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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, July 25, 1900, Image 1

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The People Get "AH the News of the Day.
of ifti
Evening Bulletin
WSWiWl From the Progressive Bulletin. --CfCrE
- OK
I '
Vol. IX. No. 1502.
Pitici: 5 Onxis.
fm?- i
Notice of Reopening II Case-Judge
Humphreys Appoints Guard
Ian - Orpheum Makes
Kinney, Ballon & McClanahan for
plaintiff gives notice it motion to Rob
ertson & Wilder for defendant, for re
opening the case of John II Ktutc
Limited vs. A. 1). 11. Judd, for tl e pur
pose of offering forrr.il testimony.
Frances E. Hobron, .1 sister of de
ceased, petitions for probate of the will
cf the late Sarah Katharine Gray and
tho appointment of '.V. O. Smith as
executor, no executor belns named In
the will. Th eestate It fi'l personalty i
and valued at $9361.35. In the will
Mlnnlo H. Ralley and V. H. Bailey Jr.
or Oakland, Cal., Clarence II. Smith of
Honolulu, Ethel I". Baldwin of Maui,
Lorrln K. Smith, A. Katherlno Smith,
Helen F. Hobron and Glad 8 Ilohron
aro named as devisees and legatees.
All are bequeathed share and slnre
alklo of the estate, excepting that Anna
Katherln Smith receives a special be
quest of the testator's diamond pin.
They are grand nephiws and grand
nieces of the testator.
Judge Humphrejs has appointed
Helen A. Holt as guardian ad litem of
tho six minor children of hera'jlf and
James It. Holt, her deceased husband,
(or the purpose of prosecuting their
claim to quiet title to land it Wul.tlua
against the adverse claim of Andrew
Cox and the Walalu.i Agricultural
Company, Limited.
Kinney, Ballou & McClanaban lor
defendants, in Thomas Mllner Harri
son vs. J. A. Magoon and oth.'rj, file
a motion suggesting that JuJge
Humphros Is not qual'fisd to sit 111
the cause because of his affinity within
three degrees to some of the defen
dants. They want the chubs transfer
red for hearing before sorao other Judge
competent therein. The motion is
based on the affidavit of defendant Ma
goon. An answer of defendant has been Hi
ed by himself and his attorneys, V. n.
Castlo and P. L. Weaver, In the care
of KaplolanI Estate Limited vs. L. A.
Thurston, which, besld's a general de
nial, sets up the defers) of the sta
tute of limitations, Illegality and fraud.
Tho Orpheum Company Limited ans
wering the complaints of Rosamond
Naylor and Mace Uonvllle relies upon
tho defense of release end payment.
The BULLETIN offers to the per
sons who, between February ist and
July 31st, shall send in the largest
umber ot new subscribers, the fol
wing prizes :
lat Prise Cleveland Bicycle, 970.
f ht winner of the ist prize Is at liberty
e choose between models 90, 92 and 94 ol
thi 1900 Cleveland Bicycle. Model 94 Is
road racer, weight 20 pound?. Model 92
la a llfht road wheel, weighing 22 lbs , and
Model? a heavier road wheel, wt. 24 lbs.
The bicycle to be selected from the stock
efthe Honolulu Bicycle Co.. agents
for Cleveland Bicycles. (The choice may
bt made between the corresponding ladles'
Models, should the winner of ist prize be
Ind Prize, Singer Sewing Ma
chine $00.00.
The winner of tills prize may choose
between these three stvles of machines:
that with oscillating shuttle and top cover,
that with vibrating shuttle and cabinet
top, both five-drawer machines, or the
"Automatic," with three drawers. Thh
machine will be furnished by B. Ber
tfersen, sole agent for the Hawaiian
rd Prize, Premo Senior Camera,
4x8, with Outfit $40.00.
