Newspaper Page Text
S WANTS SITUATIONS WANTED. Situations nnd Help Wanted WANTED Position by man now traveling dry good a nud hats In Island trade; similar position, or will consider another lino; Rood cause tor desiring change; refer ences. Address, Drummer, Bulletin office. 2080-lw WANTED Situation as maid or seam'' strew In private family bv an Enii llsn clrl. Address SI. S., this olllce. 2077-lw WANTED I'osltlon to do general hossowork on care Tor children. Ad draw Ulrl, this office 2075-lw WANTED Young man wants work of nay kind; experienced wnltcr and porter. P. A. J., this office. 2071-lw Ad In this column will be Inserted t: Per line, one Insertion 15c Per line, two Insertions 25c Per line, one week 30c Per line, two weeks 40c Per line, one month 60c Tills Is the cheapest advertising ever offered the people of Honolulu. SPECIAL NOTICES. r 3 LET US DO your bookecplng nnd makn your collections. Satisfaction ' guaranteed. Honda given us m-our-i lty. C. E. MOOHE 4 CO., 10 Mcln-' tyro Illock. 20&2-2W SPECIAL NOTICE lionds furnished to nny amount fur the man holding position as gunrdlau, postolllco offi cial ur any oilier position of trust. Honolulu Investment Co, 2051-tt NOTICE TO BUILDERS Tho Union Express Co. has WHITE SAND FOR SALE. 1643-tf I VV AIVTEL) WANTtU Mve- or six-room cottnge, with bath, In good locality. Address T. II., Uullctln office. 2U82-1 w WANTED To buy fine leghorn roos ters. Address J. .1. C, this office. 2080-lw WANTED A furnished collage. Ad dress A. It., this office. 2079-tr WANTED Everybody to know that tbo Canton Marino Insurauco Co. office U at Honolulu Investment Co. 2070-tf. WANTED 5'i0 men to shavo for loc. JefTs, 43 King St.; Uvo white bar bers. 2011-tf TO LET. TO LET Six-room cottage, cor. Kort FOR SALE Coral rock for filling. Ad nnd School. Apply next door on dress It. M. Diincnn, at Ilulletln of Kurt. 208 1-1 w flee. 1991-tf TO LET 9-rootn. 2-siory lious-. lu minutes' walk from P. O.. bath. etc. Two-roomed cottage on premises, cool, pleasant locality. Address II. W.. this office. 2083-1 w 'IO LET One large double room; al so one single room; good location, on car line near Thomas Square. 11.. iluuctln office. 2083-1 w FOR' RENT Suite of rooms over Washington Mercantile Co.; $23 per mouth; possession .March 1st. Ap ply A. Harrison Mill Co.. Ltd., or Krod. L. Wnldron, room 3. Spreckels bloik. 2081-lw TO LET Five room cotlago off Wal klkl i-ond between Hopkins nnd Ulshop switch. Immediate posses sion. Apply Hawn. Tramways of fice, Punahou. 2001-tf 'i O LET Newly furnished rooms, sin gle or en suite, llrst-clnBS table board, hot anil rnltl writer nlnrfrln lights, etc. 1270 llcretania St. 2058-tf i TO LET Furnlshod rooms at Mrs. McConnel's, Garden lane. 2055-tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY ATTOR(4EY8. I P. DANSON KELLETT Attornoy, Notary Public; marriage llccnsos. Room 11, Magoon Uldg. F. M, BROOKS ..ttorney; rooms 9-10, Sprockets bldg.; Tel, Main 344. CARLOS A. LONG Attorney; 15 Kan humnnii 81 : Tel. &81 Mala J. M. DAVIDSON, 109 Kaahumanu St. GARDNER K. WILDER Attorney-ut-law; Kaahumanu ht. M. LONG Offices 3.MJ3 Campbell bldg.: Tel. Mnln 278 BROKERS. E. J. WALKER Coffee Broker; room 4. 8preckels bldg. BICYCLE REPAIRING. C. A. COWAN 1180 Union St., opp. Pacific Club: sundries, etc. BUILDER8. MCDONALD. LANGSTON Contract ors nnd ttiilldora; lloS Union St. , N. K. OT8UK A Contractor and build er, carpenters and masons, excavnt - Ins. filling and curbing; stono and brick; ballasting and cement walks; Koom 4, Arlington Hotel; Tel. Main 371. 3 CLOTHIi.G. THE KA3H CO., LTD. Two stores. 33-27 Ho'el St. nnd cor. Fort & Hotel. CARRIAGES. PACIFIC VEHICLE 4 SUPPLY CO. Fine cnrrlnees. wagons, harness and whirs' Heretnnla near Fort Ht. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. ELKS BUILDING, BIB Miller Street. CONVEYANCING. CONVEYANCING Charges reason able, Koom 10 Mclntyra Illock. 2074-lm Send the weekly edition of the Bui Icttn to your friends. Only (1 a year. MI3LP WANTED. Ads. will be Inserted HREE. SALESMEN WANTED To Bell our goods by samplo to wholesale: nnd retail trade; wo nro tho largest nnd only manufacturers In our lino In tho world; liberal salary paid. Address CanDex Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. 2071-3W WANTED German girl to do general household work nnd caro for chil dren, wary, uullctln office. 2002 TO LET. TO LET Thrco handsomely furnish- luuiiiu, iiuw iioui e, mzo Here tnnla, cor. Keeaumoxu. 2005-1 m TO LET Newly furnished nlry suite; table board Is desired. 141 ilcrctaniu Ave. 207311 TO LET Cottages off L.hool St. nr. Nuuanu, $15 nnd $17. On Insano Asylum road. $12.30 nnd $0.50. P. E. H. Strauch, 32 Campboli block, 310 Fort t. 2051-2m TO LET Cottage, Cottago Grove, King St. Knqulrc No. S cottage. 2074-tf TO LET Roomy bath tub, with cither hot or cold water anu alt modern Improvements, tall at Silent Har bor Shop. 2019-tf FOR RENT Cottago on South St.; six rooms; modern Improvements; $20. Honolulu Investment Co., Judd Hldg. 2072-tf FOH SALE. FOR SALE A lady's Columbia bicy cle In good condition. Kinau, third house from Alnpnl. 20S31W FOR SALE Cheap, furniture for seven-room house. In lots to suit; leav ing city; no reasonable ohVr,rofus ed. Call third house from Alnpnl on Klnnu. 2081-tf FOR SALE A lght suriey. rut under, complete with curtains, shaft nnd pole; very chenp; account of leav ing city. Address M. H., this office. 2079-1 w FOR 8ALE Fine Jersey cow; JiiHt calved. Apply to Lewis & Co. 2078-tf FOR SALE Very old tapa quilt, also very old calablshcs. somo unpollsh cd. Address Z this office. Is-tf FOR SALE Horse and phaeton; horse gentle; good under saddlo; phaeton almost new. K. C. I)., bulletin. 2029 tf ROOM AND BOARD. THE LOS ANGELES 1623 Fort SL; newly furnished rooms, mosquito proof: terms rcntnnnblc. 1930-tf LOST. LOST l'ocketbook containing sum of money. Monday night; $."0 rewaid if returned to this olllce. 2080-1 w LOST lllnck purso with watch and two keys. Suitable reward !f re turned to the Ilulletln office, js-1 LOST Mnny thousnnds of dollar, through neglecting to hnvo stocl, sufficiently Insured. Honolulu In vestment Co. represent lour of tho strongest flro Insurance companies. 2051-tf ROUND. FOUND Insurance against tho break- "K of P'ato glass at The Honolulu Investment Co. 2051-tf The Bulletin, 75 cents per month. DENTISTS. DR. ALBERT E. NICH. -S Dentist; 1154 Alakea St.; office hours, 9 to 4. DR. DERBY Fort and Hotel Sts.; gas administered, painless extracting. DR. G. W. RAYMOND Room 3. Mnti. ! I Smith bldg.; hours 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. DR.T. MOTONAGA 10 Dcrclnnla St.; 1 on co hours 8 n. m. to 4 p. in. ENGINEERS. E. TAPPAN TANN ATT Civil nnd electrical engineer; oflice, 1313 WII- dcr Ave; Tel. 3441 Illue. ENGRAVERS. W. BEAKBANE Card ongrnvlng and stamping; room 2, i.-.ig bldg. EXPRE8S. MERCHANTS' PAhCEL DELIVERY , Ilethel St.. opp. Wavcrloy blk.; Tel. 021 Illue; pkgB. called for unci doljil. C. A. 8CHMIEDTE Daggage express una nrnyngo: -jei. wnito ozi. FRATERNAL. DAMIEN COUNCIL No. 563 Voting Men s institute, meets every second and fourth Wednesday In the month. GROCERIES. HAZELWOOD MARKET CO. 1281 Fort St., near Kuuul Groceries, 1- nut b and Tobaccos. J. E. GOEA8 rierctanla near Emma St.; Tel. 2312 Illue. 