Newspaper Page Text
'lJ EVENINO BULLETIN, HONOLULU, H. T. SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 1962. t V Lines of I'raveL Bisiaess Men Can Sare Many Hours 's oir-roflv .0RO88 THE CONTINENT FROM San Francisco-Portland THE TRAINS DAILY FROM SAN FRANCISCO. TWO TRAINS DAILY FROM PORTLAND. Oxljr THREE DAYS to Chicago. Only FOUR DAYS to New York. Palljoan Palace Sleepers. Buffet, 8mok ixe and Library Cars, with Barber Kiop and Pleasant Reading Rooms. Dining Cars (Meals a-la-carte). Free Reclining Chairs. Pullman Ordinary Sleepers. f H. LOTIIROP, General Agent. 115 Third street, Portland, Oregon. 1. W. HITCHCOCK, General Agent, Wo, 1 Montgomery St, San Francisco. 8. L. LOMAX, O. P, & T. A., 1471 Omaha, Nebraska. Hawaiian Tramway's Time Table. KING STREET LINE. Ctrl Ware Walklkl for town !!!. i.l J, fe.J A.M. end every if minute thereafter till 10:4s. 11:1s and ires'1.'!, from Walklkl r to the Punahou Sublet. Car. leave R Range orPawaa twitch lor town it S.jja M. and every is ntnute. thereafter till tt 08P.M. Cirt leave Fort and Kins atreeti corner for Palama 16.10 a.m. ani every ij minute, altar till Cart liara for Palama only at 1 and j:)o A M. Cart laava Palama for Walklkf s'4l A.M. and every 1lBrouta.ltllo-4tP.a1. then at io-ij and 10,3 P.M. Tbt 11:15-' A. from Palama for Punahou only roe. toWaridalon Saturday!. Can laava Fort and Hint ttrtcti corner foi Rifle Ranee at s o and ejo A.M. Cart Itavt Fort and I Kin? ttreett corner lor walklkl at 6 os A.M. and every ij mlnutet till loojP.M.tben at io:y and u:oj p.m. The iiiji p.m. ton to Walklkl on Saturday, only, Saturdays only, BERETANIA STREET AND r'lJUANU VALLEY. Can leave Punahou Stable far Town at s'jo aoJ for Town and Valley at s'40 sSO Vao 6.40 7 and y to a M. Can leave Oahu Collect for town and Valley at 6-)o 6 so and :io a.m and ever) 10 mlnutet till P.M. etcept the even hour and half, hour cart which run from the Stable Cart leave Nuuanu Vatley at i'lo e)o 6. so A.M and every 10 mlnutet thereafter till lo so P.M. Car leave Fort and Queen ttreet. for Punahou Colleco at 6 os 6 es A M and every 10 mlnutet after till 9 j p.m. Alter that the cart run to the Stable up to iiisop.m, which It thelattcar from Town, reachlnr the Stable at 11.10 P.M, O. R. & L. Co. TIME TABLE. From and after January 1, 1899. TRAINS. STATIONS. OAlir daiiy (Outaard) t. Sun. DAILY ex. Sun DAILY DAILY PM. Honolulu .,,, Pearl City.,, Ewa Mill.... Walanao..., Watalua.,.. Kahuku STATIONS. (Inwaid) ICahuku Walalua ., Walanae ... Ewa Mill..,. Pearl City , Honolulu ,,,, A.m. A.m. A.m. r.n. T.10 801 ll oei 1008 1 1. os 11:40 It 00 J") 1 e:os '5 J 40 S.10 lo'so ,,,, : e:ji DAILY tl. Sun. DAILY DAILY A M. A.M. P.M 1 .... JUS ..,. , e.10 ,,,, DAILY PM, i4 e:so :JJ 4 S6 t:io 8.01 .... :jo .... i.ij .... o:jo 1:0s :io 1:1s F O. SMITH, Genl Pass. & Ticket Agt. O. p. DENIBON. Superintendent Telephone to All Parts of the Island. konaTTvery STABLES KEALAKEKUA, - HAWAII J. G. HENRIQUES, PKOP. Horses and Carriages For Excursions To the Volcano or the Mountains. An excellent chance la offered for tourists to SEB THE COUNTRY. Carriages meet the S. S, Mauna lm at Kallua and take passengers overland to Hookena, where the steamer is met again. Chinese and Japanese Firms. C.Q.YeeHop&Co Kahikinni Meat Market and Grocery. FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Beretanla Street, Corner Alakea. 'Phone Blue 2511. ALSO AT THE FISHMARKET MEAT 8TALL8 19 AND 20. SING CHAN CO. Importers of flardware, Tinware, Glassware and Carriage Goods, Etc., Etc. Sanitary Plumbing and Sewer Connec- tlona a Specialty. 229 King 8L, between River 8t. and R. R. Depot. SANG CHAN MERCHANT TAILOR Fine English and American Goods TWO STORES 65 Hotel street, an I Hotel near Nuuanu p o Box oil. TEL whits (i Woman's Exchange has removed to the Arlington Block, Hotel Street, In tho store formerly occupied by II. W. Foster. 