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"MpffP' ;r "j'4i?. ST? s .a T11L JJVENINCI IiUIJiHTIN: MOXOLUJjU, Jl. J., MONWAl', JANUA11Y 1, 11)00. 5TJ HENRY R. WORTMMGTON, (INCORPORATED), Engineers iittcl Builders of High Duty Pumping Engines Tor Wntcr Works and Irrigation. THb SPFCIAL ATTENTION OP PLANTATION MANAGERS AND AGENTS Is calleJU the fatt that we carry In stock at our Queen street warehouse UrKoassorttnriit of pumrs for all kinds of sugar house service, Including vacuum jumps air pumr, condensers, feed pumps, juice puints, molasses pumps, etc., to jtther with a complete stock of spare parts and valves for all sizes. Careful attention alwan till a.Up nn I nrrtmnt Mnmnt tniirrintft. (ITIM ail UlUCii U1IU 'IUIII'l .lltf'nti j,uuii.iiivhii Estimates furnished for complete Irrigation pumping plants of any capacity or owr. Office: Cor. Fort & Queen Sts., Honolulu, II. I. Warehouse: Cor. Queen & Cook Sts. Telephone 5q6. Fraternal Directory. HAHMiNY 1.01)013 No. 3, .'. 0. 0. I, Meets ecry Monday evening nt 7:30, In Harmony Hail, street. J. D. MoVKIOII. N. 0. K. It. HENDItY, Secretary. All vlstlns brothers very cordially terlted. riTSTIO LODGE No. 2, K. of P., Meets every Wednesday evening nt f:0 o'clock, Castlo Hall, Port street. TTMUng brothers cordially Invited to AtUnd. 1MB A. K. MUHPIIY, K. II .S. HONOLULU ClIAPTHU No. 1, It. A. M., Meets every third Thursday evening In Masonic Temiilc. AM visiting com panions cordlnlly Invited A. V. OILPILLAN, II. P. J. D. TUCKEH, Secretary. HONOLULU C0MMANDEUY No. 1, K. T. Meets In Masonic Temple on tho sec ond Thursday on-nlng of ench month. A( visiting Sir Knights eomteously ln lUd. HENItY K. COOl'EH, 13. C. J. D. TUCEKEU, Itecorder. OAHU LODGE No. 1, K. of P. Meets every Thursday evening nt tketr Castle Hall, 420'& Port street, nt T:I0. Members of Mystic Lodge No. 2, ind visiting brothers, cordially Invited. O. E. WARD, 0. C. P. II. KIL11EY, WW 1J. of It. nnd S. NUUANU CHAPTER ROSE CROIX, No. 1 ,A. & A. S. It. Meets tho first Thursday In ench Month, at Masonic Temple. Sojourn- lag and visiting brothers cordially In- rlted to nttend all meetings W. M., PRANK D. AUERDACH. EJbLAN B. SCRIMOEOUR, Sccrctnry. LODGE LB PROORES DE L'OCEANIE, No. 121, A. & A .S. Rite. Utcd meetings on tho last Mon et each month, In Its hall, Masonic pie. C. M. WHITE, W. M. E. n. PRIEL, Secretnry. GEO. W. DeLONO POST No. 45, O. A. R., Department of California and Neva Ma. aaeets at Harmony Hall, King Mraet, first Thursday evening of every Hath. Sojourning comrades nro cor lally Invited to attend. lu U LaPIERRE, P. C. JAB. T. COPELAND, Adjt. HAWAIIAN LODGE No. 21, P. AND A. M. Stated meetings, first Monday each Moath. Special mcttlugs, when called .(will be noted In this spaco). Members Lodgo Lo Progrca. Pncillo faodre, and all sojourning brcthrou ordlally invited. ED. I. SPALDING, W. M. X. R. O. WALLACE, Sccrotary. HONOLULU SCOTTISH THISTLE CLUH, Lore Dlock, Port street. Rcudlng rooia opened day and evening for read lag and soclnl Intercourse. Regulnr MeUnga Friday, 7:30 p. m. Visiting Veottmen especially wclcomo n nil states. .i0. L. DALL. Chief. laUX. D. KENNEDY, Secretary. ENSIGN WORTH BAGLEY GARRISON, No. 171. Regular Army and Navy Union of tat United Stntes of AmcrU'i, moots nt Maraiony Hnll, King street, every sec aad and fourth Friday in ench month. ffWUng comrades nro cordlnlly invited. MARCUS H. SAUNDERS, Commander. I. J .SHEAHAN, Adjutant. THE WAVERLY CLUD. Waverly Block, Bethel street. Stan lard magazines and periodicals; li brary; billiard, pool nnd card tables far tree use of members. Arrnngo atanta for transiont visitors. Entrnnco Cm fl.25, monthly dues $1. Open from a. m. to 11 p. m. A. V. GEAR, President. ffAMES T. COPELAND, Recording Sec. lafcLEN P. SCRIMQEOUR, Fin. Scc'y. SUGAR HILLS ' FORSALE ' One 24x48 in. -Roller Sugar Mill, with Engine and Gearing complete. One 24x48 in. 2-Roller Supar Mill, with Engine and Gearing complete " t ' These Mjlls are in first class condition and will bf sold separately, or as a 5 Roller Plant with cane and trash cairiers complete. Apply to VM.G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd. Royal Here and Everywhere You nro worn out, tired, can't put tho cnorgy you desire Into your dutlo!). Well, thon, you niunt try sotnothlng that