OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, December 14, 1896, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1896-12-14/ed-1/seq-1/

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!Ki)fl'--A-e 9 - f ("0 $Q
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evening Paper Published
on the Hawaiian Islands. .
Subscription j$c. a month.
Vol. II. No. 483.
Price 5 Cunts.
T..K V
J&" w
Ar BulIctflSyV KW4
M0MW- . vVX
C iSSggg
Published overy day except Sunduy at
210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I.
Per Month, ony whore in the Ha-
waiinn Islands 9 70
Por Year. s HO
Per Year, postpaid to America.
Canada, or Mexico 10(1"
Per Year, postpaid, Other Foreign
Countrloa 13 Oil
Paynblo Invariably In Ailvnnoo.
Tolophono 250. P. O. Box 89.
B. L. FINNEY, Manager.
Health and Strength
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Mrs. M. A. dimming, of YnrrnTlUc,
Victoria, AuitraU. Sayi 1
"About ii your ago, I liml a sevcro
attack of Jiilliiuna, which left ino
very weak, without energy, appe
tite, or interest in life. Obtaining
little or no relief irom doctors, or
from the many remedies locom
mended to me, I finally tried Aycr's
Sarsaparlll.i, and from that time,
began to gain health and strength,
I continued tho treatment until
fully recovered, and now have very
great pleasure in telling my friends
of tho merits of Aycr's Sarsaparilla,
mid tho happy results of its use. I
consider it tho best blood-purifier
Gold Medals at the World's Chief Expciltlons.
AYFR'Q PIMQ for Constipation
MlCnO riLLO and Biliousness.
Gugar-CoatocJ, Mild but Effective.
Hollister :z Co., Ltd.
Solo AKut8 for the Ropuhlic of Hawaii.
Take an Outing
Trains will hav ut 9:15 a. m,
and 1 :15 r. H., univii g in Hono
lulu nt 3:11 and 5:55 p. M.
let Class 2d Class
Pearl City $ 75 $ 50
Ewn Plantation..:. 1 00 76
Wainnno 1 50 1 25
Situated on n Bemitiml lUIVMn (hnlook-
iug the Ocean, and l.tGO feet
ubtvo Sen Locl.
Only 24 konrV sail from Honolulu.
Cllnmto mild, o'c.ir dry atinosphoie, frto
fiom fogs and malaria, especial provihinn
for quiet and nut na well b for amusc-
niont nud outdoor hfn. ltalts ?2 por day
oi $I() pur ul. Mertloul uttuud moexlia,
E3 Address
DJMl. v.LINDLTY, 1'iop.,
325 tf Koim, Hawaii.
Tho Honolulu Sanitarium
1032 King Street.
A Qniot, Ilomeliko Place, whore Traiuod
KurseH, Massogp, "Swish Movement,"
Baths, Electricity and Physical Traiuiug
way bo obtained.
P. 8. KELLOGO, M. D ,
Teleihouo G3D. Superintoiuleut.
The Evcnhuj I.ullcth, 75 cents
per month.
I'Arsr co. is 1'ui.
t'nl inn (rod bj lr J. II, 't Ihii-Miiii-
umlrrriil I'lrn Knter-En-
CltUllf lll fllllklG.
Tho Fiji Times of November 18
baa n report o an ontortninmcut
by tho Montuguo-Fnust Company,
from which tho following is ex
tracted: Tho nbovo Company gavp thoir
openiug performance to a Suva
audieuco on Moudny oveniny iu
the Mechanics' Institnto iu tho
presence of Sir John li. Thurston
and' party Trom Government
House, Captain Field and officers
from H. M. S. Penguin, nud his
Worship tho "Wnrdon find Airs.
Duncan, while the hall was crowd
ed in nil qunrters.
From tho opening overture un
till tho curtain fell on tho lust
net, this talented compnny held
tho audience fiom Jirst to hint
with thoir splendid progrnm, each
item being fnultlebt-ly pei formed
and in every instance im encore
was impel ntively doniunded nud
generously acceded to. It is, witli
out doubt, tho best trohpo of its
kind that has ever visited these
slioies nud it will be n long time
before wo will have nu opportuui
ly of faeoiug such an excellent
After an overture "Welcome,"
by Miss E. Fernandez, tho cur
tain was drnwn for tho boll-ringing.
