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i-jjr'r' "TVW3!(pIW " MB' ' r W " """TpPVT ""V r r a . . & kT ?ii?!i:Li'l W IT Y OU OilUUlU KUL UU ' CJ. Ill LI1C DUHCL HI 7 rtCLAUri ajarrS&rST: 1 ta j?r 0 fw 0 ''k' -- rWVSVM NvlAssllww,AlAAv.rn Evening The RICH Man, The POQR Man, The GOOD Man, The BAD Man, ULLETIN The BIG Alan, The LITTLE Man, ALL MEN READ The Bulletin. ' V -The Progressive Bulletin is READ by ALL People. aw- Vol. VI. No. 1221. HONOLULU, IL I., THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1899. Pitiofi 5 Ohnts. v:y CUPID'S DARTS MENDED AN ADDITION TO KAiMOKI FOR EXHIBIT AT OMAHA CLOSING OF MURDER TRIAL A NEW STOCK EXCHANGE WAHIAWA SUGAR SCHEME W J" VI mrTT -( t " Tjero is mock mystery in tho Hoyt-MoKeo Company just now and if rumors which wont the rounds of tho clubs nnd sooinl gatherings last evening Can be credited, Miss Allone Orator tho leading lady who played tho widow iu "Chinatown" with dash and spirit on Tuesday evening -will, iusido of a year roturn to Hunolulu to live in poacoful matrimony. A young society man, a gradunto of xalo University met Miss Crater in Denver nearly sir years ago. It was a caso of love on both sides at siuht, crnol paints, howevor, broke cupid's love datts and Miss Orator ana her angel ad mirer drifted drifted apart. Track of each other was lost until last Saturday morning Miss Orator was out shopping and on Fort etroet in front of Hollister & Co., she ran into the arms of her form er admirer. Numerous demonstra tions and congratulations wore indulged in right thoro and thon much to tho amazomant of onlook ers and a renewal of tho oldplodgo has since been made. When Manager Cooke was ques tioned last evening concerning tho affair he wob in tho company of Mr. Conor who laughed heartily whon tho reporter plied his queBtions,and remarked,"We carry no press ngont, so tho story must bo corroot." Mr. Cooko admitted Miss Crater has boon chaperoned by a hand somo, manly young looking otblo tio chap but couldn't vouch tho "fair Alleno" would return here to wed any ono, when her contract oxpiros in a yoar's time with Messrs. Hoyt & MoEee. Miss Gratdr was away all Inst evening from the Hawaiian hotol whero sho was domiciled and could not bo found to verify the excitemont tho rumor has caused eociety. The Bulletin, 75c per month. AT WATERHOUSO: Anderson's Delicious Soups. 15-CENT SIZE. BEST GROCERIES. Fanciest China Crockery Light Hardware Agateware ITOXJ'LTj FISTID THEM -A.T WATERHOUSE'S 1 I Department Store WAVERLEY BLOCK, Established 1801- 'G'oceries, Crockery, Goar, Lansing & Co. have just olosed a big land deal with Paul It. Isonborg by which they bo come tho ownors of a tract of land comprising 455 acres immediately adjoining the prosont Kaimuki tract, which has had such a boom. ThisMnnd is tho Wnialao slope.tbo highor portions of whfch affords a view of this island all tho way from tho Waiaune moantains to Eoko Head and tbon across tho chenuol to Molokai. Tho lower parts afford au viow oqually as good. Tho lots iu tho Kaimuki tract bi nearly all been Bold and there is still a big demand for moro.Tho intontion of Gear,Lans ing & Co. at tho presont time is to divido tho now tract into lots and run tho avenuos and stroets before makine any move to sell. Already a largo number of applicants have put in their orders for choice places. Tho addition of tho now tract to tho old makes tho wholo of Kai muki about 900 acres in extent. To more accurately describe the former it might bo said that tho land extonds from the top of tho ridge to the windmill. TrH Are All Planted. The cocoanut trees, 614 in num ber, havo all been planted along the beach road and aro doing very well. The only thing remaining now is protection for thorn. This work can be attended to without nnothor mooting, of the board. Arrangements will bo made by which tho troes will bo watered twico a week. Mali for Bn Prancleco. The Holaco will finish coaling Into today or early tomorrow fore noon. At all evonts she will Bail for San Francisco early tomorrow