Newspaper Page Text
rfE4SWgm TWW7prW-W k-rsr V. -k You Want Your Children to Know the Meaning of THE FLAG! rf i Evening Bulletin Take a Shape in the GRAND ARMY FLAG FUND! 1417. HONOLULU, H. 1.. TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1900. Price 5 Oentb. Tf mpr'W; fy-mii17 j) Alonil. (k " " 1 . Yol. VIII. No i : l , THE TRAM COMPANY WINS , Judge Perry Calls the Action An Imposition. loMs Assumed by R. T. 4 L. Co. In- SancUQ Dissolved-Bill Dismissed -Oilier Hatters. This aaornlng in open court Judgo I'orry read his decision In tlio case of Soutuwlck, vs tlio Hawaiian Tramway Co.. Tbo decision Is brief and to the point acd dissolves the Injunction and dlsmlta the bill. It Is nB follows: "Upon the evidence, adduced I bo llevu and And that this suit was Insti tuted at tho Instigation nnd In tho in t'TCsts of tho Honolulu Hapld Transit and Land Company. A domestic cor poration, rlvnl of tho respondent In thu street railway business, that pay ment of tho retainer of counsel, of the expenses of tho trial, and of the sum necessary to be deposited to secure tho costs of court herein has been mndo or assumed by snld rival corporation, nnd that tho suit Is In Tact the suit of the .Honolulu Itapld Transit nnd Land Co. Such nn llluslonary proceeding can not be entcrtnlncd by a court of equity; the suit la an Imposition on tho court. Tho preliminary injunction herctoforo iKsucd herein Is dissolved nnd thu bill dismissed. Dccrco accordingly." Judgo Stanley has granted a tempor ary injunction In the suit of E. 8. Tay lor vs Tho Oceanic uns and Electric 'Education's ProgrcBt In Russia. Tho educational campaign In Russia which wa3 stnrtcd by Nicholas II, shows no signs of diminishing In splto of thoso leaders of tho Pan-Slav party who opposo tho education of tho Rus sian masses, as u Kafeguaul against the V-Urcad of western liberal Ideas. At ' visnovka, a suburb of St. Petersburg, Jo cornerstone of a new school of technology, which Is destined to bo tho . largest Institution of the hind in Rus i.sla, has Just been laid. A first grant f',9'k 2,500,000 rubles or approximately - Vir, 100,000 has been made by tho Mln JU'.cr of Public Education, for tho ' buildings are to bo sumptuous. Tho central facado of tho principal coitego j.hall will bo 7C0 feet long, round this ILvlll bo grouped smaller halls (or ll'hemtcal laboiatorlcs and manual I) raining schools. At n short dlstauco 'hrom theso buildings six three-story iiesldcncc halls, capable, of nccommo- dating 1,800 students, will bo erected, ft Tho Government will attempt to put tf tho now Instltuto on nn equal footing 11, .with tho crcat French. Crrman. Bol- f, gmn and Swiss schools of technology. mere is overy reason in u viicti. duu ccss for tho school, particularly a3 tho Russians aro Inclined to the study of Hi'lonco, and men nnd allko havo a decided fondness for chemistry, physics nnd natural history. Liberal grants of money havo also been mado by tho Government for tho help of needy unlvorslt students In tho empire, and especially thoso In medical schools. In future every medi cal student in tho cmplio of good moral character, but with a slender Income, will receive the means to fln lnsh his courso nt tho university. In return thebo young men will, on ob- talnlng their degree, bo tnlled upon to act as village uociors in somo oi uiu poorer rural communities for two or tltoo years. Whllo performing this difcy they will receive help from tho "zemstovs," or local councils. v Stilling o Iwlnnil Steomcrs. v ilo-H of tho Island steamers will get JvW for their destinations during this week. Tho Klnau, which will sail to day, at C o'clock Is loaded to tho water lino with freight but will not tako pas scagora. Tho steamers Nllhau for La- i. .,.. . It'nnnnnnll mill thn TCn All I1U1U41 cim .,.., w -. .- f Hou for KUauca and Anuhola will both t.all tomorrow nuernoun at oujuch, (! t.A niniiiMim iwl 4tin XTi Its aiBO Will lliu v,miiuuti "" Miu ..