Newspaper Page Text
J&fr ,, '.'7-, "T",' .(' ?T'V-nNV ' v' ' "' -''r . H-',.-ii ,'7Tj-f -w. ,-- .,.. w- ,, -.,1, -t,--; -.-v ',7f,'. "5fv f 'ri'" ' .' ,! , , i - ran- EVENING IJULLETIN INDUSTRIAL EDITION: HONOLULU, T. II., NOVEMBER, 1901. RAILWAY SYSTEMS OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. ia! , alf Iyt ,-jjffisfeuC $ VIEW OF HONOLULU HARBOR, SHOWING 4,000 FEET OF WHARF FRONTAGE PROPERTY OF OAHU RAILWAY & LAND COMPANY t Phoiu m cmim-M k HuNoitxu Pitoio SirrLY CnwpisvJ Oahu Railway THE FIRST BUILT IN THE ISLANDS JIPHE early history of the lands of til tho Island of Oahu, extending L from Honolulu, the capital of all the Islands, to Kahuku, a dlstanco by rail over tho splendid railroad system of tho Oahu Railway t Land Co., of seventy-odd miles, is full of interest, mado doubly so by tho wonderful development that has taken place within the past few years by tho completion of the above sys tem of railroads, whereby the product from thousands of acres of land is brought to tldo water for shipment to the markets of the world. Practically but a few years have elapsed Btnce this large area of virgin soil was giv en over to the Industry of stock-raising and pastoral pursuits, and where thousands upon thousands of head of cattle roamed at will, their sleek coats and rounded sides testifying to tho luxuriant growth that abounded. In 1889 the Oahu Railway & Land Com pany was Incorporated with B. F. Dilling ham as general manager, and It Is to his enterprise and foresight that an empire of wealth was created out of a vast wilder ness. In 1889 grading for the present Important railroad system was Inaugurated and tho road was opened for traffic as far as Atea on November ICth of the same year, and gradually extended to Pearl City, Ewa Mill, Walanae, Walalua and thence on to Kahuku, the present terminus of the system, to which point traffic was opened up on January 1st, 1S99. The early trials and tribulations of Tl. F. Dillingham, tho promoter and general man ager of tho road, are well known bv his pres ent associates In business, but the indom itable will power, force and energy char acteristic of the man were the chief attri butes that won success for the enterprise. In 'order that the road should alwavs enjoy a permanent and paving traffic. Mr. Dillingham called to his aid engineers of recognized standing and abllltv, and the work of development beean upon practical lines, and millions of capital have been ex pended In the Industrv of manufacturing sugar upon territory opened up Ly this rail way. The Oahu Railway & land Co. hold under lease for a lone term of veara fnllv 75,000 acres of land nlong the line of their system, a large portion nf which area has been subleased to four plantations, the 1e sore receiving as rental for same a certain percentage of tho sugar output from the several mills now In operation upon the plantations. The majority of contracts held with these plantations by the railroad company aro long-time contracts, some being as much as sixty years, and In consideration of these contracts the lands were turned over to the plantations, a large area of which has been profitably farmed, and up to tho present time has produced enormous crops of sugar cane. The land of the company reaches an area of at least 50,000 acres of the richest agri cultural lands, of which area fully 60 per cent Is now unuer cultivation, and with the probable Introduction of oil as a cheaper fuel many of tho plantations may reach higher elevations with their pumping sys tems and materially increase tho culturablo area. The contemplated Government Naval work at Pearl Harbor on the lino of this system will not only largely Increase the population 01 tho district adjacent thereto, but will greatly enhance the value of a large area of land owned by the company In tho vicinity of Pearl Harbor. In a general way, In fact, anything that tends towards the development of the Isl and of Oahu also benefits the Oahu Railway & Land Co., which depends entirely upon the resources of the Island. Illustrating i-e wonderful development that has resulted from tho advent and oper ations of the Oahu Railway & Land Co.'s system, it is a fact worthy of note that the railroad system traverses un broken fields of sugar cane extending from Honolulu plantation to the west end of Ewa plantation, a