Newspaper Page Text
:r. jc"-" --' - WWWTOnrT!" . ,WK0fc?',r h "Wf"i i'. "T . - . . . .. n vr'T'l -?" k ""SF"- V' ' OAHU RAILWAY AND LAND CO, Time Table FIIOM AND AFTER OCTOBER 1. 1802. TK.A.I3STS A.M. a.m. r.M. r.M. Leave IIonolnln...O:15 8:45 1:45 4:35t Arrivo HonouliuH.7:20 0:57 2:57 5:35t Lcavollonoullnll..7:30 10:43 3:43 5:42f Arrivo Honolulu.. 8:35 11:55 4:55 0:60t Fbabl City Locau Lcavo Honolalu 5:108 .... Arrivo Pearl City 5:485 .... Leave Pearl 01ty..U:55 Arrivo Honolulu. 7:30 Sundays oxcoptcd. t Baturdays only. $ Baturdaya excepted. LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. Tlio District Court calondnr show ed a clonu docket this morning. Tlio Boston's soarch light turnod ou tho city last ovouing. All tho business housos in town woro closed onrly yostorday afternoon. was Tides, Bun and Moon. BY O. J. LTONH. DAY. Moil. Tuns. Wed. Tliure, 1'rl. Hat. Sun. E S b'p p"B p p, f (3, "I e 5 H 8 10, 3 50 1 43S B 6 G 17 7 2 pan, X 43 330 4 0 435 6 30 0 30 7 35 n.m a iu 9 15 0 1 135 2 5 2 35 a.m 10 40 11 20 n.m. 10 o 10 45 11 17 11 57 (140 (M0 0 40 G 0 G40 0 40 6 40 5 40 5 40 5 41 5 42 5 42 5 43 5 44 5 40 G40 7 39 8 37 0 32 10 27 Tho saloons oponod again yoslor day afternoon aftor tho mass meet ings woro over. Hollistor & Co. call attontion to "Dr. Bridgmnun's Ringa" in this is sue Soo advortisemont. Tho Allio I. Alder, a two masted Bchoonor, lies off tho harbor. Sho is from Soattlo bound for Japan. Tho Japanoso oruisor Kongo is twolvo days out from San Francisco and may bo oxpoctod at,any hour. Thero will bo a race botwoon tho crows of tho Hoalani Boat Club this evening. Thoy will start at 5:30 o'clock. Tho coucort at tho Hotol last ovoning was fully appreciated by tho through passengers on tho S. S. Alameda. A strnngo American schooner was telephoned as cruising off Diamond Head to-day. Hor name could not bo mado out. Tho S. S. Alameda took a mail consisting of 4&4 lottors and 127 pa pers from tho Post Office for tho Colonies yostorday ovoning. Tho S. S. Alameda loft about 10 o'clock last ovoning. Hor through passongors woro very much interest ed iu tho warlike movements of tho Boston's men. HOW IE REYOLUTE. Opposite Yiews in Expression. Enthusiastic Mass Meeting at tho Skating Rink. New Moon on the 17th at 2h. 67m. p. m. THE DAILY BULLETIN. TUESDAY, JAN. 17, 1893. 3-A.K.HSTE 3STES-WS. An old kainaaina stated yesterday that ho never saw so many peoplo at one mooting than was present at tho Falaco Square mass mooting yester day aftornoon. Wherever there is an American sentinel on duty in town thero aro small crowds of curious natives watching him. Some havo even gone without their lunch just to onjoy tho situation. . ' Arrivals. Monday, Jan. 10. Bchr Millo Morris from Koolau Bchr Kawailani from Koolau Tuesday, Jan. 17. Bohr Allio I. Alder from Seattle Departures. Stmr Waialealo kua Tuesday, Jan. 10. or Lahaina and Hama- Strur Mikahala for Kauai, at 5 p m Stmr Claudino for Maui and Hawaii at 5 p m Stmr Mokolii for Molokai at 5 p m Stmr Kilauea Hou for Hamakua Stmr Pelo for Nawiliwili Bchr Kawailani for Koolau The Bulletin is indebted to W. E. Simpson, of Tacoma, Washington, for a beautiful "picture of 'tho build ing of tho State of Washington at tho World's Columbian Exposition, Umcago. Chief Eugiueor Julius Asche or dered tho members of tho different fire companies on duty last night in case of any fires. Tho fire laddies had an "at homo" in their different houses aud tho night was spent in fun and frolic. Cargoos from Island Forts. Stmr Pelo 1001 bags sugar. Fassengors. For Kauai, per stmr Iwalani, Jan 10 Hon Aug Drcier, Mrs Mist, and 10 deck.. Foreign Vessels Expected. H I J M S Kongo from Ban Francisco, due Jan 20 B S Australia, Houdlette, from San Fran cisco, duo Jan 25 Am bk Coylon, Calhoun, from San Fran cisco Am schr Aloha, Dabel, from San Fran cisco, duo Feb 5 Am 4-mstd schr W F Witzeman from New castle, NSW Am 4-mstd