OCR Interpretation

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, November 07, 1890, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1890-11-07/ed-1/seq-3/

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ailit ffftttTlirfhi
FRIDAY, NOV. 7, 1890.
To Talic lilTect Ortnlii-l- S5B. IN0.
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.
Leavo Honolulu.. 0:15 8:45 1 :-lfl 4::i()t
Arrlvo llonoullull. 7:2C i):4! U:4!l CiHfif
Leave llonouliuli. 7:30 10:51 :l:51 fi:4&t
Arrive Honolulu.. 8 ::J5 11:56 4:55 0:50f
Sundays excepted,
t Saturdays only.
Nov C
11k Fnust, Otteibeek, .100 days fioin
New York
" IjEHAinUKtS.
Nov 7
fttnir (.'Iniutlne for Mind tun) llnwiill
'1 j: in
Sinn- (J It llishop for Wiilnniie, Wiiiiihiii
mill Kooluu :it !) h in
Stun- Witliilenle for 1 Ion l i:i jx ul 8 n in
15k U 1) Bryunt, .ineobscii, for rtiin
US.i Iroquois for Siimou
""" PASSENtjiftS.
Fur Muni mid Hawaii, per Mi'iitiitM'
Olumlhfe, Nov 7 For Volcano: H Day.
For way pot tu : A V Mehurd-mn. G "ni
Uonrdiuiiu, U A chupiii uud wife, Mr
Kynneisley mid wife, Miss A Sinjl'ti,
Alio Hind, lrn Kenton, (J Uueha'iiiiu
iindwlfe, O D Miller, A T Atkinson,
Mis Wl hi, II 0 Treiuluay, ft rs .1
Maehmlo and child, G .1 McCarthy, S
Both, Mrs J MeArdle, and ubmit 511
JtilHI'lHi, nttlF.S.
'I hi' CD lirynut, Unptuln .ftieobeii.
will sail at noon to-morrow for .san
Friuicleo with a full cargo of siu;iir.
Tup steamer Waialeale.-wlll sail direct
for Ilonuapo at 8 u m to-morrow morn
ing. The Norwegian bark Fanst. Captain
Otterbeek, arrived yesterday after u
long passage of lluli days from New
York which port .she left J mi 4, lsild.
fhe met stroug gales and high sets
while off ape Horn sustaining gieat
damage which compelled her to return
to lti de Janeiro for repairing. She
was fully repaired in about six 'week
uud left there, on .In no 13th. She crossed
the Equator at long. IDC3 37' on the
Pacific Ocean on Out 'J.ri, and arrived In
port on Nov Cth. She brought a full
cargo of general merchandise consigned
to Castle & Cooke.
The U. S. S. Iroquois will sail for
Samoa to-morrow.
The Athletic Association will meet
this evening at the Aimory.
The hark C. 1). Bryant will sail for
Han Francisco at noon to-morrow.
A boy was born at the Kapiolani
Maternity Home yestei day morning.
The Hawaiian Band will play at
Queen Emma. Hall this evening,
weather permitting.
. .
This morning Minister Cummins
laid before the House Bix more bills
signed by His Majesty, the King.
Mr. Jos. F. Morgan will sell a lot
of assorted tinware and tinsmith's
tools to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock.
The first regular meeting of tho
Honolulu Arion will ho h.ld to-night
at 7 :30 o'clock at tho hull of Engine
Co. No. 1, King street.
1 On Sunday morning, November
16th, their Majesties i the King and
Queen, will attend divine service nt
HI. Andrew's Cathedral.
Mit. Louis Touskaint gives notice
that he will not lie responsible for
any debts contracted in his namo
without his written order.
Creditors of Tong Yuen, bankrupt,
are notified to prove claims before
the Supremo Justice presiding at
Chambers on Nov. 13, 185)0, and elect
The second football mulch between
Honolulu and Charleston learns, will
ho played at M.tkiki recreation
giounds, to-morrow afternoon, com
mencing at 1 o'clock.
I'ekkons desiring material for fill
ing in and leveling up yards, etc.,
can bucim the same free gf charge
by applying immediately to Mr. E.
H. -riioihas, at the now waiehouse
being built for Theo. H. Davies it
Co., Kaahumuiiii slice t.
A PHAOTiCi: game of baseball be
tween two picked nines from the four
League clubs, prupamtory to the
match games with the California
teuni on thu 22nd in.'t , will he play-
ed at the now baseball ground to
moriow, beginning al H o'clock,
A new family hotel, called the
"Fort Htii'H IIoiim'," has recently
been opened al No. 181 Fort street.
