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'"TJV "7,lWIf"ji "fiW " " ' wjj&v " "" wr- -r - -v .- -" ' JJwr,-Wjnt tswjbsj. Yrr "- twf nVENINO BULLETIN, HONOLULU, H. T. SATURDAY, MAIICH 8. 1902. t The Hawaiian Souvenir Playing CARDS THEY ARE HERE THEY ARE BEAUTIES Appropriate ai prizes tor card garnet. Suitable a gift to frlerrts and relatives In distant partj. Each rt.fl. o ntalng fit ylhreo lialf-tone cngraWngs of the choir t-M vlowa if Honolulu. Jl0 ami the principal points of interest in tho Islands, Hack design of Kamehnmcha Statue In co'or. Edges In Gold. Double enti.nM surface, of tho ory best finish. Large In dexes make them suitable for all inrd games. Telescope cases stamp ed In Gold. Theso cards are manufactured by the United States Play ing Card Co, who have spared no pains In making them the finest scenic pack of cards ever published. Published nntl top sale by RETAIL PRICE $1.00 PER PACK. WALL, NICHOLS COMPANY, Ltd. Honolulu and llllo iisY j cms OF SHOOTING IN CITY YESTERDAY AFTERNOON Williams, a Hawaiian, Shot Twice at His Wife and Then Turned Revolver on Himself. Wilton, Smyrna and Axminster Our showing of rug's Is more elegant than ever before nnd you will not fall to find patterns and qualities to your entile satisfaction. Round Top Dining Tables Our stock of theso win most surely please you and we have chalts to" match. Prices for everybody In accoruanco with the finUh and woods. Enameled Iron Beds None can show a larger or better stock and OUR PRICES CAN NOT BE OEAT. Come and see before buying elsewhere. J. HOPP & COMPANY Lending Furniture Dealers. CORNER KING AND BETHEL STS. ask your neighbor If sho buys groceries of us. If sho does she will tell, you of re liable goods, honest prices and quick delivery all of which you may not be getting. A visit to our store will show Its cleanliness, convenience and beauty. An order by telephone, will bo promptly attended to. NEW BOOKS ! Qolden Rule Bazaar's Another double tragedy occimed yesterday afternoon on Vlmjard Mreet, near the relief camp. John Wit Hams, a lint he, becoming Jealous ot his wife, shot twkc at her with Intent to kill nnd then turned the re volver on himself, caused wounds which u-sulted In his death a little later on. The details of the case arc Uf follows: Williams, who was an emploje ol the ton Hamm-Young Co.. left the store Thutsday afternoon with a le volvcr In his possession. He did not return to the stoic yestetdny morning, fo a Chinese hoy was sent to bis house early In the nttemoon to make In quiries. He heard shooting within and becoming frightened, ran away. He notified the police and an Investigation was at once Instituted. Captain Parker went up to the place and broke Into the room. There ho found Williams lying on the floor with a bullet wound In his head. He was not dead and was removed to the hos pital In the patrol wagon. In a very short time he expired. Tho wife states that she was fired at twice by the enraged man and that the ran out of the room as quickly as she could. She did not think she had teen hurt but upon arriving outside, sho saw blood trickling down and found that she had been shot In the car. The wound was not at all danger ous. No sooner had she leached tho outside air than she heard other shots Inside. These must hae been the ones that ended tho existence of hor husband Jealousy Is given by all who knew the man as the cause of the deed. It Is understood thnt the woman left the house on Monday and did not return until Thursday, the day that the na tive took the revolver home with him. The body of decensed was taken tn the morgue nnd a Coroner's Jury em paneled, consisting of C. II. Drown, Palmer Woods, W. C. Vlda. P. SI. Na laal. C. J. Ludwigscn and F. Weed. They viewed the remains and then ad journed until today, when the Inquest will be held. LOCAL AND GENERAL H. W. roster, Jeweler, IBS Hotel St. front