OCR Interpretation

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, January 30, 1892, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1892-01-30/ed-1/seq-3/

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"- IJ-i
FI11IH AM) APTr.lt l'i:it. 1. IWlit
A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M.
toavo Honolulu. ..0:1ft 8t46 1:45 4:rt
Arrive llonuutiuli..7 :W !l!f7 2:fi7 C::tt
Lcavo Honoullull.. 7 ::!() 10:43 .?:l! fi:2t
Arrive Honolulu. ..8 :3.V ll:rr 4:C5 G:60
Loavr Honolulu G :'.!() ....
Arrive Poarl Ulty iV.fiSJS ....
Loavo Pear' City.. (I :()(!
Arrlvn Honolulu... (i: 10
t Saturdays only.
Sundays excepted.
Satin days excepted.
'i li 12
ailu SftuTluf in
SATURDAY, JAN. 0, 1892.
Jan no
Stnir Mokolli f loin Molokal
Mil lk Sonoma, Lee, f nun Newcastle,
Jun !!
.masted bl; Omco, for Humboldt
Jun 110
Stmr W G Hall for Muni and Hawaii at
10 u m
Slim- .Ins Makco for Kauai at 4 p m
htmr liliuu for Nun and llakalau
ijtinr iMokolll for Molokal at 5 p in
tttnir Kluiiu for Maui and Hawaii at
2 Jt in
For Maul and Hawaii por stmr V G
Hall, .Inn :I0 K 0 Hannah, Mr Bradley
and u'ifo, 1'iof and Mia Auduison, Miss
'Khnoku, Miss Halt. Mr Wagner, Mr
Pulton, Mrs Kuilid.ml C L liilto, L
Hough, G M Otis, E V Fuller, E A
ruluiei, D Kahaulclio uud others.
Thebaik Sonoma is docked at Fort
stieet whaif.
Tlie stmr I.lKcllkc discharged her su
gar into the Australia.
I'll meet you at the Brunswick.
6 tf
C. J. McOakthy lias lota on Lilihu
Mi eet for Kile. 3-tf
Button Holou nnule to order at No.
4. Gulden Lane. - 307 tf
The Brunswick are thuouly Billiard
Tailors jn town. G tf
Tun Ewa Plantation Company have
elected officers for the eiibiiing year.
i i -f
Aitru shaving use Cucumber Skin
'runic. Brnson, Smith & Co., Agents.
SuNnuiiN lelieved at once by Cu
cumber Tonic. Beuson, Smith fc Co.,
The steamer Kinau will leave on
Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock for her
usual ports.
MACHitfhUY of tjio Union Iron
Works specified elsewhere will be sold
nt auction on Tuesday, February 10,
by F. Morgan.
DuLidOUh codee and chocolate will
be borved eveiy morning eaily at the
I'.ilace Ice Cieam Parlors, Ludwigsen,
& Oion, Hold street. 221 tf
Gj:t your boots and shoes mado
and repaired by the old Vuiluku
shoejnaker, L. Toennies, on Eait
Hotel street. First-class work, low
nriccs. 4-tt
J)u. McLennan, a well-known spec
ialist of San Francisco, bus taken an
ollice ut 31 Hichards street, opposite
the Piilace. His card was received
loo late foi insertion this issue.
,y , Pie- Nobles Bops.
! qinqt. only. only,
1st 1st 152 327
1st 2d 314 419
2d 1st 91 103
2d 2d 392 273
3d 1st 101 481
3d 2d 234 422
4th 1st 400
4th 2d 278 208
filli 1st
fJth 2d 194 300
Nt'W O0(lH JuHt to Ilund.
parbolincum Avcnarius.
Sjack Brownlowis Water Filters,
Scales Topsail Chains,
Open Link Chains,
glassware Tumblers,
, Goblets, Wines, Deeanlprs,
Jugs, etc., etc.
1'alnts, Oils, Varnishes,
House Furnishing Goods,
Japanned Ware',
Miniature "Vistas" for mailing,
10c. each.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a
favorite during the winter months on
account of its gicat success in the
cure of colds. There is nothing that
will loosen a severe cold so quiokly,
or as promptly iclievo the lungs.
Then it counteracts any tendency to
ward pneumonia. It is pleasant and
sufo to take, and fully worthy of its
populaiity. For sale by all dealers.
Benson, Smith & Co., agents.
J. "'1he Dullv Bulletin." 60 coat
pur mouth.
nMPTMrppMw wa&0m
Diamond Head, 3 o'clock Weather
cloudy, wind northeast.
