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HL nVKNIN'O nUM-KTIN HONOU'M. H r WIJDVIJSIIAY 1V 21 n V - I t r & eii I EVENINGBULLETINI i,tf,.i i". -. tw. tV. ) Cttmlnv ' Pu'livlirii Ker lu rnit Sunday lit li) King Sin t ) loin lulu, r ii , in tii - Bl LLFTIN PUBLISHING CO LTD. tt M I l K K KKHIN.IU Kclttol I 1 l.nurn. lit the I'oat UI1U l at lluun lulu a. ( ouil lnH mntti r si iiai l.irrios hatch Per nmtiili mutt iti In 1 h t 75 Per Mar anhiii in 1 S , b HO Per i nr pnMpaid l t Ut. lino I'niln uiniiiihU In nihance I i In no . i 1 (iiiii i no . I'J 718 I I'M i m un . i in.. u ' J ii lliar i onsl lr d u Mud at Mo Mialua i i ml t s u ni Vas tin iinlost It iliuit to Inn ruin iii'inh Mil in. it Ih innip mallMni .to ll.lit J 'o do .i llttl. rnl otk In the -Ih of nilian.imiiU. I 1 1 'h u Hip louiuiliti i lii Iiiiiki of tliH i'ik "iliiih a mil foi tin Mi htnh .Uiuoi il plitmoiiiid it will In foiiii I tlut tin- Hiiati m InillfliHii to thin Hoiiln p 'Jut Ik nii'i h a lull of pii- ihn-iiiaiu. ( implilut inniPfl fimn initlil iIIh lints tint li.'iiic i it an In Iiik np pontiil tooftlie h thi 1 n Hoi lal ml piiiilKliallon I ini m thin nn an a ni Hip old oIlKimhli il lilia of loiitiR Ii Mil pnrt mippoit In a foolluli iffort to uiakp fileinla with pullthul enemlea. Wlilli I'.nipi lot William la demon Ktiatlng In imin naa lili frlphdablp foi the I nltPd Stutea Hipip are a lot of haipli'n tijlnc to pioMi lilin to ho oppiatinR In South Amerli i nllh iniili- , lmi littaidt l?mtitr,ir VV'llllnm In n man full, .apahlo of i.klmc m,p , 1,1,... ..If .. I,l ,l., ,,n.l l,U ...I. sr.Pakith.,,chfo. . . to deal... Ml... foi ip of wild iliiams of hla nnrllki In rent The Teiiitoibil Kcnointnent of Ila all la oni of Hip moKt pxp. nalie on nith Vt Dob- and rhnrKtnn ani ltn nlifol Hi ponu lontiniiid Theli foi oppi siiion in lot al i:o Pinmnit wip pirttv well tlini.Kh In II lepth ohpil l a iltln who Winn iliHi ilshinu town i imut jl'd i It so pi nun nt .in 1,1 ir wi lai ill tliU hu il Vllr KDM'I nun in wliit will , In lull tot lal ollbera bine to do"' bin talk of l'i i splint HoumopII puaxliiK thi (iiikIi n irithul pi i iod on anouiit of hla ili'H rnilnni Ion to baM men of thp hlKln'Xt i luu ai Iri In publb uffli p dopant xp.ak iei well foi the Nation The iiiiiiitiv will pii)i Itself liowinel ll ile.nolistllitlllK Its llillllv nppioal of th. Itoosi m It polli an I tin' i i Ith ni t iloil H1 he tin ipI an ill Idem in the ptoof that tin I'uxldem Is iiimll.K out the expli'ss .halt, of t lin p. opb HoiPinor li mt and (linernor Mn failati"' (.ineinor Hole inuat ion hIiIp. It ipmaikible that tin mole bn lalka of nut iPxlKtilttK tin i.iim .upldly the liht of latidldntes Imti'asis It la pbiiaaut to bp iiinoiiK tin also inns" .liiilue l.lttli llux tile b id at the prea- nt time and tbeie la ppi leaaim nil) lie xlioulil bold It and he tin iik nt Tor InhiglnK the Ten Hon out or tin ibuoa ptfiilui'pd l. the imsent ruiiii nora rPtioxi'Phsiie pollrj CHin n of this ruiltoi) oi of the Mainland who rend tin nllroilal kwd of the AiHeitlxi. n pupei cinitid lit I. A riiuixton and Hu reionnlzed lupin of CiHC'ilKH Dull., ahoilld. In oidei tu read liilellli;' till utiiiti i iop of Iliiiid-lb.ok on the Annexation of Hawaii b) I on In TIiiiimoii lint I burxtou xalii then aa the o II, lal n pu tfiitathe uf 1'n alileiit Dob anil wbal Thiirxtoii eii a now as tin ownu of (ioM'iuot Dole a otlb oipiu Klwa.m Inalht into the .iili.iL. iiuiIImm of tin. l)uk-l liuiaton iIiik and xbowa how miub d penditiie i.ill he pland upon ansettlutih 80MIJ DOLE AiMlililCANIKM. 