OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, January 01, 1900, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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- --' --
Nm -S5
Want Ytfttfrehi
ildren to Know the Meaning of THE FLAG!
"111 I
, ' A Dollar,
Of ii 1)1 nit:. I
Will Help the
' Good Work
l" '
Evening Bulletin
Take a Share in the GRAND ARMY FLAG FUND!
". e
Yol. VIII. No. U1G.
HONOLULU, H. 1.. MONDAY, .1ANUAHY 1. 1900.
Pbiod 5 Gents.
ft '
Board of Health Barns Infcct
If e3 Houses of Chinese.
'One M Case And Another Fire
Today Accommodations for
Temnts Vigorous Work All
Along the Line.
Only one cnsn of the plague to
day. A suspicious cnso' from
MaunaUcn btreowtm lemovod to
Hie Chinese hospital InHt night,
Cut further Investigation today
.showed symptoms, other than
those of tho plague. A post mor
tem ot tho body found outsldo
tho lwllel wnshhouses was Just
llnlshed. It wbh found thnt tho
follow died from consumption.
There will be u meeting of tho
Cabinet with tho Hoard of
Health this evening to discuss
tho provision of quaiters nt tho
rlflo butts to accommodate tho
people ordered out or tho China
town houses.
Immediately nftcr the discovery of
' plnguo In tho Nuuanu block the Hoard
CV of Hralth was called together nnd tlw
placo condemned. President Cooper,
Chief Hunt, Marshal Hi own, doctois
of the Board of Health add others wont
to tho place. Tho owners were given
notice of tho decision nnd drays were
summoned to cart away tho storo
goods nnd family belongings. Tho
people, numbering some 85 In all, were
ordered out11 nnd sont to tho Kakaako
1 1 He buis as a quarantine barracks ii.
rhargo of L. A. Thurston.
' At almost 2 o'clock the II ro engines
wero In their places nnd tho llro ropes
i ivltb pollco and military guard nrrans-
"td. 'At about 3;30 tho fire was started
I t In tho upper story. The hoso was put
' r Into z'-W to protect adjacent buildings.
Notwithstanding this fuel. Ahlo's con-
ireto building which tho Hoard of
Health desired to save, was soon In
Illamef. Thcro was n gieat deal of
danger to buildings near byfrom fly
""llng sparks, but these wero very closaly
' watched.
There wore three eases of death from
the black plague during yesterday, as
i) Ah l'ow, male Chlncbu, aged 24, cro-
mated. This death occutred In Ward 1
T on Nuuanu street Sunday morning.
Who easo was so pronoui red that no
pobt mortem was held.
(Juan You Quan, male C'Ulnese, aged
25. erematcd. This ens.- was from
Ward 4 on King htreol. near Kapuu
iholo. An autopsy wan held by Dr.
.llloffmau, showing death f.om bubonl-J
: Kon War, male Chinch-', aged 10,
.-jtremaled. This was n tr.tu of deatli nt
flhe Chlneso .hospital at -J o'clock last
Tho doctorn wero hcrt busier thnn
Fever yesterday. Inclmleu hi tho many
i vnscb
pjJii vai
t, Ttuclml
k 'td nbi
T Mm
aset, for investigation v io six ucbiub
arious parts ot the city, theso not
ding deaths from plaguo, report.
'ed ubovc.
Muunakca Ppemlte Burned.
k ' Tho Maun
L which Wong
F 'morning Is
Tho Mauuaken street promises In
ong Hlng wnb fouiiu aeau mis
morning is miming us mo
joes to press, tho fire having ocn
started shortly before 12 noon. This
Includes about a hnlf bluett on Mauna
kca stroet opposlto No. a Flro Engine
Co., at tho corner of I'auahl and runs
batk Just one building deep on tho lat
er thoroughfare.
Aa In tho case of tho lire yesterday,
the engines wero stntloned about In
xood positions and the work ot de
struction began. Dras wore at tho
place early and all tho goods removed.