Mr. H. II, Bt'uy is tho proprietor
and pioininen the public the besl
hoard and rooms at iciiMimibln rates.
The hotel is lilted with modern im
provements niul nll'iUM all the lunu
(orlH, TlKMOItllOW llfll'IIIOIIII, at IM)
n'uloel.-, an uxeiioioii liniu of mi 111
uiiuil nle lo iiHoiiI evorylMHly it seal,
will leave Honolulu iluimt fur Tuiu I
llily, wlii'M) Mr. W. H. .Miilthy i
Hive lilf last hiiyi'liMNlilhiiiiia( llml
liliii'i. 'I'lit' llnllwiiy I'oiiipiiny jiuk
iiiiiiln every iiiniiiKi'ineiil for Hie ima
Yuiiliuii'ii ul llu ixi'iiiliuihixi niul
h'li!i fur llif iiiiinil lrii ivhlnli in-
iinilii ii hiuiii iiiii'i .iiiii mil new
tWUUUV Bill U IMI VUIUI1B wuu hi-
Ull UlUWIIUUIUH , uiii; , 1
A LUlNll UlUljy WUI,
, im mujui.
. i .7t.T.ir;... ..r-fi.i ...... ,,. u...ii..
12.1t DAY.
I'lHDAY, NOV. 7.
Thu House met at 10 o'clock.
Minister Cummins reported that
it had pleased His Majesty to sign
the following hills:
An Act requiring decisions of the
Supreme Court to he translated Into
Hawaiian ami published.
An Aot to provide for n military
force to bu designated as the King's
ltoyal Guard.
An Act to provide for a Police
Justice for llnmakiin.
An Act to regulate the issue of
wholesale licenses.
An Act to amend the law regulat
ing practice in the Police and Dis
trict Courts.
An Act to provide for mid regu
late l lie sending of Hawaiian youths
abroad to he educated.
Noble McCarthy presenled the
majority icport of the special com
mittee on the Sunday hill, recom
mending its passage witli amend
ments. Signed by A. P. Peterson,
C. .1. McCatthy and K. II. Hind.
Rep. Knudsen concurred generally,
htit wished to have tlte purmiision
for slaughtering animals on Sunday
struck out.
Noble Baldwin promised a minor
ity report and moved that the maj
ority report be laid on Hie table to
lie considered with the bill. Carried.
Rep. Lucas presented the major
ity report, of the special committee
on the hill to provide for the inspec
tion of boilers. They recommend
a reduction of fees to 840 for ma
rine and Slo for land boilers. Sign
ed bv T. It. Lucas, C. N. Spencer
and H. P. Baldwin.
Noble Mnrsden presented a minor
ity report, signed by himself and
Noble Hind, reconitnendinu that Ihc
bill lie indefinitely postponed.
Laid on the table to lie consider
ed with the hill.
Hep. Rosa moved a resolution that
the enrollment and revision commit
tee be authorized to employ compe
tent pei sous to assist it in its work,
and that such persons hitherto em
ployed by it be paid for their ser
vices. In supporting his resolution
lie claimed that the work of the com
mittee was done cheaper this ses
sion than formerly. Thus he knew
of the Appropriation Bill in former
sessions having cost 8400 and 8450,
while this session it had only coot
3omo thirty odd dollars to engross.
Noble MeCaithy as chairman of
the committee on accounts explain
ed in effect that ull the committee
wanted wus authorization to ap
prove the accounts of the revision
The resolution passed.
Rep. Rosa read a first time his
bill to exempt certain railway ma
terial from Customs duties. Read a
second time by title. He moved it
be referred to the railway commit
tee. Rep. Brown moved it be indefin
itely postponed. The' House had
already given the Oahu Railway Co.
S700 a mile a year for five years,
besides other privileges, and it was
too much to ask for exemption from
import duties.
Rep. Paehaole moved it be refer
red to the finance committee.
Rep. Rosa objected to the finance
committee, as that would he giving
the bill a black eye, the chairman of
that committee being opposed to
the railway. He spoke of the liberal
encouragement given to railways in
other countries.
Noble Macfarlane protested
against the remarks of the hon.
member. His record on committees
and in the House should be suffi
cient to protect him from such an
imputation of unfairness. If the
bill went to that committee it would
have fair consideration. He hoped
tho lion, member was satisfied with
his relations toward the company.