't RHEUMATISM Torturing, grinding, rasping, aggravating natnt I.ct It come In tlio guise of Lumbago, Sciatica, Muscular, Joints, In the chest, In the back; anywhere, I will cure it. My Electric Belt goes to the spot ana drives it out of hour and curer. the worst cases In a DR. MCLAUGHLIN'S ELECTRIC BELT Has cured thousands of Rheumatics. Rheumatism Cured, Dr. McLaughlin Dear Sir: About ono month neo I beean the use of your belts for tho cure of rheumatism, j cars, nml arter having tried all kind of medicines and doctors, and being compelled to change my residence from Amador, county. I began to Im prove Immediately after three day's use of tho belt, and have continued to do so since. It has done good work for mo. I now get up In the morning feeling fresh and rested, Instead of that .tired, worn feeling, and lmvo In creased greatly in weight. I feol better In'ovory respect, and lmvo your belt to thank for It. You may use this letter as you sea fit. Yours very truly, WILLIAM H. O'NEIL. 1347 Josslo St., 8an Francisco, Col. FREE TEST: FREE BOOK I want every sufferer from Sciatica. Rheumatism, Lame Back, Kldnoy or Bladder Troubles, General Nervous ness or Vital Weakness, Indigestion, etc., to test my Belt free at my of fice. If you can't call, send for my book about It, free. Inclose this ad. DR, M. H. MCLAUGHLIN, 702 Market St., Cor. Kearny, San Francisco Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8:30 p. m.: Sundays, 10 to 1. Oceanic Steamship Company TIME" TABaL-E The steamers of thlB line will arrive and leave this port aa hereunder: FROM SAN FRANCISCO. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. iLAMEDA MAR.16 ! ALAMEDA MAR. 19 VENTURA MAR. 26 ' S1URRA MAR. 25 ALAMEDA APRIL 6 ! ALAMEDA APRIL 9 In connection with the sailing ol tho above steamers, roe agents are pre eared to Issue, to Intending passengers, coupon through tickets by any rail oad from San Francisco to all poiuts In the United States, and from New fork by any steamship lino to all European ports. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY TO Win. 6. Irwin & Co., Ltd. GENERAL AQENT8 OCEANIC 8. 8. CO. Pacific Mail Steamship Go. Accidental and Oriental Steamship Co. and Toyo Kisen Kaisha Steamers of the above companies will call at Honolulu and leave this port on or about the dates below mentioned. FOR JAPAN AND CHINA. FOR 8AN FRANCI8CO. PERU COPTIC AMERICA MARU .MAR. 12 .MAR. 20 .MAR. 2S FOR GENERAL INFORMATION APPLY TO P. M. 8. 8. CO. H. HrXCKPBLO & CO, LTD. AGBNTS. American-Hawaiian S. S. Co. DIRECT 8ERVICE BETWEEN NEW YORK AND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, via Pacific Coast. S. 8. AMERICAN, 6,000 tons, to sail about March 15. U. 8. NEVADAN, to sail April 15th. S. S. HAWAIIAN, to sail May 15th. freight received at Company's wharf, 42nd Street, South Brooklyn, at all times. For further particulars, apply to C. P. WORSE, General Freight Agent. H. HACKFELD & CO., Ltd AGENTS, HONOLULU. Canadian-Australian Royal Mail Steamship Company. Steamers of the above line, ruonlng In connection wita the CANADI AN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. between Vancouver. B. C, and 8ydnt.y, N.B.iV., and calling at Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Brisbane, aro DUE AT HONO LULU on or about the dates below Hated, viz.: rom Vancouver ana Victoria, B. C. (For Brisbane and Sydney.) MIOWERA MAR. 15 AORANOI APR. 12 Through Tickets issued from Honolulu to Canada, United States and urope. For Freight and Passage and all general Information, apply to Thco. H. Davlcc & Co., Ltd., Gcn'I Agents. GLOBE NAVIGATION COMPANY'S ' SEATTLE-HONOLULU ROUTE. Connecting Direct without transfer with G. N. Ry., N. P. R.. and C. P, It. Lowest rates of freight from all eastern points; shortest possible time. 8. 8. TAMPICO, from Seattle MARCH 10 8. 8. EUREKA, from Seattl APRIL 10 For further laformatton address L. E. BBEBB, 2 Brewer Building, Honolulu. AGENT HAWAIIAN I8LAND8. Globe Nav. Co., Seattle, Wash.; P. W. Rochester, 803 Market St., 8. F., Agents of above roads, will furnish Information. F.J. Russell E.M. Watson RUSSELL & WATSON, ATTORNEYS AND COUN8ELLOR8-AT.LAW, Offices Magoon Building. 'Phone Main 328. W. Austin Whiting, W. J. Robinson, LAW 0FFICE8 Reived to Room 306, Judd Building J. M. KANEAKUA, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR A" LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC Office, Bethel 8L, Near the Postoffice. Inflammatory. "Come and Go"! In tlio tho body. It relieves the pain In an week. It will euro you. having suffered with It for three PEKING GAELIC HONOKONO MARU MAR. 12 MAR. MAR. 29 j ..j r-rom Sydney and Brisbane. (For Victoria and Vancouver. B. C.) AOHANQI MAR. 12 MOANA APR. 9 MIOWERA MAY 7 Seattle and Tacoma TO 8. 