OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, November 20, 1899, Image 1

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PYSurWant YduFmiiaiirtKntfw l;hB Meahihl "f TH'FTLIG!
4 '!
I '','
Evening Bulletin
Take a Share in the GRAND ARMY FLAG FUND!
A Dollar,
Op u Dime.
Will Help the
Good Work
Vol. Vll. No. L382.
HOiNOLiUljU HL L, .uUiN'iMl, J U V hM li n, K '.JU. lojVJ.
PiilUK 5 Ol'.Nlb.
Both the Boors and Ibe British on the
Watch for Bulfor.
Wbttc 'CoMIducs to Hold Ills Own-NwS
Thought to Be Held Back by the Cen
sors -Disquieting Rumois Afloat.
London, Nov. 11. Tlio news from
Natal received In London, though mea
ger, ull points to ono conclusion. Tho
Hocra nro endeavoring to surround
Ladysmlth In such n way as to not only
completely Invest the town and gar
rison, lint also to 1)3 In position to meet
any British reinforcements that may
ho sent from Durban.
No fresh battles or even .skirmishes
havo been reported. There aro signs
that tho greater part of tho Doer forces
aro concentrating between Ladysmlth
and Colcnso. In vhls position Lady
smlth is effectually cut off from all
help, and at thu samo time tho enemy
Is well placcM to meet any IJrltlsh
force advancing from Estcourt. Tho
risk to the Boers Is great In caso of
retreat, as General White will cer
tainly Intercept them, unless they fall
back In tho direction of Twinta rasa
and Olivers Hock. If they should take
cither of theso routes they must aban
don most of their guns.
The bombardment of Ladysmlth con
tinues. Probably tho Boors by now
havo several heavy guns In place, ho
that tho IJrltlsh garrison may havo to
endure sevcro trials. The Boer shells
nro said to bo bursting better thnn
hitherto, and tho lire of their big wea
pons is becoming more effective.
pigeon post rnoM white.
London, Nov. 10. Tho British War
Oluco has received from General Bul
ler tho following dispatch:
"Capo Town, Thursday evening, Nov.
U. Have received by pigeon post from
General White today tho following:
"Tho bombardment at long rango.by
heavy guns continues dally. A few
casualties aro occurring, but no serious
harm Is bolng done
"Tho Boers sent intoday a number of
refugees from tho Transvaal under a
flag of truce. A (lag of truco from
Uadysmlth met thorn outsldo tho pick
ets. When tho party separated, tho,
Boer guns fired on It beroro It reached
our pickets.
"Major Gate of tho Boyal Engineers
was wounded today while Bonding a
"Tho lntrenchments nro dally grow
ing stronger, nnd tho supplies of pro
visions Is ample."
Paris, Nov. 10. Tho Patrlo points
out that England lies open to a coup
do main. With her squadrons disposed
of nnd reserves nffoat, on tho way. to
tho Transvaal, 25,000 tucii could cap
ture London.
Berlin, Nov. 10. Tho St. Petersburg
correspondent of the Lokal Anzelgor
repeats tho report that tho Russians
nro marching toward tho Afghanistan
frontier. .
London, Nov. 10. Another rumor
emanating from Amsterdam sources
bays that a British regiment was deci
mated Friday by Free Staters.' It is
ndded that COO British soldier were
killed or wounded nnd that 300 horses
were captured.
4 ,
The following selections will bu
played, at a concert In Emma Square at
tho usual tlmo this evening:
PART I. " '
Overture "Festival" , Lortzlng
Gavotte "Alexlna" :... Asclier
Selection Tnnnhauser" Waguer
fa) "Lei Ponl Mol" "Sweet Lel
Mies J. Kclllaa.
(b) "Ku'u Wchlwehl" "Kokohl"..
Mrs. N. Alapal,
Selection "Potpourri" Lambelot
Fantasia "Grand Military Tattoo"
(now) -. :.. Saro
March "Brnndeuburgh" Inow) ..
......... Honrlon
(a) Fanfare "Knight Templnrs"
(new) Honrlon
(b) Two Step "Rough Riders".,
(now) Henrlon
"Tho Star Spangled Banner."
Kukullinelc Komi1
The following bids for tho construc
tion of tho roud from Kuktuhaolo" to
Wulplo wero opened this forenoon by
Minister Young: W. a. Saffary,
$5,355.55; Nomedo Agnler, $5,045; M. A.
