Newspaper Page Text
P&t , A ;i ,. f i ' k ' " S i'-g'j&v, ?- VMU. r 10 SUNDAY BULLETIN, HONOLULU, H. T., SUNDAY, MAIICH 3, 1902. Business Men Can Saro Many Hours lUTILITY OF WESTERNER IN MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Method of Procedure for the Organization and Incorporation of All Cities, Towns and Villages. 5VpieTOBV YCROSB THE CONTINENT mOM San Francisco-Portland THE TRAINS DAILY FROM SAN FKANCISCO TWO TRAINS DAILY FROM POIITLAND. Bavlr THREE DAYS to Chicago. Only FOUR DAYS to New York Finnan Palaco Sleepers. Buffet, Smok. tag and Library Cars, with Barber op and Pleasant Reading Rooms Dining Cars (Meals a-la-carte). Free Reclining Chairs. Pullman Ordinary Sleepers. I. K. LOTHROP, General AEcnt lt( Third street, Portland, Oregon "S. W. HITCHCOCK, General Agent, Ho. 1 Montgomery St.,San Francisco. M. L. LOMAX, G. P. & T. A., 1471 Omaha, Nebraska Suggestions of Details and Arrangements to Administer Executive Services for the City. Appointing Department Chiefs. Provisions for Investigations, Civil Service, Prohibitions and Removal. Alt I See Sic Abuse of Influence. Sec 5 Whoever being n public of ficer or being In nomination for. or while Reeking n nomination or np polntmcnt for, nny public otnee, plinll use, or promise to use, whether ill rc-ctly or Indirect!), nny official nu tborlty or Influence (whether then pos sc-ssod or merely nntlclpntcd) In tho way of conferring upon nny person or In order to Bciuro or nld nny person to secure nn office- or appointment In tho public servire, or nny nomination, Westerners, Carpet Baggers, and Municipal Government Shaken Up Together In the Same Bag. Draft of Charter for the City and County of Honolulu, Submitted to the Republican Commission. nblo to perform tho duties of his offlco by reason of temporary or continued absence or Blckncss, the Commission er of Public WorkB shall bo tho acting Mnyor, and shall bo vested with all tho powers nnd perform alt tho duties of Major until the Mayor shall rcsumo his ofllco or the vacancy be filled by n now election Editor Sunday Uulletln The get PxccujvC Power Election and ypar8 ntl(1 ,lnl" M'9 successor Bhnll bo together" spirit that sccmn to pervade this community Is hnpplly (?) Illustrat ed by Inquiries nindo by Mrs Eames in her contribution to the discussion of municipal Incorporation In Inst Sun day's llultctfn, nnd nn editorial squib commencing with "Speaking of polltl enl harmony" In last Prldaj's Adier User which might well bo taken as n ropl) from the element represented by thnt paper. -Mrs Eames. niter dilating on ...e NO FLAT DOTTLES At the Dinner Table A Diluter for Wine STILL wines arc mndo spark ling when mixed with " " " white rock water They nre. In this way. glen a zest and life, uncqualed except by tho best champagne. Tho diner out or tho gentleman who must entertain much at his club, will do well to noto that tho ta bio will bo supplied with this water It Is given a prominent place on tho wlno list of tho most exclusive clubs In America, nnd has been honored by Presl dentin) approval when served at tho Inaugural Hall llanquct In Washington Tho palate of epi cures Is gratified to the utmost by WHITE ROCK WATER. W. G, Peacock & Go,, Ltd. AGENTS. Honolulu Investment Co LIMITED. Real Estate and Insurance Agents officers: A. V. Gear President Henry Smith Vice President Emmett May Secretary J. H. Fisher. . Treasure J. D. Holt W. G. Ashley . )uriltcrs T. E. Wall ) JUDD BUILDING, MERCHANT ST. PROPERTY BOUGHT AND SOLD; LIFE, FIRE, MARINE AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE. O. R. & L. Co. TIME TABLE. From and after January 1, TRAINS. 