Newspaper Page Text
m 1 V. SUNDAY IJUM.ETIN. HONOLULU. II. T SUNDAY. MARCH 2, 1902. f 4711. We are the agents for the celebrated 4711 COLOGNE, SOAPS and TOILET PREPARATIONS We can recommend them. ister Drug Go. CASTLE & COOKE, Ltd HONOLULU Commission Merchants :: Sugar Factors AGENTS FOIl Tho En a Plantation Co. Tho Walalua Agricultural Co , Ltd. Tho Kohala Sugar Co. Tho Walmca Sugar Mill Co. The Fulton Iron Works, St. Louis, Mo. Tho Standard OH Co. Tho Geo. V. Wake Steam Pumps. Weston's Centrifugals. The New England Life Insurance Co. of Boston. Tho Aetna Kiro Ins. Co of Hartford, Conn The Alliance Assurance Co of London. AlEXANDER&BALDWItUtd OPFICBRSi H P. Baldwin President J B Castlo First Vlco President W. It. Aloxander.. Second Vlco Pr.cs. J. P. Cooke Treasurer W. O. Smith Secretary Geo. R. Carter Auditor Sugar Factors and Commission Agents AQBNTS for Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co , Pala Plan tation Co., Nahlku Sugar Co, Klhel Plantation Co, Hawaiian Sugar Co., Kahulul Ilallroad Co., and The Gilifornia and Oriental S. S, Co LIFE aid FIRE Insurance - Agents AGENTS FOR NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE IN SURANCE CO. OF BOSTON. AETNA FIRE INSURANCE COM PANY OF HARTFORD. C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. Queen Street, Honolulu, T. H. A.BrontH (or Hawaiian Agricultural Co , Ookala Sugar Plant. Co , Onomea Sugar Co , Honomu Sugar Co , Walluku Sugar Co. Makeo Sugar Co.Haleakala Ranch Co, Tho Planters' Lino of San Francisco Packet, Chas. Browcr & Co 'a Line of Boston Packets. LIST OF OFFICERS 0. M Cooke, President, George Robertson, Manager, 13. V Bishop Treasurer nnd Secretary, Col W F. Allen, Auditor; P C Jones II Wa terhouso and Geo It. Cartor, Directors. Design 7our own ledgers, cash books, etc. If you pre undecided, we will help you. That fa In our line and the PRICK IS RIOHT, at the EVEN ING BULLETIN. llPi 1 p r.rti Jy" -Mi Hx - f THE NEW ENGLAND BAKERY li Loaded Up With GOOD THINGS TO BAT. Scotch Shortbread; Cakes, nil sixes, prices and styles; Ties, Just like your mother used to make; Cookies, Maca roons; Lady Fingers; Cream Putts; and all tho dainty styles suitable lor tbo well furnished tabic. Tons of Puro Candy, from cheap grade for children, up t J better grades. For GOc wo can furnish you a box of Delicious Candles worth a dollar clso where. IF YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY t DONT FORGET NEW ENGLAND BAKERY FOR SALE ! -AT MAKIKI - New two story bouse. Elctrlc lights; stablo for 3 horses and car riage. Modern sani tary plumbing. Ce ment sidewalk. Near Electric Car Line. $3,500 UA8Y TBRM8 CASTLE & LANSDALE, 506-507 Stancenvvald BIJ B A B V CARRIAGES AND GO-CARTS Latest Styles Low Prices HOFFSCHLAEGER Co., Ltd. 29 KING ST., NEAR BETHEL Fraternal Directory. HARMONY LODGE, NO. 3, I. O. 0. F. Meets evory Monday evening at 7:30 a Harmony Hall, King street II. McKECHNV, N. O. E. II. HENDRY, Hocrelary. All Tlsltlng brothers very cordially lTlted. MYSTIC LODGE NO. 2, K. of P. Moots overy Tuesday evening at 7:30 'clock In I'armouy Hall, King street. tailing brothers cordially Invited 'o vttend. H. J. GALLAGHER, C. C. A.B;UUUl,HY, K. 11 S. OAHU LODGE, No. 1, K. of P. Meets every Friday evening at liar jiony Hall, King street, at 7 30. Mem bers of Mystic Lodge, No. 2, nnd visit ing brothers cordially Invited F W DUNN, C.C. ED. C ALDIUCH, K. of It. & S. THE VON HAMM-YOUNG CO., IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Queen Street Honolulu AGENTS FOR The Laiimshlru Insurnnco Co. Tho Ralolso Insurance Co. Union Cass Engine Co. Domestic Sewing Machine, Etc. BOWERS' MERCHANT PATROL AND CONFIDENTIAL AGENCY Night watchmen furnished for build hi kb, business property and resldcncos Builders will do well to consult Bow era In regard to wntcluren, Office and Residence, School Street. P. O. Box 284; Tel. Vr hlto 3691. , IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE f M IN NCWi-PAr-HS 6 AnrWMLKU AT ANYIIA1U A kin on or writ. t E.C.DAKhl'S ADVERTISING AGENCY I 64 & 63 Merchant' Hxcliange cam l.uik.risrn fit oeoVfe'$ Ed.Towse Shows Liquor Consumption Is On Increase BEER IS BLOOMING A MORE POPULAR BEVERAGE Local Employers of Labor Generally Very Strict, and Insist Upon Sobriety Among Men They Employ. At a meeting of the Research Club on Friday evening