Before the question went, to the
committee he would wiy, so that
there should be no charge of unfair
ness afterward, that hi- was opposed
to the bill. 'I'lii- company had al
ready received u subsidy and inter
nal tax exemptions, and he consid
ered it had got as much now as (lie
country could afford.
Noble Hind More.
Noble Widemann ridiculed the
measure and moved it be referred to
the commerce committee.
Noble Mncfarlauc said-lie was also
on that committee.
Rep. Rosa disclaimed any offen
sive intention.
Noble Mucfurluiic denied Hint he
was an opponent of tin- O.ilm Rail
way Co. He had biipported giving
it eiif-oiirugniiiciil up to :i certain
point. '
Thu hill vms Indefinitely post
poned. ouiir.u or tiii', hay.
The House proceeded In Hit- order
of the day, being coiisideialiou of
Ihu labor hill, and uenl into commit
ten of Hie whole, Rep, I'ncliuiilc In
tin (ilititr,
(Hill IIIIA wus Introduced hy thu
majority, mill IDIII by tlu minority,
of thu coimniiton mi coinmnicit,
iigili'iilt'ipt uml iimiiiil'nciiircN,)
Hep. Miimn moved llml Urn Hill
I0IA tin wiiiaiili'ieil section liy neu-
Hon. ('iiiiinil, The mw ineinlier
moved mi iiinemlineiii in .See, I.
Miiiliinu U leu 1 1 in. In
Tliu MIiiMtr if
Uliim )i yvrUlwi u
JiJJiljl QJ liuuM
'nnilHii Affli
lil)VUl u( lill'
uu ur luiiliJUu
ujj lauje. fjiUD
sons of Chinese birth to enter and
reside within this kingdom, upon
the terms and conditions hereinafter
prescribed. Such permits shall
issue to person or corporations en
gaged in agriculture in this king
dom for as many Chinese laborers
as he or they may, on oath, declare
to he necessary for carrying) on such
several enterprises. Each of such
special permits shall be issued in
triplicate one to he held by tho Chi
nese presenting the same, the other
two to bu disposed of as provided
by section 3 of this act. Such per
mits shall be signed by a clerk of
the Foreign Olllcu, and numbered
consecutively which number shall be
preserved in u record of the Foreign
Olllce. Each of sqch permits shall
contain thu following conditions:
First. That the hearer who pre?
ents it for entry into the Kingdom
shnll remain therein for a term not
exceeding five years.
Second. That such bearer shall
be photographed and a copy of such
photograph shall be attached to
each of the speuiul residence permits
before leaving the vessel in which he
arrived, or the place he may be at,
or sent to under the authority of the
Board of Immigration upon arrival.
Noble Baldwin moved that this
subdivision be struck out, and in
the. proper place he would move a
substitute. 'This was obnoxious to
the Chinese. It would he better to
give the Board of Immigration
power to adopt such means as they
pleased for identification.
Noble Mtiller moved that it pass
us in the bill. No Chinese coming
here under these contracts would
object to Ijeing photographed. He
did not believe in giving too much
latitude to the Hoard of Immigra
tion. Rep. Bush was in favor of the
amendment on general principles.
They had no moral right to place
marks on any people which would
degrade them to the level of brutes.
Rep. Lucas said if we could not
get laws passed to check the Chi
nese, then let the Chinese come in
and we will get out. The Chinese
were the most cunning beings in the
world, and should have all the re
strictions put on them that could bu
passed, lie believed in giving the
planters till the labor they needed,
but not in letting the country over
run with Chinese. The subdivision
should pass unanimously.
Rep. Brown was a member of the
committee that submitted the bill.
There was some doubt in the com
mittee as to the photographing.
Chinese merchants had told them
that this provision would prevent,
their countrymen from coming. They
had a superstitious objection to be
ing photographed. By giving the
Board power to adopt means of
identification, the immigrant could
be photographed on arrival, without
having a law requiring such staring
them in the face.
Noble Macfarlane held that if they
were to allow Chinese to come here
they must lie treated to such me
thods of identification as would pro
tect the working classes from their
competition outside of the planta
tions. He could not agree with the
Representative from the first dis
trict, in Ins suggestion that the
Board could photograph the Chinese
without their previous knowledge.
He claimed that no such secret pro
visions should be made, but the Chi
nese should know before coming
everything they had to expect.
They had arrived at a time when
something must be done. There
had arrived a stringency in the labor
market which had to be relieved.
They must discuss the matter fairly
and intelligently. He claimed that
this was a restriction that should be
put in the law. When they asked
thosu who objected to the photo
graphing what they had to offer in
its place they Ifad nothing to offer.