1899. STATIONS (OutwuJ) Honolulu . . Poll City... Cwa Mill Walanaa .... Walalua.... Kibuku STATIONS. (Inward) KaDUku .... Walalua... Wilinil . Ew. Mill Ptail City Honolulu . ll UAILV DAILV tl. Sun DAILY Sun DAILY DAILY A M AM. AM l".fll I m TUB III II OS IIS S 10 So 9 4 II 40 47 S SO 10 oo la oo a os . 10 10 so 4 4S ll SS S40 Its is DAILY I Sun. DAILY DAILY DAILV AM AM PM PM SIS - .. .. 6 lo .... a so .. . . Tlo ... JSS .. 5 SO T 48 of 4 ja .. 6 is 8 01 llo 4 11 6 so IS S OS S F O. SMITH, Oen'l Pass. & Ticket Agt. O. P. DENISON. Superintendent A. Harrison Mill Co., Ltd. KAWAIAHrtO STREET, KbWALO. Tel. White mi P. O. Box 55. Sawing, Planing, Turning and Mill Work In all It) branches. Lumber - Kiln - Drying a specialty, and In large or small quantities. Honolulu Iron Works. Improved and modern SUGAR MA CHINERY of every capacity and de scription made to order. Boiler work and RIVETED PIPES for Irrigation purposes a specialty. Particular atten tion paid to JOD WORK, and repairs executed at shortest notice COTTON BROS. & CO ENGINEERS AND : : : GENERAL CONTRACTORS Piant ill tltlmatci lumlthtcl for all claim 'ontractlng work. ROOM , BOSTON RLOCK. Bruce Cartwright Cloneral Manager of THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY Of the United States for tho Hawaiian Islands .. OFFICE, Merchant Street, Honolulu. KAAHUMANU 8TRET. Pensylvania Fire Insurance Company, Clins. T. Wilder, AGENT. ,'4 iUlllf A Ml I CT The administrative Service of the Clt 1- Appointive OfTlccrs. J Roster of Administrative Senile Sec 3 8 -Provisions for Civil Service nnd Prohibitions See ' Povvoi ol Ilemovnl Soi In Major Mnj Investigate Appointive Otficers. Scitlon 1 Tho Major shnll bavo power to appoint nil bends of depart ments In the administrative servile of the cltj. exiept the City Controller. Subject to the limitations nnd restric tions hereinafter contained, tho major shall have power to appoint nil ofTlcers nnd emplojes In tho subordinate; ad ministrntlve service of the city, and to fill nil vneamies therein, except that laborers nmj bo appointed and rcmov ed bj the bends of depaitinenti In which thej me emplojed Roster of Administrative Service. Set .' Pnjment of Public Em plojees Aitlon to Iltstinlii or He lover Illegal Pnjinents It shall be the duty of the Majoi to prepare. on tlue and keep In his oltlce it complete roster of all persons, oilier llinn ordl nnry laboieis, In the public servlie of the city Tills roster shall be open to inspection at all it available boms It shnll show In reference to each of said persons his name, the date of bis np polntment to or employment In such service, bis salarj or compensation, the title of the pine e or oftlcc he holds, the natuie of the duties thereof and the date of any termination of such servlie It shall be the duly of all of ficers of the City to give to the M.ijor nil the Information which mnj be rens onably requested, In nld of the prep nratlon oi continuance of said loster Civil Service Rules Sec 3 The first Mnjoi befoie go lug out of olllce shall by and vvitli the advice and consent of the Council, np point n committee of three qualified electors of the cltj. whose duly It shall be to ptepaie and submit to the next succeeding Major during his ti rm of olllce. n set of Civil Seivice Rules nnd Regulations, nnd providing fi r n commission of not less than three nieiiiueiH to put Into operation nnd from time to time inlarge the scopo of such rules nnd regulations The repoit so submitted shall form the basis foi action by the Council looking to an application