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,3 "' He 2! , . SUNDAY BULLETIN, HONOLULU. H. T., SUNDAY. MARCH 2, 1902. 11 IF YOU WANT A COMPLETE SUMMARY of the News of the week in the Territory of Hawaii, you will subscribe for the WEEKLY EDITION OF THE BULLETIN. $1,00 PER ANNUM mailed to any part of the UNITED STATES OK CANADA nOSLER SAFES Best Insurance In the World HAWAIIAN IRON FENCE AND MONUMENTAL CO,, LTD. Tel. 237 Main. 176 Kino Street ICE MANUFACTURED FROM PURE DISTILLED WATER. '.'.'. I Delivered to any part ot city by courteous drivers. Oahn Ice and Electric Co KEWALO. TELEPHONE BLUE 3151. HOFFriAN & HARKHAH. BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WELL Uy having your nlioto taken. My work In of the highest quality and prices rcusonublo J. J. Williams, Take elevator In Boston Illock. Waialua Beach Hotel A. WENNER, Manager. Now Open for Business. Fin est of Accommodation. Finest of Bathing. Be Sure to Qet Off at Waialua Station. RATES $2.50 per day; Special Rates by Week or Month. Tor further information ad dress HALEIWA POSTOFFICE Beaver Lunch Rooms Port 8t., bet. Queen and Merchant Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Served. everything first-class. Complete, line Key West and Domestic Cigars alwayi on hand. H. J. NOLTE, - Proprietor. Motor, Carriage and Machine COMPANY. REPAIR AND UUILD ALL KINDS OF : : MACHINERY Sato Work of All Kinds. Typewriter, i'honographs. Etc., Etc., Repaired. UNION 8TREET, near Hotel. Phone Blue 721. P. O. box 112. J. W. 3CHOENING, Manager. Sulworibcra to tho BULLETIN t not receiving their papora promptly will confer a favor by notifying tjio Business Office; Tolepliono 250. 'POTATO A immbel of diseases affect the Irish potato In this country, and mo hisses they occasion arc otten a so- rlous drain on tho fanners income The object of this bulletin Is to brief- ly describe the most Important iIIh eases nnd to outline methods of tteat- inent which experience has show.i to he successful In holding them In cheek Potato Leaf, or Early, Dllght. This disease Is widespread and do- striictlo. It Is confined to the lcnos and green stems, and appears about the time the tubers begin to form, but may bo noticed earlier If the growth oi mo pianis nas ueon cnecKcei in any .., ...u ..r ...u...-u..u.. u, i.. ,.. ence Is the appearance on tho leaves oi grayisn nrown spots, wnicn soon become bird nnd brittle The dlscaso progresses rather slowly, tho spots gradually becoming lnrgcr especially nlong tho edges of the lenflets. At tho enii oi ten imys to two wecKB hair or tho leaf surface may bo brown, with orcd, nnd brittle, while thc rest Is of a )cllowlsh green color Throe weeks or a month may elapse before all the leaves succumb Thc stems In tno meantime remain green, hut they too finally perish through lacic of nourish ment. The tubers stop growing almost as soon ns the leaves are attacked, and as a result the crop Is practically worthless, Treatment. Karly blight mny bo held In check b) tho application of thc fungicide rtordoaux mixture. This Is prepared and applied as follows Tour Into a 50 gallon barrel twent) five gallons or clean water, then weigh out six pounds of crushed bluestnne or copper sulphate, and after t)lng It In n piece of coarse sacking suspend tho package Just beneath the surface of thc water by menus of a string tlul to a stick laid actoss tho top of the barrel In nnothci sultuUle vessel, such nB n tub or half barrel, slack four pounds of flesh lime Slack the lime carcfiniy by pouring on small quantities of wa tor at a time, tho object being to ob tdln a smooth, cream) lluuld, freo rrom grit. When tho lime is slacked add suflldent wntei to make twenty- (He gallons. As soon as thc bluestono Is dissolved, which will require an hour or more, pour tho lime milk and bluestono solutions together, using n separate