Newspaper Page Text
8UNDAY DULLETIN. HONOLULU, It. T.. SUNDAY, MARCH 2, 1902. mm Banker. BISHOP & CO. BANKERS, Established In ISS8. . bankihgIepartment Transact business In all departments of Banking. Collections carefully attended to. Exchango bought and sold. Commercial and Travelers' Letters of Credit Issued on Tho Dank of Call fornla and N. M. Rothschild & Sons, London. Correspondents The Dank of Cali fornia, Commercial Danklng Co. of Sydney, Ltd., London. Drafts and cablo tronsicra on China and Japan through tho Hongkong & Bhanghal Hanking corporation and Chartered Dank of India, Australia and China. Interest allowed en term deposits at the following rates por annum, viz: 8even days' notice, at 2 per cent. Three months, at 3 per cent. Six months, at 3 1-2 per cent. Twelve months, at 4 per cent, TRUST DEPARTMENT Act as Trustees under mortgages. Manago estates (real and personal). Collect rents and dividends. Valuable papers. Wills, Bonds, etc., received for safe-keeping. ACCOUNTANT DEPARTMENT Auditors for Corporations and Pri vate Firms. Books examined and reported on. Statements of Affairs prepared. Trustees on Bankrupt or Insolvent Estates. OFFICE, 924 DETHEL STREET. SAYINGS DEPARTMENT Deposits received and Interest al lowed at 4 1-2 per cent per annum, In accordanco with Rules and Regula tions, copies of whlcu may bo obtained on application. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT AGENT8 i-'OR FIRE, MARINE LIFE, ACCIDEN1 AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY IN SURANCE COMPANIE8. Insurance Office, 924 Bethel 8treet. Claus Spreekelt. Wm. Q. Irwin Claus Spreckels & Co. BANKERS. HONOLULU, : : T. H. POLO lAIffltl! WIND AND DUST HURT CHANCE OF GOOD SPORT Green Mounts in the Field Cause Some Trouble Spectators Unable to Enjoy The Game. The polo game played at Knplolani I'ark yesterday nftcrnoon was n very unsatisfactory one as the high wind and generally unpleasant weather made good playing nut of the question. Three teams, the Reds, the RIucs and tho Third team participated, the line up being as follows: Reds Potter 1, Shingle 2, Dilling ham 3 and Atkinson back. nines Judd 1. Hancock 2, Angus 3 and Dole back. Third Team Carter 1, Waterhouso 2, Dickey 3 and Copp back. The first period was played between the Dines and the Third team, tho sec ond between the Reds nnd tho Third team, the third period between tho DIueB and tho Third team and tno fourth period betwnn (he Reds and the Third tenm. Tho total scoro for tho two rerlods tlaved between tho II!iiv nM the "5 Hid tenm waj 4 to 3 In favor of 'l.i Third li-im wlille the total score loi ll.r twt- icrlods, played li ' tho Reds in I 11k Thirl team, was 1 to ','in fn 'or or the Reds. Willi oirti- jood plavli -t o i li .tin and ttVIo there wis son.e plan of team work I; was not worked out (hi account of tho largo amount oi mliaes. There wero also r. nuntlmr of green mounts In the field which emb ed some trouble. A fair crowd wit nessed the gamo but tho spectators evidently did not enjoy tho gamo hs much as usual on account of the wind and dust. Suit was begun Saturday morning In the Circuit Court by 1-'. M. Brooks. It. V. Ilrcckons and J. J. Dunne, counsel for the llawnllan Tramways Company, nnd tho Sun Kwotng Mau Company, to restrain tho Rapid Transit Company from extending lis roadbed and track across the McCully tract. The Chinese In charge of a store on Tort street nrnr tho Lucas planing mill was compelled to relinquish his pos session of about l.'OO Manila cigars. The local customs authorities levied tho smokublcs because of nou payment of duty. j There will he an Important meeting of the Maulers and Pilots' Association this evening. All members are request ed to attend. Ban