- ft kolll, at 5 o'clock, for their usual destl- fl nnllnnn. The Mauna Loa will depart for La hana and Maalaea and Kona and Kau porta nt 10 o'clock Friday morning. No .Iota h.a ftnnu cnt fnr thu rinn&rtura of ; . ..v. .. , . .. .. ji. tnO W. U. Iin UB Bill) m HI inuacuv uio- charging her cargo, but she will prob 1 nDiy get away for Kminl ports by .Thursday at tho latest. JOHN'S WAY. .1. Bull hes got his faults, maybo; There's furrln chaps as good eo no, An Bomo tho's wuss, 'twlxt you an" me, Whatovcr folks may say. lie's clad tu tread a peaceful track Till others hits him fust, ker-amackl An' then he'll run tu hit 'em back, Fcr that's John's way! Bt'8 true ho likes tu stint aroun' An' go paradln up an' down AVltn all tho rabblo In tho town J jf ArBUOUUn- OUl Iiuuiaj. ' nio'U boast ntoro a fight Is won, ""Jut, when tho llttlo Job's begun, lo don't leavo olf until It's done, Fer that's John's wayl ' ino opucuuui. The Bulletin classifies its ads. Re sultsmall advertiscis get a square tf1 INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT Members of Boys Brigade to Be Taught Carpentering. Shops How Being Built Near 0. R. & L. De pot, King Street-Good Work That Is Being Pushed Steadily. Tho good work of the Hoys' Brigade is being steadily pushed ahead by tho men at tho helm. Tho establishment of tho clubroom nt Knumaknplll was the first lmportnnt step." Now comes nnothcr that is still more important tho establishment of an Industrial De partment. Tho two-story building for tho pur pose is now drawing to a completion. In n few days tho roof will bo shingled, painting attended to nnd furnishings put In. Tho lot upon which tho houso stands was obtained from tho O. R. & L. Co. Tho commltteo In chnrgo of opera tions hns, so far, only arranged for a courso in painting or somo other allied Industry. J. S. Unllcy is tho man who will havo charge of tho carpenter shop whllo another most competent man Is In mind should painting bo mado one of tho branches. Mr. Bailey himself superintending the erection of tho building. Complcto sets of carpenters' tools, enough to nccommodato thirty-six toys, havo been Bent for and their ar rival In tho near futuro Is expected. Tho boys will bo chosen from tho ranlts of tho four clubs nnd theso will bo retained on merit If possible, tho class will bo mado up of fifty boys who will tako their lessons four evenings during tho week. Tho flnnnco committee of tho Boys' Brigade, consisting of J. P. Cooko (chairman,) T. Cllvo Davlcs, John Wa tcrhouso nnd Gcorgo R. Carter, will soon start out on tho work of solicit ing subscriptions for tho amount of money necessary to complcto tho new building. FOR ATHLETIC GROUNDS. Tho cessation of tho uso of tho Ma klkl baseball grounds ns a placo for various athletic contests has aroused In tho minds of men of tho city Inter ested In nthlctlcs tho question of se curing nnothcr plnco for such pur poses. Tho men In charge of tho work of tho Boys' Brigade hae appointed a committee to see various public spirit ed men In legard to this question. This news will certainly bo good news to nil baseball ami football men who havo already begun to lament tho fact that now they havo no place whero they can cany on their favorlto pas times. Should tho commltteo bo successful in arranging for recreation grounds theso will of courso como under their management but tho uso of them will bo for tho public. Customs in Edinburgh. Tlicro nro soveral curious customs In tho local government of Edinburgh, not tho least strange being tho lamp post dignity conferred on tho leading civic olllclals. In order to impress up on tho public tho lmportanco of tlio lord provost, two lampposts, each with tho city arms, aro rcectcd outsldo his residence. Tho bailies, the den of tho convener, nnd tho treasurer ar only "a llttlo lower" than tho provost, for they each havo ono special lamp post to lighten up tho preccnclts of their residence Scottish American. Dr. Posoy. specialist for Eye, Ear. Throat and Nose diseases and Catarrh Masonic Temple. On to Manila! A Complete History of the Campaign "of the Vol unteer Troops Tn the Philippines, with an Ac count of their first Re ception in Honolulu. fe Superbly Illustrated. ,.A Limited Number on Sale at 2; ..cents each by Wall, Nichols Co., Thrum's Bookstore, Hawaiian News Co., Golden Rule Bazaar, E. W. Jordan. QUARANTINE BARRACKS DECIDED ON Citizens Committee Selects Site . in Kalibi District. General Situation Shows Improvement