'I Illusion Adwrtixi. x.ivs It takes Hip poxllion it li.nj a!wn)a iiummed Id ward 1111111I, urn. uiniHit oppusid to it I hlx la lllleii slim; in mule 1111)1, (ban one. HoniethlllK ow 1 a eui ago riiuixton nud his KaueaterH look tin poaltlon thai uoteriimcn' win sine to 101111 Tills t lit j now ad tuit 'Ibe) ilxo sit furwaid the pb 1 that mon time should h? eiiiut.d to Mud the m tun Hon and adapt the Am erlcan niunh Ipul alem to the pnu llailtlix or oui Id, nl uindltluna 1'ull twiHe inoutba liaw iliipsul. At Hie next elntion a full two mmi will luu 1 1 la ph el Ihuiatons Ailvir tlsei now an) a it atuniU Jusl nhne II stood twehe inoutba ueo and In look lug to tin futitie 111 priaemnd liv (he fall iiinip.ilirn u.K.'a Ita folloneia to 1'UIHT TOO I II AM) N'll, Afl MXH'I ANV CH VNGi: I'HOM '1 III: i' s.sti:i or ruitunoH IAI, III 1.13." rbc letiaon Klvi 11 for tbla 1 Illusion Inn MJhiluaiuti Is aa "Dip wliob ailnine Is one to kIvb nillip nndpatioiinje to file uboilKlual part heir-u pint) wnbti nana Am irlcnus and white lueii, w'lilili knows nothing of Kinoi nniuil but uh it muy be lived to plutidei taxpnira, 11 pa.ty wlili h JudllllPN audi a xjRicin of rob in r ou Hu1 cioiiud thit the nun who upael the mount ih and tnude unni'x iitlun poaalbk otiKht tu pa) for Hu Ir aliarn of those 'crimes Ociulu white men muliil) 111 pit b.geura mnl theli lopartners are nlto in tlio deal 'I lie) mil) in ike It woik In ittli. r woida Thurston a dur tlnor whl'li is tilxo th iicokuUpiI nnil IKieptqd orRuti of (loM'l nor Hull lep imintH ita following u In lug bitterly antiiRnnlhtli to Hawaiian Aineiltitu 'Itlzena (.hinging tlii'in with loi nipt TB$ ,lt uii Kin Sin if ilnmhilii, l lHpB ft ,,,,tt' niojoriiy 01 u.t inn- uigno lit Milwaukee iirflps it- J uj I v5Jr " f II , li tti I 1 Midi liHinate IroftuiH tn nmu x-1 ncwcil tonfldpiuc In IU imi.iiii.iii hi, nut I i ; i 8 i mollies, inrnpadty and absolute link of loyalty to an Iilgh pilnrlplea of I tiiitlunnl ami lorrltunnl arixaiueinent Ilia H.inalian-Amoihai. demuil inn l imps a l.i i sd' majority m tin' nirl- iii l.i 1 . Iin tiu.ite Indium to mini x i Ion lliiuMou said of thin iiosic tm Ann i It an i nlnis nun aki. a hai'i: which Will. I IHI. Mil Hi. AS Diet I II VW. I. lllhl'rtl KAII.. M) iKxl'lHl V A1.SIUII VII. iM I H AM) AIHH'I xMEIlU'W Ai x.M) 'mI.iIUMH I I inr n .il.-io i-ilil In lit Mini Miilun I i ii)il Ii I I III'. I'l (DM I. (H HA ill KK KNMti:i:ni VM IN- I i -limns. ,mi I'l.OI'LE iilo xtu. I. i:DINd nil", I IN I I U i M'l'IA l.l'i)UI' 01- MAN- ' i I M 1 1 KM) I'KODLi H i VN till i Ml I I.I V III-: CIIMtM II Kl.