room In private famli for rent Sen ad In New Today. The schooner Itosnmond and the bark H P. Itlthet commenced ills charging catgo this morning. A. A. Slontann announces the spring opening of his handsome new milliner to begin Wednesday, Starch 12, See ad Transport Meade Is looked for this evening or tomorrow ft om San Fran Cisco. She will dock at the Pacific Mall wharf. Uourbon Whiskey, 6 years old, $3.G0; Claret, CO cents; Sherry and Tokay, 73 cents a gallon at Hoffschlaegcr Co.'s, King stroet. The reception by the Poitugucse to Senor A. de Souza Canaarro. which was originally Intended for today, has been postponed a week. Captain Smiley nnd other military officers aboard tho transport Warren will occupy n box at the minstrel show In the Orphcum tonight. Captain Hen Williams who lias been dangerously III with fever for several dajs Is slowly recovering his health on the Lighthouse Island. The large buoy which does duty at the uptown end of the harbor Is under going a set aping nnd re-paintlng, hav ing been hoisted ashore for that purpose. The Deputy Sheriff gives notleo that he wii sell by public auction nil tho pioperty of Ping You Keo under Judg ment f i om tho District Court. Set New-Today. The regular annual meeting of tno Pacific Tennis Club will be held this afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. It Is under stood that an entirely new set of offi cers will bo chosen. The Ilrltlsh ship Peter trcdale is be ing fumigated nt the channel wharf. On Slonday she will sail for Puget Sounu in ballast. Lewis & Turk having put a crew In her yesterday. There were six cases of drunken ness on the Police Court calendar this forenoon. Three of the number weii soldiers. Their condition last night was such that not a man pleaded not guilty when up before Judgu Wilcox Gossip appeared on the streets this morning. It is a very clever number, full of spicy notes of tho social world nnd pointers on various matters of In tcrest. The nowsbojs were early at the place of distribution wnltlng for papers and when they took them out on the streets they returned empty handed for more. Kaha. a native boy, appeared In tho Police Court this forenoon on tho charge of malicious Injury by destroy Ing n dollar's worth of sweet potatoes and onions. Judgo Wilcox placed ball at $50 and In doing so lemurkeu that cases of the kind were very much liked by the Grand Jury, this being a reference to the recent action of that body In throwing out cases of petit larceny. DO YOU REALIZE Thnt when oii buy a HANAN SHOE that you get exception al value' That you arp not experimenting, hut buying an established, guaianteed shoe' That HANAN'S reputation for good shoe making Is well known' Then why experiment with doubtful uncertain shoes when you can buy a HANAN? C tfr&i "Uc 5HPMK mrw fr'sc H. MAY & GO. Tlie Popular Grocery. 22 TELEPHONES 24 NEW BOOK LIST :1c Tho nights of Slan," by Dr. Lymnti Abbott, nbles for the Fair," by Josephine D. Daskam. Sir Richard Calmady," by Malch. "Stephen Callnarl," by Julian Sturgls. "f'rench Revolution nnd Religions" (Reform), by Sloane. "'Schley and Santiago," by Graham (worth reading). "Korna Gordyeeff," by Maxim Gorky. 'nicse are only seven of the new books, but we have seventy times seven Just as good and as Interesting. J M.WEBB, Bookseller nnd Btntloncr. Our Customers Like Our Gurry Powder ! Why? They are satisfied that the Ingredients used In Its manutacture are the finest obtainable and that you will think so too when you use It. LEWIS & GO. :. LEADING GROCERS. .-. 1060 FORT STREET. 