Effect of a Romor In Block 10 Active Work All Along M Line. a:30 p. m. Shortly after 2 p. m. today Dr. Scaparone reported n caso of tho plaguo on Maunokea street a Japanese, 'Zuwoka by nnme, ngo 17. Tho fellow has been sent to tho Kakanko hospital. What disposition Is to be mado or tho infected dwelling will bo de cided on this afternoon. At about 2 p. m. Dr. Mltomurn mndo report of a suspicious case nn Merchant near Alakea street. This Is n Jnpnneso woman. Dr. Clorvln called, but found no sus picious appearances. However, tho enso will bo closely watched. Committee Meeting. At 9 o'cloc kthls morning, members of tho commltteo of citizens appointed by tho Board of Health to look Into tho matter of a slto for tho proposed quar antine barracks met lu tho olllco of Minister Young, chairman of tho com mittee, nnd there considered a general plan submitted by tho Minister him self. Only thrco of four of tho mem bors wcro present on account of tho busy tlmo at their offices that always comes with tho beginning of a new year. Minister Young's plan Is to build two rows of houses back to back with a spaco between tho rowo sufficient for a largo covered flume. Over this ilumo will bo tho water closets, bath nnd washrooms, with direct communica tion with tho flume. Minister Young explained his idea as follows: "The flume la tho main part to bo considered. Tho nrrnngement of tho houses Is but nn easy matter. Tho ilumo will bo flushed with water con tinually from a well or tho government watcrworksaudnll tho refuse nnd dirty wnter must empty Into It and bo car ried out to sea. In this way not a bit of Ilith will bo retained for tho Bhortest spaco of time, on tho premises. "Tho houses in rows and back to hack must bo far enough apart to ad mit of easy access and to mako possible a qunrantlno within a quarantine should cases of plaguo break out lu tho midst of tuo quarantined people." Upon bringing up the question of tho Ilumo Dr. Herbert stated that the saf est way would bo to havo this covered. Whllo tlicro was not so much danger from nn uncovered flumo during tho oxlstonco of tho plaguo, still tho quar antine barracks might bo used In tho future for tho Isolation of pcoplo from districts Infected with such a disease ns cholera. Under such circumstances an uncovered flumo would bo very dan gerous. During tho conference of tho com mltteo Judgo Wilcox, upon whoso land It was proposed to put up tho quaran tine bnrracks, appeared on tbo scene and answered various questions put to him. Then Government Surveyor Wall was sent for and, together ylth him tho members of tho commltteo went out to Kallhl to mako Investigations. Tho commltteo returned to town shortly beforo noon, after having In vestigated various sites in Kallhl and Iwllet. Judgo Wilcox fltnally took the members to that portion of the Bishop Estato which Is known as Walakamllo In the Kapalama district on the other sld of Iwilcl. As soon as Minister Young laid his eyes on this placo ho decided that It was Just what was bo Ing looked for. This placo Is easy of access and will Involve comparatively llttlo work In its arrangement for a nuarantlno bar racks. It Is below1 what Is known as Walpllopllo and can bo reached by tho road that runs from tho tramcar sta bles to tho sea. A two-Inch pipe could easily bo put in from tho government wells and run down to tho proposed buildings, a distance of something less than a mile. So much for wator for drinking and washing purposes. Between thrco and four hundred feet from tho shore Is deep water, A gas engine could very easily bo installed so that water could bo pumped In from tho sea nnd used to flush tho flumo In to which all rcfuso will bo dumped. This would simplify matters greatly, centering tho cost for flushing purposes In a small amount of piping nnd a gas engine to furnish power to run In the salt water. Minister Young with membors of the commltteo will mako up n report and will present It to tho Board of Health ns soon as possible. This may bo to night. Tlio grounds chosen by tho commlt teo thlB morning aro very largo and, If necessary, thirty ucrcs could bo ob tained. Tho now lino of tho railway runs near by nnd tho whole place Is most