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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, June 27, 1899, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Do You Seek the Philosopher's Stone?
aiwwHBiBMWiaBwmi awF i m Gmnmmzmmviw: i&mmx. VMmmiMMmiMdmmm:Mmm..ii-'rm jwtmwvbnjsMmumBm
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Our process of
Converting Merchandise
a Into Gold
Is worth Investigating.
Evening Bulletin
You Will Find it in the Bulletin.
An Ad. in the Bulletin
Is a Money Brlngcr.
Gives Better
Returns on Your Money
Thnn Sugar Stocks.
Vol. VI. No. 1257.
Price 5 Obntb.
Gradually tbo uao of tbo wharf
on tho other eido of Hilo bay is
becoming apparent Bays the Ha
waii Herald. Tho Kilauon Hon
was tho first stotmor to make nay
practical ueo of it when she dis
' chargod n cargo there some
month ago. Thon the Kiaau nsed
it when it was neopaenry to got
back to Honolulu in time for tho
races ou Juno 1Kb.
Bat whon tho Kiuau tiod up to
the wharf tho public bolievod its
uaos would bo limited to tho ial
nnd steoraerd or smnll 'ailing craft;
a sailing vessel from San Fran-
(cisca would hardly take tho
'chances of dunig until a broak
water was constructed by tbo gov
ernment. Onco again thi public
was mistaken for the barkontiue
Unole John now lie nt tho wharf
and is discharging a cargo of lum
ber for H. Hnckfold & Co., the
first basinoas firm t? uao tho new
boat lauding manka of the ship's
wharf. There aro iu the harbor
for this firm three lumber voasels
and in order to test tbo coat of dis
charging lumber at the wharf tho
captain of tho Uncle John was
persuaded to tio up to tho struc
ture. So far the experiment has
beon entirely satisfactory for,
though the barkentioe rolls a lit
tio with tho swell, the work of
discharging is being quickly dono
and the lumber is placed in Hack
fold's vnrd in an oxcollent condi
lion freo from wet and sand and
at tho samo coat us if dono by
rafting from the vessel to tho
Hackfeld & Co. are well satis-
fied with their experiment in dis
charging tho Uncle John at the
' , whaif and it in probable other
tossoIb in their lino will bo dis
Tchargod iu tho earn? way whon
i tho weather is satisfactory. In
rough or even slightly rough
weather tho wharf would bo use
less to vessels heavily loaded be
c.rmso tbo too of tho bulwarks is
' juat below tho edgo of the wharf
and thoro ia gruat dancer of dam
nan whon tho vesaol rolls and fow
captains will tako the resposi
. bility of injury to their ships.
Herbert B. Gohr, tho recently
oloctod president of the Hilo and
Kohala Railway Company, loft in
tho Coptio this morning. Mr.
Gehr said previous to his depart
ure that he expected to moot
Wade J. Browno, who, will bo tho
general manager ol tho Toad, in
San Francisco.
"If Mr. Browno is not roady to
roturn to tho islands immediately,
I shtll como back on tho first
staamor with a corps of engineers.
Work ou the railway will begin
immediately. My future head
quarters will be ia Honolulu and
Hilo, and tho people of Hawaii
will very soon eoo with what do
groo of good faith and good back
lug we havo ontorod into this work
of railroad construction.
"Since tho granting of our char
tor, many paoplo have asked 'how
muoh did you give" thetn?' inti
mating that wo had paid tho Dil
lingham Thurston Company to
withdraw its obiootion to our char-
tor. I want to Bay emphatically
that we have not paid tho other
company acont or had any financial
doalings with thorn in any way."
Artillery Men Will Practice on
Deserter Who Hid a Lova Affair Survey
Going On al Pearl Harbor Per
sonal Notes.
Remains of Queen Dowager Clothed In
Coronation Robes.
Hundreds of Loyal Subjects View Remains ol
Honored Dead- Guard of Honor from
the Government.
A white steward of tho hospital
at Honolulu plantation got into a
row with a Japanese laborer thia
morning and, hitting him ovortho
head, cut open his scalp. Tho
Japanese went to hia comrades
and soon a hundred and fifty wcro
after tbo steward. Ho was cap
tured in a houeo whero ho bad
gone to hide and might havo boon
killed bat for tho intervention
of the manager and luuns. Dr.
McGrow wont down to dress the
wound of tbo Japanose uud has
just returned to town a9 the
IS ulletin goes to presa.
Mrs. Gunn leaves for Kauai to
day to spond threo weeks of her
summor vacation. She will visit
with tho Gays at Makawoli and
together with thorn, will go to
Libue later on.
