Newspaper Page Text
('Ty irw .Tfp- '.,f- TJ-B yt'-'TrT-,.- Wjjrr r SUNDAY DULLETIN. HONOLULU, II. T., 8UNDAV. MAItCIf 2, 1902. The Hawaiian Souvenir Playing CARDS THEY ARE HERE THEY ARE BEAUTIES Appropriate as prizes for card games. Suitable as gifts to friends and relatives In distant parts. nnch rack contains flf ytlirco hair tone engravings of tho choir 1st views .f HonoUilu, llllo mill tlio principal pointH of 'ntcrcst m the Islands. Hack dcBign of Knmehamchn Statue In co'ire. Edges In Gold. Doublo cnamal turfnee, of tho very best finish. Large In dexes make them suitable for all card games. Tclcscopo cases stamp ed In Gold. Theso cards nro manufactured by tho United States Play ing Card Co, who havo spared no pains In making them the flneBt Bccnlc pack of cards over published. RETAIL PRICE $1.00 PER PACK. Published nnd fop fiiilc by WALL, NICHOLS COMPANY, Ltd. Honolulu nnd llllo LADIES' WRITING DESKS A beautiful assort ment now on hand in highly polished oak or mohogany With such a fine stock to choose from It will bo easy to make a selection. J. HOPP & COMPANY Lending Furulture Denlcrw. CORNER KING AND BETHEL STS. Sanitarium Is Pan But thoso desiring the health foods, as handled by the Hono lulu Sanitarium, can obtain them at our store. Our stock Is com plete In this line and wo nolo the following Sanitarium Foods row on hand: GRANOSE FLAKES QRANOSE BISCUITS QRANUT CAROMEL CEREAL BROMOSE MALTOL NUT BUTTER ALMOND BUTTER NUTwiLENE WHOLE WHEAT STICKS OATMEAL STICKS WHOLE WHEAT WAFERS GRAHAM 8TICKS GRANOLA, ETC. H. MAY & GO. 22-TELEPH0NES-24 NEW BOOKS ! Golden Rule Bazaar's NEW BOOK LIST : "Tho nights of Man," by Dr. Lyman Abbott, ables for tho Fair," by Josephine D. Daskam. "Sir Richard Calmady," by Malcb. "Stephen Callnarl," by Julian Sturgis. "French Revolution nnd Itellglons" (Itcform), by Sloane. "'Schley and Santiago," by Graham (worth reading). "Korna Gordyccff," by Maxim Gorky. 'inese aro only seven of tho now books, but no havo seventy times seven Just as good nnd as interesting. J. M. WEBB, Bookseller nnd Stationer. Our Customers Like Our Curry Powder I Why? They are mitlstled tltnt the Ingredients used In ItH manufacture are the finest obtainable and that you will think ho too when you use It. LEWIS & GO. :. LEADING GROCERS. .: 10CO FORT STREET. 240 Three Telephones 240. I HSV IE 5BSS INDIVIDUALITY There Is individuality about eye glasstu tho same as dress. Not every one can bu fitted with the same clip and spring. Eye-glasses should bo made to lit tho face becomingly and a small featured person needs a small er lens than ono with a broad face. Wo fit each individual, and taka all necessary caro without piling tho prlco tin. A. N. SANFORD, Manufacturing Optician. Cotton Dulldlna, Fort Street Over May & Co. SUPERINTENDENT J. H. BOYD DISCUSSES PLANS OF PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Superintendent James II. lloyd, chief . the building of beautiful homes In the parks und square and the cstnl.'i l of tho Department of Public Works or'resldimo portions of tho city, should mont of reercntlon grounds, I mushier paucity of fluids for tbo furtherance of an ndance and extension In public I in public works proposed by the laBt leg-1 provements of a govornmoiuil I in Islature, ono of tho most busily em-1 actor. As It Is now, v,o"t Is urns plocd of tho Government department-(pushed forward, ns far as the limited al officers In endeavoring to meet the, moans will permit, In tho m ullm; .mJ almost constant demands for needed Immediate repairs and Improicmcnts and In preparing plans for new pro Jccts to be presented by him for tnc consideration of tho members of th? incoming Legislative assembly. Mr. Iloyd's attention Is, of course, more u.