barrel for the purpose and stirring constantly to effect a thor ough mixing. It sometimes happens that sufllcient lime Is not added, and as a result the foliage may lie Injured. To bo certain that the mixture is safe, hold a steel knife blade In It for two or three minutes, and If too pol iBhed surface of the blade shows a copper-colored tinge add more lime, but If it stays bright the mixture Is safe to use. Application of Hie mixture should begin when the plants nro four to six InchcB high, nnd should bo re peatcd at Intervals of twelve to fur teen days until five or six treatments have been made Ily adding elgiit ounces of Paris green to each barrel of the Dordeaux mlxtuie n combined rungltlde and Insecticide is obtained, nnd this will prevent tho attacks of the Colorado potato beetle, tbc flea beetle, and other Insects Ilcfoio add i VON WALDERSEE'S I " Count and Courifess von Waldersce expect to visit the United States, start ing In April, so the countess told a newspaper man In lierlln. Tho countess Is an American and her husband gained world-wide, fame In the recent Chinese trouble by com mandlng thc armies ot the allied pow ers, and Is one of tho dozen or so field marshals In the- (ierman army. Countess von W'nldersee Is a daugh ter of David who was a whole sale grocery merchant In Now Vork city, whither In.- le moved In 1810 from Connecticut. The Countess was Mary Esther Lee, bis second daugh ter, and was born In now York about 2 years ago The widow of David I.eo marrleil a bcilllll Herman UlpiO- mat, Ilaion vou Wacchter or Wurtcm- ..,.,. . . . . , , ,,., , berg, who later became that states ho has ever seen her nnd lived envoy In Paris In tho latter city .Ma ' Aftor tho battlo of Munlla liny tho ry Leo became un Intlmnto friend of conduct of bis Hi ut ncai'ly preclpltat Louise, daushttr of Prlnco Frederick lHi war between tho United States and ol Schlcswlg-Holstcln Sonderburg-Au I rjermnny gustenhcrg, grand uncle of tho Oer i ' ' , man Kmptess Tho prlnco, a widow-1 At an International naviil liunmiPt er, made suit to Atary I.eo and cs nt Hongkong tho snmn spring ho omit poused her, when ho vvns 70 and sho ted to toast thu United States. Admlr J7 He died six months later and tno , lefl , hanqnei ,m Rlll) young widow then settled In Wlesbn- .. " . , . , . den. living In magnificence on her oquently Pilnco Henry apologized In husband's fortune) Among her ninny person to Dowe). ndmiiers at thc Cli'rman watering Ho Is a vice admltnl In tho Ocman placo wiib Count von Waldersce, v.ho soon became her second husband rend with the lato IJmpresB Krcdcr Ick Shu and her husband sided with Prlnco William against t..o sickly Crown Pilnco Frederick nnd Prlnco iliBiunrck, and when the latcr was do posed Count Wnliluisco was olTered the chain ellnrsh n. hut bis w to nil vised him to decline Countess Wnl del sec Is said to have had nioio In lluenco with thc Knlscr than his own mother She has constantly tried to llitioducei the Anglo Saxon Sabbath In lierlln I Getting Even. Aitlst Miss Iltownlo llrown llrown, who Is to mair) a prince, won't let us have lic-i pliotogtaph for publication. IMItor Sho wont, .eh? Till tho Jorpmau to usu of those cuts labeled ,"Hef Tuklng ,f New mrk Wcekl). BURN ROT SCALD lug the Pnrls green It shoiiiel bo mlxoil wun n small qiunllty ol, ami wtieti n tliin paste Is obtained tins si, mini bo thorough!) Stirred lino me barrel o Ilonlcntlx solution. Method of Application. Tho siicicss attending tno applies tan of tho Horde mix niixiuro lie ponds In largo measure upon tho thor- oughni'ss with which It Is nppllcd lo reach nit units of Iho nlnnls ntmve Riotind wltli n line spray ronulret n g00(i furco ,,, ,, B,,nn,0 not zle. The knacpsack spra)cr, now on sale In nearly even section of tho t0,intry wi )0 fomj nno ()f ,lp mo9. gerul ma,nnr-n for spraying fields of