There wero live players iu
this partaud tho manner in which
they manipulated the fifty or moro
bolls necessary for the various
tunes wns romurlcablo. Tho hnud
liug of so many instruments was
in itself n difficult tank, but to
draw from them such sweet
music in perfect time and rythni
was marvelous. Three tunes wero
played in tho first pait aud two
in the second pillion of tho
progrnm. Mabtor Freddy's iino
stiong teblo voice was heard to
great advantage iu tho ballad.
"Jack Crawford," and ho was fol
lowed by Victor Fuiibt's musical
molango. This artint showed
what line muic could with skill
be obtained ovon fiom Mich
humble instiuments as blmn
btoi.o nrinnged in scales. Mr.
Lugono appwuvd in his character
song "Footbnll Match," his light
ning changes of iace nud acting
combined with a good voico fan ly
cai lying awny the nudimico.
Messrs. Ted and Eugeuc Faust
dearly proved their claims to bo
masters of violiiiB, performing nil
kinds of ncrobatic feats whilo still
playing their instruments, both
playing ono insliumont with two
bows, etc., while tho act concluded
with ouo of them playing with tho
bow hold between hiB knees, while
ho worked tho violin across tho
bow nud produced better nud
Bweetor music than many n player
could with tho instrumout held iu
the ordinnry stylo. Tho Fnusts,
Teddy, Freddy, Eugene mid Ruby,
now nppenred in their unrivaled,
unique, unparalleled, and un
equaled liiuley. Tho acrobatic
foata performed by this gifted
quartette very desoivedly earned
tho plaudits of tho spectators.
Eugeno lay on his back on tho
stugo with uplifted feet, on which
tho other trio performed most
astonishing acts, notably tho
doublobomoisault by Master Fred
dy from Eugene's feot and iinish
ing tho net by coming down on to
Eugeno'sfoetin a standing posturo.
A pianoforte solo, "brilliant,"
by Misc E. Fernandez opened tho
second portion of tho program,
and tho nudionco wero again fav
ored with tho sweet music of tho
bolls. Tho maudolin solos by
Miss Eunico Fernandez woro far
and awny suporior to anything
wo havo hoard hero aud she is
clearly a musician of tho top rank.
Master Freddy's American sand
jig and skipping-rope danco could
not havo boon danced bettor any-
Iki , i i wiri i 1 ! In. ijlf
Little Uuby Faust apponred in
tho character song, "A Btory of a
kiss," and "Molly ltoilly," and hor
sweet voice and expression charm
ed the audienco so much that sho
was twiced recalled. Tho musical
sketch by tho Brothers Faust was,
as tho program Btatcd, very funny
nud wants to bo soon to bo prop
orly appreciated. Tho music aud
mimicry obtained from the
bassoon, clarionot and whistlo
caused shrioks of laughter
among tho nudionco. Professor
Mootaguo appeared in his fire
eating and juggling net. Iu tho
first ho ato burning tow, pioco
after piece, until his mouth wa
filled, and after a fow moments
clouds of smoke and sparks ittsued
from his lips. IIo then drew from
lus mouth yartls upon yards of
ribbons until ono wondered where
itnll enruo from. His juggling
with plnte8,etc, was nlso oxcollout.
Iho tiro eating no doubt astonishes
tho natives especially. Tho per
formance concluded with the origi
nal pantomimic sketch, "My awful
boys," by tho Fnusts, which wns
quito irresistible nud the audienco
laughed until tho tears came to
their eyes. Tho porfonnanco
throughout was so good that the
spectntors wero Borry when it
enmo to nn end. There was ngnin
a crowded house last night.
um:Jov Nti.i: .tii'iuvi:n.
Aiirul from .fill', -ICcnl IMilln to lx
Christian and Anna Gortz have
filed exceptions to tho vordict of
tho jury in Mai in J. Forbes1 suit
of ejectmont against them.
J. M.CamaraJr., administrator,
hnB been grauted leave to sell
real estnto of tho lato Querino
Judge Carter has approved of
tho proposal of the executor und
executrix of the estnto of J. II.
Lovejoy, to sell the jobbing nud
Bnloon businesses to Gus. Mauer,
John D. Holt nnd J. H. Lowis
ns reported in tho Bulletin last
week excepf that tlu price is
$500 bolter, or 12.500. Thurston
A Stanley for petitioners.
P. C. Jones, receiver, has ren
dered an account of tho Lanai
estnto. Ufa ipts woro $3173.31,
and the iecc.v r pays $S21.3'J into
couit to ha In urn account.
Henry E. Junkin by his attor
ney, V. It. Ciihtle, petitions for
lotteis of ndmiiiistrntioii to J. E.
