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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, January 11, 1900, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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"TfSP" -
Evening Bulletin,
jrbllihcd Every Dny, except Sunday,
t 210 King street, Honolulu, '1. 1.,
by tut
W. n. PAnniNOTON Keillor
THUItSUAY. . .JANl'AHY 11. l"n.
llo chnrltnble toward the hnniebwt
people, but let the nblo IhmIIimI men re
volve nld If possible through Inbtr fur
nished them on public work.
AVItli elertrlc lights nnil plenty of air
and wnter, the new barracks nt Wain
k.imllo are n paradise compared with
the HhnekH from which their occupant?
were removed.
Now that llilo'fl public building has
been authorized, It Is to be hoped the
l'ubllc WorlSB department will not iv
(ttlro eighteen months In which to
"older material."
Judging from the rapidity with which
the local government obtitlnu Infor
mation from Washington rolntlrc to
matters of real public liitrnMt, Mr.
Dole's agent, llnrtwell. Is giving his
whole time to mourning over 'he Inll
of the odlclal Idols.
It Is to be hoped the next mull fiom
Washington will bring news of the In
troduction of a bill to straighten out
the land question. Hartwell hat thiu
far shown his uselcssncss liy dcl.iv In
bringing tills ipiestlou befov I'onr.ffss
wlilcli alone Ims authority to ri 'ldi-r
I'roni the attitude of some of our
olllcials one might suppose I'lesldcu
McKlnley ieronally responsible for
tlio delays duo to the questlonal)le au
thority of the local executive. It Is a
very easy meatier for the local oxivit
tlve to leave Its authority If it so de
sires. Itullders and contrnctoi:i cm at Icist
we bright prospects ahead In the de
struction of the old buildings of '.lie
town. When Honolulu once gets start
ed ngaln In Its new business ways, the
building operations of the past will be
put completely In the shadow, Host of
all the new structures must b build
ings worthy of a progressive inndrn
It Is a noticeable fact that none of
the government organs have nrlseu to
tto that Congressman Hltt. In speak
ing of tho lnnd question, does not know
what ho Is talking about. It would
have been fortunate for tho Island.! Iiml
tho wiseacres of local olllelaldom bad
sensii enough to withhold their criti
cism of the President "tin 1 bis scce
tailes One writer speaking if the advance
of tho plague from Its usual Asiatic
boundaries makes the prediction that
the dlsenM) will not be stayed till It
circles the globe. With NViv York and
the east coast threatened from Kiiropo
and llrazll, and San 1'rnnelMMj con
stantly receiving freight from the
Orient, the peopjo of Hawaii uia an
ticipate that tho most strenuous meas
ures will be enforcHjigalnst tne truffle
from this country.
bid H I". Dillingham cr go to tho
States ou a business trip th.it Hawaii
did not Kt "P some untonwl happen
ing to frlgbte;i foreign Invenors. In
former dnys It was retoluttoixi und
how comes tho plugue. NtitwltUtJtnd
Ing Mr. Dillingham has played in nurd
luck on this score, be Jirm yet to lofso
heart or experlenco miylliln;; morn ."
rlous than temporary ilolny. For con
stantly keeping at It and overcoming
obstacles, Dilllnglinm has uot a .vlpci
lor In tho business community.
If tho leprescntatlvo men of tho
Japanese colony will Join heartily In
tho movement, the people of Honolulu
can rid tho town of tho miserable
blackmailers, who not only live on tho
earnings of fallen women, but threaton
with violence, nny of their own nation
ality who Interfere with them. Tow
while people of tho town appreciate the
power of theso low lived coolies. Any
Japanese who opposes them openly Is
subject to a blackmailing boycott and
threats of personal Injury nro by no
means unknown. To put an end to this
business tho people must lmvo tho co
operation of tho Jnpancso business
Lack of proper statistics Is a short
coming that tho Board of Health shares
with nearly every department of tho
government. For years It has been n
practical Impossibility to secttro from
various legislatures sufficient appro
priations to supply tho additional cler
ical force for such work In every de
partment. Tho pcoplo aro not
quick to appreciate tho vnluo of dry
statistic and II In probable that the
legislators he gone as far In the ex
penditures on this work ns tho major
ity of their constituents would allow
I'nder American rule, however, n more
careful attention to detail will be
forced upon the departments, nud thM
Is by no means the least of the import'
wilt benefits to the country that will re
suli from annexation.
It Is cry natural for those wIkho
pockcthookn nro seriously affected by
tho general quarantine measures to
seek n let up on the stringent rules
lelatlve to Inter-Island traffic. Uut tne
losses now experienced nro a mere baga
telle compared with the results should
the plague make Its appearance In any
of the plantation districts. Whether
Honolulu has to continue Its fight
against the plague six weeks or six
months, the disease must be kept with
in Its present limits, and no possible
chances call be taken. Let alone the
financial damage from possible ills
turbaiue of sugar enrgoes, an outbreak
In sections where Chinese nnd Japan
ese outnumber the ruling nationality
almost a hundred to one, Is n situation
not pleasant to contemplate. Until
Honolulu Is reasonably certain that
progress of the plague Is stayed a Chi
nese wall of protection should be held
aiiout the other Islands.