- i i s LZ, WOKIIII.I.StS ou I N 1.1 I I Mil.... 1 1. a it Ik that tlm ToiiiM n 1 'l'J point il fa'tliin, tuo )iam in nt. tin I hull KOMIIIUUIlt luu In "tl I ill- lilud wjiii tbtushi" as it In i moTiiit, l Inns oi full of di i it , ( iiiiu anil tnunliinnl Kim i iiiui nt lb a liim inoilin I of Amerliun iaii(Ji ,.,!, ,. ,,t I.p, .,..,' lb ,h n. .U- of Wail l mndo up laigpl) uf llawu I II , Vmiil.un. th- Dole ll.uixiin inottd in yr a Its folio lux to lliit I'oHo llho b,ld Slip Itim lint her iiiuih una null uguliiKt ii i' v (luiug lii'i Intel ioiii up nith Spain Had I uhu fioiu tin inpwiit untralb d fin m of w It liout am i ompttmutinis bcnellti' j! ni mini nt lili h Is a n II. of'iiou.u- The maikit of the I'llltid Stati I l I al ,iinl nlhciri html rub. lahoiihl Iip upi'md up to Iipi produuf . Mniilla, tin ihlif i II) of the I'liilip-1 Our plain tint la to aliolish all w ' pltus mil O'li the illatil'i li-Wi Hmix tin Iff h twipn the I nil. il Stall , 'thin Ii llkilj to ailw at an., time ' uih I'oito llho. ' I uitntd opiolilon to ni. ilian nil' luiM' tin ti iiiiKpi mUnt niu til pii! gm- piunitutii. let Ihinston and , tiie dhtaloi urn) bla (loveitior are unnl tiiably'opiioKi I to iniinli Ipiil ginpin in en t In Hunull ulilili lias hciti Ki .nil piI tin. high alutim uf mi Auierka i I'l, Utoiy .No bittir expiHltlon of Hip motlpl biblnd Hip Hob -'Ihuinton rliiR mn lw uffnul l-h "tnnd In flrnn oppol tl'ir to Aintii. an Kmeinnii'iii io u.i tub uf tin i Illin b) tin itlreiis tu tau.'l.lliB .Hid tM'iJtliltiK I'l. .1 ma l'Wh nj fot.p of tl.iumatnn.ea In H'l'C """ '"'" ".i"" " " I"""11 B,,a "!"1r.,"J":,1 .". 1 In ii ii 1UIIH l'l V "t lb IB llltll I'l'TI ii,,.i,. ihink ih,. ulil n. mii.i lUh UI...B by ....i.lnBev.M impi. a- .!...... 1.1. I. ,1. UUil Ull 1 I '.I il III I il li il in I '. i i ni I in Indite iikiii the elntoi,. ' II-, nda the people who Iiiim' 'I ' It la fall to aliitp bow in Itli. i Hole inn I h irxion . I bl' as lui villi b tin.) atan I i'iin 'In auiiiiui nta uf the pi ,i n to rftpiesrnt tin 1 lull s ul d pi ipelt) owin i i ' t I 1 1 Is Hie 1 l.xl.lPBs (OUI. II Of till i m a, i 'till , ,i tin poiiMir ' tin v III, M -It Hi II) IM i i ) i.ikllisi K i Die Hob IIiiiixii, ! ( I'l ii. li in tin llawaliiiu-Aiiii ' iiitlii 0. 'Ameiimu horn i itlins la n it miiin in iiilntxid b) ai.) alzenbl i , infnt In tbla IVriitoi) l.w.ul self will be Ilia Itiaiip uf the uet eli'i Hon an I lx i li i tin to be i llilolited b the NotPI" Tliete Ih phi ii axon win it mom I mem - ad tin in riiuiatoii said b to alli.n Hip ieile of tliem lalnnda are -,1.1.... I,... .. , ll.l.U. .Kl 11.11 erliati 01 Hinopian inuiiiiipii peri (.me If Hip tnntti. Ix appro n bid in (online In Ihiiiatiiua IiIpii It la pos alhle to iiault In liuiPiixeil tiixiitloii I If laMrn 111 hand now honexth font I rulh and with ileiotnl ln'alt to the I I e't intnislaof the'luilion it will I not 1 exult In Inmni-Pil taxation m a I 1 nie of mill i Illusion s poll, is tiotntnv mui. 01 ipkx tiinn in enninoi' 10 hwnp hail. 01. 1111 wans with ,1 bloom ItANKIIUPTCY AM) A'll0e.. COIiPOIi- .Ni w '101k CiiniuiLii lal What inlnlit bappiu uiuli 1 the unit liiLtit of a I'ediiul In, 01 Ion law ur I'M 11 uiiilit a I'ciliial statute (urn idling publlUt) iu the atTul.a uf In tiistute loipuiatloiia ma) with fall in is be JmlK'-d 01 latiiuati 1 b) Ha 11) bulla tu fat appan nt fiom Hu opLta Hon of the national b.iiikinpti) law 11a business alliiatlous into w libit two Miili lawa would lint ill all Ititiude ate lint ailaliiunua to be ami lint tin.) iitii.M-i .. ..i-r. ... iiiiiius inln What (0,s th.'