OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, April 19, 1897, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1897-04-19/ed-1/seq-4/

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Quarantine Notice.
llu.NUI.UMI, Aptll, It, Ib07.(
From aud utter t IiIh date tlio period
of quarantine to be performed Ity iui
mlgfiiutH nuit Hteerago pa!eiigt-r
from Infected port" nlmll bo eighteen
iluy, iliitlnjt from duy of arrival In
By older of the itoiird of Health.
JSff !lt Secretary.
OmuB OF UIAHI) OP Hkai.th,
Honolulu, April 15, ISO"
Public notice lh hereby given of the
appolutniuiil of V. T. Monsarrat, V.
ri., and J. U. Bbaw, V.S., as Ingpectora
of Animals for the District of Kona,
Inland of Odhu, to carry Into effect,
the provision!, of the Regulations of
the lloard of Health in regard to til
beruulosla lu neat cuttle.
5S") 3t Secretary Hoard of Health.
Irrigation Notice.
Hidden of water privileged, or thoso
paying water rates, arc hereby noti
fied that the hours for Irtlgatfon pur
poses are from 6 to 8 o'clock a. m. and
from 4 to 6 o'clock p. M.
Kupt. Honolulu Water Works.
Approved: J. A. Ki.no, Minister of
Honolulu, 11. I., April 0, 1897.
3!? Eueiir;$ Bulletip,
-MONDAY, APB1L 10, 1807.
Presidont McKiuley is disap
pointing the expectations of
hotheaded and harebrained par
tisans. Ho is not slashing around
with u pruning kuifo to destroy
avorything possiblo in tho acta of
his predecessor. His conduct is,
however, what was anticipated by
thoso who hnd understood tho
man's nature. Mr. McKinley is
nothing more than ho is cousor
vntive. The first great surprise
he gnvo to pooplo whoso solitary
principle is tltet whatever a poli
tical oppouent does is wrong, was
his attitude on tho Cuban ques
tion. Whereas hirf inauguration
was oxpected to be the signal for
recognition of tho belligerency of
tho rebels, with an ultimatum to
Spain requiring her to pacify
Cuba within eo many hours or
gie tlu country her iudppondence,
tho President never so much ns
named the troubled island iu his
inaugural nddrt-s. His remarks
v were conettuctiblo of a referonco
to tho question, though, and tho
construction was that tho policy
of President Cleveland was to bo
continued. In tho matter of tho
late order of President Oloveland
making tweuty-ouo fotest reserva
tions, iu tho west, Prei-idont Mc
Kinley gives another evidence of
his supreme caution. It was
boastod by partisans that ho
Wwa. i.v- Uj i. tiu.lt ' .ai Out)
of tho iirt strokes of
his pen. But ho does nothing of
the kind. Ho doclinos to interfere
'Xwith tho order until Congress
legislates upon finest losorvations.
A special roport of the Govern-
mom i'oieatry commission, iu
advauco of tho regular annual
ono, has beon made to the Min
istor of tho Lntmior, in which tho
desired legislation in outlined. It
provides .tor tho military pioteo
tion of leherved forests against
fito and unlawful lmiiui ot
timber. It also mnkerf provihion for
tho necessities of hottlors on the
, borders of reservations, in fencing
aud lumber for their persoual
use, aud for tho actual needs of
, minors lawfully located within
tho renorvHiions, iu timber they
' require for their operations. It
is pioposcd withal to establish a
permnuent forostry Imrpint in tho
Department of the luteiior, and
(o appoint u (inniinisHioii to tuuvcy
.nil rfwiufvatiouri boiui todotonnino,
both, what portions should ho
portunuontly proBervod on nccouut
u thoir forest covering, nutl whnt
Btioulil ho reopened to outry nuri
snlo. Prositlcut Clovolaud'B notion
in proclaiming tlio rcsorvnliouB in
question was assnilcd as n tyrnu
uicnl stretch of prerogative, but it
Buntns to linvo hcon n stntcstunn
liko precaution to snvo tho nation's
forest wonlth petitling its disposi
tion by law. At nil ovouts, Pre
sident McKinley declines to lift a
finger to nullify tho order. It
inny be argued that Presidont
McKinloy's conservatism, of
which theso instances aro given,
will stand in tho way of his
supporting any change in tho atti
tude of tho United States toward
Hawaii. This conclusion rnuy
easily bo hold to bo far from
necessary. Tho Hawaiian ques
tion is ono that hns been in pro
cess of evolution for a long period
of years. Prosident McKinloy's
party was fairly committal to the
annexation of Hawaii by tho last
previous President elected by that
party. Tho policy of President
Cleveland to restore tho monarchy
distinctly failed, and ho as grace
fully as possiblo accepted tho sit
uation when ho, on behalf of the
nation, recognized the Republic
of Hawaii. This recognition in
cluded tho constitutional policy
of tho ltopublio of Hawaii to
securo closor political relations
with tho United Stales. There
fore, in view of theso facts,
it would bo simply n natural
development of the Hawaiian
question one that would do no
violenco to tho American national
policy in that rogard for Prcni
dent McKiuley to not only sane
tion hut promote any nieaetue for
establishing complete sovereignty
of the United States ovor the Ha
waiian Islands.