The proposition by Col. Klsher to In
augurate In the outside districts, a
system of Inspection similar to that
carried out during cholera times Is one
that will meet with favor among tho
majority of residents beyond tho busi
ness limits. I'nder present conditions
nearly every householder has to bo on
guard against visitors In the servants
quartern, ami, although these vlslto.-s
are promptly ordered out they nro ap
parently wandering about anil prob
ably overcrowding the boarding houses
which are little better than those in
It Is apparent that the outside dis
tricts now contain a good sized floating
Oriental population composed largely
of men who got out of Chinatown
while tho quarantine was raised 'or
have since escaped the vigilance of the
guards. Should the plague break out
In one of tho Chinese or Japaneso
boarding houses In the rcsldeuco dis
tricts It 1b probable there would be a
general scattering similar to that
which has gono on In Chinatown. To
establish n system of inspection similar
to that of cholera times every person
In every bouse would be accounted for
twice each day. and the custom now
apparently In vogue of Japanese
changing their places of abode without
knowledge of the authorities would be
practically Impossible.
With tho city divided into small dis
tricts each Inspector could easily make
his rounds twice each dny, before and
after business hours. If the Hoard of
Health will say the wind, volunteers
for the work will respond quickly If
more men are needed.
Indianapolis Journal.
The Supremo Court has decided In
every case In which unlawful combina
tions aro attempted In violation of In
tel state commerce that Congress has
power to legislate. It 1ms, therefore,
sustained (bo views of Harrison, Sher
man und leading Republicans which
are embodied In the Sherman law, und
buy rejected tho doubts of Mr. Cleve
land anil his associates, which seemed
to present tho two entirely Democratic
Congrrtses which followed the Con
gress enacting tho Sherman law from
taking any action hostile to trusts. In
this latest decision (the Aildvstona
case.) the court has declared without
reservation that Congress has power
to legislate against nil combinations of
manufacturers which nro In restraint
of commerco between tho States. And
now President McKlnloy urges Con
gress, which has tho highest nssur
auco of Its right to legislate against
trusts prejudicial to interstate com
merce, to enact further antitrust laws.
Reciprocity Treaties
California is Figliting
Washington, Doc. io. The tedprocity
treaties negotiated between the United
States and France and between the United
States and Great Britain during the past
summer, the terms of which have been
carefully guarded, have at last been print
ed, They were transmitted to the Senate
on Tuesday.
The treaty with Great Britain ewers
the dependencies of Jamaica, Bermuda,
Barbadoes, British Guinea and Turks nnd
Calais Islands
All the agreements Includes lists of ar
ticles on which concessions are made by
the respective parties.
The French convention is made appli
cable to Algeria and its products, as It Is
to France and Its products. The general
terms of all the treaties are pratlcally the
same, ths stipulation being in most cases
that "in case either of the contracting part
ies shall, during the continuance of this
Just opened, diredtshipments from the manufacturers.
An invoice of
hlFi'enciriVVhltc China for Decorating.
The finest assortment ever exhibited in Honolulu, direct
from France.
Direct from theory Art Co.,
Fry's VltriSiable Colors In Powder.
Lustre Paint.
Thirty thousand feet of
Picture Mouldings in the Latest Patterns.
Our selection of Pictures are the Latest from
Art Centres.
Howard Hitchcock's Oils, Water Colors, of
Island Scenery and Fruits.
China Firing a specialty, at reduced rates.
The Latest in Lamp Goods.
The Pacific Hardware Co.,
Art Rooms,
convention, increase the duties upon the
mportatlon of merchandise the increase
shall be without discrimination or prejudice
agaln-t the products of the other."
All the treaties are to continue in force
for five vears. and from year to year there
after, at the pleasure of the contracting
Following are the principal reductions
provideJ for In the British treaties:
Jamaka The following articles are to
be aJmltteJ from Jamaica Into the United
States at a reduction of 20 per cent:
Citrus Iruits, pine apples, fresh vege
tables, including potatoes and onions, and
rum. Cane sugar and molasses are to te
admitted at a reduction of 12'i percent.
The following ate to be admitted ftce or
at greatly reduced rates. Bananas, cocoa
nuts, coffee, crude cocoa, unground ginger
root, hula nuts, pimento and annato, bees
w.i, crude s.-irsap.irilla, tortoise shell, log
wood and fustica and mahogany. Jamaica
agrees to admit free of the products of the
United States a lung list of articles, includ
ing agricultural implements anJ tools of
all kinds, cured meats, wheat, Hour, oats,
petroleum, pine lumber anJ machinery.