Circular Letter.
Messrs. J. T. Waterhouse de
sire to notify their customers
Vand correspondents that on June
f 1st, lotiu, tneip urocery ana ppo
m m w .
vision ousiness was aosoroea
and taken over by Henry May Zt
Co., Ltd., and the Hardware and
Crockery departments by the
Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd.
As our Messrs. Waterhouse
will continue to be identified with
the Corporations named, we de
sire, in thanking the public and
our patrons for past favors, to
request a continuance of their
good will to the Corporations
succeeding us, and of which we
are members.
The Grocery and Provision
business will be continued at our
rkwcftnt &fanri. Bethel street, and
the Hardware andCrockery stock
will be moved to the stores of
the Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd.,
Bethel street. (Signed),
Dated Honolulu, May 28th, 1899.
Privato Frederick Bryan, Bat
tory N, wob discharged Thursday
having oomploted threo years' ser
vice with Unole Sam Ho will not
re-enlist again, but expects to ro
main in Honolulu, as he has the
promise of a position as a mount
ed policeman.
Tho post commander, Major Sa
muel M. Mills, with Captains
Adam Slakor, Charles B. Satter
loo, and First Lieut. D. W. Kot
cham, Gth Artillery Quartermaster,
roado a trip to l'oarl Harbor last
week, Monday, which it is sup
posed was to iook up a proper sue
tor tho erection of pormanent bar
racks and quarters for a mditary
Frivato Forest E. Youngs, Bat
tery I, Gth Artillery, was tried last
Thursday by a general court mar
tial at Cornp.McKinley on tho
serious charge of desertion. It
sooms that Youugs had all at onco
bocomo vory much dissatisfied
with tho army and its ways. This
combined with a love making af
fair caused him to notify his cap
tain that ho intonded to desert tbo
servico of tho Uuited States. Tho
captain upon being informed of
this had Youngs immediately
placed in confinement and charges
preferred upon him tor desertion.
It waa learned on trial he pleaded
cuiltv to tho charge Tho pro
ceedings of tho court will be sent
to California lo be acted upon by
the department commander, Major
Gonoral W. R. Shaftor, U. S V.
Captain Stephen M. Foote, who
was recently promoted fromthe
Fourth ArtiUory, has been nssign
ed to tho Sixth Artillery and in
command of Battery N, stationed
at this po3t. Ho has boon ordered
to join hia battery at onco and it
ia expected that ho will arrive
about tho latter part of thia month.
In the emergeucy rations tor
troops operating for short periods
under circumstances which ro
quiro thorn to dopand upon sup
pliea carried upon their parsons,
tho component parts will horo
after consist of the following: Ba
con 10 oz., hard bread 1G oz , pea
meal 4 oz., or an equivalent ma
terial for making soap, coffee,
roasted or ground, 2 oz., or tea
oz , saccharine 4 grains, salt J oz.,
Dopper 4-100 oz., tobacco l, oz.
There aro seven hundred and
thirty-one enlisted men in tho
United HtatoB army at tho present
that have served continuously for
twenty years and four hundred
others that have served continu
ously for twonty-five years.
Tho Reverond Loalio Morgan
assisted by the Young Pooplo's
Christian Eodoavor Socioty of
Honolulu, gavo an interesting en
tertainment Inst Thursday night
in tho ohurch, near Kapiolaui
Park, for tho bonofit of tho
soldiers of CarapMcKiuley.
Tho baseball team of Battery A
haaan undofcatod record up todato,
as thoy havo played three gamos
and been victorious in all or. tliem.
Tho last garao was with tho Artil
lery team of tho league who wero
defeated by tbo Ecoro of fifteen to
ten at Makiki park last Tuosday.
The small arms target practice
for the Artillery Battalion will
commence Monday, July 3rd, at
the rill e rango of tho Hawaiian
National Guard. Tho battories
will Bboot in order of rank of tho
captains, and will be marched to
and from tho range. There will
bo no practice in tho afternoon.
Battorv I will be the first to shoot
as Captain Slakor is tho senior
captain of this battalion. First
Lieut. D. W. Koloham, Gth Artil
lery, has boen rango officer, and
the Quartorraaator's department
under his direction will furnish
tho necessary matorial to keep tho
rango in shapo and the targots in
What Lawyers Say About Statements In
Horning Paper.
"Prc4ram" Could Have Been Carried Out
If Necessary Resolution and How At
torneys stood On It.
The body of the late Queen
Dowagor Kapiolani is lying in
Etato iu the private reception room
on the second floor nt Pualoilani,
Waikiki, today. At i o'clock, tho
doors will bo closed to visitors.