Was, $13,025; R. H. Mukckau, $5750;
M. A. Dlas, $58911; M. A. Dlas, $17,515;
F. FuJItanl, $0350 nnd Muraknml, $8155.
W. G. Saffary's bIx 5's proved lucky
nnd tho contract was awarded to him.
Walluku, Nov. IS. Tho American
schr. II. C. Wright arrived this wools
about 31 days from Trllllsnoo Bay,
with a load of fish guano. f
Weather calm and flno ull tho week,
tho air bolngcool aml'lnvlgoratlng.
A motion for contluanco was filed In
tho Marshal libel caso this attornoon.
BOARD your horses nt tho Now King
Street Stables.
Matters -of Importance Discussed at
To-day's Meeting.
ditto & Cccke, Ltd., Glrtn Permission to Amu d
Charter- Inter Wand Co. Wants to
Increase lis Capital Stock.
At tho regular Monday Cabinet meet
ing this forenoon tho application of
Castlo & Cooko for permission to
chango their charter, making It nos-
slblo for the corporation to loan money,
was granted.
A communication from tho Donilci
Pnunhl Bishop Estnto In regard to tho
Kallhl pumping stnllon was roid 'i,l
tho slight modifications to the furrier
proposition discussed. Tho present
proposition covers tho right of way for
n Biding from tho railroad and the con
tinuation or tho road maukn without
charging for tho same, tho government
to make tho rond In nbout a year, Tho
government must also put In two hy
drants from tho main lino that cxinils
to tho recrvolr or tho other ono on
King street. Tho proposition covers'
also an hero of ground on tho Palntun
ridge; Tho amount asked Is between
four nnd five thousand dollars The
Council voted to nccept tho proposition.
A communication from the 1. 1. S. N.
Co. asking to bo allowed to amend
their charter was read nnd dcferied.
Tho Inter-Island Co. wishes to extend
Its capital stock from time to tlmo to n
sum not exceeding SlO.OOO.OnO, and to
havo granted them tho right to run
steamers between foreign ports nnd
porto on theso Islands, as well as be
tween ports of tho Unlto'A States. W.
O. Smith represented mo petitioners.
Purser A. J. Clapham of tho KeAu
1 1 mi report tho landing nt Elcclo as
presenting a very- busy appearance, last
Saturday morning there wero four ves
sels discharging cargoes at tho samo
tlmo und tho landing was crowded with
grain, feed, fertilizer, mnchlncry, wa
ter plpo nnd thousands of feet of lum-i
Tho new crane, capable of lifting. 40
tons, Is about complotcd, tho cars on
tho top having been plnccd In position.
Tho only, electric railroad lino on the
Islands Is now, a thing of tho paBt, tho
electric locomotive at Elcelo having
been dismantled nnd tho dynamo plac
ed In, tho McBrydo sugar mill to fur
nish clcctrju lights. Tho old rails have
been torn, up nnd a finq now rond bod
Is under construction, for a steam rail-;
way, 3001b rails nro bolng laid and the
locomotives und rolling stock, aro ex
pected to arrive soon.
Sugar Bid. Asked
Hann P. Co ,
Haw. C. &S. Co
Houokaa ,
Kllauea . . ,
10 11
05 bo
20 30
48 40
37 38
34 35
Sales 25 liana, $11.00; 10 Hawaiian,
$0C; 23 llonokaii 31.75: 10 do. 35; 10 do,
35; 125 Hutchinson $28.75; 100 ,do,
28.50; 50' do, cash, 28.50; 150 do,
28.G2&J 10 do, 28.75; 20 do, 28.75; 50
Makawcll, $40; 130 do, 49.25; 35 Ono
mea, 37.00; 30 do, 37.50; 25 do, 37.1214;
15 do, 37.00; 10 do, 37.G2V4; 30 Paauhau
$35; liOO do. 31.50; 150 do, 31,75; 100 do,
Soldier AssnultsMnpnncsc.
W. McWIllfanis, a privato In lie Gth
Artillery, was arrested Saturday for
nssault and battery on Charley, tho
Japancso who attends to tho billiard
and pool tables at tho Arlington. Mc
Wllllams pleaded drunkenness nnd
stnted that ho remembered well having
been hit by tho Japanese but did not'
romomuor striking back. Deputy Mar
shal Chllllngworth testified Hint when
MoWllllams arrived at tno pouco sta
tion ho was n full possession of his
senses. Defendant was round guilty
and fined $10 nnd costs.
Tho Orphcum.