240 Three Telephones 240. A ...MclNERNY SHOE STORE... J. H. FISHER & Company, Stock and Bond Brokers. AGENTS FOR FIRE ASSOCIATION, of Philadelphia. WESTERN A88URANCE CO, of To ronto. Offices Stangenwald Rldg M chant Street. Tel. i.ialn 33. HONOLULU STOCK BXCHANQE Honolulu, March 8, loox NAME OF STOCK MERCANTILE, C. Drtwf r St Comcim NS SlcfttDG.Co.LM Ltl. .I CLINTON J. MUTCHIJN.S, INSURANCE. LIFE ffl Awn Vr l Vr," H oL M AX m FIRE fr;3r MARINE JVlcHNERlW BLOCK, PORT ST. IN No More Dread of the Dental Chair TEETH EXTRACTED AND FILLED ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN by our late scientific method applied to the gums. No sleep-producing agents or cocaine. Theso are the only dental parlors Is Honolulu having PATENTED APPLI ANCES and Ingredients o extract. All and apply gold crowns and porcelain crowns undectecable from natural teeth and warranted for ten years, WITH OUT THE LEAST PAIN. All work done by GRADUATED DENTISTS ol from 12 to 20 years' experience, an each department In charge of a Special 1st Give us a call, and you will And us to do exactly aa we advertise. W will tell you In advance exactly what your work will cost nj a FREE EX AMINATION. Set Teeth , 88.00 Gold Crowns SS.OO Gold Fillings 81.00 Sliver Fillings SOc NO PLATES I BSy E5 5B&s?S I INDIVIDUALITY There Is Individuality about eye glasses the same as dress. Not every ono can be fitted with the same clip and Bprlng. Eye-glasses should be made to fit the face becomingly and a small featured person needs a small er lens than one with a broad face. We at each individual, and take all necessary care without piling the price up. nhuu h.MiTt ifa33 Huns Wm. McCarthy, tho crimp who has been in the eye of the police for such a long time, appeared In the Police Court this forenoon on thr charge ot assault and littery. It was the Idea of Attorney Bitting, who appeared for the defendant, to continue the case until Monday morning and he was about on the point of doing this when there came a voice from the prisoners' rail asking for conversation with tin Judge. 11 was McCarthy and when h was taken out before Judge Wilcox, he said that he wanted something done with his case as soon as possible. He wanted to go up to tho higher court or if he could not do that right away, he wanted a trial In the lower court. He was ready to plead guilty to the charge of assault and battery right away . The prosecution explained that the Grand Jury had sent down the infor mation that they would hand In a re port at 10 o'clock. I'nder tho circum stances, the only thing left to do was to continue the caBO until Monday. At this, Mr. Bitting arose and said that he had had the same thing In contem plation. He did not know who had been advising McCarthy. He certainly had not told his client to do what he had Just done. Judge Wilcox advised the defendant to allow his case to go over until Mon day and that at that tlmo the plea of guilty which he had entered In the case of assault and battery would not be used to Ills prejudice. He know that the Grand Jury was Investigating somo kind of a case against him but he did not know Its nature. McCarthy finally decided to let his case go and afterwards called his at' torney over to him. Mr. Bitting was not in a very pleasant frame of mind and. Judging from appearances, he told the crimp what he thought ot him. A tieat is In store for theater-goers at the Orpheum tonight In the form o! a great minstrel show, by members ot the Second Battalion, 15th Infantry, from the transport Warren. It might be well to know that this will hardly be an amateur performance Inasmuch as most of the members have been per formers In the Stntes and this same or ganization has been together for over a ear. . rf They have given many performance! during their travels and horve excellent press notices from leadlug papers. They are so thoroughly organized and drilled that they are prepared to give a finish ed entertainment without the necessity of a rehearsal, although this morning was devoted to going over the work with the orchestra to obviate the puxsl blltty of a hitch. Tho performance consists of vaude ville, acrobatic work and comedy sketches. The very latest songs have been brought from the