Grossman of Ohm on tho estate
of J. 11. Distelrath. Judpo Car
ter hns i-iHiied a commisiioii to
take testimony in t!io matter in
Mnbol 'V. Cnstlo petitions that
sho be appointed guardian of hlli
nor IT. Castle, her minor daughter.
J'ultllc Lecture
Dr. Emily B. llydor is to give a
lecturo to the general public to
morrow night in the Y. M. O. A.
Hall. Tho subject will bo, "Lifo
Among tho Orientals." This
lecture will describe the domestic
life of tho Hindus their festival
and sacred days that aro moro
gorgeous in reality than Arabian
Night scenes their weddings
that require 10 days of feasting
and processions their new year's
aud thoir coromony of bloss
ing tho sea their great
templo3 with boiiio porsonal ex
periences when visiting them. A
visit to a Yogi, or holy uinn, who
lived in tho mountains and tho
meeting of the gods at Alundi,
nnd ninny other scenes, will bo
described which combine to niako
India a most fascinating land to
nil peoplo boru in the Western
Hemisphere. On Weduosday
afternoon Dr. Itytlor gives tho
last of hor courso of lectin es to
tho Indies.
A picturo nffords moro plensuro
for tho investment thnu nnything
ouo enn buy. By all meniiB mnko
n preeent of at lenst ouo this
Xmns solectod from King Bros.'
hnndsome stock.
Tho Pncifio Hnrdwnro Co. will
soon recoivo a splendid lot of holi
day goods in tho lino of otohings,
carbon priuts nnd Prang's studies
for art ami china painting. Hold
yu ir CliiiHtiims oidevn fi.i thi-iu.
castle a connr uproar for
tiii; iisr month.
rilirlimtlnii" In Siti;iir S))irl Arrl.
li mill NwIUiie In ilio Nnn
FrmiclNcu Nncnr l'lcrt.
From Cnstlo it Cooko's latest
shipping circulnr, issued after tho
nrrivnl of tho Anstrnlin, tho fol
lowiug is takon:
Ceutrifuguls In our last wo
reported these nn having dropped
to 3J. Wo aro now pleased to
report a riso of a 1-10 ct on tho
3rd. Following aro tho sales as
Nov. 12th, 1000 bags, 10th inst.,
spot, 3 7-1G couts for 90 degrees;
Nov. 16th, 2800 bags, spot, salo
private, on the 1-lth inst.. 3 5-1G
couts do; Nov. 17th, 3100 toiiB
spot, 3JcontB do; Nov. 18th, 1600
tons spot, do do; Nov. 19th, 2900
tons spot, do do; Nov. 20th, 20,000
bags spot, do do; Nov. 25th, 1000
tons to arrive salo on tho 20th, do
do: Nov. 35th, 1900 bags spot, do
do; Die. 3rd, 0500 bags spot, 3 5
10 couts do.
Beets These aie somewhat
lower than when wo last wrote,
show an improvement over the
last salo aud wo hope it may turn
out that they are on tho upwind
teudoncj; wo givo you below tho
quotations as received:
Nov. 12th, Us 741 per cwt.; Nov.
13th, 9s (iyd, porowt.; Nov. 1-lth,
9d Od, por cwt.; Nov. 17th, 9s 3d,
por cwt.; Nov. 18lh, Us 2Jd, pur
cwt.; Nov. 19, 9s 3d, per cwt.; Nov.
23rd, 9s 2d, per cwt.; Nov. 21th,
9s 3d, per cwt.; Nov. 28th, 9s ljd,
por cwt.; Nov. 30th, 9s 2$d, per
cwt.; Dec. 1st, 9s ljd, per cwt.;
Dec. 2nd, 9s 0?d, por cwt.; Dec.
lth, 9s ljd, per cwt.
Sugar stocks coutinuo to fluc
tuate rapidly although showing
considerable strength. Following
are tho quotations on dates givou:
Common. Prefer.
Nov. 12l3i S 121V $ 102?
" v'-fl lliJj: 102
" 10th..1.... 118 102
" 17th 117 101?
" 18th 118t 101 :'
" 19th 111!? 101 (
" 20th HOg 101
" 21at Us 101A
" 23rd . . 317:; 102"
" iiltli 117 102
" 25Hi 117? li)2
" 27th 1178 102"
" asth 1171 102
" 30th lint 102 V
Dec. 1st 117" 10-2i
" 3rd 110 103"
" 2nd IKift 102.',
" -lth 115J 103
Arrivals havo boon as follows:
Nov. 17th, Archer from Honolulu,
basis 3J cts.; Nov. 20th, Mary
Dodgo from Kahului, basis do;
Dec. 2ud, Irmgaul from Honolu
lu, basis do; Dec. 3rd, W. II.