Tiik band will give lis tegular after
noon conceit nt Kninin square.
Onia six cases of holidav drunk
enness appeared on the Police Court
calendar to-day.
Tiik National lteform party will
hold a mass meeting at the Berelania
Blieet Armory this ccniug.
Tin: Chinese celebiated their New
Yeai right good heartedly, notwith
standing the mandamus decision.
A Chinaman was arrested yesterday
foi a disoiderly pcrt-on and lodged in
thu Police Station, where he is now
spending his New Year's.
It is reported from Kukaiau, Ha
waii, that a Japanese woman died at
thai place last week of consumption,
and was cremated by her countrymen.
The Board ol Health lately received
un oiler from two M. D.s of San
Francisco, ot u certain herb medicine
which llioy claimed would cure leprosy.
It is reported that Chun Hook, the
famous Honolulu crook, was gien a
conditional pardon yesterday, and
will return to China at the earliest
A LBTTUit from Kau, Hawaii, reports
that a combined thunder and hail
storm visited that district. This is
said to bo an unprecedented pheno
menon there.
Mn. Allen Hutchinson, sculptor,
has issued imitations for an exhibi
tion of various works at bis studio,
next to Japaicse Legation, Ntiuanu
aenue, this afternoon.
Mas. Florence Williams' first bio
graphical lecture on "Patriots, Heroes,
Saints," will be given at the Honolulu
Library at 7:30 this evening. It will
bo a rare literary ticat.
Mu. J. M. Vivas has brought an
action against Mr. E. B. Thomas, to
recover $10 for turning one of his
stump speeches into Portuguese. De
fendant says it was less than a live
minute job.
The following passengers are book
ed to leave by the S. S. Australia on
Tuesday : Commander C. E. Kings
mill, Mrs. Fitch, Joseph Hyman, Mrs.
M. Phillips and 2 children, J. Smith
and wife, A. J. E. Furbish, Mrs. G. E.
Boatdman, F. L. Spralter, C. C. Bur
nett, Hakdhillb calling a meeting at
Brito's hall this evening purport to be
issued by the presidents of two Portu
guefio benevolent societies. The so
cieties or their oiliccrs have nothing
to do witli the meeting. It is called
by the Liberal party, who have hired
the hall. The thing is a little trick
to draw the Portuguese.
The Y. M. C. A. will hold evangel
istic services to-night in Bethel Hall,
Bethel street, mauka ofCSCastlu &
Cooke's store. Everybody will re
ceive a hearty welcome. Scats free.
No collection. Members of the
Kumehamcha Glee Club lead the
song service, which begins at 7:15
p. in , sharp. Cumc and bring a
The number of voters registered
this year for Nobles in Honolulu is
1592. Last election the number was
1740. As will bo seen there is a dif
ference of 154, but it must be remem
berec that some registered two years
ago, who did not require to come for
ward again except for recovering their
votes for Representatives, which were
lost by a mistake in making up the
The organ recital at Kaumakapili
Church drew out a largo number of
people notwithstanding the boister
ous weather. Seated in the right
hand pew were: Her Majesty the
Queen, Governor Cleghorn, Major J.
W. Robertson, Chamberlain, Prince
David Kawananakoa and Mis. Chas.
B. Wilson. Mr. Wray Ta lor open
ed the concert with two oigan solos
which were rendered in Lis usual
masterly stylo. Mr. Taylor also
rendered "Aloha pe," composed by
Her Majesty, in the course of the
evening.' The Kawaiahao Seminary
Chorus composed of ajout tbjrty
four girls then sang two trios nicely,
winning appjause. They were ac
companied on the piano by Miss
Susanne Patch, instructor of singing
at the Seminary. Selections on the
handbells, by pupils of Mr. C. II.
White, were a'novelty which was
duly appreciated by the audience
It was an entertaining innovation.
Miss Kulamanu Ward, in the song
"Goodnight," by Abt, won enthusi
astic plaudits by wljat was a magnifi
cent effort. This young lady has a
bright, clear soprano, and is fully
capable of controlling it. She had
to respond to an encore. Miss Ward
was accompanied by Miss Marie von
Holt. lion. C. P. Iaukea sang in a
fine musical tenor S)ivan's "Once
Again," with JIrs. Malcolm Brpwn
us acpompanist. He was recalled.
