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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, October 30, 1899, Image 1

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Evening Bulletin
The Bulletin Speaks lor American Interests in Hawaii.
reft Me ft
In Hawaii.
Yolk VII. No. 1304.
Pbiob 5 Cents.
for? AmencaraPi'mciple !
'. s Ja.
i .
1 '
Great Admiral Left Manila As Dewey
Sailed In.
Handsomest Snip to the Harbor- Captain Ster-
"ling's SloryorHow He Outwitted
the Enemy.
Of nil tbo deep water wesels in
Honolulu harbor to day, none can
tell a more interesting story of
'adventure-at sea than the spick
and span American chip Great
Great Admiral arrjvad in this
port early Saturday miming, 49
days from Newcastle with 1980
tons of coal, haviug experienced a
pleasant voyago from Australia.
Oaptain Stirling was master of
a wind jammor at 18 years of age,
has weathered many u howling
storm in many ships, has boon
shipwrecked, and, if he woie not
so modest, could tell many excit
ing tales of the ocean's perils.
Tbo Great Admiral was the last
boat to leave Manila harbor, pre
vious to the entranco of Admiral
"When Been by a Bulletin re
porter in his elegantly appointed
cabin, aboard tbo handcoma vessel,
this morning, in rolation to tho
Manila episodo, Oaptain Sterling
"To be brief, tho trouble com
menced iu Manila when I got
loaded up and wanted clearance
papers. Tho authorities informed
mo of war having beon declared
between tho United States and
Spain and that they, would hold
mo in port and eieze my cargo. I
saw everybody conaeruod and
after much trouble I was given
24 hours to get to sea.
" 1 lost no time in quit
ting tho harbor, but
soon discovered that n Spanish
gunboat wsb following aud cir
cling around tho Groat Admiral.
This was early in the morning
and I did not fear tho Spaniard
as I bad been given a whole day
to get away in. Whou night fell
the warship was shut out from
sight and 1 immediately brought
the ship about so that she doubled
on her traoks. Afterwards, it was
ovident that the Spaniard intend
ed to captoro the Great Admiral
after tho 24 hours grac had ex
pired; but they lost in in tho
dark and I sailed with all possi
bio epood to Hongkong."
Tho Groat Admiral got to New
York late in tho fall of last year,
whence she wont to Boston, sail
ing from that port for Brazil and
Oaptain Sterling's list voyage
lasted 14 months; the captain al
ways takes his wife and three
little children witn him on his
trips and they live ou the water
most of the time. Mrs. Sterling's
sister, Miss Lena Watt, is also on
the Groat Admiral this trip.
The oabios are models of cozi
ness, comfort and cheerfulness;
altogether the Great Admiral's
largo size, handsome model and
general appointments make her
the pride and envy of the harbor.
Work on Malawa Hal, c
Wailuku, Oot. 28. Japanese
and nativo laborors are still at
work on tho new carriage road
from Halawa'to Fukoo. The road
hasboen repaired and improved,
as stated by ey o witneaet a who went
over tho road abou one month
ago. Tbo recent raius did not do
any material damage. Blasting
is being carried on in tho most
preoipitoua places. But the road
will novor be in a really good and
lasting condition on account of the
insufficiency of tho appropriation
for tho purpose.
CJrand Alien Dying.
Kingston. Oot. 20. Rev. J.
Allen, of this city, has received a
cablegram that his s)n. Grant
Alloo, tho novelist, is hopoloBsly
Some Fifty Soldiers Attempt te Ob
struct Course of Justice.
Major Hills Acts Promptly and
Two Promt Guards Police
Have Hard Time.
Sends Out
Had it not boon for tha timely
interferenco of Major Mills Ibis
morning several of Honolulu's
police officers might havo beon
badly hurt by somo unruly sol
diers of Camp MoEinley.
Officers Kupihoa and Baker
wero sent ont in the dirootion of
Waikiki to hunt up deserting sol
diers. Upon arrival at tho camp
they spied fivo bluejackets inside.
Tho officers consulted and tbon
wont to Major Mills who kindly
consented to send two members
of the provost guard to asaist tho
officers in getting the bluejackets
away, When they got outsido the
soldiers went back to camp. Just
then, Oaptain Holi and Lieuts.
Opunui and Rickard appeared on
tho scone. Tho bluejackets show
ed tight and then started to run in
different directions. lures wero
caught by Holi, Opunui and Baker
Kupihoa chased nis man but tho
one Biokard was after disappear
od altogether.