convenient. Scattering of CIiIiichc. Thero was a general exodus of Chln eso from block 10 in Chinatown yes- tprdnv nftnrnnnn tmmn n,.n ------ ..uw.., wu.KW WUV 111., ,, spread in that locality the report that mo uoaru oi neaitu was contemplating an Immediate destruction of the whole tdnm llV flrn. Pfivctnlnna rm.1 nnnn.n of the Board of Health hurried to tho scene nnu assuaged as fnr as possible, the excitement of tho Chinese, but by that tlmo most of tho residents of the block had scattered to various parts of Chinatown carrying with them their goods nnd chattols. Thero Is considerable feeling against the person who spread tho alarming report, Binco it has been stated that It was done by way of a joke. Chinese Frightened. Chinese In various parts of tho city outsldo tho Infected district havo given their employers notlco today that they Intend going back Into Chinatown with their wives and families as they under stand tho Board of Health Intends to burn tho wholo of Chinatown. They cannot be mado to sco that the matter Is only being discussed and even If such nn extreme measure is found to bo neppftrmrv fnr tlin iirntnntlnn fit tlm city, tho Board of Health will give am- imu iiuiice. MnMng Antltoxlnc. Dr. Hoffman, government bacterio logist, Is Just now busy with tho work of preparing nntltoxlni', but nothing much can be said about this Just now as It Is more In tho lino of an experi ment than an ntssurrcd thing. When tho work has boon completed trials by wny of testing tho efficacy of tho autl toxlhVwIll bo made. If found to oper ate successfully it will bo used for the. purposo of vaccnatlng persons who havo been lu Infected premises. Doctors Threatened. Certain Chinese In tho Infected dis tricts havo threatened doctors nnd members of tho Board of Health with death. This has been dono by posters In Chinatown. Ono of tho Board phy sicians was sent to a placo In China town yesterday on a trip of investiga tion. As ho was coming out ho found himself surrounded by n lot of wicked looking Chinese. Fortunately ho hap pened to hnvo an Influential Chinese merchant with him. Tho latter wild: "Hold on doctor. I think trouble. You lot mo go first. This man wild two words lu Chinese, not understood by tho doctor, nnd the Chinaman scamper ed awny like a lot ot rabbits, To Burn Hlock 10. Scon in regard to Block 10 In tho In fected district. Chinatown, President Cooper of tho Board of Health said this morning: "Yes, Block 10, with tho exception ot four or flvo brick build ings, will bo burned, but arrangements ns to tlmo nnd disposition of people and goods havo not been decided on yet. I'ntll then, nothing will bo done. Found nntl Lost. A Chinaman wns found sick in Chinatown a couplo of days ago and taken to military headquarters for In vestigation. Through somo mlstnko ho was liberated. The fellow then went Into hiding nnd was not found until yesterday. Ho was discovered by Win, Crawford who told him to report at once to military headquarters, think ing tno matter was well known there. The Chinaman appeared on tho scene. asked if ho was wanted, was told no and immediately disappeared again. Now another search for him Is being made. YESTERDAY'S FOOTBALL. There was not a very large cfowd present at tho fooiuall gamo between tho Cth Artillery nnd Town teams on tho grounds ot Oahu College yesterday afternoon. Tho gamo ended with n score ot 31 to 0 In favor ot tho town boys. Thero was but very llttlo Inter est In tho gamo from beginning to end. Circuit Court C(i8cu. Fanny Strnuch has brought suit for ejectment ngalnst tho Kaplolanl Es tate, Ltd. Tho land in question Is in Knllhl. S. M. Damon, W. F. Allen. W. O, Smith and J. O. Cm tor, Trustees of tho Bernlco Pnuhl Bishop Estate, havo brought suit In ejectment ngalnbt J, O. Young. Tho property In question Is on Llllha street. Tlio snmo trustees havo brought suit lu ejectment against Da- vld Dayton. Tho property In question Is in Honolulu. Knwo Kapala has brought suit in ejectment against tho Pioneer Mill Co., Ltd. Tho land In question Is In Wnl nccnul, Lahnlnu. Wreck of tlio CtirHon. Tho wreck of tho Carson lies in the samo position still. Tho steamer Mo kolll is now standing by, having rollov cd tho