Police Juslico Win. Foster Ims
given a decision in the case of the
Collector of Customs vs. Opium PilU,
a suit which has been pending in the
Police Court some time. The Court
finds that "the pills in suit aroa pre
paiation of opium, the importation
of which is forbidden by law, and
gives judgment in favor of plaintiff,
and the forfeituie of said pills."
These pills have been imported time
ami again, by Chinese merchants,
for somo years past,
lion. II. A. Wideinann has been
appointed Minister of Finance, In
place of lion, J. Mott Smith, noting
Minister at Washington, resigned.
m m
iionsFono's acid phosphate
Far Night HwtntB
of consumption, gives speedy benefit.
snnrnmntki nflW I
Reception and Luau at Iolani
List of lha Registered Visitors The
Banquet Scene
The crush at the afternoon recep
tion, given by Her Majesty to the
general public who had been previ
ously prcsentud and to visiting stran
trcis who could obtain necessary in
troduction, was very great. The
spacious naitiug hall of the Palace
was crowded with the representatives
of the wit, beauty and fashion of
Honolulu, and also many notable
visitors to the Paradise of the Pacific.
On Major J. W. Robertson, Her
Majesty's Chamberlain, and his aide,
Col. vaines II. Boyd, devolved the
duty of regulating the presentation,
and none of those who desired the
honor were neglected. As at the
morning receptions Her Majesty re
ceived in thp Throne room ; Hon. A.
S. Cleghorn, the Princes Kawanana
koa and Knlanianaole, members of
Her Majesty's Cabinet, the Supreme
Bench, besides the Iadics-in-uaitiug,
being piesent. After being present
ed callers were directed to the regis
ter and from that volume the follow
ing list is taken, viz. :
Dr and Mrs G S Andrews, Mr and
Mrs F B Auerbach, Mr and Mrs J L
Anderson, Mr and Mrs J Ailau, Mrs
S C Allen, Mrs J F Ashworth, Geo
A Allen, A Asuheim, W O Atwater,
W II Aldrich, Mr and Mrs Chas B
Atherton, Clarence W. Ashford,
Col and Mrs J II Boyd, Rev and
MisS E Bishop, Rev W II and Mrs
Barnes, Rev and Mrs E G Beck
with, Miss Beckwith, Mr and Mrs W
O Barnhardt, Mr and Mrs R Brad
ley, Mr and Mrs J F Bowler, Mrs M
B Beckwith, Mrs Bone, Miss M A
Brewer, Miss Bonner, Miss Burbank,
Irene li Brown, Miss L Brown, Mary
Buckle, W W Bruner, G H Baird,
Mr and Mrs C Bolte, J Bartram, J
Barnet, C G Beard, C C Burnett,
E Benner, A M Brown, S S Boone,
H K Brown, Geo A Brown,
Mr and Mrs A Frank Cooke, Mr
and Mrs C M Cooke, Mr and Mrs
Clarence Ciabbe, Mr and Mrs J F
Colburu, Mis C A Clarke, Mrs L
Campbell, Miss Caipcutcr, Miss Car
ter, Mary Carter, Mary Clark, Miss
Coursen, Rev Father Clement, Geo
P Castle, C Crozicr, T P Cummins,
JC Cook, G.R Cat others, A W
Crockett, J O Carter,
Mr and Mrs 'B F Dillingham, Mr
and Mrs John Dyer, Mr apd Mrs E
C Damon, Mr and Mrs D H Davis,
Mr and Mrs F S Dodge, Louiso F
Dale, Mis L Duncan, Miss David
son, Hattie Davis, P H Dodge, C B
D wight, H F Davidson,
Mr and Mrs A Ehlers, Dr and Mrs
N B Emerson, O P Emerson, J S
Emerson, Rev T Eykyn,
Mr and Mrs G W Foster, Mr and
Mrs C J Fishel, Mr and Mrs Foster,
(Iowa), Mrs E R lutch, Marnaret
Foster, W F Frear, H Focke, N Fer
nandez, C F Fischer, C N Fairer,
Mr and Mrs J A Gilman, Mr and
Mrs Frank Godfrey, Mr and Mrs II
Giles, Mr and Mrs James Gay, Mrs
S A Gilman, Mrs C von Gerichten,
Miss N von Gerichten, Miss S K
Giay, May Giles, May Green, Fanny
Gamble, Mary Gamble, Frankie- L
Godfrey, Col G L Godfrey, Dr M E
Grossman, M Goldberg, W M Gra
ham, W II C Greig, J B Gibson, G
N Getchell, A Gartenberg, II A
Giles, Mrs Ernpstine Gray.