Tho usual Monday's chango takes
placo this oveulng. Miss Droyfusa has
now sufficiently recovered to allow of
her ro-nppearanco. Band, Byron and
Rand tno popular burlcsquo artists
closo their engagement this week. "Tho
Cake Walker's Dream," by Jackson
Hcardo und his Hawaiian babies ought
to prove an attraction, whllo tho broad
fnrco "Rooms to Let," by tho company
Is suro to oxclto lnughter.
Fainted In Court. '
Hoknaku, a native, was nrrested yes
terday on the charge of drunkenness.
Ho appeared In tho Pollco Court this
forenoon but when called to answer to
tho charge, fainted and was carried out
of the room.
Walluku, Nov. 18. It. W. Filler, tho
now superintendent - of the Kahulut
Railroad Company, this week received
hl) appointment as postmaster ot Ka
hulul, Maul,.vico G.' P. Wilder resigned.
Mr. Filler has already taken tho oath
ot ofilco before Circuit Judge ICn'ua.
Progress o? the Patriotic Work of the George
W. DeLong Post Above $700 More
Needed to Complete the Task.
Tho work of tho Flag Commlttco of
Geo. W. Do Long Post, G. A. It., Is pro
gressing favorably. As' soon as tho
Hags to bo presented by Lafayctto Post
of Now York arrlvo the local Post will
bo ready to go ahead with tho Hag rais
ing. Word is tcxpccted nt an early day
lrom uafayctte Post stating tho date
of tho shipment of tho flngit nnd al
ready twenty-two poles nro under way
and will bo finished this week.
It Is now estimated that at least
$1250 will bo required by tho local
Pout to complcto tho work. Of this
amount $517 has been subscribed nnd
$105 paid in, leaving $733 to bo sub
scribed In order to properly complcto
the work. Now that tho exact figures
of tho amount needed nro known, there
will unquestionably be a prompt re
sponse from tho public to nsslst tho
patriotic endeavors of tho Grand Ar,niy
members. I
P. C. Jones ..., -. $50.00
B. 1'. Dillingham 50.00
C. Brewer & Co 25.00
Bank of Hawaii 25.00
Castlo & Cooko 25.00
Sprcckcls & Co. Bank 25.00
Lowers & Cooko 25.00
McCnndless Brothers 25.00
II. Hncktcld & Co 25.00
Bishop & Co. Bank i 25.00
Hon. Mott-Smlth 25.00
Metropolitan Meat CO. i 20.00
Inter-Island S. Nav. Co 20.00
E. D. Tcnney 10.00
G. P. Castle 10.00
Wm. McCandlcss 10.00
Wm. Henry 10.00
A. S. Hartwell ....i " 10.00
A. V. Gear ...'. i... 5.00
J. T. Copclaud 5.00
Wi W. Hall ....;. C.00
W. L. Eaton '...' 5.00
G. P. Dcnnlson i '. 5.00
E. O. Whlto 5.00
IVB.Murray 5.00
I lonolulu Drug Co 3.00
There was a dreadf'il accident it ll;e
cornor of King street and thti WalkIM
road at about C o'clock last evening
that resulted In the death later on of
W., P. Lmaholhel Walpn, half Inolhei
of Captain Robert Parker Walpa and
cousin of Hon. JiimmlTnrl.or
Lumahelhel had been out to Wal
klkl on his favorito sorrel horso and
was returning to town nt n galop.
Coming to tho corner his horeo ran
against tho pllo of Jagged rocks placed
there for roail rock and not only foil
'down but throw his rider over his
head directly Into the rocks.
A crowd soon Knthered. but no one
seemed to bo moved to action until tho'
arrival of two discharged soldiers from
tho Philippines nnd three or four young
Portuguese. These follows picked up
the Injured man nnd, putting him Into
a hnck, hastened to tho resldonco of Dr.
Howard on King street.
Dr. Howard examined tho Injured
man and found him in n state of semi
consciousness, Tho: lower Javy nnd
noso wero fractured In two plnccs whllo
several very bad cuts nbout tho face'
wero bleeding badly. Four or flvo teeth
wero knocked out nnd tho lips were
torn badly. Drs. Hoffman and Taylor
wero telephoned for at once nnd the
work of tho three surgeons began In
earnest. It was after 10 o'clock be
fore tho face was stitched up and tho
bones plnccd In position. Tho patrol
wagon was then telephoned for nnd tho
man taken to tho hospital. Whllo on
tho way to tho hospital ho showed
signs of weakening and upon nrrlval
thoro was very low. Tho patient was
undressed nnd then It wns found that
tho third, fourth, fifth and sixth ribs on
tho left sldo nnd tho fourth on tho right
sldo woro fractured. This fractured
rib on tho right sldo punctured tho lung
causing tho oscnpo of air to tho' sur
rounding tlsBuo and tho complcto col
lapse of tho lung, death resulting from
mipiimn.tliornx (traumatica).