He would not say that he would in
sist on the provision, if any other
satisfactory mode of identification
could bu substituted.
Noble Widemann agreed that
there was no means of identifying
Chinese, giving illustrations of their
elusive capacity from his own ex
perience. Jf they wen: lobe photo
graphed, they would have to bu ap
proached in an open manner. It
would not do lo bring them here
under any deceptive measure, but
they must know it before coining if
they me lo be photographed.
Noble Baldwin said the scarcity
of labor must lie relieved. What
they were loriueily gutting for 818
a month now coat 8-li. and China
men claimed lln-y would get Slid a
month before the next crop was
tuken olf. They .should strike out
any ohiioxiou provision Midi as
this, winch would prevent Ihc Chi
nese from coming lo lint cmiiiiry.
Minister l'cteisoii thought Ihc
clause should be struck out. The
photographing did not piove a ureal
success at the jail. One obj-ctiiui
to pulling it in the bill wus thai al
though it might lie impracticable
thu law could not be chuuged for
two ycui'ri, If the ISiinnl wui given
.general pirncr-i, it would n 1 1 1 1 ti l t -eilly
try photographing, uud, H It
proved ii failure, the Hoard coulil
ilroi) It,
'I liu million to Ntilku llie tmhilhl'
niun nut minii'il.
Itimiisi. irum 'J in I till),
( I IVii. UUI.U"
uiuw uJiiD.mium in my
ftilUiiij fliutr-
The money taken in at the differ
ent, departments of the Sailors' Home
Fair, yesterday afternoon and even
ing, amounted to about S17of. The'
Hawaiian booth look in about H8;
Mrs. W. W. Hall's table about
8200; thu Mower stand S2fUif. ; Mrs.
Dowsett's table 82:10:1 he chocolate
and refreshment departments to
gcther S2fhi ; Mrs. Wodehnusu's and
Mrs. Hyde's tabic, with contribu
tions, SJIIO; the .Japanese tea booth
over $10; Mrs. Schmidt's table, with
contributions, $'i ; the ship lolc
8 1 10 ; thu candy stand S7o and the
door 82:j().
Thu attendance in the evening was
large, notwithstanding the rain, and
satisfaction seemed to prevail
throughout. The ladies of the so
ciety, and Mrs. McCtilly, President,
are dcseiving of great praise for
their efforts toward the success of
the fair.
Honolulu Athletic Association.
'piIE meeting of tho Honolulu Athle
1 tic Association Is postponed till
FRIDAY. Nov. 7ih, cjn account of the
Sailors' Home fair to be held at thu
.Aimory on the llflh.
u. .). McCarthy,
li'Jl 2v hceretary.
Hawaiian Mauds. In the matter
of Tong Yuen alias Aiona of Waianac,
O.iliu, involuntary bankrupt.
Ycdltors of said Baukiiipt aivheicby
untitled to conn- in and prove their dehtV
before said .lustlee of llie buprcme
Court as shall be sitting in I'Mianibeis
at Aliiolaui Hale, Honolulu, on TIlL'lt.S
D.Y, the lath daj of November, 18!)l),
between the hours of It) o'clock In the
forenoon ami noon of the said day, and
elect one or inoiu assignees ol the said
ltaukiupt's estate
lly the Conn.
second Dcpuiv Ulcik.
Honolulu, Nov. U, l:it). ' 701 3t
u Oil 1
By F. H. English, B. A., (Oxon),
AlY. M.C. A. Hall,
rJra.?isiy, IN'ov. 11,
Illustrated by Selections from the Com
poser's Works, by Home Talent.
Followed by a Ilunioious Musical
.Sketch, entitled:
Our Ascot Party,"
Hy Mr. F. M. English.
Jigy- Admission. f0 cents. 701 ;lt
Fort Street House,
IS l I.'oi't M.i---t.
1 the family hotel of Honolulu. All
the comforts of home.
Rooms with or without Uourd.
Hoard, per week, accoiding to rooms
SI0 to 812
Transient, per day $2 00
Single M eals r() Cents
Ito.mis) l.aiK"-. I.it;lil un.l Alr.v. ilui
unit Colli Until.
IS. ii KKStKY.
704 9in Proprietor.
Monday afternoon, November 3rd, llie
following drew their watches:
Club 1 Member No. r.ii.
Ci.un 2 Member No. 22.
Cmjii 3 Member No. IS.
Club -1 Member No. !0.
