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r '"; i I I 4 )iw)iMii.iiwKAtti.pii.4'iLWRi-JCuTqriTijiini.';'i't. HONOLULU CARRIAGE GO. Haok stand : Merchant and Fort treat. Telephones, 835. mch 9-88-ly Til 33 atTg f$uTTi?fitt THURSDAY, JAN. 31, 1889. PATIENCE. TIME MIDNIGHT Wife Ob, John, dear, linn lato you are! I shall be glad when this Patience business is all over. I never seem to sco anything of you now. Husband (sings) "Exactly so." Wife But, dear, did you corao straight home from the Music Hall? Husband Oh, yes. That is, we lust stopped as wc passed the Hotel on our wny home, and er or had a drink, so to speak, us it were not worth mentioning. We nil bud cramps in the stomach, us it were (slugs) "Let the muiry cymbals sound" classic, in insure, classic, classic measure. Good night. Let's go to bed. Classic uie-a-sure. Wife (soliloquizing) Dear me, how tired dear .John must he j he has actually gone to sleep on the sofa with bis boots on. All that horrid Patience. As a lawful mar ried woman I protest against these rehearsals, where, as dear John says, they keep on singing until past midnight. I am sure I don't envy Dr. McKibbin's neighbors. Husband (dreaming) Exact- so. Let the merry cymbals (snore). SUPREME COURT JAN. TERM. BEFORE ltlCKEKTON, J. J. S. Murtb) vs. L. B. Kerr. Tres pass. Defendant's motion in arrest of judgment. Argued and decision reserved until February 1st. V. V. Ashford for plaintiff ; A. S. Hart well for defendant. Colburu vs. Cayford. Tort : dam age, 300. Being tried before a mixed jury. A. Rosa for plaintiff; V. V. Ashford and Ureighton for defendant. SUPREME C0URT-HN CHAMBERS. BEFORE JODD, C. J. Wednesday, January 28. Estate J. K. Spaulding. Ordered that letters of administration issue to Wni. O. Smith under 1,000 bond. W. C. Achi for petitioner. befoue m'cullt j. Guardianship J. E. Chamberlain, 1 a minor. Ordered that the account of F. S. Lyman, guardian, be ap proved, he discharged and his bond cancelled. W. O. Smith for peti tioner. INTERMEDIARY COURT. Mr. Justice Preston presided in the Intermediary (Jouit this morn ing. Following was the calendar: The King vs. Chun U. Unlaw fully carrying a pistol. Appeal by defendant from Koolaupoko District Court. Continued to Saturday. The King vs. Moke. Assault and battery. Appeal from Honolulu Police Court. Continued to Febru ary 7th. The King vs. Naoiwi. Larceny fourth degree. Appeal from Waia lua District Court. Continued to Feb. 7th. James Lyle vs. Remond Reyes. Daniase, claims 8200. Appeal of defendant from Honolulu Police Court. Continued to next term day. ' J. Sylva vs. Ah Chit. Damages $100. Defendant's appeal fiom District Court of Koolaupoko. Con tinued to February term. Robert Haistead vs. James Gay. Trespass. Defendant's appeal from Honolulu Police Court. Continued to Feb.. 13th, subject to counsel being here. Richard Cayford vs. Marcus Col burn. Assumpsit, $27.75. Defend ant's appeal from Honolulu Police Court. Continued to Feb. term. Tho following case was heard by 'Mr. Justice MeCully: ' Maboc (w.) and Keahi (k.) vs. Maaia Knanaana. Summary pro ceedings to i e cover possession of lands. Plaintiffs' appeal from Dis trict Court of Ewa. After hearing the parties tho Court hold tho ap peal was not peifected, and there fore dismissed it. S. K. Kane for plaintiff; C. Brown for defendant. POLICE COURT. BKFOItE I'OLIClS JUSTICE FOTOKK' , Kaltiabtnc and Tom Gnndcll bad each to pay the usual amount for drunkenness. Pamalo, for assault and battery on liana (w.), was fined 85 nnd 81.10 costs. Ten Chinese, charged with letting off iire crackers jn tho streets were reprimanded and discharged. Three young