OCR Interpretation

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, June 05, 1894, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1894-06-05/ed-1/seq-2/

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A" "" J .
omminnnnim-ii. i w
m, .T51m Yhillniin I not suit us
ov uiiy i'Hiinui. .,!, rt
In I'reiident Cleveland' ini"ai
to Conyres, traimtuittitic, (.'hiiiiiih-
It 1; not American froo
n Swiss Constitution.
If uh e.ih to do auav with the
monarchy, let in do it properly.
Abolish "the title MinUters ami call
them secretaries. You can ay that
my opinion i that it is a rotten
AvintKit I. U. Mv. who iliil nol
wish hw name mentioned, said,
ilaww iaiteare Gu., W
Saturday, June ", I8!t4
ORDWAY & PORTERGrocery, Grain
. Tli. .-..Ml U.i fntiilit.t Itufftni 1int Mill)
sionor Mount report, appear- th;,jm.f y,M fl,r,(,, it T, ('ollve
following paiatfe: lion may pa it over our headt, but
,. . , ... i ,i i watch for the coiiM'oiteneei". You
Uyauacto war, cntii.u.tted with k , , l , , ,,
the participation of u diplomatic re ,. (( ,..;,.,
pnwiitativo of the United Slate. , ,' y .
null lu.tl.itltt quOinritt nf I mnrrii.a . . ... L.. I.
i...x. ........... ............. ... .. ...... . , , ., n .... 1 '.....I ilnliMii' Wi.ll. I nil
the Government of a feeble hut i
frien lly and confiding people ha
been overthrown. A iihitantial
enn say il i a very ooil one
a, ml not hum clianiroiL
II I......... Ii M....I ..I ll.,.
. ., , i . 1. i 1 1 won ii.iM.n. i ii-m.-iii in tin-
wrong has thin been done win h a S.lim,t(.M v,,rt.in club. did not wish
lo venture an opinion, without hrt
'onultnii; the member. He had
read the Cointittitinn over twice
and would like to read it over a
third time. The club wa to meet
Robinson Block, Hotel St., bet. Fort & Nuuanu.
duo reirard for our national charac
ter as well as the rights of the in
jured people requires we should en
deavor to repair. The Provisional
Government lias not assumed a re
publican or other constitutional
form, but has remained a more exe
cutive council or oligarchy, cet up
without the assent of the people. It
has not sought to lind a permanent
basis of popular support aud ha
giveu tin evidence of an intention to
do so. Indeed, the representative
of that (iuveruuietit assert that the
this evening for the express iiurposc
if considering the Constitution.
By Jixa. F Morgan.
oi inui lowiuiiioiii Hsiri in. ii int. .. 1 1 J n i I ii,.
rtm -'.- Furniture 7ean8.1.mcmbera,i,p m any'
.hatTheVi'anbebeA IX'lbvarbiV at auotion ! military organizations. It
may be construed, also, to in
Suction 2 ol Article 14 of
the Constitution may have
been considered the "one
thing needful" by those who
prepared the draft, but it may VC. have Just Keeeived from San FraneiHeo per Barkentinc
not meet the views of a majo 1 "Planter" the Layout Assortment of Furni-
rity of the delegates. To the ture ever imported into this cotm-
nun up a tree there is no ap ! '''.V. comprising
parent reason why John Doe,
who carried a musket at the 1
time of the revolution or has
Supported the government by In PolM Onk nml of the Vorj Latest PflgiM. AIo,
display of arms or the frequent
use of his tongue or pen, should
be accorded special privileges
not enjoyed by his neighbor,
Richard Koe, who said nothing
and sawed wood. "Substan
ti.il Service," as we take it,
-- A.2STD
Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets
In PolM Onk nnil of the Vorj Latest t)elgn. Al'o,
Extension T.itilos ill slrc with I'linlrx ittiil SMchiiirls to nittch
Wu have n t'niiii1ctc stock ol these goods.
