Newspaper Page Text
SUNDAY nULLETIN. HONOLULU. II. T., SUNDAY, MARCH 2, 1902. SPRING IS HERE And with her nrrhal tlip Alameda has drought us n wonderfully licau tlful and tomplete line of the mtwt cMi'ilslto New Spring Wash Fabrics Our Rtoro now presentee nn appearance of liotli gorgeous and dell rao imucrlals that will maKo exceedingly liandsomo dresses. Comd cany, ror rememher the first comcra are the ones who hate the first selection. Delow wo mention some of the now fahrlcs Satin Striped Mull Now pretty patterns In light blues, sea foam and pinks. Fine Organdies Now I'crslan effects, very dain ty colorings and nocl patterns. Swiss Muslins Applique effects, latest designs, colors light blue with black, pink with black nnd gray with black. Grass Linen and Batistes In pretty linen effects. Lawns and Muslins In fancy stripes and figures, all the very latest. New Spring Ours are the prettiest whit lliu patterns nre novel and boa Importation nnd consists of n r New Applique Trimmings, New Black Waved Lace, Arabian aces, Etc., Etc. N. S. SACHS' DRY WHY THROW $40 AWAY by paying $100 fqr a typowrlter when you can get an up to date strictly high grado machine The Wellington Visible Writer for $C0. This machlno Is a revolution In typewriters. One of many endorsements given tho Wellington Typewriter Is as follows "Wo maka tho statement positively that they nro absolutely tho best, ex celling all others In simplicity, dura bility and accuracy. Wo nro using 75 of them In our 1'hllaclelphla and Now York stores. Thoy have our unquali fied endorsement. '(Signed) JOHN WANAMAKER." Wo have Just received a shipment of theso typowrltcri and will bo pleased to give full particulars regarding same. Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd. PER S. S. "ALAMEDA" New Line Golf Shirts very latest In the market. u. SEKOMOTO, Robinson Uloclc, Hotel Street. S. SHIMAMOTO General Merchandise. Dry Goods, Groceries Japanese Provisions, etc MAGOON BLOCK, MERCHANT hTREET. F.q.IBoacSSO avggLin. 21?. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS commencing March 1, 1902, I will sell all tho stock in my storo Regardless of Cost This is th opportunity of a life lime to obtain great bargains In nvciy hue . GOO KIM, 1116 Nuuanu Street l O BOS OTI HI. It -mrxjsrc wo oesjSit THE OLDEST CM.. SE FIRM IN HONOLULU. COMMISSION jVCEJK.OKC-A.NTS U.narf In Flo Silks o4 Gem Lineal, Cbln in4 J.ptn.u Ooodl ol All Klili. Bulletin 75c. Silk Mixed Tissue Tho very newest designs, ex quisite colorings, blue, pink, sea foam and light tan. Grass Linen Tissue Very sheer, linen color, make up prettily will Silk Mixed Tissue Solid colors, soft material, In cream, black and dovo color. Dimities An unusualy fine assortment of latest designs nnd elegant com bination of fancy stripes, solid color ctrlpes and polka dots In nil colore White Goods oods ever brought to the Islands. iitlful This stock Is nn entirely now complete assortment In all lines. GOODS CO., Ltd SILK AND GRAPE SHIRTS. PONGEE SILK FOR SUITS, direct from the Orient. BIG LINE OF KIMONAS. - - per month, piMrtHMttHtttfKtfKtftfliWMMHMHIfMtfHHtfMHMHMMKMMttllMM'HKKHttMttMMKK'' 5 S I Musical and Dramatic News jj X " H K U K Hit X M M M II li H M II tl H 11 H K II H X Ml M V l X II K II It a M X X M M X II X I , .Music ran he made the language of all the tailed emotions of the heart. I'rince Hcnrj of Prussia, now visit Ing the States, Is an excellent lollnlst. A song recital by Madame Illshop In tho Opern House