OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, July 29, 1897, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1897-07-29/ed-1/seq-4/

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L ?'
Tax Appeal Court Notice.
Xollco l hereby glvon Hint the
Court of Tax Appeals tor the District
of Honolulu, will ll Kt tlm late LcrIh
Inttvu Hall, Jinllelury Hiillillng, on
MONDAY, the 2ml iluy of August,
1897, nt 1 .30 1'. M , to hear Mich nw
peati in limy tiolinuiclit bel"re It,
l'rolilpnt of Court of Tux Appeals
'or the Island of Oahu.
Honolulu, .luly'Jd, IS97. 071.31
51 Euer?ir;$ Bulletin,
Vi'hilu (Liu Government cauuot
do nil tho street widening and
opt'iimg authorized by tbo Legis
luturo nt once, thnro are some
dangerous places iu tho plan of
projected improvements that might
bo amended without awaiting tbo
pormanout work. There is n reg
ular death trap in that curious
labyriuth corapt initio Union street
nud Adams anil Gurdou lanes. It
is a multiplo effect trap indeed,
for there are several places in it
whore, to avoid the imputation of
bniug iutouded for the peril of life
and limb, red Hugs bhould ily by
day and red lamps lliue at night.
Danger signals would, however,
scarcely reduce the danger so
long as cariinges uso those thor-
oughfaros, but they might save tho
Government a coitaiu degree of
responsibility on account of
accidents that present condi
tions favor. Tin- ingenuity of
tho early generation of property
ownnre in fabricating the rights
of ww forming lhni miiii-horu
routes is likely to c.utinuo as a
wonder for handing down to
posterity. Widening the ways
will, so far aB artistic appearances
go, only make the picturesqueness
of their sinuosities and acute
culjIos and abruptly broken vistas
more conspicuous and eniier of
comprolionBion. It will greatly
roduce the danger of collision,
howover, und that is the utilita
riau end in view. Thnro are con
tributing cui80of danger 111 the
labyiitith in question, how
over, which amount to a common
nuisauce aud should be abated
without awaiting tho permanent
impiovements. Such arc the
high and close board fences that
shut oiT tho lookout from carriages
when approaching tho sharp
turns, and to this cause is mainly
duo a loug record of collisions,
fiiuu-uups and narrow escapes in
the labyrinth. Those obstructions
to the view ought to be officially
deuouucod as common nuisances,
to be abated simply by having
tho hoardings cat down low
enough to permit a driver to see
over tho corners, that no eye will
ever bo able to seo nrouud without
tho aid of refracting mirrors.
Whilo on this subject,
attention may bo leoalled to an
other danger point, to which this
paper has referred time aud again.
That is the protrusion of a large
building upon the lino of Punch
bi"l, t Horotunia street. This is
a very dangerous spot aud has its
disaster record as such. To
amend the condition only requiros
the moving buck of the house a
few feet. DumngcB for this pur
pose ought to have been arbitrat
ed long ago und the work put
through. With the improvement
of tho lot opposite, just added to
tho Queen's Hospital grounds,
this little bit of street widening
becomes highly clesirablo even for
the miko of appearances.
The Hiyoi hoaded off tho Oregon
if sho did take three weeks to do
lit. An early start goes a long
fftway in getting there first. Hi-yi-
taiiiui imir.ii i.vi"rmin.u
tiii: coNtiKr.nrAii MtrriioitM.
low Ucritiany anil Aiialrln Puclhlatr
Hrnlly ftnlra mt4 I.oaiia nutl
t'lmrjre Low t'rea.
Probably thcro is no country in
tho world whero tho transfer of
real estate is attended with so
much troublo and red tape methods
as in England, whilo tho expenso
incurred there will compare favor
ably with Hawaii itself. But oven
conservative Old England is bo
coming wcA uf tho prosout cum
bersome system aud is looking
around for something hotter aud
cheaper. Tho Torrens Byntom,
now so generally adopted in tho
Australian Colouies and the
United States, has been uniformly
successful wherever adopted, but
there is nothing new about it.
Whilo the bysteiu is named after
a New Zealaud legislator, who in
troduued the bill iu his Purlin
ment which resulted iu the bvb
tern becoming a law iu that colony
and drew general attention to its
features from couutries aud dates
like Hawaii almost groaning
under tho expeuto of the anti
quated methods now in vogue, it
really dates from the medieval
ages and has been in daily use for
hundred of uuibou the Conti
nent of Europe.