last, the temperance question was discussed very forcibly by Mr. Ed Towsc nho added to his re marks the views of local cmnlovers of labor on conditions In Honolulu. In the course of his remarks Mr. Tow so said. "During 1900 the drink consumption of the I'nlttd States per ten of popula tion was 147 gallons Meanwhile, that of Germany was 30'J, that of the United Kingdom 33.', nnd that of France, 337. In other words, the drink consumption of the United Stntes was less than half that of am of the other thrco countries This fact ma) have something to do with American commercial success It should be noticed too that In the Unit ed Stntes, as In England and Germany, beet forms about nine-tenths of the total consumption. In France It Is less than two-tenths, while more than sev-en-tenths consists of wine Increase In Drinking. ' The second point of Intercst'ls that the drink consumption here, as In thn three other countries, has shown a distinct Increase during the last few years If the consumption for 18SG to 1890 be taken at 100, that for 1S9G to WOO was, In the United States 120, In German), 1J3, In the United Kingdom, 113. nnd In Franc 12.' It nppcara that the rate of Increase here Ih almost tho same as that In France nnd In cr m any, while the smallest rate of In crease Is tu the United Klngdum "It Is to be observed, howeer, that the Increase In this countr) Is due a! together to the growing fondness for beer The consumption of wine mil of spirits has declined. This Is at lc 1st an extenuating circumstance. If Am ericans must drink mure, It Is will that It should he beer rather than whisk), The beer Is less likely to cause drunk enness leading to crime and less like ly to Induce bodily ailments Icjdlng to ph)slcal and mental degeneration Liquor at Harvard. "Harvard, as well as the Massachu setts Institute of Technology, has Gei inan kommers, with beer, ale and claret The trustees and house com mittee of the Harvard union have vot ed to allow undergraduates to drink In rooms of that building when meeting as an organization "There is absolute! no limit placed on the number of kegs, bottles and cases that can be 111 dried It Is stipu lated, however, that none of the lluldi can be saved for later occasions All must bo drunk, given or thrown away befoic the last student leaves The liquors must all be ordered In the name of some olllcer of the oig.iulzatlon, who prcsumnbl) will bo responsible therefor Graduates can bo served with the H.inie class of drinks indivi dually without (Oinln,; under the 01- gnnlzntlon clause, and practically any where In the building uutslde of the li bra r) Sobering Railroad Men, "Tho results of tho anti-drink order some time ago promulgated by the Union Pacific ofllclals havo reached others besides the rallroid employes themselves It is said that as a result of the order two saloons located In Wyoming have been compelled to close their doors They were patronized al most exclusive!) by railroad men, and when such supporters were forced to withdraw their patronage tho business done was not sulllclcnt to pay the lent 'The prophicles that the order could not be enforced made b) many wise acres at the time It was Issued have been refuted Rome difficulty was at first experienced In getting the men to realize that the olllclals vvcie In earn est, but the enfonlng of the ordei to the verj letter qukkl) dispelled that Illusion It Is said among inllioad men that from lull to 200 dlsch.iiges had to he Issued before the order be came as effective ns was the Intention of those who cone civ ecf It Local Laborers and Liquor, 'The Oahu Rnllua) and l.anil Com pany employes from C00 to 730 men mm Insists upon strict sobilet) If a nmn Is seen to be drunk off dutv ho Is dis charged, "The Honolulu Iron Woiks manage ment Is more leulent and good men have been "given a ihanie, the Judg ment of the foieman being accepted Out of the MO to t00 men emplo)nl tliero Is now less ill Inking, among Hie skilled workers than eve' lhii 1 The men who pcislst In ,11. he ,r.