wouM be the event of the season. The post of Master of Music to tho King of Hngland, carries with It a sal ary of $1500 n j car. One of the benefits of annexation Piano lessons (!) nre glm for two bits . Ueethoven could remember any se lection of music he had ccr heard, and reproduce most of It. A Choral Art, Society hait been or ganized In Hoaton. The programs will conslBt, for the moit part, of compo sltlons of the 10th, 17th nnd ISth cen-f turles. The New England Contcnatory of fers a prize of $600 for the Lest origin al work for chorus nnd orchestrn, open to all composers born In the States or resident for nAc years. ! Salomon Jadassohn, the renowned l.clpslc theory and composition teach-1 cr. Is dead nt the age of seenty. Carl llelnerke nftci fort) -two ) ears' work In the Lelpslc Conseratory lus sent In his teslgnatlon to take effect Jul 1st, It presents In systematic sequence the An nmnteui organist who broke etolutlon of music by showing pulill elown In plnylng the Messiah, said "1 j cations relating to tho music of the find the music too hard for me to Han- nnclents, medlncal writers nnd btib&c del." No wonder he wus found Haydn qurnt centuries; It Includes standard behind the organ and had to glte up I reference books, blbllogrnphy. Iilatorj. his position and go to Chopin' wood. There Is some talk of a paid quartet uf singers for the Central Union church choir. This Is as It should be, for they could nlways bo depended upon. Such n wealthy church ouglit to I hne n good choir, necr mind tho CO!t The Hawnllan Dramatic Society's ancient llnwiiliun plajs to be glcn at the Opern House on the Inst, ought to be Interesting, nnd will nn ' cap.iclt as clean or me rojni uupoi. 3 doubt, attiar-t a largo uudlence. It U ha3 the right to nprolnt a "composer a long time since nnjthlng of the kind i to his majesty's chapel," and this coin was presented heir. poser Is cntltlej to the place nt the or- gan on Coronation l).ij. regardless 'of A llerlln conespondent of the Musi- cal Courier snjs that an autolilogra- inn) be At tiie coronation n: ph of lliclurd Wagner In the ninster's III . I'urrell retained his place at tlin hanilwrltlng is In the possession of his' organ, nt the coronation of Victoria, son Slcgfreld. who made n promise not Sir Oeorgo Smalt obtained the func to publish It until thirty cla)s after , tjon. Iloth organists, for a goodly sum his death. i of money, allowed a number of wealthy peoplo to sit in the space behind the Next Tuesday evening .Mrs. J W. Instrument. The later organist passed Vanillic) 's pupils will gUc n musical exhibition in the Y M. C. A. hall. which will only be open to the pa rents of the pupils. It should be n eiy Instructive evening laBiiiiiinMaiBBaBBiiaBiiiiiBBiiaiiiiHi MM s Rider Of Cronje Three Pounds Under We'ght But No Protest. MANY HORSES PASS TIIE STAND NECK AND NECK Japanese Owned Horses Show Very Good SportInteresting Game of Polo Also Occurs On the Field. llllo I'eb. 2S. There were attrac tions enough ut Hoolulii Park on Sat urday to (111 the grand stand and ns the day was n half holiday It Is surprising that the crowil did not go out. Tho time made In somo Instances suggest ed nn error on tho pnrt of tho tlmo keeper, but ns tho horses came lu neck and neck or nearly so there was no complaint. Tho last lace between Plerro and Cronje was a repetition of n similar event which took placo some time ago, On Saturday. Golden, Cronje's rider, did not weigh out and on weighing In he was found