Diuiond from Honolulu, basis
3 5-1G.
Sailings havo beon tho S. G.
Wilder for Honolulu on tho 15th
ulto., ariived; Martha Davis for
Honolulu on tho 22nd ulto., ar
rived; Helen N.Kimball for Kahu
lui on tho 22nd ulto.; Aloha for
Honolulu on the 2 th ulto.; San
tiago for Hiln on the 20th ulto.;
W. G. liwin for Honolulu on tho
3rd inr.t.; Mohican for Honolulu
on tho 3rd iust.
Vessols on tho berth: Archor
for Honolulu, no sailing dato
fixed; Irmgard for Honolulu, no
sailing d:ito fixed.
Tliu ICatt riliiliuo Concert.
Thoro was a very fair audienco
at tho Opora Houso on Saturday
evening ou tho occasion of tho on
tortniumont gotten up by tho Kn
waiahao Seminary girls. The
first portion of tho program con
sisted of instrumental and vocal
music, aud tho last of a cantata in
two acts, "Crowning tho Fairy
Fathor Loonor and Chester A.
Doylo roturnod by tho Likeliko
.Minim t'rrinincr on Trlnl mi ftvo
Clinrgrn of Liquor Netting.
In tho District Court this morn
ing Judgo do la Vorgno commenc
ed the week's dispensation of jus
tice by disposing of fivo drunks at
tho usual iino of $2 and $1 for
Kopa, chargod with assault and
battery, pleadod guilty to such an
exteut that tho Court's heart was
softened nnd ho escaped with p.
roprimaud only.
John Limapohu was assessed
$5 for profanity ou tho stroet, nnd
Herman Kalei tho same sum for
assaulting policeman Hnihui.
lug Sing has been wondering
what would happen to him for
quito a while. He was arrested
Romotimo since for an alleged vio
lation of Board of Health rules
nnd regulations. This morning tho
caso was nolle pros.'d and Ing
Sing wont on his way rejoicing.
Tho lnrceny charges against
Constantina and Maria Bodrigues
woro continued till moved ou by
the prosecution.
Tho rost of tho morning session
was occupied with taking tho ovi
deuco for tho prosecution iu tho
case of Minna Cremmor, chargod
with selling liquor without a
license on two occasions, viz: Oct
ober 7th and 11th. Detective David
Kaapa is prosecuting and A. G.
M. llobortson defending. By
agicemeut tho two cases aro boing
tried together, and so far Frank
Metcalf, Walter Hnwli, T. Moroni!
and David Kaapa havo testified for
tho prosocutiou.
no; i.iii:i.iui:-s
CIli'Mir lliiflo Tells of it Dtlllit lnl
lino Uoinliis I rum Lnliiilna.
Iu conversation with Chester A.
Doylo this morning, that gentle
man told a Bulletin man of
what ho tormed a "delightful"
trip on tho Likeliko coming
from Lahaina last Sunday morn
ing. Tho wind was blowing a
hurricauo all tho way over, and
water was continually coming
over tho bides. All tho deck nnd
cabin pnssongers wor huddled
togithor and cooped up in tho
after cabin. Tho lights wont out,
thoro weio a lot of bick nativos in
the crowd, and the only noise that
coeld be dUtiiiguishod nbovo tho
howling of the wind win the cry
ing of children ami the smashing
of ciookery in the puntiy.
"About 2 o'clock in the morn
ing wo s In piied two heavy
seaw,"' said Mr. Doylo, "which
Bwept tho vessel from on. I to end
and Hcaied some of thu lasengors
half to deatli. In nil my expe
rience iu traveling across the
channel it was the worst night I
wna ovor at sea in. Oh yes, it
wns n delightful trip."
Captain Mataou who whb ou
board says that ho novor Baw a
vessol handled bettor in a storm
thnu Captain Bob Audrows
handled tho Likoliko on Saturday
night and Sunday morning. In
epito of tho wind in his teeth,
Captain Androwsdid not honvo to
outside but brought his vessel
right up to tho wharf without
K iiiirliHiiivlut PiiiiiiiIui'm D.i).
