BVnN'INd ntJUXTIN. HONOLULU, II. T., WEDNESDAY, JAN. 22, 1002. A DIRTY OLD Is a Constant Expense and Exasperation.... TIip present Imslm m 1 pienslun li n Golden Oppmtimi'v to git A Brand New House nt a Vn Down 1'ilc in 1 I" iv Ti run Wo offor n n m ' i nf MKh houses on Wilder Ave Piikol, King. Dereta- nla, Klnau, Lunahlo and other streets. Henry Waterhouse & COHPANY, STOCK, REAL ESTATE AND INSUR ANCE BROKfcRS. FORT AND MERCHANT STREETS. TEL. MAIN 313. Fraternal Directory. MASONIC TEMPLE WEEKLY CALENDAR. o DAY i ir Regular. IU.Y Order of i pie. W L2 D NlJi LA Y Hawaiian Third Degree. THUMSDAV Perfection Regular. I'UIDAY Council of Kadosh Regular. HA rUUDAY All visiting members of the or der are cordiall) incited to attend meetings of local lodges. HARMONY LODGE, NO. 3, I. O. O. F. Meets every Monday evening at 7 .SO In Harmony Hall, King street. C. CHARLOCK. N. G. E K. HLWDKY. becrelary. All visiting brothirs iry cordially invited. MYSTIC LODGE NO. 2, K. of P. Meets every Tuesday evnlng at 7.30 o'clock In Harmon) Hall, King street. Ylslung brothers cordially Invited to mend. H. J. GALLAGHER, C. C. A. E. MUlU'HV. K. It. S. OAHU LODGE, NO. 1, K. ot P. Meets cvery Friday evening at liar nony Hall, King street, at 7 30. Mem bers of Mvstic Lodge, No 2, and visit ing brothers cordially Invited. G. ERICdON. C. C. ALulED AIIUNDT, K. of R. and S. riOSLER SAFES Ilcst Insurance In the World HAWAIIAN IRON FENCE AND MONUMENTAL CO,, LTD, Tel. 287 Main. 176 King Street When You Want a Rig KiNQ lip THU C-L-U- LIVERY BOARDING and SALES STABLES, : : : 5ia fort street Etablo 'Phone 109 Main Hack Stand, Phones J19 and 72 C. H. DELLINA. THEUNIONEXPRESSOO Safes, Pianos, Furniture MOVED Drays lor Freight and Lumber Our representative meets all lncom Ing steamers from the Coaat, and wi check baggage on all outgoing steam ers. While and Black Sand For Sale Office with Evening Bulletin, ill King street Tel. B6. W. UBSKK. M'g'r COTTON BROS. & CO fcNGINEERS AND : : : GhNbRAL CONTRACTOKS Plini ini illr.ln furnished for all clitxi 'ont c(ln? woik ROOM noo, HOSTON niOCK - HOVOllItl' Subciiki8 to tho JUTLLniN net receiving their papers promptly will confer 0 fnvor by notifving the Biifiii'P63 Office; Telephone 250. THE NEW ENGLAND . BAKERY Is Loaded Up With GOOD THINGS TO HAT. Siotcb Slwrtlirrad, CaU'S nil sizes, prices ntiil stvle.s Ties Just III.C jour mother used to make, Cookies, Maca roons, 1 ndy ringers, Cream Tuffs, and all the dalnt stvles sultnble tor the wi II furnished table Tons of Turo Candy, from cheap prodc lor children, tip t) better grades. Tor "inr we can furnish ou a bec of tklldous Candles worth a dollar else vv here. IF YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY I DON'T FORGET !NEW ENGLAND BAKERY For Sale! -nulldlng lots of nil sizes sit--imtid on tho Rapid Transit -Houtc. For Rent! .. -Two six room houses, with -baths, etc.,$20 and $30 a mo. Castle & Lansdale Real Estate and Investments. 506 507 STANGENWALD BLOG. && If You're a Judge of good liquors, we are willing to accept your opinion of our famous 6 year-old Bourbon Whisky. If you are not a judge, you may rely upon our guarantee of Its purity and age, and upon the testimony of people who have used It. We'd like to send you a small sam ple order; a larger one will follow. $3 50 A GALLON. HOFFSCHLAEGER CO., Limited THE PIO.NHEI! WIMJ AND LIQUOR HOUSE. 25 King St., near Bethel BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WELL IS y luivlnjv j our photo taken. My work Ih of the hlglicHt quality and prices reasonable J. J. Williams. : Take elevator In Ronton llloch. Professional Cards. Annis Montague Turner Vocal Initruclor .MIGISON," 10!! 