Ever sinco 9 o'clock this morning
thoro has been a perfect stream of
natives and othors calling at Puu-
Tbo body is dressed in tho cos
tume worn by tho Quoou at her
coronation. Tbo Ealakaua ordor
is the only decoration. Around
tho head is a soft draping of
whito lace. Tho pall used at the
lying in state of tbo body of King
Ealakaua has bcou placed on the
bier. Spread out on either sido
aro tho ahuulas or feather capes
of tho Queen and hanging down
tbo sides are tho feather leis or
leihulus used by members of the
Royal family.
On either sido of tbo bior stand
four kahili boarors and at tbo four
corners aro tho mombors of the
guard of honor. Tho kabili bear
ers aro retainers of tbo Qacen.
Sitting near the head are two na
tive girls, each With a email ka
hili. Everyone jn the room wears
a feather capo. '
At tho vory hoad is the large
tabu stick used at the time of the
coronation of KW Kalakaua and
tho lato Quocu Dowagnr. At the
foot aro two otuor tabu sticks.
smaller in size. On oither side
of tho bier and baok of tho kahili
bearers aro threo largo kahilis,
tho property of tho lato Queen.
Ou thu other side of tho room
toward Diamond Head aro a large
number of pnlina artistically set
and distributed among thco art
several largo kahilis. Near these
are two crowns of flowers, ono of
whito carnations and maiden hair
and tho other of marigolds. Tho
whole room is very beautifully
Tho entrance is from tho front
of tho houso and visitors aro ex
pected to pass through tbo room
to tho email back porch and thon
down tho steps to the largo recep
tion room wboro a guard of honor
of four HawaiianB in feathor
capes, stands in a perfect bower of
flowers arranged in differont do
signs by tho many ladios who are
in charge of the work.
Out in the yard a largo number
of chairs and benches and stand
ing around aro several HawaiianB
iu feather capos whoso duty it is to
attend to tho visitors. Policemen
aro stationed about at various
points to see that all is well.
Col. Soper and Major Potter,
making up a guard of honor from
tho Government, arrived at Pua
loilani at 9:30 o'clock. Col. Soper
took his position iu tho largo
rocoption room whilo Major Pot
tor was stationed at the foot of the
It might bo stated horo that thu
arrangement of tho bior is accord
ing to nor own wishes, bno want
ed to bo dressed in her coronation
drees and left command to havo
arranged about her, hor loihulua
and ahuulas as well as her own ka
hilis. Shoaleo expressed tho wish
that during the first day of lying
in stato hor faithful retainers
wave tho small kahilis over hor
Tho pall that is to bo used will
bo finished Thursday. This will
bo of black velvet and will bear
tho Queen's own crest.
Tauicht nativo singers will sing
the kanikau or mourning songs of
tho dead Quoon.
Tho body will not loi in etato
lias Been Slgrel by Presi
dent and Ministers.
Now In Hands or Minister or Interior A
Resume of Charter as Changed Recntl;
and Granted Yesterday.
Continued on Pago G.
Tho baud
the grounds
is playing dirges ou
nt Pualoilani this
On To Manila, a comploto his
tory of tho operations of Amorio
auB in Manila can bo obtained at
tho Bulletin office.
Thoro has beon quite a foeling
created among tho lawyers of the
city over the publications in tho
morning paper in regard to tho
meeting of the members of the
Bar and tho ovidont attempt to
ridiculo tho proceedings. Soveral
attorneys have boon soon about
tho matter and havo stated theit
opinions in no uncertain terms.
Thia is what Attornoy Humph
revs, ono of tho mon identified
with the call for tho meeting of
tbo members of tho Bar, has to
"Tho organization of a Bar As
sociation has beon broodod ovor
for tho past threo years but no
ono seems to have boon willing to
take tho initiative
"Tho call for tho mooting of tho
liar to organize an association ob
published in tho papers last week
was tho result of suggestions
mado by W. R. Castle, ono of tho
oldest members of tho Bar, on tho
day of tho opening of tbo Su
premo Court
"No member of tho Bar presont
at the mooting Saturday aftornoon
bad any ulterior purpose or de
sign whatever.
"In all communities tho sizo of
Honolulu thu lawyers have a Bar
Association whore questions of
pructice, ethics, legislation pend
ing or proposed, aro fully dis
"Such associations are calculat
ed to preserve tho entiontocor-
diale betwoon members of tho Bar
and tho Courts and aro really
conducive to the administration of
"When tho moeting was called
I had no thought or iuoa that any
resolutions upon any particular
subject would be discns'cd
"It had occurred to mo that
soveral questions of practice
might bo proporly diAOUsaed by
the aaaooiation aud I personally
intonded to bring thess matters to
tho attention of tho Bar.