Mr. Balfour, tho Government
leader in tho Houso of Commons,
distinctly challenged tho Opposi
tion to move a vote of consuro up
on tho Government, either for its
preparedness to use tho forces of
the crown to resist certain acta of
tho insurgents in Crete, or on ac
count of tho objects for which it
is prepared to joiu in tlie block
ade of Greece. At latest accounts
tho challenge was not accepted
Liberal statosmtm aro probably
not anxious for power at this
cav.miui.s to m: immniikd
The. !' ickmI mi l.itir' I l I ruin
In llic lli-brl.li-x.
VicU-ia (1$. C), April 7. -Naval
olliecra Iito h ", received
word that ono of tho ships of the
'Australian fleet hail boon sent to
tho Now Hebrides to investigate
tho butchery of Goorgo S. Duu
ca"n, a trader from Sydney, who
was killed to provido a canuibul
fonst two months ago. From ac
counts current it appoars Mint
Duncan was systematically cram
med with food in propnration for
tho festival in much tho same
way as tho turkey that provides
tl'o Th"iii'siivint- (tinner. Ho hiid
ujuii tcpeatodiy warned that lie
was trusting tho natives unwisely.
Tho natives will bo punished.
'I lie Chlrl Jiiillvii on thn Jnpniitae
Chief Justice .Tudd has a short
interviow in tho Chrouicle, m
which ho sayB that tho principal
apprehension regarding the Japa
nese is that, when they huvo gain
ed numerical supromacy, thoy
might claim political supremacy
in tho islands. Ho gnvo tho
figures of nationalities from tlio
piesout census, and said if tho
Japtine8o camo iu at the rato of
loOi) a wuuk, as thoy had recontly,
it would not bo lmig until tluiy
had overrun tho islands.
Another 1'Hbli- nil I.
Ministor Hutch of Hiiwnii, ao
compiiuiod by ox -Minister Thurs
ton, wrro visitors to tlHidiplonntt"
K ltiy of tho Somite timing thu
session of April 0. Ono of tho
hills introduced during their stay.
whs by D.ivis (llopublicnu) of
Minnt'hot'i, Uliiliiiimti of tho Coin
mittuu on L'r.'iii Iteliitiniiri, foi
o.iblo cnmmiiuioittioii with Uiuvuii,
Japuu itud China.
1)ISlltM'i:ri'I. VAMIAI.I'!.
l'riill unit OrniiiiiPiiliil I rrr. n
itiirrn' lloapltul lrli .hulier.
Lately Homo visiting trustees of
tho Quean's Hospital, in strolling
through tho bountiful park of tho
institution, camo across n .fino
shaddock tree whoso trunk had
been ringed through the bark.
Superintendent EckariU was mor
tified ns woll nn nnrnrinml nn luiv-
ing his attention called to tho do
nH.io? tLnii tr" i ? BT
ortlors to tho Oliiueso laborers to
keep their eyes opon for tres
passers. They did not cntoh any
body nt tho mischief, but thoy
found more of it done. Among
other treis treated like tho shad
dock, thoio wero more than a
dozen limea, n Bploudid Norfolk
i)iuo and two alligator pnar trope,
.n addition to the plain tinging
of tho bark, a zigzag scoro was
made all round. Prom thofH
tomatiV Htylo of th markings", it
is snsppcted tli'it time in uome
kahuna businesu in it. There in
no need to blame prttclilionern of
sorcery, however, for tlio plucking
or young coeoanuts ny mo score,
wuicu a gang of Portuguese and
native hooillnniri jiivve buon seen
doing. As these are of no value
to tho tlospoilors, tho motive can
only, bo that of mnlicious injury.
Tho superintendent now gives
formal warning, as will bo seen
by n notice olsewhero, that a
strict watch will bo kept and any
scamps detected in acta of van
dnlism prosecuted.
llttl'MiH ANOIHII! Itl.CO(l
Hit- l'rIJpu(M N.;ilni (ii.lns Jlurc
Al lIaCI- liuiii-rl-i
Sf.u.ford tJiiKuf-ity, Cal., April
7. On Saturday, April '21, Chas.
Sumner Dole '03 will tnko hia
track team to San Francisco to
plRy off the tio tnndn by tho nthle
lie teams of Stanford and Borke
loy last car.