1 Hcpctnnln St. Madame A. Schoeilkopf, FROM PARIS. WILL TEACH FRENCH n classes or private lectons. Residence Extension of Hotel St., no Adventlst Church. French Laundry 505, Co-ner of Heretinh Ave. jnJ Punch bow I M. All Work Done By Hand, Lace Curtains, Silk ind filove Clemlng a spethltv AHADIIi & CO. A. N. SAN FORD, MANUFACTUHINO OPTICIAN, otton Dulldluq. Fort Street Beslpn your own ledgers, cash )oolts, etc If you are undecided, wo n ill help you. That Is In our ilno and 'be I'lllCE IS RiailT, at tho EVEN ING 30LLETIN. Ibid 11 LOCAL AND GENERAL Postage on the Bulletin's special In- dustrlal edition Is three cents to all parts of the Statec. Head Wants" on pace C Q. II. Berrcj's office, S Campbell bid 1'iof KopIicIp left for Hawaii In tun Klnau vrstcrd.ij Miss I M Pope of Knmehamcha left I foi Mnhukuna jet"-da The New Cngland HaKerj Is loaded up with good things to eat Deputy SherllT WrlRht of Wnlmea, has resigned his position Gomes &. McTlgho, successors to Ca mara & Co , liquor dealers, 93 Xing St. Nicely funiched rooms, Popular House, 1249 Kort St. $1 CO per week up. The I'lIKHLHSS PltnsCKYIXO PAINT Is the best water proof paint mndc Ulank books of nil sorts, ledgers, etc, manufactured b tho Bulletin Publish ing Co. Plate glass can be Instiled from any form of breakage nt Honolulu Invest mint Co. Honolulu Investment Co represents. Alice Douglas, Gretchen Kopke Ma) fom of the strongest lire Insurnncn Murdock. Lulu O'Dontti Mr nnd companies. Mis Melnnph) Margaret T Morgan, R C 1. Perkins left vesterda) for a 'Mr and Mrs M Ilenslev Mr and Mis. tour of Molokal on ii bird and bug col- Z K livers 1 S MiCandless J A luting tour Johnson Geoige Angus A Hocking, Read what W W. DInionel sas about Mr n.l Mrs Ciane Mis 13 I) Crane the new arc lamps In Hawaiian Llec- Mlss Nettle Crnne James Crane II S. trie Co 's ad Sunt) Londs furnished to parties holding positions of trust, b) Honolulu Investment Co. Hied Smith, manager of Gro Harm at l.lhue, Kuual, If ft for home In the Mlknhal.i )isterda). The weekly edition of the Evening Bulletin gives a complete rummary of the news ot the day. The band will give a moonlight con fer! on .Milk to Island this evmlng, be ginning nt 7 CD u i lock. Mut me at the IVintaln the popu lar Ice cream and soda "water resort, Wall, Nichols Co , Ltd No hot all" about the Aermoter windmill Hist windmill made. Ha waiian Hardware Co uginls Lee Toma &. Co . Ltd , 33 King street, today sell their good Manila cigars from $3 50 to $3 00 per hundred. 1 lie Zmdas will give their first dance In Pi ogress Hall Thursday evmlng The grtiud nuirih will take plaie at b o i loi k There i n possibility of n match twuu Wilier nnd Moll) Connors I, soon being made the dls'auce to bo il x fin longs. When )iiur mlhrs and mfts beeoine toei Milled to be of use be nil them to I lie .inltiiiv Steam Launch) nnd hnve them maie as good as new This Is the (list annlveisar) of the chiefs. ' Attorne) General H P. Dole death of (Jiu in Victoria In the Hrltisll t0 rhe Hir." and M I) Maifurlane tn dominions todnv, ludlis .lie we.ulng I "-jhe Lassies." violets In tmdu mimorj of the event. Robert Cntt'on will be the toastmas- Among Hie passing is for Maul ports tcr Thcic will be Iiistiumental music, In the Chucllne jtstcrda) afternoon singing and recitations Charles Lis ni ie the follow lug Mrs Wnltir Low--. ton nnd othcis will sing It has not lie C L' King .Mis J Richardson, W A MiKnj and