Francisco Agents Tho Ne vada National Bank of San Francisco. San Francisco Tho Nevada Na tional Bank of San Francisco. London The Union Bank ot Lon don, Ltd. New York American Exchange Na tional Bank. Chicago Merchants' National Bank. Paris Credit Lyonnnla. Berlin Dresdner Bank. Hongkong and Yokohama Hongkong-Shanghai Banking Corporation. New Zealand and Australia Bank oi New Zealand. Victoria and Vancouver Bank ot British North America. Deposits received. Loans mado on approved security. Commercial and Travelers' Credits Issued. Bills of Ex change bought and sold. Collections Promptly Accounted For. Pioneer Building and Loan Association. A88ET8, JUNE SJ, 1901, 180,043-37; Money loaned on approved security. A Saving Bank for monthly deposits. Houses built on the monthly install meat plan. Twenty-third Series ot Stock la now opened. OFFICERS J. L. McLean, Presi dent; A. A. Wilder, Vice President; C. B. Gray, Treasurer; A. V. Clear, Secretary. DIRECTORS J. L. McLean. A. A. Wilder, A. V. Gear, C. B. Gray, J. D. Holt. A. W. Kecch, J. A. Ly'e, Jr., J. M. Little, K. S. Boyd. A. V. GEAR. Secretary. Office Hours: 12:301:30 p. ra. The Yokohama Specie Bank LIMITED. Subscribed Capital.... Ten 21,000,000 Paid Up Capital Yen 18,000,000 Reserved Fund Yen 8,510,000 HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. Tho Bank buys and receives for col lection Bills of Exchange, Issues Drafts and Letters of Credit, and transacts a general banking business. INTEREST ALLOWED. On Fixed Per cent Deposit. Per annum. For 12 munths 4 For 6 months 1 For 3 months .,,.. 3 Branch of the Yokohama Specie Bank. New Republic Bid., Ill King Street HONOLULU. free to weak men ARE YOU A WEAKLING? Are you ono of those unfortunate young men who, through lgnoranco and bad company, havo contracted nervous spells, weak back, varicocele, gloomy forebodings, loss of courago and ambition, loss of confidence, bashfulness, despondency and weakness? Dr. McLaughlin's Electric Belt will euro you. Aro you n middle-aged man suffering from Varicocele, Prcma turencss, Indigestion, Constlpitlon. Rheumatism, Lame Back, etc.? Dr. McLaughlin's Electric Belt will cure you. Are you an old man, declining beforo your time, having lost all ability to enjoy life, with pros atlc trouble. Lost Strength, Debility, Pains and Aches nnd general decay ot Organic Powers? I can euro you with Dr. McLaughlin's Electric Belt, with frcu suspensory for weak men. I will send you, scaled, free, my beautiful book telling about It II you will send this ad. Bend for It today. Dr. M. H. McLaughlin, 702 Market Street, corner Geary, San Francisco, Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8,30 p. m.; sununys, 10 to 1. IN CITY CHURCHES Central Union Church Rov. Wil liam Klncnld, pastor Sunday Bchool and Bible class, 9:1,0; public worship and sermon, 11; Y. P. S. O. 15. prayer meeting, G:30; evening services at 7:3u; weekly prayer meeting, Wednes day. 7:30 p. m. At 11 n. in. RbT. Wm. Morris Kin cald will preach; subject, "llio Light ol tho World ' In connection with ..; morning service thirty-two mem bers Wui bo received nnd the Commun Ion of the Lord's Supper will bo ad ,nml8tereil. 7.30 subject. Christ: No Wanted"; 0:30. Christian Etidcaoi Consecration meeting, subject, I'll jrlm's Progress, "Our Hill Dirficul les"; Psa. 34:4 9. 