Cluii 5 Member No. -1-t.
ley" Ruinembcr we are giving yon a
Solid U Karat Gold Case wllh line
full Jeweled Waltham Movement in
our clubs tor
$1.00 Per Week.
B. F Wictaii ffatel CM
.1. A. I.UOKE'JT,
THE EVER LASTING STEEL AERMOTOR givo us a call or drop a
postal card and we will send copiously illustrated printed matter showing
every phase of wind-mill work and construction, including tho geared
outfit on barn,, which does tho work of four horses for tho prico of ono.
iilllr I
As an Anti'WIml Catcher, comparo Hill Ttltlns
Tomm- ami IU Aennotor with an ordinary Windmill
uud you will llml that It presents but a lltho uf the wind
kuifaco to tho limpet tlio storm Hut tho other does.
Itlsi.u Alf.ior Ktni7 llmAKKMOTOIlMa
Nt.el Wliio'l, It hM rold rolled Meel halls
Meul llitiuls, Steel Arms and a Malhuoto
liua Hub, i'.sen Ihu Holts aio cold preued ami
ol superior ijiullly, Wo are uxullmt out the H It,
Aonnou.r, Kuaiaia.sliiif II lo do inuruwork than any
KMt.wwuleii wheel tuude.amt llie l'j II. puiuplntf and
lltared Aermolon iiuaruuliHiliiu Ik'ii In dn inuro
wins than any i II. nilou v.Ihh I nud.i, haling tho
iiurihibor I" l' ude, ami late Nl.wii iaduriwlou
(u iruret MtiiiK UI l!iU veiulnuly eilraauu
uMtianlixx '
Sa uio llm imly mskeisnl a Tlllliiw 'Iitwi-c lliat
liuier lias l'i bo rl imlml, Our 'I llllini'lowi i t.rlnm Ihu
wheel ilu ii .r Mlliiji. A i Mid wh livtirll. II win
Ulin4i ll.es sH'i uuoiiim i" nm i'i inn wiut'i,
The A'e'rmotor Co,
IUI iff
I'lMl tiM'l.
Positively the Lasi
Bicycle IMdniiiciil!
Saturday, Nov. 8th.
The rndisptited Champion Scientific &
AitlstleOellst of the World.
Sails for California on the Alameda
Nov. 15. 4SD0. so that this will positively
be his lasi appearance before llie Hono
lulu public.
New features ami tricks in fancy rid
ing will bu introduced Including Im
personations of Oscar Wilde.
Excursion Tr.iin leavos Honolulu al
2:30 P. M.
Ticki'ts forthe round trip Including ad
mission to the "-rounds:
-no cisrwTH-
t& Keinumii'r that tins Is positively
the lat performance! 700 tit
These. Filters aie easily cleansed,
and NEVER become CRACKED or
CRAZED bi change (rf temperature of
the water.
The Filtei Medium IsaXATURAL
STONE, mined from the earth. It is
unlike any other stone.
J I Docs Not Absorb and
Become Foul !
it, but lie on the surface, and internally
the stone remains as pure and white
after years of use as when taken from
the mine.
The Gate City Stone, Filter is a per
fect micci-ss. It is the only real filter 1
have ever seen. I would not be without
one for any consideration. It converts
our lake water into the best drinking
water in tho world.
Uknuy M Lyman. M. D ,
H'Mi West Adams St., Chicago.
B3r For Sale by
Opposilu Spreckels .t Co 's Hank,
f!8S tin Fort street, Honolulu.
lror Irrigation, 8 Compurcil with 13.
The frit. Acrmotor joii sont mo Inst jcar baa glnn
good satisfaction ami lias duno moro itian jou claimed
It would da I attaclit'd a b-ln. lilt jjuiiip toltaud tan
tollrou It surtr bod every ono to si o o small orod run
so lareo a pump nltb so Ionic a stroko (tUm), and do
It w eusj. Several ncntlcmen from btockton came to
look at ur mill. 1 her bad seen ono there Dumplns
from a tub and thcr did not thtnlc It was struuj
enouGU tu iiumn from a deep vtell, but wln ther
Eawmlua In a (U-IU well they wero convinced of Its
poner and wry much, pleased IUi It. Mr Aennotor
would tupply 1,00 head of cattle with water, but I
do riot uso it for Btoclt, but for Irrluatlon. Ono dar 1
noUcedamL wheel. 4 Inch stroke, stand
iiK Mill for J hours when my &. wheel with 6-Iu.
lilt pump, B Inch stroke, was pumping ulcely.