About fifty soldiers standing
near by ran out and surrounded
Kupihoa, threatening to kill him
if ho attempted to run aftor tho
bluejacket ho was following. Ku
pihea tried to got away and ro
oeived sovoral blows for his
Just at tbi t moment two provost
guards came down tho stroet at
doublo time. Tho unrnly soldiers
were dispersod and than attention
was given to tho bluejaokot. Tho
fellow attempted to got over the
fence, A riflo wa9 leveled at him
and he oamu back iuto tho firm?
of Kupihoa.
Major Mills had acted quickly
and had done the polioe a service
thoy will nover forget. He uot
only gavo orders to capture the
runaway blupjaoket but bad tho
provost guard-) march to tuo ter
minus of the tramcars to see that
the prisonors arrived thero safely.
When tho officers and bluejaokets
were aboard, the guards returned
to camp. The prisoners wore
brought to town safely and landed
in jail.
Oaptain Spillner and two
mounted patrolmen were sent out
but tbo trouble, was all over when
they arrived.
Tax AMciton at Work,
Wailuku, Oot. 28. O. H. Dickey
returned from bis recent trip to
Molokai per Mauna Loa last
Tuesday evening. Together with
Geo. H. Dunn, deputy tax asses
sor of Lahaina and Molokai, and
Henry Waterhouso, Jr., thoy
landed at Kaunakakai on Monday,
Oot. 20. Daring tho day they re
ceived tho real and personal taxes
of tho tax payers of that district.
On Saturday, the party rodo over
to Kamalo to inspeot as woll aa to
assess -that new.plantation, The
Molokai roads were in fine condi
tion notwithstanding the wet and
rainy weatnor.
Tom Pn'i Qratltaile.
Tom Feen, aOhinaman whoso
wife has been vory Bick with fover,
called at this office this morning
tqgivopublio notioo of his grati
tude to Dr. Jas. T. Wayson who
BQcoeasfully nursed tbo sick wo
man through her illness.
5Tom Peon says: "That doctor
very Rood man. He sabo China
man sick. I liko him vory much.
If my wife ''make' too muou pill
dootor good one."
Dr. Fosoy, specialist for Eye
Ear, Throat and Noso disease' and
Oatarrh. Masonio Temple, '
Nftw minister of Interior Authorized to
Spend Certain Snms.
Roads on Island of Haul. $38,000 -Water
Works at Wailuku and Kahulul, $13,900
More Notaries Public.
The Cabinet held a session this
forenoon which ended at 12 noon.
Various matters wore attended to.
Tho matter of the Hilo post of
fice was brought up but tho dis
cussion was not completed.
The Minister of the Interior
wus authorized to mako the fol'
lowing expenditures under tbo
Loan Aot: Road from Mokolan
to Kipabulu, S8G00; road from
Kailua to Hanawai,Nahiku,Maui,
830,000; water works for Wailuku
and Kahalui, S13.C00.
Applications for land patents
wort not acted on as tho govern
ments is not doing anything with
land matters just now.
Tho following wero recommend
ed as notaries public; John M.
Kea, Fiist Judicial Circnit; H. It.
Hitchcook, Second Cirouit; E. W.
Estop, Fourth Circuit and J. W.
Short, First Cirouit. Messrs Kea
and Short will have to tako exami
nations while Messrs., Hitohcock
and Estip, being atto-neys, will
The Ministor of Fiuance was
authorized to pay oat 877.50 and
S177.50 fo- Custom Houso.guards
and inspectors on the Island of
Hawaii, the expenditure for such
service having gone over the pro
flit rpkum.
The Orphoura management has
cert linly fulfilled it promiso'to
mako this houao sooond to uono
iu tho city for ease and comfort.
The new opera ohairs, ample ven
tilation and gonernl roominess
iivingono a feeling of comfort
hitherto unknown.
To Jackson Hearde, ragtimo
comedian, was givon tho honor of
opening the now eoason's program
followed by Charles and Kitty
Willard in thoir elaborate music
al act: Hamilton Hill, vocalist,
and Boggs and Haeward in a
dramatic sketch. Mies Ethel
DLoo, who is admittedly tbo pos
sessor of a fine contralto voice,
was the next numbor, but was ac
corded a humiliating roception.
It is a matter of regret that appar
ent lack of judgement as to her
own capabilities should make this
artist's work so uneven and tbo
suggestion that a compotent cen
sor pass on tho lady's work prior
to each change miabt not be
amiss. Miss Mindel Dreyfus, tho
potito singer and dansneso, is a
charming little dame, elegantly
costumed, swift in her obanges
and generally the pet of the boys.
Six encores being placed to her
credit. Band, Byron and -Rand
gavo a' olever sketch liberally
punctuated with now and clovor
Godfrey'! Handbook.