17-20. Leaders, How ard Pierce and Herbert Klnslen. Christian Church E. S. Muckley, pastor Residence, 6C0 Berctnnla St ; iclcphonu Dluo 1C01. Preaching at 11 a. m., on "Tho Stimulus to World-Wide Evangelism." and at 7:30 p. m on "The Strength ot Prejudice." Bible school at 9:45 n. m.; Junior Society at 3:30 p. m.; Senior Society at C:30 p. m. Strangers and non-membcrB nre cordially Invlti I to all these services. Satin day, Sabbath school at 10 n. m.; pren-hlng nt 11 a. m.; Wednesday, prajcr and missionary meeting nl 7-.1'i p. iu. All nro welcome. J. it. Ilrhn ns, pastor. Penlel Mission Miss E. Uddcnberg In charge Meetings aro held In th hall on Nuiianii street. Just below King ecry night of tho week. Sunday morning nt 10 o'clock Dlblc study; Sunday afternoon nt 2:30, holiness netting; wharf meeting nt tho foot ol Suunnu street at 9 o'clock every Sun day morning. A Scandinavian meet ing for ladles Is held every other Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, In tho Mission Home, 471 Hotel street. All welcome. St. Andrew's Catnedral Tin- lit Rev. tho Dlshop ot Honolulu, Parish Priest, tho Rev. V. II. KItcnt 7 a. m. Holy Communion; Id a. m., Sunday school; lu:30 n. m, morning praycr.llt any and sermon; (on tho last Sunday In tho month, choral celebration of the Holy Communion); 3:30 p. ra., pulo ahlahl; 7:30 p. m., evening prayer and sermon. Second Congregation Rrv. Alex. Mackintosh, pastor. Services at 9:45 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Roman Cathollo Cathedral Tho Bishop of Panopolls Low masses, ho ly communion, G and 7; children's mass, with native sermon, 10:30; rosa ry, with natlvo instruction, 2; solemn vespers nnd benedictions, 8; week days, low mass, G and 7. Methodist Episcopal Church Cor ner Deretnnla nnd Miller streets Rev Q. L. Pearson, paBlor. Subjects for today's sorvlces: 11 a m "Conditions of Success In Spirit ual Work;" G:30 p. m., "A Great Awak ening;" 7:30 p. m.. "God's Call and Promlsb to tho Spiritually Dead." Weekly Services Sundays, public worship and sermon, 11 a. ra. and 8:30 p. m.; Sunday schooi, 10 a. in.; Ep- worth Leaguo devotional service, 6:30 p. m. Wednesday, prayer meeting, 7:30. Monthly Meetings First Monday, 2:30 p. m.. Woman's Homo Mlsslbnary Society; 7:30 p. m., Epworth Leaguo business meeting; first 'lucsday. 7:30 p. m., Methodist Men's Club; third Friday, 2:30 p. m Ladles' Aid So ciety. Parsonngo adjoining tho church. A welcome nlways, to all. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon Church) Punch bowl street Sunday sen lees: Sun day school at 10 n. m.; regular ser vice, preaching, nt 11:30 a. in.; Young People's Mutiinl Improvement Asso ciation, nt 7 p. m.: primary meeting, for children. Friday, nt 3 p. in.; Relief Society meeting at 10 a. m., on Satur day. All nro respectfully invited to attend our meetings nnd examlno our diKtrlni-H. Free to nil; no contrlbu tlons; sen Ices In Hawaiian. Elder Win. M. Waddaups, In charge. No doubt You havo paid for two or three homes during your llfetlmt. Especially If you have been paying rent; and we regret that you nave nothing to show for the money spent In this manner. fix THE AMOUNT PAID FOR RENT WOULD HAVE PAID FOR A HOME, AND A GOOD HOME TOO. k . nv now on sale lots In the beautiful Puupueo Tract, wnlcn contains the finest suburban property In Honolulu. This tract commands a magnificent view of mountains and ocean, has macadamized streets, artesian water, and the electric ear line paxes through the property. For any further Information regard ing prices, terms, etc, address ISLAND REALTY COMFY 204 LIMITED. JUDD BUIL-DINQ. Portuguese Evangelical Church- Corner of Miller nnd Punchbuwl Sts., Rev. A. V, Soares, pastor Preaching In Portuguese nt 11 n. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school, 2:30 p. m., con ducted In English; W. A. Dowcn, bu pcrlntcndent. Prayer meeting, Wed nesday, 7:30, The Baptist 8oclety or Honolulu Regular meeting first Sabbath after noon of each month at 3 o'clock in Young Men's Christian Association parlors. A cordlat Invitation Is ex tended to all. Young Men's Christian Association Hotel and Alakoa streets Henry C. Drown, general secretary. Meeting for men nt 4 p. m. Bishop Memorial Chapel Knmehn meha Schools; Dr. W. D. Elkln, chap lainServices Sunday mornings nt 11, except on last Sunday In each month; service at 4 p. m. Alumni and friends cordially Invited. Kawalahao Church Rev. II. II. Tar ker, pastor Sunday school, 10; morn ing service, 11; evening service, 7:30; preaching In English by Rev. W. I). Wcstervelt; Christian Endeavor, 0:30; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30. ilk7 . ' 1. 'VinH i iilnlilli. Hi i -Tinsmii "HtiSal At the entrance to the Famous lao Vallev, .Mid easy access to Halakalu, tht largest extinct volcano In the World. (f Headquarttn for Tourists and Commercla Travellers. MAUI HOTEL, 7. A. T. HAGHNKAMP. Mnnof-er. Corporation Notices. Corporation Notices. NOTICE. Canadian-Australian Royal Mail Steamship Company. Steamers of the above lino, running In connection wltu the CANAOI U PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. botween nncouver. D. C, nnd Sydney, N.S. vV., ind calllne at Victoria. B. C Honolulu and Brisbane, aro DUE AT HONO, LULU on or about tho dates below stated, viz.: rrom Vancouver anu Victoria, B. C. i l-rom Sydney and Brisbane. (For Brisbane and Sydney.) (For Vletorln and Vancouver. B. C.) MIOWERA MAR. 15'AORANGI MAR. 12 AORANUI APR. 12IMOANA APR. 9 MIOWERA MAY 7 St. John the Baptist Church At Ka-Ithlwacun. St. Augustine Chapel (Roman C-Vh ollc). Wnlklkl Every Sunday of tho year nt 8:30 a. m., holy mass with The Kaluwela Sunday School Sun day school, 1: 30 p. m. Church of tne Sacred Heart Mar qucsville, Punnhou. ( Citslilcr Driiinmnnd. Former Special Deputy H. II. Drum- ELECTION OF OFFICERS. At the Annual Meeting of the Oln walu Company, held this 27th day of February. 1902, at tho office of Its agents. Wm. O. Irwin & Co., tho fol lowing officer wero elected to serve for the ensuing year: W. G. Irwin President W. M. Glffard ....Vice President Richard Ivers Secretary H. M. Whitney, Jr.... .Treasurer Geo. J. Rsss Auditor Directors Win. G. Irwin, W. M. Glf fard, Richard Ivers, H. M. Whitney, Jr., and W. L. Hopper. RICHARD IVERS. Secretary Olowalu Company. Honolulu, February 27, 1902, 2083-3t At the Annual Meeting of tho ttockholdcrs of the HonoKnn Sugar Company, held at tho offices of F. A. Schaefer & Company, in this city, on this day, tho following officers wero duly elected: F. A. Schaefer President W. H. Balrd .... Vice President Edward Pollltz Vice Pres. W. Lanz Secretary H. Schwatzy Asst. Secretaiy H. Focke Treasurer Board of Directors F. W. Schaef er, W. H. Balrd, Edward Pollltz, W. Lanz, H. Schwartzy, H. Focke, E. A. Mclncrny, F. Lewis and W. L. Hopper. W. LANZ, Secretary. February 27. 1902. 2082-3t ELECTION OF OFFICER3. At tho Annual Meeting of the Wal mnnnlo Suear Company, held at the L,rn.. ..r lid .,,..,. -at... t l.nln f. mond. of the Custom House, has been U,.. ,,,,,., ,)n ,h o',, (my-r I ebriinry. transferred to the position of cashier. Robert C. Staekahle. formerly cashier. has been transferred to the position ot sermon; nt 3 p. in.. Huniiay scnooi. -o .,,cc deputy. E. II. Doyen has been chnnged from the statistical depart ment to tho appraisers office. D. K. Dalrd, formerly nsslstant to the tea tester, is now In thu statistical department. Through Tickets Issued from ilonolulu to Canada, United States and Curopo. For Freight and Passage an 1 all general Information, apply to Theo. H. Davtce & Co., Ltd.. Gen'l Agents. No One Will Speak of buying while showing you oui handsome slock of. German Lincrusta Walton Wo are pleased with our stock and nru sure you will ho pleased also. Lincrusta makes a hcjutirul nnd Inoxpenslvo wainscoting for homes, otflces, Htores und lodge rooms. Come, and let us show )ou tho guodB. It will bo a pleasure to us. LEWERS & COOKE, Limited. PORT STRBET. GLOBE NAVIGATION COMPANY'S SEATTLE-HONOLULU ROUTE. Connecting Direct without transfer with O. N. R, N. P. R-. and C. P. R. Lowest rate of freight from all eastern points; shortest posslblo time. 8. 