tlirco ncrc8 r ,p,g ,.ur larger plan. tatlons more powerful machines should ,,0 ,,,,,, A c bean ntul serviceable nn parntuswell suited for this work, may uo ,,, .,j n,0U1U,1B a B,)0(lt BtronR force .,,., ,,..,,, ,, . ,.. ,nB thc barlc, aml mmmtc,, pump tn a light wagon Tho entire outfit. In eluding bnriol pump, hose norzlcs, operator, nnd bo) to drive may be drawn b) one horse As the wngon Is drawn slnwl) between the tows tho man in the : wagon ma) operate thc nt the same time keep tho pump nnd n mixture stirred while two others on the ground hold the nozzles nnd dl rect tho sprnj oer tho plants Tho nozzle found to ho host suited to tho work is tho Veimorel This Is now of fered for Bale by pump manufacturers nnd denlois In seeds and agricultural Implements In nrloiis parts of the country. Whole there are only a few plants to tteat. simple devltes for the , application of the fungicide, such ns watering cans, tho s)rlngcs used by i florists, etc , may be used Potato Dllght, Late Blight, or Rot. This disease attnrks tho leaves. stems, nnd tubers. Clenerall) thc first notlcenhlo upon tho leaves Is tho sudden iippeiuanco of brownish , or blackish nreas which soon, become soil anil Iciul smelling So Midden Is the nppenrunce of the disease In some cases that Holds which one day look Kiccu unci iicjhu) mny Wlllllll Clio next day or two become blackened ns I though swept by fire The rapid spread of the dlsensc. wblrh Is caused by a parasitic fungus, Is dependent In large measure upon ceitnln conditions of moisture mm bent A dull) mean or normal tenipornluio or from 72 do grces to 71 degrees riilnenhelt for any considerable lime, accompanied by moist wenthet. furnishes the best conditions lor thc spiead of the parn site On the other band, If the dnil) rnn-lli HI- nnvinn I lninliAMilnA .tU,.,. n.l , '""" , """ -. II uvfin.-:n nil it luff IIUJH, IJIU I1UV el ' opment or the) disease is choc ked I This fact explains why tho fungus i seldom occurs to nn) serious extent In sections where the mean or normal rlis or various kinds may produce a daily temperature exceeds 77 ilngrceS rouglipncil siirfait. Imt It Is safe to kay for nil) length or time, nnd piobnbly that most ot what Is known as scab Is why It appeals Inter than the dlsensolduo to tho attacks or a minute1 pnrnslt discussed under Iho Coimei heading, lie fungus, fln-t studied and described The tubers iiiTeetcd with tho dlsenso show depnssed dark colored areas on the surface-, wbllo within ate blotches and sticnks of a biownlsh or blackish color Oilier diseases mny produce slmllui erfctts, so that in this cbho the changes aro not so character Istic us those shown by tho leaves M V U V llf I L A I I I"'"1 "'l 1HL-M I nui i i i.i i i in iui r iw i u i ii HIS HISTORY. lie was born on August 14. 1802, at Potsdam. Ho went Into the royul navy while a boy. Iteforo ho was '10 ho hud twice clr cumnnvlgated the globe. Ho was married on May 21, 1SRS to Princess Loiilsn of Hesse Darmstadt In 1S97 ho was dispatched to tnlcu eommund of thu China station, and before leaving made bis only speech. In thc couiHC of which he acclaimed his brother In such lungunge that tho whole) clvllUid world was astounded. In 1898 ho vviih received fnco to face by the Hmpress Dowager of China, bo- l,, .,, mile I'urnnenn. until le.entlv navy. Slnco 1892 ho has seen moro contln- ,lon8 Ben service tnnn nny high olllclal In tho Germany navy. 4.t4mA.4.A.4.m.m.4.4.m. 'ttttttttttttttTtttttttt Never Hit Him at All. Th( JlldE0wlmt ,,,,, you ,llt ,hla I , mnn "" ""yw Prisoner I illdn t lilt Im wit anny tlilni,, ycr honoi. Tho Judgollut look nt him He's In n hnrrlblu condition purely )iiu didn't do that with )our fiatw. Prisoner Ko ycr honor I hutched Im bo tho hculs and humped Mm ugln a brick wnll a row times Hut I illdn t bit 'lm wit annytlilng wiinsl Chlea go Hot ord Heinhl. lulletln. 