schr Alice Cooke, Penhallow, from Newcastle, NSW Am 4-mstd schr Puritan, from Newcastle, NSW Ger bark H Hackfeld from Liverpool, now duo Haw bgt Douglas, Reid, from San Fran cisco, now due Haw bk Lady Lampson from Newcastle, NSW Haw bk Lcahi, Nelson, from San Fran cisco, duo Jan 30 Mis bkt Morning Star from Micronesia, due May 23 Am ship Honolulu from Newcastle, NSW Am bktne Hilo, from Nowcastle, NSW Am bktne J Smith from Newcastlo, N S W Am bk Eclipse from Nanaimo Br bk Tacora from Liverpool, duo Jan 30 Vessels in Fort. UBS Boston. Wiltse, from Hilo Am schr Rout Lewors, Goodman, from Port Townsend Am bkt Irmgard. Schmidt, from New castle, N sV Am bkt Planter, Dow, from Port Town send Am bk Sonoma, Anderson, from San Fran cisco Am 4-mstd schr Transit, Jorgcnscn, from San Francisco Am bkSO Allen, Thompson, from Ban Francisco Brigt W G Irwin, McCulloch, from Ban Francisco Haw Bk Mauna Ala, Smith, from New castle, N 8 W Schr Scottish Wizard, from Newcastle, N B W Br bk Velocity, Martin, from Hongkong Tho departure of tho steamers Claudino and Kilauoa Hou of tho Wilder Steamship Company havo been dolayed. The men on the steamers were ordered on board at noon to-day, and steam was got up ready for instant departure. The folloAving articles havo been added to tho list of supplies adver tised by tho Road Supervisor: Axles, 2, 2 k, 2J; Fish Oil, per gallon or barrel; Rubber Packing, pjBr lb.; Emery Cloth, per doz.; Yard Brooms, per doz.; Sheepskins, per piece. Tho article of special convenience in every household and office throughout tho islands, and tho most acceptable to send to friends abroad because it deals only with facts and figures is a copy of the Ha waiian Annual for 1893. Price, 75 cents each, or 85 cents mailed abroad. A large dog belonging to a native compositor was locked in Mr. It. Grievo's printing office last Satur day. Before dark Sunday ovoning he became lonesome or huntrry and jumped through a largo glass win dow into tho awniug roof, where ho trotted back and forth afraid to jump to tho street below. Mr. Grieve was sent for, who camo down and liberated tho dog by getting him in side through the window. Major J. H. Wodehouse, British Minister; Mons. Vizzavona, French Commissioner; Seuhor A. do Souza Canavarro, Portuguese Commis sioner, and tho Japanese Consul held a conference with tho Cabinot this afternoon. The object of the conference is not positively known, but it is stated that it is with regard to allowing the hoisting of tho Ameri can flag, and an American protector ate bo placed over the Islands. AN OFFICER SHOT. Born. MOTT At the Maternity Homo, Jan. 1(1, 1803, to the wife of J. Mott, a daughter. INCENDIARISM. Ho Boven Boys Arrested on Suspicion for tho Crimo. A small blazo was soon in tho barn iu tho roar of C. Buchanan's resi dence ou King street about 10:30 o'clock last night. Carlos Long and othors rushed to tho scene and ex tinguished tho firo. In tho middle of the floor a pieco of rag saturated with kerosene oil was picked up, showing that tho attempt was in cendiary. At 11:30 o'clock, aftor all had retired, another blaze was seen issuing from tho barn. Before an alarm could be sent in tho fire had gained such headway that all efforts to extinguish it wero fruitless. En giuo Co. No. 1 was first ou tho. scone followed by Engiuu Co. No. 4. An alarm of lire was rung in at 3 o'clock this morning. It proved to bo at Emma Square. One of tlio arbors in the Square had caught fire iu some way and was burned to the ground. Tlio firo onginos woro quick ly ou tho spot, but wore not needod, Louis Touissant, a member of the Firo Polico, arrested seven young boys in tho vicinity of the Square on suspicion oi arbor. Suspected Thero Was Ammuni tion on tho WaRon. A policeman named Leialoha was shot in tho breast by John Good about 2:30 o'clock this afternoon on Fort street. Tho facts of tho case as reported by an eye-witness