will ovoreomo this fooling and rctoro you to iorfocl health. Pleasant Prom childhood wo nro taught to rodpect tho curat! vo features of liorb?. Our gnmdirothers used them, and woro,KH n rule, verged In tho art of preparing roinodlos from iulous plants as Wo Iwvo n propamtlnn that is of tho old-fashioned typo purely vogo tablo, inado of lioibs with wlno. For n Konernl totilo to produce vigor ami Blrcngth, you cannot find a better one, Wine. For malarial dlsordors, loss of up petlto, thnttlrod feeling, loss of on orgy, It )i a true patmcoa. Royal Billtrs i the name, They gave me at my lirlh, From Jloyal no one need refrain, Jtt ute xtill turely bring mirth. Put up in pint liottlos nt 61) cents. Only of Hollister Drug Co. Probate Notice. In the Circuit ;Court, First Circuit, of the Hawaiian Islands. In the matter of the Estate-of Genevieve Dowsett, Marlon C. Dowsett, Madeline C. K. Dowsett, and Annie H. K. Dowsett, Minors : On reaJInj; and filing the petition of J. M. Monsarrat and David Dayton, guar dians, praying for an order of sale of cer tain real estate belonging to said minors, situate on the Island of Oahu and on the Island of Maul, and setting forth certain legal reasons why such real estate should be sold. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that the next of kin of the said wards and all other persons Interested In the said estate, appear lefore this Court on WEnNESn.iw ti, THIRD DAY OP JANUARY, A.D. iooo, at 10 o'clock a. in., at the Court Ronm nt this Court, In Honolulu, then nnd there to show cause why an order should not be granted for the sMe of such estate nonoiuiu, uec. o, iHoo My the Court : ., OEORGE LUCAS. LlQMw Clerk. BEI' HAAHEO, Klngstreet, nci" Hnilroad Depot, Plumber iii Tinsmith. Batlsfflokr gnarantood. All work prompt!- and carefully attended to. 1377 Our Bargain Bulletin. AJ DOLLAR FOR 70C. YOU CAN SAVE THIRTY CENTS ON EVERY DOLLAR BY DOING ALL YOUR SHOPPING AT OUR STORE. 100 Pairs New Curtains. For 51.25 per pair. Usually sold at 5 1.75. 250 Bedspreads, Full Size, for Si. 25. Have never been sold for less than S1.65 each. N. 8. SACHS DRY LOCAL AND GENERAL. I Rldo n Cleveland ; they lend all others. American Messenger Service, Ma sonic Temple. Tel. III. Hoi sos properly shod to correct faults of gait nt tuo Stockyards shop. WEDDINO STATIONERY, Engraved Cnrd3, Embossing. H. P. WIOHMAN. C. E. Mestcu. ouo of tho Hawullnn Hotel barkeepers, was nnestcd yester day on the charge of selling spirituous Go out to tho football game on the Oahu College grounds this nftcrnoon. An exciting tlmo Is promised. Board nnd room $12 per week at Wright's Villa. Tho finest bathing on tho ncaeli. Dinner BO cents, with wine J1.00. The engagement of MIbs Alyi: Maud Danford, third daughter of Uuly Annn Hen on, to Robert Frederick Lunge both of this city, has been announced, liquors on Sunday. Hall in tho tmm of $2u0 was furnished. This is another of tho cases that will come up foi ttlul tomorrow. The Misses Wores nnd Miss Nellie Stevens, the latter of Oakland, Cal., nro spending tho holidays with Miss Rhoda Green at Pcnrl City. "Im ofr," as the rat said when he left his tall In tho trap. W. W. 1)1 mond's rat traps, however, make n complete capture. The Salvation Army meeMiig In the Y. M. C. A. this evening will bo con ducted by Captain nnd Mrs, Menl weother who are soon to report for duty In other fields. Friends gavo Dr. McMillan a pleas ant surprise nt his homo In W.ilnnno Saturday night. Refreshments wero served nnd music was furnlvhrd by n native stringed Instrument club. H. P. Walton Is hero from Knunl. Among the passengers from Muul nnd Hawaii ports In the Klnnu Satur day were the following: Frank God frey, Miss I). I.lshmnu, Miss Lucy Ward, Geo. J. Wagner. Miss Flora M. Perry and Dr. A. N. Sinclair, both of this city, wero mar ried at midnight Inst night at tho homo of tho bride's mother on Punchbowl street. Tho newly married couple will spend their honeymoon at Harvey Chaco's placo ulong Ala Mo ana. in the Pawan locality, was rnldt-d by Deputy Marshall Chllllngworth Sunday morning. Three couptea wno arrested. Each person was resulted to put up 50 ball before gaining 1U freedom. While attempting to take n flashlight picture of an opium den in China town, Photographer Frank Davey hail the