7fvn ner month. DISEASES Foi man) )cars it was believed tint most nt iho injur) to the potato w,es miu to this disease, but roniu line ,1 ,.uloiis liao shown that view u bo rnoneous Treatment. J 'I up treiumcni ns lecomnmd I ed lor enilv hiiuhl sliould bo loll iwcd i here, and will bo lound to nreeit the blighting of tho lops und rotting of tho in mrinni uhi.r.. Im.. hiii. 1. 1 is known to occur, core should in tnk- cn lo lH,Rin ,), application of tlio llor- deaux mixture bcrore the. alticl.s of J the fiincus. In all this work u must , eonstniitlv kent in mlnil Hint tho main object Is pretention rntlict than ruI0 cnt,nt wU, nIotilti'ill result If only clean health) potatoes are used as seed. Decayed and discolored tubers sliould bo fed to the hogs, as It Is pool pollc) to plant tlieni Brown Rot. This dlsensc occurs in man) farts of the South and In nddltlon to at Inching the potato Is foun I to serious ly Injuie eggplants and tomatoes In the case of the lotato the lenvos steins, and tubers are affected The ,,BonBO ,la,,niy manifests Itself b) n M,cn wilting of the foliage nnd toon the whole plant mny heroine nfferted the lenves nnd stems shriveling and then turning blown or blade. The dlsensc reaches the tubers thrjiigh the stents, producing n brown or black discoloration of the tissues nnd mtlmntely n complete nronKlng i:own t, lo(, potato should be soaked ror or rotting of all the parts llrown rot , 10rH t, HotntIon nlrcnd) de ls caused by a bacillus, a minute or 8(rbed After soaking, the potatoes Ban8m, nMch multiplies In the tissues and through its notion produces tno effects mentioned Various Insects such ns Colorado beetles, flea beetles nnd blister beetles servo ns cnrrlers of tho disease These Insects may feed (iSCased plant, nnd In their vis I, tK to .ijliis Healthy ones ij,,. tissues through lilti-s nnd posslbl) n other wn)s. Treitment. rlirmiclinnt tin, Konth iintm tv In ,,, Car()1na ,,,,, AIalianm nnd adjacent States where this ills ease Is known to occur, n thorough s)stem of spraying, such ns rccon) mended fen enrty blight, should ho fol lowed In nddltlon, nil disrated vine's should bo removed nnd dostnijccl ns soon as possllilo, and the tubers should he dug and elthei used at cnee or stored In a cool, dry place In Limiting It would lie well to avoid land which has Just been used rot tomatoes or eggplants, nnd flnnll) seed tubers Trom localities where the disease Is ,,, , ,,,,, ,, ,.,, lr prnctienblo Potato Scab. Scab Is one of tho must widespread dlsensc s affecting tho potnto Inju by I)r Roland Thaxter. or Ilnrinnl University. The effects or tho ills ease on the tuber nro so characteristic Hint nn one tun Identlf) It Treatment. I'otntn scab mn) lo sutiessriilly eon tiolled by heating tho seed picvlcius to planting Two fungicides nic used I I AND TITLES I I t HIS MENTALITY. Ho has a good education In the lib oral arts, anil an expert's education In everything nautical, from ancient na val battles to holystoning decks. Following the custom of his house, ho learned a trade when n jciuth Ho could earn his living nn)vvhcru as a watch maker. Ho speuks English purel) and tlu entl) He speaks t Pre lie li without nn nc cent He can converse in Spanibh Italian, Russian, and Swedish He can rlsci retail these languages readily Ho has had a thmoiigh education in every thing musical, and ror an nina tour Is a rcmaikablu musician I Like his father Frederick HI he is il.lheial in politics Ho has thus fie M.e.u.y ......lie,, ic-pce,.., iron. ... re uLiiuiiui uitjiii,'!, inu c.inperur inn has gained In consequence tho devo tlon of tho people of Germany. His mind is not ot tho devious, suh tin order, but direct and straightfor ward. Ho makes a better admiral than he would diplomat or courtier. Ills mind Is nccurato and strong, mil not snowy nor nniiiant. Mental ,ly his