Newspaper Page Text
nraNWy ., - i'' 'J$M$B99mZI. 8P6u Want Your Children to Know the Meaning of THE FLAG! Evening Bulletin A Dollar, Or a Dime Will Help the' Good Work Along. Take a Share in the GRAND ARMY FLAG FUND! Vol. VII. No. 1415. 12 PAGES HONOLULU, H. I., SATUltDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1899. 12 PAGES WILL ASK FOR FOR GEN. LAYTON'S WIDOW Response to Call for Needed Finan cial Asststaice. CHINESE INSPECTORS 1EET WATCH PASSING CENTURY CHANCES FOR THE CANAL i --- n im yi WTiij mmr . 71 & r i r ?- - - iti .. i'bwi Br 4 ,W: Pbioh 5 Oentb. JIB TO PDRIFY CHINATOWN B Reports of Da;'s Iospectton In China town Hiided In. SobmllH to Board of Health Today Dally Meetings to Be Held-Tbmuth fork Being Done. Senices to be Held at First Mho dist Church.' Small pope ot Legislation by (be Pres ent Congress. Commission Reports on Conditions In Cblnatowo. Resume of Recommendations Made -More Ei- N-vt D Plagoe Sltutloi Cratered ii Efforts to CImi CkliitiM. No Net Cues To4tj-Go Work bj Chinese Hercfauts-JipueM Hole Alltr Tbtlr Ptcpte False Repens. 2:1G p. m. There have been no suspicious cases today. Dr. Ray mond sent for Dr. Hoffman to soe a caao Inst before the Bulletin went to press, but this was not considered "suspicious. Late ro ports at tho Board of Health oflco by call doctors give tho following' Joe Manuel, died at Kamollllll from asthma; death near half way house on Pall road fiom bronchitis and heart disease; See Tal Fa died at corner of Queen and Alakea streets from consumption. Everything Is quiet at the Board of Health offlco today, for over two days or sinco tho native boy died In Kcwalo, no cases of tho plague havo been re ported. This Is a very encouraging outlook. The Board of Health now has everything In good working order and Its forces nre bo concentrated that a moment's call gives assurance of Im mediate attention. What with the In spection by the Chinese In tho quaran tine district, and tho outside Inspec tors; as well as the agents of the Board of Health, tho situation seems to bo well In hand and the escapo of cases of sickness next to Impossible. P.omlntit CoRlributors (o the Foad Raise Morgi oa Late Geml's lone Officials and Cllliew Join. Shipment of Freight. It has been decided by the Board of Health to allow any Island steamer tp haul alongside vnrlous wharves and take on freight for tho other Islands on condition that, having done this-, 1.0 passengers arc taken aboard. Cases Investigated. By Dr. Garvin Japanaese at Kobav nshl hotel. High fever. OrchltlB. By Dr. Garvin Japanese woman, military headquarters, King street. Morohlne habit. Suffering from want of accustomed drug. By Dr. Scapcrono Woman near tor minus of Beretanla street, Funahou. Death from prematuro birth. By Dr. Garvin Woman on Punch bowl near Emma street Malarial fever. . ,'. By Dr. Scapcrono Young girl at South Sea Island settlement, Queia street. Slight gastritis. By Dr. Scaperono Young Chlncao at Johnson place In Iwllel. Not suspi cious. Sake and Soy. After thorough examination sake and soy havo been found to be not dan gerous as carriers of plague and flhlp ,, nf ihn two. nfter nroncr fumiga tion, are now allowed by the Board of Health. nn. Bowman Appointed. Oftlng to the rush of work in the matter of Investigating suspiciouo cases about town, Dr. Bowman, for merly of San. Francisco, has been ap pointed by President Cooper as ono o. the call doctors. Ho was called upon to report at 10:30 o'clock this morn ing. Kapalama House Burned. The house in Kapalama occupied by Ah Pong during his sickness and final death from the plaguo was burned this forenoon by Health Agent Reynolds and Sam Johnson. The Chinese on the place mado a strenuous effort to keep the Board of Health officers from i,..inn. hn ninnn and clamored loudly while It was In flames, but all to no avail. Activity of Japanese. Japanese physicians have established their headquarters In the Kaumakaplll church yard, where they are busily en gaged In looking after the health con ?,e nmnnir their nationality. Forty inspectors are Included In the forca whose duty Is to