- rectly paid to tho Immediate wants of sonted for the consideration if tnc In tho community in tho way of roads, I coming Legislature will relnto I co.i bridges, Btrects, etc., and tho good nnd i aervatlon of water, lncreae ,l substantial character of which Is roost wharves, the Improvement, croiitloi of macadnmlzlng of streets within in I without tho tlty proper whlln BU'mr ban lagoons and marshes aro m Ins filled up and reclaimed. Subject for Legislature. "The chief subjects that will In pre- neccBsary to supply the needs of tho public traveling either on foot or bv Vehicle. Ilctwccn official duties a Bill- Irttn reporter had an opportunity to question Superintendent Ilojd about his projects for future Improvements, Mr. lloyd said. Welfare of People Supreme. norc parks nnd squares, and fi" i p Inllisli .'out of much needed roc '"a tlon grounds: tho extension of Ho sewerage system, by means 'if which the sanitary condition of outlylm points of tho city may be pheed In n more healthful condition, Inst, but not least, the building up of good iln -oughfares nlong much trnv.led len.:' "I am fully In accord with tho old tics Itomnn adage. 'Salus popull Suprema. "With regard to the conervntl. of est lex,' I. e.: "tho welfare of tho pco- water l havo plans prepared for tho plo Is tho supremo law.' The Depart- establishment of storage ropervolrs at ment of Public Works will bo ocr points in Kallhl, Nuuanu Valley mi. ready to assist tho Hoard of Health in at Diamond Head. An Inflection will obtnlnlng desired improvements in be mi'lo of tho possibilities fur wrier sanitation, whllo my own special en- storage In Manoa Valley. Consldora deavor will bo to enhanco tho welfare I tlon of real economy, ns well as due of tho people, from Nllhnu to Hawaii, regard for tho safety of property tln by additions nnd Improvements In wo-, below any site that may bo selected, tor supply, roads, bridges, wharves, demands that tho rcrervolrs, as cou sewerage and In other minor matters, 'Structed, should bo of the most ondtir all of which lesser Items would, how- Ing character and nn amount of mrnoy over, tend to tho comiort, convenience miIIii'jIo to accomplish tho des if d oo ind welfara of tho general public of' Ml of stability will be asked -f the the Territory of Hawaii, Is today, not- he recognized by tho Department ol that, In forwnrdlng the work lie d , withstanding tho great drawback lu Public Works In a tnngUi! inariicr b to provldo theso breathing spots . the people, I nm only filling a long felt want that Is a most necessary nill'iru to tho capital city of a semi tropical country. Tho lack of funds prcvonM this particular work at present, but It Is the Intention to ask for an npiun printton sufficient to carry out tho work In a proper manner. Tho matter of good thoroughfares nlong tho most traveled portions of tho city Is most necessary for tho good name of a tlty which has become so largely a center of tourist travel. For More Wharfage. "To merchants nnd to those who go down to the sea In ships, tho present lack of wharf-room Is plnlmy nppircnt more nnd better futilities for the land ing of cargoes nro most urgently call ed for by reason of the continued In crease In Inward tonnage to this port This matter of Increased wharf fnc III ties Is recoiling the intention of the department, and plans and estimates looking to Improvement thereon nre being prepared I "Tho sanitation measures which nro within tho Bcope of tho duty of the de partment, such as sewerage and col lection of garbage are to bo greatly extended, tho results obtained Irom the working of the present established sewerage system in the city being, in my estimation, most satisfactory. The garbagu system Is being worked In a thorough nnd practical manner so that the formerly existing unsnvnry sights and smells no longer otfend, even In tho most thickly populated portions of tho city." I Tho projected plans of Superinten dent lloyd, If they meet with tho ex pected approinl and assistance of tho Legislature, will, on their fruition, provu of great benefit to tho public welfare and reflect desert ed credit up on tho Department of Public Works. I ho Territory, as well as to that of the passing tourist. I believe that tho great enterprise evinced by tho men of means of Honolulu ns shown In the erection of largo nnd substantial struc tures In the business portion and uy ! i 7't-lnture. When theso pro,!' iwl Moiare riscrvn'ra aro compered the cnpni-lty will obviate any further : u ge of drought In tho city of Honn el.i. Public Parks and Squares. "In the matter of Improvement in -f-M--r-M--M-tt--t-M-'M----M- -f-f-f-H-f-ffT-t-f-f-ff---t-t--f4--t- '"ff-ff-f-ff-f-f-f--t-"f--ff Urn and letters advising Amerlians no. to comu to tho Islands, as there was neither room nor work; whllo at I tho same time every effort was-liulng J made to got every Asiatic possible Into tho country? Was It becausa tho American had a vote whllo tho Aslutlo had none, nnd votes wcro tho ouly means which could bring Americanism to Hawaii; What right has an American to think, if ho Mi oh in Hawaii? Who aro tho men or Interests wiio hnio Questions We Should Answer . , i Editor Sunday Bulletin. ou as a "carpet-bagger, "politician,' "Straws show which way the wind "offlco Becker," or "general good for- bl0Wi , nothing"? Who are, tho men ready to "We can tell a carpenter by his chips." nl th American? Two old yet good sayings. Aro they Why Is It thnt If a man Is a member to be depended upon? Can wo Judgo of tho "gang" ho can even ho seat to tl,n fnlur.. liv Hut nnKt nml nrpnpnt? Washlnc-lnn with nrlvatn or Govern Should wo oven think upon tho follow- ment money with the published rur-1 l,rol,Kht " thousands of Japanese to - . I llflllinll flniBl L...U .. - - - - Ing questions? When tho tlmo cmo poso to seek office for himself nnd. ,,'"u"' '""hi" mum uur wnn, ami for the laws to bo drafted to make Ha- friends, or to keep them from L ing wall a part of tho United States, who put out of office, and yet Is called was It that wanted to limit tho Ha- "ono of our representative men of Ha waiian voto by making It necessary wall"? .hat every voter should own property why Is It that T. McCants Stewart an tho Islands, and road and write should bo attacked by tbo Advertiser? Kngllsh? Why did they so strongly -aa it becnuso ho was a crlmlml or No More Dread of the Dental Chair TEETH EXTRACTED AND FILLE1 ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN b our late scientific method applied to tb gums. No sleep-producing agents o cocaine. Theso aro the only dental parlors li Honolulu having PATENTED APPL1 ANOES and Ingredients to extract, fit and apply gold crowns and porcelali crowns undectecablo from natural tet and warranted for ten years, WITH OUT THE LEAST PAIN. All wor. done by GRADUATED DENTISTS o from 12 to 20 years' experience, an each department In charge of a Special 1st Give ub a, call, and you will On us to do exactly as we advertise. W will tell you In ndvanco exactly whs your work will cost ay a FREE EX AMINATION. Bet Teeth 85.00 Gold Crowns $5.00 Gold Pllllnn 6I.O0 Silver Fillings j.GOc NO PLATES : Uintn Our name alone will lk a guarante that your work will be of tho beet. New York Dental Parlors Uoom 4, Elite Building, Hotel SUM LADIES IN ATTENDANCE Hours, 8 a. m. to 6 p. n. Sundays. 9 a, m. to 12 m. HttwMmjfJ2r turned them loose, to drlvo out our worklngmen, ruin our contractors, and fill our courts with criminals? How does It come. If our officers of tho Government aro such strong Chris tians, and deinnnd the enforcement of laws, that nenrly ovcry Chlneso and Insist on this quallllcatlon? Was it a dangerous man, or was It beenuM,!1" "no joint or wo city u o take away Hawaiian votes and I cep he dared to publicly express American op"', , minca n Sunday? ho power in tho hands of tho fow? 8enllmcnls, and. it may-bo. aid the1. y '" ' ,hat ,u "anl,nr5' 8,r(;,,,, Who aro thoso who havo been so- Hawaiian mind to learn a fow Ideas ol " '"' enU " ',or lon" of our nro m.rin,- hi- ....rel.n.n or nriu-ns of law i,i. u ., i ii n,. ih A.i I bclnB '""cadamlzod, whllo there Is not " O " I"---- - , ...I............ . ....J ... .V ...... ..... .... ovcry foot of land from tho untlvo vertlser mid a certain "gang" at'ack Hawaiian? cicry man who dares' to express un Havo wo as many Hawnllnns and other voters who could qualify ai property owners ns In 1897? If not. why? If not, who aro tho owners of tho property? Has It all bcon acquir ed honestly from the Government und tho people? wno mailo all uawntlans Amen tnn oniy possessor of puro Ileptib- cans? Who made our poorest citizen ncan nml credited ns Doing tho equal to tho wealthiest, before our oniy man wllc. cnn nvo up to horost country and In tho courts? Was It convictions? hnan nrtin n nnru In