brother Is a greater man. f " New Plan of Italian Masons. London. F.b 11 -A speclaiclls- patch teeedveil from Homo Bays that ut u meeting or representatives nt Italian lodges or Freo Masons It was decided Hint Italian Freo Masonry should e ease to bo a secret society London. Fell lu According to tho Calcutta coi respondent of thu Dilly M.ill, tlio India Medic ill (iarctto nn- - ; uuunceB that III. Host o! tin India niemcni service nns suncssfully culti vated cancer and hns Infected a guinea pig wun ins culture. BLIGHT SCAB POISON lor the purpose, nanicl). corrosive sub niiuuu suiii iuii mill niriiiann soiuiloti io prepaio ilie first. dissolve two imu one huh ounces in orroslo sublimate 'tir bichloride ol merciir), in about two gallons oi hot water and alter ten in twelve hours dilute with clear water so that the whole rjuautlt) makes 111 teen gallons Corrosive sublimate Is a poison and must therefore not bo ' nlnccd where It can fall Into the nands of children or Irrcspunslblo per sons. To prepare tho formalin Rolu Hon, mix eight fluid ounces of com mcrclnl formalin (otherwise known ns 10 Per cent formic nl(leb)de) with llf t-'cn gallons of water To treat the potatoes with tho ror roslvo sublimate solution, Immerse them for nn houi and n half In the liquid nnd then spriad out to dry. I'lnnlly ut nnd plant In the usual manner A laige ban el Is n conve lilent recoptni le for the solution The potntnes m.i) be placed tn n coarse sack nnd suspended In the liquid cam being taken to wnsb the tubers before dipping provided tiie) nil' vei) dlrtv All treated tuheis should be planted In oidoi to mold danger fioni the poison upon them It has boon shown that the foiinnlln Is full) ns effective- ngnlnst scab ns1 the collusive sublimate solution nnd ns It Is far less dangerous It will piolmbl) come Into more general use In treating seed with tills preparation mny ,K, ,(,.,,.,,, cllt anil p)an,0l, ,n ,hc g,m wy. enre being taken not to mlow them tn become cciiitnmlnated by coming In contact with bags, boxes oi bins where scnbli) potatoes have boon Kept In practice it is found that fifteen gallons or elthii of ,.. fo.egolng solutions will be suffl dent to treat twent) to twent) live bushels of potatoes taking ciiuitinry precautions of course not to waste too; muih or the lluld ns each lot of tubers Is dipped Tip Burn, Leaf Burn, or Scald. This dlsenso of the leaves occurs In man) parts or the country anil Is otten conruseil with early Might The tips nnd edges or the leaves turn blown . . i and those discolored arens soon In come haul nnd brittle The burning or scalding inuy oioir ,nl "" ,lnu' Bni1 "8 a r"1" ,H ,h" rt,H"11 !.f unrnvornble cou.lltlons sm rounding the plant. Inig continued cloudy and j dnmp weather followed ly several hot nnd bright days Is very apt to result tn the burning of tho foliage. Tills Is especially the case on soils cnrr)ing u comparatively small percentngo of lmolstiiie. When tho weather Is cloud) nli ilamp the tissues or the potato be 0mo gorged with water and this hits tendency to weaken them ir the Hm, appears bright nnd hot when the , ,,,..,.H nro i.. 1iIh condition, thero Is rnp,i evaporation or the moisture ' Ftcir! up In theli tells The ovnpora j(im may )L, fasU,r ,ilan tlu Bupplj ' rurnlshi'd by the toots, and If this con tlnucs for nny length or time the weaker and moro tendci parts first collapse, then dlo, and finally turn In own and dry up Tip burn may also OF PRINCE HENRY IIIS TITLES. His name Albert William Henry Hohenziillern. Ills rank: Vice admiral and chief m thu first siiuudron of tho (Ierman navy. Honornry general of tho First Regi ment of I'oot Guards; of the I.udwlg Fusiliers; or the Twenty fifth Hessian Artillery, Honorary colonel ot the Thirty-fifth Prussian Fusiliers, known ns "Prlii-V Henry's Own," or tho Thirty-third Uus- slnn Dragoons, known