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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, August 27, 1897, Image 4

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1P,WWlii mmwm
W 4Mt
By Authority.
By tho Prosidont of tho
Ropublio ol' Hawaii.
Sl;q Euer?lr Bulletin
I'M DAY, AIM. '27, 181)7.
A Proclamation.
Whereas, A treaty of political
union botwcen tlin Republic of
Hawaii and tho Uuited titntca of
AmericH has boon made by tho
President with the approval of tho
Cabinet, in accordance with Art
iclo ;j'2 of tho Coustiluti ..d
lias been signed by tho represent
atives of both Governments:
lo arbitration. NaliotiH will noon
bi'onnio vury hIij of whnt Ihey put
in their tteatlex, to provmil (heir
..i l)eiii( tmulu llic fzrouud of foreign
interference with dnmiHtiu lenlsla.
M. D.'S AS M. L.'S.
An oleineiit that lins been con
Hpicuous by iln aliRonco in Hnwai
iau legislatures of tho past is tho
medical profession. It is one,
though, that has furnished good
material in tho lawmaking bodies
of other countries and would do
tho Bnmo hore. When our Board
of Health hnH an immense
proportion of the revcuuo to
expond, iln affairs ought to havo
expert Buititiuj accordingly in tho
Legislature. A doctor as chair
man of tho Banitary com tn it too in
Now, therefore, I, S.VNroiti) 13. J well branch of tho Legislature
Mr. Mellls, m tho pioneer in
the project, ought to reooive
hoarty public support in working
up a Hawaiian cafo at Omaha.
It would bo one of tho best possi
ble meatiB of introducing tho
merits of Hawaiian colTcu to tho
vast body of American consumers.
Dom:, President of tho Republic
of Hawaii, by virtue of tho power
conferred upon mo by Article 28
of the Constitution, hereby con
vene the Sonato in Special Session
at the Executivo Huilding in Ho
nolulu, at 12 o'clock noon, on
"WEDNESDAY, the Eighth
Day of September, A. D. 1897,
for tho cousidetation of the ques
tion of the ratification of the said
treaty of annexation and for tho
should be a valuable acquisition.
In making this suggestion the
Bulletin has no medical candi
date in view, nor has it rocoivod
any outeido prompting. Medical
men have tho benefits of a libeiol
education and, though they havo a
way of making other peoplo dis
play thoir tougues, cau gen
erally do thoir share of talk
ing in doliberativo assemblies.
They, moreovor, aro gonorally in
timate with many peoplo of varied
walks in life, bo that they ought
dispatch of other public business, j lo wcl1 " louc with public
Given under my hand and tho
Great Seal of tho Republic of Ha
waii, this Twenty-fifth day of
August, A. D. 1897.
I3y tho President:
Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Public Land Notice.
L:aso and Salo of Public Lands in
Puna and South Kona, Hawaii.
On MONDAY, September 20,
1897,nt front entrance of Judiciary
Building, 12 o'clock, noon, will bo
bold at Pubiio Auction, Two Lots
in Kohonu, Puna, containing ti
3-10 acres and 0 9-10 acres res
pectively. Upset prico. U92 90
and t'20.70. Tonns Cash in United
States gold.
At the sumo time and placo will
be sold tho lease of Ahupuua of
Kaultmauiauna, S. Kona, contain
ing 3,100 acris, more or le$s.
Term, 21 years.
Upset Rental, toO or annum,
payable unuuully in advance.
'Tho Government rtbt-rvee tho
l if; lit to t.iko up any portions of
this laud for purpose;) of Laud Act
without induction of rout.
For further particulars apply at
tho Public Lands oil'ic, Honolulu,
or of E. D. Baldwiu, Hilo.
Agent of Public Lands.
Dated, August 23, 181)7.
J G91-3t
Sealed Tenders.
opinion. H e want more tnnn
dull respectability in our law
makers, and mere success in busi
ness of itself is of small account.
Men of broad and moro than
averagoly intelligent, not to Bay
Buporfinoly cultivated, minds and
liberal human sympathies ought
to be solocted, and cortainly
doctors possess these qualities as
usually as members of other
learned professions. When,raroly(
a doctor has been in the Hawaiian
Legislature, nu appeal to the
records will provo that he has
honored the position. The country
would, it is the opinion of tho
Bulletin, be bettor with a less
number of doctors in executive
capacities and more of thorn on
gaged in tho work of legislation.