We hnve them In
I)lvnn cortfeil with I'nrtlers nrp tho latest thing out.
uotmtli-u vnrlfly.
From u large and varied stock the undersigned would draw
particular attention lo the following:
Comprising California Hay, Hurley, Uollcd Barley, Bran,
I Middlings, Oat, Corn.
2CS5 1" addition to our usual stock of these we are now
earning Washington Ilran, Oats and Hulled Barley.
These are each possessed of strong feeding properties and
are well worth a trial by all interest -d in stoek.
i "LJI T f T T I m Califotrian and
i-C O-J - 1 9 JT, Washington 8tate.
Royal and "Cleveland " Baking Powders!
trary or desimtie ttouer.
rre.sideut Cleveland's ehare that
the I'ruvisinual Government had
not assumed a republican or other
cuiititutiuiial for in is likely to be
uiil) half ot rid of by the elhirt
On Wl-:i)XKSlAY..Itim',
A I In OTI.ni'K A. M..
elude the men who were tem
uorarilv emnloved in some
i tli IN-l.tem-e of Mr. KKANK ll'tl" I , f .
kiii.y. I'limi i -treit, irti. en n.re ' departments ol the govern
illln ilfrvt nti'l I'.iltiee Walk I lllell I .11 1 V .
,t I'Hi.i..- ion. , itient aud who supported it at
It seems
: abused
republican in name. It certainly
does not provide for popular govern
incut, but for a overiiuient
uiouexed aristocracy. In oil
uurds. it is meant for a perpetuation
ol the oligarchy under the faUf
name of a republic. If the liowrn
uieiit of (.treat llritaiu eie!mldeiil
changed so that the House of I.011U
Mould be the dominant legislative
body, it would not make more of a
coutiat with the prcifiit democratic
control in t hut country than the
prop. M-d republic here do..s with
the mild monarchical ownine'iit
of Hawaii in the recent past. The
L'uited Slate Government and pen
II ...ti n-li.ti llinliiK-rciin lnlile,
1 lu'fc.n. II. irmeruinr Mem nl-'.
Kilrh- 11 tnv- ilihl I lellll
hu Lie , hie., Kl
W he U-null'ul .leluiis of tle-o itikmIs, consisting of Sofiis, I'linlm, tlnokrrii, Klc,
Ktf. oil cau get these gooils in nuy llnlsli yon (Iculrr.
4DJBM.Ml 111 s
I'lirlnr Clnlrs. Dlnltiu room t'lnlr. Ito'-ltlnx I'linlr. onip Chnlr. I'lilioltteroJ "litri.
High Clinlrn, Kic. Km. 1 HOCK SALT
Cribs and Cradles!
e noriiiieiu 01 wwveii vir .tlKitrp,e4l.Hf,ruiK, lliilf, 31m,. Wool aiiM Slmw MM.
No t nlnnyt In "tuol. st lot iimi
ket rignre-i
3s. .'!. If p-r hii'e
Liverpool Co-irse, li'2 ll Iiiks
KtiftlNh Imlry, M lb. tm(;s
Jum V
now beinj made to frame a cointi- The Etitiro : Houviholcl 1 Furnlturo. 1 SO milch per diem. It Seem
tuti.Mii The form in 5ilu in the , (M (f . that this section can be abuse
II-. .. ...I. .....I I !... ..iii.t..ni '- ilrhfl '
I II'I?IIMUII 1 ii i-i iiiiit-ih - Mltlltl , 1 I 1 I
which the convention do n RoSeWOOtt FiailO, I Wllllc,Ul ,,m'1 l )" "'
likely lo materially modify, is only i ..hui.t. ml I'nrh.r -el. ' of men, who, while not active
ly engaged in the formation
.'.. Hair & Spring Mattresses, !,r mnwn .? th Bmmem.