By a curious coinciileuco tho
captains of tho thieo Stanford
teams this year are from Southern
California -Dolo of tho track
team, Fickart of the football
eleven and Thompson of tho baso
ball nine. Hole is nn athloto of
unusual ability and a conscien
tious worker on tho track. His
example has been worth a great
deal to those who aro training
under his ditectiou. Ho has
taken great inlerent in Stanford
affairs sinco ho entered tho uni
versity throo years ago.
In the lust field day on the
campus, in spite of a lame knee,
Dolo pulo-vaulted 10 feet 11 in
ches. This was an increase ovor
his best recorded performance of
10 feet 10.J" inches, winch is the
present coast iccoid. Ho has
lately shown a decided improve
ment iu the iiioad ilium
Among Dole's records aro tho
coast record for the pole vault,
10 foot 1CA inches; high jump, ii
feet 0J in" b ; hmAd jmrp, 'JO
foot 7i inches; 'J-J0 yard hurdle,
27 seconds; l'JO yard hurdle, 1(5
1 5 uecouda, and 100 yard dash,
10 !$ o seconds. Ho is the cham
pion all-round nthleto of tho Y.
M. O. A. on tho coast. Ho is a
uephow of Prenidout Dolo of the
Hawaiian Islands. Ho weighs
170 pounds in running attiro and
is finely built. His major subject
is economics.
kvrrt F.nri.M Willi a Sn,ji;t!llili
of Alllmicc Willi Anicrlcn.
A dispatch of April 8 from St.
Petersburg to tho Now York
Herald is as follows: Just at tho
moment wIipu ou'iyoue had mado
up his mind that all tho troubled
in Greoco aud Crete wero mottled,
and uftor tho Bourse had opened
buoyantly on the report flint
Uiouco had given way, a very un
fortunate oountorhlnst has como
iu tho p .stpoiiHinenl of the block
ado and thu news of the speech of
Mr Rilfinr, in ivhich k in in
ported to hava tnlkeil of a uniou
with America iu ciiho ot a war
with Franco or Hussia. This lat
tor poiut sounds so remaikablo
nutl improbable that hail it not
como through tho oilicial ageuoy
it would soom incredible, At all
oventu, it has produced a stronn
impiuri-'iou upon a largo patty
lioro, whoso utombors perf-istoutly
iusiat that England is backup the
flreokH and wishes to seize Smla I
bay. To give an idea of theBo !
riontiinontri it lias been repotted '
that England id about to fmuo thu !
is a perfect "device for slow
feeding in the stables orjon
the road and is a boon both
to the horse and his owner.
' It is the best device yet 111
! veilted for feeding all kinds of
i . . . , . . i
trrain, chopped tood, bran
mash, water or medicine.
It is made of steel, practical
ly indestructible. The follow
er slides on a malleable iron
rod, riveted to the box, our
latest invention. Finely gal
vanized. Easily Cleaned. Pure
and Odorless. Light and Port
able. The only box foi cam
paigning, used and approved
by owners and drivers of the
fastest horses in the world.
Especially adapted to the use
of (ire and police departments,
stock farms, and public and
private stables.
Owners and drivers of horses
entered for the 11th of June
races should see that their
animals are provided with
these feed boxes. They will
be sure winners if they do.
Betting men should not invest
a dollar on a horse that has
not been fed from the Nation
al Feed Box. They will be
sure losers if tljey do.
Horsemen generally and
every man, woman or child
who owns a horse is invited
to call and see them at
Hawaiian Hardware Co.
Opposite Spreckols' Bank
1 Still They
i bOine.
Each dity lulds n number qf
members to our popular
let ,
g Club one and two drow last
pj Sntuiday. Club threo isapid-
ly filling up. Tho samo en
i thusiasm aB of old exists, all
B clnsses aro uuxious to joiu, be-
causo it is a clear saTing of
ne uthar
You Throw Away
Every Week.
H Uesidos another vital point
adds to thn popularity, and that
is that wo do not inako it
W obligiitory to tako a watoh, but
t( allow you to select any one or
' roorp articlen in tho store, no
matter in what line. Could
auythiug bo fairer to you?
Wo waut to say right bete,
that wo wilt baok up any uud
ovory artiolo Bolocled iu our
club withwtho same full and
comploto guar.'iuteo which goes
with every piece of goods Bold
iu tho store. You tnko no risk
whatever. Wo tako it all.
The Manufacturing Harness Co.
Iorl mul
Ti:i.i:piiosi, 2'2S.
Fmc Handmade H&mess, Etc.
E5i We keep in stock and sell no goods except
Pen Pictures of the Bible from
Qeuoflis to Kevebtloue. . .