tluco poundB under weight. Instead of giving the raco to I'Mcrro or declaring It no ince the Judges called foe ricrro's owner and us ho did not protest Cronjo was given tho race On u previous occasion men- tinned n rider was found to he h-bs than two pounds under weight but no ques tions were asked by tho Judges, the) promptly declared "all ctH off " Tho flist raco wnB for of a mile between Phillip and Tlmo Cenle i The horses got a good start nnd It looked ns Hiough It might bo u dead heat. When they got around to the pnddoek gate Tlmo Center swung to the light to K" Into the stable und Phillip passed win - nlng In 37'A. The betond event was n thrre-iiuai- ter mllo dasli l.clwnnn llnvnl Pun and Merrll'H r.ircn Ilnlli linraea looked well but Merrll's 1'orco with Tlimmis up, wns tho favorite. Tho lioises ('"' olT well together, Kan If anything a nose ahead until tho llrat eiuaiter a p.'iBBed when Merrll's Tone spnrlnl ThomnB dlil not hnvo to urg. hlx in"'"'1 In nny part of tho race and he won I" 1 oo Prank S. and Del Vista we: 'In i ' The rector of a country parish In Texas, who was revising his sermon on Sunda morning was awaited upon In his stud) by his organist, who ask ed what ho should play. "I don't known," mid tho reclor absent-mindedly: "what kind of n hand hac ou got?" An American In Kurope, comment ing on the musical opportunities and the support of musical In stitutions, calls attention to what Is done In small cities. Ho Instnnccs tin city of Teplltz, In Bohemia, with soma 30,000 Inhabitants. It has n symphon) orchestra which gives six concern each season, the soloists for the Including Carreno, Prltz'Krelslcr, and YBa) c. A olumn of reminiscences of I.ef h ctlzky, written by his sister-in-law the Countess of Potockn, has been publish ed abroad It treats of tiie ?ieit teacher's prhate life, of his long ca reer, full of dramatic and romantic interest, of his relations with public men, artists and composers, among them Uszt, Wagner, Hublnstcln mid Strauss. It also gives his v'e3 on progress, art, religion nnd other poluta of Interest In the thought of n many sided man. A musical epitaph from tho'iir.-uury Hurting Oround. Iloston: Here lies Interred Prlscllfa Illid, Who sang on earth till slxt-tn. Now on high aboc the sky, No doubt she sings like slxl-tno An exhibition of the literature e music hac been opened to the public lu the Lenox Library, New York City. and biography, works on the oper.t . 1. 1-.. ... Il..t1.n n.i line tlnz, Haydn. Liszt. Meni'elsbohn, Kos- slnl, Verdi. Wagner, ami others, and I music mnniiscnpiH m .m:.. u.. " Mozart 8 s mphonles Is ne of the most """ - - . . ' The question of who shall presldi nt the organ til Westrrlnstcr Abbey ntj the coronation of IMw.ird VII Isnrous- Ing considerable controversy In i:n-, gland The Illshop cf London, In his. who the regular Westminster organist them off ns musicians and gac them Instruments, which they feigned to play. The secret leaked out. and there was a pretty scandal, but the sly or i gnnlst kept his boodle horses to try conclusions In a tluce clghths of a mile dash Del Vesta .i.l the favorite before the start and sunn' money was placed in the rtiu; At the start Del Vesta had a hum' iheail and Increased It to half a le until at the wire, finishing In "MVt The mllo race between I'lerro nnd Cronjo was extreme!) iIiim hut should have been declnied off The horses came under the wire In the first halt nlmuBt In a eleud heat ami continued In that position, Cronje