The Are is, a very hot ono and the
lliemcn are doing good work In the
matter of keeping tho names from
spreading to adjacent places,
l'reIdentCooper was on tho scene
1.. .! HMj.An1l. aittiurlntAnriPfl fill
!w. nnorntlons.
About Block 10.
. Nothing will be done vith Block 10
tSday, Tho matter If, K'raply resting
Autll the decision can bo leached. It
,111 bo remembeied that It has been
jveral days Blnco n can of tho plague
s taken from that plnie.
tVvenlng the Chlu.so United Bo-
clcty requested Dr. Hcnrj W. Howard
to tnko chargo ot tho Cblneso hospital
In Kapalama during tho present dil
emma. Tho offer has been accepted.
Badges for Doctorn.
Badges for tho doctors of tho Board
of Health with Bed Crosses plainly
marked nro being distributed today.
This makes it possible for physicians
to go and come nt will nt any place
Committee of Merchants.
Messrs. Wakefield, Kaiser and Hum
burg were appointed n commlttco of
threo by tho merchants this morning to
coopcrato with and assist tho Board of
Health In tfie matter of finding store
houses for tho goods removed from tho
stores In Chinatown ordered litfrncd.
Joke on Minister Cooper.
The people nt tho Board of Health
olllco think thoy have n very good Joke
on Minister Cooper. It seems that
this ofllolal went Into Chinatown Sat
urday afternoon on n tour of Inspec
tion. IIo paused Into tho Infected dis
trict, but on attempting to get out he
found his way blocked by tho oflhor of ,
the gunid who called for his pass. Mr. '
Cooper found thnt he had forgotten It '
nnd quite n little tlmo passed before h"
was able to get back to town. Before
gciung oui oi umnaiown air. i;oopi"
was made to change nil hls-clothcs and
bo fumigated. To all of this tho Presi
dent of tho Bonid of Health submitted
with good grace.
Puwnn Shuck Burned.
Tho chuck In tho vegetable garden
on Sheridan nvenue was destroyed by
fire yesterday afternoon. Health
Agent Reynolds and Sam Johnson dn;
Ing the little Job.
Strid It Was Consumption.
In the case of tho death from plague
of a Clitnnman on King street yester
day, n Chinese physician granted n.
certificate of death from consumption.
President Cooper was not satisfied and
sent out one of tho doctors of thy
Uoard of Hcnlth to Investigate.
A Current Report.
A report to tho effect that certain
Chinese nro burying their dend under
tho houses in Chinatown has been
widely talked about in town, but, as
yet, no evidence to prove tho correct
ness of this has yet come to tho know
ledge of tho Board of Health.
EAt the Wash-houses.
At about 2 o'clock this muiulnt;
Health Agent Sam Johnson received
Information from a rcllnblo source
that tho Chinamen In tho wnshhou'iis
at Iwllel wero vacating thoso premises
nt that lato hour. IIo nnd another
ugent went to tho place nnd made i
complete investigation, retraining,
however, from breaking into any lock
ed placet! on account of possible trou
ble. It wns found that tho Informa
tion was correct. All tho Chinamen,
with the exception of three or four had
vacated tho place. These fellows were
asleep. The matter was reported nt
headquui tcrs. This morning early tho
body of a dead Chinaman was found
outside the wnshhoitbe, Dr. Garvin
was scut out to Investigate. Nothing
suspicious wns found, but tho body was
ordered removed to tho morgue for .i
post mortem examination.
Another Death From Pluuc.
Another death from tho plaguo oc
curred some tlmo during tho night at
215" Mnunakea street, tho place now
In flames. Tho victim wns a China
man named Wong Hlng, who was ex
amined by Dr. Howard last night and
pronounced verysusplclous. Tho Ill
ness was so far along that It was Im
possible to rcmovo tho Chinaman. The
body was cremated this morning.
A meeting of tho Board ot Health
was called Saturday night for a dU
cusslon of tbe matter of burning in
fected houses in Chinatown. President
Cooper gavo In detail his visit to
Chinatown nnd tho condemnation if
Block 10, bounded by Nmmnu, I'auahl,
Smith and Beretnnla Btreets, with tho
exception of four or five bulldln&ii.