It irt pleasant to lead in a late
copy of the London Standard that
0. Fortoscup-Hriokdale, the As
sistant Hegistrai of the Land
Ofiice, was, on the suggestion of
the Land Registrar iu Mnv last,
instructed bv the Government to
investigate thrt practical woikiug
of the system of land registration
carried on In Germany and Aus
tria nungary. tho mitisu em
bassies at Berlin and Vienna .pro
cured tun fullest olucial and gen
eral facilities for the inquiry,
which included visits to Berlin
and Vienna, and to several impor
tant towns m various parts, as
well as to some of the smaller
provincial centers and country
It appears from tho report just
published that systems of regis
tration of title practically the
hiune as the colonial "Torrens"
8,5 stem and the system partially
estahlishd in England under
Lord Vestbun's and Lord
Cairns' acts of 18(52 aud 1875, are
now in almost universal operation
over tho whole of tho German and
Austro Hungarian empire-. These
systems aro everywhere exceeding
ly popular. Laud owners, busi
ness men (particularly bankers
aud others employing capital in
loans on real secinity), and oven
lawyors appear unanimous as to
its advantages. The system is
found to be aheap, eapy, rapid,
simple aud safe. This iH uot due
to any special simplicity iu tho
titles, rights or transactions them
selves, the majoiity of which aro
quite as complicated as aveiage
dealings in England.
beverul examples are given of
the registration of what wo should
call noblemen's and country gen
tlemen's estates one, comprising
120,000 English acres of town,
village, arable, pasture, wood and
waste, filling two folio volumes of
500 pages apieco, together with
000 sheets ot the cadastral map.
These properties are subject to
entails aud settlements similar to
those prevalent in Euglnnd, nnrl
often to charitable and religious
doles and charges of great anti
quity, and likewise to heavy mort
gages. On tho other hand small
proportieB are far more common
than with us and give riso to such
numerous transactions that in
Austria over 70 por cent of the
sales are far under 50. Very
low scales of fees suffice to pay all
official expenses.
In Prussia, for instance, tho
fees for registering Bales begin nt
5d for a value of XI, at 20 the
fee is 2s 7d, at 100 it is 7s 3d, at
1000 it is 1 10s, at 5000, 4
5s, aud so ou. Whero dispatch is
not demanded, ten aud fiftoen
days is the usuul time occupied
over sales aud mortgages. In
Prussia, the security of a register
ed purchaser is absolute immo
diatoly on registration, aud iu
Austria praotically so, though a
nominal mterval is given for pos
sible objections. Ordinary pcoplo
con, and frequoutly do, look up
titlos for themselves, reducing tho
lawyer's work to tho mero draw-
lug nil of the deed. In tho coun
try, in Prussia, even (his Is not
usually wauled, tho mere verbal
declarations of the buyer and
seller, in ado before the local 11
gifilrar, being sufficient to pass an
estate The privacy of the regis
ters is strictly guarded iu most of
tho Gorman Slates only persons
having an interest in the land bo
ing allowed to inspect tho regis
Owing to the clearness and
security of all titles the trouble
and responsibility incurred by
tho lawyer on sales and morlgagos
1 is vory trilling anil costs little. An
i eminent advocate iu Vienna states
that 1 is a very usual fee for a
purchaser's lawyer; 10 is a high
fee, evou iu large matters and with
wealthy clionts. One of the Judges
in Vienna epoko somewhat com
plainingly of a lawyer's bill of 60
I'm oil, which ho had had to pay
ou a purchase of 1170 value. The
system of registration of title has
prevailed in some districts espe
cially in the older provinces of
Austria--from tho middle nges,
but in others its introduction is of
later, or even of quite recent date.
In some parts tho Rhino pro
vinces, for iustauco it is still in
course of introduction. Iu the
Tyrol it is about to ho introduced.
It ha9 been compulsorily np
plied to thu new districts from
time to tinio by Ministerial orders,
under powers conferred for tho
purpose by geiioml laws. Tho
system iB administered locally, in
districts about tho samo size as
American County Court Registries.