Founder's Day will bo cele
brated with uuiibiiaUy divorting
features nt Knmehamoha School
on Saturday next. Thoro will bo
nino events in tho sports at 2:30
100, 50 aud 220 y aid dashed, low
hurdles, high hurdles, throwing
10 lb. hammer, putting 10 lb. shot,
running high jump nnd brond
jump. Punahou boys will tor tho
second timo contest tho honors
with tho Kamehnmidias aud tho
outcomo is uncortain. Tho exor
cises in tho ovoniug will bo of pecu
liar interest, including tho build
ing of a monument and singing
by nil tho schools.
It gets dnrk early in tho day at
Christmas timo. Lengthon tho
hours of daylight by procuring
ouo of tho largo, handsome Brad
ley it Hubbard lamps at the Paci
fic HardwaieCo.'s store.
Tho Alli'KOil A. P. A. Nt-lirm.- In t'rj Out
. KjhtcIii-N Vat.
, Row B. F. Hudolson, president
of tho American Protective Asso
ciation in California, was arrested
in San Francisco, December 29,
ou a warrant charging him with
criminal libel issued by Police,
Judgo Campbell on tho complaint
of D. B. Woodworth.
The difficulty is tho outcomo of
n miuing transaction, in which,
the chief officers of the A. V. A.
took au active part nnd which ia"
alleged to havo boon n schomo to
ettort a largo sum of mony from
J. D. Sprockols for turning the
votos of tho organization over to
him ou tho protoxt of nulling him
a valuable mining claim. If that
was tho schomo it failed, nud tho
Bpoke8innn of tho alleged conspi
rators received a aovero boating nt
the hands of Sprockols aud was
discharged from tho hitter's papor
whoro ho had been employee.
This proceedtng for criminal lihef
and tho arrest aro the latest
phases of tho difficulty.
It is charged in the complaint '
that Hudelson had in a
siguod and published documont
denounced tho proposition of
Woodworth to get tho loan of
money upon n mino in Plumas
county as a blackmailing schema
and denounced Woodworth as n
blackmailer aud iu his presence
donounced Rov. Donald Ross,
U. F. Marshall and all parties
connected with it as blackmailers;
denounced the affidavit of H. F.
Marshall as absolutely false; that
Woodworth wanted $17,500 for
himself nnd his associates, nbil
that Marshall would make a sec
ond alfidnit exonerating Hudel
sou from all connection with any
coirupt burgain or proposition
and then loavo at ouco for Africa;
that ho dismissed Woodworth by
branding tho proposition as a
blackmailing scheme and that
Woodworth was a blackmailor and
Tho second count charges thai
Hudelson falsely and maliciouuly
accused nil those persons of con
spiracy to procuro from Joliu D.
Spreckols $55,000 by false repre
sentations and pretenses anil o
haviug attempted to coerce, com
pel and intimidate Hudolson to
becoiuo a party to tho fraudulont
scheme and ueMgn. It alleges
that the Rov. Donald M. ln, H.
F Marshall and D. IJ. Woodworth
attempted to commit a fraud aud
im position upon tho peoplo of
California by attempting to de
ceive aud mislead thetn as to tho
truo acts, put poses and intentions
of the American Protective Asso
ciation in its political action dur
ing tho ('Hinpaiuu, aud to mako
them beliovo that Hudelson had
corruptly and for a money con
sideration paid by J. D. Spreckela
agreed and bargained to uso tho
name, iniluence nud votes of tho
inenibors of tho order to further
tho politicnl aspiration-i aud plans
of Spreckols.
These- nnd similar accusations
aro quoted in full from tho paper
published by Hudolson. AU tho
charges aro denied by "Woodworth,
who claims that tho Plumas coun
ty mine is a valuable property,
upon which his son had londerocl
him a report after thorough in
spection, and that ho meroly asked.
HudelHon and Ross to interest
themselves and aid him to procuro
a loan of $17,500 for necessary
machinery and improvements", and
that Hudelson doniandod n ono
third interest in tho property.
Hudolson wiib released by Jus
tico of tho Peace Kerrigan on
tiling a bond in tho sum of $1C00.
Hotel Arrival.
Following aro tho arrivals at
tho hotels since-noon ou Saturday:
Hawaiian -Dr. R. H. Roid and
Mrs. T. R. Reid, AVaialua; W. R.
Flint, Maui; Captain W. Matsan,
San Francisco; C. A. Doyle, Jv
haina. Arlington N. Omoted, Houn;
F Wittiock.Mokao; JohnSmeatou,
Attorneys A. G. M. Robertson
and S. M. Ballou returned homo
J by tho Likilike. ' '
k -fa.

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