OCR Interpretation

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, March 13, 1894, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1894-03-13/ed-1/seq-2/

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or solo Cauoaxiau labor supplier Items From Fiji. I Only nn American Citizen,
from abroad, an editorial in tlu St v, Kobruary S -'!1n (Sovoriior i KniWn Bulletin:
Union faction's organ says buoIi la . in ifiiig hi hhwIi :iMIh hmi1iik ' Willi rofcrotifu to an itutn in tho
bor is utterly impracticable for ran- ( tlu Coiru'il .talfd t Ji.-vt it illicit ; Ailu-rtNor to tlm elTin-t that I was
ing augar excepting ni a subonbnate ' tho last time ho vv..,.H have I hi. UiHtin,: booanso I wai; Hrwl from tho
't "h" - i n i nliviaiirit n .iililn. Hint limit. I 111' Inw.n.mn I .,..,...,. mII.mv inn Id inv
I f. ..,i ...... ..,..,...., ........ ..... ... . ....
tuat i nsivo novor immoiiki'm io mo
employing olonient. Hawaii i
to witness a dosporato Mrn
twciMi dotnooracy and plntin-raoy. ,
Uoinocraoy has hitherto in Miiulur
stnifjtflt'-' wo" '" ,', fleet oral field
only to be undone in tho lonilatiu
arena. When they at hint met a
sudden rour.o, maltiti"; thent let go
rd.nato ' ' ' " " ",' ' '"' r
. ' pleasure to nddre-H tliat hoily. I lie
h niioui , IMU,ra 10j, i(, tli -i.t ho may be
;;li bo- urniij' in lii tirmie tind remain
Will lie rtcdvt'-l at the Honer.il l'et lillie"
until MONDAY, March l!, K'l, ut IJ
o'clock noon, for (iiniMiltiK Mull Hub4 tot
l... f ..! titti1 t.tl lnntmi
Hnnmle of UaiM can he -ceil at the I'.i-t the power they had seized by foul
The I'o'tmii-tiT-OeliiTiil ilm- imt hltiil
lilni'cH to ucccjit tho lovot or tin) bl.l.
Jt). M. OAT,
p;ti-:it I'o'tina'tcr-dpticral
, , ,, " terv oneoiit.ivM v.
moans, the pluloerat- had reeoni-oln I n j,,.;,, ,, lml .
rtiwT PAor.
Cuckoos ami Such, hy "Oclimulgiv"
The Chlneip tjiivjtlon, by "Pair l'luv" -corr.
sreosu I'Vlllt.
Killtorlnt l'nrarntihi.
The MoillM Vivendi eilltorlnl.
Iliifiictt corr.
It. L c eorr.
reoiution. In this they diilaod
miperior craft in soetirinK a portion
of the ilomoeraey nitwit paw -to pull
the chestnuts out of the lire for
them. There i possibly a limit in i
i tho number of times lhoo tactics
j can bo repeated, and, when tho nel
crisis between tho two elements will j
! arrive, tho plutocratic chiefs max
! find that the lesson they have giwn
with u for "I'ver-d torm v.-t, a with
all iiltr pre ion f lnviTiii-r thoecuil
try went h.iflovnnl, and itie tho
nietit (M'Vi'ii vivir a-'" I .if the pre
iiil one it lii- ! .-n 'hoc lml stunk
pruri's alie;iil fur l'iji.
The leturie iliat fruit iliippirs
have h.'nl from Y,n o--iv. , are n.t
erv oneoiit.ivM if. iJwinjr ' Mono
i"f"-..r aeix as a
(II D I)
irioin rival to our lnp.'"nl. 1 In-Vaiicomi-r
salo'inoii, however. M'llo
that tho l-'iji fiml i niiich superior
to the II ivv'ir.m; "till, it appear
from reporl to li.iml tint th mar
ket is rubor limi'.-d as vol, the pub
lic havine; in nwavtoe-lucalon taste
for fruits tn which lliev are s little
ui'd. ainl aUn to it taNio:; time In
find "tin n-titli-H than what olfer in
Vatieouver iiiooer.
A now feat it 1 1 in the mmorlation
American Liwirtio, I wont to its
meolitiK under the impression that ; articles as tilt; result of the
it was open, but was refused adtnis- .... , ... , ,, ... .
ion. 1 do not belong to either Dibits at tlm World s I'nir.
paity, being only au American cilt-.(-n.
lifut:i: 1! Luc.