Ts Append. DccIMom.
Tho Board of Tax Appeals havo
tendered tho following decisions
in tho eases of those plantations
who brought thoir cases beforo
l'hiitatlon. ItuductUn Mfkeil. Allowed.
Waiakeu 870,000 835,000
Hilo Sugar Co.. 00,000 25,000
Onomea Su Co.. 111,619 G1.G19
Popeokeo 50,000 50,000
Uouomu 30,000 30,000
Hakalau 75,000 Refused
Hauiakua 94.8C0 54,800
Paauhau 108,000 100,000
Kohala Su Co... 50,000 Refused
Union Mill Co... 25,000 15,000
R It Hind 114,555 25,000
Hawn Ag Co . . . 100,000 100,000
HutchiuBonPl'Co25,(J00 25,000
1897 Remingtons,
if a.-
Total S9G3.974 8521,419
Hilo Herald.
Will ho received at tho Oflico
of tho Minister of tho Interior till
12 o'clock noon of MONDAY,
September 20, 1897, for tho con
struction of Road from Muhukona
to tho Waimen Koad, Hawaii.
Plans and Specifications at tho
Oflico of the Superintendent of
Public Woi-fes i ml at Kolmlu Post
Tho Minister does not bind
himself to accept tho Jowost Or
any bid. J. A. KINO,
Minister of tho Interior.
Jntorior Ollico, Aug. 25, 1897.
l'nr .III I It Minlles.
Tho frequent call for cool drink
at the Palama Grocery has induced
us to sot apart a window for tho
salo of cold drinks. Our milk
shakes are delicious, nothing but
puro fresh milk, shaved ice and
the puiost of Uavoriug syrup be
ing used, which wo' sell at Coles
tial price, 5o. per glass. II.
Gannon, Palama G noor.it v, oppo
site Railway Dopot, King
strcot. '
Bicycle shoes, stockings, sweat
ers, carriers, etc., at tho Pnoiiio
Cycle A- Manufacturing Co., Lovo
building, Fort street.
The Advertiser is informed that
according to a Washington dis
patch of the 14th, tho Union
Iron Works of San Francisco has
accepted the Navy Department's
terms for the diagonal armor for
tho bulkheads of the battle-ship
Wisconsin, now under construc
tion at their shipyard. Tho ar
rangements for tho supply of this
structural armor wero mado re
cently with the Cramps in the
case of the Alabama, being at tho
rate of $300 a ton, which is the
maximum rate allowed by law.
Nothing as yet has been heard
from tho Newport Nows Company
with regard to supplying diagounl
armor for the battle-ship cou
struotiou at tho yard.
Kx AUnirilu,
Camarinos Refrigerator: Nec
tarines, Grapes, Cherries, Peach
es, Apricots, Plums, Asparagus.
Rhubarb, Gooseberries, Currants,
Celery, Caulillower, Fresh Salmon,
Flounders, Crabs, Frozen Oystors
(tin or shell), Navel Oranges,
Lemons, Queen Olives, Early
Rose Potatoes, Pickles, Sauor-
kraut, Now Applos, Bartlett Pears
Califoknia Fiiuit Mahket.
Tolephone 378
Hero a little and thero a littlo,
tho Government has givou the
public after haid ohasing up by
tho press an idea of tho latest
phases of tho controversy with
Japan. Tho situation as thus re
vealed simply amounts to this,
that Japan accopts Hawaii's offor
to havo tho disputo arbitrated,
providing that tho Hawaiian Gov
ernment shall not be allowed to
Bubmit its side of the case to tho
arbitrator. Thora is nothing
small about Japan with her big
navy !
It seems that a largo proportion
of tho drugs supplied to tho Board
of Health has been paid for at
ratos not offered by tho lowest
bidders. Somo drugs of tho most
used havo not been on the list for
which tenders aro asked. This
fault is now to bo corrected, but
tho wonder is why it was never
discovered beforo.
Germany considers tho United
Stales tariff law violates tho treaty
and wauts to submit the question
Jlmely Jopiej
August 19, 1S97.
