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2" " 4 'fth, EVENING 11ULLETIN INDUSTRIAL EDITION' : HONOLULU, T. II., NOVEMBER, 1901. tW&ZlMM Shopi of Honolulu Iron Worki I'lwlu liy Willmm, Honolulu 2000 acres, which Is about equally divided between plant and rattoon canes of Roso Damboo and Lahalna varieties. As to tho tlmo of canes maturing It Is from fifteen to eighteen months, wbilo tho character and depth of soil aro from good to fair. In tho plowing of tho soil ono set of Fowler's English plows Is mado uso of, whllo tho elovatlon that cano Is planted Is from practically sea lovel up to 150 feet. Water for Irrigation purposes and mill uso Is obtained from Bprlngs In tho adjacent mountains and also from a lagoon, which Is pumped up, tho dally supply In twenty four hours, averaging about 3.000,000 gallons, Tho labor necessary on tho plantation Is about 250 hands, ono third or tho work bo ng performed by day labor and tho remaining two thirds by contracting gangs or com pany men. , To transport tho cano to tho mill and to oxpcdlto tho moving of men nnd material thero Is about ten miles of main and port able tracks, tno rolling stock of which con sists of seventy cano cars with aerago ca pacity of four tons, ten closed cars for con voying sacked sugar to tho shipping point and ono engine. In tho cultivation of tho soil tho company expends from $10,000 to $12,000 every year for fertilizers. Tho avorago y.eld of all plant canes In a favorablo season Is flvo tons of sugar to tho acre, or ono ton to eight tons of cano, wh.lo tho rattoon canes not receiving any Irrigation averago lwo tons of sugar to tho aero. The machinery adopted for tho manufac ture of sugar conBlstB of two three-roller and one two-roller mills, 26x64, made In Glasgow; an open clarification system, two vacuum pans, triple effect, open settlers, three filter presses, six 36 inch centrifugals driven by separate power, etc. All thrco mills aro driven by separate cnglncB. having combined 160 horsepower. Tho mill Is op erated ten hours a day and turns out an average of twenty tons of raw sugar In that period, thero being thrco grades manufactur ed and known as A, B and C. Tho gross weight of tho sacks Is 123 pounds each. Tho annual output of tho mill Is from 3000 to 3500 tons, which Is conveyed to Ho nolulu for shipment by tho steamer J. A. Cummins, owned by tho plantation company. aeorgo E. Chalmers Ib tho manager of tho Watmanalo 8ugar Company, and has been connected with the sugar Industry of tho lslnmls for eighteen years, whllo A. Irvlno Is tho accountant at plantation. Following is tho list of officers of tho com pany: V. O. Irwin. President. W. L. Hopper. Vice President. W. M. Glffard. Treasurer. H. Whitney, Secretary. Honolulu Iron Works. Tho Honolulu Iron Works was establish ed In 1863. and since then has been In un interrupted operation, with a gradually In creasing capacity. It is now a stock com pany, having been Incorporated about thlrtv years ago, under the Hawaiian laws. Tho stock of the Honolulu Iron Works Com pan Ib owned by a number of prominent buslnoss men, BUgar planters and steamship owners In the Hawaiian Ulands. "- -, In 1900 the old works were discontinued, and now and extensive shops wero built on tho south aide of the harbor (see Plate No. 1). The new site covers six and one half acres, and Is located with tho United States Government reservation on two sides! facing the harbor front. All of the build ings are mado entirely flro proof, of stoel structural work and bricks, and aro airy and modern in every respect. In these bulU Ings aro Installed tho most modern and effi cient machinery and machlno tools that can bo obtained In the United States, as wilt bo specified later. The scope of tho work executed by