Honolulu, March bl, t.V.M.
I'rHventlon Io Uottor
Thau euro, and those who aro sub
ject to rheumatism can prevent at
ta!;s by keeping the blood pure and
fin- fto'in the aeid which oanestho
die.'i'e. You can rely uiioii Hood's
Sarijiparilln as a reuioily for rhuti
uiutiMii and catarrh, also for every
form of scrofula, alt rliouin. boils
and other diseases caued by tmjiim
blond. It tones and vitalizes the
whole s stout.
Morgan's Kenirt, bv 0. Itiifnctt
Onlv An Amvrlcaii l'ltleii. by
I. L c corr.
Klecttlc Company Meets,
items l'roiu l'jl.
Mnrllie News
IahmI and Ocncrnl Items
Judli'Iiiry Jotting'.
Thev Tniso Tomn.
Krec Trade In Opium.
roi'nTii PAue.
The llratlllan War.
JL utunsot lntcregtliiK I'.endhiR Mutti".
ii... i....... ....i.. i.w. ....II l...,r,,.,.l l.v . nf fnreiuii lhlior ui in v M siKittlv
iiim nvvii t.ui iw ..v.. .v.. ...v.. .v 'i , , i r nil
iil'lM'.ir in ini' ni.i pi' "i M'.ne ""
in elfeel.
Pills aro easy and gentle
their dupes.
Japanese, who are bein:,' imported !
I as a trial shipment by tho (. nloni.'d j
Sugar Company. Those are intend- ,
I oil to take the place of tho doba-ed
i and critninallx inclined llind"o co J
alK'UnilM 30wUctin.
PUtljfd Io nrithrr Srct nor Parly,
Hut EnUibllihrtl fur th litnrfit of Ml.
MorRftn's lloport.
liniTOH 11i-lu:tin:
It has sooniod to me that the ox- lies, who fill the gaol and keep tin
tracts alleged to bo tlikon fn.iu the ' Courts well employed, and also have I
nu.ji.rilv report of the Senate l-W-: a very bad eiroe. on the ijuu.-.il.
' ' , . ... I whom lliev tiu more or h's.s. ttoi..
eigu Affair (.ominittee which was . roM1 ar,; lllM.,j fr1M u,j, ;.,
prepared by Senator Morgan, con- (j,,,, ,, ,,, ,.-pt of t!i, conipanv. j
tain inaiiv inaccuracies ito poal who have done u iiitieh for the
mildlv) in reference to the causes of c-intry generallv. a the .laps have i
..-.,. ,. ,.. . ., ,i, i a character unite the reverse to tin ir
and incidents attending on the in ( ,,,,..,.
coptlon of the present political re- ,, , '
gitno. This is no doubt duo to the By Jfl9 v Morgan. !
fact that the witnesses from here J
who testified before that committee , " " '
were mainly selected by the ""!- . A UCUOll S&1G 01 SlOCK '
porters of and favorers of the present, "UUllUii UlUU Ui UtUUH , ,
Provisional Government and who i )L.. Af , -,- '
must have, to judge from results. . n Nil iMM 1 . .MillVll l.i.
deliberatelv lied to produce MUM
Ooi'ner JPovX. St I-Iotol Streota
If tho Fiji pineapples ditinped on
tlio wharf hore, owing to their spoil
ing on tho voyage, were fair samples
of the fruit of that country, it is
hard to believe that Vancouver deal
ers pronounced it superior to the
Hawaiian product, as a Fiji letter
elsewhere copied says.
There is a rumor afloat that the
Provisional Government has con
ceded the ricnmmln of tho Jnpanoso
Govornmout, in anticipation of
tho constitutional convention, for
tho franchise to Japanese in this
country on au oijual basis with other
nationalities. If it is a treaty right
tho convention will simply have to
adopt it, all party platforms to the
contrary notwithstanding.
AT t.' O'd.Oil, Ntii
I Mill -il I. vT i-l ill. vi ri"
15 Shares People's Ice A Rcn&rallng Co.
5 Shares Wllder's Mtan.tlp Co.
Jno, jr.
Afi miNT.KII.