Godfrey's- Handbook of Hawaii
for 1899 has beon published. The
guide is devoted almost exclusive
ly to Hilo and tbo Volcano and
the text is generally aoourato
and interesting. A destinotivo
feature is a carefully compiled
direotory of Hilo business houses.
The book is from the proas of tho
Mercantile Printing Co. Oopios
may be obtained at Wall, Nichols
Typhoid Eaver.i.
John Hassinger, son of the
Chiel Clerk of tho Interior De
partment, is very ill with typhoid
fever. A trained nurse was eont
to the Hassinger home last even
ing. Hassinger caughtcbld while
.attending to tho work of repairing
eleotrio light wires at one of tho
Chinese theatres.
Was Started by a Little Side Flay at
Port Arthur.
Japanese Warship Approached the Port With
out Heeding Signals-Activity at Forts
and on Warships.
It will bo remomborcd that a
ahori timo ago the'peoplo of the
Orient wero exoitod by rumors of
an impending war betweon Russia
and Japan, and to such an extent
wero tboBo bolieved that many
Southerners doiog business in
Nowohwang, Port Arthur, and
Chofoo sent thqir families to
Shanghai and olsewhere for
safety. t
A Tientsin mandarin now in
this port gives the following ex
planation of tho origin of tho
rumors, which .must be taken for
what it is worth. Two Japanese
cruisers wero about six woeks ago
in the Gulf i.f Pcchili and at one
timo appearod boforo Port Arthur.
As tho cruisers bad the appoar
ancd of iutcuding to Bteam inside
tho p:rt, tho Russian.ollker at the
outor signal atasion hoisted a sig
nal implying that the port was
cloicd to foreign Bhips of war.
The Japanose senior offioar i'j
osmmand of tho two urnisors,
however, pretonded cot to under
stand tho llusbiau signal and
stcamod straight for tho harbor.
At a point nearly half way iu
sido and surrounded on nil sides
by forts, tho Japauoso leading
cruiser was met by a steam-launch
with a Russian offici.il, who board
ed the vessel and yorbally coni
inuuioated tho intelligence which
had bon indicated by tbi fignal
outsido tho harbor and at the
samo time warnod the Japanese
captain that timber ponotration
into tho harbor would be
To emphasise the d 'duration a
oom motion was observed by those
oa board iu tho land forts and
soon it was seen (hat monaciug
propagations wore being mado.
Russian warships ineido tho bnsiu
wore also observed to be hastily
gottiug up steam and altogether
matters looked decidedly unpleas
ant. Tho Japanese captain then
simply bowed' out his Russian
v sitor and tho oialsera reti.ed.
Japan Gazette.
Fontbuli Nalnrilay.
Tho Mailo Ilima and Puuahou
Jr. oIovoub will meet on tho Mb-
kiki baseball grounds on noxt Sat
urday, Nov. 4, at 4 o'clock. Tho
gamo would bo very intorostiug as
the teams are very ovenly match
od. Tho Maile Ilima will lino up
with tho following players: W
Chilton, Obas Elston, E Kaai, W
Allen, E Schmidt, Ah Loy, S Pa
ula, G Lucas, F Wright, Hatfield,
B Olark, A Marcallino, W Wright.
The following boys compose
tho Fnnahon Jr. teax: L Robin
son, Kaulnkou, R Cook, W Alex
ander, Ornzan, M Robinson, J
Borry,,Williaraaon, Lyman, Horn
mingway Oastle. ,
Fifty ihroo Chineso and 015
Japanese immigrants arrived in
port today on the Dorio from tho
Orient. Tho majority of theBO
are contract laborors,
Four Japaneso and 295 Chi
nese aro bound for tho Coast on
tho samo vessel.
Contract laborers aro coming
hero 700 at a time, this about tbo
number brought bore by eaoh of
tbo recent immigrant steamers,
In the caso of John Kalnna vs.
Jas. K. Smytho et als Judge Ka
lua has Buctained dofondants de
murrer to plaintiffs bill of com
plaint and allowed twenty days in
which to amend.
Ronnded Up by Police and Taken
Aboard Newark Saturday.
Several Tried to Get Away But Were Effectually
Slopped Steam Launch of Cruiser
Sent Out tor Hen,
Tbo bluejackets of the Newark
are not at all popular with tho
police and vice versa. That theso
samo blnojackots are not a very
wll behaved crowd seoms to be
proven by tho list of nanns the
police officers havo had to deal
with siuco Saturday. Lite on the
afternoon of that day the com
manding offioer of tho Nowark
was notified that thirty-one blue-
juckots had boen rounded up. A
guard of a dozon or so men wore
sent ssboro to escort tho prisonors
aboard ship.