Hermann,' Bishop of Olba, Prof
and Mrs F A Hosmer, Mr and Airs A
S Hartncll, Mr and Mrs F M Hatch,
Mr and Mrs II F Hubbard, Mr a ml
Mrs W L Hopper, Dr and Mrs C M
Hyde, Mr and Mrs M Hyman, Mr
and Mrs W W Hali, Mr "and Mrs S
Hookano, Mrs Frank Ilustace, MisT
W Hobron, Mrs Julius Hoting, Mrs
T Husbands, Miss T Henry, Miss
Hartncll, Miss D Henry, Miss Her
bert, Miss Halstead, Miss IIart,.Miss
Has8inger, Miss J M Hight, Miss R
Hight, Ruth Hopper, Charlotte Hall,
Frank P Hastings, Chas Hynemann,
Conrad von Hamm, Dr L Hough, Karl
Howard, James L Holt, Joseph Hy
man, E II Hart, A W Heydemann.
C S Hall, R C Haunob, C F Herrick,
Mrs Jaeger.
Mr and Mrs C II Kleugcl, Lieut
and Mrs II Kaaha, Mrs M Kaleialii,
Miss Kinney, Miss Kaufmann, Mil
dred S Kuncr, W T Kaao, C Kaiser.
Mr and Mrs Robert Lishman, Mr
Daniel Logan, Mr and Mrs T F
Lansing, Mr and Mrs C J Lyons, Mr
and Mrs W I Leo. Mr' and Mrs W
O Lackund, Mr apd Mrs II Lose, Mr
and Mrs Robert Lewers, Mr and Mrs
L J Levey, Mr and Mrs F J Lowrie,
Miss Lishman, Miss It Long, Alice
Leleo, Maiy Leleo, Alice Lewis, A C
Lovekin, A Larnsch, R A Lyman jr,
S Lesser, E L Lewis, Robeit F Large,
C Long.
Dr and Mr9 J S McGrew and Miss
McGrew, Dr and Mrs A McWayne,
Dr and Mrs F L Miner, Dr and Mrs
II G McGrew, Dr and Mrs W T
Monsarrat, Dr and Mrs Myers, Capt
and Mrs II W Mist and Miss Mist,
Mr and Mrs J P Moffett, Mr and Mrs
J A McCandless, Mr and Mrs J S
Martin, Mr and Mrs 'A K Myers, Dr
and Mrs D McLennan and Miss Mc
Lennan, Mrs Montano, Misses Mc
Iutyre (2), Miss Mosstnan, Miss M
N Mossman, Miss A Mobbiuuii, Miss
M J Malonc, J M Mousarrat, Robert
More, E Mossman, J W Mason, E D
Mclnemy, II W Mist, P Muhlendorf,
Mrs L B Mizner, A Marques,
Capt and Mrs S Nowlein, Mrs E
RNenmau, Miss Needham, George
K Norton, O Nclduez,
Mrnlltl Mrs J Mort Oat. Mr ami I
Mr rtlld Mrs J Mort Oat. Mr and
Mrs W L Oliver, James Oils, Fred
M Otis, J W Olds
Mr and Mrs II A l'aimclec and
Miss Parjnclue, Sir and Mrs II W
Peck, Mrs C A Peacock, Mrs M
Phillips, Mary K Pease, Linda Par
menter, W C Parke, M Phillips, E A
Palmer, J K Prendergrast, A G
Prichard, C F 1'etcri.on, Win Pfolcn
haucr, Mr and Mrs 11 G Rind, Mr and
Mrs M A Rolhchild, Mr and Mrs J
A Rodancl, Mr and Mr3 S Roth, Mrs
Geo J Ross, Mrs S J Rose, M P
Robinson, Gustavo M Rose, Geo C
Ross, Jr, George Rodick, C Richard
Robinson, C N Rose,
Mr and Mrs J G Spencer, Dr and
Mrs II Staugunwald, Mr .and Mrs M
M Scott, Mr and Mis F Schlessinger,
Mr and Mrs N S Sachs, Mr and Mrs
Thos Sorenson, Mrs A Shepherd,
Juliette Smith, Misses Sorenson (2),
Rev F Sylvester, Major W T Seward,
W C Sprotill, W O Smith, J II Sopor,
T M Starkey, George Smithies, W G
Singlehurst, O Sorenson, B F Simers,
Clarence H Smith, C N Spencer,
Frederick Stearns, John J Saunders,
A E Sper.cor,
Air and Mrs W P Toler, Mr and
Mis E B Thomas, Mr and Mrs C R
Templelon, Miss T.iuer, Ernest F
Rev Fr Valentine, Miss L Voss,
Miss Von Holt, II M Von Holt,
Rt Rev Bishop and Mrs Willts,
Mr and Mrs J II Wodehousc, Jr,
Mr and Mrs-F L Winter, Mr ami
Mrs J J Williams, Mr and Mrs W C
Weedon, Drawl Mis J M Whitney,
Lieut and Mis F J Waiau, Mrs G
West, Mrs MA Wood, Mrs J Welch,
Mrs Ward, Mrs J Winter, Lida West,
Bella II Woods, Miss N Watcrhousc,
Miss Alice Winter, Miss M R Wing,
II Watcrhousc, Carl Widemann, W
II Wright, E M Walsh, Palmer
Woods, J N S Williams, N Wright,
W W Wright, G Wright, T Wright,