ns "Prlnco Hen nr iiMiBoin. ru.n" W ... . .......... w... ! Actual colonel of tho Twentieth I Austrian Infantry Honorary vice admiral of Austrian navy , Knight of the Order of tho Illnck liaglc; Knight of tho Order of tho Clohlen Fleece Knight of tho Order oi tho Annunciation; Knight of tho 0r(er ()f Rulhant; KnRnt of , Order of tho Seraphim; Knight or tho darter; Knight or tho Order or St. Andrew, otc. Possessor or tho Distinguished Ser vice Order or Prussia Never bestow eel bonorarlly hut solely ror aits of gallantry Prlnco Ilcnr) of Ills ninrlal title. Prussia Form of ajdress "Ills Highness' -t t4-'f A Candy Smasher. Anlmnteil b the exatnpb. of Ci .1' Ma.i,,,, ,. ,,,,. , r ninghiiiin. ton, N V Miss Allen V"ear. bus begun n crusade ngnlnst cnud) stores, which she re garils ns mote harmful thnn saloons She inleied nno ot those stores nnd pioceelei lo demol Isli tho e anil jars Imt her e inside was brought tn a hiiiblun ml h an Ulis)iupnthctli pollc email Miss Wcu ver paid a flue ol such piopoitlons - that bur ideas of leformlng thu world bv blotting out tho e und) store Infnni) lmvu 1)t,cn Krfallj Iliuiun,.j TREATMENT cm e in ns tlu tM tli ll l r milt of proline ! ! 'In Treatment. a specific nature l.ttlh ol a spocitle nature nn l nid nn uitp treatment ol mis In. mm .minimus iitnors are involved In tin iiintioi so tnat nnl) general state I ,n nls are possible Ivvcry '-uorl iioiiii bo miide to keep tho plants in. ,od growing tonditlon for If the) be ionic elieekoH thioiigh licit of proper tod or rultlviitlou or both the) ate more apt to burn It Is n fact that whore the llnrdi-aux mixture Is i scd ,(t other dfVensos burn Is less npt to occur and this furnishes another In stance of the remarkable properties ol the fungicide llrlell) therefore tin plants should lie kept ns vlgoious as possible bv good niltlvntlnn pleni) ot nvnllable food and the application oi Horde nu mixture ns recommended lor earl) Id Ik ,t Arsenical Poisoning of the Leaves tn manv sections where Paris gicen In wntet Is applied to pntntoes Injur les nro produced which can not In ills linguistic d fioni carl) Might b) nn) nnllmit) examination It friqinnil) hnppens therefoie that farmers are led to believe that their potatocv nn nffecteil with earl) blight nnd other diseases when the trouble has b. on hiought on b) themselves through the Improper use of Paris green Inlurks resulting from the use of tills sub stance ate vor) apt to occur wbiTe Ilea In el les have eaten the folluge The at sonic attacks the tissues at such points, and ns a result more or less circular blown spots are produc ed, having for their centers the holes eaten out h) the (Ion beetles It) coin bluing the Piuls green with Itnrdcnux mlMiiie ns nlrcnd) described, those Injuries ma) he wholl) molded Concluding Remarks. The cost of tiie work ot spravlng ns iliKcilhcd hiii' will depend to a considerable extent upon the kind ol machine l used nnd the pi lie paid for labor With suitable apparatus and lalioi nt $1 fn per da) potatoes ma) be spui)eil six times for about $i, per aero This estimate Is based upon ex .periiueius eienciing over severni )ears nnd Include the cost ot cbemlrals ns well ns labor. The eot or treating ..-,.. . ...... si nli In innliil) In the labor Involved In dipping nnd drvlng the seed nnd seldom cxci oils fifteen cents per re re Much ntteiitlon has bei n given to the ,,m,,u "f 1"ll''' '""" " grow in aim )iciu oi potaioes nsicie from Its value In keeping parasitic foes In check. It has been shown con cluslvcl) that It pa)s to apply this preparation if for no other purpose than to Induce a more vigorous grow Hi Threo or four applications of the mlxtuto lime In many cases In ct eased tho yield of potatoes iiO per cent, so that no matter where the tiop Is grown or whether diseases nro present or not tho vviltct reels war ranted In recommending tho nppllca Hon or the mlxtuto on the giound that Its use will )leld n handsome return II T OALI.OWAY Chler or the Division of Vegetable Pli)siolog) and Pathology Depaitiuent of Agriculture Wash Ington I) C I" WOMAN . M -. -"-.