8. J. 8ALTER Successor to Salter ft Wnlty; 712 Fort St, Orphotira blk.; Tel. C81 Illue. F AVEIROS Groceries; neretanla. Waiklkl of Emma St. H0R8E-SH0EING. CITY SHOEING SHOP J. W, McDon 1 aid. Fort St., opp. Club Stables. HARNE8S AND SADDLERY. MANFG. HARNESS CO. Corner Fort and King Sts.; Tel. Malh 228, P. O. box 322. CALIFORNIA HARNESS SHOP Fort St., opp. Club Stabies; I'. O. box 791. JEWbLER. THOS. LINDSAY Mfg. Jeweler nnd watchmaker; 630 Kort St.; Love bldg.; latest In novelties. LIQUORS. PRIMO DEER nt the PANTHEON SALOON. MESSENGER 8ERVICE. TERRITORIAL MESSENGER SEfV VICE Union St. ur. Hotel.; Tel. 3C1 Main, MUSIC. ANNI3 MONTAGUE TURNER Vocnt Instructor; "Mlgnon, ' 1021 llcreta nia St. ELLIS' HAWAIIAN QUINTET CLUB Music furnished: Mctropola Ho tel, room iz, Alakcn St. E. K. KAAI Teacher of Btrlng Instru ments; Btudlo, Lovo bldg., Kort St. MILLINERY. HAWLEY'8 MILLINERY PARLORS The latest In millinery, etc.; Doston umg.; ici. 201 Main. MRS. HANNA Fort St- next to Lovo uldg.; choice line of new millinery. trimmings, etc.; agent for Duttorlck pntterns. PHYSICIANS. DR. SLOGGETT Eye, Ear, Noso nnd Thoat; offlco at Eyo nnd Ear Infirm ary, Alakea St. Hours 9 a. m. to i p. m. DR. FRED. W. HODGIN8 Eyo. Ear, Nose nnd Throat only; offlco Alakea &t., lately occupied by Dr. Murray; office hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. KATHARINE J. M.irKAV. M.n . r. M -S20 llcretania Ave.; Tel. Illuo 3551. DR. JENNIE L. HILDEBRANDE 218 llcretania Ave.; Tel. nluo 821. PLUMBING. ANTONE PILARE8 & CO. Plumbers and Tinsmiths. A I kinds of sanl tary work. Sower connections a specialty. Cnarges to suit tho times. Corner Miller and Punchbowl PAINTER AND PAPERHANGER. V. H. POULSEN i-alntlng and paper hanging; Territory Stables. King St REAL ESTAiE. JUDD 4 CO., LTD. llulldlng lots and residences for snlo; 307 Stangen- waiu uicig.; tci. 223 Main. M. G. SILVA Agent for real cstato. iiisu to gram mnrnago licenses' 58 Merchant St.: Tel. Main 115. ' SALOON.. PRIMO BEER Is good If It Is kept riKiic. cry ll. ,i tno l'ANTHKL SALOON. 8TENOGRAPHER8. AMY LENNON Stenography and ivpewrmng; i;c Knnnumnnu St STRAW HATS. E. MORIKUCHI it Hotel St.. nr. Nil iinnu. Felt, straw, panama hats TAILORS. ALBERT BERNDT Tailoring and re pairing; Elks bldg.. 016 Miller St. IGROTE 4 CRAMER Tailoring and repairing, Union, near Hole! St. WATCHMAKERS. 1. W. A. REDHOUSE Watch nnd chronometer maker: 79 Merchant St. DURABLE AND ACCURATE The Keystone Watch Case Co., ivsrAwisiuii iisi. Philadelphia, U.S.A. America's Oldest and Largest Watch Factory I'or miiIu toy The Principal watch Dealers In Hawaii C.Q.YeeHop&Co Kaliiklnui Meat Market and Grocery. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Beretanla Street, Corner Alakea. 'Phone Blue 2511. ALSO AT THE FISHMARKET MEAT 8TALL8 19 AND 20. SING CHAN CO. Importers of Hardware, Tinware, Glassware and Carriage floods, Etc., Etc. Sanitary Plumbing and ficwep Connct- tlonti a Hpcclnlty. 229 King 8t, between River 8t and R. JL Depot. SANG CHAN MERCHANT TAILOR Fine English and American Goods TWO STORES 65 Hotel street, and Hotel near Nuuanu 9 imvc 0(11 'Ft. HTr ,. W. C. Achi & Co. DROKERS AND DEALERS IN REAL ESTATE We will Iluy or Sell Ileal llstata In ill parte of the group. We will Sell Properties on Reason ible Commissions. OFFICE 10 WEST KING BTREET. bunday hulletin, Honolulu, ii. t., sunday. m fifliif cut JUDGE LI1UE Al' (JUIS Wmi AHOKNlY GEiNLIUL Sheriff Andrews Acts on Advice of Attorney General and Ignores Order of the Fourth Circuit Court, Hllo, Feb. 28. The Fourth Circuit Court Is In the throes of n contempt case which Is likely to eel Ipso in spec tacular rrsults tho famous contempt dramas enacted In tho First Circuit Court nt Honolulu a few months ago, At that time Judge Humphreys got Into n tangle with the Attorney Ocn- ernrs department, tho executive branch of the government nnd numc ous minor elements, which at Hono lulu make up a rockrlbbcd coalition against the