having a slight udvautagc nt the Mulsh. Time, 1 .10 There were thiec very good races among the Jnpanese nw ned horses, the time being up to the average of the class. While the laces wire being run nn Interesting game of polo was under wn) lu tho Held There were two teams of four, one captained by Iton nlcl Kennedy and the other by C N Prouty Jr. The latter team was short one pla)er In the he ginning nnd In Bplte of the excellent work by Ted (tunrd, who was nt a disadvantage In not havlug n speed) pony. Captain Kenncd)'s team rushed the lull to thri-e) times. After the arrival of Dr. draco of Mr Prout)'s team tho play changed The pink nnd wl'i'o bo.vs had scored three points ami nnd') one safety their tally sheet Bhowliu "'i points. With a suspicion of team work the blue and white prevented any fur thers points being scored and rushed the lull through the goal si ikes five times In siicceBslon Thero was renll) no team wink on the Prout Bldo ex cept at the close when tho Capttln, Grace ami Guard did good work . AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS. Lvery possessor of n "Kodak" or "Hrow nit ' camera Is offered tho op- portimlt) of competing for J 1000 In prices given by tho Lnstmnn Kodak Co The great advantages of n cosmo- polltjn population nnd beautiful seen- ci) makes tho chance of Honolulu con- teManli. favorable and ns tho prizes are numerous island amateurs will no iloulit diaw a largo share. Honolulu I'lioln Supply Co. are headquarters. TO-DAY'S HAND CONCCRT. pillowing is the program to bo glv en In the' Territorial band nt tho Cnpl- giminds. commencing nl 3 o'clock itil-. aflenimin. , PAIXT I. I "n"' ()l'1 ndred." (Iveiiui. -Calif of Hagdnd ..lloleldleu Clieuus Taiilihaiiser Wasner Se In Hull NahllCCO Vt I ill oiiil heleetlotis.I'our Hawaii n Songs l'AUT II. mIk (Inn The Torgndor .Monrkton II.1IU1I The Light of the World. Adams lull imezzo Cuvnllerla Ilukllcani Mascngni Selection Popular Airs .. . Lulu., Tho Star Spang!" I Hanncr. I PUPILS TO ENTERTAIN PARENTS AND RELATIVES Good Program Arranged for Tues day Evening's Concert Under the Able Direction of Mrs. Yarndley. The pupils of tho High School will glc n concert In the Y, M O A hall on Tuesday ccnlng at 8 o'clock Tho concert Is under the direction of .Mrs Ynrndley.thc Instructor of music at th High School, and Is an Imitation af fair as the limited Beating capurlt) of the hall prohibits a public exhibition Tho parents and rclatlcs of the pupils will be tho ones InUted. The Humbert of the program which, with the excep tion of a song by Chas L'lston. will be rendered by pupils onl), are ns fol lows I'AUT I. I May Dreams Abt Misses Codle Carden, Itebece.i Thompson, Margaret Cooke, Gladys Plsher. High School ChottiK, 2. Pianoforte. a. Impromptu Mazurka. Lack. Op 120 b Air de Ilallet Durand, Op. "J Miss Lizzie Whiting. 3. May Hells Mendelssohn High School Girls' Chorus. I Violin. a llcrccuse Noskowskl, Op 11 ' b Scherzo I)alil Miss Ilernlec Koepke. .'. Part Songs, a Skjc Iloat Song ...air. by Hell b. Ilcware Ilatton c. Two Itesolute iAnrrs.Hauptmiinn High School Chorus. l. Mandolin l'rullrs of flie Imps. Carlton Miss Mabel McAndrews. 7 Pianoforte Nocturne. Leschetltsk) Miss Csther Uinilo. Now Tiamp o'er Moss and Tell Ilishop soprano obllgato. Mrs .1. W. Yarndlej .... g , . c,.ur, PART II 1 pianoforte La Colombo (Duet) (louuod irm. Miss Ilernlee Koepke. Seconilo jIrH j w Varndlc) The Shepherd lloj .. Hooth IIIrIi School Chorus. Voice O Sweet, O Pair. O Hoi) ' .. Otto Cantor Prof. C A. Listen. O. Sk)lark, for thy Wing' Smart IIIeIi School Girls' Chorus , pianoforte. June (llarcarolle I Tuihalkowsk) b. llapp) Meeting Jensen Miss Lisle Smith. fi Serenado Neldllnger Tenor oblignto. Prof. C A Llstein High School Chorus. 