Investigate sanitary conditions in and about Japanese homes. Two Japanese societies have been distributing canned food and rice among the poor of their nationality within tho quarantine district. Yesterday' Meeting. After the meeting of the Board of Health yesterday afternoon President Dole asked George Carter, chairman of the Chinatown Commission, sever al questions in regard to tho condi tions as found by the Commission. A nuestlon asked by Georgo W. Smith $ SSfwSed by 0. p. Ripley, a mem ber of the Commission. It Is under "...?.:"? rpmiit of the meeting yerterday 'pTes.dent Cooper will as for WOO for improvements Mn the ' Xamee ng of thV Council of State, which will bo called early next week. Supreme Court Case. John B. Bush and Mary J. Bush, A. K Kunlakea, Kahlllopua (w.) and lalua have brought suit for ejectment in the Supreme Court against tho Re pubUc of Hawaii. The ltnd which tho i.iirr rlalm is in Honolulu. J. A. g la gmoy for tho plantlffs, n ..utMniint for Ere. Ear. Throat and Kose diseases and Catarrk Masonic Temple. Washington. Dec. 21. Adjutant Gen eal Colbln, the head of the committee charECUN with the collection of funds for the benefit or the lamuy or me lato General Lawton, is in receplt of expressions of sympathy and of will ingness to cooperate from all quarters of tho country. Somo of these aro ac companied by contributions of money and altogether there is promlso of a generous response to the comlttce's ap peal issued yesterday. General Charles King telegraphed from Milwaukee) that tho committee, might count on a proper response from that city to tho appeil. Tho broker age firm of Worden .& Co., of New York has voluntarily undertaken to collect funds on tho Stock Exchange. Tho committee alms to collect at least 125,000. Tho first contribution from Wash ington camo from a clerk In tho War Department, who contributed S2 from his salary to start tho list of contribu tor's. General Corbln received a telegram from General R. A. Alger asylng: "I Bend 1100 for tho Lawton fund." Major General Shatter at ban Fran cisco telegraphed that ho will do everything In his power to help Mrs. Lawton. A telegram was received from Mr. c. H. Hamilton, of Milwaukee, saying that tho citizens of that city authorized him to offer $1,000 as a nucleus of a fund for the widow and family of Gen eral Lawton. ' 'General Corbln received a telegram from a gentleman In Pennsylvania, who does not wish his name made public, contributing 81,000 to the Lawton fund. Other contributions received this morning aro as follows: Secretary John Hay, $100; Assistant Secretary H. C. Taylor, 1100 Mrs. Auaison sor ter, S100; McOloskoy Brutt, of New York. 1100. The Rlggs National Bank of this city, has been designated as tho depository ol the Lawton iuna. 1 'Lieutenant Colonel Clarcnco Ed wards, who was acting temporarily as Goneral Lawton's chief of staff, has been Instructed by tho Secretary of War to superintend the transportation of General Lawton's remains and nc compnny them to this country. Financiers Go Down. Now York, Dec. 18. The Produce Exchange Trust Company, of this tlty, has closed its doors. A notice unon tho door says that tho Company has suspended payment pending an examination of Its books. Nbw York. Dee. 18. The suspen sion of the firm of Henry Allen & Co., bankers and brokers, hoa been an nounced on tho Stock Exchange. Tho suspension is accredited to tho falluia of somo of Its customers to respond to calls for additional margins, mado ne cessary by recent declines. The houso has been knownns a trader on :t rath er extensive scale. DON'T PA8S our OPERA GLASSES for the World. They're made by Le Malre. "Nuttsald." H.F.WIOHMAN. Program of Religious Exercises General Par ticipation bj Otber Church Pastors Seed Senlce and Prajer. On to Manila! A meeting of the prominent Chlnc3o whose services as Inspectors in the quarantined district were accepted by tho Board of Health Thursday, was held in tho hall of the United Chinese Society late yesterday afternoon. Tho following minutes submitted to Presi dent Cooper of tho Board of Health by the secretary