& gradi.all) weeded oil' ft'im lit vii'ks were moved It was Hum li Hi lion location would be out 01 im h nt the saloon but the Hillour 'allow I tin. plant Pain's Hawaiian Timiinum c ploys 2S0 men If they are Inn', whip they uppear for duty, or get chunk c;i duty they are din barged utln ire the management docs not n i.u the men do C O Ballentyne. manager of tin Rapid Transit system, cmploH 7" im 1 and all arc sober. "13 Peek & Co have DO men and ,111 very strict. They regard It as daiigei ntis to employ men with teams dilvlnr about tho city, who aic not leliablj sober A man who has worked1 there for twelve jenrs has been dis charged nnd the management Is v.ery nrm In adhering to Its ruleB Lewis and Turk ileellno to do busi ness with drinking or drunken men be muse the captains of vessels demand sober mm They do not allow men who hae been drinking on their promises nor do they permit liquor to be taken there . LOCAL AND GENERAL Pottage on the Dulletln's special In- dustrial edition Is three cents to all parts of the Stateo. Read "Wants" on pago 6. New pirlors of Mrs. Hanna In tho Oregon bloi k. Union street. Gomes & Mc flghe, successors to Ca rrara & Co liquor dealers, 9r) King St. Corns and Ingrowing nails removed without piln by Dr. Bogle, Arlington block. Blank books of all sorts, ledgers, etc. manufactured b) the Bulletin Publish Ing Co. One generous coat of PEERLESS PRESERVING PAINT equals threo of an) paint Tho weekly edition of tbo Evening Bulletin gives a complete summary of the news of the day. Meet mc nt tho Fountain tho popu lar Ice cream and soda water resort; Wall, Nichols Co., Ltd. Dr. S A Knapp. LL I) , of the De partment of Agriculture, Washington, lias been visiting plantations on Oahu. Charles Molteno, formerly of Mer chant street, has reopened his shaving parlor on King street, opposite Young building The Bcason for phcasint shooting has closed In these Islands Mportsmcn arc barred from killing tho birds until the loth of September A series of photographs taken on the coffee plantation of Loulsson Brothers l.n l.n n.l.ln.l III I. g ,. I (,lt 1 1 II .Ml 1 ' HUB UCVIl UllWtU ... m.J f ...M.. Museum l) Commissioner Wray Tay lor, A dinner In honor of Miss Glllett" will bo given b) Dr. nnd Mis. Chnrlct B Coopei, and Mr and Mrs S E. Da mon on Wednesda). ut Puukapu, Mo annlua. A large quantity of mall Intended for the Philippines, and brought b) tho Warren, was transfened to the local post otllce )esterdny pending the re tails on the vessel. The new parish house and Sunday school rooms of St Clement's chapel nrc speedll) Hearing completion It Is expected that the strucluie will bo completed b) Easter ll)rno &. Livingstone, direct repic sentntlves of mail) of the largest nnd oldest manufacturing firms of the United States, have opened an olTlce In the Progress building The force of the wind wns sulllclcnt jesteidny to upioot tiees 111 the Kc walo district. The building occupied by the Sloan Christian chapel was blown over li) the veloelt) of the gale . .i .. ... ii H.nn ..' , meeting of special importance to all Baptists In the city will be held In the parlor of the V M C. A. at k o'clock this afternoon. All Baptists are earnestly requested to he present. Don't forget Camarlnos of tho Call fornlt Fruit Market when jou want fruit and vegetables. He nlwa)s has on hand a frrch supply of both Califor nia and Island fruits. Telephone Main 378. Because the appropriation Is ex hausted work ut the United Stntes Agricultural Experiment station will have to be entlreh discontinued until the next nppioprlatlou is available, July 1 The new building being erected for Punahoii Prepirntor) school, on th" grounds of Oahu College, Is being rustl ed to completion Ihe struetmo will be ready for occupaur) about the llrst of May Principal Chailes llaitlett Dyke of Kamehameha school delivers the ml dress at the 4 o'clock men's meeting this afternoon Ills subject Is "A Twentieth Centuiy Religion " All men are Invited Notice of mechanic's lien to the Ha waiian Engineering nnd Construction Company nnd Convent of the Sacred Heart, In Ihe amount of $1(17 'ID for la bor upon the convent, bus been given by Pedgrlft & Pedgrlft V. A continuance was granted In the case of Charles Malala charged with having Improper iclatlons with a oung Hawaiian girl Malala will havo a hearing before Judge Wilcox In th? Police Court on Wednesday morning b'eveinl prominent local business 111 ins are Investigating the feasibility of n organising the wireless telegriipli service between Island points, Tho compan) s books aro being Inspected prepai.itory to a statement of expendi tures