.r 1 ( jiavti contributed to its support
by the payment of taxes
an olTset to the Kanaka vote
the Constitution of 1SS7 grant
ed unusual i.tcilitics to aliens;
by that same token, the Con
stitution of 1S94 grants simi
lar privileges lor the same
kksi DENCKinr. '"" rh '"fc,r
(piilllllLilllllll. I II. II Ul lilO;
On Fort street. ;tfave the right of suffrage to Cabinet Making """ Branches by Competent Workmen
' !...- ..I ....... .1.. ..,.. .-..ril
pie Will bv the draft of the con On WKDN'KSl) Y .Illllf t'. , 1 1 V ,''-', "' , "', . We nmke.i -(M-lni feature ..f INTKItlOll DIX'OKATIWI. lltln tKtmrtiii-nt
Itilution ,hi the pre-ent oligarchy . . '' ''e and bought or leased ., ,he rrw...,i ..,,-nrM..- ! Mh .,..oh..k Oh..iv,v.
waliltl to be hllllipered b llothilij; 1 l-J 01 I.OI h NOON. ; lands and bllllt homes; the 1 Tn- All our UihkI. lire I'M-ohii.. 1,11.1 from UiHWy l-ntvl OcsIkiis. A rUlt lll
so little as bvAiiieiicau piiuciplesof " ": r."ii. -.... '.'"'"' - coiisiuuuoii 01 iny umes uu .".. . -
1 14 tt I 111 lTl'illI! (lit rtlll IIMVI. m J
. . ....! .. .m .. ..I llllltt Mil 1
Oar Prlce3 are Positively Placed at Bedrock.
.50.1 PS-
CulifornlH Lietielr).
llurrclsniiil Half llarrelt
LA lll)
Oreeii Konn
"I'lcitjeur,' Kol(;r In tlm anj r
A choice vmiIvI) of leiilliit biamlt.
IH'I .'
At rrin.NFKH.
r.c.1', on Ii mil 11 id itmile to urilur.
rultN'li'K I'ol.KH IN WOtUlOU llttASU lit I MM I SOS.
t Morton's EntttU Orocnrlu.
Croiso Sc Ulockwoiru KiiRliiih Orootrlu.
I.lbby, McNeil A Libhy's Canned Mtmu,
nicharilson & nobbin't Onntmd MoaU
I'A I'Elt-
IMii, 'Inblu 1111I Drlul
MA CVA noxi-
7V4 Ulnt IS lb. txixea
A lurK- Tiirleij .
Ilmnn Winpiiliid
Elc , Etc .
Kerosena "Aloha" & "Star" Kerosene
i;oi eminent They will coucluile
uioie b the true character thu-!elf-portraei
b our preeiii ruler
than by all the distorts! report
they havi receiveil of the character
i-lic.s of the native Hawaiian people,
that Hawaii is not yet lilted by a
Joritr wa,f lo becoino a member of
i lie I'liimi of Slate- whoe govern
uniil is of the people, by the people,
(or tti peoile.
l in; ilirHMii. I Will II nt I'ultlli An.'-
lion in.. iT.-iin-. 1111 run soeei.
Ml l.fl -I lit IHt'llllUll ll)
Constitution of 1 Sy4 takes the ''" '" ""' "i','"
right from many uf them un
less they take an oath to ob
Supplies, Hardwaru. Wn Mi
Mm, Furniture. Etc., Etc.,
HAND A'l MullKltATK IMtlCKa.
P..- l'H lu 11 rriiiiiiiue nf l feel iiti Kurt :.,p,. tbnir lli..ii:inc., to tln-ir
,, .j.i.v. ..... ..... i........
Ill'fl .III I I- frntn
. olltillll" IIUH nerer
to '.ll I. el ilifji illnl
native land If John Doe,
Pnort od nHincDc. who owns $200 worth of linen-
i.n 1 iik I'lioi'Kitrv.