President Cooper spoke,- of datuacjo
that wnuid ho usscssscll against !io
government and emphasized tho ncccn
tdty ot nt once destroying the Infected
places. The law In tho matter 'wns
plain. George W, Smith said the
buildings should bo condemned ie
cording to law. Dr; Emerson wns for
burning Immediately.
methods to pursue. Ono was to con
demn tho block nnd glvo tho own cm
and tenants notice to leave. Another
was to go right In nnd burn the place
L. A. Thurston suggested that It wnb
most Important that inmates of an in
fected houso bo removed Immediately
plague. Tho houso should then bo dc
on the dlscovory of a caso of tho
stroyed. This was tho tlmo to do th'.s
work as tho cases were few Just now.
Other suggestions were made by Mr.
Dr. Wood made a motion that Pll
tho pcoplo living In tho Infected houses
bo removed to some clean place; thr.t
all furnishings in the houses which
cannot ho easily disinfected, be burned,
nnd tho baianco removed to now and
clean places. That tho materials nnd
belongings of tho sick men should be
destroyed. Carried.
A motion by- President Cooper that a
resolution to the general effect thnt, In
tho opinion of the Board Infected
premises being consldcicd a source of
sickness should bo condemned nnd that
legal notices should bo given for tho
vacation of premises. Carried.
WalluUu. Dec. 30. Another murder
was committed this week at Huclo,
This tlmo tho victim is tho Japanco-i
cool; of K. U Vnndcr Nnlllcu, surveyor
of tho Hprockelsvlllo plantation, who
found tho dead body of his cook lying
prostrato on tho floor of his hut at Ho
nopou Inst Wednesday morning.
The dead man was stabbed In tho
neck, which wns n fatni cut, bomctinmo
during Tuesday night, and ills assas
sin has escaped and has not been found
at tills writing nlthough sovcral Ja
panese are being held nt Maknwan on
suspicion. Sheriff Baldwin and two
officers left for tho sccno of tho mur
der at noon Inst Wednesday and hnvo
not returned, although tho sheriff Is
supposed to be hard after the trails of
the murderer.
Tho murdered man was killed on
account of the lopututlou among his
countrymen In his neighborhood thnt
ho had plenty ot money, but when tho
dead man was found thcro wnsn't n
penny around his cot.
Kownlnhiio Holkc.
Tho legular quarterly holke of the
combined Sunday schools was held In
the Kawalahno church yesterday fore
noon. Mr. D. Ij. Nnono was in charge.
There was a very largo representation
of tho children, tho largest class being
thnt of Mrs. Wilcox, which numbered
about 60venty. These children aro nil
from Kaknako and, until Mrs. Wilcox
gathered them In, tho majority had
never seen tho Inside of a church.
This Is a grand work and tho field is
still lnige enough far many more help
ers. Tho South Sea Islnudeis wero en
thusiastically iccelved ami tho recita
tions In their own languago wero lis
tened to with great Interest although
with but little understanding.
Allen-Low He Wedding.
Wnlluku, Maul, Dec. 30. The wed
ding of Miss Blnncho Allen of Kahu
lul to Wnlter Lowric, son of tho man
ager of. tho Sprcckclsvlllo plantation,
took placo this nttcrnoon nt tho Pnla
Foreign church, Hov. E. C. Bcckwlth
being tho officiating clergyman. Trains
will leavo Wallukn and Knhulul this
uftcrnoon to convey tho Invited guests
to Puueuc. The newly married couplo
will talto tho Cluudlno for Honolulu
tomorrow morning on their way to tho
Coast to spend their honeymoon.
Pacific Mall Dock.
Tho Pacific Mall wharf Is being
rapidly cleared of the accumulated
freight, all tho remains now being part
of tho Algoa's cargo nnd that of tho
Hongkong Main. Tho Algoa cargo was
successfully niul thoroughly fumigat
ed, In tho boarded up shed, from Sat
urday afternoon until Sunday morn
ing nnd tho Hongkong Mnru's being
placed In tho fumigating room on be
ing landed will bo attended to nnd fin
ished leady for removal by tomorrow
Tho work of keeping tho various
.cargoes separato has been an arduous
task, but has ben successsfuliy dono
by H. Mossmail who has been greatly
assisted by tho Board ot Health.