This week we want to call
the attention of the public to
the excellence of the
for which we are. the sole
agents for the Hawaiian Islands.
The merits of these wind
mills are so well known that
their repetition would be tire
some. It is sufficient to state
that the Aermotors will run
when all others are at a stand
still. They are self-regulating,
requiring no attention what
ever beyond an occasional
drop of oil. There are more
Aei motors sold in the islands
than all other makes of wind
mills combined.
Among those who have re
cently purchased Aermotors of
us may be mentioned Minister
Damon, who has one at Moana
lua; Minister Cooper one at his
new Manoa mansion; Paul
Isenberg is so well v satisfied
with them that he has no less
than four at his Waialae place.
We can show an Aermotor
Wihdmill in actual operation
which pumps water 4000 feet
to an elevation of 190 feet.
There is no other that will do
this. We can furnish the Aer
motor with pumping mills or
geared to run machinery. These
latter will perform all the work
of a one to four horse power
In connection with these
windmills we supply Gould's
and Krogh's triple acting
siphon and other pumps and
patent water tanks of S00,
1000, 2000, 3000, 5000 and
10,000 gallons capacity.
Hawaiian Hardware Co,
Oppodita Sprcckols' Bank
irThe ..Latest Model is reduced from
$100 to $85.
Crescent Bicycles,
The Pacific Cycle & Manufacturing Co.,
Sole Agents for the Islands.
Evtnwj Ihdlttiii 75c per month.
Agate Ware.
Do you know that a great
deal of ware is sold in this
market under tho general term
indicated abovo but in which
there must bo a wide diverg
ence of quality. If coBt counts
for anything, take buckets for
instance. A genuine agate -1
qt eoamed Bucket costs you
50 cents at our etoro. Tho
6am e sizo in Peorless ware
would roalizo tho same per
centage of profit if Bold for SO
cents. Tho moral ia obvious.
Wo do not haudle.tho cheap
grados in enameled ware but
will soil you the bost quality
known to tho trade as low as
the Bamo can honestly bo Bold.
Our shelves contain tho
most complote stock of theso
goods ever imported to tuis
Call and inspect
Farmers' Boilers
We havo stocked a complote
assortment of these conveni
ent cauldron cookers for coal
or wood. Useful for cooking
nil manner of food for stock,
heating water in quantities,
etc. Size of cauldron from
15 to Go gallons capacity.
Along with these wo havo a
large lino Oook Stoves and
Bangos, Water-coils and Boil
ers which will bear Inspec
tion. If in need of anything
in this line, examine our stock
and got our prices before mak
ing your purchases.
27 and 229 King Streot.
Dealers in Stoves, Kitchen Utensils, Plumbers
Supplies and Sheet Metal.
Jobbing promptly attended to.
You Can Find
Some interesting items
for Gentlemen with in
teresting August prices
in Linen Crash, suitings
of all kinds and Gents'
Furnishinga. At
The Hotel St. Tailors,
W verier Hulldlug.
Telepboue 641. P. O. Box
Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd
Just to hand au iuvoico of tho Now Improved PLANTERS HOE.
SOLID OAST STEEL Extra strong, Eyo and Blado forged from
ono pioco.
BLOWS Breakers, Doublo Furrow, Subsoil, Rico.
HOWE'S SCALES Tho bost in tho world.
BRUSHES Paints, Oils and Varnishes.
WIRE DOOR MATS - Windmill and Oistoru BumpB.
VISES, PIPE OUTTEBS Norton'H Jack Sorows, 8 and 10 Ions.
VACUUM OILS Another iuvoico just rocoivod.
Pool tfounianieiit
Ariiqgfoi Billiard pariou?
.... COMMENCING ....
Tuesday August 31st,
At 8:30 o'clock p. m.
lat Prize Gold Medal value $20.
lid Prrze-Mllver Medal value 10.
Entries will belreculved until 9 p. m.
fcaturdaV, August 28.
Entrance Fife, $1.00. C05 5t
OrtWK, 207 Mfk-iiANT Smew,
Telephone 180.
Furniture and ', Pianos care
fully nujved.
Baggage Checked ai Your Home.
rfc.niN0'usur. 0;o.ani
Mb-. ..
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