Lchun. Tho steamer Hawaii will probably bo supplied with a wrecking outfit and sent out tomoirow, when tho work ot caving tho wreck win commence- lu earnest. The quarantine on tho Johnson house in Iwllel will bo lifted this nf tornoon. Board of Health men nro busy cleansing tho place. THE BUSINESS STANDPOINT Review of tbe Situation Given by the Mercantile Agency. Losses From Hague Visitation Have Bceu Heat; Among Retailers-Plea (or Vigorous Meas ures - Christmas Buslufss. Manager Q. H. Berrey of the Mer cantile Agency reports on the busi ness situation at the opening of the new year, ns follows: Merchants report a cry good month. Holiday trado was generally good un til the 2Gth, when wo wcro quaran tined again. Tho losses in Chinatown have been great, and certainly business houses there arc entitled to sympathy. Holiday trado gavo great promise, nnd prospects seemed better thnn pre Ious years. Tho breaking out of the plaguo ngnln was a set back. Trade has fallen oft from 40 to CO per cent during tho past four days. In somo lines dally receipts do not meet dally expenses with good houses. Flvo large "wind Jammers' 'have ar rived with full cargoes, slnco our last circular. ' Unsatisfactory trade with other Isl ands. Furniture trado has suffered, owing to delay In securing goods. Staples easier slnco last report. Leather, crude nnd worked, hos ad vanced nt least 10 per cont. Wo nro Informed that stumpngo In lumber districts. In tho States has raised 20 per tent. I.ocnl market un cunuged, but higher prices nro antici pated. Shelf goods lu hardware show slight rise In price. Considerable activity Is reported by thoso handling sporting goods. Sufficient money out of tho surplus should bo appropriated to pro.vldo Ho nolulu with permanent sanitation works; previous Invasions of conta gious diseases, that cost hundreds of lives nro likely to appear again. Now Is the time to strike for permanent Im provements. Let It bo hoped thnt speedy action will bo taken. In no other way can Honolulu mako reason ably sure of escaping futuro plagues. There Is no reasou for blues In our mercantile coudltion, and the nverago anticipations nro good. III'ILDIKC MATERIAL I'KICEB. N. W. rough, ?21 to $30 per m feet; selected T. G 32.50 to 37.G0 per m feet; redwood, lough, 2!" to $33 per m feet; spruco clear, 3T.G0; shingles $2.75 to $1; lathes CO cents to 75 cens per bun dle; split redwood posts IS cents each. Lime, per hbl, $3.00; cement, per bbl, $1.50; brick per m, 18.00 to 20.00; cut nails, 20d, per keg, $4.00; wire nails, per keg, $1.25; add $2 on gal. 3 to Cd, and $1.50 from S1 up. Tho mortgaged Indebtedness of tho Islands has Increased slnco our last report $45,G9t.C0. Itccordcd Instruments havo been as follows: Deeds 131 $2,521,777.40 Mortgages ...'... 41 (59,550. Leases II Heleases 21 23,955.50 Chtl Mt'gs li 3.8C4.00 Bills of Halo .... 13 2o,9!0.00 'Agreements .... :i Affidavits 1 Power of Att'y ..11 Ass'gt nf Leases , 5 Asg't of Mtgs. ... 11 Mortgages at No Itato 14,303.00 " " 6 per cent. . . . 175.00 " 7 " .... 4,000.00 " " 7'j " .... 1,200.00 " 8 " .... 31,300.00 " 0 " ... 10.700.00 " 10 " I.0C2.00 " 12 " 150.00 Total $C9.550.00 Passenger arrivals for tho month to taled 1,099, ot which 1,3.18 wcro Japan ese, foreigners 291. Tho proditco trado quotations nro: Oats, per ton, $35.00 to 37.50;; barley, per ton, 2C.C0 to 28.50; hay, per ton, 40.00 to 45.00; bran, per ton, 2G.00; hams and bacon, 15 to 17 cents; sugar peas, 1.50 S. F.; bbl salmon, 10.00 to il0.G0 S. F.; Wheat per lb, 1 to 2 cents; flour, per bbl., 3.00 lo 4.50; iBlnnd rice, 5.00 to 5.50; sugar V,'tc; California potatoes, 24c; table fruits, per doz., 2.00 S. F. New Yctir'a Dance A Now Year's danco was given at tho homo of Jonah Kumnlao, last oventng. A most pleasant evening was spent. Among thoso present were tho following: Mlsbcs Julia Kclllaa, Lily Kclllaa, Lucia juilial, Lilian Plhl, Lucy Alwohl, Llzzlo Nathaniel, Lytlla Auld, Llzzlo Auld, Julia Naonc, Hcbec ca Trask, Elizabeth Nahua, Adelaide Hookano, Messrs. J. H. Nnono, Philip Naono, I). L. Naoue. W. Brcde, Jr., Paul Bredo, Samuel Alwohl, C. W. Kin ney, Alexander Auld, D. K. Kamnl, W. Weir, W. II. Holokalukl, Manuel De ponto, Manuel P. Gomes