No place is more than ten or fif
teen mile from its local land
registry. In Badou and Wurtom
here every enmmune has its own
registry. Whore tho estates run
into several districts they can be
registered iu any oue. Some laiie
estates iu Austria are registered in J
uiecnpiiHiSjiiiHiettu 01 in meir local
legihtiics. The leport concludes
with a detailed description ot
somo fourteen Continental land
registries including those of
Berlin, Vienna and Dresden (with
plans), Buda-Pesth, Munich,
Prague and Cologne personally
inspected iu the course of tho in
quiry. pme!y opse5
July 29, 1S97.
This week we desire to call
attention to our large and va
ried assortment of Carpenters'
Tools, among which will be
found many novelties.
Balsley's Screw Drivers may
be mentioned as one of these.
This little instrument can be
accurately adjusted in a mo
ment to fit any sized screw
and there is no danger of its
slipping off the screw head,
thus saving much valuable
time, not to mention the wear
and tear of a man's temper.
We have in stock a line of
AtorrilFs and other makes of
Sawsets and Files, .Spoke
shaves, Chisels, Gouges, Car
penter and Engineering Ham
mers of all descriptions, hat
chets and saws, various sizes,
shapes and make; Steel and
Try Squares, Pocket Rules
and Carpenter's Pencils, Rat
chet Braces and Spirit Levels
in great variety, Jennings' and
Expansive Bits and a number
of other useful articles for car
penters and mechanics.
The Pocket Tool 'Chest is a
useful article for the house
hold. We have them in sev
eral sizes.
No trouble to show goods.
Give us a trial.
Hawaiian Hardware Co
Opposite Sprookols' Bauk
Hawaiian Soda Works,
Faotouvs Sunny Boirru.
Tolophono (MS.
WyHpli 1 ?mmrmmmfqmm
1.Tiie Latest Model is reduced from
$100 to $85.
Crescent Bicycles,
The Pacific
When planted for soiling purposes cause tho
ground to absorb and hold moisture and act as
a most efficient .....
Damp ening-,
Mellowing and
'm ' "' Jjjnri cliing.
No Better Fertilizer is known for CANE LANDS.
8 For sale in quantities to suit by
The California Feed Co.,
Telephone 191. Queen Street.
Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd
Just to hand (in invoice ot tho New Improved PLANTERS HOE.
SOLID OAST STEEL Extra Btrong, Eyo and Blado forged from
one piece.
PLOWS Breakers, Double Furrow, Subsoil, Rice.
HOWE'S SCALES The beBt in the world.
BRUSHES Paints, Oils aud VamishoB.
"WIRE DOOR MATS Windmill and Oistorn Pumps.
VISES, PIPE CUTTERS Norton's Jack ScrowB, 8 aud 10 tons.
VACUUM OILS Another invoice just rocoived.
BARATOQA beluj,' no lonaor a pub
lio resort, tho proprietress will bo glud
to let tho whole or part (with board If
iteHirod or light bnuBekeepliKj). to
private fumllltH wishing u healthy
Hummer resort. For teruw, wlilrtm
l. 0. llox 2ls. or ou tlm premise.
00!) liu
Cycle & Manufacturing Co.,
.Agents for the Islands.
11 jjbv.;i ,T,-, j
To Bo Opened.
THURSDAY, July 15, at the Bailor's
Home, tho RoHUuraut will reopen
with u Free Dinner servott In llrst
cIhm style. Meal, hIukIs, 'Ma', tickets,
$I.H). Open from 5 a. in. to 7 p m.
o.r)7l(n Proprietor.
liulm, had unturned muimuemt'nt nud will
prcaldu uvtr the KlULcii Iu pcttou.
Viiiii; St., licnr Alukca.
We Can Handle
eome more collodions; wo arc
miA'tltiu' with crcnt Micci'im
ulilili means success to our
pat ron k. Drop us a rnrri anil
u will call. It lll bo to
jour oJvaut(,'e-
Coining & Adv't'sing Agcy
217 Merchant 8trcct.
Yee Sing Tie
Deulor In
Wall Paper,
Wicker Chairs,
01 all klmlu.
:: u r -fj
Fort Strcot, opp. Club Stablos
Evening Mullet iv. 7 So per jicmln,

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