Ili;ix525 -TliliRPIIOXISS -MriT.u. 645
cumbered property, may vote
aud hold hi allegiance to the
v ,ii.inii.iii i.iH.Miinit) 10 imreh.i-e n ; governments of the Lulled
oiiwlil -nt Ill-Mil. nee mi I In llnu of the I o , ir.i....,,.. lln.ei. !u m.
I--, rt-i t .-.ir. riir i.n.-ri) vin in fstatcs or iiuiope, tuere is no
I i.iieie.1 in mi m-1 ,." i o) reason why Richard Koi-, who
1 -u-.itM8oHii int'.s u-Mfoin. I M,iyS taxes on from one to
iii. ii enn lifer iisiise. ! i i i n i
twenty thousand dollars worth
Jaa F Morgan, , of property, should not enjoy
wimt uiiiHront 1'oopiu Hnvo 10 say j u, ., vt' TtoNKKii. J the same right. The man who
About th jrnfi. owns property on the Islands
Tlui. moriiiiiL' a Ih i.i.itin repoiier , HfillQAnftlfl ' H 111Tlltlll1P has a oreatur interest in main-
.all,e.l forth to .iii,er "V1 i'li1.a1 1 J at t -roii tainiiig good government than .
opinions on tlieilraft of ( ontilu- A.T AUOTION p r h. .... ...
lion siibuitite. by I'ruii'leiit Dole to f t f le who (Mil park all of his With the Ati-t i alia ' ilcpiirtini;
the C'onveiitioii. ( )u Tl 1 1 f KS1 ). Y . luiie Ttli. j bt'loogings in a grip sack and' Muv '2'1 will go forward or-
uLXulZul, i" "ka.m. I take a vessel lor Cod knows .f.-rn fi.r ft.ll' .,.,.li or
l.'oiistiiiiiioii oi.r once, anil really , i .,, i .... ,u I'ni.il.- Aneii-n. m ihe It i-1 where. Let tlii: voting Fran . ?, -,,-,-
hive not formeil any opinion at all. !; I Mw. Jni ! LAIN (.s-k c,ise be given only those llU WIJaUCl D
Golden : Rule : Bazaar
A New
Departure !
KwongSingLoyf SING LOY,
407 KlDg SI., "Tliomas Block."
Mutual Ttlo. 339.
5153 Klug St., neir Miunikea Si.
P. 0. Box 207.
I.j pr. nit-ii.). I'orner of I ort
lilnl ll.-reuuiU Mreetx,
t oilM-tili! of
Sing'e and Double Bedsteads!
people who become actual ciu
.Ion ! Jleilrnotll s,.t,
W.iriir.iliei., lliiri'iuis.
Witrh.iiiMiN, ltihle
I Kl VI .n , i (HtMCK roi.hB,
liit I look on it. ihouli. ! iKiuply
I '..... i. ..... . Miiltii.il I...I t.. ll...
v. iniri ii in i.iii -.i.iiiii . i .', ... in.- Ill I
L'onvuuiion to mutilate, annuel, cut Vim . Knliru : Houauliold : I-'urnituru, I .ells and Who possess tile
up, iucliatc, accept or I. r in a
new on, out of it. I havn really no '
npiiiioij, only having reail it oer
OlICU. !
P ('. Josi.s. Tie only reel it
over once ami although I liaco'l
Htuilieil il very carefully, 1 consider
it a win excellent iiulo for I lie
Com cut ion to ko by. It is a !
tioctimeiit ami ory carefullv ilrawn
As I f-aul I have only reail it oer
ca-ually, but I think on the whole it
is a tine ilicuiiieiit.
A I'ftoiiiM.M Mni.iiitNr on l-'ori
ft reel stateil that he llioillil II wa
a pretty fair ( 'oust um ion lit. hail
uot, however, rcati it over can full.
IntMIlK I'celi too bll- illirill I lie
past rw days. "I will ivn you mv
opinion on aomethiu elhe, a well
m on the C'oiiKtitulion, later." was
hU purling alutn.