pro tem of tho society will show what was done at tho meo: lng: United Chinese Society, Honolulu, H. I., Dec. 29, 1899. Lin Shen Chow was appointed sec retary pro tern. Chief Inspector M. C. Amana, called their Inspectors to report their work of tho day. Inspector C. Hock Clio said: "My assistant waB Young Cheo and tho boundaries of my block aro Beretanla, Kukul and Nuuanu streets. Found Lo On, nged 13, male, sick. Dr. Pratt, at tending physician. Inspector Leo Cbong said: Chong Mel Hlng Is my assistant and tho boun daries of my block are Hotel, Nuuanu, Beretanla and Smith streets. Found no sickness. Inspector Ng Chan said: Yeo Yap is my assistant, and my block Is bound ed by Hotel, King, Maunakca, Bero tanla and Smith streets. All wcl. Inanector C. Yun Pen said: T. A. Hung Is my assistant and my block Is bounded by queen, Nuuanu anu iui kul streets. Including Chaplain Lane Total of 276 Chinese In this block. All well. Twenty-ono persons In need of food. Inspector Chun Ming said: My as sistant Is E. Wnn Sing and tho boun lnrles of my block nre King. River, Maunakea and Beretanla streets. No sickness found. Inspector M. C. Amana said: My as sistant Is Wan Yoke and my block Is bounded by Queen, Nuuanu, King and Kekaullke streets. Not a single caao of sickness found, but somo of our own oountrvmen who had no food mado complaints to me. Some of the natives nlso complained of having no food. Lin Shen Chow said: Inspectors must not only And out any slcknesti, but must see that overy Chinese house IS In good sanitary condition. If any kind of sickness Is found out Inspec tors must report at once to tho Board of Health. It Is said that some Chin ese and Japanese attempt to go out of the ouarantlno district by force. We must put up some posters advising our countrymen to obey the rules and regulations of the Board of Health. After some discussion, Cheong Leong was' appointed Interpreter at tho Chin ese hospital, Kapalama,, during the period of quarantine. Meeting adjourned at 6 p. m. This waB the first meeting held by tho Chinese Inspectors, as ono day was necessary for organization. A meet ing of this kind will be held dally aud each inspector wm oe requireu iu i im port on the exact condition of his block. . , , Tho way this handful of Chinamen him rnmn forth and offered its assist ance to the Board of Health is most commendable and it is hailed with Joy by that body as it means not oniy lessening of work for the regular In spectors, but a sure detection of cases of sickness or death In the quarantined district . . , . . Chinatown has been divided Into alt districts by this band of Chinese and two men do the work of Inspection in each. Commissioners Will be Kept at Work Sena tor Morgan Belleres Sufficient Data Has Been Secured, Every arrangcent Is being made for the watch night meeting ot tho Young People's Societies at the Methodist church Sunday night The meeting will begin at 9 o clock. Tho first hour will be given up to n song service In charge ot Thcodoro Richards. Besides giving an opportunity to sing together, the songs that aro to be sung during the visit ot Father Endeavor Clark, Bpeclal music will be Introduced. The Christian Endeavor book will bo used. All who havo these are requested to bring them along. J. E. Russell will give a flve-mlnute talk during the ser vice, appropriate to the ttmo and place. Tho Scripture reading will bo con ducted by J. N. Taggard and will con sist of verses conlcd on slips ot papci' and handed in nt tho door by those coming to tho service. These should bo texts which have been especially helpful during the past year. The experience meeting will begin at ten minutes past ton o'clock aud will bo conducted by Miss Florenro Yarrow and Geo. B. McClellan. ThlB will contlnuo ono half hour, when there will be a social intermission for ono halt hour, the conduct of which will be In chargo of a special committee. At this time J. P. Erdman will glvo a short talk on "Tho Opportunities of tho Young People's Society for Social Work In tho Church.' Tho prayer meeting proper will begin at ten min utes past 