is as follows: Good and four or fivo othors woro driving around the corner by H. Mclntyro At Bro.'s store when tho horso stumbled. Two native policomon woro standing at tho cor ner and seeing a number of boxes on tho wagon thought thoy woro am munition and caught the horso by tho hoad. Good leveled a pistol at tho officor whon tho lattor dodged. Tho other officer -made a jump for tho horse again, whon Good shot him in the breast, lacerating it bad ly. Tho wagon drove off rapidly. Tlio wounded officer was takon to the Polico Station and Doc tors Me Wayne and Potorson woro called. Thoy dressed tho wound. The man was later taken to the Queen's Hospital. An officor was despatched for Good, but returned without him. Ho stated that Good hud hid him self in the Skating Rink, along with others. "For tho past two or throo years I have been subject to crainpiugiiauiH iu tho stomach," says Mr. V. A. Baldwin, a hardware merchant of Boouville, Dallas Co., Iowa. "1 havo tried n uuuiborof different roiuodies; tlio best one being Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Reme dy. Ouo or two doses of it always cures me." Sold bv all dealer. having sot firo to tho Benson, Smith & Co., Agonta for tho tlnwaiiun inlands, Tho call for a mooting mado by a socrot committee, advertising thom solvos as a Committoo of Safety, was tho causo of tho gathering togothor at tho Borotania stroot Skating Rink on yostorday aftornoon, of nearly all tho malo white foreign olomont in tho city, numboring about ono thous and, a sprinkling of Portuguese and half-castos swolling that number slitrhtlv. At 2:20 o'clock tho assom- blod crowd was informed by Hon. W. C Wildor, Roprosontativo from tho First District of Honolulu, of tno busmoss proposed to bo pre-, sonted in tho following words: Mn. Wilder said: Follow citizens, I havo boon requested to act as Chairman of tho mooting. Woro it a common occurrence, I should con sider it an honor, but to-day wo aro not hero to do honor to anybody. I accept tho chairmanship of this moot ing as a duty. Applause. Wo moot lioro to-day as mon not as any party, faction or creed, but as mon who aro bound to soo good govern ment. It is woll known to you all what took placo at tho Palaco last Saturday. I need not toll you tho object of this mooting, and no such mooting has been hold since 1887. Thero is tho same roason now as thou. An impromptu mooting of citizens was called Saturday to tako measures for tho public safety. The report of tho committee will bo read to you. Wo do not meet as revolu tionists, but as peaceful citizens who havo tho right to meot and state thoir grievances. Applause! . Wo will maintaiu our rights and have tho courge to maintain them. Cheers"). Hon. L. A. Thurston, of the House of Nobles, road tho report drawn up by tho Committee of Thirteen (un signed) aud a series of preambles and a resolution, also drawn up by this modest Committoo, the resolu tion being as follows: "Now, therefore, Wo, the citizons of Honolulu of all nationalities and rogardloss of political party affilia tions, do hereby condemn and do nouuee tho action of tho Queen aud hor supporters; And wo do hereby ratify tho ap pointment and endorse the action taken and report mado by tlio said Committee of Safetj; aud wo do hereby further ompowor such com mittee to further consider tho situa tion and further devise such ways and moans as may be necessary to socuro tho pennanont maintenance of law and order and the protectioh of life, liberty and property in Ha waii." Iu support of tho adoption of tho report and resolution tho introducer Noblo Thurston, said: Mr. Chairman and follow citizons: Hawaii is a won derful country. Honolulu a wonder ful city. Wo aro divided into parties and nationalities and factions, in which we strongly opposo and work against each other but thero aro moments when an united feeling arises, there are no longer factious or