OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, July 14, 1900, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Do You Intend to Buy
ttt t onniAi
Rend Whnt Bulletin
Have to Offer
J XJ U lJUHi i n
And i Get our Money's Worth.?
Vol. IX. No. loS.'l.
Pbioe 5
Some More Facts About
The Bow Wong Wni
L. Yaknam Lamsal of Wing Wo Tal
& Co , received a letter from a friend
In China by the last steamer from tho
Orient, telling of the notion taken
against the members of his family by
the Chinese, government.
Mr. Lamsal's people made their home
In Tong Oar, a little village a short dis
tance, from Canton. Having received
Information that Mr. Lamsal was n
Bow Wong, the government sent eighty
troops from Canton to Tong Gar to I
make his people prisoners. All they
found,was his grandmother, nled f5
liLi fattier and grandfather halng let: ,
for another place n short time before.
The old lady was arrested and thrown
Into prison, no respect being shown fori
her years In the treatment she receiv
ed. After the, arrest, the soldiers loot
ed the homo and carried away every
thing of value.
Mr. Lamsal docs not believe Ills fath
er and mother will bo caught. He has
sent In a petition to the government
asking that his old grandmother be r-I
leased but It Is Improbable that tills
will have any effect.
Tho government sent soldiers In!
search of tho family of C. K. Ai of this
city, another How Wong, but they
found that all tho members had gone
to Macao some little time before. This
makes the arrest of Mr. Al's family Im
possible. Several How Wongs of the city wen
seen yesterday nfter the talk vvltlT.Mr.
Lamsal. Asked If the Chinese Consul,
Vang Wei l'ln, stood In any danger
on account of this action In sending In
formation to tho Chinese government,
all with the exception of one remalne-l
silent. This one said: "I should not
wish to be In the Consul's boots If any
more arrests of relatives of the Ha
waii Dow Wongs In China nre made.
There nre some men In the society who
would not hesitate to retaliate."
Accurate Information regarding the
strength of tho How Wongs has been
secured by tho members of the society
here. It seems that sixty per cent of
the Chinese In China and ninety per
cent In foreign countries, arc In favor
of reform. Should tho How Wongs de
cide to rise against the government at
any moment, they could do so with tell
ing effect As It Is, ther piefer to-galu
their objects by peaceful measures If
possible. If It so turns out tint force
will bo necessary, force will be used.
The BULLETIN offers to the per
sons who, between February ist and
July 31st, shall sent! in the largest
number ot new subscribers, the fol
lowing prizes :
1st Prizes Cleveland Bicycle, 070.
The winner of the tst prlie Is it liberty
to choose between models 00, 92 and 94 ot
the 1000 Cleveland Bicycle. Model 94 14
a road racer, weight 20 pound?. Atodel 97
Is a light road wheel, weighing 2: lbs ,.tnd
Model 00 a Heavier road wneel, vvt 24 ids i
The bicycle to be selected from the stock I
of the Honolulu lllcyclc Co., agents
ror Cleveland nicycies. 1 ne cnoice may
be made be tw een the corresponding hdles'
Models, should the winner of 1st prize be
8nd Prize, Singer 8cvvln .Ma
chine 800.00.
The winner of this, prize may choose
between these three stvles of machines,
that with oscillating shuttle and top cover,
that with vibrating shuttle and cabinet
top, both tive-drawer machines, or the
"Automatic," with three dravve".. Thl
machine will be furnished b IS. IJci-
fercii. sole agent for the Hawaiian
8rd Prize, Premo rienlor Camera,
4x5, with Outfit, eUO.OO.
The Premo. Sr., has Double Swing
Back, Double Sliding Front, and Hack anc.
Pinion for focusing. This camera in ly be
used with either Plates or rllms. .The
outfit Includes I Phte Holder, Tripod, 3
Trays, Developer, Fixer, Negative Rack,
Graduate, Stirring Rod and Lantern.
Camera and outfit are from the Photo
Supply Co., sole agents.
4th Prize, a Zonophone, the Lat
est Improvement on the Gramo
phone, with G RecordH, $UO.OO.
This Is the loudest and must natural
talking machine yet Invented. It is to be
elected from the stock of the ISerftHtroni
Music Co., sole agents for the Hawaiian
The following conditions of the contest
ust be observed :
i. All subscriptions must be prepaid at
Itast three months In advance.