The Premo, Sr., has Double Swine
Back, Double Sliding Front, and Rack anc
Pinion for focusing. This camera may be
ased with either Plates or Films. The
utfit Includes 1 Plate Holder, Tripod, 3
Trays, Deyeloper, Fixer. Negative Rack,
Graduate, Stirring Rod and Lantern.
Camera and outfit are from the Photo
Supply Co., sole agents.
4th Prize, a Zonophone, the Lat
est Improvement on the Gramo
phone, with 8 Records, $30.00.
This Is the loudest and most natural
talking machine yet Invented. It Is to be
elected from the stock of the Bergstrom
Music Co., sole agents for the Hawaiian
The following conditions of the contest
ust be observed :
1. All subscriptions must be prepaid at
Itast three months In advance.
J. No renewals or transfers of subscrip
tions will be counted In this contest as
w subscriptions. Each name must be a
bona fide addition to the subscription lists.
. Subscriptions should be sent In as
soon as secured, together with the name
and address of the person to whom the
subscription Is to be credited, as well as of
the subscriber. Great care should be taken
to give ACCURATELY the full name and
address of each new subscriber.
4- Any person In the Ha
waiian Islands Is eligible
to try for these prizes.
Subscription Rates: t&.oo per year,
fa.00 for three months; strictly In advance
1 '
One Light Drinks License Granted
and One Refused-Vineyard
Street Extension Ordered
-Quieting Title.
At the Governor's council this morn
ing It was agreed that the most Im
portant street extensions should bo car
tied out first.
Accordingly, it was acliimlned to
rroceed with the extent! 'i cf Vineyard
street to Llllba as soon ax potslble.
A petition from a number cf persona
In Hllo was received, fitting for per
mission to organize 1. n illtary com
pany there. Old as the Hibjtct In, tho
meeting allowed It to He rnd ripen a
little longer.
There was no objection to the grant
ing of n light wine an I betr license to
S T. Green at Kahulul.
J. V. Chapman's replication for a
light wine and heer llceiifo at Kallhl
was rejected on account of the location
being within two mllss of the Honolu
lu saloon HmltB.
Talk about tho garbage crematory
only resulted In a wish that tho work
were completed.
Commissioner Brown lead a report
of F. L. Leslie's proposed land deal
Governor Dole read the Attorney Gen
eral's opinion on the Fame matter. It
was voted that one-fourth the valuo
be charged to the applicant In return
for the quieting of title.
While working about the machinery
in the electrical department of Catton
& Neil's foundry last Thursday, Willie
Soper met with an accident that came
very near resulting In a badly broken
lie was standing over a ehatt when
cne of the set screws caught his trou'
sers and pulled him under. Fortunate'
ly, his clothes tore and be was freed,
but not without a seriously bruised leg.
lie remained at home until yesterday
when the Injury began to trouble him.
A doctor was callid and it woti found
that the bruised place would have to
be lanced. Mr. Soper will not be able
to get back to work for a week or ten
da 8 yet.
After Questionable lluclemcn.
The police hae begun a movement
rgalnst hackmen who toilet and It is
not likely that they will stop tho good
work until the shameful business has
been stamped out.
It will be remembered that, a few
cas since, Manuel Phillips was fined
$100 and costs and forfeited his license
tesldes. This was on the tbargo of
procuring women for various parties.
A warrant has Just been iftued for an
other hackman, J. W. Pierce by name,
on the same charge.
Sam Lederer of the I. X. L. on Dcre
tanla street .has the largest assort
ment of fireworks in town and is sell
ing them nt cut pricee. The reception
to the returning Republican delegates
Thursday will be n hot time and thero
is no better way to let off enthusiasm
than by the use of some of Sim's fire
works. The Dow Wongs celebrated In lino
stle esterday afternoon and evening.
Musing speeches were made and tho
large number of How Wongs present
t-ledged thcmselses once mote to tho
(iipport of the joung Emperor, Kwang
Hsu. Lanterns were displayed at tho
society headquarters last evening.