of ilvll ser vice rules to the clty'B ofllcers nnd em piujees on the taking offlco by tue third Major elected hereunder, pro vided, however. That on a mnjoilty vote of tho qualified electors of tho city such rules and regulations shall bo promulgated and go Into effect at nny lime prior to that specified ndn In manner as the voters may dliect. No Political Assessments. Sec 4. No person In tho national public service or llio public servlco of Territory or any civil division there of including counties, cities, towns, villages, and boroughs, shnll, dliectly or Indirectly use his uuthnrlty or "III clnl Influence to compel or Imbue nny person In tho public servlco of u city to pay or to promlso to pny any politi cal assessment subscription, oi ton trlbutlnn Eveiy person who mny have chargo or control in nny build Ing, olllce. or room, oicupled for nny nurnose of said public service of n city. Is hereby authorized to prohibit tho entry of nny person Into tho same, and ho shall not knowingly permit any person to enter the same for tho put poso of therein making, collecting, ic celling, or glilng notice of nny polltl cnl nsscsHment, subscription, or con trlbutlon, nnd no person shall e-ntei or remain In any such offlco, Building or room, oi send or direct any letter or other wilting thereto for the pur pose of giving notice of, demanding or collecting nor shall nny person thero In glvo notice, of demand, collect or recclvo nny such assessment subscrip tion, or contribution, nnd no person shall proparo or iiiuko out, or tnko pait In piepnrlng oi making out. any political nsscssmuiit. subscription or contribution with the Intent thnt the Bnmo shnll bo sent or presented to, or collected from any person In tho pub lic service of tho cltv, nnd no person shnll knowingly Bind oi present any nnlitlenl nsBessment, subscription, or contribution to or request IIb piyment by nny person In snld public son Ice Any person who shall bo guilty of vio lating any provision of this section shall bo deemed guilty of a mlBde toiiurnintlon. or promotion, or incrtnsoi lrtlu,g or thu "Westerner as n p.o of salary, upon the consideration or nper ()f j,g tullzntlon ready to i - condition that the vote or political In rr wliat llc 0es nsks us Just three lluence or action of the last named questions ' person or nnj other shnll be given or Aro ttP rL,(1 for thu westerner nnd used In behalf of any candidate, officer ,g ,,Btlmnles? Are we iiolng anjthlng or political party or association, or . , Inakp r,aiiy for i,nl? I)0 wc nnni upon any other corrupt condition nri,ni7 To wniti, tilp Advertiser eu Salary of the Mayor, With Administrative Arrangements. Other Municipal Bureaus. Taxes, Assessments, Public Instruction and Health Departments. Mayor: Executive Power in and Elec tion of; Salary, Sec 30 The ndfmnlstratlvo power Komel consideration, shnll be deemed guilty rnl above referred to may be quoted . of tho city of Honolulu shnll be vested of briber or an attempt at bilbcry And whoever being n public officer or cmp1occ or having or claiming to have nnj nuthorlty or Influence for or affecting the nomination, public em ploment. confirmation, promotion re- movnl or Inciense or decrenso of cnl nrj of nny public officer or emploiee shnll rorruptly use. or promise or tnrentcn to use, nny such nuthorlty or Influence, dliectly or Indirectly. In or der to locrce or persuade the lote or "our" standpoint. It , in tin, Mnvor and the officers of the scleral departments hereinafter pro ilded for The Major Bhnll be the ns n reply from reads ns follows "Speaking of political hnrmnnj rere It may be said that, as soon ns Mnjori chief executive oiucer of the city, he Low. Judge Jerome. Dr. l'arkhiirst nnd Bhnll he elected on the first Tuesda the other New York reformers Dm! n n Novembei. 