. nilii nb1' 'mean'' It m. nus Hi it fp.tlle Nihoi- A has bmi uikpiI b Hip Hull, tie, w box. pmpb In lore hit an Aiiiui i the dut of the 1IH7111 Ix to i. ip 11a 1 1 nn anblli 1 ait lout on tip I. soil 1 for the tuture that town, 1 oil nt I pledged theh Ion iltv to the lulled nud tinmblpiil liRlaljtlon iiltaln i.i!''"t''" ftnineil loi themselMa a no) Ui etin. ted n..i be adapted to our mn-,lm,t iin"1' '"' " ' " '""I ."- -nu. l""Hnll, bust Ideiila tliux far devpioped in Am lK) aiuol.b iIiik III Idleness II mil Unlit ildMl) jppiojili i. nil utile, at huiiic "' " """" " '" ' us ui us inline 1 ouil uiiiiia " I'1" ''iuiil aouii hi iih.u ton b) ie-1 Itlsdii) da) moieikiil) appaiuit -r,rdin Mnc IMwaid II not aa a thai nediloiB ilibloia and altoinix ir'e. or tin lluun or llanoM'i l-v.nsi an. allk. lomlti). to uwid tin I'edital "n." "'"' HtlHali xomkIkii nt tin liome' Lnnkiupli) ,nt with IiiuiiixIiik Ihmii "f ii '"'" Iiiim niilthiR Hip lair Uh.oinpand with tin aihanlaijei ul Hie Quteu Mitiiilu tin hint 1 ill. 1 of a line 1 varloua and 1011III Hub State luwa a .whlili luihulMu to tin llilllxh Kiuplii slstnnt Attouu (nniial I'la It n'iuits t fc,N ",,'"'lRn. Hu 1 the niimbi'i of luluutnix petitions, '!' Inlim In Knel nnl la that nbmkiuiti) baa mill U. ill) di inued ' hlthki 1 Is almost iIUIomiI uud niii.e the liw fcot full) Into aiuiioth ' 'hi" '' 'iiiiu ix wioiiis jit a lllih opeititlou Dm Inn the p.ixl nlipait , xtud) of Itililsh blxtoi) aliowj that Hu tiiPtit I eat oni) about 17 nan ban been alumnm Ihentlnl) count IliLlliat llled aa it)alnai ."1 (na) mm bha fui hiK( hi lb. kikiiIui; house aftet tin , mill uf the two piuedliu )in'a 0! I Cuunui al uiiue at tlio aiiejslon of courxe, bualiuxa loiidltiona duiliii; tin j licni) II who (lal..ied tluuuiSli bla Ihue yeaia llum mieltil mm for Ibe moibei. the llmpiexh datllda, and wax mol part ateudll) li.iiriilnit und 1 011 the that of Hih I'liinl imiieth Vftu tin ttcpi'lill) nibea of luxoliini) Kiowln.' Wat or the Itoaia, ihui llail of leaa frnpn 1.1 hut It is iipiull) tinu ulni ilnhiiuil tli down b) ' that for 11 long time nfter tin law vw ut , ilslii or hla matliei Mamaiil lkaufort, Into crf.ct oil Inaohetita noie inal.lnj ' Kreut-i 111 Id iuj,htwi of luhn oi t.auni ft iiiah tu take aihuiitiia. or II. lb It , buiinii the lltst of thu ludoia ho,' rlasi biiihiK been l.irjp. I) dlapusid of 1 futl.M ImIiik oilKhialh 11 t sb eiitli the law la now la Itei .apatite ol JiiiIk- mull liuim il I'ltdnr. , ment ou ita own lonteinpoiai) tneilts ( 'I In .Sluints uimc lu 11 wo Dining tin puat vuir the tiiiuibn of 1 man tin ilaiiiihln 01 llinr.i Ml un) iiiMilunta pitltluna was "'i2 (um-'dld not ...ri on Hin Ttnlui line In tuned with the piniluiia )Pin tbla la an Imiih hoi did (horse of HanuM IncriiMii of lti and (Oinpu.ed with tin whin In ajilniil Hie llritlah Hnoin. b. Mi.ll befute that un Inn'asi of Mil , lUht of hla ni.lllilmotlii I i:ilubeth ' This inuiiot niejii that bualupxa mil 1l.11iMh.t1 r of ihn (lml Kiigllth blimit. dltloua Iiim bun audi Hint It baa lal- ' ninthim Io lepieiint Hie lioiibi of li till) beiiiii'e mine in lajni) to foue (.laniirallii t he wax the llii I