Another sido of tho United States
naval interference at ICio do Janeiro
is given by tho correspondent of tho
Gla'govv llorald whoso letter we re
print. According to him Admiral
Ueiiham has simply taken au active
part in support of President Poixoto.
by protecting Atnorican vosels in
landing supplies for that dictator,
as ho should bo called. It will look
htraugo in tho history of those times
tho United States taking action in
favor of tho professed champions of
constitutional law in Hawaii one
year, and tho next year joining in
war against tho champions of the
constitution in llra,11.
statements a the following extracts
from the report will show:
"It is evident the Ijucnu'ii Govern-
tueiii at that time had no power to
I prevent the lauding of troops from
any quarter, no power to proieci
itself against invasion, and tin power
to conduct civil government; in
other words an interregnum existed.
Tli.. (.ineiiti milv held the throne
I under nor oath and the Constitution
anil when she declared hen-ell
absolved iherolrom it was au actual
act of abd.eatioti. r urt hermon
had been overthrown bv tho
pontile of the l-l:llds before the
troops from the lloston landed." ' On Tlll'llSDA V Maivll l..
It is inerelv siillicii-nt to slate this , . , fr(., ,,. ,. N)1((N
expression of opinion here whole the I '
lenleiils took tilaoe. for evelVolu . AT 1" SiVL.r:.R.001A
conversant with the facts to see the . iih,ii. ui'iiin miti-n
In'SiI'abovSraU""1-" Full Ism of Snrcliail Stamps
it should have road as follows: 1 ho
Queen's Government had us miun
power a ever to prevent the lautbu;; !
of troops Imt ilnl not wish !- come .
into collision with tho L'uileil Slate, i
Govorumeut and inopiis lieiieving
that they would disavow the act ni '
their roprcontalivo vvlieu brought
to their know ledge and undo any ;
consequences of his unauthorized
acts: it had as much power as at anv
former tune to protect K-elf in-in
invasion and it still conducted the
civil government
Out-en had not
absolved from her oath to the l-ui
stitution and withdrew Irom h-i
purpose following the advice of h-i
caltiuel as lequireu oy uio v-oesuiu
lion. She was not overthrown until
more than '-M hours after the Un
ion' troops had lauded and oulv
surrendered in consequence of their
presence mid the fact thai Minister
Wo linvc just rt'ci'ivt'd un
(itliiT cai'jjo of liny and (train
In'tliL- 'Mnngard," piM'sonally
si'lfftt'd hv our inanaof in
California : and as we. buy
llii lu'.st. a word lo tin vinu
i.s sulliciiMit. Prompt di'livtM'y.
California Feed Go.
Oifiti:: (Jorntir (Jucon
and Xituanu sdri'ids. Hotli
TclcplK.nv". 1121.
WAUf.iiDfsi: : Kinf s-trt'i't
near O. If. .Vr L. Co.'s Depot.
Until Telephones "!J.
AVill be offei'ed to the Public and it will pay you to trade at
the "TEMPLE OF PA SI 1 1 OX."
For Friday and Saturday Only,
0 .1
Jctn. F 1st nn.
A r iluNl.i'.ll.
IV lliiM.nl on .in.l. Mr. I'. '. Junes
Saturday, March JO, 18H-
The. United States are Hood
ed with thousands of jimcmr.k
have had opportunities for se
curing the agency for a large
number of these articles, but
there are. so few of them that
are worth anything that we re
fused to handle them. One
article, however, that has come
to our notice we believe will
fill a long felt want.
One of the greatest difficul
ties the housewife or cook has
to contend with is keeping the
bread knife sharp. If it is used
for any other purpose than cut
ting bread it is bound to be
come dull. If it happens to be
convenient the cook will use it
for any purpose for which a
knife is used, all the placarding
possible will not prevent us goys (JgnjQ anfl FlaiiettO WaiStS
cuttintr kindhnir wood with it if J Muwfci.w ""
he feels so disposed. The ar
ticle we have in view to remedy
all this trouble is a knife made
very much like a saw, and it
will cut bread without the trace j
of a crumb; warm bread may i
be cut without its becoming i
; heavy. Another knife of the
same pattern, but smaller, ts
adapted for cutting cake on
which there is icing. Still an
other is used .as a parer. The
three are of the finest steel
with nickle plated handles se
curely fastened to the blades
so that they cannot possibly
come off. We sell them at $i
per set and you get good value
when you buy them.
A new lot of clothes wringers fjornor Port and Hotel Sts.,
varyinir in size from that urdi
Elegant Assortment of Colors at 20 CVnlw Eaeh.