T. D. Amos was arrested last evon
Ing on the charge of violating Hack
Regulation 23 by driving a hack
without having his badge displayed In
tho proper plaec. Defendant pleaded
not guilty -In the Police Court this
morning and the case went over until
tomorrow morning.
J. McLean, the blacksmith, and Wll
lio Crawford had n few words on the
street this morning. Cr.iw.'ord threat
ened arrest and McLean walked away.
Alexander ailchlrt II.iwoi Jr., Prl
vato Secretary to the Govemor today
returned the call on Governor Dolo of
the French Consul.
TAIN PEN. All sizes, all shapes. H
Day and Night Classes
RooMilu-it, ltd Floor 9 a,m 4 r. M
Houm I t jo-o jo P.
High Sheriff Brown Made
Selection of the
Old Lists Were Short on American
Cltlzens-Understandlngof Eng
lish a Requisite-Hawaiian
Henry Smith, Clerk of Judiciary,
was asked yesterday about tha drawing
of Juries. A prominent Hawaiian had
complained In the llullctln office about
tho small representation of his coun
trymen on both grand and petty Juries.
Mr. Smith said that, In tha recent Jury
empaneling the first ot a grind Jury
in these Islands nnd of a petty Jury in
Honolulu under tho Terrltoty of Ha
waii the writ was directed to the High
Sheriff, and commanded him to "se
lect" so many good men and true- for
tho Juries.
Under the old regime a clerk of tho
court. In presence of the Judge who
was to preside at term, shook up
double tho number of names required
for tho Hawaiian and the foreign Jury
respectlsely, then drew out names one
by one until the two panels of twenty
four each wcro completed. Now race
Juries are abolished and none but
American citizens are eligible for Jur
ors. Besides It Is requisite that all
Jurymen must bo familiar with tho
English language.
It was not until after yesterday's pa
per went to press that tho reporter
was able to run across High Sheriff A.
M. Drown. He frankly stated tho
difficulties met In this his first experi
ence of Jury-making. Mr. Drown said:
"When I received the order to se
lect a grand and a petty Jury I was fur
nished with the old Jury lists for a
working basin. Tho flrst difficulty re
lated to citizenship. 'More than half
the old foreign panels were not Ameri
can citizens, being mostly Drltlsh and
"Ah to Hawallans, I was n little sur
prised mssclf, after seeing the panels
completed, nt the small proportion of
Hawallans. Thero are threo Hawallans
on tho grand, and five on trlnl Jury.
However, I had tried to get well-qualified
Hawallans to serve. I considered
It necessary, not only that they should
be nblo to read and wrlto English
tolerably well, but that they should
have a good understanding of tho lan
guage. Many Hawallans who nriBwer
tha qualifications aro not mailable for
Jury duty. Those secured on tho panels
ore men who como up to the mark.
Certainly there was no intent of racial
"Thero has been a great falling off
in Hawaiian cases at recent terms.
At tho last term there were only threo
Hawaiian criminal cases.
"I am not qulto sure, having had no
CNpcrlcnto of a grand Jury system,
whether tho grand Jury passes upon
tho petty cases appealed from tho dis
trict magistrates. However, tho At
torney General knows all about grand
Jury business."
Dolan, one of tho engineers of Ho
nolulu plantation, who had his hand
cut off In tho mill some, time ago and
who came down to go to tlio hospital,
la missing.
Dolan returned to tho plantation on
tho last trip of tho Iwalanl, arriving
Friday. Ho went to the plantation nnd
then suddenly disappeared. Up to tho
time ot the departure ot tho Iwalanl,
nothing had been heard ot him.
Donnliuc In Court.
Donohuo appeared in the Pollco
Court this forenoon on the charge of
selling liquor without a license. Judge
Wilcox stated ho had.lt on good au
thority that tho defendant had made
tho statement that ho would not leavd
tho country If sentenco wcro to bo sus
pended; also that tho wholo thing
would blow over after n little. On
this account ho refused to suspend
sentenco but svould nllosv tho defen
dant to change his plea of guilty to
that of not guilty. This was agreed to
and th eens ewent oser until Monday.