flesh torn off a great part of his left hand nnd his wrist badly burned by the expolsion of the Blitz pulver cap used In taking such pictures. The Other Ililo Hank. Mr. Philip Peck returned to Hllo by Wednesday's Klnnu, Just hs firmly of tho opinion ns ever that n bank hero Is a good thing for the peoplo and tho bank, and that two banks are oven better than one, provided the other peoplo think so. While In Son Francisco Mr. Peck mado arrangements for exchange with prominent banking Institutions. Ills capital is for tho most part local, un less the local subscribers nro Inclined to back out on account of the branch of tho American Rank of Hawaii, that Is just being started, In which case ho will mako up the balanco else wheie. Mr. Peck hopes to open in about three weeks. Ills firm will do n general eral banking business nnd mnko loanri on 1e.1l estate nnd other approved s unity. Hllo Tribune. CHAS. D. WALKER, Dcilgntr nl Bulllcr of Hlgb-Gfal. Yachts, Boats and Launches I Workv 64 KINO ST. P O, Bos 6)1. Tilipnont ?ta New Crepons, 45 inches wide, VERY STYLISH WEAVES, At 75c, 85c, and $1.00. Regular price S1.25 per yard. Blue and Black Serge, 44 inchesTl wide, ALL WOOL. Per yard, 50c. luscvjus-fcjg uno I I laaaaaaaaaaaaafaV DM Honrj lilorlnso k Co, AGENTS FOR German American Ins. Co., Of New York, and Union Assurance Co., Of London. AtEMBERS Honolulu Stock Exchange. : Wernicke Book Cases, : -AND- The Globe Company's Desks, Filing Cases and ofiice novelties, Secured at lowest prices. OFFICE FURNITURE JUST ARRIVED. Telephone, 313. Queen street. PARQUETRY, THE Sanitary Flooring, Harbors no germs. It Is the only floor suitable for residences, and Its cleanliness and moderate cost recommend It to all householders Plans and estimates cheerfully furnished upon application to Lewers & Cooke, Sole Agents fur- Johnson's Celebrated P.irqdetry, Johnson's Floor Wax, Johnson's Floor Brushes, Johnson's Restorer, Johnson's Solvent. Wall Paper 7 Latest styles. A large invoice just received. Wilder & Co., Ltd. Table Damasks and Napkins. The LARGEST AND MOST COM FLETE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. PRICES THE LOWEST. QUALITIES THE BEST. Our full size $2.00 Napkin is a marvel. Just ask to see it when down town. GOODS KcufLDd pkuviuck. vjrij(nw,i fcaTjJviTiM5? BASEBALL TRACT Bounded by Piikoi and Luiuilllo streets; only one block from the Beretonlo street car lincviPr'i5!",'r',r'' This tract is situated in cneof the finest resi dence portions of Honolulu, and in a direct line with the coolinp breezes of Atakiki. Lots Vox 90 feet will be sold for the reasonable J nrirp nf St.srfY Tortus. ?2c0 ensh. balance on inJ'. Muiiiiieiitb, payments iu sun inuv-iiuoci. This land has a very gentle slope, and purchasers S can immediately commence building operations. Earlv purchasers can secure choice locations. For further particulars apply to , S GEAR, LANSING & CO., Si Judd Building. J fttCUe.UgfU HONOLULU COFFEE MILLS - PURE HAWAIIAN COFFEES, Green or Iioaatecl Large stock of Coffees from the Kona, Hamakua, Olaa Dis tricts always on hand. Old Coffees a speciality. H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD. U7 Prortltlnts HENRY MAY & CO., Ltd. Wholesale and Retail t Grocers. ... -Big? The Waterhouse Store, Bethel street. Telephone 24, Just Received : Cap; Cod Cranberries, Atmore's Mince Aleat, Condensed Mince Meat, Apples, Turnips, H.ims, New Crop Nuts and Raisins, Cream Chocolate Tablets, Jams, Jellies, Shrimps, Table Fruits, Olives, Oregon Burbank Potatoes, Cnckers and Cakes, &c &c. Telephone 110. Established 180O. Assets S25.2I 1,010.1 5. INSURE YOUR LIFE IN The : Germania : Life InsurancB Gampany nf New York. Tho Gold "Bond Endows jjvj? Tolioy is Better than. U. S. Government Bonds. Merchant Street Side Judd Building Curtain Muslins, In White, Cream and Colored Aadras. Elegant Designs. Will beautify any home. Also, Dotted Swiss and Plain Muslins, The Good Washingand WearinglKind. CAN WE SHOW COMANY, LTD,, -H--H--H--H--H. ; Kccaumoku, Kinau 5 FOR' Storos - The He Myre Store 1 Cor.KIng and Fort streets. Telephone 22 Chas. Hustace, at'J King street, lioat to the Arlintrton. EMMETT MAY. Manager. THEM TO YOU? I' "I I ""'J W- i I ti :.f 1 . I ''. 'jiJ.I,'jfcj.'-,TjJ.. Ti .r-J, .' - . J-'rf . ivJfe-- Jfjl.i , ,HBaA SeJi