Juxt Received by last "Atis-li-alia" a Large Stock of
To be sold for onk vi:i:k only at 10c, V2r., 1 le. and JO.e.
per yard. Goods worth 2fe. a yard.
Tn 10-yard lengths, reduced from $1.00 to 7f cents.
XX JTV. A I JL -Cj- ,
Honolulu, n. I.
IDE XSLA.131u?5
still conducted ihi-iriji. T") nwlrvit n nt
;:it1!;;:.r1,,lt,Cliy ReSlOfitlCes
It, i.rl.ief Ml:. iil. B l-nVlt'iM N,
Will !! n I'.n '' .ell " 'i: Hi)
,s.ii..-r.M in ,' l II !.!, ,
Strong' but just lauKtia(,'o in used
by a correspondent to characterize
tho lyluj; report on tho Hawaiian
matter presented to tho .Senate by
Senator Morgan. Apart from its
falsehoods, soino of which must have
boon deliberate, tho report is a most
unworthy document. Tho language
is so bombastic in places as to bo
especially ridiculous forastato docu
ment. When he refers to crowns
being pulverized, however, t ho aut hor
caino nearer plain fact than ho know.
It happoned that ono of tho crowns
of Hawaii was, if not pulvori.ed,
considerably brokou not by its re
volutionary fall, though, but by tho
hands of ouo of tho dograded pro
fessional criminals tho I. G. placed
on watch over public property.
Whilo Souator Morgau was inditing
his inflated excuses for the piracy of
tho kimrdom of Hawaii, tho more
honest authorities of ouo of the
States wore returning to this coun
try tho jewels of tho crowu stolon
by ono of tho delectable brood ex
tolled by StovonB.
irOSOIICe (lllll UIO IIIVI lll.lt .Minis,. -i , . .. ... Il IVi- elll.-e. since in- n-irijiiMK". -
Sevens had already n.,,.i,.ml the ! The FollOWillg City ReSUMCCS! 1 j'''";,,'.' ''','? S,M.'!:"rt,i' "pVy
o support it by force if lieceisary. . lTt. v.m. "f -m.t luv. Id iIk- i'iirir.itni of mlil
. ... .1.. !... tl.. I........ I., i .tl..i....l 11..... II Iiiln lui mill
III IIIU Slllll'llieiii. in. il mil- ,,.......,.1 I...U..1
vva,"no i.ovverof law ti. nmtecl the I KSIUKVl. ON COirNKI.' ! ,i. ,,..-i-l..-r.l.y ..i..lnii.l lor li.-arin-
va no povvi r oi iu ! iu i i hi ..... ...,., ,. ..... .. wit; ' ml.l iiiifl mi m l.i.-li tlnm nml jilurc
c tizeliit of the Lulled State., it is WlLDl-.K A LSI i, AM) Iv.V ' it,-i lor. li.i h.iv .r..Vi-.l Hn-lr cfu in.
siilllciout to slnlo that the tjueoiiV
Cabinet, before ami alter the laudui
piulani sTici:i:r.
of the Boston's troops ollieialh , Mffi "J ti?..,:&M
olfereil in person to pmvide all Hie riHM11 ' ,.A ,;,.,, t , ,,( ,. , .
proleetloll neeueil oy any ciiizeu. ui i: . ruiitit i i n- e. i- e i --. 1 1
the United States iu the ii-ual nian- ll-u-i- .n-.ii:i i. u i mil i ! r-..i...
u II m.t fur ir.. iimliT iHiiler ef Illtortll-V 111
,, i ..,.. -rs,H. imi.im- to ...) i"-,'.;;'- j nnrjiy j.C(i i)V lamilies to the
11 I very large one used in sug
mills for wringing sugar Ixi
I hese wc olfer you
I;rancisco prices.
The standard scale in the
United States i.s the Fairbanks.
The government uses them in
all of its weighing and so favor
ably are they known that peo
ple look with suspicion upon
anything weighed on any other
I .iei.li inir.iiiii. nii'.T nn- iirm imiiii-nti-i scale. e have recently added
i it- ..i . v. .-.nn u.i " .tilling rr.nii .tui . ... .!... ,.r . i......
IU Ulll .-11V'V-I .1 IlllllllJlil VJ1 llll. ill
suitable for ue in stores or
mills. There is no second
quality in a Kdrbanks and
when you get one it will last
forever without repairs.
We have a large assortment
of very handsome Call Hells
which we off.-r at low prices.