Tho thirty-one bluejaokets wore
taken from prison. Upon arrival
in tuo receiving office one of the
number jumped up aud etruok
Offlcor Pohaku. He reoeived
hick bottor thau ho sent. Deputy
Marshal Chillingworth being pre
eout, further hostilities wero stop-
Then begau tbo inarch to tho
boat lauding, ssvotalofthe blue
jackets breaking away and at
tempting to hido in Chineso
storeo. Theso wero nil captured.
Wheu the parly arrived at Queon
stroet, another fellow broko aw&y
aud mado for tbo Honolulu Iron
Works where bo was caught by
two police officers who wero assist
iug the guard from tho ship.
Upjn arrival at tho lauding
another bluejiokot got, away,
jumped iuto tho water, swam to
the sohoouor Norma near by,
picked up an oar nnd threatened
any and all who would make au
attempt to capture him. Two of
tho guard went over ant, aftor a
scuilie, had the fellow captured.
As tho boat containing the blue
jackets hauled away from tho
lauding the police officers wore
treated to languago thoy havo had
much occbbiou of late to hear.!
Howovor, thoy romatupd perfectly
calm and said not a word. Cap
taiu Kauao was the only ono who
got a bit oxcited. Ha invited auy
tbreo of the men to call on him
should tluy como ashore again.
Upon arriving near tho Newark,
eoveral of tho prisonors jumped
overboard and began to swim out
fur various points. In less timo
than it takos to toll tho steam
launoh was manned, boat books
wero thrown in and a gun was
placed in position. Then came
tho collecting trip. All the men
wore oapturod and placed in
double irons.
Kahalui Railroad Trautfar
Wailuku, Oat. 28.-Tho Kahu
lui Railroad Co., has been trans
ferred to tho Hawaiian Commer
cial A; Sugar Co., the deal having
been completed this wook prior to
tho departure of G. P. Wilder for
Honolulu. Tho consideration is
not yet lot out,but it is understood
that $500,000 and perhaps less is
"Own Make"
For Sale by Manufacturers' Shoe
To Ashupc Public Safety.
Minister Young lias begun his
duties as Minister of the Interior by
taking the condition of the King
street road In the vicinity of the
Opera House Into consideration. At
the Ciblnet meeting this forenoon
he reported making arrangements
toward putting the road back Into
Its original condition so as to assure
public safety. He and Mr. Pain
will have la conference In the near
future and will then decld on
what course to pursue. This con
ference will depend on the com
pletion of the Tramways case In the
Circuit Court.
Rev. J. M. Lewis will preach at
tho Foreign Ohuroh tomorrow.
Mr. W. P. Haia of Hana is ex
pnoted in Kahului to-day por
Cluudino. Ho comes on business-
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kokahu of
Hana intend giviug a ball at thoir
homo on the ovoning of Novom
bor lGtb.
Attorney J. L. Cote, has re
turned from his hore back jour
ney arooud Eist Maui Ho com
pleted tbo circuit without mishap.
Harry Burton, of Burtou (Wai
luku) Hotel, has gouo back to
Spreokolsvillo us plantation po
licoman. Tho hotel is still run
by Mrs. Burton.
Mr. and Mrs, Ah Po of Lahaina
outcrtained their numorous frionds
to a birthday Inau last Saturday
21et inBt. in honor of tho birth of
their youngest child.
Jas. Keola rode ovr from Ka
unakakai to Hal-tws, Molokai, Inst
Friday, Oat. 20, on horso back in
a little ovor four, hours aud a half,,
and that during a heavy raia
storm. Tho distance is over 33
Jadgo J. W. Kalua has rondor
ed his decision in re defendants'
demurrers in the caso of John
Kalana et al. vd. Jas. K. Smytho
el al. The domurror is sustatnod
iu two points and the rust were
overruled. A copy of the dooroo
has boen forwarded to Mr. Henry
Smith. Clerk of the Judiciary De
partment for tho benefit of the
host of attorneys omployed ia tho
It having baon stated iu a louL
paper Saturday last that A. F.
ludd would not resume his duties
as Chief Justico upon re
turning to tho Islands. President
Dolt) was seen in regard to the
matter this afternoon nnd he
mado tho statement that he bad no
idea. This would probably de
pend altogether on Mr. Judd'a
state of health. Asked if
thero had been any cor
respondence on the matter be
tween this government and Wash
ington, Mr. Dole aodwored, "None
It is understood that Marshal!
will bring out his second oruption
of the Sunday Volcano on the first
Sunday in January next.
s yra'
mm ..- .Srl
Co., Fort St., Sign of the Big Shit.'

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