OCR Interpretation

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, January 03, 1893, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1893-01-03/ed-1/seq-2/

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I'lcdijed to neither Sect nor Party,
JUtt Established for the Benefit of All.
TUESDAY, JAN. 3, 1893.
Taxpayer nro hereby notllM tlmt on
mill after the HfU'cntli ilny uf this month,
January, ten per crnt will lie mbleil to nil
llclllKUll'llt tltM'i.
P. A. M.OYO,
Deputy A-esor ami IVllwtor, Honolulu,
1'. 0. .Iom-.x,
Minister of l-'inniu'v.
Orriir. oi'Tin: lbniiiiov llr.u.nt,
Honolulu, JleoiMiiher 111, lNii)
ToniliT will ho roeeheil t tliNotllee un
til WKDNUSDAY, January 1, IMH, at 12
o'clock noon, for supplying tbu l.cperSet
tleiuentou Molokai with:
1-dooil lleut Cattlii uulgliiiiK not less
than .ThJ lie. per head when ilre-od.
L'-Knt llecf Cattle.
The Cattle are to be delivered at the
I.eper Settlement in good eondition at an
average of 11) head per month, more or less,
for the use of the Jto.ird fiom January 1,
1S!U, to JuncM), 1NU.
The tender for Fat Heef Cattle inu-t bo
for the prieo por pnuml when dresM-d, and
tliat for Good Jleef 'attic mu-t be per head.
The hides and tallow aio to bo the pro
perty of the Hoard,
All the bid1- nm-t be marked "Tender for
Supplying tho Leper Settlement with
The Hoard will eleet whteh tender to ac
cept, and does not bind it-elf to aeeopt the
lowest or any bid.
By order of the ltoaul of Health.
President Hoard of Health.
MS (it-Til :it
In accordance with Section 1 of Clmpter
XXVI. of the Laws of ISfcli, all persons
holding Water 1'ii vileges or tho-e paying
Water llntes are hereby untitled that the
Water Kate-, for the term ending June ."0,
1S9H, will bo due and payable at tho Ulllec
of the Honolulu Water Works on the 1st
day of January, 1M;.
All hueh rates remaining unpaid for
fifteen days after they are due will be sub
ject to an additional 10 pel cent.
ltates are payable at tho Olliro of the
Water Works in the Kapuaiwa Building.
Supt. Honolulu Waterworks.
Honolulu, 11. I.. Dec. '.'1, Is1.).'.
Holders of Witt'-r Privileges, or tho.
paying Water Hate, are hereby notiliod
that, owing to the diouth and tho scarcity
of water in the Government Ite-ervoir-'.
the Hours for using water for Irriga
vion purposes aio from 7 to S o'clock a. m.,
iul 5 to li o'clock r. M., until further notice.
JOHN (!. WHITi;,
Supt. Honolulu Water Works.
Approved :
Oiias. T. fiiii.Ki:,
Minister of the Interior.
Honolnlu, H. I., Oct. l.", Wj.
It looks by tho nrtielo from tho
London Times republished in this
paper as if tho Pacific Cable is to
come our way through an interna
tional arrangement. Wo have been
indebted to tho British Colonies of
(he Southern Hemisphere many
years for steam communication be
tween them and tho United States
touching horo. Xow it seems as if
wo were to owe thoso vigorous young
lions tho additional groat boon of
cable communication with the out
side world. Possibly tho Mother
Country may assist in the project,
for tho sake of telegraphic connec
tion between her Canadian and Aus
tralian dependencies. Canada liko
Hawaii may doubtless bo counted
on for some assistance if tho termi
nus is to bo on tho Canadian coast.
It would seem, however, as if this
is tho greatest opportunity the
United States has had for pro
moting her influence and interests
in tho Pacific. As sho has gone and
is at present going to much expense
in surveys of tho route from her
coast to theso islands, it is natural
to oxpect that sho will porcoivo
tho advantage of co-operating
with tho British and French
movers in tho samo groat project. A
cable touchinc horo under the
tripartite encouragement and inter
est of the United States, Groat Bri
tain and Franco yould onhanco tho
assurance ol .Hawaiian limoponci
ence, remove grounds of interna
tional jealousy on all hands, and bo
tho best guarantee for neutrality of
tho cable under all circumstances.