11 o'clock and will bo con ducted by Capt Matthews of tho Salva tion Army and S. P. Perry. At tho closo of this meeting Rev. W. M. Klncald will glvo r. ten minute tilk on "Thoughts for Meditation 'which will be followed by silent prayer and consecration for the last five minutes ot the old year. All aro urged to come. PORTUGUESE LAD SHOT. New Yory, Dec. 21. A special to tho Herald from Washington, says: Legislation providing for tho con struction ot a trans-Isthmian canal is not probablo during the present ses sion ot Congress. Both the Nlcaraguan Canal Commis sion In tho Senate, presided over by Senator Morgnn and tho House Com mittee on Inter-State and Foreign Commerce, presided over by Mr. Hep burn of Iown, propose to take tho mat ter up wlthbut waiting for tho report ot tho Walker Commission. It Is ex tremely Improbable, howover, that they lwll bo able to get a bill through cither houso of Congress before that report Is available. Tho Walker Commission will leave Now York on January 6th, going di rect to Greytown, Nicaragua, by the regular mall steamer. They will go over the routo of tho Nlcaraguan canal to the Pacific side and will then will go by steamer to tho Pacific end ot tho Panama route. The commis sion has now In tho field ten surveying parties. Tho commissioners estimate that it will take about a year for them to complete all their work and mako their report. Senator Morgan has novcr given his approval to tho sending of additional commissions to the Isthmus, being satisfied with the Information al ready avallablo as to tho practicabili ty of the cannl. He will endeavor to havo his bill reported from his com mission. Representative Hepburn ulso believes tho provision for the Walker Commission waB Intended to delay tho construction of a canal and will endeavor to have his commission take up tho subject Immediately after tho holiday recess. carators, Better Yentllallon, and Ex tension of Sewage System. A Complete History of THE CAMPAIGN OF THE VOL UNTEER Troops in t,he Philippines, with an Ac count of their first Re ception in HonoluLu. Superbly Illustrated. ..A Limited Number on Sale at 35 ..cents each by Wall, Nichols Co., Thrum's Book Store, 'Hawaiian News Co., Golden Rule Bazaar, E. W. Jordan. The Oceanic Athletic Club. Since Martin Denny's rather "touch ing" exit from Honolulu tho Oceanic Athletic Club has not proven a bod ot roses for its energetic directors. At a meeting held In tho club's rooms last night tho entire board tendered its malt-notion nnii formally handed over tho club's outfit and belongings to its members. It is a matter ot regret that the actions of one man should have bo demoralised, for the time at least, on noonipinn havlne uuch favorable prospects. What action tho members will take remains to be seen. Mean time the sympathy of a large section of the public is with tho boys In their present plllkla. To Help Out the Banks. Washington, Dec. 21. Up to noon today the Secretary of tho Treasury had approved applications from na tional banks for deposit of publlo bonds under his recent offer to the amount ot about 115.000,000. So far no applications havo bono considered frnm hnnicH which do not own or con- trol the bonds which they propose to deposit as security. Umbrla lor a Transport. Liverpool, Dec. 21. Tho Cunard lino steamer Umbrla, which arrived hero December 19 from New York, has been chartered by tho British Government for use ns a troopship. Jacinto Banavltz. a Poitugucso of Pauoa, gavo himself up at tho poll:e station Jatw yesterday "afternoon ex plaining the causo or his action as Do ing the accidental shooting and killing of Joe Borgcss, a Portuguese lnd be tween 8 and 10 years old. Banavltz had borrowed a shotgun from Mr. Booth and was on ills way up Pauoa valley to shoot. Several boys followed and began annoying him. Banavltz stated that he turned to warn them off when tho gun, In some unaccountable manner, was discharged, tho chargo of bird shot carrying away tho top of Borgess' head and killing tho little fellow Immediately. Banavltz, upon completing his story, wab placed In a cell to await tho result or tho coroner's Jury today. Coroner's Inquest. The coroner's lnquett In tho caso of Joe Borgcss was begun nt noon today and Is still in progress as 1110 uuiieini goes to press. John Borgcss, a urotu er of tho boy shot, testified that ho had his arm around his brother's necl: when he was shot. Banavltz turned toward his brother with the stock of the gun against his arm and tho muz zle pointing out Sam Kalama, a na Hva iwiv. Raid that tho deed was alto gether an accident. There aro several more witnesses to be examined. 