and leeelpts, A decided depaiture In Y M (' A uuik In this city lias been Inaugurated b) .1 committee of ladies, with Mrs II F Dillingham as chairman, who have cscepl.illy fitted up a room In tho association building for bo)s under the age of fciui teen )ears. Tho room will be gremousl) supplied with lead ing in.ittei and various games he doom of the Ins.mltuiy and llltliv lulled wnshhoiises has been si uh d Siipeilntendcnt of Public Woiks llojd lias taken the matter In hand and 01 del eel an Immediate clean ing up of the piemlses given over to l.iundi j lug Captain Sam Johnson bead of the gaibage department, will have eh irge of the work A $20.00 BELT for $5.00 riie Dr. w 1th sus- AlJen Hltrlc "Belt' petwry Is mnnnteed ill the curative proper n possess les of the esnen Ive bells now sold by lo tors and druKgMs. It rIvcs a very trnnc: current of electricity and Is e.illy euliteJ. Bnund to supereJe others. Can w hid from the undersigned only: no icenbi nn discount. Clrcuhr frre. Address 'lcrco Electric Co . 206 Post St.. Sin -ranclsco. Sent free to! for 85.00 riie Dr. q: W Itll SUS- -Ki3z 'v Temperance Education Map of United States Is Pure White. LAST LAW SIGNED BY GOVERNOR OF GEORGIA Historically Interesting Event Re cently Held in Boston Work that Was Begun in Vermont Nearly Twenty Years Ago. Nearly twenty )cnrs ago the first Temperance Education law in tho world was enacted In Vermont, largely through the Instrumentality of one do- voted woman nlded by noblo workers, espcclull) tho Woman's Christian Temperanco Union. Through the same Instrumentalities, powerfully aided In many Instances by members of religi ous nnd philanthropic organizations, slate after state in radplcmfwpyjpj state after state In rapid succession placed these laws upon their statute books. As nn object lesson, n "temper- an(,c ducntlon map" vvns prepared showing the states which had temper ance education laws In white, tho ! states which had none In black, nnd ns audi laws hnvc been enacted In one Snte after another the black covering of each lias been removed. Mrs Mary II Hunt of Boston, whoso earnest self-snrrlflclng labors In bchalt of this form of education have Inscpar alilj associated her nnmo with It, has Just received the pen with which the Governor of Georgia recently signed the Inst of these laws now enacted by tho legislatures of every ono ot the forty-five states of the United Stntes and b) the National Congress, nil ot which require ph)slology nnd h)gleno with special refeleiice to the effects nt alcoholic drinks nnd other narcotics to be tnught In all schools under state and Federal control. The removal of the last black cap fiom the temperance education map vvns thereforo nn occasion of historic Interest, and a compan) of well-known repiesentntlvo people gathered Infor mallj In Mis Hunt's homo In Boston, Saturday evening, January 23, to wit ness this removal nnd to welcome Georgia to tho white statehood thus mado complete. Pleasant reminiscent speeches on many phases of, this work weic made by some of those present from cvcrn, ,tatcg nmong , B1ests . , .... .. ... . being representatives of the leading city, state, nitlonnl and world temper mice organizations, of the Young Peo ple's Soclel) of Christian Endeavor, ot tho pi ess prominent elerg)men, the secretur) of the Massachusetts Board I of Education, and others. I Letteis were lend from fi lends nt I this education In nil parts of tho coun tr), among them one fiom Mrs Sibley State Pieslilcnt of the Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union of Georgia and one from Governor Candler nt nnciri-l.i ulwi ttlitip,l tlilfl lnal hw tlma b) a happy coincidence, crowning the work to which he had ahead) given valuable aid As a member of tho Foity-nlntb Congress, Governor Cnnd led wns chairman of tho House Com mltteo on Education and his vvns the decisive voto in that committee that led to tho fa vol able reporting and Int er the enactment of the national tem perance education law In 1SS0. The Stnto Commissioner of Educa tion of Georgia, having asked that the black cap stinlghtway ho taken from the face of Georgia on tho mnp, a mes sage drafted by tho Secretary of tho Massachusetts Board of Education was read to be sent from this gathering tcstlfjlng that tho black covering had been duly removed In tho presenco