Coast nnd there are somo wonderfully good ones among them. With an exceptionally good chorus. clever work and a well balanced or chestra the performance will be a de cidedly amusing and entertaining one Tickets are on sale at the Orpheum nt fifty and twenty-five cents and are being rapidly disposed of. Grand Song Recital Under the direction of V. D. ADAMS. MME. GENEVRA JOHNSTONE BI8H0P nsslsted by Miss Carrie Castle, - Pianist Mr. J. H. Amme, - Violinist Mrs. W. L, Whitney, Accomp'st HAWAIIAN OPERA HOUSE MONDAY, MARCH 10th, at 8 p.m. Reserved Seats 61. Gallery 50c Tickets tor sale nt Wall, Nichols Co. Iron bedsteads BELOW COST Our name alone will be a guarantee that your work will be of thn beat. New Yprk Deiital Parlors, Room t. Elite Building, Hotel Strerf LADIES IN ATTENDANCE Hours, 8 a, rn, to 6 p. n. Sundays, 9 a. m. to 12 m. A. N. SANFQRD Manufacturing Optician. Boston Building, Fort Street Over May A Co, ! If you cannot find him just look ,; In at the Honolulu Bowling Parlors HE WILL BE THERE 0F1YJ.U. OperaHouse SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 15th Grand Production of a Hcrlcs of InterctttlnA Incident, 1 1 1 1 1 iT I i i L..KtrrfcCo SUGAR Vwi Plantation Co Hawaiian ArrlculturalCo Hawaiian Sugar Co . . Honomu Surar Co . .. Honokaa Sugar Co Kahuku Plantation Co Kind Plant Co .UJ,. IClvanulu Sugar Co . K.oioa aurar wO ... .. MeBrvdaSuCo..Ld Obo Sugar Co , motnea aut-art-o. .. OokalaSuearPtan Co Olaa Su. Co . Ltd , OtaaSuCo. LtJ.riupJ wiowaiu v-omrny I'aauhauSu, I'lan Co Pacific Sugar Mill. . Pa la Plantation Co PtptfkfA Sugr Co Pioneer Mill Co Pinner Mill Co. Attt. walalua Agri Co WaflukuSugarCo .. . WalmanaloSucar Co Walmea Mill Co MISCELLANEOUS. Wilder Sttamthle Co . Inter-lstanJ Steam N Co Hawaiian Lirctrie Co Hon. RarU T. & L. Co Mutual Telerhone Co Oahu Rv&L Co .... people ice & K Iff 1-0 RANKS. First National Bank ., FlrlASI3ank&TCo BONDS. Hawaiian Gov rer cent MiloRKCo 6 per cent non Kapu transit .... Ewa Plantat n 6 err rnt uanu k l. uo. per c Oahu Plantation 6 pc Olaa Plantation 6 p, c vraiaiua gricui. op, c Capital Pali up ,000 nC DO, too.o IllMW T!0, JOO.OOO JOO.Ono I.OJO.OOO 160,000 ycooo ).oo,ooc 1.600,0m 500.000 5, JOO.OOOf 150. 7 JO. So. 1,159,000 500000 4,500,000 500000 500,000 500,000 150,000 m I $0,000 t? tin ' im jm: 6 "M 4.K tTO IS I'. Ml tJI 1,9 Si ei tfO '5 "I Sales BO Olaa. paid ill). J13.50; 25 Olaa. paid up, $13.30, 10 Olaa, paid up. J 13.311. wm 10 PlAV Bill At a late hour this forrnoon It was decided to have n game ot baseball be tween the soldiers ot the transport Warren and a team from the Honolulu Athletic Club, on the MaMkl recreation Krounds nt 2 o'clock this afternoon. Tho following will probably play on the local team, although they arc sub ject to change' Joy. catcher; Kaal, pltcTIer; Olcason, first base: Thompson second. I.lshmnn, third. Williams, short stop, Hansman, left field; Ay lett, center field; and Lewis, right Held. PRICES WILL ASTONISH YOU. Theo. II. Dales & Co.'a en tire stock of Iron beds has been sold to us at a sacrifice. We have them nil displayed with prices plainly mnrked. " Come and see them. Coyne Furniture COMPANY, LTD. PROGRESS BLOCK. The weekly edition of the Evening Bulletin Is the largest and best pub lished In the Territory. Sixteen and twenty pages. It a year. lLlncld.nt- M PhilHpS & CO. AN HOUR IN THE MORNING THE 8AME HOUR EVERY MORNING or afternoon, given to dictation, will keep your correspondence "cleaned up." Try It a month. J. D. AYEjRY, Business Correspondent Reaularltyl Certainty Despatch! Tel. Main 78. 