N Olmstid Don't forget t'amarlnos of the Cali fornia Fruit Market when )ou want fruit and vegetables. He alwa)s has on hand a fresh supply of both Califor nia and Island fruits. Telephone Main 378. The I.nsllana Soclet) which was to have done some Important work last evening mit nnd ndjourneel without dulng an) thing The meeting foi tin election of new oilkers has lucn set foi Sunday The Joint soelal of the Y W C A. and Hit V M. C A which vwii to h.ivii taken pljie on Tilda) of this week, has been postponed till TchmIii) next on account uf tht liitiiftiinn of vari ous olhu inn tings A dillghtfiil I n foi ma 1 reieptlon to graduate muses of the iltv was given by the V W C A In the assuelttlon looms last evening The guists weiej received b) Alts E W Jordan, Mrs H C Ilicittii and Mrs Lmor) Theie will be a of the Punahou Phllhnimonlt Hoc let) ut l'juahl hall at 7 30 this evening. A full atttntlume Is expnted ns tin I ej will be onl) tin t" more lehiaisals be fore the nudltlou of tin Messiah. Tlu Lll.s Jie mcjic than salismd ml'i 1111. gillculcc ci I ii. Iilj, v ulleltrV Mle show 111 the Oilihiiui )i'-tiiiliv u'tu -' noon l.uij 11 Hi' 1 l.u was tul 1 in nnd ttic 1.11. n 111IU1 i !eai at all (Xpuibb, the I1uu.1su.hi tuill uf $0j1 Ih It, is undoitiile cllj, 1101 thun llie,, leiuld Iiuvl tViectil 10 anlle fioin Ihc juiKtnl.ctlon of tin emera of .Mlliado whli h viu llrst In lontempladuu. Oilni5 to the eail) cjtpartiiie of the Sliria, It was lmtiosslhle foi C I llar i) to be piesent, he having booked ten that HUMiuci. On that account, the tike uli In which he was to huvu taken part had to bo oinlttnl Other thun this, then una not a In tin wholu piobiam. Previous to the entritalnmint then was j eoiHirt b) the band In fiont of the tl. caler The 1111 tain went up at i 01 lock bharp and tin 11 thiiu was 11 continuous pioi-'iam with vii) shoit In tirmhslons bctuien lath nuiubei I111 ng one of the inttvi missions A. E Muiphv expiibjPd the thanks of the n't bciR of the U P O L to those who had assisted In 111 iklne the bme ft u hii c tig He then went on to atiuv tlu aims of the cider. I hi Plks aie Mcatly lnde'jtul i Man:i(,ci Cohen of thei Oiplie um foi 1 1. lonailon of tin theatii fen tin 1 1 toiiciici'.p and to thi follotvlnu u im foi Hull kindness In nfcfiUtln' at tot benefit Hose biithrihind Mile 1m mil Hone Ilnddon M He Ade U M K"lllson I'rof l'liwell and ciciu panv licit Piatt I in nil and the hi Oni,e IiiotliPis Ernest llotun. Mo Claln Mine Coieklla. Weekly edition of the Bulletin V a year. Louis Abrams and Miss Kthcl Keep ers, the later of Sacramento, were mar lied jcsterda nt the home of Mr and .Mis Chailes Crane In Kallhl After the ci rcinnnv a wedding breakfast was ueil In a lent on the lawn Later on tho couple took the train for Wnlalua "hen - the honeymoon will be stent The Crane home was vrry piettlly decorated, the most noticeable part be ing the ilrcular llorul tanopj suspend ed from the telling It was under this mass of mnllc and marguerites that tho icronionv was performed, the Itev J, P tlrdninti o'lldntlng A quintet club was In atfend.incc and, ns the fnveulte Hawaiian air, 'Sweet Lilnin ' was plnved. the bridal couple tntered the parlor Miss Grnco Powei was mnld-of-lionor The groom was attended li J Kill) llrovvn Jr 1 lie bilde was given awa) b) Charles Crane Those who signed the wedding sou venir of the bride and groom were: MiH Lizzie Grace, Miss Miu Angus, Mrs Angus Snllle Letlngston lllanchc A Lowrle I'va Hammer, Jessie Todd Crnne J Kclle) Uionn, Miss Grnic Povv er 4- TO BE