tho Honolulu Iron Works Company extends from tho repairing of all kinds of machinery and Iron ship work to the building of com plete sugar houses of the largest descrip tion. They aro now finishing the last tno of flvo such factories. The Honolulu Iron Works Company has also executed repairs to nearly all tho United States war vessels and transports which havo como to Hono lulu, and Is almost always engaged In such work, for which special facilities are on hnnd. They aro also at present engaged In building a small Iron steamer, for which tho material has been Imported. It will be about 100 feet long, and tho company hopes In time to be able to take up this branch of manufacture to a greater extent. There havo also been lately completed In their works two 3,000,000 gallon pumping engines, and more of this class of work Is expected. The skilled mechanics employed are pro cured mostly from the United States and tho unskilled laborers are almost exclusive ly natlvo Hawaltans, no Asiatic labor of nny kind being used, 'ino number of men employed varies greatly according to tho season nnd requirements. At times, oh many as COO mechanics havo been employed, but from 450 to 550 have been tho avcrago number of men at work during tho thrco or four years. DESCRIPTION Oh SHOPS. Machine Shop. Referring to Plato No. 2, tho machlno shop Is 90 feet wide and 3(H) feet long, and in It aro installed tho follow ing tools, viz: 1 67" double carriage Dettrlck & Harvey lathe. 18 lathes from 12" to CO" swing. 1 Jones & I.ampson turret lathe. 1 open side planer, 16 feet trnel. 5 Bhapers. 2 horizontal boring mills. 2 vertical boring mills, 8 feet nnd 1(5 fret awing. 3 Blotters, 12". 20' and 24". 1 portable Blotter for key-nays. 4 planers, 3 feet, 6 feet and 10 feet. 2 milling machines. 6 drill presses. 4 portablo drills. 1 air drill. 2 radial drills, C feet and 8 feet. 1 Newton cold saw. 2 plpo threading machines, up to 8" pipe. 6 bolt cutters, up to C" In diameter. 2 hydraulic presses, 300 tons and 50 tons Tho machlno Bhops aro served by: 1 15 ton electric traveling crane. 1 10 ton electric tracllng crane. 1 8 ton electric traveling crane. 1 15 ton hand erane. 5 air hoist Jib cranes. Thero Is also a well-equipped tool room, with universal milling machines, throo lathes, shaper, drill press, emery wheoU, etc., etc. Foundry. This building la 88 feet wldn and 265 feet long and contains tho following machinery, viz: 1 cupola, capacity 12 tons per hour. 1 cupola, capacity 8 tons per hour. 3 coro ovens, 16 feet by 18 feet by 22 feet. 1 brass foundry with 3 pot furnaces. 1 pneumatic elevator for cupola. Served by: 1 15 ton electric trn cling crane. Overhead hand crano with air hoist. Cleaning shed, tumbler, emery wheel, etc. Clay mill nnd sand mixer, etc. Tho necessary power Is supplied by a 5 horsepower Wcstlnghouso motor. Boiler 8hop. This building Is 85 feet wide and 330 feet long. Including a plpo shop which is 60 feet wide, and 150 feet long. In this shop aro Installed the following toofl, viz: 60 horsepower Wcstlnghouso motor. 1 10 ton electric traveling crane. 2 oerhend h)drntillc cranes. 4 shenrs. capacity J" plato down. 8 punches, cnpaclty 4" hole In " plato dow 11. 1 angle Iron shears, !" by 5" by 5" down. 3 sets horizontal rolls. 1 set vortical rolls 1 plate planer. 1 radial and 2 drill presses. 2 horizontal punches, 1 3-16" holo In J" plate. 1 100 ton uvdraiillc rhetor, 9 feet gap. 4 60 ton hydraulic rhetors, 5 feet gap. Pneumatic calking plant. Dipping tank for coating plpo. Pattern 8hop and 8torage for Patterns. This Is a two-story building, CO feet wldo by 200 feet long. Tho upper floor In tho half of tho building Is arranged for a pat tern shop, and tho lower floor for a carpen ter shop. Tho other half of tho building Is entirely used for tho storago of pattern. This building Is built of brick and Iron and Is practically fire proof. In tho pattern shop and carpenter shop aro the following tools, viz: 30 horsepower Westlnghouso motor. 