1001, and hold office un basis nl harmony with Tnminnny Hall j til August 1st. 1903, and evci two which will suit President Roosevelt jmrs tlicrenftci, nnd shnll hold his the part committed to the cause orilllee foi the term of two ears, com good government In Hnwall will look , im,m Ing nt noon on the first Tuesday about nnd see how neni It can icnch ' of August after his election He shall n state of uolltlcnl nfflnlt with thoh,,. Im.ltirlhln fur n ililnl consecutive political '""on of any citizen, or the ,. arpot baggi rs nnd other spoils seek- term The salni of the Ma5or shall Ing ndventiiieis In these pnrtB" i,P five thousand dollars n cnr No There ou have nil nnsvver to Mrs poison shall be elected or appointed to l.nmes nnd mark joii, this Is from one who speaks foi "the pnit com mltteil to the cause of good govern son round guilt of such bilbeiy or nil nu , ln atta. A snp (mched the attempt to commit the snme us nfore- ,,,,.Rtlnii In the Interests of thnt Irenl snld shnll upon com Ittlon thereof be political nonentity, the "Westerner liable to be punished b n fine or not ., wrotp r ,1,1,, Westerner whom she less than one hundred dollars or more iMn,i,(mH -utile ,o ,ns nnnlhe than tluee thousand dollars, or to be InaH r ,,,, l.aggei -new tomei' and lt or ns many of snld depaitinenti ns imprisoned 1101 i.-ss un.n it-.. im or t. ,,Ct 10 . Anglo Snxon"-wlth the Mnjoi nnd II0111I of Aldermen may ore llillll lu ri-uim ui iu uui mini Anglo Snxilll" nut 11 sill ll Inrue'iiiilzn l.v nm.nlnlllur ll.n lino nnd Imprisonment. In the dliue I)rt thnt one Institutive! grasps the tl,(.r.-c,r which i-alcl departments shall lion or the Court If the pel sou to be ,,Pa that she thinks theie are none In the Intervals or the meetings ot convicted lie n puiiuc ouicci iu- snail. ,ol,P1 r ,la, ,pcl , ,, Tp1l()ry ,lpoaI(1 ,)p llmlP1 the Immediate con removal discharge or promotion of any public officer or public employee or upon nil other eoriupt consldein tlon shall be also guilt of brlbei, or an nttempt nt brlbei y. And every per the oftlce of Major who is not n cftl zen ot the United Stntcs. who shall not have i cabled In the city ot Ilono lulu one year next befoie election nnd be dill qualified to vote under the laws 01 the Teriltorj Hoc 37 There slnll be the follow ing administrative departments In mid 111 nuiiiiioii ui nny inner piiiiisiiiiieni Thanks to the Adieitlser edltoilnl, Imposed, be deprived or his oiflco nnd ,, pnilmblj knows before this be Ineligible to unj public olllce or "there nre otbeis " emplojment for six enrs thereafter xllp m,xt ,nu, ,, wrtCK (lhl, w The phrase "public- officer shall be , ...,..,, , ,, , ., I. ..I. I .. I... 1...1,. -II t.ltl.tln ..nlnl.llaa Itt ' ..-... ... ...L....... .... ,...... u.v.u.B ..--11P westerner I this Terrltor wlietlier ialil illiecll or Indirectly from the Public Treasury not ns the denl zens of the Knr i:ast." without quills lug how -fnr Hnst" she lefers to. Inas iiiikIi ns those not "WesteineiH" In of the Territory or fioiu that of nnv civil diiislon theieof. Including (oun tics, cities towns, v Hinges, and bor ougbs. and whether b fees or other wise, nnd the phrase "public em p.ot-e sunn ..c- ....... ... ........ ...., ,, , rr ,,, aU((,(1 Wc,tprllprK pe-rHo.i nui ue-iiiK uiiiifi ""-' ) ,(n(, ttPBt paid fiom nny snld Treasurj (lf rup mi(tt., Recommendations for Office. See (i No recommendation of nnj person who shall npplj for olllce or place, 111 for examination 01 u-glstra tlon under the pnivislous of this Act or the regulations CHtnhlluc.d iiiidc-i the nuthorltj thereof, except us to le-s Idcnce and ns to character mid In t lic ense or rormei eniplojeis ns lo (In abilities, when snld recommendation ns to charnctt-i and abilities Is n pec Id call j reqiilicd bj said legulntluns shall be given to 01 consldeied bj unj person c one ei tied In making nil ex nmlnntlon leglstrntlon, appoliitnunt tiol and Riipei vision of the re-spe-tlvo committees of the lloaid subject to nn nppcnl lo the Ilonrd by tnc beads of said departments, namely Depart ment of rinaiice. Law Department, Po lice Department, Department of Pun lie- Woiks, Department ot Parks. Dc pnitment or Water Works, The Da partinent. Department nt Ilulldlngs, this tight little Teriltoi come nil the Department ol Taxes nnd Assess wii fiom "Knst," even "Par I'ast" mc-nts Dopnrtnient of Public Instruc sonic ol iih so rni east that It was ens tltni Department ol Health, Depart ler to icadi lieie Iu travellin: east niuit or Registration and Klcctlons. Sec 3S The Ma 01 with tho np- (llve-n two jtnis nolo piovul ot the Ilciaid of Aldeimcn t'mll The Host Itepublle on appoint and remove the ncads of the Kaith" and we would have mndo the said departments and (III nil vacun Influx of this nnogant Weslurn enrpe-t- lies the same pel son may serie ns bag cli-iiieiit a moral liuposslliillt) but the head of more than one dcpartinen the- Oiguulc Act put a tempomrj qulo , Sec 3'l The head of each depart tus 011 0111 activity Ivve'ie expecting lo ment unless sooner removed, slinll 1 nun- soon ut the rate or Giwo a cnr, hold otllee for the term ol two jc-ars don I )ou know I In the ineantlme, 1 nnd until his biicccbsoi shall be np hue the nie nnd thej let us know It I pointed and has qualified by tlit 1 1 elloits to capture- nil the good jobs I'lfbting for principle," Mis Ciiiiu h calls It, but she can't "guj" us along these lines one llltlo bit We'vo In 1 11 tunnglug that stmo tune long be fc.n- "Westeineis" knew theie vas Sllcl. I. III...,, nu llnu.lll VV'.t nn, , ,n or promotion under this Ait or und.-i , . Weni (io Mrty comnUt, ll..' .t'K.U..Ul.M C-nil.l.l.BIIC-t. Ul.tlL-l .11.- lo the cause i( good government" In Ibis Toirltory and natural Incrense hns ulii-ad) iieated a condition In our innliH wlieie nil the nvallablo ruvenue will hnidl sutllto to go 'lound. Why should we nuclei such clrcuniHinnccs consider the Interests of the -'Western er" " Self piesc-rvatlou b.-lug p-cog. wo out for number one and authoilty then-of. No it-conimi-iida tlon or question iindei the authority of this Act shall relate to the political or religious opinions or nfllllntlons of nny poison whomsoever. No Coercion Allowed. See 7 No poison In the service ol 1.10 city Is for that icuson iindei any nize I IH t, frst lBW of natuie obligation to contribute to an polltl an- looklng cal fund, 01 to lendei any political bis Job service, and no poison shall be- ie (.,lM ,,,,.. "imrmuny,-- ,en.--o nt moved, reclined in grade 01 salai) 01 nll ,, . ..l(,a tty,----munlclml up otbervvlBo prejudiced Ten leruslng to ,,1IIK an(1 h,llel u,,mB and do so No person in the sen ho Jl the ,, ,,,,,, an. ,,, .mt8 tiow out t0 city shall discharge 01 promote .11 de ,, . B,1()1, K,elllnK.nt" element grade, or In any manner change the ,,, , )atl ()f (,uty Nay ;,la olllcial rank 01 eompeiisntlon ol any .;,, Ullj xtrlj myi ttu" ,P(0K other poison in said service. 