cliques, each man looks at his neighbor, thou wo aro united and move snouidor to shoulder, moved by one common dosiro for tho public good. Three tinios during tho past twolvo years this has happoned in 1880, on the Morono event, thon again in 1387, and this third time to-day. They say it is ended, it is done, thero is nothing to consider. Gontlomon, thoy aro endeavoring to draw a herring across tho scent; in 1880 thoy wero successful, in 1887 partly so, and to-day what? Thoy say it is done. Is is soT Calls of Nol No! I say, gontlomon, that now and horo is tho time to act. Tho Oneon savs she won't do it airain. Sho pleads the baby act. Follow citizons, havo you any momoriosT Hasn't sho onco before promised sworn solemnly before the Chiof Justice, before Almighty God to maintain this Constitution? What is her word worth? Yesterday, did sho regard hor word? It is an old saying that a royal promise is mado to bo broken. Last Saturday the sun rose on a peaceful and smiling city; to-day it is othorwiso thero aro rumors of riot aud of probable bloodshed. Whoso fault is it, Hor Majesty Quoon Liliuokalaui's. She has wantonly put herself in tho breach. It is not her fault that the stroetB havo not run red with blood, but in spito of hor wishes. Sho has primou a prucimiiiiuuii unu at miu samo time, perhaps sent out by tho samo carriers, hor Royal organ prints au oxtra with hor speech with more bitter ("less bitter" En. Bulletin language than in tho Advertiser. Are wo to sloop on a slumbering volcano, which will some morning spew out blood and destroy us all? The Constitution gives us tho right to assemble peace fully and express our grievances. Wo aro hero doing that to-day with out arms. The man who has not tho spirit to rise only the spirit of the cur which licks the boot that kicks him, and after the menaces to our liberties has no right to keep thorn. Has tho tropic sun cooled and tliinnod our blood, or havo we flowing in our veins tlio warm, rich blood which loves liberty aud dies for it? I move the adoption of tho resolution. Mn. II. F. Gladk said that tho re solution moved by Mr. Thurston was seconded by him. Ho then read a speech the subject matter being to tlio olloct tnni, "vo now nave a pro us of tho faith and earnestness of tho protniso givon, of which wo now havo no assurances." Mn. Youno mado at tho commence ment a most temperate and sensible oponing to. his remarks advising that veil of charity bo thrown ovor tho commission of tho objected act on tho ground that the Sovereign was a woman, and as such wo should bo nioro. merciful, especially as ho bo lioved that tho act complained of was tho result of tho machinations of other brains than of Hor Maiostj. In tryiug to promulgate this long promised constitution tho Queen has, howovor, proinoditaledly com mitted a broach of faith with ono portion of hor subjects, in order to satisfy tho clamors of a faction of natives urgod by tho inlluenco of a mischiovous olomont of foroignors who moan no good to tho Queen or tho peoplo, but simply for tho pur poso of providing avenues for carry ing out nioro perfectly the smug gling of opium and di verting tho contents of tho treasury into thoir own pocKots. iio did not place REVOLUTION. The Government Building Seized By Armed Men. Proclamation Read Creating a Provi sional Government. much value iu tho circular publish od "By Authority," but would say that it would bo woll to "put your trust in God and keep your powdor dry." Mb. C. Bolte, was tho next speaker, and ho, aftor roviowing tho events loading up to tho objectionable act, said: Au attompt to change tho fundamental law of tho land is a vory sorious matter, a matter that requires a good deal of considera tion, tud I am woll convinced that this' matter has boon weighed and considered for moro than a daj- by tho Queen, and that there was no acting on tho spnr of the moment under tho stress of hor