hoys charged witli truancy were discharged. PEA NERVES WERE SETTLED. Mrs. Pallid Don't you find that the noise of tho boiler foundry acro99 the street affects your nerves, Mrs. Youugwife? Mrs. Youngwffc I seldom icar It. Y How strange. i Well, you see, babyis teetbipg poif. LOCAL & GENERAL MEWS. PATUKCE tO'Higllt. Sew engagement C. and L. Tun Chincso colebrnliugi residents aro still The handsomest ticnuu is . dragoon in Pa- A nncErnos is being hold t Lunalilo Homo this afternoon. the Mrt. Frank Brown is authorized to receipt for moneys due W. S. Luce. The case of Colburn vs. Cayfoid, tort, is still on tiial in the Supremo Court. Mn. P. C.Jones had his photograph taken this noon. Don't forgot the Bulletin. The King attended the reception at tho United Chinese Society's hall yesterday. Busiikell's trained animal and novelty show loaves for the other islands next week. A notice to paicutH and guaidhuit! of bchool children apptuis in our By Authority column. ... i -- ' -' " The regular m'cling tf the De bating Society will be held thin even ing at the usual time and place, J. D. Tuckbii, was calling upon bis friends yesterday iu Chinatown, dicssed in full Chinese costume. Young men desirous of joining tho Y. M. C. A. singing class, should be in atteudancc at 7 o'clock this even ing. i m i A lakoe number of volcanic speci mens intended for tho Paris exposi tion arc in tho Minister of Finance's oiHco. A lauoe oiangc or cition is on ex hibition in the store of the Hawaiian News Company. It is about tho size of a football. Pilot Babcock has presented Charley Peteiion, in charge of the look-out station, with a new year present of $10.00. At a meeting of tho Board of Health held yesterday the duties of government physicians foimcd a topic for discussion. .. .. The bteamcr Ewa lcturncd from her Pearl Iiivcr excursion yesterday, at 5 p. m. The details of the trip ate given in another column. Capt. and Mrs. J. D. Graham, who started for San Francisco in tho Nyanza, whicn vessel put back to port last evening, have decided to stay in Honolulu and leave on the next mail steamer. Mons. d'Anglado, French Commis sioner nnd Mr. L. Bellaguvl, Chan cellor of the French Legation, paid a visit to the U. S. S. Alert this morn ing, being received by Capt. J. G. Green, the commander. The box plan for the sale of scats for Saturday's performance of Pa tience, opens at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning at tho office of J. 12. Brown & Co. The number of tickets for any one purchaser is limited to ten. . n Josiaii Kua, second clerk in the Maishul's office and David Kanpa, cleik to the Deputy Mart-hal have both been notified that their services will no longer be required after this evening. It is reported that they have been talking of piivate matters outside. Mn. Leigh Lynch, advance agent of the Spalding b..-ilmll players, is expected to pass tluough on the next mail Bteanier fiom tho Colonies. It is Mr. Lynch who is desirous of tak ing the Hawaiian Band to the Paris exposition if permission can be ob tained. Mr, Pierro Jones has just finished tho translation into French, of an Ilihtorieal Sketch of Education in tho Hawaiian Iblandu, and has also been entrusted with the traiiblation ot tho History of Government Sur vey. Both aie intended for the Paris Exposition. Tho work could not have been put into better hands. In the Police Court this morning, a native named Hailama, was charged with deserting contract service with the Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co. Ho pleaded not guilty. Polico Justice Foster said ho could not hear tho cate owing to his being a lelative of the President of tho Company, and lefcncd the matter to the Su premo Court, EVENTS THIS EVENINC. Drill Co. A Ilonolulti Rifles, at 715 tO. Performance of "Patience" at the Hawaiian Opera IIouso, at 8 p. in. Meeting Debating Society at 7:150 .o'clock p. m. Hinging class at Y. M. C. A. at 7:80. Stag uight IIouolulu Social Club, at 7:30. 