Tho funeral took placo from tho
homo of tho wlfo of deceased on Young
best comic opera.
Comic, opera wns produced Saturday,
night by tho llosua Lyrl-j Co,, or mo
purest wuter.
La Bello Helena was thoroughly en
Joyed by a largo an.l fashionable aut'l-
enco, which came prepared to- bo
pleased and they weio nol, disappoint
ed. Tho inuslo of the oporn Is of thtit
vnrloty that Is light, pretty an 1 catchy,
and flvo comedians being In tho cast
thero wero topical songs galore.
Tho cako walk lntrouuceu in tno
third act, nlthoitrth no: In tho opera
proper, was greatly enjoyed, as was
also tho Amazon mnrch.
Walluku, Nov. 18. T. F. Sanborn,
for many years chomlst at Sprockels
vlllo plantation, goes to Kolala, Kauai
via Hotolulu this evening to accopt a
similar position on that plantation.
By n, recent mall tho Post received
word that A. F. 1)111, Department Com
mander, contemplates n trip to Ha
waii. An effort will bo made to havo
Commander Dill time his visit In or
der to bo picsent nt tho first flag rnlsr
Ing. An urgent request has also been
forwarded to I-afayettc Post that a
representative ho present on tno occa
sion Tho lag commlttco will give every
body nn opportunity to contribute to
tho fund. Ten rents or ten dollars.
Tho size of tho contribution makes no
difference, but It Is oolred that tho pco
pie shall feel that they havo a share
nnd nn Interest In tho matter. Sub
scription lists nt tho business houses
havo beep withdrawn. Tho only lists
now out nro thoso In tho hands of tho
committee nnd the Popular List at tho
Bulletin office.
Following Is tho list of subscriptions
up to date:
Wm. Horace Wright $ 2.50
Albert McGurn i. 2.50
J. W. Wiley , 2.00
E. P. Chnplu ,..,., 2.00
E. II. Paris . ,: 2.00
H. A. Giles i 2.00
W. B. Allou .t i 2.00
G. L. Muddox 2.00
W. W. Hnrrls 2.00
F. II. Angus i 2.00
Cash ..,,,..'. ., ,:.... 2.00
R. G. Mooro . ,.,.... 2.00
J. N. Hnyden 2.00
C. B. Ripley 2.00
Fred Sherman , 2.00
.1. It. West 1.00
J. C. Torbet 1.00
G. S. Harris, Jr 1.00
Paul Do La Vergcno . , 1.00
W. Schoflcld ' 1.00
Wm. Chung Hoon 1.00
F. J. McShano 1.00
P. F. Ryan 1.00
D. F. Lamar 1.00
Total . ;. 517
Berlin, Nov. !). The Colonial Coun
cil, at a meeting today, heartily ap
proved tho Samoan agreement. Prince
von Wled declared that thanks wero
due firstly to the Emperor und called
for three cheers ror Ills Majesty, A
telegram was dispatched to tho Empcr
or expressing tho Council's gratifica
tion nt tho ending of tho. Samoan dis
pute, "to tho Imperishable glory of the
Hmperor and tlio honor or Germnny.
Loudon, Nov. 9. Tho afternoon pa
pers hore oxpross satisfaction at the
Samoan settlement. They nro espcel
ally gratified at tho cvldonco of the
continued good feeling between th6
three nations. Tho acquisition of Tu
tulla Is regnrded as netting tho seal on
tho oxpnuslon policy of tho United
States and a great development of tho
United States Nnvy Is anticipated and
Paris, Nov. 9. Tho Journal des Do
bats, which, finds tho Samoan agree
ment "very significant from tho vlow
point of Anglo-Gorman-Amerlean rela
tions," snys: "Discussion as to wheth
er .our dlplomncy might not have been
able to prevent this situation nvalls as
nothing, We can only tnko note of tho
material fact of tho existence of n new
and Important factor In International
Wushliigtou, Nov. 9.-So far the
State Department tins received no ofil-
Iclal statement of tho agreement bo-
tween Great Britain 'und Germany ns
to Samoa. However, the officials do
not, doubt tho accuracy) of tho prcs3 ro
port. Apia, Samoan Islands, Oct. 31, via
Auckland, N. '.., Nov, 9, Matters hero
uro satisfactory. Tho various groups
of natives nro awaiting tho outcomo of
the report of tho international commis
sion. A much moro friendly Bplrlt
thnn formerly existed Is being dis
played. McWAYNB l-UNERAL.