8. TAMPICO, from Seattle MARCH 10 8. S. EUREKA, from Seattle APRIL 10 For further Information address I. E. BEEBE, 2 Brewer Dulldlna, Honolulu. AGENT HAWAIIAN ISLAND8. Globe Nav. Co., Seattle, Wash.; P. W. Rochester, 803 Market St. Agents of above roads, will furnish Information. , 8. F., Opera House Legal Notices. SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH Notice to All Whom It May 15th Concern. sary. During l.ent: wvery i-nuay ni 3 p. m., Stations of the Cross. Spcvlai Next Wednesday. Ash Wednesday, at 7:30 p. m., blessing of tho now sta tions of the cross, with Instruction. German Lutheran Church Rov. Mr. Felmy. pastor; 1032 King street 10 n. m., Sunday school; U a. m., congrega tional service. Deutsche Evangellsch Lutherlsche Klrche Pastor Felmy. 1032 King 8L Sonntag, 10 Uhr. Klndcrgottcs dlcnst; 11 Uhr, Gemelndo Gotten dlenst. Christian Science Services Regu lar Sunday services at 11 n. m In Elks' Hall, corner Deretanla and Miller streets. The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Milliard Hall (rear of the Opera House) 0 a. m.. Book or Mormon class; 10 s. m, Sunday reboot; 11 n. m., preaching (llawnllan); C:30 p. m.. Zion's Rcllgln nnd Literary Society; 7:30 p. m. preaching, English service. Tuesday, March 18th, has been de cided upon by the local lodge of Elks tor their pilgrimage to Hllo, with tho object In view of Instituting a Crescent City herd of II. P. O, E. Savonty-flvo of Illlo's best peoplo aro awaiting the coming of the Honolulu antlers, Intent upon showing the visitors tho real thing in unbounded hospitality. 11102. tho following officers were elect cd to servo for the ensuing eyni : Wm. G. Irwin President W. L. Hopper Vice President W. M. Glffard Treasurer H. M. Whitney, Jr Secretary Ceo. J. Ross Auditor Thu above, with tho oxceptlon of tho Auditor, comprise tho Board of Directors. II. M. WHITNEY, JR . Secretary Wnlmanalo Sugar Co. Honolulu, February 27, 1002. 2083-3t B, BERGERSEN, the old Sewing Machine Agent, Is still III business nl 942 BETHEL STREET, Honolulu. Stock on Hand Standard, Domes tic, National, Seamstress, New Home, Household, Expert and Vlndex. Call and see. Try and buy. United States of Amerlcn, District ol Hawaii, Grand Production ol n Herlcs ot Interesting Incidents. Ancient Hawaiian History adapted for thu stngi) by tlje HAWAII PONOI DRAMATIC COMPANY to bo presented In English by Native Hawallans. A Melodrama in two acts, entitled- The Lady ot The Twilight New SceneB Now Costumes Now Songs A musical interlude by tho company. Landing ot Lono and His Death Characters by the Company. Realistic Scenerlts havo bceu spe cially designed and painted for both productions. IViln-Kllter. tho old nnd well known remedy, hnB acquired n world-wlda re nown for tho cure of suddon colds. coughs, etc., weak stomach, Indiges tion, cramp or pain In tho stomach, bowel complaint, diarrhoea and dysen tery. It has lost none of its good name by repeated trials, hut continues to occupy a prominent position in every fnmlly medlclno chest. Avoid substi tutes, there Is but one I'aln-Klllcr, Per ry Davis'. Prlro Slic nnd fiOe. ELECTION OF OFFICER8. NOTICE. At the adjourned annual meeting of the stockholders of tho Hawaii Mill Company, Limited, held at tho ofOco of II. Hackfeld m Co., Ltd, Honolulu, on Wednesday, February 2ii. 1902, tho following officer were elected to servo during the ensuing )enr. Messrs. J. F. Hackfeld President H, A. Isenberg . Vice President W, Pfotenhauer Treasurer F. Klamp Secretary Armln Haneberg Auditor I the above officers also constituting tho Hoard of Directors 1". KLAMP. !082-3t Secretary. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. At thn Annnnl Mct'tlne nf thn trim. .. .t . . --.. -. .. ,,, i -- - " - -- ai mo Annum weeiing oi inc. iiiio;tcC8 of tll0 chlnoso United Society, Sugar Company, held this 27th day ot February, 1002, tho following officers woro elected to servo for tho ensuing yoar, viz: W. G. Irwin President W. M. Glffard ....Vice President H. M. Whitney, Jr.. ,8ee. & Treas. Geo. J. Ross Auditor Tho above, with tho oxceptlon of the Auditor, constitute tho Board of 1)1 rectoM. II. M. WHITNEY. JR.. Sucictary Hllo Sugar Company. 2083-31 Maklkl Chapel On Klnau Btrcot Preaching service, 8 a. m. New Map of Oohu. v.otpll4 Irom Survey! nd Chuts, Mari ol Sikh I'Unlitlur i, Railway!, and Ottitr Sellablt Souicei. TUB map is ) inchm, (tti arllslic colorlnei and neat mountings, mak Ini a very uselul well at urnamen'al wall nap TUB PHICS OF THB MAP IS $10 oo. Coplea caa i,.M.I...Ire. JASiT-TVlo. P. J. RuhhcII li. M. Wutson RUSSELL & WATSON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS-AT-LAW. Offices Maaoon Dulldlna. 2001-lm 'Pnone Main 328. Postage on the Bulletin's special 'i dustr.Jl edition Is three cents to all parts of the States. In tho District Court of tho United StnU-H In nnd for the District nnd Territory of Hawaii. United States of America, Plaintiff, vs. One Dozen Articles for tho Prevention of Conception. Attachment and Monition. Whereas, In Bald Cause, said Court, on February 21, 1902. Issued its At tachment nnd Monition: NOW THEREFORE NOTICE THEREOF IS HEREBY GIVEN to all persons claiming tho abnvo montloned property, or knowing or naving any- vmng to say why said Court should not pronounce against the same, ac cording to thu prayer of tho Informa tlon now on file herein, and that they appear before the said Court to ho holden in nnd for the said District of Hawaii at tne United StateH court houso In thn Olty of Honolulu In said District on tl-o 20th day ot March, A. I). 1002, If that ho a day of Jurisdic tion, and IT not, then on tho first day or Jurisdiction thereafter, at 10 o'clock In thn forenoon of that day, then and thero to Interpose a claim to tho Bamn, nnd to make their allegations In tRat bolmlf. Dated Honolulu, Hawaii. February 51. 19'2. 15. K. HENDRY, 'jnltcd States Marshal In and for Said District. 1079-1H Chinese Church (Congregatlonnl) Rov. Ewnrd W. Thwlng, acting pastor Business Notices. A CHANCE FOR THOSE DESIRING A GOOD HOMESTEAD. FOR SALE At a reasonable figure, a freehold estate lit Wuloniiiu, near Walohlnu. Tho property consists of n substantially built and wcll-furulsh-cd houso with a good water supply; -,-- .-, 1 ....-nt... .I...I..H .11. , i, .,,., R,nnnhln an- UI&" CttflDllCUn, BUlVtlllin , lini It, o, .1." -Sunday school. 9:30: proachlnr ser-, vWon ft,ncei) fQ(. Hafo lm)1(,I11 ot m. vice. 11; Sunday school In English, u0 nmi 353 nCrca of land. 147 ucres of 2:30; evening service, 7.30; Wodnos- day, prnycr meeting, 7:30. Japanese Church (Congregational) Niiuanu street, Rev. T. Okumurn pastor Sunday school, 10; morning service. 11; evening service 7:30; Wednesday prayer meeting, 7:30. Japanese M. E. Church G. Motoka wn, pastor Sunday school. 10; morn Ing service, 11; evening scrvlco. 7:45: class meeting, 8-30; prnver mooting, Wednesday. 8. Services at Kukul St., near St. Unils Collego. St. Clement's Chapel, Puna boil Holv Climmunlnn: Tho first Sun day of the month, 11 a. m.: all other Sundays, 7 n. m : morning prnver. with formon, 11 n. in ; evensone. 