. V. II i.i.: I haven't read the
Constitution lliiouh y, haviui;
necessary qualifications other
than thosi orescribed under
the head of "Special Rights of , S."?" Siil.-i;riiiiiin, nru soli-
f'l'tJvMt.cl,;.." n i h?c lr,r I '"''' '"" " kllldl, OlNuV,pll.
.in.rtli S,.,.r,..1 k'i.rhr rhi.K,. ! lr iiinl lVnodicuh. wl.iel. will
' j--- - - -
The following testimonial ,
has been reeeived from a pro
minent plantation owner and
P.O. Box 207. Mutual Tele. 685.
ChiuitKo, .lapiinosii and Indian Goods!
Indian Silks, Laees and lmem..
Japanese Crapejj. Chiiie.se Mat ling,
Silk Handkerchief, Shawls and Scarfs,
ttru-s Cloth, linttun Chnli-a, Etc., Etc.
American and English Goods I
......,.;..,. .......r..i .....i ............ ...
I , ll.. I H'l'iH viii fi in nil. i mi. iiiiii in
tirlll li 'llitic.1 ft ic (rrii.ir " f l '
..... wv- ..n.,..v, .. l.. h...... .... ..,,,.
Ladies' & Gents Hats, Boots and Shoes
m i. vr..i: x7!ii wr
,.vl-nl In ,,niln lh.i !..!. 'V,"T'. .. . v I II .. ,. . MUUKS, VJIIlSl'h, IT UHUV IV II1V,
CENTER HUGS, L0UNGESI ' r ;" a. "" " " ' V' ' ?f ah mi .-ripiio. ....i.t be -. T , , (.o ()n (.,,, Ktt. Etl.t
iii.t..n jinii.il. MiLuiiuNVis ilexes ol the Loin enlion to cer- .,i, i,i-,,nfitl uud in udvuiice I lum- exprri...eiiie.i w tin Lu-oioii for
I ' .'.. 1 -rULK ; tain persons who had not won ; jllM , !e Mlll'a. n , l...Kl. the ,ub- lf".";;.!?!:! "? POKU BT Til li N I'M BKKS jrt
n '...t ki Ro Kinn ct,w s. 407 Kinn Strnfit
UOCOa aild Cllllia Matting! Speaking ol pnvili-es re- lher i.iuv-i.siii.etti.r iinWi.KiH' fiirtiuir iiii.Ui , Jl"JO IV111U iJlICUl VX 1X3 i Ulill) iJliCOl.
ML xl mIIX K.c. l,.c . Kte. .mind US. The brii.' "W. Ci , X3T In W u-w deparllliv 1 inoio -aiWoclory hi -wry u tlmn Ilii- 1.
j.tB p uor.au, Irwin brought us Oil Stoves '"l" ' receive me -mine smuv
II. IN., I LIU, 11. L, Mil) '.'ll, IS'll.
I'M'llic Hakiih uik Co. l.'li, lloiioltim.
(ieiillimrii! -
Ml". II
Dollar Map of Honolulu
if I i if I lllli UiVKItl'Jftl-MKVI
, . .. , ..C .,,. i ............ i. 1. 1.. I. 1.,. I...f... ....
At-i Tio.sr.Kit. witnout iiuinoer, an sorts anti " i"" """? " ', "-
!conditionsandenouLduosui.ulv,,""l'M.1 lo "".' '" "H elloitr,oi my
! . r" - . i null iitiiil.ilrii'ii nitil I jtitit cut1
..II.....I (J'.t.M ..! I- ..-. ...l I -... ..' - ..-. -.... ,. ,
i rvei i viiiiti . iiiiiirr in iriiiiin-
.- j , ,
I . .U.. 1..1.k.wl.. i n ..
, .Ml UK IUIIU. , M.IV.MUC I 1io ,K. ..ji,..,!,,,.,.,!.
