OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, March 31, 1897, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1897-03-31/ed-1/seq-4/

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On Wednesday, July 23, 1897,
at 12 o'clock noon, fit tlto front
outrntico of tho Executive Build
ing, llouolulu, will bo sold at
Public Aui'tion, tho Hawaiian
llotol PrainUos at Honolulu.
Those premises arc centrally
located iu tho city, iu tho contro
of tho block bounded by and with
entrance drives from Hotel,
Richards, Llerctauia and Alakea
8trect3, and tho grounds contain
nu area of I 7-10 acres.
Tho Buildings consist of tho
Hotel proper of two stories mid,
basement; built of brick and cqu
crcto with broad verandas at front
and re-ir of eueii story.
Tho Main Building covers an
area of 10,800 sq. feet with Lanni
or wing udditipn on oho side,
40x2-1 foot, and wooden addition
on oppoaito uiug for Kitchen,
tiOJclS feet.
There uro also I'our Cottages
on tho premises with ample pro
vision for bath rooms and closets.
The Main Building contains a
spacious Parlor, Public and Pri
vate Dining Hoonis, Largo Bil
liard Hull and Bar Boom, aud
Forty Sleeping rooms. The C'ot
tojjfK contain about, twenty addi
tional sleeping rooms.
A water tank with capacity of
10,000 gallons is placed on a
tower ut an elovatidn sullicicnt to
give u good water
secoud storv of tho
preysuro iu
Main Build-
ing. This tank is supplied from
an Artesian well on adjoining
premises, owned by Dr. J. S. Mc
Giow. Tho buildings and grounds are
thoroughly lighted with Electric
Plans of Jtho Buildings aud
grounds can bo seen at tho oiHco
of tho Minister of the Interior.
Terms of Salo arc Cash in
United States Gold coin.
Upset Vice: 00,000.00.
In caso there is no bidder to
purchase tho property at tho above
upset price, a lease of the samo
will immediately bo otlored for
salo at nu upset price of $4000 a
year for u period of thirty years
under the conditions sot out in
Act 7, Laws of l.S'Jfi -and more
particularly of Sections 2 and 4. of
said Act which roads as follows:
"Section 2. Every such lease
shall contain a covenant on tho
part of the lesece that he shall,
during tho liiht four years oE the
term of the lease, cause to bo
erected upon the leased premises
a liro prooi building of Brick,
Stone oi Metal, iu a workmanlike
manlier, sittisfuctory to tho Min
ister of the Interior at not less
than a stated cost; uud
keep the sumo suitably in
sured at not less than two
thirds of its Value for the bunelit
of the lessor; and shall keep tho
building in good repair during
the lemainderof tho term of lease,
reasonable use and wear theieof
only oxcoptod; and in caso -of
domogo or destruction of such
building by fire, shall make good
such loss or damugo by the neces
sary repairs or reconstruction or
olao surrender tho insurance to the
lessor. '
"Section 4.. livery such lease
shall also contain a covenant on the
part -u tho lessor, that upon t!io
request iu writing by tin lessee or
his representatives, before the ex
piratiou thereof, tho premises with
tho improvements, shall, if all of
tho conditions to bo porformed by
tho lessee have been satisfactorily
performed, bo put up at auction
for a lease for a term of not over
twenty years; unless said premises
shall be required for public uses,
of which the "leasee shall receive
at loast one year's notice. Such
auction sale shall be held not
more than six mouths nor less
than ouo mouth before the expira
tion of ?aid tprm."
Tho cost of building to bo
erected iu accordance with Sec
tion 2 as above qrioted, is placed
at $50,000.
. Minietor of tho Interior.
Interior Office, March 27, 1897.
Sealed Tenders.
Will bo received at tho Oflico
of tho Attomey-Gonoral for pub
lishing and biuding tho English
aud Hawaiian Versions of tho
"Compiled Laws and also tho
English and Hawaiian Versions
of tho Penal Laws.
Tenders will bo received up to
12 o'clock noon, ou Tuesday, the
Gth of April. Specifications of
work aud copy may bo seen at tho
aforesaid oflico.
Tho Attoruoy-Gonoral does not
bind hiinsolf to accept tho lowest
or any bid.
Attornoy-'General's Office.