2. No renewals or transfers of subscrlp
tlois will be counted In this contest as
ew subscriptions. Each name must be a
bona fide addition to the subscription lists.
). Subscriptions should be sent In as
soon as secured, together with the name
and address of the person to whom the
subscription Is to be credited, as well as of
the subscriber. Great care should betaken
toglveACCURATLLY the full name and
tddresj of each new subscriber.
4. Any person in the Ha
waiian Islands Is eligible
to try for these prizes.
Subscription Rates: Moo per year,
is .00 tor three months; strictly In advance
Building to Be Started Id the
Near Future.
Charles Dtild to Be Manager- Lease cl
fine Lands Secured Matter
ot Liquor License.
A new hotel will soon b started at
Walalua. The promoters do no: car
to have their names mentioned Jmt
)et. It Is sufflcltnt toKay, however,
that the backets of tb$ tcbjue art men
of money who Bet a fcre&t future In
the hotel buslmss down the road
Work on the proposition has been go
ing on tiuletly for several weeks and
now, the men who are pushing It, have
secured the lands they wanted, to that
the coast Is now clenr.
The new hotel Is to b a two-story
affair near the present hotel of Chailes
David, directly opposite tb" Walalua
depot. It vvtll be arranged particu
larly for the comfort of the guests
from the city and will Command a line
view of the surrounding eountry It
Is understood that th capitalization
will be placed at J1OO0O and that tho
shares will be $10 each.
A lease of land all about the present
hotel of Charles David has been secur
ed so that cottagers may be put up at
a future date, If found necessary
David, who will b the manager, al
ready has a liquor license to that mat
ter Is settled. He and the other promo
ters have decided to put the saloon fur
away from the hotel proper so thrt.
In case of any row d) Ism, the gucsls
will be In no way disturbed thereby.
The promoters think thy have an
excellent scheme and will hasten the
building of the new hotel.
Manuel Gomes, Jr., appeared in the
Police Court this forenoon on the
charge of larceny In the second degice
and, after n severe lecture by Judge.
Wilcox, was sent home lth a warning
The father was aleo told that a sound
spanking might do his offspring some
It seems that for several days past a
gant of Portuguese boy have been
stealing frulTfroin the nome of Di.
Wood on tho slopm of Punchbowl.
The rascals weie chated out several
times but they would return. Yester
day, Mrs. Wood saw several of the boys
divesting her peach trees of both ripe
and green fruit and, summoning her
servants, she made nfter them.
All the bojs with the exception ot
Gomes, succeeded In getting away but
be was so far up one tree that ho coul 1
not nnke the time th eother did. Ho
was held, the police were telephoned
and Master Manuel was locked up for
a short litre. Later on, bis father
balled him out.
All PcrHunH Can Help.
HJItor Evening Bulletin The Hu
mane Fducator asks the aid of nil citi
zens in preventing ciuelty to animals.
The Hawaiian Soclet) has a humai.c
olflier who will promptly respond 'to
nil call. If teams are observed to be
overworked or abused lamo home
made to work, a vail b) tele phono to
the police station will bo proinptl)
responded to b) the Society s olllcsi.
Plcpse send name number of wagon or
description of animal abused, also om
own name, which will not be lovcubd
without permission The Hawaiian So
clet for the Pieventlon of Cruelty 10
Animals protects all pertons who scik
to help them In caring 'for those w ho
(nuuot help themselves.
Kindly mage note of the above In
)our valuable paper and oblige,
Yours (Sincerely,
Itiui Hi'um 11 Policeman.
Jas. Corn was arrested last nlflit on
the charge ot assault and batten on
Otto Necond. It seems that Corn had
been consulting John Barleycorn ton
often and come off the worst for tho
encounters. He struck Necond full in
the faco without any provocation w hat
over and upon being approached by a
police ofllcer, started on u run tor tho
water front. Corn explained to tho
Judge that ho wantedl to get away
Thero were, of course, smiles all over
tho court room,
Great salo of boots and shoe at 5
cents on tho dollar nt L II. Kerr &
Co's shoe house, corner ot Tort and
Hotel streets.
Room, ii-ii, ird Floor g a.m 4 r.
Houat I o-4.)o r.
The Ranch. Shows Fair Poflt Despite
Drought and Lanlana.
Mr. Palo Discoid (or Trespassing on Street'
-J. P. bias Is Well Bided for
Portuguese Interpreter.
