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The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, April 30, 1895, Image 4

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Examination for Primary Certificates,
An examination for Primary Corttllc.ites
Mill bo he'd ht the School-house, Wnlluku,
FRIDAY, May 17, nml SATURDAY, My
Injpcotor-Opiiril of School.
i3J7-3t is-lt
Owing to the drought nml scarcity of
wntnr, tho ri-stcl'tit nbovc Jmlil strfctnnd
on tho dopei of l'uuchbowl Itill ro re
(juuttod to collect whnt water they may
ratilre for household purposes tctweon
the hours of 6 and 10 o'clock a. m.
Superintendent llomdiilu Water Works
Honolulu, April 11, lS'tj. 1311 if
Holders of water privileges, or thoe
paying wab-r rates, ure In-ruby notified
thiit the hours for Irrigation vurpoes arc
from 7 to 8 o'clock a. m. and 5 to II o'clock
i- v. ANDREW 1WOW.V,
Superintendent of Water Works
J. A. Kino,
Minister of tho Interior.
Honolula, March 12, UOS. I2H0.tf
$?he 3Uuhi jftuHciui.
Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,
But Ettablished for the Benefit of All.
TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 1895.
Exhibition ot Maneuvers by the
Philadelphia's Crew.
The usual weekly shore drill of
tho crow of the U. S. flagship Phila
delphia took place this morning at
the grounds of the Kamebamoha
School, Palatna, aud was witnessed
by a large number of ladies and gen
tlomon, including Prince Joseph of
Batteuburg (the brother of Prince
Henry who married the Princoss
Uoatrico, daughter of Queen Vic
toria), who is at present paying a
visit to tho Paradiso of tho Pacific
capital. Tho battalion landod from
tho big white cruiser about 8 a. ui.,
and arrived at the grounds at U
o'clock. After a short rest tho ma
neuvers wore commenced by a series
of riot drill movemonts in quick
timo. These wore followed by vari
ous marching movements introduc
ing formations in fronts of fours,
company and column, aud all of
which wore executod with remark
able precision and unison of action.
JLieut. R. R. Ingersoll, who had com
mand of the battalion, and of whom
it may bo said, en passant, is au "up-to-date"
tactician, gave tho neces
sary orders for au attack and the
whole detail of a hard-fought battlo
was gone through with, tho "charge"
showing the good spirit with which
tho odicers and men entered into
the movement, and much to tho
pleasuro of the spectators. A short
rost ensued, after the bloodless bat
tle, during which Prince Josoph
fouud opportunity to highly com
pliment Lieutenant Iugorsoll upon
the ability shown in the compliance
with the many complex orders given,
rofloctiug very creditably upon both
officors and men. A bayonot drill
and series of battalion movements
elosod tho norcisos, after which the
battalion "marched past" the Prince
and Col. Townsond, who was at
tending him, aud then came into
town, returning on board at 11:30.
The drill was a very creditable show
ing by the "jack tars" of their ability
to meandtr like veterans through
tho mazos of the military move
ments, and was tho occasion of pre
senting to tho spectators an exhaus
tive exhibition of "tactics up to
Bilious Colic.
Persous who aro Rubject to attacks
of bilious colio will bo plnasod to
kuow that prompt relief may b had
by taking Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhcua Remedy. It
acts quickly and can always bo de
ponded upon. In mauy cases tho
attack may be prevented by taking
this remedy ns soon as the first indi
cation of tho disease appears. 25
aud 50 cent bottles, for sale by all
dealers. Benson, Smith & Co., agents
for the Hawaiian Islands.
Tmo.y Tnpfo
April i), 1895.
The same old cry of "No
Water" is again heard in tone
of voice as loud and as fierce
as ever. But with the new
pumping station almost com
pleted the complaints against
the Water Works Department
will soon be a thing in forgot
ten history. It looks just now
as though the government is
doing everything in its power
to alleviate the misery and re
duce the annoyance which na
turally ensues through lack of
sufficient water with which to
make a cocktail.
Mere are some figures over
which you may ponder if you
are interested in wire fences:
The European wire which we
carry in stock has been tested
at the Iron Works and shows a
tensile strength of 2760 pounds.
The galvanizing passed through
all the tests it is possible to put
it and shows that it is as near
perfect as it is possible to make
it. The American wire we re
ceived a week or more ago,
(and it is the best to be ob
tained in the States), was tested
at the Iron Works and shows
a tensile strength of about 700
pounds. These figures show
which is the best wire, and
which you should use in build
ing the Jones Locked Fence
the best fence in the world.
The growing desire on the
part of the people to save mo
ney accounts in a measure for
the demand that has been made
upon us for the Dietz Oil Stove.
The people who have been us
ing tliem here during the past
six months are so well pleased
with them that they recom
mend them to their friends.
