid to tho Storing & Shipping of goods'in transit to tho other Islands! Also, Black and White Sand iu quantities to suit nt lowest prlcos. Ofllco, ndjolnlng E. P. Adams & Co.'s auction room. 983 ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. Tho Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co., Limited, Keep constantly on hand for sale Steam Family and Blaclamith Coal and a general assortment of 415. Bar Iron. TAHITI LEMONADE WORKS. HIGH CLASS AERATED WATERS. Lemon Boda and Ginger Alo pf all In. forlor quality, l tmtf bottles, as re. tailed by Chinamen nt Five cents a hot. tie, hiv not mid wjll uothomadeut this establishment, 17W jfi "i V "H $ i. w 2.V I v t.i v'. $ " M -''V'i&M