8. OREOONIAN, 6000 tons, to sail March 25th. 8. 8. CALIFORNIAN, 6000 tons to sail April 20th. For further particulars apply H. HACKFELD & CO,, Agents. P. MORSE, General Freight Agent Design your own ledgers, cash books, etc. If you sre undecided, we will help you. That Is In our line and the PRICE IS niCHIT, at tbo EVEN ING BULLETIN. WIllrJT 8 or Wlllett & Oray's circular for I'ebru nry 13 reviews the sugar and coffee market, as follows. THE WEEK Raws declined l-llic Refined unchanged. Not cash quota tlnns arc Muscovados. 3.12c; ccn trlftigals, 4.G25c. granulated. 4.M V . ole Receipts, 31.177 tons. Melting?, 27.1'tio tons. Total stock In Four l'orts S5.232 tons, ngalnst 81.053 tons last week, and 123.14.1 tous last year, licet Migar quotations, f.o.b. Hamburg, Gs 9d per cwt. for 88 degree analysis. First mnrkB German granulated, f.o.b, Hamburg. 9s, equal 4.42c, New York duty paid. Ustlrrfatcd nfioats to the United Stntes from Cuba nnd West Indies, 20, 000 tons; Javas, 19,000 tons; Hawaii. 10,0. tons; Europe. 5000 tons; Peru. Uemcrara, etc., 35,000 tons; total, S0, 000 tons, against 110.000 tons Inst year. Spot Foreign Granulated The de mand Is light and the supply very small. Fine Austrian. 4.5Sc asked, t or Import, Dutch granulated, prompt shipment, 10s 4 1-2(1, c. and f.. and for May-August shipment, 10s 1 l-2d, c. and f. Fine Austilan granulated for prompt shipment, 9s fid. c. nnd f., nnd for April-May shipments, 0s 3d, c. nnd f. This week's summary of the statis tical position shows stocks in the Lnlted States and Cuba together of 258,232 tons, against 220.S55 tons last week and 200,700 tons last year, an In crease of 57,472 tons over last year. STATISTICS DY SPECIAL CA. BLE8 Cuba: The six principal ports, Receipts, 30,000 tons; exports, 23oo tons; stock, 73,000 tons, against 72G17 tons last year; 150 centrals' grinding, against 143 last year. Europe Stocks In Europe, 3,244,000 tons, against 2.562,393 tons last year. Total stocks of Europe and America. 3,502.232 tons, against 2,5(2,393 Ions last year at the same uneven dates, and 3,038,787 tons at the even date of January 1, 1902. The excess of stock Is 739.079 tons, against an excess of 791,739 tons last week, and an excess of 030,082 tons January 1, 1902, Hamburg Six hundred and twenty five tons refined sugar shipped to America. No engagements. RAWS Larger receipts during the week and smaller demand fbr refined sugar, caused 1-lCc decline in quota tions, to 3 5-8c for 96 degrco test cen trifugals. This Is l-32c per pound be low tho parity of beet sugars today, but tho European markets, at the present time, aro more tinder the In flticnee of possible Increase of dutloH In England, than a demand for tho United States. Stocks In the United Kingdom, for the same reason, nie about doublo the amount of a yearogo. 'ihus the prices for prompt nnd nearby sugars In beet growing Countries are maintained and even advanced, while. at tho same time, contracts made for distant delivery nrc 3d per cwt. lower man mo current quotations, giving lit' dlcatlon of what the Curopean market would actually be wero It not for the abnormal demand existing from the United Kingdom, on account of pos sible Increase of duties. The reassem bllng of the Drussel's conference has been postponed until the 17th lnstj when It will renew the discussion re- gardlng the abolition of bounties. It Is Impossible at this time to foresee what the flnnl outcome will be. REFINED Owing to the unusually small demand for refined at this time, tho meltings for tho week arc consid erably reduced and. with larger re ceipts of raws, the total stocks have Increased 4177 tons. There has been no change In quotations for refined su gar, but, as the Arbuckle refinery has now caught up with deliveries and are again looking for customcis. It Is quite possible that they may lead in a de cline of refined should the wtkness of the raw sugar market continue. The