But unless the United States will do
more than encourago a cable in
presidential' messages, she may find
herself out of tho direct line of con
nections, and, if she wake up later to
the necessity of rectifying tho dis
advantage with a cable of her own,
would havo to face for tho goneral
business competition already established.
101 st DAY.
Tuesday, .lau. 3, 185)3.
Morning Sossion.
Tho Assembly convened for prayer
at 5) o'clock. President Walker in
tho chair. Minutes of previous
meeting were read and approved.
The following petitions were pio-
senteil ami relerreil
Those who have not
used Boschee's Ger
man Syrup for some
scveic and chronic
trouble of the Throat
and Luncs can hard
ly appreciate what a truly wonder
j ful medicine it is. The delicious
i sensations of healing:, easing, clear-
By IJop. Nahinu, from Waialua ' nig.httcngt l-gauicrnig ami recover
A Throat
and Lung
All Brands must, by law, be ie-u'gl-tored
prior to July 1, IN) 1, or they will be
forfeited, and can thereafter bo appio
priatcd by any one.
llegistration on Onhiiliall be muife at
the Interior Olllcc.
On the other Islands it shall be done at
tho Olllces of tho several SherilN.
Minister of the Inteiior.
Interior Olllcc, Dec. 2, lb!).'. fWMf
Constitution of the New Circuit Court
for Oahu.
Mr. W. A. Whiting. ox-Attorney-General,
and Mr. W. J Frear,of the
firm or Thurston & Frear, have been
appointed First and Second Judges
of the now Circuit Court of Oahu.
Judge Whiting is a graduate of
Harvard College and the Law School
of Boston University. Ho arrived in
this kingdom in September, 1881,
and spent a year in Mr. A. S. Hart
well's law oflico before beginning
practice. Ho was Deputy Attorney
General under Hon. Paul Neumann's
Attorney-Generalship in the late
Mr. Gibson's administration, and
was Attorne--General in Queen Li
liuokalani's lirbt Cabinet, rositrninga
short time before it was voted out of
ollico by the present Legislature.
Mr. Whiting was often mentioned
favorably for that position boforo ho
accepted oflico. He has boon popu
lar with his confreres as well as in
tho community, and generally re
garded as a sound lawyer of first
rate attainments.
Judge Frear is a remarkably
young lawyor to bo raised to the
bench. Ho graduated from Yale
University with honors, and was ad
mitted to tho Hawaiian bar, October
.'50, 185)0, on a certificate from the
Connecticut bar. Mr. Frear is a son
of Rev. W. F. Frear, a former rest
Owing to the drought and scarcity of
water, the residents niauka of Jiitltl street
ore requested to collect what water they
may require for household purposes before
8 o'clock A. M.
Supt. Honolulu Water Works.
Honolulu, Sept. (I, lb!)'J. f15-tf
J. 11. JIAKKNAIIA, Ui., has this day
been appointed Commissioner of I'ences
for Koolaupoko, Island of Oahu.
The Hoanl now consists as follows:
w.m. ii. lovi:ll,
j. u. jiaim:n.iia.
Minister of the Interior,
Interior Ollico. Dec. :;0, lb!).!. MS-8t
W. J. YATKK, Ksit,, has this day been
appointed an Agent to take Acknowledg
ment! of .abor Contracts for tho Diotriet
of Kau, Island of Hawaii.
Minister of tho inteiior.
Interior Olllcc, Dec. -J!), lHtJ.
Fishbrand Oil Clothing
in i-t f
1, 0. ljox 17.
dent of Honolulu, so that ho may
fairly bo claimed as belonging to the
country. Being a well road and
studious lawj-or, and onjoying uni
versal respect as a man, his com
parative youthfulnoss may not prove
a drawback.
Tho Chief Justice desires the
members of tho bar to attend in tho
upstairs courtroom to-morrow at 10
o'clock, for the formal induction of
tho First and Second Judges of tho
First Circuit Court.
Mr.- William Foster had only
agreed, as reported in this paper the
other day, to rosumo tho functions
of Police Justice) temporarily. Ho
had taken an oflico for tho practice
of law, to which he was about to re
tiro. This morning, however, ho
received a lottor from the Cabinet
offering him tho commission of
Police Magistrate of Honolulu, to
gether with tho work of editing a
new edition of the Compiled Laws,
and litis (leeiued to accept the oiler.