152 Beautiful Illustrations.
Topographical Maps of Palestine
from recent and ' occurafn surveys
made by The Palestine Hxuloratlon
Fund of London, Riving every Journey
iliude by tho Saviour from tho lllitht
Into l-fopt to tho Ascension The
best aid to lUbhi
study ever oll'croil
tho public. For
ale at tha
IJW We aro now prepared to do
all 'kinds of
Copperplate Engraving
Wedding IuvltatlonB lu the very
latest ryles, and Calling Card a a
specialty. . . . ,
No. 316 Fort Street.
In the Circuit Court of.,,,,,,1
the First Circuit, Hawaii. 1 ST'S )
un Islands. James J. Uyruo vh. John
Allen, H. Allen and other, at Chum
burn. The Republic of Hawaii: To
the Marshal of tho Hawaiian Inlands,
or his Deputy, Greullui;: You are
hereby coiiiirmndt-d to miiuiiioii John
Allen, Henry Allen, fjfirv R mVs,
W. II. Luuilierr, A. Kc-k, 1J. F. Dil
lingham aud Ouhti Railroad & Laud
Co. to appear tou days alter bervice
hereof, If thoy reside on the Island of
Onhu, otherwise twenty days after
rvlce, before audi JiHro of the CIr
cult Court of the First Clicult as shall
be Hitting ut Chambers In the Court
Room, at Honolulu, iu the Judiciary
Hulldlnjr, to answer the annexed bill
oi Juiiu-s J. Byiiie. Aud you ato fur
ther commanded, by order of tho Hou.
A. W. Carter, 1st Judge of the Circuit
Court of tho 1st Circuit, that process
beservtd upoo W. A. Kiuuey, Esq ,
for and on behalf df A. Feek and that
a temporary Injunction Issuo us pruytd
for against the Oabu Railroad b Land
Company, A. Feek, his Attorneys,
Agents and Factors, and have you
then there this Writ, with your re
turn thereon.
( 'V'Hc-h th- F' c J- ;
I """''of Him Clroull Cuuit-.t .uo
1'irst Circuit, at Honolulu, this 27ch
day of July, 1890.
I I1GG, Civil Code. Tho time with
in ivhhili au act Is to be done,
khall be computed by txcltitllng tho
tlrot day and Including the hint. If
Iho lat day ho Sunday, it btiall ho
I certify the fon (,oiug to be a truo
copy of the original summons iu aid
cause, aud that said Court ordered that
eei vim be made iiou said non resl
ilullt (lefoadnnt, A. Ftek, by pnbllua
i ion oi too tame and coiitiMimiico of
raid ruusi' until iho 2bth day ot Juue,
lhn7, at 10 o'clock iu the foreiioou.
II'iniiuiii, H I. Mai" 10, 1W7.
COt-oaw Cleric.
Rotol St., near Fort. Tol. 802.
OirFioKi 203 JltrchttHt direct, Cajirilll
llltMik f rear of J, O, Oattot'ii oUlool. V, (),
King tf (roots.
P. O. Box .)2'2.
$2,853 00 to be Given
Away in 130 Prizes.
The Eastman Kodak Com
pany have decided to awurd
tho above prizes to am iteur
photographers for the best
Pictures and Lantern Slides
mado from thoir Transparent
All kodttkers aro entitle d to
compete for the prizes. The
pictures will bo exhibited and
tho competition will bo decided
in London.
All persons desirous of en
tering tho competition must
have specimens at Rochester,
N". Y., before Septombor 1,
$ For further information
call on us, and we shall be
pleased to servo you.
Eastman Kodak Company
The Honolulu Sanitarium
10S2 Kiug Street.
A Qnlet, Homelike Flnco, where Trained
Nurne, Masuapu, "tiwedish Movement "
BatUn, Electricltv aud Physical TiduhiR
may be obtniued.
TuIoiiLouc 0.19. Buporiuteudent.
Mschanios and Toamsters.
Anyouo needing the services of
Hint-cluus Mechanlcti, TeiimsterH,
Lunau, elo , unu to supplied by apply
ing to J. Alfred MtiKoon, or to the
Hawaiian Hagey Institute, Telephone
tot. f. wilhurYon
fiH--lm ' Manager.
Removal Notice.
On und after April lnt, Dru. Cooper
& RiivmnnJ will occupy tlio olllueft of
Dr. MvUrew on Hotel otrfnt. Olllco
houiH fn.iu 8:(ti)l0a m, l yn io a
mid 7 to h i, m, I'-li'iiUuub So. lot.
,ri7ll 1m
rii j i
I lntoffi'in iok
u 1
... ...'.
r 4
W ty
"JUi. ,. ji3j

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