Dr. Posey, specialist for Bye, Bar,
Throat and Nose diseases and Catarrh,
Masonlo Templo.
Story of Collision As Told by Captain
of the Steamer.
With Contlouad Calm Weather Wreck of the
Carson Will Be Saved - Dredger Pump
Brought Into Action Dlsmintllng.
The stenmer Cluudlno at rived In
port this morning and shows no marks
ot her recent collision with the bark
ontlno Wllllnm Carson. President t
L. Wight of the Wilder Steamship Co..
state' that Captain Wclsbarth, who
wob In command of the Claudlnc nt tho
time of tho accident, made the follow
ing report: Shortly nfter 8 o'clock ho
had gone below to attend to some ne
cessary duties, leaving the second
mate In chargo of tho bridge. Ho had
been below but n short time when ho
heard his vessel glvo ono blast of the
whistle. Rushing on deck tho second
mato said to him: "There Is n steam
er ahead nnd I hnvo put tho wheel
hnrd.astnrboard." Tho captain, look
ing forward, saw the green light of i
sailing vessel Immediately ahead, but
too lato to prevent tho catastrophe.
Details of the collision hao nlieady
been given by tho Bulletin, how tho
Carson turned on her beam ends but
did not sink.
Tho Carson Is now anchored In
about ten fathoms of water off Kakna
ko, being held by two anchors placed
In position by tho steamers Maul, Kl
nnu nnd I.lhun yesterday. She Is in n
pretty safo position today nnd only the
Mnui nnd Lchua are standing by.
Tho chances of savins' tho vessel are
very favorable as tho water Is ery
smooth, nnd the latest plan of rcmov
Ing her cargo nnd righting her r.ocmj
feasible. The largo miction pump con
nected with tlio dredger Is to bo towed
out to the wreck, tun -unction hoso
placed in tho hold through the open
hatch and what roinnins of tho cargo
ot coal will bo drawn out on bnrgos.
Thus lightened tho rigging will be cut
and tho masts pulled out, tho vckrcI
will rlghtcn with hardly any assist
ance, and can then bo towed Into port.
Tho work will probably commence to
morrow. .
Wnlluku, Dee. f!0. TJio union exhi
bition of Sunday schools from Walkn-
pu, Wnlluku, Wnlchu and Wnlhco took
placo at tho Walhco church last Sun
day, Dec. 21. Thcro was a very largo
attendauco of Siiudny school scholars
nnd tho exorcists wero pronounced ex
cellent. Tho singing was exception
ally fine, especially that of tho Wnl
kapu Sunday school. Next Monday,
New Year's Day, another union exhibi
tion ot Sunday schools will take place
at tho Pala natlvo chinch under tho
direction of Peter Nou Kahokuolunn,
the Makawao ni:iglRtrnte,audthc Sunday-
bchools fiom tho "Four Wntcra"
will ho present to vie for honors of
tho fli-bt placo with thofeo of Pain and
Chinese Drayman Arrested.
Ah Lee, n Cblneso drayman, wns ar
rested this morning on tho chargo of
heedless driving. It seems that la
passing over tho King street bridge
that Is now being repaired ho rnn Into
some United States mules nfter lla
Ing been given warning to halt be
yond the narrow plate until the ani-
mnls got past. Ono of the mules was
very bidly Injured bj' contact with the
Telephone Taken Out.
The telephone nt the boat lauding
lifts been taken out, muth to tho sor
row of the boat boys. Some tlmo ago
Superintendent Cnusldy complained
that the telephone was used by anyone
who happened to come nlong and It Is
thought thnt, on account of tho con
tinued telephoning, Mr. Cassldy decld
cd to tako It nut.
Rnlntt at Mmuwlcl.