01 piom I nlll )()1, ,, nB a omnl of Hong Iso or thieaten to do so for giving or ,miU,18 ,)Ht ,,, )()1. ,onatltll withholding. 01 neglecting to make tn , lllnk a(imllt vU s()0IK,r ,. ,a. nny contribution ol money or service, ,, ,,, y()1, piIggt , plll)n(,1 le or any othei vnltiabio thing r... nnj I,,,,,,,, , Ur(lcg o( ( ..WeB,, ,,,.. 1 Ik1 loitiwni m tl la in hn l'mcitini service shall use bis olllcial nuthcitj ,, v Hu( ,() (h(, wIg(j ,8 ,, ,,, or Inlluen.e to coerce tho political a. 1 . , ..,., ... . fnt wl lnB, tlon or nny person 01 body, or in al ,, ,onlrlHI.nni , ,mal Jo,lrnal8, feet or Inturfero with nny nomlnatlo,, l(ml()rm (() 1)h nmtei q n th() nppolntment. or election lo pu.ll or ,,,,, lllrn-lllnh . ,. (omnlllItlltloll ol last tymclav Paris gowns and their dcscilptlun un m.itteis more or less flee Cases of Misdemeanor. . Sec 8 Whooier, alter a regulation bus been duly established according to the piovlslons or tlilb Act, mnkes an appointment to olllce In the public ser lite or llio city or selects n poison Tor employment tbeiein contrary lo the Iiioilslons of Btich regulations 01 wll tiilly lefusos 01 neglects otherwise lo 1 comply with, or conform (11, the pro ' visions of this Act, or violates unv of such provisions, .shall bo guilt v or misdemeanor Power of Removal. Sec 0 No officer or einplojee In tho administrative service or the city shnll bo removed, reduced In gradu or fcalary or tiansroried becnuso or the religious or political hellers or opln Ions or such officer or employee nor shall nny official In tho administrative inmlllnr to all 1, nialis and of Intel est to them leave tin- men e oneious lusk or civic reg.i., union nnd Inauguration il miinlelpnl guv, lament to those of the stniici , u ln can bettei bear the Uncle 11 01 , iltkim,, Wo want municipal pen eminent' vvliuioKi It K ik ii,. a ,01110s not nl mil nolle Itu hm n, Wth our slstan.e lint i.i,mlll , ,M,,tlnIlc i. luniltd thioiuth a .omhiiintion of thtso euipet Iwggi is uml tho irresiion sllilo liatlv.. t, Wl ttM nnKc, (h0 best of our iiiic)iliuili!, s uiide-i the new condition,, us , have- under the old As nmtteiH 11 to ediitntii tin on 111 eniorce pcilihai ,,,.. ,lV prlvnto loprlsils ..,,.) iti,nKll thero (Pontlnued on page 12 ) nppolnted nnd has qualified, Department of Public Works. Sec 43. The bead or the Depart ment of Public Wirks shall be called tho Commissioner of Public Works. Department of Parks. See. It The bend of the Depart ment of Parks shall be cnllcd tho Commissioner ot Parks. Department of Water Works. Sec. 45 The head of the Depart ment of Water Works shall be called the Commissioner of Water Tv'orks Fire Department. See. 40 The bead of loo Flro De partment shall be called too Flro Com missioner Department of Dulldlng. See 47 The bend of tho Depart ment of Uiiltcrliigs shall be called the Commissioner of Ilulldlngs Department of Taxes and Assessments Board of Taxec and Assessments. Sc-c 48 The bend of tho Depart ment of Tnxcs nnd Assessments sbnll Ixj cnllcd the Hoard of Taxes and As scssments and tho Collector of Taxes Said Hoard shall consist of three mem hers, 0110 or whom shall be a person learned Iu the law, one n person fa miliar with renl estate values in the city nnd one n builder, who slinll be culled Commissioners of Taxes nnd Assessments. They shall elect one of theli number ns president. Department of Public Instruction. Sec 49 The bend of the Depart-1 ment of Public Instruction Bhnll bo called the rtoard of Public Instruction Snld Hoard shnll consist of one mem her from each wnid The member of snld Hoard shall hold office ns herein niter provided Department of Health. Sec 50 The