Judge Humphrcjs has set Harrison
vs. Magoon and others for trial un
Tuesday next.
Juilgo.8tnnloy has rencred nn oral
dcelMonJJn Itcpubllc vs. W. II. Pain,
"unnuttiorlzod excavation on public
road." The decision of the District
Court Is reversed nnd Mr. Pnln dis
charged. Attorney General Dolo for
prosecution, Paul Neumann for defen
dant. The cause ot action was the lay
ing of rails for tho Hawaiian Tram
ways Co. In King street a few months
J. P. Dlas has applied for the position
of Portuguese interpreter to the courts
of tho Territory of Hawaii. Ills peti
tion Is endorsed by Sam V. Chllllng
wnrth, Frank Drown, J. M. Davidson
I.vlo A .DIckcv, J. T. De Holt, W. L.
Wlltox and Puul Neumann.
II. Pocke nnd Cecil Drown, trustees
of the estate of James Gay, deceased,
have Med their fifth annual account
They received I12.4C8 01 nnd paid out
$12 55S TB, leaving n balance due them
of $90.78. The trustees hnvo also sub
mitted their annual report, from which
the following extracts arc made:
"The trustees have entered Into nn
agreement with tho Walalua Agricul
tural Co, Ltd, whereby some 800
acres of land (formerly used as pasture,
nnd only good as such for some five
or six months of the )onr) Is to be
placed In enne, and In lieu ot rental !
per cent ot the sugar Is to ho delivered
or. If sold, accounted for by that com
pany This arrangement will In all
probability produce an Income of from
nay JG000 to $8000 n ear, depending
on tho prlco of sugar."
Statistics of tho branch show It to
hnvo nt present 215 head ot cattle, 2S
horses nnd 3 mules, Tho trustees say
tho long drought has decreased the arci
of grazing land lit tor support of stock.
A net balance nf $1120.70 Is shown In
favor Qj the ranch
"The heaviest Itim of ex peace for the
year has been In the cutting nnd clear
ing of lantnna, upon vvhlih has been
expended $H"7.82."
J. O. Carter, attorney In fact for 1,111
uokihinl, petitions to huvo placed on
record a deed of certain properties
made by Aiihea Kckauluoh! to Lllluc
knlaul on December 28, 1811, the gran
tor having died without having ac
knowledged tho execution ot the instru
ment. The witnesses to tho deed were
Chnrles T. Gullck, now deceased, nnd
Sam. Nnwlcin. A hearing of the po
tion appointed fur this morning did no:
take place
Judgo Stanley has appointed Henr)
Smith guardian of Naomi Miriam Lnz
nitis, minor, under $1000 bond.
Knlnhiiii Wiih Itcntcn.
Knlohun, charged with assault mil
batter on Ah Moon, was icprlmaiidod
and discharged b Judgo Wlleox In the
Police Court this forenoon.
On Wednesday night thu native wciu
into a Chinese gambling den nnd grab
bed tho money on tho tnblo ot some nf
tho Chinamen while a game was In
progress 'llio Chlneso ginbbed what
they could Dud about thu room and
bent the nntlvo Into Insensibility In
attempting to defend lilnuKlf, he struck
Ah Moon Knlohui was sent to the
hospital and only got nut this morn
ing. Ho explained to Judgo Wilcox that
ho told u pollctinui about the game
but that man, being unable to get away,
he decided to arrest tho Chinaman him1
self and grubbed tho nioncj as evi
dence. Kmic AKHiiult Ciiric.
llio caso ot Knno, charged with as
sault on a Chinaman nlung tho Inn
talus rotd a louplo ot vveiks ago, camn
up In tho Pollio Court this forenoon
but wns continued until another Onto
on account ot tho Inabillt) of the com
plaining witness to be picseut.
Dcput) Sheriff Chllllngworth said
that, according to tho statements ot tho
ph)slclnus at tho hospital, tho China
man would ho unable to get out of lied
foi'a month, so serious aro his wounds.
It was then suggested by Judgo Wil
cox that tho two, with tho attorney foi
tho defenso nml tho prisoner, go to the
Queen's Hospltul some afternoon next
week to tako tho testimony of the Chi
naman. In tho meantime, Kane will
have to remain n prisoner nt tho police
PetttlonH fop Nntiirnllntlon.