G F Wright, Dr J W Winter, Robert
R Whiting, Theo Wolff, Win Wolters,
F W Wood, Robert W Wilcox,
Air and Mrs Alex Young, Miss
Young, Miss Nellie Young,
The luau given in the Palace yard
was the largest native feast ever
given here, modernly, unless the
Kalakaua coronation luau be except
ed a question that present deponent
is not in a position to decide. There
were seats in the lanai for about 600
persons, and the feast lasted from
3:30 to 5:30. Then there was a
smaller lanai, holding from 100 to
200, devoted to aged people and chil
dren. Allowing half an hour for
relays on the average, there must
have been from 3000 to 400G people,
who brought keen appetites to bear
on the inexhaustible supplies.
Col. John Richardson of II. AI.'s
staff and lion. W. II. Rice of Kauai
had general supervision of the luau.
Their great experience in such tilings
was not discredited by the result. It
was suprising to find, even at the fag
end of the feast, that fresh arrivals
of caters could be waited on with
fair promptness. There was a trans
portation corps hard ut work all the
time between the service shed and
the lanai, carrying in fresh piles of
dishes cooked in the natie style and
carrying out the remains of finished
repasts. As to the feast itself, it is
enough to say it was a luau of the
best. Residents and visitors will
understand this ; others will have to
learn it otherwise than from printed
There were five bullocks, fifteen
hogs and twenty-two pigs slaughter
ed for the feast. What the quantity
and the variety of food drawn from
the ocean and from the soil, or the
size of ship the ginger ale and soda
water would float, could not be ascer
tained. The supplies came from all
the islands of the group, some of
them as gifts to tlte Queen. Her
Majesty and suite initialed the feast
ing, seated nt a crescent-shaped
range of tables at the head of the
lanai. Bishop Willis offered prayer
before the eating. The lawn was
dotted with marriuees for post-prandial
rest and refreshment. There
was an animated scene on the grounds
with the hundreds of grouped and
straggling people.
The Royal 'Band, conducted by
Prof. Bergert played, with very short
intervals, from 0, in the morning till
0 in the evening. What is anything
without the band? Everybody was
happily disappointed Unit the threat
ening weather of the moiuing did
not materialize, but kept a'.oot from
interference with any of the events
laid down for the day's celebration.
God Save tiii. Quken.
If you are troubled with rheuma
tism or u lame back, bind on over
the seat of pain a piece of flannel
dampened nith Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, You will be surprised at the
prompt relief It uffoids. 50 cent
bottles for sale by all dealers. Bon
son, Smith & Co.. audits.
AT thu annual meeting of tho Kwa
Plantation Co. held this day the
following ollleers weie elected for the
coming jear:
C. M. Cooke Piesldent,
.1. II. Castle Vke-Piesldeut,
E. I). Tuimuy becietaiy,
J. II. Atheitun Treasurer,
J, 11. Paly ,Audltor.
The above named olllceis also consti
tute the Hoard of DlnctoiB.
Secretary Ewa Plan'ntlun Co,
Honolulu, Jan. ISO, lb'.).!. sua 1m
Protection Hook & Ladder
Co. No. 1.
'IMIEUKwill bo a -special meeting of
I tJiu above Company at their hull on
7 I'M o'clock, to coin-ldcr thu matter of
the Annual Parade.
Honoluluf Jan. 28, 189 J. Jai 2t
fct "VI 1 V I A TTT )?