Inn dibtoia to Hit wall or thin un iilw I ntulau to nihil lu ICuglnnd i:.n', law nrioids t xtia fin illtlea rn ii.dltois' IniumliM liousi though , I11I11111 , tu iiillut tlielr lillla h) fon hm tiouhb- tliruuiih a daiiKhtii of Ita pu dn 1A101 iolill' deblot Into Hip Ii inkrupti V 1 Ri' Its own unnl. to Ita Mninlui- LOiulif, what It, piobabl) doea nunu M Unit i( dltora and liwirx bine miulu ally li allied Hi' adiautai;i or the I'.d iral law out Statu laws and tlinnuh iniiiaaliiK fuiulllarlly with tin woik Ingu uf the fur.iic t have (ouil to mall llieniaeliia of It In liii'uuidiii; iiuinbiia At ail) rate when Hu Ann lie. in II ir Ashuelatlou bua fon.iall (nmiiiemUi! the law and mged Kb nmtlniiniiip, when the National Aasniliitlun uf Credit Mon ghcB It heart) IndotaL- mint, and t lir I ommerc Ini l.nw Li ignci at Milwaukee ixprsvs ... newed lonfldemc In ita Kotnultii n mid prm tk oldlit) irltlia of tin statuln in c na-iOHid Jim ii prnitleniu to indi t Ituils lio lime I'tiountiti n d InJiiiy lindir It m nt leant llilnh tin v hale. On tin bualmaa lOminimlt) n ii hole ami on ihe iminir) at larai the law h is innfi i ted unquestioned benefits 1 In- lcaitmpnt of .limtln oilklnl t-ugqist thr parage of the Itaj lilll I''- .i) of Imp.oilng the law and llll- iiiii in m-iiliauta' njK.inlHtliiiiM and .ouiinen lal bodhs also It dump that nicmiuc, but mnn liiixltiixn men Hilrli mi 8"rioi mistake would hi tnadr 'Hnld 0 in hi pea dplpimtm to pt tlm ) laiiknipti Iiia ntand a It In-for ptiFint nt bast. j It W pxppitini; too iiiiu li to ptcdhi that a Ki.'iluil liw for the iiasonnlili rtipiivlalon of i in ii'i nt iona would find likp for lnlii of ro oi thn-p parn ' A I'l.AINCU OU'I V. Nimhllle iuilhan , ,)U m (, ,. M Pc, - ,. ,...,,,,., """ ''""''"nt Mihlnl.y iifpiilng to I'nngiiss dulliipil to iKtfotm lie . 'plain ilutt hill pioieedi'd to tin pniutmrnl of a I'm to lttmn t.nirf 1,111 Hlilill Hiisiii l I'l) denounnd I;) fuui i Hftha of the Id publli an pipiis uf Hip iiOuntr 'I hat Inn was temjioiai) ' 'hnipi and iiiiu li lens ohjettlunabl ' than the 1 hlllppliie tat IIT bill Iti-fcr ' rtB , thp .I)rlo m,nn bii .... , ., noa,, hioiir of tin- PnMic bill the c'bhngo Intu Oopiui rjh Tw tnii lime plan il nuJ tin it ami f 'iilxrli jnii n iiiii liillm n. , ,1 !. ,....,.. ... i i,n..i.i m .!... I... c , tin I'hlllpplucK A Kll I n tin ptotltH of n tii-tt ( lloue loon. In i mi In ('onxH'HHlunnl phh 1 1 1 ti ii the plus piiln ol miiltitiiilcs of oni in w pi o Id' d the iiieuiu o of this iininin '"'''"' '""'J'J' ' )! 'i"!;,,..,!.,., "' '""- W. ,.,,.U 111. I, l')i to Ithu la u amall Ixlaud . islli an hslble to oui lllllltiin loins wltly li hs than 1 ixiti.uuu iiiiwnillki piopli4 Had i nxolviil to atim. tin I'mtu Kb mix w nlil hllM dolli so j lili liitb ilsk i lould Iiiim In l, u 'i hi in In with i Milieu mid In I I tin u lown wltli luiMiiHIa Hi Hi i In u position to iiiloin imtiai, una wunikt with nimpn.iitlii Niiiiti Hut tin IMilllppini s un n Inn.' null ipi Iiiko with mi hi nans Hint an al inoxi luai i'i HHlbli to us and with & noo.iniii pi oplo the ni.ijoilt) ol tin in MtirllK. nii'i man ol tin in tintunl to IlKhl Winn i lonileinu xin b pun pie to IniliiHtilal Milium on ami , m them oi poituulty m alinpl) piovoln tlii'iii to lontluuoiia liliilllnn s,i . while oui iibllKiilloua to the I'lllpiuiw n.e no n iiinti to tin I'orto Kb mis .loui ilsk In muslim to do mn plain u,"'1 " "" "' la lioimo isi f-iintei V '' ""HI (IT v. i.j ih llnmes or insinn (Hon It 1 11 uuua the iauMinx ul Hie 1 1 11 jtial I'l.lllpplin h will soon In as ills (oni. tiled and dlalojul na 1 e. w.u un iniiius 01 1. 