afternoon and will tako a mail. This will close at the Post Office at 12 o'clock noon. Cutlery j BETHEL STREET -Leadora 1800 Hardware. Chamber of Commerce Accepts the Re port ol Special Committee. Commissioners Are Nominated to Conduct the Exhibit Ten Tbonsand Dollars Estimated for Expenses. A special mooting of tho Cham or df Oommorco was bold this morning to receive tho roport of committee on Hawaiian exhibit at the Greater Amerioa Exposition at Omaba this saramor. J B Atherton, president, was in tho chair, others present being: J G Spencer, secretary, J J Egan, H E Waity, Robet Lowers, It W Shingle representing H Woter bonse, J P Gooko, P A Scbaefer, E Sahr, 13 F Dillingham, E 0 Macfarlane, F W Macfarlano, W G Irwin. T It Walker and A J Campbell. W W UmBtod, com missioner from Omaha, and L A Thurston were visitors. Mr. Sbinglo read tbo roport of tho committee, which was accept ed and ordered to bo printed and distributed to members, for farthor consideration at a mooting next Monday at 2 p. m. Tho roport recommended in general an industrial and educa tional exhibit of tho Hawaiian Islands. Other suggestions were for a service of Hawaiian coffee, tho sending of the Hawaiian quintette club, the distribution of literature rotating to the islands, etc. It was recommended that Hon. A. . Ulognorn bo the proB idont and Daniel Logan the secretary of the Commission to manage the exhibit. An estimate of $10,000 for expenses was submitted. Tbo argument was used that tho exhibit of coffee alonoatlast yoar's exposition at Umaua in results more than repaid tho expense. m The Orpheum. "Marriod in the Dark" is a lurid midnight plot in which Jim Post mixes up and and finally in the guise of a parson bitches up two eloping couplos. Tho play is genuinely witty and humorous. "The Twoltivals" is another farce built on different linos but equally funny. Frank Barton was in ox- collont voico and acquitted him self well responding to a doublo encore. It remained, however, for Mies Glorino to capturo the audience in hor spoctacular trans formation danco. Loio Fuller's mantle has surely fallen nn the shoulders of this artint. TIi pic tures, representing Geo. Wash ington, MoKinloy, Gladstone, ex- Queon Liliuokiilani, Queen Vic- na, jxmg ivaiHKHUi ana 1110 ist Princess Kaiulaui, as nlso tho Hawaiiau, American and British Hags, to truthfully express amuoh harknoved phrase fairly brought down tho house. Tho mechanical effects aro skillfully manipulated and tho ontiro performance artis tio to a degree. Tho other artists ably fitted their parts. Chickens, SIC, dozen; milch cows from $80 to SloO; horses, mules and vebiolos at your own prico. Received by Aloha just sighted off Eoko Head. Hono lulu Stock Yards Co., cornor Ala koa and Queen streets. A log of a whito man floating in tbo water was soon by Sam Dow sett and another young man as they woro on their woy from Pearl City to Honolulu in a yacht last Sunday. Dowselt wished to throw a ropo over "tho floating member and tow it to town, but mo otuer young man objected. Exeoutivo Officer O. B. Rey nolds has placarded on offer of $5 roward for the apprehension of anybody throwing stones at tho Board of Health's building at Ea waialiao. Hoodlums havo broken $100 worth of glass and Bash on tho premises within tho past few months. Dr. Myers baB froquontly found his office thoro a perfeot wrock. Mr. Robertson Begins Address to Jnry for the Defendants, Argument Will Take Two Days at Least Motions Are Heard by Judge Stanley. Judgo Stanley has granted a motion for continuanco of James J. Byrno vs. P. J. Voellor until August torm. An exception to tho ruling was noted by plaintiff, Kinney, Ballou tfe McOlanaban for plaintiff; Magoon & Silliinan for defendant. In F. J. Testa vs. J. P. Kaha hawai et al., Judgo Stanloy donicd tho motion of plaintiff objecting to tbo sufficiency of tholsurety. Tbo motion for a now trial, mado by defendants, was thon argued. Acbi & Johnson for plaintiff; A. G. Correa and J. T. Do Bolt for defendants. Tho mattor waB taken under