distance of twenty miles, and much of the distance beyond to the terminus of the road at Kahuku. As showing more strongly the value of this system of railroad to the Island of Oahu and the rapid devel opments that have taken place since Itn In ception. It can be stated that the smallest plantation lying along the line of the road will produce more suear from the 1902 crop of cane than the total output of tho entire district previous to the construction of the railroad system. The business of tho Oahu Railway & Land system for the fiscal year 1901 will Mirnass in volume that of any other year in the hlstorv of the road ooth In passenger and freight traffic. The main line of the road has been laid with steel nil 49 and 50 pounds to the vard, while the enulnment consists of ten Raid win locomotives, of from eight to thirty four tons weight, thlrtv nassenver coaches. 193 freight csr. snd twent-.flve miscella neous cars, while the IrscViue consists of main line 71 3-10 miles, feeders to main line 7 7-10 miles, sidings, etc., five miles. At Honolulu the company owns a large area of land, upon which havo been erected the main offices and general passenger de pot, besides large and capacious workshops In which has been stalled the latest and most modern machinery for tno manufac ture of the entire rolling stock, except en gines, together with that of bridge-work, etc. Tho present superior equipment of tho railway has so greatly augmented Its earn ing capacity as to render comparison with former years of doubtful utility. The show ing made for tho year 1901 is phenomenal only when compared with former ones, and is but Initial to succeeding years of assur ed prosperity for tho company. Tho in creased traffic resulting from tho continued development of plantations along the rail way route, and the added facilities of the company for handling their products furnish unanswerable arguments for growth of bus iness each succeeding year. Passing over cars In process of construction and other minor improvements, attention Is called to the extensive development of the harbor line. An exchange of certain lands on the wa terfront of Honolulu, owned bv the Oahu Railway & Land Company, for the Kawa pond tract, owned by the Hawaiian Govern ment, was agreed upon by the parties inter ested, and having since received the sanction of the United States Government, gives the company now a total wharf front age In Honolulu harbor of 4000 feet, where two large wharves have been constructed. These wharves are separated by slips 1C0 feet wide and dredged to a depth of thirty feet. They will allow uockage for twelve to fifteen vessels, and will be em ployed for .,ie discharge of machinery, lum ber, fertilizers and merchandise demanding Immediate shipment. On these wharves have been constructed two largo ware houses, each 100 x 400 feet, and each with a storage capacity of 10,000 tons; and also a wharf shea 80 x 400 feet, designed for in ward freight. In each of the above men tioned warehouses have been Installed two electric conveyors, each being capable of delivering Into the hold of a vessel direct 120 tons of sugar In an hour. The Oahu Hallway & Land Company have entered Into a contract with the American Hawaiian Steamship Company to store and handle Inter-Island sugars, for shipment by this line to the Continent, lor a period of ten years, the A. H. S. Co. agreeing to dock exclusively at the company's wharves for discharge of cargoes and taking on of sugars. With the improved lacillties for handling f i eight, the storage of BUgar, and tho guar anteed business resulting irom the above contract, the future dock earnings will form a most important item In the still further material Increase of the company's annual sum total. of business. In the Improvement of the water termi nals of tho company it became necessary to oxcavate 600,000 cubic yards of material in order to secure a depth of water suffi cient to accommodate vessels and steamers ol largo burthen. In concluding tho report upon the proper ty of tho above company attention is called to the attractive natural scenic surround ings along the line of tho system, showing a magnificent constantly changing pano ramie view of mountain, valley and the Pa cific ocean, with tho broad expanse of wav ing sugar cane forming a plcturo of thrift and beauty. At