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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, September 20, 1895, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Notice to Shippers of Freight.
OvricK or tiik Hoard or Halth,
Honolulu, II I., Brn. Ill, 181)'
Until further notice, excepting upon
ipoci il permit, no freight will ho nllowod
4o bo friiippeil from Honolulu, to otherpoitH
f thoso IhIiukIk, from nny other wburf
hnn the 1'nrific Mail whnrf.
Fitiglii Hhippoil from the I'ncifio Mail
'wlmrf ill lie only ruorchniuliso from foroign
ports which unit been held in Htrict qunn.ii
l'resliloiit Hoard of Health.
.Regulation of the Board of Health.
The following portions of tho District of
Koun, Oithu, in (inclxred infeoted districts:
Find. All of tho territory lying mnkni
of King fltreot to the sea, and east of Knlihl
stream to tho harbor, excepting the Kanie
JiamohnQirli' School premises.
Socond All of tho torritory lying:
1. 1 list of tho line of tlie road rtnning
inauka from King Btreet on tlieWaikiki tide
of the Kamohuuieha Bchool premima.
2. Mauka of King s'reat.
H. WcBt of Llliha street, and
4. Mnltai of the line of extension of
Sohool street.
Third. All of th territory lying:
I. Last of Lilian street.
'.!. Mauka of King btreet, from Liliha
UicoUo tha King street bridge.
I. West of the Nuuanu strtam, from King
street to llcrctanlu strict.
. Mauka ot Ileretanla street, from Smith's
Rirldjje to Nuuanu itreet.
West of Nuuanu street from Berctanla
ttrcct to Kukul street.
0. Makaloftlie line of the extension ol
Kukul street, from Nuuanu stieit to the
Nuuanu stream.
7. West of tlie Nuuanu stream, from the
point of conjunction wllli the extension of
Kukul struct, to School strict.
8. Makal ol School street, from the Nuua
nu stream to Llliha strict, excepting tho St.
Louis College premise..
Fourth. All that territory lying between
Jierutaiila street and the sea, aud from Nuua-
nu ptreit west to the Nuuanu stiiam.
Fifth. All that territory ljlug:
1. Mauka of School street, from Frt
street to l'unchhowl street.
2. Hist of the line f tho extension ol
Fort street.
3 Wet of l'unc huow 1 street, from School
street to S Ira's uurscr) .
Makal of a line drawn lu extension of
the line of Syha's makal fence to the point of
intersection of the extension of Fort street.
Sixth. All that territory lying cast of
l'unchhowl street to Sheridan street and ma
kal or Queen street and the line of wxtenslon
thereof, from l'unchhowl street to Sheridan
street; and also all bulldlujrs on or adjacent to
the lower end ofShcrldau street.
All clothing and articles made from cloth.
now or heretofore, In use, not newly washed,
aud all beds and bedding, now or heretofore
in use, in the District of ICona, Oahu, In
thoec portions not named as Infected Dis
tricts, are hereby ordered to be thoroughly
sunned and aired by tho owners or those In
control of same for at least eight hours of
riuinultie and dry w heather. All houses In
ruld uninfected Districts to be thoroughly
cleaned aud aired, and, where necessary dis
infected by those In pouesblou and control of
In the said Infected Districts, all clothing
tnd other articles made from cloth, not new
ly washed, now or heretofore in use, which
will not he injured by boiling, shall b
thoroughly boiled and sunned until com
pletely dry. All othir clothing or articles
made from cloth, now or heretofore in use,
Including all beds and bedding, aud also all
icarpets, mats and rugs shall be taken out,
cleaned and thereafter sunned and aired for
at least eight hours ot sunshine aud dry
weather. All unpalnted walls, wood floors
.mil interiors to bo whitewashed or disinfect
ed, All painted floors and Interior walls,
door aud window casings and icranda rails to
he washed with a disinfecting solution.