adviBoment. A. G. M. Robertson this morn ing began his closing address to tho jury on behalf of tho fivo Japaneso charged with murder in connection with tho Kabuku riot. Ho will occupy tho wholo day. Tho prosecution will take another day, and thon Judgo Perry sums up tho case. This is tho eighth day since the jury was empaneled and sworn. Drath of William dlllrtpl. William Gillcspio, tho Australia steward shot by George Wado, died at tho Queen's hospital at a little after 2:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Tho funoral took place from the Queon's hospital at 11 o'clook this morning, tho Roy. Father Valentin officiating. Inter mont took placo in tho Catholic comotory. Ainone thoso present at tho fu noral were employes of tho Arm of W. G. Irwin & Co., ageats for tho U. a. H. (Jo., together with friends of tho deceased, of whom thoro aro many in Honolulu. At the gravo a pictoro of the coffin and floral tributes was takon. m 1 Vunnrnl of Ut Olilthu Auhitn. Tho funeral of tho Ohiofess Auhoa took place from tho late residenco on Punchbowl yester day afternoon, tho Rev. V. H. Kitcat officiating. A large num ber of the frionds woro present. Interment took place back ot the tomb in which aro placod tho re mains of King Lunalilo. The body was buried there by consent nt tno board ot trustees of the Lunalilo estate and is tbo very first burial iu tho Luualilo plot sinco tho death of that king. President Dolo rodo through the public works building on horse back yostorday afternoon in search of Supt. Rowoll. Eamalo Sugar Co. stockholders aro requested to sond in receipts for firot paymont with list of names, etc. See Now Today. Waimanalo Sugar Co. stock holders will recoive a dividond on Saturday, May 20th, at W. G. Irwin & Co.'s offico. Soo Now ToCay. Don't go short of hoso when you can got all you want at half prico. jjitty cent noso at two bits a pair Soo Pacific Import Co.'s ad on pago 8. Tho schooner Aloha from San Francisco is being towed into port as tho Bulletin good lo press. Sho sailed from San Francisco, May 5. Tho skirmish drill of tho N. G. H. regiment will take plaoo close after daybreak on Sunday morn ing. It is oxpooted that many town peoplo will drivo down to Romond Grovo to soo tho maneu vers. Something military will bo going onat tho camp during its wholo oxistenoo from Saturday to Sunday ovoning. of Outside Brokers Held This Afternoon. Present Board Too Exclusive Will Be Nine Charier Members-Price of Seats Will Be Within Ordinary Cleans. For somo timo past the'ro has boen a movement on foot toward tho formation of a now stock board in Honolulu. It has boon felt by tho stroot broker (Lnt thoy sbouid bo granted tho privileges of the stock board and, finding tho only ono in existence hero too exclusive, thoy havo dooided to organizo n board that will givo thorn a bolter show in tho market. A mooting is in progress as tho Bulletin goos to press the object of which is tho formation of tho new board. Thore aro nino men concerned and these will consti tute thn chartor members. At this meeting will bo decided tho prico of a seat in tho exchango,the placo of meeting and all other business in connection with tbo movement. In a very fow days thon Hono lulu will boo a now exohango in full operation and it may be men tioned in passing that tho men concerned aro all reliable business men who havo money to back thorn. It is probable that tho prioe of seats on the now exchange will be considerably less thanthat charged by tho exchange now in operation. IS tfOBUV II K DID IT. Gxriit Waile (Wan of Glllnple'i Death ' thli Horning. At about ton o'clock this morn ing and whon all tbo other cases on the police court calondar had boen pa6sod on, Dotectivo Ea apa was sent below to fetch Goo. Wado, who shot Gillespie, tho Australia waiter who died in tho hospital yesterday afternoon. It was fully Gve minutes before Kaapa appeared with the prisoner. The latter walkod vory feobly aud showed plainly tbo anxiety he must needs havo been experienc ing sinco ho shot