operation of justice In Ha waii on the American plan . Again, It Is the Judiciary vs. tho At torney General's department. L. A. Andrews was beforo Judge Llttlo last Tuesday on an order to appear and show reason why ho should not be ad Judged in contempt for violating an order of the court. The order was that nil moneys for linos, forfeitures, execu tions, coats, etc., In cases tried In tho Fourth Circuit Court should bo paid to (he dork of that Court instead of being remitted to tho High Sheriff at Honolulu. The occasion for the order nrose upon the discovery by Judge Little that tht records In the offlco of tho clerk failed to show satisfactions of Judg ments, after fines had been paid and the prisoners discharged. Tho clerk explained that he could rot enter a satisfaction of Judgment H any caso unless he received the amount of the fine. The Sheriff was ordered In due form, nt the January term not to remit any Fourth Circuit fines to tho High Sheriff hut to turn all such moneys Into tho clerk of that courL The Sheriff was given time to communicate the order to High Sheriff Ilrown nnd Attorney General Dole. Thcso offi cials replied with a peremptory order directing Sheriff Andrews to Ignore the order of Judge Little nnd send the money to High Shorlff Ilrown. As a subordinate officer under Ilrown, An drews compiled by sending $500, the amount of a line collected since tho order was made. There was an Inter esting tilt nt arms In Court between Andrews and the Judge. The Sheriff was given every chanco to make his record of defense and the matter was taken under ndvlscmcnt by the Couit until next week. Andrews places tho responsibility of his action upon the order received from a higher officer, and thu Court Is lodklng up light on this point It may bo that a bench warrant will Issue, summoning the High Sheriff and the Attorney General to Hllo to account for their Interfer ence with a Judicial order. It may bo that they will bo sent to the Hllo Jail for contempt together with the Sheriff of this Island. .--f-f -f t-ff J-f t-f-f-r tf-f-ff .. .t... What Is Honolulu, Anyway ? Little untlmcnt can be had on the Ish dull rare. Why he docs not com" score or giving publicity to existing! Ia bet found In the reason for tho re sanitary conditions In Honolulu by cur moval of the Honolulu Sanitarium rent criticism, when leprosy and thr That a skilled staff of i..irses necessary bubonic jilnguo havo claimed us for, to the maintenance of so thoroughly their own In the public eye of the ' exemplniy and excellent un Instltu world. On tho contrary nny local ai;l- Hon- ns the Honolulu Sanitarium ro tation for better things Is n credit to fuo to come to the Islands uudei' Honolulu, nnd un earnest of the work-1 existing sanitary conditions ennbles us Ing of a leaven which makes for prog- to sen ourselves ns "libera see us " It ress. The local plan of hushing up all Is silly nnd childish to take refuge In ndvoiM) criticism of local Institutions, Idle, resentful tales because tho truth Is ns well known wherever the city ot Is unpleasant. Far better "Take the Honolulu Is known as Is tho malarial, bull by the horns," and face tho truth miasmatic condition of iheclty. The proposition to solicit Federal "An Impossible place to live In," Is, aid Is a good one, nlthough at first cm- universal veruici oi inc returning , tourl&t. ' Then Is no one who finds himself a j resident of Hawaii but must resent not that this verdict Is passed on the city of his chosen residence, but that there exists cause for such n verdict, i No loyal citizen of Honolulu can but leei mat mere Is no more reason why i there bhould not be a city here which i snuii eiiaiicngc! the admiration or mo world nnd charm the man of culture,' ns well as