All work prescribed under thin order, for
both infected and uninfected districts, shall
Tjo begun not lator than 8 a. m. MONDAY,
September 23, 1895, and continued until
completed. Said work shall bo done to the
satisfactiou of tha Board of Health, and
ihtil bo subject to the inspection and con-
-jtrolof its Agents, who shall hava the mi
i thority to uamo tho disinfecting solutions
. ud other materials to be used, and direct
cthe application thoreof.
By order of the Board of Health.
Piesidout Boatd of Health.
.Honolulu, Sept. 10, 181)5. 107-31
Regulations of tho Board of Health.
Officf of tiih DoAiiD of Tin vlth, 1
Honolulu, 11. 1., September, 20 WW. J
Tho Ifogulation of tho Board of Health
prohibiting tho holding of public meotiugs
in tho district of Honolulu is modified to
the extent of permitting Church services
aud Band concerts to bo held in tho day
107-2t Fresiilotit B mrd of Health.
Tenders for Drugs and Medical Sup
plies. Ofhcf. or the Hoaud of Health, I
IIdmilulu, Sept 19, lt95. )
Sealed tenders will bo received at this
offlco until WEDNESDAY, September i.'.-!,
1M)5, 12 M., for furnishing Drugs nnd
Medical Supplies to nil district goiernmout
physicians, hospitals and dispensaries un
der control of the Board of Health, for tho
term of ono year, from October I, 18!W.
A list of tho Drugs and Medical Supplies
can be procured on application nt this of
fice Tho articles to bo furnished must bo
of tho tory best quality only, aud should bo
up to tho requirements of tho Fhannaco
puiia of tho United S.tes of America, un
less otherwise oulercd.
Tho Boord of Health does not bind itself
to ucccpt the lowost or any bid.
100-3t President Board of Hculth.
Tenders for Beef Cattle.
Oitice ofthkBoakdop Health,
Honolulu. II. I.,Sept. 10, 1895
Sealod Tenders will be received ot this
office until WEDNESDAY, October 2, 1S95,
for supplying tho Lepper Settlement ot Mo
lokai, with (1) good Bacf Cattlo, to weigh
not less than 350 lbs. net, when dressed -ami
(2) fat Beef Cattlo, to bo delivered at tho
Loper Sottlcmont nt on averago of ninety
heod per month, for six months ending
March 31, 1S90.
Tho tender for fat Beef Cuttlo must be
for tho prico por pound dressed, and that
for good Beef, Cattle per head. Hides and
Tallow to bo the property of tho Board.
Bids should bo marked "Tenders for Beof
Cattle, Leper Scttlouicnt."
Tho Board does not bind itbolf to accept
the lowest or any bid.
10(i-3t President Board of Health.
5l?xJ Everjir Bulled!,
With ulilcli In Incorporated (lie
SEPT. 20, 1895.
Koir Hardio, tho eccentric labor
leader, who made himself conspi
cuous in the British Parliament
by wearing a "Tam o' Shunter"
oap, found that liberty of speech
in Chicago did not mean licenso.
Addressing the woekly mooting of
tho Methodist ministers ho made
a redhot sooiulistio spoooh, ap
plauded by a parcel of socialists
whocumo to tho mooting with him.
When, however, he procooded to
donounco tho oxocution of tho
Chicago anarchists and eulogizo
thorn as pioneers of tho now
religion, there was a storm of diu
sont under which he was compell
ed to tako his seat. Ono of tho
preachers thou scathingly de
nounced the speech and tho
speaker, but whon ho was through
Hardiu completed his spooch in
peace, iiie Lionuon uatiy jnows,
commenting on tho incident next
morning, said: "Koir Hurdie is
cortainly tho poorest creature
that ovor won any sort of position
in English politics. The pooplo
of Chicago are congratulated on
having found him out in a single
night, instoad of having, liko his
unfortunate countrymen, to rock
on tho process of discovery by
Eastern capitslists are develop
ing the canaigro industry in
Southern California. Thoy might
find somo scope for the onterpriso
in those islands if their attention
was invited.