Bermuda From among the articles
wh'cli are to be admitted into the United
States at a reduction of so per cent from
present rates of duty are potatoes, onions,
bulbs and natural (lowers, tomatoes and
other fresh vegetable.
Reclprocallytthere shall be admitted In
to Bermudaillsts of articles much the same
as provided lor in the Jamaica schedules.
Barbadoes and Guinea The UnlteJ
States agrees to a reduction of ujj per
cent on tlie duties on cane, sugar and mo
lasses, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and
asphalt Imported for Barbadoes, nnd to the
same reduction on cane sugars, fresli vege
tables and koolln brought from British
Guinea. Both countries agree to admit
free fiom the United States corn, horses,
mules, machinery and many manufactured
a' tides. Reduced rates are conceded on
other products of the United States.
Turks and Caicos islands I he agree
ment covering these Islands provides for a
reduction of 12 percent on the dutv Im
posed upon manufactured sponges and un
dressed sisal trass Imported from the Isl
and into the United States. The list of
articles of United States origin which are
to be admitted free and at reduced rates
Into the Islands Is very similar to that of
the same list for Barbadoes and Guinea.
Only a Few
Will be sold at .
$40 t cash,
To clear out the line.
Call early and Inspect
Pacific Cycle & M'ii Co,
R. A. DEXTER, Managet.
Fort Street.
A Beautiful
Golden Rule Bazaar
Thirteen Beautiful Views!
Four Pieces Hawaiian Music I
Rainfall and Temperature Tables I
Make this year's Calendar par
ticularly valuable. Price, readv 'for mail
ing, 50 cents. Send the address, enclosing
50 cents, and we will do tlie rest.
Books and Stationery !
We Are Still
In the Swim!
ThaVs an old saying, yet true, and
when we say we are in tlie swim, why
we mean every word of it.
We have the swellest TlfcS for the
Holidays that you want to lay your eyes
on, In all of the Lates Styles and Siiapes.
We have just replenished our stock of
GOLF SHIRTS, and are.strlctly speaking
rlcht un-to-date In as conmlete a line n7
men's and boys' FURNISHINGS ns can I
De snown in me largest city 01 the Main
land. At our Hotel Street Store, Nos. 9 and 1,
avcrley Block, we are going to give you
a chance to win a fine BICYCLE. For
every purchase of 50c the customer is en
titled to one ticket. The party who holds
the greatest number of tickets on Christ
mas morning at 10 o'clock gels, (lie wheel.
"The Kash'
TELEPHONES 670 and 96.
Two Stores.
Two Lane Stocks
OJ the Best PurntBhlnAs.
Accurate history and interesting
stories of the campaign are told In
On To Manila.
Grand Sale
Commencing Next Monday, De
cember 4th, 1899.
-Our entire stock of
customers at very low figures.
Laces, Ribbons, Fine Lawns, Indian Linen, Fine
Cashmeres, Ladies' Capes suitable for the holidays.
M. PALAU, Manager.
Pickled Pig's Feet
Pickled Lamb's Tongues,
Pickled Tripe,
Salt Salmon, Salt Beef, &c,
Holland Herrings,
.... A full line of CEREALS for Breakfast
Telephone 680.
We Invite
H - - H -
JiV. jOb.
- H - - H - -
Residence Lots
Np residence property having similar advantages and
attractions, as for healthfulness of location, having an eleva
tion of from 170 to 800 feet, and affording the grandest marine
and scenic views ; as also its proximity to the business part
of the city, being less thar mile from the Progiess Block,
has ever before been presonkc -he. people of Honolulu.
One of the main features 01 ihit. property, and procured
at great expense, is the abundant supply of pure spring water,
pronounced by Dr. C. B. Wood as being the purest and best
drinking water obtainable in the Island, which is now being
conducted into storage reservoirs upon the property by an
independent pipe line, and will be supplied to residents at
Government rates.
OUR GUARANTEE: We guarantee to all pur
chasers of lots on Pacific Heights, that we will, within six
months, provide rapid transportation to the -highest lots on
the property, connecting the same with the Honolulu Rapid
Transit Co.'s line on Pauoa Road, at the beginning of Kaiu
lani Drive.
TERMS : 3 cash, tf in one year, in two years ;
interest 6 per cent, per annum on deferred payments.
Our carriage will convey parties desiring to inspect the
property to and from the same.
For maps and full particulars call at our office, Room'
7 and 8 Progress Block.
Special Announcement!
Call, before purclmsing
elsewhere, and see my
assortment of
Being the largest In the city.
New Waltham Watches
Of all kinds.
Seth Thomas Clocks
In great variety.
torner fori ana mercnant sts.
Dry Goods will be ottered to our
Orpheum Block.
H - - IH - H -
H - H - - H -
on Pacific Ueigbts 3j
- - w
(Nine Different Views.)
0 1
Children's Books and
Toys at Reduced
Hawaiian News Go,,
Merchant Street.
.iisSw. -.
Ch -
tw -" .-,A, i

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