OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, March 12, 1897, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1897-03-12/ed-1/seq-2/

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Our Laro:e Assortment of
Jtist Received Direct from the London t Eaotoi-y
Tobaccos aiacl Sinokors' A-rticlos.
Corner Fort and Merchant Stroots.
. , . ,For Everybody:
The only complete line of
In the 1-du.mls. A few of
our specialties ....
Kingsbury Pianos !
The perfection of art in
Piano making
cqnald hi tone, beauty antl con
structions. REGINA MUSIC nOXKS, the King
of nil, plftya over one thousand
AUTOHABiy, t very body's Instru
ment, a child can play it.
GUITARS, we carry the celebrated
Henry F. Mason, Harwood ami
other make-1, from S4 up.
BANJOS, Stewart, Fairbauks &
Cole and other wellknown
ACCORDEONS, the celebrated "lm
perlal" and other good Hues.
WaT And a thousand nud one other
smaller Instruments too numerous to
Our celohrated W-tll, Nichols Co.
"Si'AU" Brand of
Are the best made. Use no other.
Sheet Music,
Music Books,
For all Instruments.
Our slock Is the most varied to he
found this side of 'Frisco, and the
prices the same as you pay in the
All instruments sold on easy month
ly payment.
The money havers for you.
! s$
il :X
lis? g'k. '
-it olS"? K a
it O r K a 2 n B2r 5
gojjjr 1 JJ I
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Hi Bus scd
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Three B'Jbk
If n innn's dinner is right,
and lio rists from the table
conscious Unit his wife has
used the same judgment as to
price that she did in tho selec
tion of the articles disposed of
there can be no indigestion to
follow. Our goods are of the
kind which bring health,
happiness and a fat purse.
Table delicacies nro a fad
with us they are bought be
cause we known the average
Honoluluito is fond of good
things for the stomach. Our
prices are below tho average
and special inducements are
offered to cash purchasers. Our
latest importations include the
best goods obtainable in tho
English markets.
Copeland's English Peas;
Cod's Tioe, Mackerel in Mus
tard Sauce and Cambridge
Sausages in tins nro so well
put up that it would bo diffi
cult to detect the difference
between them and the same
articles direct from tho market.
"Toyssonneau" is a long
name to put beforo Pate but
the combination makes tho best
tid bit ever placed before a
gourmet. These aro goods
that anyone may cat without
f'jar of indigestion following.
They are put up in tho best
factories in Europe and como
to us in elegant condition.
Lewis & Co.,
Kort Street.
Just Received
Gold and Silvorwaro,
Crockory and Ivorywtiro,
Hitnbroidorecl I'iuir,
Bilk Handkerchiefs,
Slmwlfl, riorooiiB,
White Grass Cloth, Mattings,
Wicker and Steamer Olinirs,
Oignrs, Etc., Etc.,
214 Xminmi Street, Honolulu.
Office To Let,
At 207 Merchant Street.
Peerless Preserving Paint Company.
A. V. G-EAK.
!Totir37- :E?-u."tolic
Telephone 350, : t :
No. 310 KlmjBt.
Subscribe for tho Evening Bul
letin 75 cents per month,
Luxurious, CRiitliattnff nuil Economic!
OArmcutu Mftita of 9lnj Fabric.
It is tho English nud French women
who look upon a tea gown m a means: of
economy, vrhtln tho avcrago American
woman usually considers U a lnrury
which sho con dispense with better than
nlniost nuy others. The idea that it
saves her Mrect gowns from unncceswry
wear rarely enters into' her contempla
tion of this articlo of dress, and tho fact
that rest nudcouifort aro 'to bo found in
one of tliceo loose, fuscinnting gown
has eseapul her observation, sinco she
has so littlo time to bo nsthetIo in the
most luxurious livnmier. A writer in the
New York Sun, in connection with
theso remarks, hns tho following to say
on styles and materials:
Silk tea gowns arctiiu prettiest of all,
nml silks whk'li nro a littlo out of style
for other purposes nro qnito up to dnte
in a tea gown, so tho bargain sales fur
nish nn excellent opportunity for n
pretty dress at a finnll price. Moire
brocades nnd liberty satins make lovely
gowns, but loss exponsivo fnney striped
eill.'s answer every pnriose. Poplar
green liberty Mtin makes a charming
tea gown, with a front of whito eliilfon
trimmed with yellow law, and a belt nl
whito satin confining the wnttcau pl.iit
in the bnck and p.ising under tho sldo
in fionr. A bolero jaelti t of s.itin, edged
around with a frill of green crape, adds
&L1IV1CI Allt.K TKA (10WNS.
n pretty effect, ntul tho sleeves nro of
plaited whito chiffon with pufTs of the
tratiu abovo tho elbow.