head of the Depart ment of Health shall be called the Commissioner of Health Department of Registration and Elec tlons. Se-e r.l The bend of the Depart ment of lleglstratlon nnd Elections shnll bo called the Hoard of lteglstra tlon nnd Hlectlnns nnd It shall consist ot threo members Sec. 62 Tho Hoard of Aldermen mny creato other departments. Mayor: Duties Of. See 03. It shall he the duty of the .Inyor To communicate to the lloaid nt least once In each jcur a general statement of the finances, govern ment, improvements and general state ot tho city. To recommend to (lie Ilonrd all such measures as he shnll deem expedient To bo vigilant and nctlio In causing tho ordinances of the clt nnd laws of tho Territory to bo executed nnd en forced and for that purposo he may call together for consultation nnd co operation nn or nil of the heads of de partments, but such consultations shnll bo public. And generally to perform nil such duties ns may be prescribed for him by this Act, tho city ordinances nnd the laws of tho Territory, May Appoint Clerk, Etc. Sec D4. Tho Ma or may apoolnt such clerks nnd subordinates as ho muy rc-qulro to aid him In tho dis charge of his olllcial duties and shall render to tho Hoard every threo months nn nccount of tho expenses and receipts of bis offlco and therein shall stnto In dctnll tho amounts paid and ngrccd to bo paid by him for sal arles to such clerks and subordinates respectively nnd tho general nature or their duties. The aggregate expenses Incurred by him fur such purposo snail not exceed ln any one year the sum appropilated therefor. Proclamation as to Holding Courts In Case of Pestilence, Etc. Sec 55, Tho Mnyor by proclama tlon may direct that tho next ensuing term of nny city court shall bo hold In any building within tho city, other than tho building where flio snmo Is regularly to bo held, If In his opinion, wai, pestilence or other public calam Ity or danger thereof or tho destine- tlon or lnjuiy of tho building, or tho want of suitable accommodation, ten ders It necessary that somo other place bo selected. Tho proclamation must bo published six consecutive days In two or moro dnlly iiowspnpcrs published In tho city. Removal of Mayor. See 50. Tho Ma or mny be remov ed fiom offlco for cniiBo nnd a new election ordered to till his place by three fourths voto of all tho Aldermen elected Upon tho filing of chniges The pure Juice of the grapefruit Tat most hcnltkful, Invigorating and re freshing fruit preparation known. CONSOLIDATED Soda Water Works Co., LIMITEJ. Bole agents (or tho Territory of Ha waii. Office and Works, C01 Fort Bt, Honolulu, T. of II, " P. O. box 462, Island orders sollo-Ited. RING UP TEL. MAIN 71. LOTS FOR SALE In Knplolnnl Park Addition nnd In Knlllil DAVID DAYTON 137 MERCHANi STREET. Pnblic Typewriting by MIrb Ella Dayton E. W. Quinn, modern plumbing Patronage of Owncree, Architects and Uulldcrs solicited. II68 Union St, Phone, Main 394 E. T. DREIER Contracting and Consulting Electrical Engineer, - Plans, Specltications and Estimates Prepared, Dealer in Electric Supplies, OFFICE Room 8, Magoon Bldg. TEL. BLUE 281. ACCIDENTS ARE HAPPENING EVERY DAY, MORAL Insure In "Tho Travellers", Largest Accident Insurance Company In the World. .: A. C. LOVEKIN General Agents for tho Territory of Hawaii. 