Other Police Magistrates have
been appointed under tho Judiciary
Act as follows: Charles Copp, Ma
kawao, Maui; Edwin Thomas, Ha
makua, Hawaii; Jtohort Malcahalupa,
Ewa, in place of Enoch Johnson, re
signed. Henry Smith has been appointed
Clerk of the Judiciary Popart ment,
and Fred, W. Wundonborg and Geo.
Lucas, First and Second Deputy
Clerks, respectively, of tho Circuit
Court of the First Circuit (Oahu).
They are reappointed from tho Su
premo Court. Mr. Daniel Porter,
formerly Clerk of tho Third, has
been appointed Clerk of tho Third
and Fourth Circuits into which Ha
waii is divided by tho new Act.
Mr. Smith will forward an order
by the steamer Australia to-morrow
for himls for the newly-constituted
Jtev, Alex. Mackintohh has issued
a wall almanac to his friends and
the parishioners of tho Second Con
gregation of St, Andrew's Cathedral.
It is printed in two colors and con
tains, besides the church calendar,
an address from Air. Mackintosh,
prose mat poetical selections, and
,UuHy .toxtH.
Molokai, for the establishing of tin
Lnglfl) school at that, place. Ke-
ferred to Commit too on Education.
By Rep. losepa, from one Goo.
Kokipi, Superintendent of certain
Sunday schools on Molokai, that he
bo permitted to visit tho Leper Set
tlement at ceitain times. To Sani
tary Committee.
Clerk McCarthy read a communi
cation from W. D. Alexander, S. M.
Damon, Walter Hill and W. W. Hall,
members of the Board of Kdueation,
expostulating against the limiting
of tho appointing power of the
Boaid as outlined in Bill 222. Tabled
for consideration with Bill.
Noble J. M. Horner, from a special
committee, reported on a bill to pro
vide for tho licensing of. carriages at
Wailuku, Maui. The committee
consider that the provisions of tho
bill should also apply to llilo, and
tho committee present an amended
bill to that ofl'ect. which they re
eoniniend pass. Tabled for con
sideration with bill.
Rep. Smith read for the first time
a bill, notice of which had been
given previously by ox-Attorney-Gonoral
Neumann, relative to the
fees of executors and administrators.
Bill ordered for usual couro except
At 9:117 on motion the Order of
the D;ry came up, tho first event
thereon boing the consideration of
Bill G7, tho Registration xct. On
account of the absence of Rep. Ash
ford consideration was deferred.
Third reading of Bill 222, relative
to the employment of Haw aii;ins as
teachers in primary schools.
Rep. Smith moved tho indefinite
postponement ot tho bill.
Hop. Kauuainauo lavoreu tho lull.
Ho considered that the passage of
the Act would bring the Board of
Education to its sen.ses. English
had been taught in the schools for
tho last U0 years, now the Board say
that thoj havo none of those therein
educated who can teach English.
After considerable discussion No
ble Thurston ollered tho following
Bo it resolved that a commission
of five persons bo appointed to ex
amine into our present sj'stein of
supplying teachers to the common
schools of the county, and to repoit
to tho next Legislature, whether or
not some method be deviled whero
bj" a supply of permanent teachers
can better bo obtained; and more
particularly to examine into and re
port upon the ailvi.-abilily ol estab
lishing a local normal school lor the
instruction and training of teachers
fortho primary schools, and if the
same shall be found advisable to
formulate legislation necessary to
carry tho same into effect, together
with an estimate of the additional
expense of such proposition, and
that Bill 'J.TJ. he laid on the table.
On motion vote was taken on the
indefinite postponement of tho bill,
resulting in its defeat by a vote ol
22 to 11) as follows:
Ayes Ministers Wilcox, Jones;
Nobles Ena, Cummins. ' Williams.
Kauhano, J. M. Horner, Hind, Mars
den, Young, Baldwin, Walbridge,
Anderson, Thuiston, Kanoa, Dreier;
Reps. Ashford, Smith, A. S. Wilcox
Noes Minister Brown; Nolnes
Berger, Pua, Peterson, Maile, Hoa
pili, Cornwell; Reps. Bipikane, Aid,
Pua, Kauhi, Ii. W. Wilcox, Nawahi,
Kauuamano, Kamauoha, Waipuilnui,
Nahinu, Kancalii, Edmonds, Kaluna,
losepa, Akina 22.