7. Violin Schliimnicrlled . Schumann Miss Ilernlec Koepke. S O. Itnlla, Italia Iletoved! (Lucrn- zla Ilorgln) Donizetti High School Chorus. (No encores.) Accompanists, Mlsi Lena Hosewnrne Miss Jessie Krazler,"- Mrs J W. Yarndley Of IDE 002 CLUB The- 1902 Club held Us regulni week ly social nnd ilnuee nt Llks Hull 'i Thursdiy evening. Nenrl) all the mi'inbeis were pieseiit making It one of the most enJo)nble hoclals wit. u the club has )et had. Tho committee on arrangements !'ir the forthcoming masqucrado ball ic porti'il and showed thnt all arrang" ments were completed. Tho masipie rmlc will bo held on March 13th a; Llks Hall I'mir prlzcH will he awn-vl cil. viz. I'eir the bei,t cotumi-d lad tho best costumed gentleman, the most unique ehnrarter nnd tho newt sustained chaincter. The a.falr is to bo strictly Invltntion al, each membei having three Inviln tloiis nt his illsposal. The constitution nnd by-law h of the club were read and adopted. The eh-Ulon of olllccis will take place lie xl Thursday On this life mint It Is hoped that all ini'iiibers will be present. Th" club is Bteadll) Inei easing in iiioiubershlp. and has an assured pjI tlnn among Ilonoluliis' social org in lzatlons Voonllght Klclc. Illlo. Peh. 28 A bus load of llllo joung peoplo drove to Olaa last Mot day night Tho irowd went to tho Olaa mill where the) were received h) Mr. Hastings Ilowl.ind and shown the bights Later the) dtove to the homo uf Mr. nnd Mrs Walker when the) were refreshed with a squat e mil Tho perbnns enJo)iug the mnoulli;ht drive were Misses Hitchcock, Lnton (2), Cheek, Porter, Scholliorne, Messrs Kaston, Itidgwn). Guard, Moses and Slsbun, HUOAR ON HAWAII. Tho Klunii loportB tho following .1 gar on' Hawaii, awaiting shipment Hawaii Mill Co, I'ino liagH Onom-M 3000; Pepeekeo, 2111M, lloiiomu 12 'OO; Haknlaii, lu.noo, Pnpauloa. luin, Honokaa, 2000, KukulliaoK' 290o jm nnliiu, 751), llonuapo, 420 TO CURE A COLO IN ONE DAY Tnko Laxative llromo Qitlnlno Tablets All druggists refund tho monoy If tl falls to euro. L. W. Grovo's rlgnature la on each box. ?f cents Nicely furnished rooms. Popular House, 1213 Tort St., (1 CO per week up. flu ullOOlHn The Hits of the Year Every job the perfection design "BL A fine specimen of the carriage builders' art, We have others equally good. C. F. Herrick Carriage Co., LIMITUO. 1SS Mcrchfint Bt., next to Stnnjjenwnld Uulldlnr). Advantages of Electric Power I The advantages of electrical transmission of power nro numer ous, but tho more Important may be treated under tho following I heads, viz: frx2 1. Reliability. . my J 2. Convenience and Flexibility. I ("Jr '' av'n0 ' Pwer- I rr&i " Sanitary Improvement. I v5W ' Increased Output. I 2r 6. Decreased Cost of Maintenance. A full explanation of tho nbovo points will bo cheerfully given at our office or wo will call and see you. HAWAIIAN ELECTRIC CO., Ltd. KINa STREET, NEAR ALAKEA. Big Furniture Store Is Moved Whllo waiting for our now storo In tho Sachs' Ilulldlng to bo completed, wo havo moved temporarily Into tho FISHER BLOCK, op posite LOVE BUILDING, whoro wo nro! to sell tho sanio ex cellent Btnndard of furulturo as we havo alwu)s made It a point to handle Our temporary quarters are very liandsomo