nnd Mr. and Mrs. J. M .Mumahcle. Whales nia thick on tho Scottish coast this summer. At Sand, in tho Shctlands, a shoal of hcventy-ono bot tlo nosed whales was driven ashoio and captured In ono day. It was tho first tlmo In forty-four years that whales had appeared there, though in former times thoy stranded frequently. Resolutions Received. (leorgo W. Smith, chairman ot tho Fourth of July Committee has received the following letter acknowledging tho resolutions rclntlvo to extension of Amcrl- can laws to Hawaii: EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, Dec. 8, 189. My dear Sir: I nm directed by the President to acknowledge the receipt of copr of resolutions adopted at a pufc- lie meeting of citizens of Hon- lulu, held July 4, 1899. Vctr truly yours, J. A. POHTEK, Secretary to the President. Georgo W. Smltn, Chairman Public Meeting, Honolulu, II. I. ATHENIANS ROUGH TRH. The transport Athenian that arrived fom Manila yesterday, passed through pretty much the same experience ns did tho Hongkong Marti. Hough weather was encountered nearly all tlio way, tho storm causing tho Athenian to lay to for two dnys, and to run to tho south for one day more in tho hope of running out the gale. Tho sens were very high nnd dashed over the snip with terrific force. Lower parts, made of glass nearly an Inch thick, wcro smashed to bits. Hugo seas broko over tho stern, carrying tiwoy the wheel box, tearing up tho two iron binnacle stands that were bolted to tin deck nnd Ailing the upper deck whom there aro a large number of stalls, with water. If the Btalls had not been ex traordinarily strong and woll built, they would havo been carried away en tirely. An idea of how high the waves wcro that struck tho ship can bo gained when ono realizes that tho small boats In their davits, twcnty-Blx feet nbove tho water, wcro continually full of wa ter nnd tho Inner funnel of tho smoko stack was broken away from its fasten ings. Tho officers ot the ship declare It to havo been the worst storm, out sldo of a typhoon, that they hnvo over experienced. Tho Athenian hauled alongsfdo the Pacific Mall wharf this morning. She will remain In port nbout ten dnys be fore returning to Manila with a cargo of mules. ERMINIE." Tho popular and highly amusing comic opera Ermlnie, nttrnctcd an Im luenso audlcnco to tho Orpheum last night, overy scat being occupied and extrfl'chnlrs pressed Into sendee. Mis Josephine Stanton as the hurolno ot tho pleco again captivated tho audi ence with her winning volco nnd charming presence, whllo tho Misses Andrews nnd Lccklcy ran n closo bcc oud lu public favor. Kunkel nnd Hen derson, two thieving rascals veritable Beau Brummcls In ull but wardrobe, kept tho nudlcnco In roars ot laughter with their ludrlcuous witticisms. To night Ermlnie will bo repeated. To monow nud Thursday cvnlugs Martha, will occupy the boards. The "Mnut News." Wnlluku. Dec. 30. The plant for O. U, Robertson's new printing ofllio to bo opened In Wnlluku, will likely bo hero nbout tho middle of nest month. Mr. Robertson expected his plant this month ns the factory men had written tn hi in that the plant was all packed ready for shipment by the Kalulanl, hut tho steamer agents would not take passengers, so tho foreman will bring the plant on a sailing vessel to leave Sun Francisco for Kahulul the first week In January. The first itissuc of tlio "Maul News" (not Wnlluku Jour nal,) will lomc out sometime during January. Agricultural Department. Tno Agricultural Department hos changed Its quarters to tho office ot tho Immigration Buieau, Telcphono 732. This step was found to be necessary on account of tho occupancy of tho Agri cultural Department quarters by thu Board ot Health as a sleeping place for Its officers. DON'T PASS our OPERA GLASSES for tho World. They'ro mado by Lo Malrc. "Nuffsald." II. F. WICHMAN. Just received the very thing to gladden the hearts of the ladies. The most acceptable Xinas gift your wives, sisters or duuRhters n a pat of our BEADED STRAP SLIPPFUSI i uesc are inciuuru in me 7000 pairs shoes just opened ex S. S. Australia n hold premier place for beauty. The Manufacturer Shoe Co 4. 1 i tr . . -? 0 va h .1..W ,Lb J.J- afe' ji. .. . .