Crepnn and soft caslunero in light col
ors niiiko moro serviceable dresses, and
the fronts nro of thin vhltc silk or
cream laco net over white. Boleros rl
velvet in a deeper shadoof tho sunn1 col
or are a novel nddition, which is new
this sensou. Tho pill htm stylo of gown
is very popular for liouso dresses, lift
soft, inexpensive matei litis cannot br
employed with such success in this vn
riety of costume, Tho most satisfactoiy
priucchS dress is tho one which is muck
of some rich, heavy fabric, but whatever
tho material may be, it is tho wo.-l
troublesomo of nil gowns to lit and hang
well. Two useful morning gowns fo:
negligo wear aro undo of soft, red cash
mero and trimmed with black velvet,
nud one has a yoko embroidered with
conventional designs in black silk.
Pat Will yer carry a pair av panta
loons fer mo to tho next town in yer
wnqon, Mr. Billw?
Bilks Certainly, Pat. But whoro
will I doliver them?
Pat Oh I That's nil roight. Oill bo
insido av them. Clothier and Fur
nisher. Saporior breakfast HnuBttgo is a
specialty at the Central Market.
King up 1CM.
That picturo iu Kinc Bros'.
window which lins attracted 60
much uttentiom is sot the portrait
of auyone hero.
Meohanios' Home, corner Hotel
and Nuunnu streets, lodging by
day, week or month. Terms: 2f
and 50 conts per night. $1, and
S12fi iter week.
Kroogor Pianos,sweotpflt in touo,
Jas.W. Borgstrom, solo agent, cash
or installments. Warorooms at
G. West's, Masonic Temple. Of
fico at Thrum's Book Storo. Tun
ing and repairing. gfcC Tolo
phono :)47.
Brinted ducks nro just na good,
if not better than anything elso
for bo a1 ahirt wuisln. Tlioy wiwh
and wpnr well, two very important
considerations. Korr has them in
a largo variety of patterns nt eight
yards for one dollar.
Of the Secretary Disc Blow one
of tho most successful plantation
manngors writes tho Pacific Hard
ware Co.: "I have delayed writing
you about tho work of tho Secre
tary Disc Blow, until I satisfied
mysolf in regard to its proper
working, I am busy
plowiug a fiold with it now, and it
is doing fino work, and I hope for
good results from tho thorough
plowiug it is rocoiving."
MARCH 12, 1897.
Mortgagee's Notico cf Intention to
Foreclose and of Salo.
Xotlco is hereby given that by vir
tue of u power of pale contained in a
certain mortgige dated the 16th day
of October, 1889, made by Mauoel
Gouvuia of North Kona, Hawaii, to
John Magoott of Honolulu, recorded
In tho Keglcter Olllee, Oahu, in Liber
117, pages 403 and 404, tho said John
Mngoon, mortgagee, intends to fore
close said mortgage for a breach of
tho conditions In said mortgage con
tained, to wit : tho non-payment of
tho principal and lutere-t when due.
Notico Is h1m hereby given that all
and singular the properly in said mort
gHRe contained and described will ho
rold at public auction at ttie aiiutlon
room of James F. Morgan, on Quem
street, In said Honolulu, on Wedues
dy, tho SMth day ot March, 1897, at
12 o'clock noon of said day. The pro
perly in said mortgage. Is thus des
cribed: .. , ,
Six shsres In the Hul of Holualoa,
of N Kona, cnnwyetl to Manoel
Oouvela nudrf.uu lkaiks, M. S Slme
nua and A In, ami I. F I.iloha and
Rrra Khibyrtcfi'si'rcordeil re.-pcctlvu
ly In Liber 118, p. p. 13.1, 117, I'- --,
lib, p. --, "nn Hpann l in mum
l'utent 4H2, L. C. A. 10770, Issued 111
the name hi Pii'imie conveyed to said
Onuvela by dned of Keotii f. Kutl
ballmoaud Knhaka, rfCordeJ In Liber
110, page4ti.".