native sub jects about it. Many peoplo know this soveral daj-s ago, but itioro havo boon so many rumors about all sorts of things, that not very much atten tion was paid to it ; it was oxpoctod that sho might change hor mind be fore that day would come. It seoms to mo that tho question that your committoo has to ask now, aud which is for you gontlomon hero in tho mooting to decido is this: Aro you satisfied with tho assuranco giv on in to-day's proclamation signed by the Queou and tho four Ministers, and will you considor this matter ouded, or do you dosiro greater and stronger guarantees for tho safot' and preservation of your lifo aud liberty and property. I am ono of tho Citizens' Connnittoo of Public Safety; my viows on tho situation aro expressed in tho resolutions winch havo just been read, and 1 trust that you will" show that you aro of the samo mind as tho commit tee by adopting these resolutions. Mn. Tueo. C. PoitTER was called on but did not respond. Mn. J. Emmeluth being called ou stated that ho was not accustomed to speaking in public but would en deavor to say a fow words on tho subject matter of tho resolutions. He had hoard of tho proposed act and had been present at the Palace grounds in tho aftornoon whon she had anuQunced from the balcony hor change of action to tho mou who had requested it. Ho had noticed then liBr face and. tlio ex pression 'fcfiorobn was tho "most fiendish and vindictivo" that ho had ovor seen on the face of a woman. And ho saw tho 30 mon who had presented tho potition; old, thoir faces void of intelligence and thoir appearance showing thoir inipocu nious condition. Thoso woro not tho mou who had proposed this scheme: it was men who could think, or a woman, thoso wero but tools. Ho did not believe the Hawaiians wanted a now Cunstitution. Theho actions ended in those thiriy men having tho power to paralyze busi ness interests of the city for 21 hours. This was tho third time that ho had closed his doors and let his mon go homo, in the last twolvo yoars,and God and this audionco be ing willing this would bo the last. If wo lot this timo pass then wo deserve all that wo get iu tho future. As far as tho Hawaiians woro con cerned ho hoped to live in peace with thorn. Hon. H. P. Baldwin, a goutlomaii representing largo vested interests in tho country, spoko in a different tone from the previous spoakors, ho advising Constitutional methods to A squad of about thirty men took charge of tho Govormnont building about 3 o'clock this aftornoon armed with muskets 'and a bolt of cart ridges. Thoy lined the walks in front of tho building. H. E. Coopor road a proclamation abrogating tho Monarchy and creating a Provisional Government. Tho proclamation dismissed the present Ministry aud tho Marshal. The following Cabinot was then road: Hon. S. B. Dole, Ministor of For eign Affairs; P. C.Jonos, Minister of Finance; Captain J. A. King, Minister of Interior; W. O. Smith, Attorney-General. Thoy will call on tho protection of tho American Government. At 3:15 o'clock a wagon load of mon and ammunition arrived at the Government building. As wo go to pross this afternoon no attompt has been made to cuter tho Palaco. Crowds of peoplo aro in the vicini ty of tho Government Building awaiting developments. It is reported that before dusk tho American flag will bo hoisted over tho Palaco. Deputy-Marshal Mohrten wont to the Govornmout Building late this afternoon, but was not allowed ad mission to thoj'ard. A gattling gun has boon placed at tho front door of the Polico Station. The Boston's men are not inter fering in any way. . CD K H tr no 3 m SS o g d3 m CO o 7 " o Sao-' 2 g."??" 