Attornoy-Gencral .ad interim.
March 30, 1897. o71-3t.
51? Ever?ir?$ Bulletin
WEDNESDAY, MAR. 1)1, 1897.
"Hawaii. A Lecturo dolivored
byThco. II. Davies, Eti., 1?. It.
U. S., before tho Mombers of tho
Young Mou's Chiistian Associa
tion, Southport, ou Friday Even
ing, Decombor 18th, 189(5. South
port; Robert Johnson and Com
pany Ltd., Printers, 'Visitor' oflico,
1897." Such is tho title page of a
pamphlet received by thoBuLLUTix
with tho compliments of Mr.
Davies. Tho lecturo treats his
torically of these islands from
Cook's discovory to the piei-ent
time, and concludes with a plea
for tho restoration of the monar
chy with Princess luiiuluui en-
throued. Ouo of tho most inter
esting things told by Mr. Davies
is the discovery by him, after
great pains, of tho very sheets of
tho log-book of Cook's ship Dis
covery! containing tho account of
the great navigator's death. Mr.
Davies says: "To my great joy
wo found tho vory shoots of the
log-book, which had been taken
from tho book, sent to
Kamsclmtka by a Russian ship of
war, thence to St. Petersburg, and
finally to "Whitehall, where they
havo been buried for more than
a century. Together with the log
book was found the diary of a
young ollicer, and both these docu
ments wero placed iu my hands,
and typewritten copies woio givon
to me, whioh I oagerly road. Two
questions wero thereby set at rest:
first, the Hawaiians never were
cannibals; second, although the
natives rogarded and treated Cook
as a god, ho clearly had no con -ceptiou
of tho fact, and innocently
expressed his wonder at their lib
mality aud gifts." Mr. Davies'
restoration plea will keep for com
In the Tacoma Wookly Ledgc
of March 12 is an editorial headed,
"Tho Prizo Fight Nuisance." It
opens with theqo words: "Those
nowspapers which are the, expon
ents of what is called tho 'new
journalism,' which pander to vico
and crime and the lowest tastes of
the vicious are at present raveling
in illustrated dptails of tho forth
coming prizo fight, whoreby a
couple of loud-mouthed bullies
propose to settlo tho important
question which can 'slug' the most
effectively." Tho artiolo goes on to
give tacit approval of a bill intro
duced in lust Congress for the
suppression of detailed and pic
tured ropoits of prizo fighting,
concluding thus bravely: "It will
bo said that a law, such as the one
proposed, cannot be passed and
enforced, but so was it said that
tho lottery could not bo driven out
of Louisiana nor lotteries exclud
ed fiom the mails. Muuy nioii bo
sides Boss Tweed havo found out
who.t people 'are going to do about
it' when offenders go a stop too
far." Behold you the Weekly
Lodgor of Maicb 19, a week later,
giving nearly two pages of its
finest print to a detailed report of
tho prizo fight, profusely illustrat
ed with portraits of tho principals
and abettors and pictures of tho
slogging. Thoro is also a leading
editorial ou tho fight, which gra
phically describos its overdiadow-
ing interest to all the serious con
cerns of life, individual and im
tional and universal, concluding
with this unmistakable capitulation
of tho high moral ground taken
a week beforo: "There is at
least something to bo said
in favor of exhibitions iu which
pooplo of all classes tako such a
porsistont interest, in tho face of
all that the law and prophots can
do to suppress thorn. While this
interest survives, as it promises
always to survive, in face of all
opposition, sincere and insincere,
would it uot be wisor to make tho
prize ring nioro presoutablo and
less objectionable than it is, rather
than bo forever 'bested' iu the
fruitless etTort to 'knock it out.' "
Prizo fighting is prohibited by
law in all tho States of tho Union
excepting Nevada, whoro a special
act was passed for tho sako of sec
uring the recent mill iu that State.
Probably a Federal enactment
will beforo long knockout tho dis
reputable business, geuernlly dis
honestly conducted as it is, for
tho whole nation. . Among tho
humiliating facts of tho Nevada
exhibition is that of. a former
United States Sonator, John J.
lngalls of Kansas, hiring himself
out as a roportor of the ovont to
Now York aud San Francisco
lltMAII ISl.t.MI.