Petitions for naturalization have
liem Hied by V J I'ngerrnos, Dcmii
trliiH Guirgu Camarlnon, rMuiuml O
Shine) Antonio C do Souza, Samuel
Johnson, John W McDonald, I.udwlg
Hltlebrand mid Chnrles Oss.
Nothing equal to It, Hqual to what?
A blue Tribune wheel.
Auditor Austin Withholds Pay From
Snperlntendent Atkinson.
Remodeling of Education Headquarters Ac
commodation lor Officers -Bttter Arrange
mtnts for Book Business.
Auditor it. C. Austin cannot sco his
wny clear to nuthorlrtng the pajment
of salary to Alatau T. Atkinson, Su
perintendent of Public Instruction. It
Is n now olllcc under the Tcrrltnt), out
succeed thnt of Minister of Publlf In
structlon under tho Republic, vvhlih
was held Jolntl) with th cportfollo of
Minister of Foreign AfTnlrs. 1 he audi
tor rules ,lt would nppenr, that tho g il
nry of that iloublo ministerial position
attached to the foreign affairs branch.
President McKlnley'g Instructions ns
to the salaries of Territorial officials is
that, until the Legislature provides
otherwise, they shall bo paid out nf ap
propriations for corresponding oiflcca
under tho Itcpubllc. Tho President de
clined to Interfere further.
Mr. Atkinson Is making no fuss
about tho matter, but. on being met by
n llullctln reporter nt tho lMiic.vllpn
olllce, ho answered a rnsunl roferenc
to the matter. Ho went no further,
however, than to turn up tho law re
lating to tho former double office, nnd
show that the fnlllns of tho statuto
were headed alternately, "Minister of
Foreign Affairs" and "Minister of Public-Instruction."'
It seemed to him that
his ofneo corresponded, agreeably to
the President's ruling, to practically
all of Minister Cooper's oftlec which
survived the transfer of sovereignty on
August 12, lS'JS. Hnvvall has had no
foreign relations since then.
Mr. Atkinson Is not worrying over
the matter. He. Is confident that the
legislature will pay him suitably for
services rendered, If the ruling of the
nuditor Is not altered In tho mean
time. Under Mr. Atkinson's supervision
tho lMucntlim luadnuartorH hnve been
remodeled In keeping with tho vigor
ous administration of the department
which the new era demands.
Opening from the main corridors nt
thnUudl"lur li'illdln.s ntic one Hide And
from tho secretary's olllco on thu
Queen strct side, Is the Superintend
ent's ofllcc. This being 11 largn apart
ment will also bo the board room for
tho meetings of tho Commissioner..
In tho secretary's olllco Is a private
room scgregited with half partitions
where the secretary may have quiet foi
Intricate work nnd prlvncy tor olllclal
'I he old book room at the end of tlio
back veranda will bo furnished for the
use of the Inspei tor nnd tho normal ..
structur when the have work to in at
Tv.o small rooms off tho si cretary'
olllco have been prepared ns the book
repository The have Increased Miolf
room nnd pnmlt of a great Improve
ment In oidei.'sjetem and conveulcuie
The aro also secluded. Instead of hav
ing tho stock exposed to pilfering ai
lief 010 Not to sa that thero hnu met
been nn pilfering ,but for such there
undoubtedly was opportunity.
iMr. Townc o? MliincMOtti.
Mr. Townu Is the vainest politician In
tho couiitr). Ills bump of self-esteem
Is as lnrgo ns a lemon. Nor Is ho with
out reason foi his conceit, 'lho peo
plo ot his district ir.udo a hero of him
half 11 dozen cais ago, and two sui
ccsstvo ilcfeuts havo not seriously Im
paired his poptilarlt) Ho can still nl
most get dieted Congrofchiinii. He c in
Htlll carry Duliith by n thntibnnd voUb
'Charilo 'low no," na he Is alfeitlon
ntel) called throughout his balllwld
is it cultured, wholo-Hiiuted, gcucioiib
gentleman, 11 burn politician, hence a
"good mixer j ' a good orutor nnd writ
er, though rather ponderous; fond of
logic mid figures, and devoid of Immo-,
a bettor expounder of tho silver ques
tion, many people think, than hM
friend Ilryan, a man that makes
frlemlB and holds them fust; and, oddb
enough, tho thinnest skinned politician
In this or any other country.