This includes the plain ding-a-
ling a ling sort and the kind
that sounds just as if it had
an electric battery at one end;
nickle or .silver plated as your
tastes run and the price won't
Jlotmliilit. Miir.li, l!ll.
v 1 1. im'.i.'mivs aim: iibiibiiy noii-
.V -1..I iliiit l.-.nij; iv (lilnis litis- n
iiil ir.iei tlie iI'hi ' I i-'in ' -iinu Im-m
... .. inine .i.-in ir. tiil'intl slni't.
II. Ilii'llel, llMSl 1 1, ei.l t.l- llill'l'i--'. Ill s-llil
llrm t-i Tun i'Ii..iii sulil l'inu " "IiIiiix
I- urn re-iio'isllne "-r I'liy llii'null-- ef -nl-l
Him. I.BhN'-i .'Br. III mi
liiiuoliilii, Mitn-liN I "I '.ii lvv
l .In-fullii.li.c ii.iniisl -roiii fernii-.l
I. I.. teiuriv "ii ii".irul iiiur.-liiunilM-
I'li-lm-.. .ii IjiI'iiIiiii M -ni.
All l.l.o l. Mimolii ii.
li's-ti" I . Ai IUY. l.-u. ill-Mi
N I'lll.l'llll I'll oflSI. I'lllhTCIII.
i-.! nf ill.- MttvMiii in l-l. in. I- III tin-
On TI'INDW March ''7. nuutir f p. M. mi.. ef IIuiioIiiIii,
Wll It I.,.""i. 1 . .vi.iii.ll i. U!((1 ll rv IM rn.t. I i-m r.ii-lln
..II. .l ..!.. .....Ill M I.....-
T l ill llll'K Ml IS' , HUH l.linu nn- UI"liei -...... - -
. I I. 'III.'I'IV .VI', I. , ...,,,. . I. .. I ill! 4 X llllllllIlK
. 1 III.. ttllltl I II II I.
Ii ivi. -iii.-.--l .iiH-e In- rt'i- ii-IJihIk"! lianK-
:s to the ' i j o
at San!
The Drug IJusiness heretofore carried by IIol
lister & Co. has been incorporated under the
name of the . . ....
Hollister Drug Co, LI
Having the largest and most complete stock in
our line, we are prepared to off r our cuMtouici'3
the best goods at the lowest prices.
There has boon a poaco patched
tier by either the military or police
forces of the Kingdom, of whom
there wore Milllcieul to put down
unaided anv riot or rebellion tin
assisted In foreign governments.
As to the statoinout iu inference to
Blount's report ''that the agitated
statu of opinion and feeling iu Ha
waii at tho same time intuit- il iie.xl
to impossible to obtain a full, fait I
and free declaration of facts,-' I must '
say that the testimony of every wit- I
uess lioloro .Mr. uioiiui aim i an iiu
nowspapors hero on both sides unite
in branding this assertion as au nb
solute misstatement of what actually
was the case, viz.: that .Mr. Illouut
received the fullest and most truth
ful statements from both .ides possi
ble for any ono to obtain. 1 shall
not take up your space further in
discussing the numerous other inae
curacies, nor shall 1 indicate at the
present tune tlio-o whom in my
opinion aro to blaine fur such inac
curate conclusions having been come
to by Senator Morgan and his aso
cialos, loaviug it for a litler occasion.
Honolulu. March 12, l-'.H.
I.Vl'.'i.i-llt VH "' II i
i'i:kmi.-i on i:kiji:iania
Aili'ihnni: ili" r'.-i
f.-i-i mi Hi r i .i . -I
vtu I r--1 1 lii li-
roum-, I-iiiiii. i .-ii
-i rvi.tii' ii.iii.'U .
K'i nn mill.
' f Mi-. 1'i'ir si
ui. i I -ivi- 1'iirl.ir,
mi-, I' -mi .j- in- 1 1-1-
i Ki'.-i.- ., ii.nl. -in.