Absent Minister Robinson; No
bles Hopkins, W. Y. Horner, Mc
Brydo; Reps. Wilder, Bush, Koahoti,
A. Horner, Kapahu, White.
A -motion to pass the resolution
was put and showed a tie, 18 to IH, a
standing vote showed 20 to 20. Pre
sident Walker east his voto in favor
of tho resolution.
The Clerk announced the follow
ing as tho members of the Commis
sion, viz.: Nobles Thurston, Kau
hane, Baldwin; Reps. Kamauoha
and Smith.
, ing arc unknown joys. Jeor Ger
man Syrup we do not nsk easy cases.
Sugar and water may smooth a
tin oat orstopa tickling fora while.
This is as far ns the ordinary cough
i medicine goes. Boschee's German
Syrup is a discovery, a great'Throat
and Lung Specialty. Where for
I years there have been sensitiveness,
pam, coughing, spitting, hemorr
hage, voice failure, weakness, slip
ping down hill, where doctors and
medicine and advice have been swal
lowed and followed to the gulf of
despair, where there is the sickening
conviction that all is over and the
end is inevitable, there we place
German Syrup. It cures. You are
a live man yet if you take it.
By Lowis J. Lovoy.
Seaside Residence
For Sale at Auction.
On WEDNESDAY, Jan. 4, 1893,
I iOinll otl'er for sale at my Salesrooms, by
Public Auction,
A Well & Newly Built Dwelling
foutithiliiK 7 looms, Bathroom, Servants'
Quarters, Stables, Coach Houc, etc., situ
ateil on tho Wt Ikllcf Uoail.
Lot Hi") feet by H)" feet: well and
tastefully laid out with Fruit and Shade
Tins, nil4 fiticcd; water laid nn; ears
i:isiiir the iluir. It is; one of the most
jicifcctly appointed Seaside Cottages built
icceullj b tlieowner for hN own UM) tuul
iciilete' with all the latest improvements
for domestic coinfoitand health.
Also I Jleach Lot diicctly opposite the
duelling and lacing the m-:; Miitable for
li.ithiiiK or Jhullin;; House.
The Lease for tho enthe Premises is for
17 jeius, with the piivileKeof extension, at
a iriital of .j-7. per minimi.
The I'lemiscs will bo on view from 1 to 4
Lewis J. Levey,
Notice ot' iiixlo of Shares Hold ns
rpni: UN)i:i:si(!Ni;nuvi:s notiok
JL that in puisuance of a power of hale
contained in a collateral note given b.
lii-iirL'c W. Miicf.irhine to llislioti it Co..
dated Match Doii, lt'K), said note oeinn for
Hie ini of I'f.' llutiilieil ami Jwonty
thiee Thousand Tluee Hundred and Fortv
fmir 7-llM Dollais ($IAV 1-1.07) payable to
the outer of ISishup tt Co. on or before De
cember ; 111, lh'KJ, and of the rights of the
undersigned u- liolderuf snid note and of
the shaies of stock pledged as security for
the payment of the same, and in conse-
lucui-e of tho failuie of aid (i. W. Macfar
lane to nay sid note when due. ho will
sill at Public Auction at the S.ilesiuom.s of
Lewis. I. Levi v. Auctioneer, in Honolulu,
on SATITIIDA'Y, the 1 1th day of January,
A.J). P-iH, at IU o'clock noon', all of tbo-e
Doe Thousand One Handled awbNinetv
(It'll) Sialics of the Capital Stock of the
Waik.ipu Sugar ('oiiip.ihy, ua Hawaiian
ciiipomtioii. being the sum: covcicd by
Certificates N'iis .)S, .Vl and III) in the name
nf (i. W. Miiciariano, being the same
Miurcs pledged by said (ieorge W. Maefar
lanc to said lihop x, Co. as security for
the i'ivmnnt of said note. Par Vnluu One
Hundred Hollars (. 100) pur Hhaie.
Honolulu, )e. Ill, lrtU. lil:!-td
Ey Jus. 1 Morgan.
A Ce&frally Located
SATURDAY, Jan. 7th,
See the new Floral Setts at Benson,
Smith & Co.
Root Beer on. draught at Benson,
Smith & (Jo.'h.
0. J. McCarthy litis lots on Liliha
street for sale.