1 HOLDING THE CARSON WRECK. The barkentine William Carson still lies In the same position as yesterday, about a mile off the bell buoy. Both the Lehua and Iroquois went to the assistance of the Eleu yesterday afternoon but were unable to render any material assistance; they remained on the Sitne ail night and to-day. The tug being compelled to leave the Captain Campbell Resigns. C. J. Campbell, tho wharf superin tendent for tho Inter-Islnnd Navigation Co., has handed In his resignation to that company, to tako effect on the first of January. Mr. Campbell's health has not been of tho best for somo time past and ho decided that only complete rest would work any Improvement He has been connected with tho Inter-Island Com pany for seventeen years. During the last eight ho has occupied the position of wharf superintendent 1 Football Monday. All football enthusiasts should bo on tho Oahu Collego grounds Monduy af ternoon, Now Year's Day, to witness tho contest between tho Gth Artillery nnd Town teams. Tho boys havo been practicing hard for n month past and nro in n good condition for 11 closo contest. Tho Gth Artlllory team is known to possess somo very strong players, while tho players In ths Town tenm nrn thn bent In tho cltv. Tho gamo will begin at 3 o'clock sharp, district by The special Sanitary Commission ap pointed to Investigate Chinatown re ported at yesterday's Beard of Health meeting. Tho Introduction of the report do tails a terrible condition ot affairs In Chinatown. Rscponslblllty for this condition Is "not placed wholly upon tho Board of Health. Tho Board lacks a competent manager who should ho held responsible and havo authority to carry out regulations. Completion cf tho sewer system will mako unneces sary regulations now necessary. Streets must bo cut through. Tho Council of State should appropriate The Commission recommends: 1. That an expert sanitary cnglnor bo employed and be a membor of tho Board ot Health; have amplo assist ance nnd power to enforco regulations 2. Purchase of not less than six odorless excavators. 3. That the bed of Pauoa stream from Vineyard street bridge to Nuu anu stream bo floored with masonry. 4. That all land In this district ho drained of surface water, and filled In with clean earth 18 inches abovo ground water level. 6. Immediate construction of a gar bage crematory. 6. Construction of a market In Chinatown. Keeping of poultry and making pol In tho district to be pro hibitcd. 7. Immediate extension ot Bowers to congested districts. 8. Streets nnd alleys cut through blocks designated, at expenso. ot prop erty holders. 0. Publication ot regulations sub mitted and employment of Inspectors to enforco them. 10. Statue covering building and plumbing regulations; glvo Board of Health more power; statute providing for local improvement assessments. "The largo Interests at stake are rec ognized by all; the futuro ot ou? city has never been brighter; out popula tion is increased tremendously. , ana our commerce should "bo" larger than loss caused by quarantine regulations. This Is tho turning point, and now In the time for determined actios. With our largo ocean trade we shall always bo oxposcd to contagion, and it will he economy to spend a largo sum annual ly In keeping tho city Ic a condition to repel disease, and to prevent its secur ing a foothold rather than undergo the loss caused by quarantine regulations, tho Interruption of tradi, and tho pre vention of tho frco ttotr of commodi ties, which Is essential to tho lifo of commcrco as well as the very