Tow no's skin Is so thin that tho
dullest shaft of criticism pierces It. He
1 sono of tho kind of men that stop
their newspaper when It dares to smllo
at their vagaries, 'fowne's exchange
list is limited .because ho has stopped
nearly nil th eii.ipi.TH that ho subscrib
ed tor. Next to tho silver question,
his pet mania Is that Mark Hauna Is
trying to establish n monarchy in this
country Only trepanning iinild re
move this Idin Chliago ojuiual.
Tho wrecked schooner Mlllo Morris
and inrgo will be sold at auction Mnu
da) See Jos F. M01 gun's column
TAIN PKN. All sizes, all Bhapcs. II
FI110 Job Printing at tho Bulletin
Decision As to Rights to Take Up
Land Reached Monday.
Turns on Attorney General YIew Large
Amount if Properly Aiallable - 'Tb Yalu
able to Holders acd Territory.
Something definite will probably be
done nt the Governor's council on Mon
day regarding the opening of Olaa
lands to settlement. It wns expected
that tho Attorney General would yes
tenia) hnvo rendered the opinion re
quested nf him, ns to the right of aliens
to InKa up public lands In tho Tent
tory. He, however, asked for mora
Commissioner J. F. Drown said toda
that, apart from the pending question,
tho lands would bo offered to settle
ment In the manner prescribed by tho
Hawaiian land law. Tho sales would
bo by auction ns heretofore, nnd con
ditions of settlement bo prescribed.
Tho purchnsera eoirld rnlso sugar
cane for adjacent mills, or any other
product they desired.
Mn-ltrown, In answer to n question,
said there vvero 15,000 or 20,000 acres
of land in Olaa available for settle
mi nt. The opening up of so much new
land for agriculture therefore means
a great deal for tho Island of Hawaii
and Indeed tho wholo Territory .
All Co. F Men.
The statement In a morning paper
that Co K team to shoot with the po
lice this afternoon was the pick of too
marksmen is tnken by Co V to Indicate
cold feet nmnng their opponents. Thu
men who mnko up dipt. Johnson's
team have been members of Co I, N
G. II all the way from three months
to seven years. It is possible these men
aro the picked marksmen of tho Guard
but the) are nevertheless regular mem
bers of Co. F nnd were not enlisted for
the particular purposo of shooting
with tho police. The members of tho
tenm arc: H. Johnson, J. Wlrud, A.
Neohy, J. Kerrclrn, G. Gere, P. Ilur
nettc, W. Storej, W. Pettcrson. C
Rhodes, J. Gouvea, J. Sllva, A. 1'ltJ.
tduunons. S.
Seventeen New American Citizens
Made This Mornlr0.
All Government Cases Must Have "Ttrrllorj'
Insitad of "Republic" in Tales-Mr.
Mafioon a Substitute Justice. '
Tho Supreme Court this morning ad
mitted tho following iiamid ns citizens
of tho United Stules: Henr) Gustiv
I'rnbocso, I'rnnk F. I'erunndes F S
McPherson, F W. If Kelle, Tempi
Ilourke, Charles Pederscn, Willie G A
Sleliort, John Hucklc), John Drown
I heodoro A Simpson, Henr) Klcmme
ChurlcB Crosier, Charles J Campbell,
William John White, Hrnst L Ilerndt,
II F. lleardmoii', Geo, F. Kenton 17
Chief Justlo Freur nnd Justice Gnl-
bralth presided tho place of Jnitlco
Perr) not being filled, for tho natural
Iratloii proteedlngs. J. Alfnd Magoon
nttornt), was called as substitute J111
tlco foi tho hearing of an appeal cjso
afterward .
'lho Marshnfl libel rase was argue I
and submitted )osterdu) W O Smith
appeared for tho Republic of Hawaii
and J T Do Holt for the defendant ap
pellant. 1 his raso turns on the q lec
tions of whether the Constitution
sway nvir Huvnll began with annex 1
tlou, and If so wero thu refusal of a
Jur) trial In tho District Court, the
placing nf defendant on trial In tho
Circuit Couit without Indictment 'j i
grand Jur), nnd IiIh conviction b less
than twelve Jurors, constitutional
At noon tho Court was hearing the
appeal of l.o Kam from conviction of
being found unlaw fully on tho prenu cm
of another at night. Andrews for
prosecution; Chllllngworth for defen
dant Tho Supremo Court has ruled that nil
Government cases on tho calendar slnll
havo tho word "Tcrrltorj" substituted
for "Hopubllc" In their titles.