at Santiago, in Chill, llucnoj j Ing wltlf other modem cities which ns Ayies. Melbourne, Sydney or Los An- plro to recognition. Honolulu Is a K''hf- . Wc cannot admire the pcst-rldden, plague-stricken people of the world, j melancholy though their condition be, i anil It Is not agreeable to bo forced Into the van of tho unwashed, which Is what modern science practically de clares epidemics to be. Dlsearo Is illt t. The charm of Hawaii Is gay, nnlvo and spontaneous, n charm to which the wnild will ever respond. That tills Is to be handicapped by tensatlonal epldemlc-h Is un unbearable proposi tion. Lien, too, It is safe to tav that feWi travelers come lieu- who are not at Drbt disappointed then disgusted by the incdlcavul appearance of our bus!-1 ness Hictlnu with Its contracted, dirty I btreets lined with narrow dirty side- walks. There is no ono thing which 1 cumi mines mure to the good appear ance of a town than bioad, clean, wcll paved btreets. How much the appear unce of the biibincKs, bcitlon of Hono lulu would be Improved by widening the stiectH Is exemplified In that part of Fort street op which the new con vent fronts. Whul Honolulu lost throiiuh her leputatlon for dlsc-tiM- ami filth Mi enn never estimate. The , yes of the world havo been turned il,i way during and since the Spanish-American war with the result that llonhtlu Is one 01 the widely udvertlnd tt,.R of tho world. Every ono of the Amerluin traveling contingent plana to visit Hawaii. Ha- mm is iuv imuinil ,,uu.n by Btunt0n i. ,1 . . .... -t "'""itiuM, ..U.UUOU .,u inline restful,,,,, for th(, "u'""u,u '""'"in to hie and ban-1 mahch 2, 1902. In such event It will be Interesting to observe whether a pardon from Gov ernor Dole can bo sent by wireless tele graph or by the jnontnl telepathy route. ! The order made bv Judnc Llttlo to Sheriff Andrews, Is In strict conform ity with tho rule prevailing In nil tha courts of tho States. It nlso has the merit of being necetsnry In order that tho clerk of his Court may squaro the records of his ofTlce when n fine Is paid and a prisoner discharged. The regular monthly meeting of thn Portuguese Kducatlonnl Club was held on Friday evening Inst nt Its meeting Place, on Vineyard Btreet. A part ot tho program for nn entertainment soon to be given wns rehearsed. Then L. II. Medelros, president nnd lender of tho club, gavo n very Interesting readlni; on the subject of "Public Speaking,' nnd emphasised It to tho satisfaction nnd appreciation of those present At 9:30 p. m. the meeting ndjourned with the club's patriotic song, entitled "A Closing Prayer," adapted to tho music of the lied, Whlto and nlue IU wording Is as follows: Come, let us all Join In singing, And bid one and all good night; And pray for Ood's love and keeping. And that our steps guard aright. For when we shall meet ngnln Our hearts throbbing with delight Will forever cling to one another, .To promote our work with all might. Chorus Wo will stand by the Kod, White and Illue. I lly tfie lied, White and llluo wo shall ) stnnd; I And defend our proud national honors, lly the Ited, White nnd Illue wo slnll stand. K. OF P. r Hllo, Feb. 28. The anniversary ball of the Knights of Pythias at Spreckels' hall last Friday night was ono of the most enjoyable social events of tho Benson. The large number of guests were taken In chnrgo upon their ar rival by n reception committee consist ing of .Messrs. II. II. Held, Dr. Waclis Ilohncnberg nnd llrummaghlm. Mrj. Tracy presided at the piano and the dance soon claimed the majority of those present The refreshment room was a populii resort, as the evening was unusually hot. Two big punch howls filled Willi clnrct punch, made under the skilled direction of Chns. II. Hitchcock were the