, a convenient article and no '
I lie coiiliilmiCf tliiw iiHonlei will
had company at the Iioiim. .Srttiirday '' ;'t ' I'll", l hit lift-MI.M
eveniiiK. IJ, no far a, Ihe francl-e , , 'Vni IX,
claue it, concerned, I tlllllK It a MTV ...inn, It w . M11..1 IIhmiiii.i. howuii!
jllat one. I helium ill people horu nil Hi.-ft eet itinl 'li-Mnei". Tliu reh'illur
here ami DlOe Willi hecollle cltli'l
voUiil;, the aule a it i in the
State. There you hao lo bcome
it citleu before you can Mite I
doil't behove III people colililit; here
lioiur ailovu'd to vote. They liould
become citi.etin before they be al
lowed the privilege. I'erhap- if I
m in the Con wnt ion I iniylil w
for a 8 1 i k 1 1 1 chaiiKe. Imt n it i I
think il'u jut.
WoiiKivojiA.v, aUo a I. U. Ye.
I'vo read ihe (Joii'.tiliitiou, and I
t built it would laiiil a few chmii-.
1 Btronly object to the Sunday iaw.
That part ouht and i-hoiilii be
T H. Miiiiiv. I'lifideni of the
American League: My opinion ol
ihe CmiHiit ill ion Mihmitled to the
Cuiiveiiliou, in the same a that of
line 'if Hit. .Moi I- SI ll.el ciiuiu, llt-l
i-iveil. rii.- i''! U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - t ,
'pin i a-, mi'ii.y n u-
1 lll-ll.ll llllulll-. t I'l
ill il private i uniil .'l
Hi Sn l7 Niniiiilil -Heel.
NV ilimr- iilmVi Vine iml ! I
home is complete wiihout one,
the hioh price and difficulty of
obtaining alcohol makes the
oil stove necessary for heating '
water in ihe nijht in case the
baby has a little colic.
Tile justly celebrated Key
stone Heater has made its
third appearance on our shelves
and this time in sufficient
ouantitv lo stioolv all demands.
W. F.
inl't ;i
"V y
t ; - 7 ,
Ol'C S '
Wholesale Retail.
in i,i. LiM-; or
n mi. 1 1. ri r i or. i ui mi.
1 K.r-i I'hv.m iiiiwiiiiui, i-toi. iii l-'or tpiick beaiino of eyis or
Ihe iimtiei il lli" lliilil.nieli uf 11 Niiktil- . I . , ,
a ! mi. m i.oiKHi uiki Hiiiniiitii, uf liiiu i the. preparation ot irtitts Mr
ll.Ain i e.Miii ut ihe iili lliiiikruiit . V. i . .
r. hei. i. ii.niiieii in euim. m una pmiri-1 dessert the Keystone neater
tiieir ii.-iii" ixiii, e Hi.- i ir, mi i nun ! mi' vlc .,,. ,,,,.,.,
hi-i I' in the iimriroi ( .u,i nas 111) upi.ll.
..iin in ii.imii ihi Oiihuim i-'iiinvv ! We have another invoice of mnQ-nOCO1 ' PfinflQ I
hi'mr, '!,' "i 4 ' " -!-"i . .- ic ' i V. .he f.ireiin.m"iiii'.'i Pansy Iron stoves to take the udlJdilVJlJU i UUUUu !
iiiiiiii i r ihe "iil-l ilm iiml eh el mi Ar"l(j. M.... .,( rl,llt.n C,,L1 ciiw,. thw
oi in.. -in i iiiiiikriiiit i;nite place oi tuose sold since tne
I'ertlllll li.lllit work wliioli Ullb ulwiiNf
ftlck wild llimecil oil. .Irleil hunl when
I .Ill-Ill 1)11 Will. Il.eil.
Yonry truly, Aco. Hiikihi.
Direction for Uso.
Um- l.iicoi. in cry rcpcel in the
Mime m.iiiiiei nr. you would liimcil
oil, wiili th.-fiiiikileoxcoptioii ilnuyoii
limy .iilil fully ont-ipiartci more l.r-
' col, lo I he Mime ipiiuuiiy ol pii;uieiit
umn you would ol liiirct-il.