1" I. 'I I'M-l-H H-I'-LJU EVENTS TO-MORROW. Departuie of steamer W. G. Hall, for Maui and Ilauaii, at 10 a. in. Business meeting IIouolulu Ariou Society, at 7:!i0 p. m, Performance by Bushncll's trained animals, at 8 o'clock, at Nieol's block. Services at St. Andrew's Cathe dral at 7. AUCTION SALES TO-MORROW. nr i j. LUVEr. At 10 a. in., by order of W. C. Parke, assignee, tho whole of tho fixtures in the store lately occupied by A. M. Ileiyett, MercUajit stfeet. DAILY BUIiTiETrN". HONOLULU, H IM JANUAOT 611888. Clf uiv, To Pearl Harbor and Back Steamer "Ewa." in tte Tho Uniquo and Extensive Lagoon Harbor of Pearl Rivor Dcsorib od Tho Trip and Iho Sosn ory Tho Possibilities of tho Region Its Re sources, Prospects, Climate, Etc. At 9 a. m. on Wednesday mom- ing the steamer Ewa left her moor- ings at Brewer's wharf, Honolulu, and proceeded on her voyage to Pearl River, carrying about two dozen ladies and gentlemen who had been provided with complimentary tickets through the courtesy of Mr. B. P. Dillingham. Among the beneficiares was the writer, who thoroughly enjoyed the trip, and took the following notes of the sur roundings of the Peail liiyor region and the extensive land-locked har bor which should he more seen and better known than it is. The distance from Honolulu by sea is about fj miles fiom heads tohi-ads, and wc anived off IVail Rivei in a little over one hour, the sea upon the occasion being calm as tne pro verbial mill pond, and no symptoms of seasickness appeared among either the ladies or juveniles, al though there wero several of these who seldom put foot upon a seagoing vessel. Looking back to the Koolaupoko range of mountains, their outline was very clearly dellnod against the morning sky; no cloud rested upon the entire range, every peak and valley was seen as in a picture, with all the shades and coloimg given by the morning sun. Along the shore, as we proceeded on our voyage, the water curled on tho submerged reef, but did not break until the waves rolled in upon the fringe of sandy beach which extends all the way to Barber's Point, with the exception of the break in the coastline at Pearl River entrance. The head of our steamer has now turned shore ward, and wc round the breakers that dash on a reef rmht, oteaming on calm curling to our water across I'EAUL RIVER BAR. On parts of this bar there is not more than 1A fathoms water, 9 feet at low tide; but, being like Hono lulu on tho lee side of the Island, the sea here is comparatively calm ; and, to vessels drawing less than 8 feet, there is no danger if the sailing directions of the port are duly ob served. The bar, like the inner channel bottom, is of coral forma tion ; aim, in the nanus ot an ex pert at blasting sunken rocks, the expense of removing this impedi ment to the ingress of large vessels would not he nearly so great as is generally supposed. When we think of Hell-gate, New York, and other great works of blasting, the Peail River bar sinks into nothing com paratively. The length in the shal low portion is about 100 yards, and the widtli is optional with the gov-, eminent. Once over this obstacle we come int6 gi eat depth, 17 to 24 fathoms, and water deep enough for all purposes is chaiacteristic of the extensive harbor inside. We now approach the I'UULOA SAI.T TOKKS, the