IK'iim Irani llllit lo Lital Nnturdiij
Irom I, otn I I'iiht.
A great scarcity of rain is re
ported from Hamakuu district,
and it is feared that somo planta
tions will havo to shut down for
want of wator.
P. G. Camariuos, uncle of tho
Lycurgus boys, who came to Hilo
recently in the hope of benefiting
his health, has beou quito ill dur
ing tho weok. .
W. Rawlins loaves by tho Ki
uau of April 12 to pass Iho pre
liminary examinations at Puna
hou College, Honolulu, for en
trance to Yale Law School.
On Tuesday of this weok a
whale measuring about 30 feet
long came into Kailua Bay whoro
it playfully disported itself for
three or four hours. Somo native
tishermon put off in boats to try
and Ijarpoou him, but did uot suc
ceed. Tho Hilo Foroign Church is
rapidly assuming a permanent
form and, from present indica
tions, promises to bo tho finest
pieco of nrchitectuial work in
Hilo. Contractor Prnit oxpects
to havo all outsido work including
tho tower finished by tho end of
noxt weok.
Among the recent purchasers
of laud in Olaa is Dr. N. Russel,
who has secured 100 acres just
back of Mr. Fulchor's tiact on tho
Volcano road. Ho has let con
tracts for cleariug and plauting
sovonty-fivo acres of it in cotl'ee.
Dr. Rubsel has a placo twenty
six acres iu coffee near Moun
tain Viow and with a frontago on
tlm uiniu road. Ho will build a
residence on this at ouco. A
scheme pf the Doctor is to bring
a number of Russian families and
locate them on his Olaa planta
tions. Dr. Russel has announced
his intontiou of residing in Hilo
during the bummer months.
Ou Maroh 12, nt 0 o'clock, n. in.,
a broakdowu occurred at Laupa
hoehoe mill owing to a Chinaman
willfully placing a cold chisel in
tho gearing and breaking part of
tho machinery. Tho Chinaman
was arrested and tried that Tues
day and sentenced to a term of
two years imprisonment. Grind
ing was suspended for a fow days
until repairs could be made aud
now everything is running smooth
Third are nearly a thousaud
olectric lights installed in Hilo as
n ictmlt of two years' opuialious
of tho local comffuny. An ico
plant and cold storage has just
been inaugurated by tho sumo
company, ice being furnished at a
cent a pound in uot less than ton
pound lots.
Tho Government is putting tho
Kan road to the volcano iu perfoct
order, and tho Inter-Island Stwin
Navigation Co. has abandoned its
idea of a road from Keauhou.
Ewa plantation paid a 5 per
cent dividend this morning and
Honomu 3 por cont.
imeiy opies
March 29, 1S97.
II is an old saying that clean
liness is next to godliness and
we believe it to be a true ope.
So many people in Honolulu
use our stoves and kitchen
utensils that they have got in
the habit of sending to us for
all sorts of things for kitchen
and general use.
Soap is'one of these things.
It is not exactly in the line of
hardware but it 'certainly can
be classed as merchandise.
Anyhow we have a lot of it on
hand and we propose to sellit
and sell it quick. The line of
soaps we handle is that made
by Colgate & Co. of New
York, and we need not say
there is none better in the
We 'offer Colgate's Cash
mere hJouauet and Jockev
Club Soap at ) ? cents per cake,
the jrenuine ailicle and full
size; Glycerine, Rosador and
Honey at 20 cents the cake,
and Rico and Castile at 10
rur ;i snavmg soap mere is
none equal to Colgate's De-
mulcent. We sell it at lOcenls
the cake, it is worth 50.
In medicated soaps we oiler
the well-known Cuticura at
20 cents a cake, and the
Medicated Tar Soap at 15 cents.
This latter article is excellent
for bathing and shampooing
purposes. Try if and you will
be convinced.
Hawaiian Hardware Co.
Still They
Eoch day odds a numbnr
members to our popnlai
Club one and two drew last
Saturday. Club three is rapid
ly filling up. Tho samo en
thusiasm as of old exists, all
classes aro nuxious to join, bo
cause it is a clear saving of
The Dollar
You Throw Away
1 Every Week.
Besides another vital point
adds to the popularity, and that
is that we do not make it
I obligatory to take a watch, but
a allow you to select any one or
I more articles in the storo, no
I matter in what lino. Could
a anything bo fairor to you?