Perfumes in great variety at Ben
son, Smith & Co.
Now ideas in Perfumes for holiday
present s at Benson, Smith & Co.
After shaving use Cucumber Skin
Tonic. Benson, Smith & Co., Agent.
Sunburn relieved tit onco by Cu
cumber Tonic. Benson, Smit h it Co.,
Dr. McLennan, I'll Fori "-(root,
above Hotel. Chronic and Hugical
cases. Mutual Telephone (W2.
Tho Honolulu Dairy have put in a
Creamery will deliver fiesh eretun
morning or afternoon to suit ctih
lomers. Mechanics' Jlotno, fi'.land (il irotol
street. Lodging by day, week or
month 'Sta, and fitJc. a night; $1
and $1.25 a week.
Wilder V Winter, Dontihts. Oflico,
il.'l Beretania street.
Gold lillings SJt.tX)
Silver fillings l.Ot)
Teeth extracted fit)
Eastern Prices. .Mutual Tele
phone 2'M.
Jhtlly llitlliiin, ftO (OHl (I WHlH'i
delivered Jru,
At iiiv Salesroom, Queen Street, I will sell
at Public Auction that
Desirable Residence
Opposite I'miiiu, Siuaro and immediately
below tint lin-ldence of A. M.
Mellis, Kmj.
Tbu Lot has a frontage of fid feet on
Lmiiia sircet and is I'.'S feet deep. There,
is a Cottage with Parlor, lledioonis, Din
ing-room, etc., on tno i.oi.
Tho Lot Is of a convenient sio for a Nico
City Ilosidunco and is pleasantly Hlttmted
but'u few steps from Ileietimia street.
C? For fitithcr particulars apply to
Jei,s. :p Morgeua,
Ot-J-Ct AirOTlONEKll.
jiy viiiTi i;oim witrrop nxr.au-
1 tioii l.sind out of fie Police ('mut on
the Jiid dux of November, A. J). 1WI-,
apiliisi V-p ln, doluiiiluiit, In favor of 1).
U. Nul, jilaiiuul, for tho sum of $17.75, I
luivc U I'le.l iinoii mid shall eMiosc for mIo
at the PoIIm Station, in the District of
Uouohilii, llniiil of Oahu, at 1'J o'clock of
Wi:i).M:.s,l)AV, the hh day of .luiiiiaiy,
A.I). 18 ri, in 'he hlghu.st bidiler. all the
UMbl, title and Interest of the said Yep bin,
defendant, in .mil to the following pro
pert;, , noli -s Midi judgment, Inteiest, cmts
mill my niciis(irihu proviously pulil.
I.isl of piiipcrty for sain:
1 NuMds.r, Pictures, ! .Minors, 1 Lounge,
L Collage ll.nmucier, 1 Package l'iio
Honolulu, Die. (I, ltf). OUS-.t
I j dii.v, week or inouth; ltopalilng,
Cleaning and Sliiirpeulug dono; Diipllcalii
PIccKfefiitiusliitil ulicn rciUlicd. .Machines
calhil fm iiud iiituriioil. Also, Hiipalrlng
Oiuileu lln-D -in fact, can do anything
nccossiii iiiiiuiid the Iioiimi or stable.
UhiK "I1 Muliiiil Telephone hY'.
Ml.lf '.N. V, mnifii:ss.
Hawaiiau Barflwaro Co., L'fl
Saturday, Dec. SJ, 1S9S.
The season of gaiety is
over, Christmas trees have
been relegated to the brush
heap and you begin to think
of the big washing that must
be done Monday. In every
lamily certain articles are
washed at home, some for
sanitary reasons and others
because you are in a hurry
for them. If your Japanese or
Portuguese wash lady happens
to "no feel pretty good" you
must wait until your hurry is
over; she will not rub the
pieces over the board any
faster than she pleases or as
rapidly as your needs require.
In the United States the
trouble is avoided in many
families by the use of a wash
ing machine and the demand
for them is growing daily.
Having been invented by a
man whose wife was a mem
ber of the Sorosis it is easily
understood why the contriv
ance is so simple and the
result so satisfactory. There
is absolutely no labor attached
to it; you can sit' down to
your work, wash your clothes
with one hand and rock the
cradle with the other.