nuttinrllir In mifi ..,. ..., . .... ... ......, ... . ! Wn wa() ,t lat ,h0 Ch.mbcr . commerce were so anxious In inn. I rress the asking of Federal aid In American Idea? Why Is it that a Republican In tho Homo ltulo party or tno labor organi zations Is branded with ovory evil name short of tho ono Ills Satanic Majesty claims patent? whllo n no- I publican of tho "gang is spoken of tho Congress of tho Territory, or United States? Why is t that tho plantation, are tlMnBlnK llnnolllluT Was .1 bo-auso'od for Its mud uw, UK lu .KUIO i.uv.u mum, (heJ at ,a8t rcaUeij thal Bcn u0. u...i urn UOl w.a.i uio negro o. ... ,,, w0Ud proyo tne oxBtcncp 0, soum.' is u iiccauso tno negro uas a vote, whllo tho Asiatics have nono? or crisis on tho Inland, and thnt a Hawaii with all her 'Wealth wns unablo to Is It because a non-voting class if la- ',, hr .,.,,. .,., ,,,-,'.. hnr M h.ll.r ,r,,, ,h. Il.ll-n to PP '" AB'a"C t.0m.m., n',y ' " 'rl-nd mtUt OCUpy uor can crusn u.e ..uwui.a.. .u Wag t Qn acc01mt of tho fRct ,hat u tho wall, run out tho poorer American wou(, )0 nari, , exp)an ,0 Walh . t ntitf nnd Innin l.ntrur nrnillu In fhn .. ..., M.... .V-.., UV..V. ,..w...- .- .(J,, wny , (J0VCrn0r fallOtl tO ewer stocKiioiuersr money enough In tho tronsury to Im- proie the Insanllary streets iu Kaka ako! Should we answer such questions as nhoie? Is it the duty of n citizen to shut his eyes and belluvo that because tho Bplro of Central Union Church over looks tho city thnL therefore all tho citizens aro saints and the Govern ment the best on earth? Ab a citizen I nm "up ngalnst it." I havo met so many Interrogation points In trying to learn my duty, that I I am like the man who was on horso-j hark going through the streets of ono of the pioneer towns of California not- . friend called to tho rider, whose head wns Jitnt above tho surface of the mud "I say. Tom. want any help out there?" Ills answer calls to mind the position our Ha'iall-I when ho called If you cannot Nnd him just look in at the Honolulu Bowling Parlors HE Wilt BE THERE AN HOUR IN THE MORNING THE 8AME HOUR EVERY fviORNING or nfternoon. given to dictation, will keep your correspondence "cleaned up." Try It a month. J. D. AYERY, Business Corresponrtnt back. "Oh, neier mind me; I'm on horseback, hut ou might help mat i" ' "" "- " -- hi iir- poor ronow naeu lielilml, who Is (om- form ins duty in caning n special ses- Ing on foot slon or tho Legislature If such a con dition existed? Did tho President, In appointing, glvo our Governor the extraordinary I thercfnrr subscribe mi self, EAItS OUT. power to not only attempt to Incrlml- DOCTOR KNAPP'S INVESTIGATIONS n-nrblncr .,n l.nlh nlrluo nt th fi.niT.f ......, .u.uiiiii oof Do two-faced men and parties pleaso 1 tho reason why tho Govornor docs the leaders of tho American nation f not call a special session of the Log Is It the fact that a number of our lslaturo becauso ho bolloves It will (Continued from pate 1.) Why wasMt that nt the Itepubllcan mass meeting not a Binglo white man spoke in favor of tho Hawaiian fran chlbo? Why was It thnt Col. Klshor so loud- lu Fnml n n.tltln nirnlnol Ihn I nnnr mi. -.fc.. .......- ..... .k ...,..i nat0 th' -eglBlaturo but also to proph , , . , , csy what action that uncerta n l.odv prepnrcd petition against taking away , . ., ...,, j .. . r . ., , ., , . . might see fit to take? and dd ho give tho Hawa an franchise? Was It bo-' . ,. . "'"" 1,B IhA tlnvnrnni- Ihn nnwn. In tn u caiiBO It would not haio looked woll . . , ,. " ' ,' " "" u, moT" . L - . ,. . ., ,. i "iu political prophet nnd dictator to be found by President Iloosivct , . ... . . . ! "icwior . iof what tho Legislature should Ani ment," said the InioHtlgator. thnt It Is our oarneht desire to aid the deu-lnp ment of tho resources of those Islands to the ft. Hi at i.vlpnl Thi.r.. Is not A leading citizens nro attempting to take no action, or Is It becauso ho and groat deal of cultivable land here and cover up their attempts to dlsfranchlso his gang know that the Loglslaluro t desirable that tho whole ot It tho Hawaiian by aiding to can public .appreciate tho conditions and might ! should be brought into the bearing of