The fact that they cannot ex
plode is a point in their favor;
economy of fuel is another,
and the wish of people to have
a stove they can cook with
and not get all bet up" is an
other. Every one who uses a
Dietz Stove will tell you that
it is the best they ever had.
The time is here and house
owners should begin painting
up their dwellings. In the se
lection of material the fact that
Hendry's Ready Mixed is bet
ter than any other should be
considered. This mixture is
made of pure white lead and
oxide of zinc and the best qua
lity of colors obtainable. The
pamts are made especially for
us and are guaranteed to be
first-class in every respect.
They are good spreaders and
retain their glossy appearance
lonjrer than anv mixed paint
sol.d elsewhere or even that
which is mixed to order. We
have them in quarts, half gal
lon and gallon containers and
in all the shades desirable for
either inside or outside work.
In localities where .water is
necessary for either irrigation
or household purposes and
where nature has left an ach
ing void by its absence, or at
least where the fluid is so far
below the surface as to be in
visible, we would suggest the
digging of surface or artesian
wells and to the owners or
lessees of the land that they
erect Aermotors. If we could
write up the profits which
have accrued among people on
these Islands who use Aermo
tors it would surprise some
folks who don't use them.
The Hawaiian Hardware Co, Ltd.
Opposite BpruolceU lllook,
I !: Look At This
ji and Smile., I
' I ! '
V if I
; Fine Soft Kid Button I
' Boot, now diamond tip '!
' ana .Spanish arch, only
S3 OO.
Out of Sight !
, Elegant French Kid Ox- S
; ford, Pump sol, patent j
back stay, for
S3 BO.
Shoe Store.
Jewelry !
Our stock of Spring
Goods is acknowledged by
everybody to be the finest
on the Honolulu market,
and consists of everything
Useful and Ornamental.
Our prices aro moderate.
Jewelry in special designs
manufactured to order on
short notice.
P. O. Box 387.
Fort Street.
For Sale or Lease
Qaeen street known as ''John Bol
boU's.1' There art Five Cottages on the
property ant room fnr two or th ee more.
A go id I n vest mm t for a person who can
give persoim 1 attention to securing tmatits
and collecting rents. For farther parti
culars apply to J. O. OAKTER,
208 Merchant st'f ot.
Honolulu, April 3, 1-OJ. 1304-lw
Merchants' Exohange
8. 1. SHAW, Proprietor.
Cor. King and Nunanu Street, Honolulu.
Choice Liquors and Fine Beer.
Corner ot Here lanla and Penwicola
streets, opposite the Ice Works,
tW Inan're at Bum.ktih Office.
1 J lug Horse, good
sited and showy nnimitl.
for rale. Also a uooi
Milch Cow.
13f.tf Nonr Ira Works.
for a tav ncrcons can be AC3fc." .?
biul at llunlwal. on the Will-Jl
klkl beach.
I !
I 5!
117&-U Proprietor.
to me that good goods and low
prices, are still appreciated in Ho
nolulu. T therefore intend to give
my customers and tho public in
general another opportunity. I
beg to call attention to the special
bargains in our line of
Wool (foods, Cashmere, Flannelettes & Flannels.
Sale will commence MONDAY, April 22d.
isa:. s.
Havana Flats
is the latent novelty in cigars. TIub id a per
fectly Hat cigar. The filler is Ilavana o a
very high gr;ide and laid in, like tho shceta of
a book, in the same way an cigars that cost
$150.00 per thousand. The outside appear
ance of the cigar conforms to the filler, and is
perfectly flat. Those of our cigar customers
who have sampled them pronounce tho Ha
vana Flats of excellent quality and: of unique
and attractive shape.
Havana Cigars
by reason of their superior quality and namo
are UHiially sold at 'high prices. We have an
excellent lino of these cigars direct from Ha
vana. While the quality of these cigars is at
the top-notch our prices have been scaled down
to bring these popular cigars within the reach
of all.
Manila Cigars
need very little said in their praise, for they aro
well known here to every smoker. It would
be difficult to get a better cigar for the price
at which Manilas are sold. Wo allow no one
to undersell us in this line. Wo compete with
any nationality. Remember that when look
ing; tor Manna
New Goods ! New Goods 1
Suitings, Serges, Trouserings,
Linen Duck, Linen Drill, Flannels.
Lace Stripes, Organdies, Pongee, Ginghams,
Sateens, India Linens, Victoria Lawns,
Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Ribbons,
Laces, Flowers, Feathers, Etc.
Mosquito Neti, Art Muslins, Cretonnes, Madapolains, spe
cially adapted for Ladies and Children's Underwear.
Renowned "PEARL" Sewing Machine!
At tho marveloii8ly low price of $30.00. Guaranteed
equal if not superior to any machine ever imported.
L. B. KERR, Queen Street, Honolulu.
. i ...,.

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