Speaking of cradles: the
washing machine is especially
adapted for families where
young children predominate.
the cost ol the machine is
about what you would pay for
a months washing; the satis
faction at having your clothes
thoroughly and quickly washed
cannot be reckoned in dollars.
Having finished our remarks
on the means of securing
clean clothes let us dwell a
moment on the subject of
clean bodies and the method
of acquiring them. The drug
gists supply Pears soap and
we sell Colgate's. It is entirely
a matter of opinion as to the
superiority of either; ladies,
some of them, prefer Colgates
on account of the delicious
perfumes and the lack ol
alkalai used in the manufacture.
The city, sometimes, supplies
the water but who supplies the
best and handsomest con
tainers? The echo sends back
the same answer that it has to
the thousand queries of a
similar character as to where
good things may be procured
The Hawaiian 1 Iaudwaru Co !
Among "modern improve
ments" the bath tub plays
just as important a part as
does the washing machine or
the mortoatre. No dwelling
is considered complete with
out them. Notwithstanding
the' depressed condition of
trade in the islands there has
been more or less boom
among the builders. But the
question which interests us
particularly is: 1 las due re
gard been paid to the charac
ter of the bath tubs and sinks?
If an ordinary zinc arrange
ment has been put in the loss
will be the owner's, If, on the
other hand, the builder has
his customers interest at
heart and put in a Porcelain
lined bath tub the loss is ours
because we did not have them
in stocky Today there's no
reason for loss to either of us.
The "W. H. Dimond" brought
us a supply and we have our
crockery eye on several pro
jected building operations
where these tubs, sinks and
wash stands will be placed
because the persons who will
live in the houses, the owners,
are tired of rusty bath tubs.
We can also show you for
use at home the largest
assortment of moderate priced
glass ware that has ever been
displayed in the Kingdom.
Cheap tumblers Sauce dishes,
Oil and Vinegar bottles with
cut glass stoppers, direct
imitation of genuine cut glass,
Claret pitchers, water pitchers,
Cream jugs etc. They are
all new in design and better
than we have ever shown
be I ore,
It would take page of this
papec to tell of half the goods
that came on the Australia
and Dhw n 1 Come and see
for your elf.
' '- s ' ' .,. . .
-iff B
Benson, Smith & Co; f
Colognes ! Colognes !
Hoyts German,
Oaslmiere S0-u.c3-u.et,
Florida, "Violet,
Verbena, ,
Saoliet Powders,
Floral Sets,
Ouit Bottles,
3to., Sto.
tur 'it' a q
331oolt, Sos-t Street.
c -- r c-.vm. rPT!w,-i .iitrrr. t t --- i
& i r;Tf j, .-r
BSitL i CS.'i
M. & D. Wrought Steel Ranges !
fMli: WJXKIiY llULI.in'IN-lU COL
J. 1111111H of Intrriwllni! KemlliiH Mutter.
Idliuuls, Jl; mulluil to fiirulKiicouutrluH,,
Coiiiiieiisii terary 3, 18!
At Greatly Reduced Prices FOR CASH !
All Prices larked in Plain Figures !
ac-TCTTrr ii- r" " -"w'"tt,,t,m'vli' """
3s- The opportunity ia now offered to obtain Clothingj
to Order perfet-t lit uarantee'd and made ol Jligh Urudft
Goods at.Jjower Priees than 1ms ever been offered in thiej
E3!JK!pBI, Merchant
Hawaiian Hardwaro Co., LM
0io, Kprrclculu' llluoU',
Fort Street.
"Tho World Do Hovo."
H.wiNd hi:i riiiin Tin: siiwv.v
pur Ijuiim'Ii "NkIIIc" 1 inn ri'uuil
tu Curry l'nscii,'i'i In nil ii.irtu of llm
lliirlior. Htiju'rlor Accniiiiiiiiifulldii, (jtilrl;
'J'tiuu mill at no liii'iuai-u in I'uiu, (.'an Iki
fniiiiil tit llm lliiviuiiiiicnt Itout l.aiiillnn
wIhui nut i'liuiiuud.
(Illm l. M. JUHNBON.
Dally llulhlin, 60 -vit n month,
delivered free,
J In-. i)H'iii'il an ullU'o for tuuibuctlut; all
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Tntnts, Purchase and Sale of Bonds,
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Sulmrtiv or I ho Dalltf bulletin, CO
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