and a visit from you will bo welcome. PORTER FURNITURE CO,, LTD. I:lftlicr Itlnclc, opp. Love Bid., Port Street. SHREVE & CO,, To facllltnto trado with tho Hawaiian Islands, will deliver all goods purchased or ordered of them, freo of all charges for transportation to Honolu lu or returning snnio to San Francisco. Goods will bo bo nt nn selection to thoso know ing tho Arm, or who will fur n!li satisfactory references In San FrancUco. Jewelers, Gold and Silver Manufacturers, Market O PoHt 6t., 6. P. Illustrated CATALOG UR and prices furnished. upon receipt of request. Wo hnvo tho largest manufactory of Jewelry and Silverware west of Now York City, and aro prepared to furnlBh special designs. Tel. Mnln ail. BIG SHIRT WAIST SALE FOR ONE WEEK ONLY. ALL WAISTS MARKED BELOW COST, CALL AND EXAMINE THEM, A. A. MONTANA, Lending DrcHHiiinlclniJ Houh Arlington lllock, Hotel Ht. Hawaiian Tramway's Time Table. KING STREET LINE. Cin leave Wilklkl for town it wi.6n.t it am tni vry ij mlnuttf thereafter till 104c,, nju and ljjP.M from Waiklkl gitotht Purtahou Stable Cars leave R Range or Pawaa awltcb lor town at 1 y M and every 14 minute (hereafter till it cp,m (.art leave Fort ani King street corner for Petatna it 6,10 A,t, an4 every is minutes after till 11 tj P.M Cars leave for Pa I a ma only at 1 and jjoAM Cars leave I'alama for Waiklkl 4) A M and every 15 minutes till 941PM, then at to is anJ to 41 f.m Tnenif A from Palama Id Punahou only go toWallri.ion Saturiaya Cars leave Fort an J King streets corner foi Rifle Rang at f ao and moam Cars leave I ort and King streets corner for Waiklkl it 6 PS A M and every 15 minutes till toojP.M then at 10 uand iiijPH, The 11 is P.M goes to Wa'klkl in Saturdays only BERETANIA STREET AND f'UUANU VALLEY Cars leave Punahou SuHe for Ton al ) and for Town and Valley al s 40 5 ju 6 10 wo 6 40 and (MAM. Cars leave Oahu College for town and Valley at 4 )o 6 so ani tioam and tt ry 10 tnlnuiet till r 10 rM except the even hour and half, dour cars wnUh run from the Statte Cars leave Nuuanu Valley at 6 10 4 jo I o A.M and ivery 10 anlnutrs thrreilier till iq o p M Car leave fort and Queen streets tor Punahou College at 6 05 6 j 6 4s a M and every 10 mlnuies Wit-r till 941 p m Alter that the cars run to the Statte up tori jop M.whkh Is the lastcar from Town, reacMnrth Stable at it jo P M Get your orders In for the special Industrial edition. The second edition Is now ready for distribution. Price 25 cents. r 'The weekly edition of the Evening Dullctln Is the largest and best pub llshed in the Territory. Sixteen and twenty pages. $1 a year. I of vehicular construction, and Finish, San Francisco I'oHtolflcc Hon 57 c nntl Millinery Pnrlors. II. Pi DAVISON, Mnnoger. j I THE CLIMAX ARC LIGHTS I ' , j ' 1 rent sToiti.s. jj V& Sv Plf tirtilittr tlnnelerirlclty,rlti-er tl an hritoae MC InfurMumll imMir A'i unlrrintlh tiMrlor Mir ttt mut Unii, whim shea a mm It lihl novrrhtu I tmitntu i.aihI nnk mi tnonr nlM Not cun plica U-U iki the itteiheal tri" !! alwya fflrtMlKtactlm. t K. 1. u tn ma Li Mtt.1 Mit I inm It ttiitT. A limp that Uliili j it rt nil rfiil.-lr Smir Ilk II t th market Arm ilwmt toi ,fiitk Stale airnu wttaUvl ldrva STANDARD QAS LAMP CO., 118-120 Michigan Stroot, Chicago fjirctttt nntl ! nf tin tlitit tittiilillahi d iniMnif it tun, r tif Knatiliuu 1uiiimi of ull dm air ptluna. Fred. L. Waldron BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. V. O. nox 653; Tel. Uluo 791; Hoom 3, Spreclicls Uuliaing.