of distinguished nnd representative wit nesses from different states, and ex pressing tho hope that by means of this instruction tho Uvea of tho chll dron might bo ns unspotted by wrong habits and as white as the tcmpcraiyo education map of the United States now Is This study that gives with other laws of health tho scientific reasons for total abstinence Is now legally en grafted upon tho educational system ot this entlro country, and la fast spread ing to other lands iiKiiiiTsloPM The new management nl tho Wulklkl Inn Is making Itself most popular with the man) patrons of the plae.o. Since being entliely leuovated and overhaul ed It Is a more popular resort than ever for those who like to spend their SundavB at the beach. Iho meals tha Inn provides mo Justly becoming fa mous among good livers and tho ef forts of tho chef aro enhanced by thn situation of tho hostelry dining room on the edge of tho ocean Having the finest beach for bathing at Wnlklkl, the Inn Is thronged dally with those who enjoy a pleasant dip In the sea With Billy Beswlck nt the head of things and Larry Dee backing him up tho patrons of tho placo find that the in Ih nothing left undone to attend to their wants and mako them feel peifeetly at home Tho ratea charged aro of tho lowest In compari son with tho accommodation nnd good living provided 1 . Bobbin -Paw 7 I'nthc'i Don't bother mo' Bobble 1st vviin Kwestshuti? ratlin Well? llobblo J'uw, Is Buffalo BUI any ro Inshun tei Canal BUI? Ohio State Journal, A HOME CURE If oti wish a pleasant ami wholesome tonic for mind and bod) there is none to equal Primo Lager Order a case from the Urewerj. Delivered free in the cit) TELEPHONE MAIN 341. LIKE IN A '"i . ; ,- Mw2l BEAL'S, Beretania St., near Emma Metropolitan Meat Co., LIMITED. Freeh Aleats and Pish by Every Steamer From the Coast that has Cold Storage. Choice Beef, Veal, Mutton. f Lamb and Pork always on hand. Also Poultry, Salmon and Halibut. The Metropolitan Market, King St., Tel. 45. FOR SALE AT The Booth, Fishmarket, Telephone 379. Central Market. Nuuanu St.. Telephone 104. C. J. DAY & CO. GROCERIES 122 King St., next Manufacturer's A largo American manufacturer dcslics to ariango with somo ono In Honolulu who Is In position to represent their lino to tho Watch, Clock and Jewelry Trado. No application will bo con sidered oxcept that of somo ono engaged solely In tho business of representing American manulacturcrs. Tbo agency would not be given to any ono who Is engaged in business for his own account, carrying stock, etc. Tho business would bo conducted by carrying n lino of Bnmplcs, from whtcu orders could bo secured, to bo ship ped direct from tho factory. No applicant would bo considered w less accompanied by full explanation as to tho nature ot tbo ap plicant's business, and full and satisfactory references. Address : MANUFACTURER, this office, Hawaiian Engineering and Construction Co. ROOMS 508, 509, 510 STANGENWALD BUILDING. P. O. BOX 834. TEL. MAIN 70 All classes of Engineering Work solicited; Examinations, Surveys and R orts made tor any class ot Waterworks, Steam and Electric Construction; Plans and Specifications and Estimates Prepared, and Construction Superln 'ended, In all branches of Engineering Work; Contracts solicited for UaU o&ds, Electric and Steam; Tunnels, Bridges, Buildings, High a ays. Found. Jons, Piers, Wharves, etc. Special attention given to Examinations, Valuations, nnd Report! H Properties for Investment purposes. FREDERICK J. AMWEQ. M. AM. Soc. C. ., Engineer and Manager. W. R. CASTLE JR., Secretory and Treasurer. JUST RECEIVED PER GERMAN GERMANIA and CLOVER LEAF also IRON MATERIAL FOR RAILROAD CARS fnr .in.innh fnnk For sale In quantities to suit, H. HACKFELD & The Germania Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK. ASSETS $27,378,533.30. Paid to Policy Holders slnco 1860 for Death Claims.. $21,373,409 65 Tor Matured Policies 7,007,008 27 Dividends and Surrenders 13,099,134 37 To,al 15.57i,212 29 EMMETT MAY, Manager for Hawaiian Islands. JUDO BUILDING. LOOKING FOR A NEEDLE HAY STACK to find prettier wall paper than our 1902 patterns. Tho best of art has been worked Into the designs and they aro beautiful. At the Lowest Price. (0 to Bulletin Office. Agent Wanted. SHIP "MARIE HACKFELD" CEMENT at lowest market prices by CO., LIMITED '