5 ml 7s tr Q a c-bimIS S- -m u gesso - . . ... xHfcTSk c pan"" B m a Si "irl am"' i . '"h. " :? s g? Ey? a -, ," " c- f,-. i.u : m . r .; ii - -. n srwrnmi wi a t m limit feuUg 0 1 g V"-f ?s sk!iS ,rvir , Un g a .sals; mill m 1 ! i mm& i ! m if! ? lis mm It m rs .AXiI-i OK,XDElIS FOR DR. BRIMMAFS RINGS SHOUbl) BK ADDltKSSEl) TO HOLLISTER & CO., ID3RXTC3-C3-ISTS, 109 Fort Street, - - - Hoiaoliolui, is. I. IB. :e EHLERS &c CO. 89 FORT STRHJEJ'T. Attractions in Elegant Goods for the Holidays! OSP"" JajHincsc Silk and Crepes, at very low prices. S Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Toilet and Manicure Sets, Work Boxes, Dolls, Etc., Etc., all sold regardless of cost." SSP Ladies' and Misses1 Tailor-made Jackets, from $3 up. 33P" Beaded Silk, Black Capes, at your own price. SS Fans, Hosiery and Handkerchiefs in great variety. Z3T Dressmaking Under tho Management of HISS K. CLARK. JSX Christmas & New Year's 1 'FJft3r'pTJieJf:J:TcT:'V-F't:TtT!TtJPT:T: Jjt 3fi TTp:.'NHK A CO. E N Gold Watches. Hare NOVBbTIES for the SICK N Our SOUVKMH E R HOLIDAYS. lllcli (lifts for UHH1STMAS JKWKI.UV. & c GREAT BARAG-INS -IN NOTHlNfl 1.1KB IT IS TOWN. ALU o. Of What Aro Thoy AfraidP Editor Bulletin: The Advertiser this morning saj's: "The landing of troops from the Boston furnishes a guarantee that the persons and property of Ameri can citizens will bo safe from vio lence, etc." What are thoso who claim to bo American citizens afraid of? From what quarter is violence expected? None whatever, oxcopt like Banquo's ghost, from the "deop shadows of cowardly and guilty con sciences." It would bo woll under present circumstances, for tho Ad vertiser to come forward and state to the public who woro tho ones that forced tho late King at tho point of tho bayonot to break his oath and forswear tho late constitution tha ho had sworn to uphold? An American. ings as wo experienced on .Saturday shall not occur again. But wb should havo such assurances mill guarantees for this promise that will really sutisfy us and convince riht any wronss complained of. Ho said that ho felt with the rost of thoso present that the actions of tho Queen in the past few days had put the country m a vory critical con dition. Bofore tho revolutionary act of tho Queen wo were getting along all right. A Ministry had been ap pointed which would probably havo been ablo to pull us through, as it had tho confidence of the public and business men. Tho McKiuloy bill had loft tho wholo country in a vory bad condition. Wo wero working up now industries. Mr. Dillingham was trying to buuu a railroad around this island. Wo wero looking abroad for the introduction of capital to provide work and subsistence for tho workingman. Tho Queen soomB to have blindod herself to all these things and to the fact of money coming in. She has followed a whim of her own a whim of an irresponsi ble body of Hawaiians and tried to establish a new Constitution. I am a conservative man, 1 have large in terests and 1 do not think it proper to go boyond constitutional moans to .obtain what is required. I favor the resolution, but the nets must be within the Constitution, Wo must stop this; but we must not go be yond Constitutional moans. J favor the resolution, bu think the com mittee should act within the Consti tution. There is no question that tho Quoon has doiio a revolutionary act there is no doubtabout that but should we not act with prudence? The Queen's proclamation hns not altogether inspired confidence, yet it has made an easier fooling, But shall wo not teach her to net within the Constitution? 1 am not afraid to act when the time comes, but hope it will be with judgment and pru dence. Mn. K. J. GiuxNi; next mado a speech which uioi wuu marus oi ait For pains in tho chest there is nothing hotter than a 11 an nol cloth saturated with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on ovor tho seat of pain". It will produce a countor irri tation without blistering, and is not so disagreoablo as mustard; iu fact is much superior to any plaster on ac count of its pain-rohoving qualities. If used iu timo it will prevent pneu monia. 