- -. - Woman Is Indispensable tn mar, man Is indispensable to woman, vl'o versa, vei 3a vice so there )ou arc. 1'or a trlllej a woman will makr u I turnkey ol a man, and then admire him In his new state. A woman will fall In lovo with a man who is unworthy ot her nnd 1 then sho II Impress that fact upon the unfottunato Individual. Woman Is a thorn In tho side of man but a very agrceablo stlckur Woman's pastlmo is circulating in.cnnv Without her. mnn would snvo too much A woman's promise Is like n bubble it nssumes grent proportions in tho stmt, and then sueldcnly collapso A womnn's Inllucnco for good or evil 1" proverbial for that rcuson a mnn usually blames her for his offences nnil Jmetl) so Phlbidelphln Tele f ra, His Strenuous Remarks, The elevated train tamo to n stop ut Kioll.i) scpiaro with such sudden uess that nn old man with a silk hat and thiee big bundles was hurled 'down the aisle as If from a catapult The bundles nnd thu hat took various directions but the old man brought up ngalnst a stout young woman, who piomptly measured her length ou tlio lion.1 The )oung woman picked herself up Jiul gasped "This Is outrageous'" The old Hum said us lio groped nhiiut for Ills bundles 'I confound It know It confound It couldnt help ni)sell confound It ' Then ns ho left the ear ho ghued nt the guard nnd Indulged In this Until iiutb'iist Confound It all, I sn) " A man seated In the cm said to his nulghboi "The old fellow Is a i linn h member" "Peibaps," wus Uio lopl); "but lie put a good deal ol o icbslun Into his wotds." tlostem Her nM waikiki INN 1'or a quiet rest nnd n pleasant Sunday the at tractions nt the Inn nro unsurpassed finest surf bathing and catioltig on the Island Hxc client cuisine and the best of service L, H. DEE, - Prop. W. Deswick, Manager. Edmond Johnston, Stew ard. Mils Mary Smith, Stew ardess. Take the car to Walkikl. Wc have constantly on hand a One lino of Alaska and 8tar Refrigerators, lee Boxes, Stoves, Rubber Hose, Paints and Oils. HAWAIIAN HARDWARECO.,Ltd 316 FORT ST. HONOLULU, H. T. THE UNION EXPRESS CO. Safes, Pianoa, Furniture MOVED Drays Tor Freight and Lumber Our representative raets U Incom ing steamers from tho Coast, and we check baggage on all outgoing steam rs. White and BUck Smd For Salt Offlco with Kvenlnts Bultettn, 211 King streeL Tel 86. .. LiRSEH, MTr. Seattle and Tacoma TO Honolulu S. S. OREGONIAN, 6000 tons, to sail March 25th. S. S. CALIFORNIAN, C0O0 tons to sail April 20th. 1'or further particulars npply II, HACKFELD & GO,, Agents. C. P. MORSE, General Freight Agent Trumbull & Beebe's CALIFORNIA Flower and Vegetable Seeds Awarded Cold and Silver Medals Paris Exposition 1900. Ilenutlfully Illustrated catalogue) mailed freo on application TRUMBULL & BEEBE SEEDSMEN AND NURSERYMEN. 419-421 Sansome St. San Francisco, California. When You Want a Rig ring- up thu C-L-U-B LIVERY BOARDING and SALES STABLES, : : : : : sis fort street Btable 'Phono, 109 Main, Ilac-lc Btand, 'Phones .119 and 7X. C. H. B ELLIN A. Professional Cards. Madame A. Schoellkopf, FROM PARIS. WILL TEACH FRENCH n classes or private lessons. Residence Extension of Hotel 8t, pp. Adventlst Church. French Laundry 505, Corner of Bcretanla Ave. and Punch bowl St. All Work Done By Hand. Lace Curtains, Silk and Glove Cleaning a specialty. ABADIE tV CO. HART & COT, (LIMITED) ME ELITE ICE CKEAM PARLORS Fine Ice Creams and Water lets, Chocolate and Confections. The Finest Resort In the City. Try our "Elite" dyster Cocktails. Woman's Exchange has romoved to the Arlington Block, Hotel Street, In tho storo formorlr occupied by H. W. Foster. Mfclml m