Has become a word dear to the hearts
of mothers. The "Mi.pah" Valve
Kipplu is made of pure gutu, will not
collapse and prcvunls much colic be
cause they admit air into the bottle as
the milk is drawn out, thus piou'ul
ing a vacuum being formed. Give thu
baity a chance to cxprets bis opinion.
You'll ery soon find out whether the
" Alizpah" is u success or not.
Wo have an assortment of Davidson
and Goodyear Nipples, nlo Rubber
ltnllh'1 and Tiothing ltings, and Nur
seiy requisites in gnu'ial.
Every household should lime a Hot
Water Bag. Wu have some new ones
and if used with ordinary care will
last for yen ts. Invalid Cushions can
bo used as "life preservers" on land
as well as sea. Ours are for home
service, and aio the best in every way.
Rubber tubing from the diameter of
-ineli to the size of garden hose,
which wc sell by the foot or yard.
Wo'o lots o( other rubber goods,
and our Drug Store, you know, is the
best place to buy them.
Rally !
Rally !
Rally !
Saturday Evening,
January 30th,
The Fational
Reform Parlv
Here tun la Street.
-AU tho Candidates vvill
AddrosB tho Meeting !
330 -tt
Have re-opened In their New Building,
where they will keep constantly hi
stock at thu lowest piicoi, a
large iissoitinuut of
Dry Goods, Chinese Silks,
Satlnt, Pluthos, Ribbons, Panes,
Laces, Embroideries, Etc., Etc.
321 111!
rPIIB annual meeting of tho stoek
1 hollers of the O. ISiuwur & Co.
will ho hold at tho Company's ollleo on
Queen stiuet. In Honolulu, on WED
NESDAY, Feb. 3, 1S02, at 10 o'clock
A.M. E. K. ItlillOP,
3aJ 7t Sccictary O. Hi ewer X Co.
rpilE regular annual meeting of the
X Hawaiian Fruit & T.qo Co. will bu
held at their ollleo In Walluku, Maui, on
KM (MY, Feb. 12, 18U2, at 10 o'clock
81 1 38t .eci etury 11 . V. & T. Co.
'PUK undersigned having been i
I pointed Assignee of the Itaukiupt
Kstato of Aiitouu lloiba of WidliiUu, io
tpiusts all peisous having claims against
Mild estate to present their claim; within
six mouths from date or they will bu
forucr buried, and all persons owing
said Cfitalu aru hereby requested to make
luiuiullato pa) incut to Mr, II. Goiuian,
at Walluku, or to the undesigned at Uo
ollleo of M, 8. Gtiiihauui te Co., Hono
lulu. 0, 110LTE.
Honolulu, Jun. 2Ii, 16U2. 330 lv
. .
Evory steamer mid hailing vessel bringh to us articles
for use and ornamentation. Our goods are till "late ar
rivals;" we have no old slock on our shelves. Our goods
are selected with care and they meet with a ready sale and
as fttst as sold are replaced by others. iS'o other store in
Honolulu contains such a large and varied assortment of
goods suitable to the wants of the people.
w Fort street, oppo. Spreckels' Bank, Honolulu.
This Space
104 Fort Street, - - Honolulu.
The Popular Millinery House.
O s
:0 co
109 Fort Street.
Elitojjrjiliic SupplieH,
Segars, Pipes & Tobacco.
c. j. McCarthy,
Ni.w Cummins' Block, Miiuciiaxt Stukct.
Equitable Life Assurance Society.
Bouts Collected and Houscb Bunted.
gJtT Any business entrusted to mo will receive prompt attention. gCJ
npilK undei signed Is prepared to give
jX I.esKoui in Athletic Kxeiclsi'H and
thu Manly Art at two doors abovu thu
Koyal School, Emma sweet, iiImi to glu
liiolructlous at homes of pupils tf (lu
shed. Applications iceehed at Xo, b7
King btieet.
ai'2 Im - MIKE QUH.UGAN.
-" ""r ni. rt
is Reserved
Builders' & Gene.al Hardware,
Agricultural Implements,
Cutlery & General Merclianiiise,
Blake's Steam Pumps,
Weston's Centrifugals,
roit tiik
Veterinary Surgeon,
Igr Ullko at Hotel Stab'es, Hotel
street. Hotli Telephone.! J2, Residence;
Mutual Tel. Glti. dec 10-01
udJfcw-iA.S.-Ai'-A'. . '.' - f lW. -
' r-
,$ in wfti
," " -A'Si.S-V.S rf.

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