I.- , i-l!-. Ili-iit. ini ?;.i
Up DOlWOOn IHO Allioricail leiinue
and tho Union Party. It was finally
olfocted at a joint commtttoo meet
Vi n..nil ii.it.l.'. liv Win. Wnitner,
riillllii' HI "lint "ll U u.ni -f-1 1. Illlil'l
iiijj in who I ii .ur. ' -iliiniii I. :ii in- I'm -ir
ii i.l l-ii.in.'n i.i.i, Tun I iiri- ISi Ir-'..i.i ,
I I'.intr), Kin lirii, Il ell. ll'. .1-1 1 litr.iiK1'
I ilmi-i'i, i..'i i i. r . - -r ii n ii
' trvw Tin-ii'livi- ll Di-iruii i .'hy I: si-
il.-iii-., ut i.t .-ut iiii'ier ri-iu il, niii-r u
i-rj il.- Iriili'i'i limi I'lnriiive inn' tnrtlin
itn'tlii-i i.i mi iniiruvr.l I. mli'iii u.
IQv- 1 urili i ..-irtii-il! irs i-iin In- hul of
J.s. P'. ivIor3:a.ia,
Will no. -ml tn Minni'iiH'iil lin.l Ml If
ui l'i.i--riy .ii.. i iiili-i-ihu hi
nil it- Ii an. In ".
Houses aiitl Land For Sale
Nuiili. rl.v i-uriii-r u' 1. ulna uinl 11-n-tanlii
mi" i ; One ilimr I il.iw l.i-ui. J. lAivey,
I on "tr ni. U7.i tl
..... . . . . i . i i
"remaps you VVHIIIU lint IIIIIIK -o, , U-:i r
liiil ; v-nrv l.-iiirn nrniinrl loll of (lis- I '- I' -I'll
eases iu .Siiw Vork conies from care
lessness about catching cold," say.
Dr. Cyrus ldoii "ll i.siicn a siiii-
)lo thing ami .') conuuoii that vi-iy
it is a ca.e oi
unouinonia, pay any aiieiiiiou to a
union, llioroioro ii can oiuy no iu- , i-oni, .mjvv i oihisoiiimii ine ih-hhih-
Kordod as poaco on paper. It will est places on the atianiic L-.ia.t ami
bo rudely tested when the tlll0 Ij'fl tlin. nn.n groat many ca-e. of
uo ruuiiiy y " , . . , ,i i catarrh and eoiisiimptioii which have
comes for electing delegates to tho . . . .. ...... i,.,.t ,,f i.
constitutional convention. Tho sul- I Mimplost precaution of everyday life. ' 'J1
Ion and desultory firing kopt up be-I The most sensible advice is, when , ,Ml.lN
ing last Sunday. A common Hill- 1 1 "l.k '.XH
cal platform is the symbol of the llliul,m,iuia, pay any
Therefore it can only do ro-
Yol!il'.i: ni- Mlt. M.I! I'nI.ltl'ltN.
mi' imr. Lint in Hi" I'Hivi i.iii-nf
. .11 l.ll 'I i- -, I -I
An ii" f. ' 111 ' '
I iniiv i-iiii.-ii', iii nn ni. rn-nii, iji--i
-i ,,i, 11 im i sill l:lnY,i r Ii
Jl, !"'l. i IJ .-'en Ii - I'm. hm it I
I liirnn-'-iy ui-- en i-.-iy ii W '' vein -Ii-I
mull liiiv UK Im-i-ii in i'- I'V - I l Ai-Iii ill
ill. I lillj. lll-lil 'II III III" I'li'V-l" on- ni I.H-
illuli'.-lli'1 -I. ml i
, JAS. I'. M -I.UW.
I Ilmiiiml i M r-li ', I 1. ".7 I 'i
twoon tho organs of tho rival fac , )'"" hnvii on., got lid of ,t as s...... a.
1 u , . . ., i i a i possible. My all mean, do not ni-
tious shows that tho agreement does j(ttf .,., , ,,(Ui(l ((ii, (1, t(,
I Till' ANT VI..MI.B' IS-. ui Till.
Mil. I MM' n M .N V 1 ' I" -
ll ' 1 ml ..i ii- 'ni!
ii, r-,iii I Inn - wr- w-i. e.i'i .-l ler
not amouut ovon lo a complete
armistice. Tho radicals of the
League will find that, while the
authors of platforms iu this country
may propose, tho plutocrats will dis
pose. Already, with tho now plat
form Iu another column doclariug
you how to cure a emu nut wo win.
Talio Chamberlain's (,'oiigh Iteundy.