News from Lanul reports copious
rains throughout tho Island. Pumps
on Munalcl plantation havo been shut
downVfemporarlly, the rains doing
away with tho necessitypf Irrigation
from tho wells. "
for tho World. They're mado by Le
Malro. '"Nuff said." -11; F. WICHMAN.
Changes That Have Been Made' in Re
tall Prices.
Adrmce of Price on the Choicest Cuts-Large
Reductions Made In Man; Instances
Higher Pries Paid to the Cattle Raisers.
Ono of the most Important events In
Honolulu households today Is the new
schedule of the Metropolitan Meat
Company that goes Into effect Jnn. 1,
Shortage of the meat supply both hero
nnd on the Mainland has forced an In
crease in the more choice cutn. The
people hnvo the satisfaction thnt pi leu
of meat In tho local market arc yet
lower thnn on the Coast.
Iho ranchers nre reaping bcncllln
from the situation. Itetallers nre now
paying 8 cents a pound for beef that a
few months ago could ho hnd at G
The new schedule Is as follows:
Sirloin, per lb, 15 cents; loin and por
terhouse roasts, 18; loin nnd porter
house steaks, IS; round steaks, 12'i
rib roasts, 1C; cross ribs, 12V6; rumps,
12U. nnd 10; shoulder roasts, 12VJ;
boiling pieces (frtBh nnd corned,) 11;
hambtirg steak, 12.
Loin nnd fillets per tb, 18 cents; ill)
roasts, 15; cutlets, 18; breasts, 10.
Neck and brenst, per lb, 8 ccnU,
shoulders), 12'A; shoulder chops, 12i;
logs, 15; loins mid ribs, IT1,?; loin and
rib chops, 1715.
Lamb, hlud unrtcr, per lb, 18 to JO'
cents; lamb, fore quarter, 18 to 20.
Chops, per lb, 20 cents; roast rib.
18; roast loin, 18; legs, 13; corned, I ft,
corned Jegs, 15.
Tripe, per lb, 10 cents, liver, 10,
heart, each 10 cent; tongue, each 00,
brain, each, 12!& ox tall, each 25; calf
tongue, each, 30; sheep tongues, per
doz., tO cents; kidney, each, 12,; calf's
bend, 75; calf's bend and feet, per set,
Not all the changes In prices nro In
creases. Comparison with the schedule
of last Soptombcr shows the Increasu
per pound to ho: Beef, round steaks,
2'A cents, shoulder loasts, l',c; boiling
pieces (fresh nnd corned,, lc;. Ham
burg steak, 24c; veal, loins nnd flllctu,
3c; lib roasts, 2V&c; cutlets, 3c; mis
cellaneous, tongue, 10c; brnlir 2Vc;
calf tongue, Be; t-heep tongues (per
doz.) 15c; kidney. 2',c.
Tho reduction ot prhes Is found In
Mutton, neck and breast, 2 cents; pork,
roast ribs, 2c; roast loins, 2c; legs, 3e;
corned, Ccj corned legs, 3c; npcctaltlct;,
pork sausage, Cc; liver sausages, ."",
cooked tripe, 2',i cenls.
It will thiui bo noted thnt the sched
ule has been scaled both wnys; the lu
ui les are moro luxurious and tho
cheap cuts cheaper.
(Movements of the Liners.
The Hongkong Mnru Is expected to
sail for San Francisco nt 2;30 this af
ternoon, but on account of the t.',nr lly
of longshoicmen, the wnrl. of Inking
on coal nnd unloading hir caigo will
no doubt delay her departure until this
evening. No iiassriigers will bo taken
from Honolulu, i.ud onlj until that has
bci n fuiiih'ntrd will be tnkni. Tho
mull nt the poslollli i, having closed at
10;30 to allow thin to br piopcrly done.
If the lYutcnnlnl at lived at San
riinirlsro Deiunher 2ii, ns anticipated,
conveying news of tho prcbence of
pl.iguo'lu Honolulu, It Is hardly prob
able that the Miulpos.v will come Into
the harbor but will send her Honolulu
pasbengeis and mall ashoic In the tug.
Being a through steamer to the Colo
nies It would hardly be woith the while
to risk fiuarimtlnn by bringing freight
.to this port.