A gieat number of Hawaiian and
American flags can bo gotten In Iwaka
mi's store, Hotel street.
Take pattern of tho umbrella, my
son. Th cumbrella Is n useful article,
but It neser spreads Itself.
When the Delegates Come
Marching Home from
Committee and Other Republicans
With Band to Meet Steamer
Torchlight Procession and
Tomorrow will bo Republican Hall
ficatlon Day In Honolulu. Its celebra
tion will bo In two grand divisions.
First, the day reception of the dele
gates to tho National Republican Con
vention. Second, the ratification meet
ing In the evening.
When the steamer Rio do Janeiro,
with the returning delegates on board,
Is sighted off the heads the fact will
be announced by threo specially long
blasts from the siren of tho Hawaiian
Electric Co.'s station.
The signal will summon to the Pa
cific Mall wharf the reception commit
tee, together with all good Republi
cans who enn make a truce with their
avocations for the occasion. Escorted
by the committee In carriages and
the Hawaiian band tho delegates will
be drhen to the Hawaiian hotel.
There they arc expected to hold an In
formal reception throughout tho day.
At 6:30 p. m. the Republican organ
izations will assemble at tho Drill
Shed for the parado to precede tho rati
fication meeting. Torches will bo
given out and tho lino formed on
Derctanla and Miller streets. The bl
cyclo corps and tho Young Men's Re
publican Club will be features In tho
procession. Special drill corps com
manded by Sam. Johnson and Chas.
Wilcox will perform evolutions on the
line ot march. William II. Hoogs will
l.e grand marshal and Major Curtis P.
luukct Ills aldo.
Tho route of procession will bo from
Derctanla to Emma, to Vlncard, to
Fort, to Hotel, to Nuunnu, to Mer
chant, to Fprt, to Hotel street and tho
Drill Shed.
A bonfire will bo lighted In the Chi
natown area to light tho welkin during
tho parade. - .
On returning to tho Drill Shed tho
parado wilt consolidate Into n mass
meeting under tho roof. Speeches
will bo delivered by Governor S. II.
Dolo; Hon. Sam. Parker, Judge A. N.
Kepolkat and Chas. D. Wilson, dele
gates; Hon. II. M. Rcwn.ll, Hnwaiinn
represcntntle on tho National Repub
lican Committee; Enoch Johnson, Col.
Jns. H. Doyd and T. McCnnts Stewart.
Tho Drill Shed will bo properly dec
orated, nnd scats provided to tho full
The Iwalanl returned from Hamakua
this morning. Purser Clapham reports
(E follows:
"Very rough weather at Honokaa on
Monday. Wo had a boat smashed and
lost thirty-two bags of sugar oxer
board. Forced to quit work, wo went
to tho gulch nnd remained until Tues
day. 1 lie weather had modeiatcd on
that day ami wo went back to finish
loading. Tho Honokaa mill Is not
grinding to Its full capacity. There
aro 2200 bags of sugar on hand. Clean
ed out P. S. M. on Friday, thero wero
POOO bugs on hand.
Will Not Arrctit Mltn.
Tho Adsertlser comes out with a
ttory this morning headed "Will Ar
rest Mlta." Thero la no necessity for
such a proceeding as Mlta was ar
rested fifteen minutes otter Anlmoto's
arrival In tho city. Tho pollco wero
not so stupid ns tp allow this fellow to
Let out of their sight. Mlta has been
in Jail ever since tho first day of his
detention and when Antmoto appeared
In tho Pollco Court for his preliminary
tilal, this fellow appeared as a witness
against him.
Competent to Work.