7:30 p. in. The electric enrs pass tho door. All scats nro free Tho cbnl Is served by tho Rector of Honolulu. Seventh-Day Adventlst Chapel NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The fourth and last assessment of 25 011 the new stock of tne PIONEER MILL CO.. LTD.. Is tin.) nnd payanro nt the office of II. Hackfela & Co., L'd , Honolulu, on March lfth, 1902, and de linquent on Mnrch 31st, 1902. II. bU!tUl,T.l5, Treasurer Pioneer Mill Co., Ltd. 2081 March 1, 3, 4. tho land adjoins house and there Is n prlvllcgo to secure 101 acres contig uous. Thero Is ou tho land fenced portions containing coffee, ornngo und other fruit trees In bearing. All tho lands aro nlongsldo or near to tho Gov ernment road. Nearly all thu land has substantial htono fences. With thu above go all cattle, horses and pigs, wagons, etc., etc. For paiticulurc ap ply to CHA3. MEINECKE, Walohlnu, Kau, Hawaii. 20C5-tf NOTICE. 7 Parlies visiting I.ahalna and tho Isi anil of Maul In general c-nn secure suit able conveyances nnd croful drivers nt tho PIONEER 8TADLE8, Lahalna, iBland of Maul. Commercial men will be carefully looked after with suitable rigs- 2n,15-3m NOTICE. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Intend ing passengers per S. 8. "Aornngl," duo to sail for Vancouver on the 12th Inst., nnd for tho S. S. "Mlowera," duo to Mill for the Colonies on tho 15th Inst., must apply for passago by tho former boat not later than the 3d Inst. THEO. II. DAV1ES & CO., LTD., Agents Cnnailian-AtiKtrallan It M. S S. Line. 2084 MEETING NOTICE. Tin' adjourned nnnual meeting of the stf.ektioldera of the PIONEEH MILL COMPVNY. LIMITED, will bo held at the oflliV of II. Hackfeld & Co. Ltd , in Tuesday. March 4th. 1902. at lOnVlMka. in V KLAMP. 20S3-2t Secretary. held on Janunry 31, 1902, tho follow ing officers were elected to servo for tuc ensuing year: Wong Kwal President ' Chong Mee Hlng ..Vice President LI Cheung Secretary Chong Pak Shan ..Astt. Secretary Ylm Quon 1.... Treasurer Lau Tong Asst. Treasurer LI CHEUNG, Secretary Chlncso United Society. Honolulu, T. II., Fob. 22, 1902. 2079-2W MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO, LTD. Stockholders aro horoby notified that by resolution of tho Hoard of x)l rcctors tho remaining treasury stock. amounting to 700 shnres. Is now offet cd for subscription at par. Stockholders havo tho nrlvlleco nt subscribing pro rata ot their prosent Holdings. All Block not appllod for by March 1, 1902, will bo allotted to such stock holders or others as may havo mado application for samo. UOUniEV HHUWN, Treasurer. Honolulu, February 1, 1902. 20G3-lni NOTICE. Intending Ktecrnge passengers from Honolulu for United States porta aro hereto" Informed that until further no tice the undersigned will not book ap plicants for passago by tho steamers for which they aro agents, unless said passengers report nt their offico at least nine (9) days picvlous to tho scnedulcd dato of sailing. Further In formation may bo had upon applica tion nt the office of WM. O. IRWIN & CO.. LTD., II. HACKFELD &. CO. 2079 tt My office will bo rinsed until the ?(Uh of March, during my absence at the Coast. DR. M. E. GROSSMAN. 2080-lw Get yoir orders In for the special Industrial edition. The second edition It now ready for distribution. Price 25 cents. The weekly edition of the Evening Dulletln Is the largest ana best pub lished In the Territory. Sixteen and twenty pages, tt a year. WAIANAE COMPANY, LIMITED. The Adjourned Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of tho Walnnao Coicpipy. Limited, will he held at thn office of J. M. Uowsett. Merchant street, on Monday, Mnrch Jd. 1902, nt 10 o'clock a.m. J. M. DOW8ETT, Secretary. Honolulu. T. II.. Fehruary 25th, 1902. 2080- td 1 , ' f $