1 largo and 3 small turning lathes. 2 band saws. 1 circular saw. 1 combination saw. 1 planer. 1 jointer. Grindstone, etc. 8mith Shop. This building Is 60 feet wld'j two Cahall vertical water tubo boilers and one horizontal combination flue nnd tubu'.ir boiler, which furnish tho necessary steam for tho whole plant. 8tore Building. The store building Is 38 feet wldo nnd 322 feet long, nnd contains a largo stock of all kinds of Iron pipes, plate J, boiler tubes, copper material, etc., used in manufacture, and a largo toek of heavy shafting Is nlwns kept on hand, up to 12' nnd 16" In dlnmetcr. Drawing Office. The drawing office 'a large and roomy, nnd this department gives cmplovnicnt at present to about soven me chanical draughtsmen. Tho general offlce for tho works la sit uated In the front building, It is large and well equipped, giving amplo accommodation nnd facilities to tho clerical staff cmployd In connection with tho works. Tho second main division of tho Honolulu Iron Works Is tho Storo and Mcrchandlso Department. This is located on tho north ern Bldo of tho harbor, at tho placo where tho old works wero formerly In operation, 'these warehouses cover about two acres and contain a largo assortment of Iron pipes, tubes, packing, oil, fittings, brass and Iron vahes, etc., of all descriptions, and a full equipment of plumbing goods, also a full slock of engineers' general supplies. There Is also a largo variety of small engines, fiom two to twenty horsepower, small boil ers, hoisting engines, gasollno engines, ma chine tools, such as lathes, drill presses, shapcrs, planing machines, etc. This part of tho company's business Is a very Impor tant one, as It makes It possible for tho plantations and for vcfbcIs calling at Hono lulu to get supplies of almost everything they might require, including blacksmith's coal and coke. m Mlet rAmr J '48 5Pf' VAvA, fjr Y W "" & a. ,- .. ... tm I tit I r I i.,.l, I ,l ,1.1 III -1 Map Showing Position of Honolulu Iron Work in RcUtlon to Government Dock ril.HK lit II MAMS, IIOMMUI' by 110 feet long, and Is equipped as fol lows, lz: Arranged for 11 tiros. 1 bolt machine. 3 steam hammeis, 8, 5 and 1) tons. 5 hnnd cranes. Coppersmith Shop. This building Is 25 ftct by 60 feet, and Is fully supplied with tho usual tools for making copper pipes and doing copper work in general. Engine and Dynamo Room. This building is 35 feet by 120 feet, and In It Is Instnllol ono 350 horsepower Compound Corliss Con densing Engino and ono generator. The power for tho entire works emanate; from this building, thero being no steam engine located anywhere else. Boiler House. In tho boiler houso nri A new, commodious and modernly equip ped oinco building is now In courso of con struction. In connection with tho stores,' and thero Is a clerical staff of about fourteen at present emploed in theso departments. The views of tho genernl plans of tho buildings, as well as tho Interior of theso UBt shops will bo found interesting. Following aro tho officers of tho abovo Important IndiiBiry: V. M. Swanzy, President. J. II. Atherton. Vlro President. T. Clle Davits, Treasurer. W. II, Ilalrd, Secretary. T. II. Key worth. Auditor. C. Iledeman, Manager. J. Dyer. Superintendent. J. A. Kennedy, Chief Acrountnnt. IlllllllllllllllllllllllllVlk. 'T - - IWrfJM-JsTArJ' iaJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBJBjyrT. m Sue Ya3BBMjBkKP8BHHHHBLaVj . Interior View Michlne Shop, Honolulu Iron Work Showing Three Nine-Roller Mill la Procea ol Erection U'hoto v William, Honolulu) 1 i i I I &