oasis of nn occasion ot oases. Moi" substantial refreshments wire served latir by Mr. Fitter. During nn Intermission In tho dance. Judge a. F. Little gave un outline ot the history and purposes of the ord"r of the Knlglitd of Pythias. Oencral bookbinding, ruling, gliding embossing, maps, charts and nrtlstic printing nt tho EVENING IIULLETI Job PT"f glance Involv ncr hum latlon. It ninr be said tlint! ,.,. ,., Anglo-Saxon domination, with the aid of tho revenues should hnvo provided time and monev sulllclent i, ,1,, r..r Honolulu, what one year of Federal rule has done for Hnvnnn. w pun make plenty of excuses for our short- comings, but It Is well to bear lu mind that Hie world Is not lu the habit ot making allowances; that In tho eyo oi tho world we stnnd on the same font. e'ty of nn enlightened, enterprising people or she Is not. "lly their fruits ye shnll know them." There aro other ways of showing enterprise than by advertising. A united, steady effort for tho beautiful sanitary upbuilding ot Honolulu, will yield n lurgcr return In trndci nnd tourists than any specific advertising. A united, enlightened investigation of tho principles of sound city govern ment, nnd the frame or charter most expedient for achieving a sanltUry. well ordered, city here, Is a credit U Honolulu und demonstrates the pres- euco hern of the kind of stuff eHsnn tlal to the growth und upbuilding ot a city. fiayH the Hev. Chas. K. Dole: "Tho world cries camc-Htlv for thoso who Shall bIiow It how to use and enjoy Its wealth. It units for the great leaders who shall cleanbe awuy Its vile slums, nnd recreate Its great cities In beauty." Thin Is the modern American spirit. Tho duty of every American citi zen to bravely do his purt,. of tho work of the world toward making It better. In tho place where he happens to bo, Is modern religious tenrhtng, We have ns It were 11 renaissance of the Greek Ideu, which declared the noblest of all charities to be thn public good. XI ore and more Is the cult; that tha use of jvenlth, libraries, works of art Is to uplift and wnnoble the public, finding expression In thu Institutions ot municipal government nil over the world. If Federal aid gives us nn or ganic body, with systematic provision for cleanly, noblo growth, wc can sure- iui cjriiiur, ,y Bwaiow our pride nnd take It. ANNA ALWAIID EAME3, PORTUGUESE Ci W A H IT IN HIE BiH Hllo. Feb. 28 I. Ilomnlne, K. F. Nichols and W. J. Stono celebrated Washington's birthday by getting lost In the "hush." They started late Fri day evening on horse back to tho Vol cano House nnd the story of the trou hies of tho trio Is remarkable. At Mountain View, Romalno's inula swelled up and burst the saddle girth, and then side stepped a few, throwing Mr. Komalne nnd tho saddle In a heap upon a hard piece of lava. This dis couraged Uomalnc, and In spite of tha besccchmouts of his companions he faced the sea and led his mule back to Hllo, Stone nnd Nichols pushed on. They headed for the wilds of Puna and found food nnd shelter nt n little vil lage Wallele. Saturday morning they were out early on their refreshed i mules. They galloped about the dis trict of Puna a few hours, Inspecting several extinct volcnnos. Dye and bye, Stone consulted his compass, took the bearings nnd fixed his course for tho Volcano House. Nichols fell In be hind. The caravansary proceeded In silence. At about six bells In the third watch, Stono loked around for Nichols. He had vanished over the nforlion, for two hours ho hunted for his lost comrade but finally hastened to the Volcano House to orgnntzc n searching party. The party was made up and waited for the moon nl rise bo- fore setting out. At 8:30 the derelict hove In sight. Nichols' mule had bolt ed In the afternoon