Nuuanu stream ought to bo
givon bock its natural supply of
water right to its mouth. Lot tho
artesian system be developed to
givo a Buffioiont quantity of water
for domestic and manufacturing
purposes. What tho electric light
rcquiros from tho stream can nil
bo paid back bolow tho works.
Then let tho hoad of the harbor
bo dredgod to tho mouth of tho
stroam. Tho dredging should bo
carried out to soa in hopper scows
and dopositod beyond tho twolvo
fitthotn lino. Thoso operations
would enable tho stream to koop
its own bed scourof? and curry tho
silt into deep salt water instead of
depositing it in tho form of mud
banks on either sido of its mouth.
Already stops have boon taken
to provont tho pollution of
tho stroam through the town.
Nuuanu stream may be mado an
inspiration for poets instoad of a
chain of fetid pools bordorod with
dank bods of alluvial corruption.
Several steamer collisions are
reported by last mail, with con
siderable loss of lifo in the aggre
gate. There ought to bo room
enough on tho ocean for ships to
paBS each othor in bafoty.
In the agricultural departmont
of a California paper it is hold
that tho flavor of irrigated fruits
is more natural than that of
others, besides tho juioo being
more abundant and tho quality
To provo to tho world that good
and stable government oxists horo,
tho Government must show thai
it is able to protect both the in
dividual and the c immunity, in
thoir porsons, thoir property and
their good name.
People of Koua, Hawaii, nro
put to groat inconvoniouce if not
privation by tho edicts of tho Re
public of Hilo. lb another
column will be found a letter
relating tho Kona griovances
undor tho quarantine arrango
mouts. A tost of electric looomotives is
to bo mado in Peru by Amorioan
and English railroad magnates.
AH tho world probably believes
that the day' is not far distant
whon tho smoking iron horso will
be discarded for locomotivos op
erated by electricity.
Despite the formidablo amount
of force Spain is employing to
subduotho Cuban, rebellion, tho
insurgents aro according to the
bulk of tho news going from vic
tory to victory. Should tho
Cubans obtain independence,
it would only mean tho setting up
of another grindstone in tho
tropics. In othor words, revolu
tions would becomo tho principal
industry, with tho solo objoot of
grinding tho axos of ambitions
Tho trophy of tho international
yacht raoe is not tho "Amorioan
Cup,1' but tho "America Cup." It
was originally tho ''Quoon's Cup,"
having boon presented for com
petition botweon tho yachts of
Great Britain and Amorica by
Queen Victoria. Many years ago
it was captured in British waters
by tho Amorican yacht Amerioa,
honco its prosont accepted name,
and no British yacht has ovor been
ablo to oirry it back across tho
Two oditora nro awaiting tvia
on tho ohargo of high treason in
Germany, ono lor an articlo in his
paper on tho subject of "Sodan
Day," and tho other for copying
tho aamo aiticlo.
It is to bo hoped that when tho
town is put through a cleansing
process it will romuiii clean
a while. Doubtless many pooplo
will bo brought by present ex
periences toroalizo tho advantages
of cleanly conditions and sur
roundings. It will be impossible,
however, for Honolulu to attain
to anything like good sanitation
until a scientific method of dis
posal of so wage is put in opera
tion. An evening paper of tho 12th
inst. from San Francisco givos an
account of tho third yacht raco of
tho series. There was a pilot
boat in tho way of tho Valkyrie,
nnd that yacht hoisted her protest
flag and rotired. Tho Dofondor
sailed over the course in fine stylo.
Ah Lord Dunravon had given
formal notico that ho would not
raco if the couiso was not kept
clear, it is not certain that tho
third raco would not bo sailed
again. It ,rould bo no uso
so far as tho Valkyrie is concern
ed, as tho Dofendor lias simply
provod that the British boat is
no rival to her in sailing qualities.
Honolulu, Sept. 20,1895.
Gko. C. Beckllt, Esq.
The donation to tho Hawaiian
Relief Socioty mado through you
and raisod by tho voluntary sub
scription of the passengers, offi
cers nnd crew of the steamer
Claudiuo during thoir period of
quarantine outsulo of our hnrbor
is hereby thankfully acknowledged.