CELEBRATED The annlvcrsar) of the blith of lloh n t Hums which takes place on Satui da) night will be cclcbrited nppio prlnlel) b) the Scottish Thistle Chili in the Elks hall nt the corner of Here-t-inln nnd Miller street, I'tldny night, commencing at b o clock. Arrange ments have beiu completed nnd a good time Is in store foi evei) one who at tends The club piper. R. Mc Donald Murray will give n couple of dances. T. MeCanm Stewart will deliver nn ad tiros on limns S Ikurdmcue will ie lite Hums ' Epistle to tlu- Haggis " 1 he haggis tin Scottish national dish, will be piepnud b) Mr Mclnt)re of Moainliu It Cation will Kspuud to I"11'0 Immortal Memcii) of Hums, , L'll"c'1 s,ntl-" JmlK(' M XI I:slce to ' lc ' "sniem oi tin. c. nucu suites DimMi CommlsHlonei W It Iloare to King Eilvvaul and Queen Alex.uiilin of Grtnt Urlluln " 1)1 Sinclair to "Tin Land of Hums ' the Rev Alex Mack intosh to 'The Land We Live In," Past Chief S L Dall to Our Past Jet bem deilded vvhu will nspond for the press. Hii I'M SITE Oovernor Dole C M Cooke and J A McCundliss. members of tho sub committee of the MiKlnle) Memorial committee on the cholic of a site for n p.tik and P S Dodge of the Hlshop Estate, went to Kallhl )estcrda) to look ovei a piece of land that had been 3iiggeslrd The lominlttc e spent 11 1011 pie of hours on Itn tour of Inspec Hon and came awa) 'cell plumed The Hiili-coniniltlee has asked tho Hlshop Estate tiustces for 1111 option of pun base of a plot of this land nnd alto of that which lies ut the mil of King street These with the option n'skid on the Spice kiln lot at Piinnhou, will form the sites fiom which tho final selection will be made. The piece which the committee vlslt (d csterda) Is dlreitl) behind the Kamchamehn Gills' School. Makce Island Concert. 'Ihc baud will phi) the following so lutions at n loniert on Makic Island this evening, beginning at T 30 o'clock. PART I. Male h The Ciaek of the Whip .. Hcnrj Ovi 1 tun Calif of Holeldleu Stlectlon In Sunn) 'Imiussre . . llfetser beings ml Kci I. en. tb) Millhnl Puc. , Mlds I. Kelii.111. 11 1 K.i I niwal. Id) Kiiwlliwtli llio All Mrs N Alai1.1l. PAUT II. S hi linn 'Mil ilelle of Hohcmla Englander Seirnule Love In l(llenSR lb) 11 cimatl .. .... Mai be. til WaIt-iill,lkl lliuili Iltig'r Poikti Ullo Hay . llerEO Ihc Slni Spunglcd Ilanner, TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets All diuggl8ts refund tho money If II tails to euro. h. W. Grove's signature Is on eaih box. 25 cents. .Meenihois of tho UndertaKi'is' Asmi datlcm have heipim j ninviniint to ihollsh Siimla) limeials In Chicago, ,11 el the) hope- to have lliej svmnathv' 11ml snjipoit of the' 1 lcii;) mt'ii anil ic.1,11 ci iiinnaM' m ntH i;xc cptlonn. v ill In made In the eahis of inntagloils lit lues ns tin' I iv ii.iiilie'H ininu tin.. l.DiCnl In wl. ...L...U Tt .... J: ':?' m," .'v,''" Ms'! i.' 1 nii.cin ci.c wi .'" v tctij a it. Uicn 1 .0 h-ihl thrin Bn id iy and hope to . 1 I""! n 1 hanci n tin old nistom l ''"" 'Umiik u e 01 ust 101 mom ,s.l OFFICE OF THEADMIRAL 1747 Rhode llland Avenue Ss. WASHINGTON V Feb. 18, 1001 A. R. Bremer Co., Chicago. Gentlemen: I have used Coke Dandruff Cure for the past year and found it an excellent prepara tion. '-7 HURON DRUG CO., Fort and King Sis. HOLLISTEB DRUG COMPANY'S NEW YEAR'S SUGGESTIONS Good suggestions arc always In order nbout 'Xnmtt and New Year's time, anil we arc sure the following will In tercut )OU. FOR LADIES I We have something very acceptable in an excellent assortment ot Manicure Sets, Tocket Books Leather