1 Wo want to say right here,
I that wo will baek up any and
a ovory articlo eeleoted in our
i club with tho same full and
j completo guarantee which goes
fel with ovory pieco of goods sold
B iu tho store. You take no risk
H whatever Vo tako it all.
I H. F.Wichman
Removal Notice.
On and utter April 1st, Drs. Cooper
& Huj mond will occupy tlio olllcta of
l)r MeOrcw mi Hotel street. Olllre
hours fiom 8 80 to 10 11 m 1 !J0 to a
uud 7 to 8 p. ui. Telephone No. 154.
670 I111
Watch Clubs
The Manufacturing Harness Co,
Tixni'itoNi: 228.
Flue Handmade 'Harness, Etc.
Wu keop-in stock ntul sell no goods except
HE. sr.
n n 1 n a j iri r
M IjMm
-S- tlAVK A
arrauRcil for REMNANTS and
OTHKU GOODri tfhloh will be
sold at very low rates or Riveu
New Goods by
Every Steamer,
Staples at Bedrock Prices.
Von Holr Blo-k, King Street.
To-morrow !
tho follow iiic tiny, I will ili)lay u
liBW lot of
tacli - Pattern - Hate,
Ami Novoltica. Also
Will be tho feature of
MY -:- OPENING- -:- DAY!
An inspection Bolicltod,
603 til Fort street, Honolulu, it. I.
Horse Show
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
Thursday and Saturday.
ffST I'kk'ls : Evenings 25 uud
50 Ceutv; Mrttinees Ailulta. o Cents.
Children, 10 Cent.
Flying Jordans
Friday Night.
Saturday Night
7iT Seats for Both Performances at
Wall, Nluhola Company. 570. 1 w
King Streots.
O. Box 322."
The Sunlight is
Glistening on
,Those " Orange Rims,"
but unfortunately for us it is
not glistening on them iu this
country, ub our shipment of
STEARNS whools was put on
tho " W. H. Dimoud," so is not
duo horo for a weok. Our
COLUMBIAS also aro still
out of wheelinranRo.ns they
Rot to S. ?. tho day boforo
tho stoamor sailed, and no
more freight would . bo4 re
ceived, buj they will como
along soon, and in ftio mean
time wo want you to know
that we received 97' RAM
BLERS by yestearday'8
steamer, and can fit you out
with either a '9G or '97 wheel,
and wo know wo can suit you.
Tho 189(5 RAMBLER is tho
bargain of tho year and tho
chance to buy a well known
high grade whool for 375 and
880 will not last long, as wo
ore informed by tho makors
that this is tho last lot of '90
whebls they can furnish, for,
as they write, "our sales havo
been phenomenal, and you
tool: the last '90 wheels we had
in stock."
J!. Wi: HUNT HICYl'LES by tho
hour, day, week or month, and wo
rent high grade now wheels, such
and COLUMBIAS, so if yon
want a short rido or a long rido,
want to rido single or want to rido
double, drop iu and see how nicely
we can fit you out. You will got
just as good a mount if you tolo
phono us, and wo will sond your
whool to your door. Your chanco
to buy a '9G RAMBLER' cheap
will only, last a fow days, don't
miss it.
E. 0. HALL & SON,
Corner Fort aud King Sts.
Eloction of Officers.
At u Special TiletitliiR of (lie Stock
holders o( tho People's Ico anil Refri
fierutlni; Company, lieltl this luy at
the Olllce of the Hawaiian Kfe Do
ponlt nnd Investment Company, the
following Otllcors wero elected to fill
eXiutlliK VlU'ailultiH:
Edwin A Jones Treasurer,
Arthur B. Wood Secretary.
Honolulu, H. I., Murohi27, 187.
For Sale.
One Bay Horse, 7 years old, trotter,
gooil id ulster.
One, Bay Horse, 6 yjurs old, pacer,
Oiielltglittlirro.qimrtorKoui Wugou
ahh' bur uit'il hut little.
Inquire of Dr. Coupvr, corner Ala
keu aud Burctanlustreetb. 670 )w
s, -
A'. I
k .jifeirJ&i'V

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