UtCJblviLLi!1Cal.,Feb'.2ll,W. IjUVISIIKIUIKUT.
8 firrntitr than 14,
ThoB-ft Aennotor li takluit water out of a HS-ft.
woll, lulneD-ln. cylinder and Wrln. pipe. It workj)
llko a cuann. The 12 1 U Aennotora aru takluif water,
onofrom iCUMUttio other from a l'jft-ft-wetland work
flnelri will run In a lluhl breeze and pump water
when n 14 ft. stands Idle. A. 0. MAS3KY,
SiNllluUEL, CAU.
Rama 'Work, finmo Wells, H Kquals IS.
1 am entirely satisfied with theR-ft. Aennotor, as
It U dolnic the same work tho 13 ft. ' U itolnv ant
both with same advaiit&uos and same depth of wells.
ONtoNTi, cai., nov.o, itv. it. it. UAauiu.su.
Iteifiiluti'S Willi,
I pump water for about l(i head otratUo wltli my
ait.wlael. It ruin lutliu-rtluii any mill lever u,
leuulstes well and ithea no Jerk tu the puiun
Iiiiiiv, cm., 1 1 b, n, k-o a u, i.htli:,
I,e.n Wlml, .Morn Wuler. "
Willi tha Aermeler Iheiu Is uhuilutelr noleiklnit n'
Ilia pump. Iiiiiiuwliliiiiuih Ii-m wind lluu bill
who. Is o other biases, Slid hiiiiu will pump iuiu
nster. JAU. T, lAllUn.
VOM), Cut., I'eli, I, ItOl
Niiiin iiiiniiiii Iliinlen,
llr Aenuotnr suiiiillus water (or Ihu houu and
MSIileli. II HilllUtisIull lUlil. rims U'ller In lUI'l
vtludlliaiuii) iiUMMiM'i,siulisiiilleiilhiiiuuni
liiir.u.ii ai'jiJJpffif llj jL-j,A OMI,
s-J Lg utm i iMsstswi i m i -
Gate City Stone Filter.
Hj. s,.. kil Usitit). Ut'w4MlM, ij. 1
'gM" ff
The Equitable Life Assurance
Society of the United States,
Arc now selling their Bonds, and upon easy terms. The additional fea
turu of Insurance goes with every Bond.
The following arc a few of the many altractivo forms offered hy this',
original and progressive Company: ,
The Company is cqultnhle, its payments prompt and certain, and its
popularity unbounded.
From the iVew York Suu, April -Uh, 1890.)
Tho J-iiirKOnt BitHiucsH ISver Transacted by ji Lilo Assur
ance Comnany.
The new business of tho Equitable Life Assurance Society of New
York for the first quarter of the present year is reported to exceed Fnrr
Million Dom.aus. This is at the rate of two hundred millions ofuaaur-'
anceor the year, and is unprecedented in the annuls of life assurance.
Joy-Information cheerfully ftirnnlicd to any who will write lo or call
upon the undersigned at his otllcc.
Gunural Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurance Society
of the U. S. Jan-1-90
New Goods ! New Goods !
Famous Grand Active it Golden Anvil
Wrought Steel Cooking Ranges
4 m
o 2
r S
Cinisiuiiiiif? One-third Less Fuel, either wood or coal, than
any other Stove in existance.
No Brick Work About It !
WhoseBakingQualEt.es are Unsurpassed
Triang-ulH,!- Grates !
Hawaiian Hardware Co..
Fort street, oppo. Spieckels Bunk, Honolulu, H. I.
oct :u-!,o
H. MOKE, . :
Engineers & Iron Founders,
Office & Works, : Esplanade, Honolulu.
Hiignr .Mneliinry, Irrignlini; Mnehineiy, Hteain Engines, iA
Sieam Ihiihtrs, Juice TunkH, Cimlers, Molaeeee Tiinke, HnnQiirAh
(JimeCitif, Eluvutoi-i!, (huivuyoiH, Kurimet- Kiliinn, ' 1?
WroiiKhl & Ciidt Iron Work for Uoum- Buihleih,
Water Win- lo A Genriiie;, Bur Iron, Et., El-., Etc.
Diffasion Machinery in all its Branches. '1
jr v.y
-S sUSS'W!. IVHM "V H sVisim
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Hull .UI'llN IIUHMlllHI hlllll nr llie
Hlll5' jjjtoiiWltwi
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&g- Just u Clean Cut Stove I
-at-s-i ii iilj
: Manaokh.
l(tJg) Omw ,i liiamjitosiMwM
wwb tor IW

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