The munngers of the society
fully appreciate the kindness and
aumnntliu u-hinli varnnmhuwwl Ilia I
sufferings of tho needy whilo pro-
siiiimuiy yoursoives enduring tho
pangs ot tnat' most endurable
of all ills, mal dc mcr, and tho on
ly effectual quarantine for whioh
is to totally abstain from over
setting foot on water, in you'r
cases as woll as for most of us
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. S. C. Allen,
President Hawaiian Relief Society .
E. M. Najiuina,
Coitat Hone Were too- Spcedr fun
the HawAllan Horse.
On the Saorumotito traok on
September 7th, the Hawaiian
horso Amorino mado his first ap
pearance on a California track,
boing entered with eight othors.in
a selling race for u purso of $4Q0,
distance six furlongs. Amorino
sianeu nintn at tne post, was
ninth at tho half mile, ninth on
entering the homes tro to h and
ninth at tho wire. The horse was
ridden by Leonard, nnd tho batting
started at 3l to 1 and finished at
50vtol against him. Tha timo
mado by tlie winner was 1:144,
which bouts all Hawaiian records.
There wifl be no meetings of tho
Board of Health until further
The preparing of tho- disinfect
ing solutions for tho infected dis
tricts is in ohargo of Geo. "W.
Tho regulation of tho Board) of
Health prohibiting tho holding of
publio meetings in tho distriot of
Honolulu has beon modified ac
cording to a notioo in tho By
Authority column. Ohuroh sor
vicos and band ooncorts may hero
after bo held in tho daytimo.
Consul-Gonoral Mills informs
tho Bulletin that there is no
likelihood of any sailing vessel
leaving for some time yet, conse
quently it is doubtful if thero will
bo any ohunco to got a mail to tho
coast ahond of tho Australia leav
ing here Ootobor 2d.
Timely Jopie
Sewina- Machine
This week we want to call
the attention of the ladies of
Honolulu and the Hawaiian
Islands generally to the merits
of the Wertheim Sewing Ma
chine, This is provided with
a Belgian invention by which
three different stitches may be
sewn according to the will of
rhe operator. Whether the
lady of the house wants a sin
gle chain stitch or a combined
two-thread or embroidery stitch
without in any way impairing
the excellence of the machine
as a lock-stitch one, is simply
a matter of pressing a button,
this machine does the rest.
With this machine by simply
pressing a button either a lock
stitch, chain stitch or combin
ed lock and chain stitch is pro
duced as desired. In other
words this one machine per
forms the work of three dis
tinct ones, and not content
with that can furnish in ad
dition a beautiful darn in linen
as well as woolen materials
and underwear by means of its
far reaching chain stitch, and
the need or any special darning
appliance is therefore avoided.
1 o produce h& chain stitch all
that is necessary is to press
down a button near the stitch
regulator and move it from left
to right and go right along
with your sewingf.
For dressmakers and those
who have much making over
to do, this machine is the best
out. The chain-stitch is easily
unraveled by undoing the last
loop at the end of the seam,
and although the embroidery
stitch is just as ilnnly locked
as the lock stitch and is much
more elastic, yet it is easily un
done. All the operator has to
do is to draw out the interlac
ed shuttle thread and the chain
stitch remains, which latter
unravels easily as stated above.
The machine can readily be
changed from one stitch to an
other and back again to the
ordinary lock stitch without
any danger of getting out of
"Seeing is believing" is an
old- and true saving and we
cordially invite afl the ladies to
come in and see this machine
in actual operation in our store.
We have a large number of
these elegant machines on
hand and will sell them at rea
sonable prices. We guarantee
them to do all that we adver
tise. There are any number of
ladies in this city whose hearts
would be made glad by one of
these machines in place of the
antiquated ones they are now
using, and if their husbands
only knew what was good for
themselves they would come
right down to the store in the
morning and order one sent
ThotaaHan Hardware Co, Ltd.
Oppodt Bjfcrlwiif Blook,

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