carrying htm far out of his course. Tho mule wns groaning beneath the 32,705 maledic tions which had been heaped upon It by Nichols. Hawaii Herald, ' (Ail IN THE CITY A military tump In the heart of th? city Is a novelty which Is exciting con slderable remark among citizens nt tho present time, especially among those who reside In the near neighbor hood of the drill shed grounds. On these grounds there are Severn. hundred soldiers from (he transpnit Warren In camp. Hero they arb ex pected to remain until (ho transport leaves port, which Is not likely to br tor at least ten days, as the repairs to her propeller will occupy all of thi.t time. Th droops Include men of th? Sec ond llatt.illnn of the 13th Infantry ns well ns casuals and recruits. Kigln hundred In all arrived on tho trntispoit The men eat aboard tho vessel, liv ing on thn ill 111 shed grounds. 'Soma other arrangement Is likely to bo m.Ue soon lu regard to the mess. Those who live near tlie camp say that they are awakened In the morning by the lusty notes of a bugle, the' bugler evidently possessing mighty lungs. The boys prefer the camp to the ship. but are not enthusiastic over tho pres ent commissary arrangement. They will he taken on marches through the country after this matter of tho mess bus been settled, taking short matches through the city and suburbs in tho meanwhile, that their legs may not gel rusty . P. I. Maui lee McMuhou, who bus put Into feeling verse the Inspirations giv en him by the beautiful Rcenery, fulr maidens and general charm of Hawaii nel will depart for Samoa on March 5th. He Intends to make a thorough tour of the Islands of thnt group with the view of gathering material for a book. It Is expected that the many beautiful flower girls who can be seen on the corners of Hotel street, will ir, pear with lels at I'. Maurice's depar ture to show a slight token of their appreciation of the mnn who has per petuated their charms to everlaBtlng memory. TELEPHONE INTHIlFnur.DW'ITII Telephone comniunlcnt'lou was seri ously Interfered with by the heavy winds prevailing yesterday and latt night. Tho wind was blowing strong trom tho noith-northeast. Wires be came crossed In many places through out the city. No communication could bo had with the lookout at Diamond Head, nor with tho pilots' olllce. Nu merous complaints were made to cen tral that no connection could be had with many places, central answering that tho wind was responsible for this stute of affairs. A sharp lookout was kept on all ves sels lu th charbor hist night, lest moor ings should pait or anything should carry nwuy. FANCY DItllKS HALL. Hllo, Feb. 28. -The fancy dress hall at the home of the McLennan's at I'& paaloa, originally planned for New Years, was given on tho evening of February 21. Tho postponement was made necessary on account of the. washouts on the Honohlna road. The now homo of Mr. and Mrs. McLcnnnt. rns properly dedicated by the event Tho guests were arrayed In fancy cni tunics and altogether tho coninnny pre sented a lively scene. Tho music for tho dance was.fnrnlshed by u Hllo or chestra. Hllo Tribune. Tucker Ih Promoted. Hugh M. Tucker, formerly ono of 'ho discharging Inspectors of thu local Custom House, has been promote 1 to 1 position In tho olllce, his new dure being In tho liquidating departmen. IIo is 0110 or thu most popular me.i on tho force nnd counts all his collcng iri us friends. Lust year he wns tho crack third baseman of tho Custom Hniisu baseball team. Ho will, it is said. again distinguish himself on the dia mond. 1 1IIL0 CITIZENS MEET TO SELECT GOOD SITE Congressional Committee on Post Olces Seeks Information-No Free Site Is Offered Dncle Sam, Hllo, Fcbrunry 28. A mass meeting was held Monday night at