As a contradiction to certain Infer
ences of an Interview In tho Advertiser
this morning on tho make-up of tho
Grand Jury, J. L. Kaulukou took ten
minutes off this morning and wrote out
. list of n hundred or moro names of
joung Hawallans competent to scrso
on that Jury. Theso soro handed In to
Sheriff Drown this morning. Moro
names will bo written nut later.
"This won't do,' 'exclaimed Mrs. Dox
excitedly, "there's thirteen at table."
' Never mind, ma," shouted little John
ny, "I kin cat fur two."
It'll BE A!
TO a
Requests That Supreme Court Have
High Sheriff and Jailor Answer
for Their Acts To
wards Edwards,
Geo. A. Davis, Counselor et Law, has
filed an "Affidavit nnd Petition ' In the
Supreme Court, wherein he makes oath
and says:
I. That tho matter of Geo L. Ed
wards, a prisoner confined In Jail under
n writ of habeas corpus UjucJ by a
Justice of this Court, wan argued and
submitted to this honorable Court on
tho 9th day of July, A. I) 1!'j0, and tho
said prisoner Geo. L. Edwnida Is now
in Oahtt Convict Prison und-r the writ
of habeas corpus nnd Is awaiting tho
Judgment of this Court ns to tha legal
ity of his Imprisonment for the offense
and crime for which he was convicted
nnd sentenced.
1$. That on Tuesday, th c4th day of
July, A. D. 1900, I saw tho said Geo.
L. Edwards In a wngon with cons lets
dressed In the garb of .1 com let, on his
way to work under tlu control of a
prison guard.
III. That tho writ of habeas corpus
suspends tho sentenco uf tho Circuit
Court, and I believe and say tint the
action of tho High Sheriff and tho
Keeper of Oahtt Conviot Prison In
trentlng the said convict whoto ten
tence Is suspended by law is unlawful
and n contempt of this honorablo
IV. That I hao reason to belles 0 and
do believe that the said Geo. L. Ed
wards Is now clothed in prison gatb
and treated as If ho was undergoing
tho Imprisonment und?.- the sentenco
which has been and Js suspended.
V. That I nm the couucel for the pris
oner as well as my professional part
ner. VI. That affiant aslcB and pras:
That Arthur M. Drown. Hlgn Sheriff of
this Territory, and Wllllant Horry, tLo
Keeper of tho said Cons let Prison, bo
duly cited by an order of the Hou.
Chief Justice and JuuCes ot this Court
sitting iu Aanco, or tho honorablo
Chief Justico thereof, why they thu
said Arthur M. Drown. Hluh Sheriff.
and William Henry, Ke:per of raid '
Prison, should not bo adjudger guilty I
or contempt of this Court, and liu: an '
order Issue out of this Court, railing on
tho said High Sheriff nnd Keeper ot
said Prison, show ca'tso why they
should not be adjudged jtullty of con
tempt of this Court.
VII. That I warned the said High
Sheriff that tho sentence ol tho Circuit
Court was suspended, aril an order
mndo by this Court to almlt the pris
oner to ball; and that he, tho said
High Sheriff, would not tteat the said
prisoner as a convict undergoing sen
tenco because tho said sentence was
suspended. Hut tho salt High Sheriff
refused to regard tho order and pro
cess of this Court ,as he in required to
do by law, and has ever since tho said
writ was Issued clothed tho said pris
oner in convict garb, nd the said pris
oner has been treated like a prisoner
undergoing sentenco and compelled to
work at hard labor with other con
vkts on tho public streets of Honolu
lu. Money for the HoHpltnl.
Thoehailty ball glsen by tho Portu
guese St. Antonio Soclets last Saturday
esenlng netted ?M30, sshlch Is to bo
turned oser to tho trustees of tho Vic
toria Hospital for Incurables. The
ball was sery svell attended, showing
that tho people cordially endoised tho
good svork ot tho Society In glslng tlmo
and effort for this highly commendable
object. Tho officers ot the society aro
to bo congratulated on their success.