meetings In which they take no part? not onlv clean tho slums of Honolulu. MB pr0(Ulct nbB. Rrowg ,., ,D Would not tho statement In Washing- but continue tho good work, and by dry R0 nn thurn Rr ,, BpQth ton, that only Hawallans spoke and .the County and Municipal Governmont' dnuhiiv ... .. i took part in tho Republican meeting, will remove some of tho dirty thrones ly anythlng , f , ,, oJm,,t poiireiy ncMiroy iuv vuvm 01 inn . t.itinui-ni ivs HanaN A Shoe of Instant Favor A Shoe of Quality A Shoe for Men A Shoe for Women Exclusive in Style Remarkable merit for long sen Ice nnd easy fitting. We carrj these In gentlemen and ladles styles we are solo agents . . . ...MclNERNY SHOE STORE... meeting? If tho fact became known that rer tain of our' leading Republicans wore well as city? Why Is It that the plantations with ono accord suspende development and children part of the ear and with wnllan voto, how many true Americans would voto for any man who ovon In directly represented such dishonor, and un-American net? Reaularltyl Certainty Despatch! ""' " ,v l"ul UTBrjr ,nan wn T Tel. Main 76. 98:48. Elite Dlda. presses American sentiments Is brand- attempting to disfranchise the Ha- ( work? Why was It that the business tho raising of coffeo In'erestB under tho samn CONSTRUCTING ADVERTISEMENTS This Is my specialty. I have mado a study of advertising nnd know the best methods. I will tnko your advertising space In the newspapers nnd MAKE IT EARN MONEY. I know by experience that common sense udicrtlscments are effective ' both as a means of telling store news and of creating a demand for goods. I will tnko charge of the advertise ment writing of a business house for ten dollars per month. Chas. R. Rrazier, Proprietor find .Mnnngcr. PIOINEER ADVERTISIINQ CO. T12L. AAIN 3SO. CLIINTOIS J. HUTCHIIN.S, INSURANCE. LIFE 9) Bpili"il M NV JB AX ?D FIRE w "2f MARINE iVIcirNBRIW BLOCK, PORT ST. Below Cost Sale of Iron Bedsteads The entire stock of Iron bed steads carried by Theo. II. Da vlos & Co. has been sold to us at far below their wholesalo cost on account of DavlCB lack of facilities for handling theso goods. This stock combined with our own (which was tho largest on tho Islands) makes us over crowded, so wo will hold a spe cial sale for two weeks, begin ning March 1st, in order to ro il ure the stock. Prices will astonish you. Coyne Furniture COMPANY, LTD. PhOQRESS DLOCK. WILLARD E. BROWN. W. A. LOVE. FRANK IIALBTEAO. 1 Halstead & Co:; STOCK AND BOND BROKERS. MONEY ADVANCED ON SUGAR SECURITIES. 921 Fort Street. Members Honolulu 8tock and Bond Exchange. What Is very desirable Is to tlnrt work for tbo women and children Coffee furnishes such employment for women I there should ho manage-1 Eomo other iifi,. i,i,,,r . mi ,, rnents joined the movement? Wm It tho time. Tho making of mats and to drive out. .brough lack of work, ev- similar work would I., profitable hero papers, also p.antat.ons se-nt out Crcu-' Idt TZZX: '""' J. M. KANEAKUA. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR A LAW, NOTARY PUDLI lmriBethel 8t Near the Poitofflct A. C. WALL, D.D.S. 0. E. WALL. D.D.8. OENTI8T8. Love Unlldlng, Kort 8treeL Hours, 9 to 4. Telephone Main S2I Albert Raas FINANCIAL AGENT, STOCK AND BOND BROKER. MEMBER OF HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANQK. Orders for the purchase or sale ot tocks and bonds carefuly and prompt ly executed. Loans negotiated I Office Room 401, 4th floor, SUnjon wald Bldg. Postofflce box 390; Tele phone Main 331. W. Austin Whiting, W. J. Robinui, LAW OFFICES RW-ed to Room 306, Jndd Bnilding The weekly edition of the Evening Bulletin li the laroett and best pub llihcd In the Territory. Sixteen ard twenty pages. $1 a year. ! DR. WM. 6. ROGERS. 8UROEQN AND SPECIALIST. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Exclusively itK.MOVhU to new office, IMS Ala kca Street, opp. Hawaiian Hotel. Hours. 9 to li, 3 co 6:30, 7 to I; Sun- days, 9 to ... Dr. Archibald N. Sinclair. I Offices Itooma 208-109 Boston build I Ing. Kort Street. I Telephones Offlco, Main S5: Ito- I Idenco. White 2861. Hours II a, m. to 1 p. m.; 3 to 5 p. m.: 7 to 8 p.m.: Sundays, II to 2 n.m. P. O. Uox 801.