"Inasmuch as the matter came
up for diacusaion I dosiro to say
that I am uoartily in favor of the
resolutions offored by Mr. Gear
and I also bolievo that a largo ma
jority of tho Bar favor tho adop
tion of the resolution.
"As to the constitutional ques
tions involved in tho decisions of
tho Supreme Coart whioh have
latoly beon handed down, I do not
beliovo they will bo discuasod by
tbo Bar as an association.
"Individually, they havo ex
pressed themselves in regard to
thoBO decisions in a communica
tion or potition nddroBsed to
President McKinley. That has
beon signed by a majority of the
Honolulu Bar (as 1 am informed)
aud I might say further that the
subscribers to that potition rep
resent about oighty per cent of
tho praotico dono in tho Islands
"ltio lawvers wlioso names are
subactibed to that communication
aro tho peers of any of the mem
bers of the Hawaiian Judiciary
iu learning, ability, integrity and
high oharaoter.
"I am not one of tho individuals
who beliovo that neither laymen
nor lawyers havo tho light to
oritioizo tho courts when such
criticism is fair and respectful
and I hope that tho day will not
como whon I shall bo bo wanting
iu common manhood as to fail to
avail myself of the privilego which
is accorded every freeman in a
freo country.
"I do not hesitate to do on
record ob speaking my opposition
to life tenuro of judges or my op
position to thcao provisions in the
Houbo and Sonato bill whioh pro
vides that our presont judges
shall servo nut theirconstitutional
tonuro of ofiico.
Attorney George U. Goar, tho
man who introduced tho rosolu-
The following is a roaumo of
tho Ililo and Kohala Railroad Co.
charter as amonded recently and
granted at a meeting of the Cabi
not yoterday:
Wndo J. Browno. Herborl B.
Gehr, Thomas Rain Wnlkor, Fran
cis M. Swanzv, Gardner K. Wild
or, John S. Walker and J. Walter
Jonos and their associates and
successors ennstituto tho Kohala
and Hilo Railway Company.
Tho charter is for tho term of
fifty years.
The company baa fulj power
and authority to build construct,
maintain and operate railroads to
bo operated by steam, olectricity
or other motive powor on the
Island of Hawaii from Hilo
through that district and tho dis
tricts of Hamakua and Kohala to
KawaibaoorothorBcaports in Ko
hala. It may purchase, o;vn, devolop,
soil, leaso or othorwiao deal in
land on said lsiaud of Hawaii ex
cept town lots along the linos of
thu railroad.
In connection with its said busi
ness and for tho purposes nbovo
sot forth it may possess and doal
in and with shares, loss than a
majority, of other iucorporatod
Tho capital stock js-'SU.OOO di
vided into five liuudrod'ubarea of
tho par valuo of ono hundred dol
lars, with tho riuht to extond the
samo to 810,000,000.
Issno of bonds may bo mado to
cancel or consolidate any existing
debt or formor issuo of bonds to
secure tho repayrocut of money
borrowod by tho company may
specify tbo particular property se
cured for tho payment of such
bond', or may bo general upon
all the property of thocompauy.
Tho corporation is vested with
all tho rights, powers, privilogea
and immunities whioh now
nro or may hereafter
bo socared to joiut corpor
ations by tho law governing
tho Hawaiian I-lands; subject,
however, to tho charter and to
such conditions and restrictions
as now are or horeaftor may be
imposed by tho general laws gov
erning tho Hawaiian Islands.
The main office is to bo in Ho
nolulu. The cbartor was sinned by tho
Prosidout and tho Minister of
tho Foreign Affairs and Finance
and the Attorney Genornl yostor
day afternoon and is now in tho
hands of tbo Minister of tho In
terior. llkry Corporation.
It is said that the Umuo Rakory
will bo incorporated. Tho plan is
to havo a two-story building on tho
prosont site with reHiaurnnt below,
privato diuiug rooms abovo. Pro
minent business men aro said to
bo tho backers.
An aucion salo of llouomu
Sugar Co. stock will tako plrco
at 12 noon, Saturday, July 1, in
Morgan's auotiou rooms, Queen
street. Seo page 8.
Continued on Pago 1.
Highest Honors, World's Fall
dold Medal, Midwinter Fair
AtoIiI Baking l'owilcn oonUlalBf
alum. They are Injurlou to taaaltk

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