11011 III 11 won! ir we trj tu atni tin 1 lllpnios with the I'liine la. IIT II melius Hint tin thousands ol litis an I tin uilllioiis of ll ensure that w. flan poured out to nxtoie pea. o and oidu I III Hu I'hlllppltu x will have hei 11 up, nt ' in tain nud Hint we shall Iiiim Hun 1 tin iiiii nilliti il tears to i oiiiu Hu 1. iiiiilh!; dlsnxti ih or Holland In Ac In 1 11 nud ol I'iuiiii It. Alaeiln and Ion quln That la whnt the Pa) in tarllt means In the IMilllppini a Ami milisx Hie mx alb d Hi publican leadeia In CoiiKliaH listen to the iiin or Mi Klnle) the Ann ill 1111 pi ople will Hpieilll) find ot In 1 linibis who will lllhtLii In that Milie nnd riluii. fiom tlm lixwin of apnlnl uieid to the nnd or plain (hit) 1 HMH.AM) NtlW KOVAI. llOUSti. N'ew ork Sun I Wbllakii a Miniimiik, the finnuiix I '-nullah )nii book wl.hh la almost ,u, ..nil I .. I.. I.. 1. . ' It 1 atllilh i on i'it. hlatoilnilv then , fun that the Hue should diaugi v. Ith the ileal h or (Juci li Vbtoila, nnd Ibat Ibe hinioxloii of fordkii Khik'n of, fi nil C lliltalu hhoulcl bo coutlniud 'jv I ll rulei of the holiko of Piinu-l'iibliifa , the nniiip uf the fieruititi boiihc to' wliii'h'llie inlher of tin new Kliif, l)i ' louBid JUST RECEIVED Wc now lmc li full Slllllj (if RUBBER In nil hicH. A cr. Fori, Merchant PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., LTD. p. 1:. isi:Numo, I'i'CHidciit. C. P. IICIiKICK, Mtiniifici'. HARNE Chas. F. Herrick 11! 5 Mcrcliiint St.. next THEJVIiNING BULLETIN Till' OLD1S.T HAWAIIAN DAILY PAPER A KlOMJVKt FOI AUVtTIlhS ,. ," Jt J& jX Jt J SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITERS Still in the Lead Always in the Lead. HIGHEST AWARD AT PARIS EXPOSITION HIGHESTAWARDATBUFFALO EXPOSITION Ita time to turn dm 1 u new leal If )ou Iiiim- hcmt usnl thu Smith Premier hupi.loi In (ouatnutlon and ellldeix) Send or (nil lor (iitaloKtie C. W. MACFARLANE, SOLE AGENT. MACHINES SOLD, RENTED AND REPAIRED. 9 FINE JOB O ft & 9 NEATLY AT BULLETIN OFFICE Subscribe for the of the BULLETIN, & o e MAGAZINES RULING, : GILDING, AT BULLETIN OFFICE 0 99999999999999 i Kll. I I. VI nnil lire pt'cptircd to fill (ill OI'llLl'S, HOSE complete Htiich and Bethel Sts. aZ53 I'nlt in uIv pithlui; Hint mui inn H1I1 k of In tlm lnin.xx lim Is in 1 Mui, il In on. hie dixpln l.un hniiuxs we sell is n lia.Kiiin and wi xill nil kinds Ironi light track and road to heavy coach nnil team harness 1 nun no one else inn jnti ri t tin hninexa ultie we Rle ou Oui iiixtomi'ia Know tbla to bo 11 tint a inn know It II ou will nud ne nie di ti 1 mini il )uu ah. ill :-: Carriage Co., Ltd to Stdiiijcnutihl Hulliting. 