In iixiug iiicttilliL'. Veiieii.iu red, ihe
ochrc, anil other dry pii;mciiti, it - '
iidviHitblu to mix up ihe puiul nl lcil '
one day hcfoic it in to he iim-iI, then
mill ii lliiul iiimii' 1,1'coi. .iml the p.dni
will lit) found tj I'nM'i well nnil hnvi
II U1""! nhwci.
When limd MirfiiccK uui'li u.- iIihiih,
Mieph, oic, are mpiircd iixi liiliiru'i
only, never uhi- .lupniih
Benson, Smith & Co.
V It-
the tuaiorit of the people in II no
lulu, ll in tot tun and drawn up to
xuit a certain uliijue. It may be alt
ritfln for thu iuisioiiarius, hut it ih
not tor the American Lcamie in
Li i in- i unit;
Iliii en l.l.o. LUCAS, l ! rk
arrival of the Australia. If you
vv:inr :i ronlh onnd blob irr.-iilo
I " ' t e "
SilP. and Cotton Dress GootK
Kin. hn-. Kte Kti
1 stove at bed rock prices now
is the tune to jn-t it, and the
the lirbt place, ihe franchise cl,iue, ll vr.l.t im. m- : - K- J ansy is tile style you w.uit.
dnbarri.if.; the naliveof llm.oil from ..l''tiiVV; J,.Tt'.,.'l ,l l)Ur.s wo,)d. V coaI a,ul ,n
vouun in,t.i nun' ii nnil." ........ lolluiMlit! hilliieil ier-uliH Here till . eiieli-u till Mil II11H' 11 U.lll l Illt'S.
IIJL' all till' tiuin ill the hhop, anil hn Oili.i i ..i lheeliuiliK mir
hasn'l made f.liMi in a year I lie ,,,.. w.Wl , ,..,
uilnki.narini and iilauiers are all . .Nrrie viee I'rem.liiu
liuhti Ihey'te L'ot tlie cilpilal. Tiiey l .. K. too Lie iioinliirj ,V iren-uiir
ilocl a pMeidiiiit and lii) liuhli ollicn ' ,e""
Jiii'ii anil if.
nnil io-mhIp their wotkinu mel mi
pri)M lllell ll p pen rill I ci III I 1IIKV
Hlllll Ml IIK I'M:!! nAMK HAY IIIKV Alii-.
MIM.il, otlli-IWIn till- hlllll ol lie V.ir
uih may he pri cipitiili-il "i tin- mix
Illie Clllllleil
The mlditiou of limii lo J of l,i
roi. to wiriin-lifi. ih i'i not iclie'c tin n
I lu in nor nliml ilicir liirdciiiu inl
i iliyuip uud ll pn vcnlr tin ll cue kii
iKuriiieil Oi'riiiiei oy Mil 'Temple ill Knihton"!
TXJ3STE3 1, 1894.
10 'L Im
or i ompli'I'i: sum k
Minle li aiiiiit" il of Yokiiliii oui
for tfli yeiirs.
lliOOt .So, no, tin
Mllll Will ll Do III n. c. aMITIIIKb
a tuiutilutiou iloua ioio-3t
Hawaiian Hardwara Co., Id
0,Mlte H.re"ken Hloek
When tin lire in ni-'-il of ioi 1 1 n-
of ,lii ime.e ilooil", ! Ve il" llr-l i-ili mil
one koIiii: nil hi. nihil town
300 STort at. laiiar Cuatim Usui
W M.li. illW IN v l;(L
Agents for the Hawaiian Island
1 1 ii vi made another Lai-oo Importation of
Ihand- .if l,. CONSTAM I A ami liL COMMA
Largo Aasornnont oi' Shapos and Sizes.
For Sale in Bond or Duty Paid, Cor, Fort & Merchant Streets,

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