403 JUDD BUILDINQ. M. Phillips & Co. Wholesale Importers and Jobber. European and American Dry Goods. Fort and Queen 8ts. " tinliiv , aro obliged ' het'Miile Iu tlio nieth. Is a risk of tit lur u,i ih , "iir gamo Department of Finance: Treasurer; Auditor. See III The head of the Depart ment or I'innnce Bhnll be tailed tho TreiiBiiiei Thero shnll also be an Auditor Law Department. See. tl Tho head ot tlTc Law Do paitment slinll be called the Coipora Hon Counsel Police Department. See- tl! Tho head of tho Police Do partinent shall bo called the Chief of Police unci, unless sooner removed, hold his einie-o lor tho term of two - does not succeed still we feel It nee- e-ssaiy to do so In older to curb tho spirit of lebellon against "good govern ment" ns we see It You cry peace where thero Is no pence You advocate harmony whero to advocate It Is to mnhe youisclies ridiculous. You piato about civic pride where such woids have long been tut out of our local political die tlonaiy You mention nu Ideal city only to iklaci n suspicion thai It Is a cry of "Wolf" rung on tho sccno to creato n change of offices In tho hope that some of ou may become tho ot fleers. Good government ns wo view it, Is In contempt. Wo liavo had our little dud ln our day wo admit, long association brings familiarity and In tho old days wo helped ourselves and our fi lends Time was when n young icfoim party inan standing ln a political meeting In a church c-dlflio now In uslu-s gave tho political shys ters ot that day the "tip." He advised the nntlves to go bnLlc to their tain patches, nnd mechanics who could not compete with Aslutlcs to go whero Ihoio were no Asiatics to compete with tho cleric, ho may bo suspended with, nn enibno meeting was squelch jhy a two thirds voto or all the uldei ed nnd things ran along smoothly so ( men elected, but such suspension slinll long us we owned tho real estate nnd not exceed thirty dayB, and tho trial the it-nl estate owners did tho voting or tho chniges shall not oxeced biicIi In those da8 everything was loioly time, unless continuances aie request and tho goose "hoiiUcd" high, and, In ed by tho Majoi, but no trial Bhnll nil seriousness, foi tho Bako of that exceed threo months Upon the mis pence which you crnie, that harmony pension or tho Mayor, tho Conimls which you seek, I pray you Western sloner or Public Woiks shall ills ers got out of hero nnd let tho old thnrgo his duties All pioeeedliigs gooso keep honking while we continue iindei this Boctlon slinll bo subject to In the eyes of tho poor natives their rovlew by the courts. (I lend, tho KAMAAINA. Sec 57. In caso of a vacancy in Honolulu, March 1, 1002. the ofllco of Mayor or of his being un H. Hackfeid& Co., Ltd. General Commission Agents. Cor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu, Architects, Contractors and Bulldtra, V. UOFFMANN F. RILEY Hoffman & Riley GENERAL CONTKACTORS AND BUILDERS. Eatlmalaa Fumtahad P. O. Boa ito Geo. W. Page. TL lit F. W. Beardslee. P, O. Box T7I BBARUSLBB & PAOB Architects and Builders. Office, Clito Building. Honolulu, T.II. Sketches and Correct Estimates tmr alshed on Short Notice. buiIding materials" OF ALL KINDB. Dealers in Lumber and Coal, Allen 5fc Robinson, Queen Street, Honolulu. Fred Harrison, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Tel. Main 193. Jobbing promptly attended to. 1-1. F. BERTELMAIVS Carpenter Shop 18 - MOVBD To rear ot old stand. Entrance oi King street. Orders left at either saoi or office at John Nott's store, King street, will receive prompt attention. Deer and Wine Dealers. The BROOKLYN SALOON ALAKEA ST, Between Merchant and Queen. W. M. Cunningham. Jno. 8chaftr Qonsalves & Co., LIAUTED. ' WHOLESALE GROCERS AND WINE MERCHANTS, 22? Queen St.. Honolulu. H. 1 Get your orders In for the special Industrial edition. The second edition is now ready for distribution. Price 25 cents.