propei ty of J. I. Dowsetl, Esq., of Honolulu. These works are at the west side of the entianee to Pearl River, and the windmill is a prominent object in the landscape as wo enter. It is also one of the guides in steeling vessels inward. On the eastern side and opiosite to the Puuloa buildings, is the fUheiy, where arc a number of buildings in habited by Chinamen. The sur roundings here are somewhat Ideal owing to the bare stretches of sand ; but they, at the same time, seem natural as the abodes of flheiuien whose dwellings are, iu all countries, generally perched upon bare rocks or upon equally bare sands near the "sad sea waves." Up to the present time no sea bird has been seen to fan the air, nor n fish fin to break the glatsy surface of the deep; but as we glide up the channel wc pabs fish ponds, and we observe hundreds of plover running pu tliu shpre or skimming in curving llight the margin of the tide. For some distance Mr. Dowsett's lands bound the channel on both sides; but finally we come to a dividing fence on the left and then skirt the estate of James Campbell, Kxq. t Before leaving Mr. Dowsett's do main, however, we may mention the old slunk pond around which we wind, and remark hi icily on the OOD SIIAUK of the natlres in the heathen tiuu s. There is ample evidenco that the lonely scenes, upon which wo now uaze with wondering curiosity, wuio once thickly peopled ; and at that poi tod the gospel had not reached Pearl River. Among the objects of their heathen worship was tho shark, whoso numbers at Pearl Klvvr in those days-veru very abundant. A stretch of steep bank, fittbupaitof the channel wo have just sailed past, is. pointed out to tho tourist where the natives fed the sharks and sometimes gave thesu fish human saciillees to appease their voracity. Whether these int uitions are uiytuicat or not, uie writer docs not vouch ; but the sur. I'linfling.i ai.d remains still visible, j.-ic a coior of truth to the stones told. We continue our voyage, passing an old butcher shop upon Mr. Camp bell's estate, and sail between groves ol algcroba trees supposed to bo planltd here and thcro by birds and moie thickly spread by cattle which eat the indigestible seeds. The water front heic, so far as vUiblo from the steamer, is shielded by blocks of coral stone; and be hind those tho coral has decayed into a most fertile soil full of phos phates. Were this coral soil mixed with the red lava soil further in land, and some vegetable manure added, a more fertile compost could not be imagined; but lest I digress wo will continue our voyage up THE WEST CHANNEL where there is enough to occupy our attention for the present. On both sides of us, and all around here, are extensive coral-formed plateaus, level and low say from 10 to 20 feet above the tide. At a period, nut veiy long ago geologically con sidered, all this stretch of low coun try was submerged, and the forma tion put into shape under water; but uith the using of the adjoining laud through volcanic agency all this stretch of submarine formation rose with it, evidently about the same time. These facts aie gather ed from the appearance and decom position of tho coral, and the ab rupt lines of dcmarkatlon at tho joining of the two formations vol canic and scdcnienlary or coraline. The west channel continues wide and deep as we prooecd. nnd on our right or east side is the laud of Mr. C. A. Brown. On the shores wo no lice an extiaordinary abundance of periwinkles and other shell-fish. A kind of native clam is also said to abound here ; and, a few years ago, oysters were introduced, but ran out because they wcic not looked after sulllciently to protect them frqpi depredators. The foot liills of the Waianae range arc now apparently about a milu from whero wc are sailing, hundreds of fish of diffeicnt kinds arc jumping around us, an occasional wild duck rise3 from the vista of water channel, and finally wc enter that magnificent inland set called the "west loch." (To he continued.) FIRE INQUEST. The jur3' on the inquest of tho firo oArnOf nf lrlnfroiifl Trnl.