Walalua, upon tho line of this railroad s) stem, has been erected a magnificent ho tel, known as "Halclwa," which Is construct ed upon the most modern ideas, and sur rounded by running streams, rustic bridges, fish ponds, etc. This garden spot is mado a feature of the road and a visit thereto is Included In the Itinerary of every tourist visiting Oahu, as likewise mado a frequent event by many residents of Honolulu. It certainly must bo highly gratifying to the stockholders of the Oahu Railway & Land Company to witness the steady and substantial growth of tho company's busi ness, tho successful operation of which means much for tho still further develop ment of the Island of Oahu. following Is the list of officers for 1901: S. C. Allen, President. J. B. Atherton. First Vice President. W. F. Allen. Second Vice President. A. W. Van Valkenberg, Secretary. M. P. Robinson, Treasurer. W. O. Ashley, Auditor. F. M. Hatch, General Counsel. 13. F. Dillingham, General Manager. Geo. P. Denlson. Superintendent. C. H . Kluegcl, Chief Engineer. F. C. Smith, General Passenger and Tick et Agent. R. R. Berg. General Freight Agent. C, I. Lewis, Master Mechanic. Jno. A. Hughes, Master Car Rudder. CM. White, Cashier and Accountant. H, M. von Holt, Superintendent of Ranches. Directors 8. C. Allen. J. R. Atherton, W. F. Allen, W. O. Ashley, M. P. Robin son. W. M. Graham. W. F. Dillingham, E. E. Paxton, H. M. von Holt. A. W. Van Valkenberg. Trustees W. F. Frear. T. W. Hobron. Hilo Railroad Company ISLAND OF HAWAII HE operations of the above rail road system and Its Importance to the city or Hilo, and adja cent territory mark a new era In the more rapid development of the Puna and upper Olaa districts or Hawaii. The pre liminary work of surveying, securing right of way, and other matters Incident to the opening up of the Puna division were con summatcd by January 1, 1900, when grad ing was commenced. The operation of track laying began on May 17th, when the first lecomotive arrived, and on July 4th the lino waB opened for traffic to Olaa mill. Since that period tho line has been ex tended to Puna, and regular traffic to that point has oxlsted Blnce March the first or this year. Tho total length of the system at present, on a direct lino to Puna, Is twen-ty-rour miles, while a branch line from Olaa mills towards the Volcano Is now un der construction, which will be soventeeu miles In length, thus giving them a total trackago of forty-one miles at present. The branch line from Olaa mills, as spoU on or, has already been completed a dis tance or two miles to Keaau, whore aro located the general supply headquarters of the Olaa Sugar Company, The railroad com pany having been granted a right of way from the Government along tho waterfront of Hilo to Walanuenue street, aro contem plating the Immediate extension of the main line, thus' affording splendid facilities for GENERAL VIEW OF BUILDINGS AND LANDINGS, HILO RAILROAD COMPANY, HILO, HAWAII the shipment and handling of freight and passengers. At present all the business of handling the freight arriving by sailing vessels from the Mainland and elsewhere Is by lighters from the side of the vessels, which con vey It to a small landing on tho Walakea river, near the depot of the company, Tho constantly growing business of the railway system with the plantations, as likewise Individuals and Arms, necessitates that more complete and elaborate facilities Bhould be secured in order to expedite Its handling. The company will In all probability con struct oxcellent wharf facilities of their own for the purpose of expediting the handling of their growing business, surveys and soundings having been already made with that object In view. The railroad system Is the standard gauge, whllo the present equipment consists of thirty-one flat-cars, twenty box-cars, four first-class passenger coaches and four loco motives, tho largest of which weighs seventy-four tons. The rails aro Bteol, CO pounds to tne yard, and tho road is now being well ballasted with flrst-claBs material obtained close at hand, The company In ballasting their track have a car mounted with en gine and crusher combined, and as rapidly as the rock Is crushed It is deposited upon the road where desired, at the rate of 100 tons per day. The freight cars are of 40 ton capacity and supplied with the very lat- m