Tho funeral or tho lato Dr. Albert
McWayno took plnco from tho MaBon
Ic Tomplo Sunday aitcrnoon. Tho Ma
sonic services wero conducted by Wor
shipful Master E. I. Spaldlug. "Jesus,
Lover ot aiy oui was sung oy airs.
Davlcs, Miss von Holt, II. Ofiloy nud
Judgo Stanley. Wrny Taylor presided
at tho organ, interment iook piaco in
Nuuanu cemetery. Following wero tho
pall-bearers: Cecil mown, ur. u. u.
Cooper, Dr. Goo. Herbort, Dr. C. L.
Garvin, Dr. W. Burgess nnd McssrB. G.
H. Robertson, George O. Ross and Pnul
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. S. Kaloo ot Hana,
Maul, celebrated the twelfth anniver
sary of their wedded llfo at their
homo at Hana laBt Thursday, Nov. 1G.
Tho ovent was commemorated by a
big luau to which all the' residents were
Invited. A general good tlmo was on
loved, and Mr. and Mrs. Kaleo received
tho numorous congratulations of..thelr
friends who all wished them n conltnu-
nnco of their hnppy wedded lire.
Movements of Ik Hospital Ship Solace,
and of the Iroquois,
Tlnu tf SalllDf cf Latter Vessel Not Ytt De
cided On Naval Station Engines
Received by the Solace.
Quite a number of packages arrived
In tho Solace for tho Iroquois. These
contain tho surveying apparatus and
other nccesnary Instruments 'and tools
that nro to bo used at Midway Island.
As yet, tho tlmo of sailing of the
Iroqubls ha3 not been decided on. Tho
two or three officers half expected In
the Sulaco did not put In nn appear
ance, but It Is possible that they may
arrive In one of the nnny transports or
regular liner In tho near future.
Six bluejackets eamo for the Iro
quoK nmong the number being n ma
chinist who tips the scales for nearly
three hundred pounds.
Tho survey ship Neio left Yokohama
on October 10 and Is now nt work tak
ing deep sen soundings for the cable.
It Is Just ppsslblo that tho Nero Is now
In the vicinity or Midway. Sho will be
hore Inter on.
Tho work or the Nero In tho taking
or the soundings between tho principal
points whllo tlio work .cut out for tho
Iroquois Is tho picking out of a place
ror tho lauding or the cable. Tho Noro,
being a very largo vescl, cannot very
well attend to this part or tho survey
Thoro arrived In tho Solace Tor the
Naval Station hero, two very largo
holAtlng engines thnt will be put Into
operation In the ucnr future.
The Bolaco is having n llttlo troublo
with coaling operations. It has been
round necessary to hlro a gang of na
tives to assist on account of the short
age or men nbonrd.
The naval dredging operations nro
gqlng on very nicely, but tho men In
charge or the driving or piles for tho
new whnrves are experiencing n lot of
trouble. A solid bed or coral has been
stiuck and several piles havo already
been broken or badly bruised by con
tact with tho hard surface. It will bo
necessary on account or the clrcum
stnnrcs, to drill holes ror the piles
through the coral rock.
Mrs. Annlo Holoknhlkt, aged 50, died
at the home or Sam Knmakala,.Nuunnu
nvenue, early yesterday afternoon.
Mrs. Holoknhlkl had been to church nt
Kaumnkaplli and was on her way home
when sho felt a sudden .weakness como
oyer her, Judge Kunhau or Kauai as
sisted her to' the home or Mr. Knmahal
to rest. Sho wns placed on n Bofa and
a shawl thrown over her. When Mr.
Kumnhala went back n llttlo Inter to i
sco how sho was getting on ho found
her dead.
Tho funeral will take placo rrom her
late homo, Wnlknhalulu this afternoon.
Brest, France. Nov. ll.-A rumor Is
cune n t that a British transport has
foundered off Ushant, on the coast or
Brittany, Franco.
Major Bell's During.
Manila, Nov. 10. Major Bell has
been engaged In another daring exploit.