50 cent bottles for sale by all doalors. Benson, Smith & Co., Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. I m m The S. S. Zambesi, whon repaired, will trade direct between China and Portland, Oregon, Victoria, B. C, touching at Honolulu. DIVIDEND NOTICE. The Old Stand, Fort Street. WENNER & CO., Importing nnd Alaimfiiuturhig Jewelers. OlMt-lui Closing1 Out Sale -OF Christmas Goods I Mules, Horses, Carriage, HARNESS, ETC. To In sold at 1'iililie Auction, at mv placo at MTTLE UHITA1N. Honolulu, if not before sold, On Monday, February 6, 1893, AT 9 O'CLOCK A. M., VIZ.: 40 California Mules, In Lots of 10 Each; 40 Leather Head Halters! 4 Saddle Horses, Anil as Good as New 1 2-Seated Family Carriage, With IVlc, Shafts, and Keck-Yoke, AND 1 Fine Set Double Harness for same 4 and 5 Years Old The above 1'ronert v can all be een at my place during one week befor sale, and Stock must be removed from mv Pad dock ou day of sale. TKHMS CASH. S2-5tw J. N. WRIGHT, 1'. O. 110X J5'- It can be proved SUCH AS: Toys, with or without Mechanism, Dolls, Kings, Albums, Satchels, l'ur-cs, Vases, Statues, liremze Ware, Mocca Cups, Thermometers, "Watches, Opera and Spy Glasses, (warranted first class); Mirrors, Krames, Hraekets, I.uuchhaskets, Suhoolbags, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Kans, (extra linu): Carpets and ltuus, (all sizes); Any day That the . ' v l VF ! Kti:. :tc. Kte. paya- an A DIVIDEND (NO. fi) OK 8KVKN I'KH XJl lent, lias iiccn tleciarcil ami is pay blu forthwith at the olhrc of tlio Hawaiii Hell Telephone ('ompanv. .!. 1-', January 111, 18f. IIHOWN, Secretary. OiVl'w A Horse, WANTED MEDIUM SI.KD, Hood Working Vim v to - - s ,v. ., - rrr- - MrCJIKHNKY it SONS. Each l'ieec marked with CASH I'KICE. Mfc DISCOUNT on Larger Cash Pur chases. WU EVKUYHODY invited to an Inspection. H. W. SCHMIDT r'X-Un & SONS. Daily Bulletin lias the Largest Circulation Or- aiiy paper In Honolulu. Business mi-'.'t M. w. TO LET AWN MOWEltS TO UK j day, wecK or iiiouin iiiIho from tho 'Queou Hint nnieeod- l'rovnl, after wliiuli the Chairman nut tun resoliitioiiH and they woro ducliireil carried by a standi iitf vote, The meeting adjourned sine din and tho largo assemblage thou, atUUfi, quickly diHporaod, ItY THE Henalriui:. Cleaning and Sharpening done; Duplicate Pieces furnished when required. Machines called for and returned, Also, ltepairiug Garden Hose In fact, can do anything UfffsMiry around tho Iioumi or stable. Hing up Mutual Telephone lfi'J. OHI-tf N. K. HUHOESS. HORSE CLIPPING Ily A. M. ItETTENCOUHP, Vetcriimry Surgeon and Dealer in Horses, corner iicrciauia aim iiiiieiiuuni ns, Mutual Melcpliuuu :i"7. ttll-tf CO o o o W H O Criterion AT THE Saloon o w O o o W Men Stick 'm T)ar. FORT STREET ! S. MACAULEY, Pianoforte Tuner AND ORGAN KK1AIREK, Can be found, as usual, at his reiidcnco, Alakea street, next to llritish Club, or bv message at l E, Williams' store, Koi't street. JBLLrnagi? LEWEIIS & COOKE, Iiui'ohtius ami I)kw.i:iu in Ii;miii;u ami AM. KIM i' Jil'll.HlMI Mati.uimv. Kort Street, Honolulu. rpilK WEEKLY lnJi.l.K'lTs-ii COI X minis oi Interesting Heu'liiiB Matter. UlmulMI; maiM to lureluueouuUiiu.KS. Store To Let! Fixtures For Sale ! Itf Inquire of CHAS. J. FISHEL, ttiMm Cor. Kort & Hotel nts. All work uuarautccd and visited a second time. Prompt attention to all orders. Tuned the Piano for concert of Musin, the celebrated violinist. lUt-liu COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. TVTUTICE IS HEUEHY (IIVEN THAT J-l a copartnership has been formed, oiHiratlvu slucu the '.M init., consisting of T. AkluK, AplnK,Ton Ki'umul Mm KouU. all are residing In Honolulu, Island of Ualm, II. 1., the nature of the Inuiucs Is the sale liv retail of Dry (loud aud tlroce ries, the linn name in the Apllij; Company, located at No. a Nuuanu street. Hono lulu, Oahu. AI'INd COMPANY, ....,., , , y ApliiK, Mmmgr, Dated ut Honolulu. Jan. 7, lb!XJ, ttJU-lw )