Terms cash U. 8. Gold coin. Deeds
at the expense of purchaser.
For further particulars apply to
Attorney for Mortgagee.
Dated Houolulu, Feb. 28, 1897.
Mortgagee's Notico of Intention to
Foreclose and of Salo.
Notice Is hereby given that by vlr
tue of a pver of i-ale contained In a
certain inoitgage dated the 3id day of
August, 1895, nude, by Au'oue Fer
nniidtz mill Mnklhaim Fernandez, his
wife, of Honolulu, OjIiu, to Alfred
V. Carter, tiuatee, ot said Honolulu,
nud recorded In tho Register Olllee.
Oahu, In Liber 157, page 63, 51 and
55, and by tho mid Alfred W. Carter,
trustee, duly assigned to J. Alfred
Magoon, the 'said J. Alfred Magoon
Intends to foreclose'satd mortgage for
a breach of tho conditions in said
mortgage contained, to wit. : tho non
payment of Ibe principal and interest
when due. Notice is ulso hereby givoo
that all and singular the lands, tene
ments and hereditaments In'gald mort
gage contained and described will be
sold at puuuo auction at. tne auction
room of W. 8 Luce, on Queen street,
in said Honolulu, on Thursday, the
25th day of March, 1897, at 12 o'clock
noon of said day. The property covered
by said mortgage Ib thus decribed:
All of tho following detcrlbed piece
aud tract of laud situate at Auaukal,
Walklkl, Islaud of Oahu, being same
piembes described In Boyal Putout
No. 2833, L. C. A. No. 0070, contain
ing three (3) apunusof an area of three
hundred und nlnety-oue (391) square
fathoms, and being the sama premises
conveyed to the mortgagor by Opunul
et. al., by deed n corded in the Hegis
ter Ofllce. Oahu, In liber 79, page 114,
ABlguee of Mortgage.
Deed at expanse, of purchaser. Terms
cash U.S. Gold coin.
Dated Fob. 23, 1807. 540 td
Cor. Ileretaula nnd Alakea Sis".
Commencing MONDAY, March 15th.
I'amlly Matinee SHliirdii)" nt :i i.ni,
First nnd Only Appearance in this
City ot the World-famous
Prof. D. M. Bristol
Performing Horses, Ponies and Mules,
The Original Ecjues-Currlculum.
The Largest and Best School ot E.I
minted Horses. For the Past Ten
Years "A Popular aud Fashiouablo
Success" In all the largest cities of
tT Prices: Evenings 60 Cts. Re
served Seats, $1.00. Matinee Adults,
60 Cts. Children, 25 Cts. 553 tf
Eleotion of Officers.
At tho Annual Meeting of Stook
holders of Jbo Inter-Island Steam
Navigation Company, L'd, held this
day, tho roiiowmg urucers anu uirec
tore were elected for the ensuing year;
VV. R. Godfrey President
J. Eua Vtce-Pribideut
N. E Gedge Secretary
J. L McLean Treasurer
T" W. Hobron Auditor
W. R. Godfrey, J. Ena, G. N. Wil
cox, A. 8. Wilcox, W. O. Smith,
K. A. Schaefer, K. Suhr.
Secretary I. I. 8 N. Co., L'd.
Honolulu, H I. March 0, 1897.
All Interested In the reorganization
of a Tribe of the Improved Order of
Red Men are respeotfully roqtiosted to
attend a meeting to be held in K. of P.
Hall, Fort street, at 7:30 p. m.
SATURDAY, March 13, 1897.
Vnluablo Business Properly on
Nuuaint Htreot, bringing a good
Scvoral Lots near Punchbowl
and at Makiki, tbo Choicest Itosi
denco Properly in tho city. A
perfect view from Diamond Head
to Ewa, Honolulu and Harbor.
Four Housis and Lots on Punch
bowl streot, only fivo minutes
walk from1 tho Post Ofiico.
We n!no have Conifortablo
Houses for sale on easy torms si
tuated on tho following streets;
Lunalilo, Kinau, Kukui, Has
singer, Berctania, Young, Vic
toria, Green, Thurston Avontte,
Punahou, Liliha and Nuuanu.