The United States nnlmnl transport
Athenian arrived off harbor at 10
o'clock this morning, where she will
remain until the departure of tho
Hongkong Main, when sho will take
thoSPaclfio Mall dock. The Athenian
arrives from Manila nnd wilt tako the
mules left hero by tho Centennial and
proceed-back as soon as loaded.
Tho Flintshire had 118 mules placed
on board yesterday, the remainder of
her stock being taken on today. She
Perilous Trip of tbe Hongkong Han
From Yokohama.
Steamer Encountered Flercs Hurricane -EIToi ts
to Save Japanese Sa'lir Slight Dim-
age to tbe Vessel.
Tho T. K. K. steamer Hougkom;
Marti, came Into port yesterday from
Yokohama with C2C Japanese, 0 Chin
ese and 588 tons of general merchan
dise for Honolulu. She docked ns
usual nt the Pacific Mali dock, where
the work of taking on 500 tons ot coal
nnd discharging her cargo Immedi
ately commenced. The cargo wr.
placed In the fumigating room as
rapidly ns landed, everything havin,-;
been arranged In anticipation of her
The officers of tho steamer report
tho roughest passage that tho Hong
kong Muni has ever had from Yoko
hama to Honolulu. Leaving Yokolia-,
ma December 20rbad weather was en"
countered from almost the first day
out. It blew a continued gale, which
at times amounted to nlmost a hurri
cane, seas dashed over tho vehscl nnd
for a time tho ship was compelled '
lay to. At 4 o'clock on the afternoon t
of December 24, six Japanese uailon
were forward making all fast on the
bowbpiit when a huge wavo dashed
completely over tho bow nnd carried
ono of the men overboard, and In n few
minutes ho was far astern; being n .
flue swimmer, however, ho managed to
keep afloat. Tho steamer slowed down
us Boon as possible and u boat lowered
and manned by eight sailors, who set,
out to tho rescue. Kiilly half an hour
clapbed from the tlmo of hlS'gbln-;
overboard until tho boat got anywhere
near him, nnd apparently cxhasusted
by the struggle he xnnk befoie 'help
could reach him.
The boat had n haid tlmo getting
back to tho steamer and tho men wero
pulled on board completely worn out.
Just In time, as the sen struck the boat
carrying It under tho shlp'a counter
and It was not seen again. Tho lost Bail
or was an old employe of the company
and wns one of their most rcllnblo
The bad weather continued to bo
something fearful, seas breaking over
tho vessel continually. The wooden
shutters on tho windows of tho upper
deck cabins, on tho port side went
smashed In by a wnvo that swept over
tho ship, nnd on December 2G, the bow
sprit was carried nway. Ono day 10a
knots wns the most recorded and an
other day only 170 knots.
The bad weather continued until
within a day of Honolulu nnd was
best (lcsciibed by ono ot tho officcru
who bald: "It wns hclllslunud tho
worst I have over seen."
No ono hns been allowed en hoard
and tho new nre kept from cumin.;
Wellome the Nwv Yc:n.
'Iho old j-fur vai ushered out nnd
Iho New Year welrr.med IuhI night by n
t imeudouH noise that lasted for n full
I. minutes bEf o .'Mid the s ime length
of time nfter midnight last night. The
church bells of It cltj. the whistles of
the vnilous factoids and rtnnicri.
bhotgiuiH, r.niaTl mr.ia ind tlreworka of
all kinds ninde up the din that allowed
no one la Honolulu to sleep.
Just received
the very tiling
to &ladde.. the
hearts of the
The mo. nrcei'tab! tna; g,ft
yourwlvc;, t-Mcrs or u 'liter, 's.- ml
of our M: AUbD S I R'Al oLll'PEUb
These .re, included In the 7000 pairs
shoes just opened c S. S. Australia an
hold premier place fur beauty.
The Manufacturer?
Shoe Co
. M
; -. im
J President Cooper said there wcie two
ft- v
if-1""- " r
will ball for Manila this afternoon.
p- v
1 iLjtAk.-
i v
t -i

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