existence of a community. "Wo havo sought to mako recom mendations that enn 11 1 once lo put Into operation; tho enforcement ot which will require the Immedlalo re moval of many unsanitary buildings us well as tho innumerable sheds and out- I houses which havo been built in this tho tenants themselves wreck for some time to-day, the line was passed to the Lehua which steamer drop- pea ner ancnor ana 50 iiqius me wmn from drifting on to the reef. It Is impossible to pet anywhere near ihe submerged vessel on account of the heavy swell, dui as soon as uie weawcr Improves and the swell dies down, divers w nv out down o examine me conui- tlon of affairs and then a suitable plan for ih ivinir nf the vessel can be adopted. At present there seems to be no chance of the t-arson cnanging ner pusiuim aim things will probably so remain until the hoped lor iraue winus spring up ui ex tremely bad weather spol's all calculations by driving the wreck ashore. Kinau's Arrival. The Klnau was allowed to come up to her dock this afternoon and land her passengers and freight. No one from the hnn k .illnwed on board and the crew unloads the freight by hoisting It over all the vessel remaining four feet away from the dock. Extra precautions are being taken to prevent rats from going on board, a man Deing siauoucu wuu a wwm t the crane wav. and funnel shaped pro tectors are placed on the hawsers running from the steamer to the dock to prevent rats from boarding in tnat manner, 1 ' Tho Evening Bulletin, 7G cents per month. Admission 25 cents; children 10 c.uts. 1 String Band. Mr. Paul Egry, violin soloist, thinks Honolulu sufficiently advanced along musical lines to support a season of weekly, afternoon concerts to be held In the Orphoum theater. Tho main features will bo an orchestra compris ing sixteen string Instruments, 'ilia program will consist chiefly of vocal selections and musical solos. Should Mr. Egry's idea rccolvo sufficient pub lic encouragement tho project will bo Inaugurated in tho near future. 1 London Money oad War. London, Dec 21. Business on tho Stock Exchango today Btarted steadier on tho announcemnt that tho bank rate was not raised. France sent buy ing orders, but sellers wcro too nu merous. Tho market collapsed, and the -announcement of tho rise of tho French bank rate led to general disor ganization and nn nvalancbo ot forced sales. Consols dropped to 98VS for tho account and 08 for money. without tho authority of law. It will also require tho removal ot decayed and filth-Impregnated lloors, and, tho forcing of many realdonU to at once put in patent closets with good vents and drains, which can eventually be connected at a small cost with the sewerage system. "We have given theaa recommenda tions with much thought, aud have en deavored to frame such as can be ap plied to any part of tho city Included within the sewerago system rather than take tho time necessmy to point out specific nuisances." RULES AND REGULATIONS. Rain Water. Whoro the space be tween buildings Is less than ten feet, (Continued on page G.) Landed No Supplies. Tho Commissary Department hero Is In serious plllkla Just now. The Grant had aboard a lot of provisions for Honolulu in her hold but, upon ar rival here and learning ot the continu ance of the plague, the officer in com mand decided to land none of thosi necessary storcB uecauso ne uau al ready undergone a long quarantlno in San Francisco and did not care to tako any chances of running short About N. G. A. Slowly but surely the members of the N. G. H. who have not reported for duty are being sought out 1 and brought to time. Tho strength at present is almost 225 and there aro only about 25 yet to bo heard from. Theso will undoubtedly bo heard from in the near future. Just received the very thing to gladden the hearts of the ladies. The most acceptable Xmas gift your wives, sisters or daughters 'a a pal of our BEADED STRAP SLIPPERS mm These are Included In the 7000 pairs shoes just opened ex S. S. Australia an hold premier place for beauty. The Mamifactupcrt Shoe Co vlkBi sHbIbiM1 ."vt ; 9 ; Bt i n -. 1 1 --,-,