Iivulnnl to Lay Up.
Tho Iwalanl that 'arris cd this morn
ing, will lay up for about two months.
During this time, the steamer will bo
thoroughly cleaned and repaired and
a now boler nnd cnglno will bo Instal
led. When this work Is completed the
Iwalanl will be one of tho fastest boats
of tho Inter-Island fleet.
ThnnkH Kind FrlenilH.
(Honolulu Republican,)
Our bright esenlng contemporary,
tho llullctln, has been much Improsed
by tho adoption of new heads, gls lug It
n moro metropolitan nppearance. Tho
Republican Is pleased to see this and
other evidences of success In Its cscn
liig neighbor.
Although badly bruised, Horace
Crabbe, svho wua run user by 0 Chlneso
hack jcstciday, Is not dangerously In
Juicd Ho will probiblv bo In bed
u week or ten days,
A complete now stock ot gents
shirts, collars and cuffs at L. D. Kerr's,
Queen street.
Borrowed Money From Various Par
Parties and Then Shook
Hawaii's Soil From
His Feet.
In nil probability son Hagen, blcscle
patrolman on tho Honolulu police force
Is now walking the streets of Sat
Francisco, freo from alt cares and
trials. If he were walking the strcru
of this city today It would be will,
quite n number of police officers fol
lowng him with warrants.
son Hagen Is supposed to hase left
the country In the Australia that sail
ed on the 10th Inst. He was sery caiw
fill about letting his plans be known.
This undoubtedly was due to experi
ence. It will bo remembered that the
Spanish speaking officer tried once 10
foro to lease the country anJ that Jie
was gcntl hauled ashore, son Ilagec
eontlded his secret to a woman sshn Im
mediately began telling her friends. In.
"strlit secrecy." This was during the
daj s when one's passport could be
stopped. ,
On th enlght before tli epollce offi
cer's departure he was seen on the
Australia treating the firemen and
others of tho crew of the steamer to
sarlotis kinds ot drinks. This was
laving tho way for his little trick 0
the next day.
That son Hngen had money In lint
rockets goes without sajlng, for he
"gathered" all ho could before leas Inc.
Tho great majority of this money iti
borrowed from various people on the
(round of his "excellent standing" on
tho police force and his ability to pay
rt the end of tho month. Burnetto &
Decker suffered to the extent of a btn
dred dollars. Other friends hase sad.
talcs to tell.
Sheriff Drown said this morning:
"On the third day of this month voa
Hagen came to the office and said ha
was sick. Ho had a doctor's certificate
Ir. his pocket nnd so I let him off.
That Is tho last we heard of him.
"son Hagen owed a lot of money In
town nnd would haso been dismissed
from the force In n short time but bit
sased mo the trouble by leasing thu
"Vcs, tho story thnt son Hagen took
pos eminent property Is true. In ad
dition to his pollco uniform complete.
ho took his badge nnd other things"
Wm Ako has been appointed In sou
llagen's placo on the force of btccle
Sou7u Forgery Case.
II. R. Souza, charged with tho for
pery of tho namo of Dr. L. F. Alsarcx
tho other day, appeared in the Police
Court this forenoon. He was repre
sented by Attorney Gardner K. Wilder
who naked that tho cas ego oser until
Monday in order to allow his client
time to hear from his relatives on Ha
waii to whom letters had been sent
jestcrday. Judgo Wilcox granted this
continuance, stating that the case
would surely have to go on at that
Great salo ot boots and shoes at S
cents on tho dollar nt L. II. Kerr 4.
Co.'s shoo house, corner of Fort anJ
Hotel streets.
We would remind you that we has ejus!
received another line of :
GENT (up-to-date)
(very stylish) OX FORDS
Medium weight sole, tip perforated and
pinked. Any toe you want.
A Swell Shoe for Swell People
FEW AS aoon
Manufacturers' ShoeCo.

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