Whllo scouting .with flvo ofileors1 und
two men or the SGth Infantry nnd
Lieut. Hawkins nnd ten men or tho 4th
Cavalry ho crept behind n trench con
taining n hundred Filipinos, rodo them
down nud killed 'and wounded .twenty
men nnd captured six. He also brought
back thirty Mausers.
Kiimnlo Suit'.
New papers have been filed In tho
'Circuit Court In tho Knmnlo caso on
account of an amendment which makes
tho Kamnlo Sugar Co. ono of tho de
fendants with Frank Hustaco, J. J.
Egan and Frank 11. Foster.
Dr. Posey, specialist for Eyo, Ear,
Throat nnd Noso diseases and Catarrh.
Masonic Tomplo.
"Own Rflake"
For Sale by Manufacturers' Shoe
Italian Planters' Association In Ses
sion TM; Morning.
Larfle Allendaoco -Trusties Elected Reports
Rad and Discussed -SoineHilna Abctt "
TbeCane Eonr-FulIUztrs..
Tho ISth annual meeting or tho Ha
waiian Sugar Planters' Association
ook place this moinlng. Tho roll call
'ound all the plantation members nnd
iany Indlvldunl members present.
The minutes or tho previous meeting
'ore rend nnd approved and then the
renBuror s report was read, accepted
nil filed. Dr. Maxwell's financial ro-
ort was read and accepted and then
ho following trustees wero elected for
ho ensuing year:
J. B, Atherton, Hi P. Baldwin, C.
lolto, C. M. Cooko, J. F. Hacktcld, W.
1. Irwin, Geo. H. Robertson, F. A.
chacfer, F. M. Swanzy, Tho report of
Innager Ewart of Kllauea on irriga
tor!, and that of Manager Morrison of
r'knwpll on varieties and locations of
cano, wero read by tho latter gentle
man. C. M. Cooko spoke of the stripping of
cano In tlio efforts mado to 'discourage
the attaqkH or the cano borer, stating
thnt $S009 worth or tho Insects had
been caught and bottled nt l.ohul plan
tation during tho yenr. They wero
treated with boiling water atter being
bottled and killed In this way. Tho
stripping of the cano was advised by
Messrs. Baldwin and Falrchlld who bad
both found that In tearing away- tho
leaves ncup the base of the cano tho
enno Itself wns made tougher and leas
liable to the attacks of tho pest. Mr.
Falrchlld also stated that cane grown
on tho Hldo hill or cine that wis will
ventilated, that Is growing so that light
and air circulated freely among the
stalks was much freer from tho borer
than cano that grew very thickly,
Mr. Horner of Hnmakiu, spoko of tho
crop Inking n great deal of tho strength
of tho soil, especially was this so or a
patch on n sldo hill where, atter tho
crop had been removed nnd 1500 lbs of
fertilizer had been put on, the land
failed to product anything lllfo tho
urat crop. Ho wanted to know what
the ci op took rro mtho soil. Dr. Max
well, in reply, stated that tho plowing",
ot tho high ground Just before tho
grcnt rains or tho winter was probably
the cause as tho rain getting Into the
soil leeched tho lime from tho ground.
leaving it In n measure without avail
able food for tho roots of the cano to
feed on. In three- districts of Hawaii
experimental stations had been estab
lished, where 'experiments In fertilizer
and Irrigation could bo mado under tho
conditions existing In the districts.
Tho results of theso tests will bo ob
served by trained men and tho useful
ness of tho experimental ntntlou here
will be greatly enhanced by tho organi
zation or sub-stations. At 12 o'clock
tho meeting adjourned until 2 p. m.
t i
Col. W. H. Cornwell has decided to
ship his racing animal Gartallne, to
the Qoast, where sho will bo In tho
Burns etablo of choco sprinters. Jump
ers nnd distance travelers. This is
dono- nt tho earnest solicitation of a
number of Ciiutnrnla horsemen. Gar
tallno Is by long odds tho best bred
horso ever brought to theso Islnnds.
being "In1 the purple" for a couple of
bundled years. Sho Is related to halt
tho great performers alive and to any
number cif tho record mnkcrs that havo
gono before; Gartallno Is of tho fam
ily of Ben d'Or, Ormondo (undefeated;
Ormonde first; tho rest nowhoro) and
of Golden Hulo, who won startling vic
tories on tho Mainland Inst season.
Naturally great things uro oxpectcd ot
Gartallne. She goes up on tho return
ing Australia this trip. Col. Cornwell
retains ownership of tho racer and
plnns to havo her back in the Islands
ed Cards, Embossing.
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To,, Fori St., Sign ot the Big Shot.

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