-nnliL-n Qtrnnfa have leturned the following verdict: That we, the juiors on the inquest of tho recent fire at the corner of King and Kckaulikc streets, find after a most careful examina tion that it was the work of an in cendiary or incendiaries. In testimony wliereof the coroner and the jurors of this inquest have hereunto set their hands this 30th day of January, 188D. Coroner, O. L. Hopkins Jurors, E. It. Hendry, E. Kistler, 13. S. Cunha, M. Davis, Thos. 15. Wall, Thomas R. Lucas. CLIPPINGS. The people who never get right in this world are those who get left. Speaking of missing things, a needle in a haystack is nothing to a railroad time-table in a country house. The amateur pherpjst wlio care fully excludes air from his retort when making hydrogen is wise iu his generation. Young Marshall I hate that fel low llazcin. lie never comes near a girl without making a foot of him self. Young Piizode That's bet ter than making a fool of the girl. How does your furnace draw? a prospective settler inquired the other day of a naturulized Jersey- man. "Splendidly," replied the Jerseyman, sadly: "it draws my salary, piettv near all of it." "1 hope, Mr. Templecourt," said the lady, us she rose from the chair which had vibrated with her voice for an hour and a half, "that I haven't been taking up too much of your valuable lime!1" Baker What is the price of Hour today.' Assistant -Somewhat higher. "Well, go down and tell tho fore man to chuck in more yeast. Thank heaven, Old Hutch can't get up a corner on wind." Philadelphia Record. Baby was trying to dress herself. "What aro you trying to do there little one? Dohsn't baby see that she's putting on her shoes wrong side out?" "Yes, that's coz there's u hole on t'other hide." -N. Y. Journal. The Prime Minister of Austria guarantees the peaco of Europe for one year, but none of tho German and French soldiers will bo allowed furloughs on that account. Provi dence Journal. You can always get a woman to keep a secret, if you givo her chlo loforin enough, Soinerville Jour nal. "One of you boys has been steal ing laislus again; 1 have found the beeds on the floor. Which one of you was It?" Tommy It wasn't mo. I swuliowed the seeds in mine. rScrauton Truth. Smith You say the speculation bus proved a failure? Jones A to tal failure. Smith I thought you said there wuj a fortune iu it. Jones (wili ii groan) So there Is, Mine. fBoblou Courier. x li mj v a ,J . y X HE PE.OPLLS PAPER The Dull liulloUa 50 cts per montl BUSINESS ITEMS. Xotltrjulultf t)lt It ml ,-re ch-rgtd JO CfiU per llntfof tie first (ntertton, and C cmti ptr line cvfry additional InilrUon. K VAN'S JJO AT BUILD J NO i SHOP. Rear r,f Luca' M1U. M. A. GONSALVES & CO.. Uotul sttcot. liavo Hist received a new lot of 'I ins of nvcrv shade, and in .ell from 50 In 73 ccnti a bunch. Also a ft w fclik linilnuilK and l'Aiusols, Uio latter being samples, will liaiioldvcry low. A lot of Handmade Embroidery will be sold at cost to close a consign meat. ICO lw SUSHNELL'S -AND- Novelty Show ! Lite of P. T. Barnum'i Great Show, New York. U. S. Meal's Block, Fort Street, Under the Uratid AVntor-proor Tent, Will Exhibit for a Short Season Only. Commencing January 25th, nnd continuing