9 PRINTING ? ty EXECUTED WEEKLY EDITION Only $1.00 per year & BOUND, ft 9 9 Bankers. Bishop & Company BANKERS. ItHtnl. Mnlicd In I8GS. BANKING DEPARTMENT Transact business in all departments of Dnnklnu ColleLtlotix cnrpfttllv nttended to i:xchnnpe bought nnd told CoBinii n lal nnd 1rntlers l.ptlera of Credit hsued nn The Hank of Call fnmla nnd N J! . Sons. London Correspondents The Bank of Call, Ccmmerclal Banking Co. of . Sydney, Ltd., London. Drnfta nnd .able tronsiera on China and Japan through the Hongkong ft.-Sh-inghal Itinkh g' (.orporntlon and Clin rl i red Hank of India, Australia and China IntPrpM allowed on term depoalla nt the following tntea pi r nnmitn, x ir Seven days' notice, at 2 per cent. Three months, at 3 per cent. Six months, nt 3 12 per cent. Twelve months, at 4 per cent. TRUST DEPARTMENT Act na 'IniHtiea under mortgages I Mnnage ixtntea trial and personal) I Colled leiits nnd illxldends Valuable pnpns Wills Honda, etc , recilxed for snip kipping ACCOUNTANT DEPARTMENT Auditors loi Corporations and I'll vato rirmi Hooka ixntnliii'l and reported on Stati ok uta ol AITnlra prepired Trustees on llankrupt or InaoUcnt FJstntea OFFICE, 924 BETHEL STREET. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits lecelMd nnd Interest nl lowed nt 4 1 2 per cent per annum, In accordance with Itules nnd Ucgtila (ions copies of whiei. ma) be obtained on application INSURANCE DEPARTMENT AGENTS rOR FIRE, MARINE LIFE, ACCIDENT AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY IN SURANCE COMPANIES. Insurance Office, 921 Bethel Street. Claus 8preckels. Win. G. Irwin uaus precKeis oc to. BANKERS. HONOLULU, T. H. 8an Francisco Agents The Ne vada National Bank of Son Krinclsco San Franelsco The Nevada Na tional Dank ot San Francisco. London Tho Union llank ot I.on Ion, Ltd New York American Uxcbanga Na Homil Hank. Chicago Merchants' Nntlonal Dank. Paris-Credit l.onnnls. Berlin Dresdner llnnk. Hongkong and Yokohama Hong kong Shanghai Uanklug Corporation. New Zealand and Australia Bank ol Now Zealand. Victoria and Vancouver Bank of British North America. Deposits received Loans made in approved security. Commercial and travelers' Crcdlta Issued. Bills of Ex change bought nnd Bold. Collections Promptly Accounted For Pioneer Building and Loan Association. ASSETS, JUNE 3j, 1801, $30,043.37. Monoy loaned on approved security. , A Saving Bunk for monthly deposits ' Houses built on tho monthly iuaiull , ment plan. ' Twent)-thlrd Series of Stock la now I opened. OKKICnnS I. L. Mcl.nan. Prcal dent; A A. Wilder, Vice President. I 0. II Gray, Treasurer, A. V. Gear, I Socrctnry i DIItKCTORS - J. L. McLean. A , A. Wilder A. V Gear. O. II Gray, 1. I) Holt. A. W. Keech, J. A Lyie, Ir., J. M. Llttlo, li. S Boyd A. V. OUAlt. Secretary, omce Hours: 12:301:30 p. m. The Yokohama Specie Bank LIMITED. Subscribed Capital.... Ten 24.000,000 raid up capital Yen 18,000,000 Reserved Fund Yen 8 510,000 HEAD OFFICE. YOKOHAMA. The Bank buys and receives for col lection Bills of Exchange, Issues Drafts and Letters of Credit, nnd transacts a general banking business. INTEIIKST ALLOWED. On Fixed Per cent Deposit. Per annum. For 12 months 4 For C months 3 For 3 months 3 llruncb of the Yokohama Specie Bank New Republic Bid.. Ill King Street HONOLULU. NEW MATTING Wo hnw n ii nil) leceln il Hu tint st Mm of CHINESE AND JAPANESE MATTING that mo ban eei bandit d We uio so pleased with the ritoik