tho Fire man's hall to consider questions In connection with n Fcdernl building nt this place. Congressman Mercer, chairman of tho comraitteo on post otnccB, wrote I'ostmnsCer Sovcrnnce at this place for certain particulars, Tho committee wanted to know tho present population of Hllo, Its population ten years ago and the probable population of the placo In 1920. It was also 0 Ble ed If any citizen or citizens of Hllo would donato a site for tho Federal building. There were, between fifty nnd sixty of the representative business men ot tho city present. J. A. Scott was mndo chairman and N. Wlllfong sccretnry. Tho question of the location of tho proposed building was debated. Iho majority of thoso speaking wero lu favor of tho present slto of tho pest office. Messrs. J. C. Illdgway and Or. Itlce believed tho building should bo loented up Walanueanue street In the van of Illlo's future growth. Efforts wero made by others to nnmo a upot which would probably bo In tho center of the business district In 1920. Mr. Philip Peck said that It would oven bo moro long headed to locate the build ing at a spot which would bo tho cen ter of the town a hundred years hence. Messrs. Turner, Peck, Mason, nnd oth ers favored the present postofllco rite. Sheriff L. A. Andrews said thnt he had been Informed that tho Govornmcnt had conveyed tho lot on which tho postofflce now stands to tho Hllo Rail road Company. The consensus of opinion wns that Congress would not begin to mix mor tar for a new Hllo postofllco for a per iod of three or five years and thnt all tho exigencies or the present require would be a few suggestions nnd Bin tlstlcs. Accordingly, a committee consist Ing of Messrs. P. Peek, J. W. MaBon anil N. Wlllfong wns appointed to complin the information nsked for by tho Con gressional Committee. No citizen stepped forward to pre sent" Uncle Sinn with a building site. Hut It was pointed out by many speak ers that, slnco Uncle Sam himself owni choice lots upon nearly every stri'et In town, ho scarce"' can expeet n girt of this kind. 4 . ESCAPF.D PRISONIilt TAKIiN. Hllo, February 28. The Hawnllan buiglar who escaped from Jail two weeks ago was captured by natives on Saturday on the bench six miles fiom Kenan. On Friday a man by the name or Peter II Inquired or Embort Ilrown what reward would bo paid for Infor mation lending to tho arrest of inu man. Ilrown questioned him nnd no ndmltted that tho prisoner wns nt his house. Officer John Kelley was communl. rated with and he Interviewed tho na tive. Tho latter would give no Inror matlon unless lie was paid $50, and to this tho officer would not ncree. In. stead he waited until dark and then rode to tho man's house but tho bark ing dogs warned the escaped and Ik rnn awny. The next night Kellen emnloved two native's and they took tho man Into custody. They wero brought to hllo Saturday afternoon nnd sent to Jail. Hawaii Herald. llllC) HIICH. Hllo, Feb. 2S. The Hllo Lodge of Elks will nrolmblv lie ir,oin,,,.i .... cdncsday evening, March 19. Deputy Oraud Exalted Ituler tir r 11 nnnn. or Honolulu will leave that city by tho Klnnu or March 18 und will bo nccom. panled by thirty or thlrty-fivo of the Honolulu herd of Elks.-Hllo Tribune. -f- . Tho work of the Federal Inspectors of Hulls and Hollers In this Territory was concluded yesterday at noon. They will leave for San Francisco on Tues day, In the Ventura. Telephone to All Pans of the Island. KONA LIVERY STABLES EALAKEKUA, . HAWAII J. O. HKNltlQUES, PROP. Horses nnd Currln&es For BxcursI ns To the Volcano or the Mountains. An excellent chance is offered for tourlstu to ' 6EB THE COUNTRY. Carriages meet tho S. S, Mnuoa .la vt Kailua nnd take passengers overland o Hookena, where the steamer Is met ifcln.