Every Evening Saturday Matinee General Admission 50c Reserved Heats, SI 00 Mntinec , 25 and COc 157 lw HAWAIIAN OPERA HOUSE IN AID OF LOCAL CHARITIES. THURSDAY and SATURDAY, Jnnurtrj- 3It A. February Xntl. u 99 0r, Bunthorne's Bride JTHtlietic Opera by W. H. Ullbert nnd Arthur Mnllivnu. Complete with Pull Chorus and Orchestra. Doort Opon at 7 :30-m-Commenco at 8 nilCUS an USUAL. Box office for Thursday evening will open at J E. brown Si Co.'a on Wedncs. day, Jan. SOlli, At 9 A. Jr. BSThc number of tickets one purchaser, is limited to ten. for any 3ST ooks of Words of tho Opnrn will be hold in the I'lu-airc atlOcenU cony. 103 td The First Operatic Concert Of tho above Company will take plucn iu the Hawaiian Opera House Thursday, Feb. 7th, AT 8 O'CLOCK P. JI. Klototv'H Cliqrmluic Ojiorn In Four "MART PI A," Or, The Mart of Richmond. IN FULL COSTUMES ! t3T Between cirli Act, Piano Uccilnl by M. i)llcrt,anil Viollu Solo hy llcrr Theodore t'chraitlt. 3gr Season follOVVH! Tickets of G night', as 7.m. o.oo .i oo Nov,- on sale at tho otllce of J. V.. & Co,, 28 Morcltuut Htreel. Ilrwn 1 .7 iu TO lAiT SlX-ltOOM Cottasu on Liiiina nl reel, onnoMtu Kminn i-qu.ue. Apiil to J. M. VIVAS, 42 .Miiivliint etna naif FOK SALI2 or L1SAS13 A COTTAGE l.ili-ly ocon. nU-il by Mr. unuy Or. ili'iislein, i-ittniiti on Kiiimu ttiucl, between tli'i niaiivions of linn. ('. It. Bishop, JinncB I'ainpbfll and H. It Dole, near Kininii S(titru. No piano uaniu'i, imiltut, no turo patches, Only u fuw inlnutcH walk to ins new situ for Uio Central Union Church, No trarawuy cars wauled, Apply 10 K. S. CUNHA, MB if Union nalimn, THE WEEKLY BULLETIN 1 :.Scoliiiii4,, iiureli louiil inait' r Malkd tj forulu couutrica, $Q per annum, GreatTraineftAnima uaipDuIlo Opera Go LH-i"tLmuiimMj'mJ. " TEBflDI C OF COJRNEB HOTEL & RECEIVED BY LAST STEAMER -A LA1K1E Eastern French Kid Shoes For Ladies', Misses' & Children. at flu Lowest BeM Prices Genuine Diamond Dye Warranted Fast. fjT PRICES LOWEU THAN ELSEWHERE Boys Fine Jersey Suits at $3.50 ! Boys Waists, Wew Assortment ! Ladies Knitted Underwear, AT A GREAT S. EHELIGH, Dec-l-88 THIS SPACE -FOK Wtitch for the elaborate announcement oi" New Goods coming. HOLLISTER & CO, 101) FOIIT NTKKKT. HONOLULU. -IMI'OHIKIIS American & European Drugs & Chemicals, XMioLojjrrupIiio 3IlitorlnlH, Perfumery and Agents for P. I.orilhuil tfc Co.'h Tobacco and Cigarettes. Aerated Water Works 73 Hotel Street. inch-21-87 NOTICE. I IS EG lcavit to Inform my ftlinJf) anil pull, ma, thai I inlcnil luaving tint k!ii;it,m I'U the Dili K1 riniry, m ho alm-iil mull Oculi r, nil t thai 1 will cloao my oillcu mi i lit 8ih of February. M. i:. GllOftSMAN, Dentist. Ill 1 ui No, D8 Until, M. English and German SCHOOL. ir 1S1 ltml'T! ling niirniil n kilift lli, 12mrlWh anil Get man .School (or youiiK chlliliun, nlio will uUu j;lvu ln ktiueilon In Oct man ami Fieneh, in olusses, or In intuitu lupous, Jtusl iluncu on .ho Kiut side- of ilnUlkl biieet onposliu thu Uatubull Qroniuli, i a Hiiiiiliw nirfillilllWti IMft FASHION FORT STREETS. LINE OP- Ladies Black Hose ! gflT Superior Quality. REDUCTION- Corner Hotel & Fort StreetH. IS RESERVED THE- JLAJJBi -o- i DKAI.KIIH IN- Toilet Articles ! Tobaccoa, it W. 8. Kimball & Co.'h GEO. A. AMSDEN, Piano and Organ Tuner and Repairer. Order left at Huwuliun Ncwu Co.'h Sloru promptly atiemletl to. lloth Tel. p ones No. ll'O, IBt lw Miss S. R. Patch, -OK- Kawalabao Female Seminary, Toaclmr of Voice k Piano, U prepared to rt'celvu ptip, Infers, hy permission to lunllug pro femora of miulo a California, r,ml to pruylous I'xnerkuco a teiohlng In tUat fcJUtc, Address m oho yu, JiQSry l-jfl