Building Lots in nil parts of tho
city on the instalment plan.
Several woll ostablishod Lodg
ing Houses.
Cofibo Lands on Hawaii and a
Pineapple Eanoh with limo and
other fruit trees noar Honolulu.
210 King Street and 207 Mer
chant Streot.
Business Agency
L. C. Aules & Co. A.V. Gear & Co.
O dice 207 Merchant St. Cilice 310 King Bt.
general Business Agents
Loans Negotiated and Collections
Stooks Bought and Sold.
Books Audited and Accounts Adjusted,
Hills Bought andNotBS
His counts
Fire and Life Insurance Ageqltf
Real Estate and Commission Agent.
Stock Broker. Firo aud Life In
Cnmpbell Block, 206 Merchant Streot.
All accounts of THREE months or
longer standing, will be placed In the
hands ot our attorney for collection
unless immediate settlement is made.
552 15t J. J. EGAN.
The Evening Bulletin, 76 rente
per wottli.
"The Fever"
th6 Bicycling fover, catches
?rou (or you catch it) wo- would
iko a chance to prosoribo for you,
not that wo expoot to effeot a ouro,
only to sell you a wonder in
This is what ono of tho Hawaii
an Collcgo boys writes to his fath
or regarding tho host wheel to buy
for his siBter: "I hold tbo Bamb
ler second to none in the country
(tho U. S.), and if anyono can"
show a wheel which has traveled
as many miles ob miuo has with
as littlo expense us inino I would
vory much liko to seo it. Be
sides changing tho gear from 64
to 70 und tho saddle to ono of later
pattorn my ontiro expanse for tho
wheel has been lifty conts. That
I think is a pretty good record,
don't you? I am vory much afraid
that my tires, tho samo ones I got
on tho mnoliinc, will not last mo
through tho next season. They
ore almost worn through all over.
It will cost mo from 812 to SIC
to got now tires put on, but it is
legitimate wear. I never know a
pair of tires to wear as'long and
as well as those have, considering
tho amount of travol. Whon yoa
consider that tlioy havo traveled
as far as from Cleveland, O., to
Honolulu, ovor all sorts of roadB
and paths, you will see that they
must needs wear some."
Tho abovo opinion you will
find to bo tho opinion of about
every rider of rr Knrablor in this
city, and there aro a lot of Bumb
lor riders here. Our trouble has
been to got enough wheels, tho
makorsuot realizing that wo want
'97 sto'ck before tho snow haB
molted iu their country. By tho
Australia this week wo leceived 7
ladies' w heols, and six of thorn wo
havo sold. By tho Miowora mail
we ordered 20 Ramblers and by
thio week's mail wo aro oidering 5
more, aud we have orders iu for 2
Racers, so by return Australia wo
will have 27 Ramblers, and iu fut
ure wo do not propose to loso tho
sale of any wheels by not having
tuom on nana: itomemoor tnat
tho Rambler is fitted with tho only
tiro that has proved ontirely satis
factory in this country, tho great
"G. & J." Thero are imitations to
this tiro to be found hero, but if
you don't find it out when you buy
them, you will after you havo used
thorn a while, to your sorrow. Tho
genuine "G . fc J." tiro is to be had
only at the Rambler Agenqy, and
there you can got the right article,
fully guaranteed.
When "The Fever"
tho bicycliug fover
catches you,
E. 0. Hall & Son
Rnmblor Agency.
John Mott,
Importers and Dealers in
Steel and Iron Ranges,
121 & 123 King Street.
My $10.00 Bath Tubs, liuod with best
quality, No. 10 ziuo, 6 iu. Pipe, Ubain and
Plug, with wood rim all complete. Other
dealers aro dumfonuded, snd resort to all
manner of Tricks and Excuses.
Bo not deceived, those Bath Tubs have
been sold for $U until I reduced the prioei
I am prepared to do all work in my line
and guaranUo satisfaction! Estimates fur
nished. If you want a good Job cheap for Cash,
ring np Telephone 844, and I am your
Tinsmith I'lnmber
Mercantile Agency
210 King street.
Difficult Collections a Specialty
t i. ' i' ntf AH.Ul.. .rv.'i..j(Mr.iJ.Vf.

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