that wi know It will lipase tin uud (iciid to cv L'Dhud) wlio la Intel osted nn Imitation to coiiie und sue ll LEWERS & COOKE, Limited. I'ORT STIfniiT. CORNS ? II m turn tttin wiuf li.t tuii moil y a q Irr I a J ruMtu i i m t nc Jry i tt I r ir -1 1 orn ingrouini; njil lunmns .lnlthiiii t Th ma N curt-1- iti tt K v ir tt in r h it kr uf thifr laj tuMii I in vlll bf fcjirrlwJ noMnlv ho mudi mure i jU m J inmfortiM ol l) walk l)i t wlili h i k it i n ir r lei r nj fui v u 11 K iMe lu niiNK wu a r tn ill your I tnliu or m.ial Intrrevt (.nil ani ?e rnt ibuut ihl r tend mt orJ ini will ijll nn ou Oil. V. It. HOGLIi, CHIROPODIST. 18 Arlington Building, Hotel St. near Fort. Consultation ai ofilce free I Architects, Contractors and Bulldsr. V HOFFMANN J. f Rltti Hoffman & RHey 0E.NERAL CONTKACTORS AND DUILDfcRS. FiitiritM riirn'.hfi p o not i&o Oeo. W. Pago. Ttl III P. W. Beardsleo. P 0. Box 77 BEARDSLEE i& PAGE Arcliltects nnd Uullderst. OlTlce. lloutna 2-1, Atlhigtos Ann, Honolulu T. II. SI efcheo rnd Correct natlniatet tut nlsbrd on Short No'lto BUILDING MATERIALS OK AM. KINDS. Dealers in Lumber and Coal. Allen RoblnMon, Queen Street, Ilonolula. Fred Harrison, CONTIJACTOK AND rfUILOBR Jobbing promptly nltendd to Mr, Chas. Lake, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER for brick and wooden buildings, alii hardwood uulsber. I Office and residence, 312 Queen SI. i near Government building. II. F. BRRTELMAN'S I Coppentep Shop ih - mov no , To rear of old stand o i King street Orders left at either shoi or olEce at John Nott's store, Kla I street, will receive prompt attention. Beer and Wine Dealer. , Jh PRAml VM Q A I rtflM ALAKEA ST., Between Merchant and Queen. W. M. Cunnlngham. Jno. Schaeftr. Ohaiyo Saloon Kukul St., Near Nuuanu. I 1 Primo Beer I ON DRAUGHT AND IN BOTTL, Qonsalves & Co.. LIAUTfcD. I WIIOLLSALE GROCERS ANDWINh MERCHANTS. 22? Queen St., Honolulu. H. 1 Kome 1 The pure Juice of the grapefruit. Tha most healthful, Invigorating and re freshing fruit preparation known. RING UP TEL. MAIN 71. i CONSOLIDATED I Soda Water Works Co., LIMITEJ. Solo agents for tbo Territory of Ha wall OIIRo and Works, 601 Fort St., Honolulu, T. of II. I' O. box 4C2. Island orders solic ited. Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokal, L.inal, Hawaii. Etc., Etc. Set of 5 mops, S2.00 SO CENTS EACH In sale at office ot . . . THE . . . EVENING BULLETIN ACCIDENTS ARE HAPPENING EVERY DAY. MORAL Insure In "The Travellers", j Largest Accident Insurance , Company in the World. .: , A. C. LOVEKIN Gi'liiinl AgiulH foi the Teiritoi) of llmuill 403 JUDD BUILDING. THI8 SPACt RESERVED FOR B BERGERSON. jM. Phillips & Co. I Wholesale Importera and Jobbers (European and American Dry Goods. I Fort and Queen Sta. !H. HackfeicU Co., Ltd! General Commission Agents. Cor. Fort and Queen Streeta, Honolulu, MAPS Primary, Secondary of Tertiary Blood Poljon rrrau.all; Cmnl. T k. Iu.4 l l. .J.r ...rulf, )sa k. ui ,,, .4 , p,, Ml Mill X., ,!.. .S4 l., a.,.. T.I.X.. In a. .IX, a.r. TftM.I, riH,UH Clv.r o.l.r.4 Sf.l, mmr tut .1 III k.lf, U.I. a. (;! Mlla .,1. .,11, Cook Remedy Co. 101 ! Ttatl, Uk(. Illfvr,rrrfrtt. ! MlO0,0a. WulltlHln.l bUUa ., Wbiv ur4UWrilUMatUIUII4v. 109 I'M tll ft i .1