Novelties and High Grade Perfumes. FOR GENTLEMEN ! In our Judgement you could not please u man better than to give him a set ot our solid ebony back - MILITARY HAIR BRUSHES which we have in splendid variety. It you think he has these wc have others about equally as good consisting ot Shaving Sets, Traveling Sets, Cigar Cases, Pocket Books, Etc., Etc. We will be pleased to show our stock. HOLLISTER DRUG COMPANY, FORT STREET. Motor, Carriage and Machine COMPANY. REPAIR AND BUILD ALL KINDS OF : : MACHINERY Safe Work ot All Kinds. Typewriter, 1'bonographs, Etc., Etc., Repaired. UNION STREET, near Hotel. Phone Blue 721. P. O. box 112. J. W. SCHOENING, Manager. W. C. Achi & Co. BROKERS AND DEALERS IK REAL ESTATE We will Buy or Sell Heal Estate In all parts of the group. Wo will Sell Properties on Reason ahle Commissions. OFFICE 10 WEST KING STREET. LOTS FOR SALE In Knptoluni Park Addition nnd In Kullhl DAVID DAYTON 137 MERCHANi STREET. Public Typewriting by Miens L. K. Dayton The Plumber's Strike It over, and I cm again prepared to do Plumbing, Sewering and Sheet Iron Work at heretofore Estimates furnished... Wort manihlp ana material guaran teed. Jas. Nott, Jr., Store, Qeretanla opp. Alakei St. lei, White 3571. "When sand's as good as sugar And chalk's ns good as milk, When thirty Incncs make a yard And cotton canals silk, When fourteen ounces make a pound, One hundred days a year, Then other hrevvs will he as good As PRIMO LAGER BEER." primo TELEPHONE T1AIN 341. READ HONOLULU'S Evening Bulletin 75c Per SEND WORD TO THE BUSINESS OFFICE AND GET ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME. Delivered to in the C. J. DAY & CO. GROCERIES 122 Ring St., neit Hawaiian Engineering and Construction Co. ROOMS 508, 509, 510 STANGENWALD BUILDING. P. O. BOX 834. TEL. MAIN 7c All dasses ot Engineering Work solicited: Examinations, Surveys and Its ports made for any class of Waterworks, Steam and Electric Construction; Plans and Specifications and Estimates Prepared, and Construction Superin tended, In all branches ot Engineering Work; Contracts solicited for Rail roads, Electric and Steam; Tunnels, Bridges, Buildings, Highways, Founda tions, Piers, Wharves, etc. Special attention given to Examinations, Valuations, and Report M Properties tor Investment purposes. FREDERICK J. AMWEO, M. AM. Soc C. , Engineer and Manager. W. R. CASTLE JR., Secretary and Treasurer. Attorneys. P. J. Russell E. M. Watson RUSSELL fS WATSON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS-AT-LAW. Offices Magoon Building. 2004-lni 'Phone Main 323. C. R. Hemenway ATTOHNCY. OFFICE 403 JUDD BUILDING. TEL. 314 MAIN. Albert R. Cunha ATTORNEY AT LAW. NOTARY PUBLIC. 308 Stangenwald Building ThLfcPIIONB-MAIN 21. W. Austin Whiting, W. J. Robinson, LAW 0FPICE8 rUmi-ed to Room 306, Judd Building J. M. KANEAKUA, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR A LAW, NOTARY PUQLU Jfflee Bothel St., Near the Postofflce jGaM3es-e.-sssee4ei9 'IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE I IN NEWSPAPERS 6 ANVVVMEKB AT ANYTIHB Z Call on or Write $ P! n nsifi.!'c mvpiiTiciwp. ir.rvfvJ ? 64 & 65 Merclianln' Exchange f SAN rilANCISCO, CAL. S lager has all the wonderful tonic properties of the choicest Imported hops : ! Order a caso from the Urewory. THE GREATEST DAILY Month Any Address City to Bulletin Office. A COMPLETE SUMMARY oi tho News of ths week in the Terrltoty oi Hawaii, you will subscribe lor tho WEEKLY EDITION OF THE BULLETIN. $1.00 PER ANNUM m iiled to inv ri't of the UMTFUSTAfCbtiK CANAIM IF YOU ' 1 ill )