96:45. Elite Bldg. Secretary Drown of tno Y. M, C. A. wishes to call attention to the fact that the stock of old books, papers and of magazines for the soldiers has now completely run out and as more trans ports are expected more reading mat ter will soon be needed. The second round of the Y. M. C. A Indoor baseball tournament has now started, tho following being the list of players: A. E. Lutz vs. Olaf Oss, W. E. Kerr vs. A, Blackman, It. J. Allan vs. J. 0. Holt, Tom Evans vs. C. 01111 land, E, S, Muckley vs. C. Marques, M. Johnston vs. R. S. Plerson and I I'errlera vs. A. Lubeck. Of these games only one has been played so far. name ly, the one between W. E. Kerr and A. Blackman, The game was won by the latter with a score of 21 to 4 and 21 to 10. The basket ball season will soon commence and Physical Director Young Is making arrangements for tho forming of teams. There will be a game of basket ball played tonight In the Y, M. C. A. gymnasium between two pick ed teams. IMF-Ill MATCHES The Honolulu Athletic Club Is at present making arrangements for a series of tug-of-war contests which will soon be played In the Aala warehouse. A first prize of 1100 and a second prize of J 50 have been ottered. The pro ceeds of the tournament .will be used for the fitting up ot the new club rooms and the gymnasium. There are at present eight teams In sight, namely, a Ilrltlsh team, a Scotch team, a police team, a waterfront team, a colored team, a Portuguese team, a team from Garbage Department known as tho "Alu Ka Wea" and a National Guard team entered by Captain Klem me. Each team will ronslst of ono anchor and six men. The pulls will be so arranged that each of the teams will meet all of the others and the pulls will follow each other with as little delay bb possible. Ancient Hawaiian History adapted for the stage by the HAWAII PONOI DRAMATIC COMPANY to be presented in English by Native Hawaiian!. A Melodrama In two acts, entitled: The Lady of The Twilight New Scenes New Costumes Now Songs A musical Interlude by the company. Landing of Lono and His Death Characters by the Company. Keallstlc Seenorles have been spe cially designed and painted for both productions. Prices $1, 75 and 50 cents. Box plan at Wall, Nichols Wholesale Importers and Jobber. European and American Dry Goods. Fort and Queen 8ts. H. HackfelcU Co., Ltd. General Commission Agents. Cor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu Send the weekly edition of the Bul letin to your friends. Only $1 a year, WILLARD E. BROWN. W. A. LOVE. FRANK HALSTEAD. Halstead & Co:; 8TOCK AND BOND BROKERS. MONEY ADVANCED ON 8UQAR SECURITIES, 921 Fort Street. Members Honolulu 8toek and Bond Exchange. Tel. Main 133. Albert Raas FINANCIAL AGENT. STOCK AND BOND BROKER. MEMBER OF HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANQE. Orders for the purchase r sale ot stocks and bonds carefuly aad prompt ly executed. Loans negotiated Office Room 401, 4th floor, Stangen wald Bldg. Pottofflce box 340; Tele phone Main 331. i SiiWrilm for tha WEEKLY Irw iiiut oiiu ,, uui mi- i.iti iii ol resistance In caso of accident. On Tuesday next. It Is expected that the transport Warren will get awny for Manua, The work of relieving tho for ward hold and decks of tho vessel ot the pig Iron and other material which was used to "stand her on her head" In order to repair her screw. Is almost completed. It Is said that the work of repalt to tho Wurren'B propeller has been well and carefully ixei-uted and that tho transport Is not likely to haut any trouble making the run to Manila tin less unusually some weather Is met with. The transports Meado nnd Egbert will follow close behind the Wurren. so that sho will not be out of reach COMFORTS OF HOME Cosy rooms In cottages or main liouso with or without - bonrd, all home comforts, lit Waikiki INN L. H. DEE, W. Beswlck, Take the car to Walkikl. Proprietor. Manager. KID QLOVE Henry J. Crocker, the San Francisco capitalist, has 100 rare stamps that are valued at $20,000. His larcst stamp Is tho 20-cent label Issued In I84S by the St. Louis poBtorflcu. before there were any regular United States stamps. In White, Black and : Colors : at E. W. JORDAN i A i ',' -. i j. -,' ,ilttf7 -i ..