It Will relievo the lungs aide.ne
titration, open the n-eretioii. and
soon olfecl a permanent cm.-. ."
and Ml cent bottle, for sale by all
dealers. lioiiMiii, Sum It A Co,
ugoiiW for tho Hawaiian Ilaitds.
ll-. ,.iiiin' v. in
W It ii -linn
.1 Bi-.i
II U- l ' in
.1. I. M- I. i i
1. VV II-. in ii
, , , .- i
i m: HUM Oil ii.iiikiiiii in ii iipiuir uuu
1 .Ii iw i-mi-e if i.l.y lln'v Invevvliv lite iruy-i-f
i.( iilil i.il:iiit sliuulil nut fin KMIlti'-l.
l.v tin mill :
III.'. I.V kill" I l'l..rL-
I nrt.,n I -,.inii .'. i. ...
1 ii. .im iiiii Mu e'.i s, tu. nro-'.t i luirt you no matter winch you
DAVID DAYTON, j Thearticles mentioned above
i ! are for use in the home and
1 Agent io Tale Acknawledgraonts ! irol;,n'f:rurc'co" "Lch. "iw
either of the latter places a
fence is as necessary as the
land itself, and when you are
uumjr an article iue a lence,
something which under ordi
nary circumstances must be re
paired from time to time, it
miht be well to buy the kind
th.it is constructed on a plan
that reduces the wear and tear
to a minimum. We have no
recollection of ever seeiii,' or
hearing of one that embodies
Qnfi Ovivn" Qt fPnllnui as ,mu,y r,ia,v 8onu Pus as
0U1L OUaiJb (X iallUW i the Jones Locked. Its cheap
I ness is not the only thing that
commeucis it io me ))uouc.
Its construction is such that
cattle may try as hard as they
like they cannot break it down.
The wins will not a, so that
there is practically no icpair-
j i ing to be done. I he growing
demand for tin.' Jones fence is
i convincing piool tii.il it is des-
I lined to supercede all other
1 .... I..., k I I .1 .1 I , I I I I 1 ! I . l.llVl.l
1 nil... t ,. i.,t ti:s m i:rs ai ' ,v;i " ,u'r" ,,.,"'- i:c,Us
eacn ir sun wire hi.ivs io
S3SO ECII. Iiakc tl
583 "F'ovt 8tvt - - - "Honolulu, H. I.
Ti:i.i:riio.sn i
r o nux .ira
in vi.icii in -
Fresh California Roll Iiutter and Island Butter
New Goods Received by Every Steamer from Sao Francisco.
All Onli'r. faithfully tittrml to. hull-fiiiiliiii j;u:irnii!.-i'-l. ..iiul llnk-ri
uuil pacliuil with curt.
Lincoln Hmck, Ivino Stkukt, Ui:t. I 'out and Ai.akk.v Siiu:i:i&.
t kino ii:i:i;t.
F. O.
EOX 341.
Hbknleia Stock Farm,
I. 0. IIU.X '.llT
W hocsa
i! ifi llcliiil Grocers
H. I.
Provision Dealers & Naval Supplies
Frosh Goods by Every California Steamer.
Im.ni Oiiih:ii!i Soi,iciti:ii. jfli &CT Smim.vitiun Ulaiia.viukd.
TKI.KI'lloXi: .'-
r. o. itox
iMruitixiiM am Di:vt.i.iis in
v". Ii i.
i i -..ifn
. .1. l.i.
M'll... I I 'A
' l.l.iit
I . I hll-l I.
, - I'liirv ,
i.'iiil ',
-ii .
I., S. Ni io, I '
I I, Mnl'li,
II. M. I.I. W,
I. I. rt N. i ii , l.'il.
"Somiy Soy" Service, S20.
.r snii wiiti si.iys io - n ' a i r i
: a::;::;v: Groceries, - Provisions - snd - Feed.
HulK-lulu. II. I.. MuriUii, IMI 'Jl Iw 017 Jiu .'.si
W. (JAY,
costs I
itiiin f.ir )our o)ii'.ii.lcr.iiiiiii.
Hawaiian Qarilware Co., Jd
l)i'imlli' Hpri'i'l hIi' lllonk,
N. h (l.xi.l- lli-i-i Ivi-il Ii) i;i-r 1'ai-ki l fr.iin ilu l.i u-in Miit. mni :.iiii.'.
All Ui.Iiti. Iiiltiilnlly iiti.'ii-l.il tu iiml i.e. I
lrtin ul Hi- i it y 1 111. I..
ii v. r .1 I,- mi)
KAS'l OOltXl'.K l-'tllfl
kin'ii 8Titi:i:m.

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