A complcto now stock of gents
shirts, collars and cuffs at L. O. Kerr's,
Queen street,
Ucfora civilized man had heard or
dreamed ot it, Klckapoo Indian Oil
was healing tho wounds, relieving and
curing tho aches and pains of tho Red
Man. Ileforo civilized man had beard
of It, It kept tho natives In perfect
health. And since civilized man hus
known It, thu category ofcur cs has
become voluminous. No other medi
cine has made such cures; because
Klckapoo Indian Oil Is natuio's rcmo
dy, mid naturo stands back of it. Your
druggist has It, or can get it. Insist
on gutting tho genuine Klckapoo In
dian Oil, Hobron Drug Co , agents for
Klckapoo Indian Remedies,
but Not Capt. Macfarlane's
Captain Clarence Macfnrhno has
read with deep interest the various an
nouncements In official newspapers
that Commodore T W Hobron was to
sail tho )arht !.a Paloma In a race to
Wnlnme today. Macfnrlane has some
times been filled with nlarm for feur
that ho might bo under the Influence,
of a Molah, and thereby misled Into
the Idea that ho owned the La Palonu
nnd had ntithoritj to sail her or not
to sail her ns milted his Individual
fane) or pleisure. To convince himself
that ho was not dreaming Macfnrlino
went on board the acht to see If ho
could Dud Hobron In possession Ho
then got copies of all the articles about
the Intended race and submitted them
to a kahunn to find out If thero wns
an) thing In It. Falling to get any sat
isfaction Clarence dressed In his boat
suit of clothes, mounted the poop deck
of the Paloma. With one foot resting
on the rudder post, tho other Impale 1
on the bowsprit, his right hand rest
ing on his stomach, the left pointing to
ward I.uhalna and his eagle eje scan
ning the borlon, Captain Micfarhno
gave formal notice thnt while ho car
ried the right, title and ownership ot
the Li Paloma In his inside pocket, na
races would be sailed without his
knowing It.
Mncfarlanc doesn't know about any
raco to Walanae. He hssn't heard any
thing about It except what he has read.
In fact Captain and Mrs. Macfnrlane.
will entertain a party of friends it
their Pearl Clt) home tomorrow foro
noon. Tho party will sail down la
the )acht I.t Paloma with Macfarlano
'at the wheel and return In n launch
during the afternoon or evening
In order that thero might not be any
misunderstanding In the future. Clnr
ence stated this morning, "If an) body
wants to rnco against the I.i Palom'i
1 11 m ready for them. If an) body wants
to run the jncht for me, they can take
notice that I usiially hire my own
VIvdh Unci a Proviso
J. M. Vivas was approached soma
days ago by 11 government representa
tive to know it ho would servo on tlu
Hoard of Registration. Mr. Vivas con
tented to accept the position provided
thu Hoard met down town in the ol i
post olllie building which Is soon to bo
vacateil by Its tenants This eentud
location Mr. Vivas believed would be
more acceptable to business men and
people of the city generally The riv
rcscntntlvo concurred with Mr. Vlvak
but the latter mver heard anything
more of tho appointment This doesn't
won) Mi. Vivas as he was not chas
ing tho Job but ho still holds to the be
lief, mid has many supporters In It,
Hint the Honolulu Hale will be tho best
Pluto fur the Hoard to hold Its sessions
In this city.
KlllglltK Ot l tltlllH.
Tho postponed memorial services ot
the Knights of Pythias will be held lit
their Cnstlo Hall tomorrow afternoon
at 2.30 p. 111 All visiting Knights and
thu public In gtnernl aro cordlall) In
vited to attend.
A grcit number of Hawaiian and
American flags can be gotten In Iwaka-
mi's store, Hotel strei t.
Have you
. !- r-.
Tried them?
They ope peului
" Knockabcmt "
If you cannot com' In with your
children, send them In and they will r
cetve just the same care and attention
and their feet will be just as carefully
fitted, as If you w ere w Itli them.
We'll fit the foot If you'll foot ire
bill, and promise vou that both will bo
Manufacturers' Sboe Co
Our stock Is now replete w Itli gooJ fits,
good style anJ ood wear.
Somebody's Pipe Dream
K oV i
I i
v ifc ,K t 4A1
w.j -
i XerfUvH
. .iV 'OcXtWi

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