Gillespie. He had not recovored fully from the wound in the boad inflicted by the carbino in Evan's hands for he Btaocorod and was given a soat in front of the Judge. Deputy Marshal Hitchoock road tho charge of murder in tho first degree to the prisoner. It was then suggssted by the prosoouting officer that the case go ovor until Juno 8, the day after tho arrival baok in port of tho Australia. Asked if be did not think this would be tbo proper course to fol low, Wado answored: "I suppose so." Tho prieonor sat still for quite a while and tbon aBked slowly: "Is that fellow dead ?" Deputy Marshall Hitchcock answered that death had ocourred yesterday afternoon, whereupon Wado said: 'I am awfully s orry." Ho wob about to say more but was stop ped by Doputy Marshal Hitch cock who advised him not to open his mouth until tho time sot for him to appear again. Ola Uulldtnir Dalnir Blorrtl, The old building on Merchant stroet that has beon occupied by LDavid Daytonior many yoars, is being moved today to tho premi see of Russian Frank on Quoen street; The building was sold to tho present owner on tbo 11th inst. Up "till noon 185 yotors had boon registered sinco tho begin ning. About tho first week in Juno tho board will mako a cir cuit of tho oountry districts. On roturning tho board will regist- r as many more of tho "free an I independent" in town as walk up bofore tho close of sossions on Juno 30. Eleele Plantation Bought for Half ' Million Is Included. Stock Will Be $3,500,000 In Shares at $20 Each-notation Within One Month from Date. Wahiawa plantation Bchemo will be pi iced 00 the raarkot for public subscription earjy enough, if possiblo, 0 lmvo the stock certificates iosucd and tho com pany organized by Juno 15. B. F. Dillingham is the ohiof promotor i.nd will conduct tho dotation himself. He will mako arraugomonts, probably iu the Jndd building, as will reduco iuoonv&nienco from crowd ing to the minimum. Tho sito of tho projected now plantation is tho woll known pasturo Inndn of tho MoBryilo es tate at Wahiawa on the Island of Kauai. It will also includo tho long ostrtblishfd Eluelo sugar plantation, occupying the seaboard iu front, which has been bought from Hon. Auguht Druior, It is proposed that tho capital stock of Wnhiftwa plantation shall bo $.1,500')1000 divided into 175,000 shares of tho par valuo of $20 oach. Tho prico piid for Eleelo is S500 00(, in United States gold coin. Yet tho ontiro proporty is to bo offered tho public. " Thoro is not" one dollar of promoters' Btock," Mr DillitiKham says. It is understood that tbo issuing of stock will bo coiidui-ted on much tho same liuei an that of Olan. Latest word from Wahiawa is that tho well-hiring continues with good piospects of atriking wattfr at no groat depth. piti.vriNa rmess falls. Lato this foronoou, John Araila an em ploy 0 of tho Peoplo's Ex press Co , was severely cut about tbo head by tho fell of a printing press that was boing moved into tho rooms of tho Morcantilo Print ing Co. abevo John Nott's store on King etroet. Thoro wero four men at work getting tho proas up tho stairs attor its transportation from tba Oceanic wharf. Two wore above and two bolow. Tho latter wero Marshall and Araila. As tba press roachod the head of the stairs, tho ropo brokn. Marshall had a crowbar iu his baud and was prying underneath the press to help it up. This throw it ovor toward Araila who was immedi ately caugLt under tho ton of iron. Ho roll o,l down the stops with tho press, cutting his boad in tbroa places and spraining his wrist. By this timo tbo other throo mon woro 011 their feet and had the press fust. Tho program of tho Maui Ra cing Association appears under Now Today in this issuo. . Tho bark Mohican, which left San Franoisco May 4, is off porl as the Bulletin goes to press. A runt aApt ciuam or trth powoca BR v CREAM BALING Highest Honors, World's Fair dold AU-dal, Midwinter Pair Avoid lliklnrf l'mrilor contnlatnj nluui. lli.'jritro liijurlnut to health I I . . V t.W&MtUlAtMJAA ?iel-'i&am. 'lAiuJlAAA... . Ji aUHi&Mi&oM