strength of the raw market is only sustained now by tho conditions in tho united Kingdom and the fact that Cuba remains out of the market with her crop, the receipts in the United States this year from this crop being only 18,170 tous, ngalust 53.258 tons at same time last' year. Tho abundant testimony taker) bo fore tho Ways and Means Committee has only Just appeared In print for the uso of tho members of tho commit, teo and It was not to be expected that the committee would take any docided action on the Cuba question until they have time to rend and digest the evi dence, which fills 610 printed tntfccs. There Is no question but that Cuba's claims will recelvo satisfactory atten tion at tho earliest moment practicably and to tho full extent that Is icqultcd to place tho sugar Industry on a firm and permanent basis. COFFEE Many Inquiries aro being made ns to whether values aro now low enough, with simitar questions In that direction. Tho only answer wo can find Is that tho market cannot chango until conditions chango and conditions, Instead of improving aro actually worse from day to day. There, la no further reason for doubt that tno present Itlo and Santos crop Is In ex. cess of all previous Ideas, and figures arc now being named of IC.uuoimk bags and upwards for tho season. From such a high level of supplies the trade commences to think that any damages to new crop cannot bo very serious. From a level or 9,000,out bags, damage of 40 per cent would be serious, whllo damago from 10,000,(100 to 16,000,000 bags level still leaves a full average crop. Speculative Inter ests remain on tho bull sldo as a mat ter of necessity, because tho holdings are so very large, Tho great majority of tho coffee trade Is also on tho same sldo. If values decline, notwithstand ing. It must be owing to tho actual weight of tho merchandise. An article which falls of Its own weight and weakness, cannot rise so easily, end It Is a dlhlcult matter to resuscitate It. The trado seems to buy according to Us wants, values being about 5 3-4C for Rio No. 7, 6 7-8c for Santos No. D on spot regular store terms. Prices cost and freight have been occasional ly on tho same parity and at others a little higher, but the course of values Ib not dependent upon the views of Brazilian holders but upon consuming markets. Futures on tho Exchange closed at 5.25 to 5,35 for February and 5.70 to ARE YOU DEAF?? Krtrr kind of desfnraa and dlfllnult tir Inr ran b rttrrd t)f onr new laveatlont nnlr those btTlDff bD born detf ar Incurabl. ft-oU In thffrr)it9t an, send pirttrulir aboo your cm. ConaatUiton and advlco fr Kfr ooa can cure, blmielt ai bU own boma at ten liulaxpens. DIR. DALTOm AURAL CLINIC, fM Laaalla Avonuo. CJ1.ICAOO, IM... U.S. A RtlW Recorded February 28, 19.2, James L. Holt tn James ft Holt nnd wife; agreement,, to pay 75 per ceut of Income of proocrty, Wnlanae nnd Walalna, Oahtt: $1. Rook 235, pago if,. Dated March 16. 1901. 'C. CattendyK by nttorney lo Manuel Uomes; lease; poitlon Lnnlhau plan tation. North Kona. Hawaii, fointeeu years at $120 Hook 233, pago 97 cd January C. 19n2. Recorded March 1, 1902. Pahiiiinnl ct at. to Chatles Kntilial- hao; deed; 5000 square feet of land, Kcwalo. Honolulu. Oahu: SC0O. Hook 29. page 420. Dated February 2S, 1902, J. Hiram to Territory of Hawaii; deed; strip of land, Ltllhn street, Ho nolulu. Oahu; SI, etc. Hook 229. page 426. Dated March 1, 1902. Mallo Ktmhnu and husband et nl. to German llcucvolcnt Society; Dr.tut, ten-root right of way ncross A p. 1. U. P. 5721. Kul. 1133. Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu, Oahu; $1. Hook 235, pago 56. Dated January 27. 1902. Julia Knlaktcla and husband to Ger man llenevolent Society; Grant; 8-foot right of way across R. P. 2100, Nuu anu Valley, Honolulu, Oahu; $1. Hook 235. page 53. Dated January 27, 1002. Wnlalua Agricultural Company, Lim ited, to Hawaiian Trust Company, Limited; confirmation trustee mort gage, ail real and personal property, Wnlalua. etc.. Oahu; $1. Hook 222, page 1C9. Dated February 27. 1902. Recorded March 3, 1902. Kaaliukane to T. K. Lalakca; deed; Interest In R. P, 2367, Interest In five acres land, Wallua, North HI lo. Hawaii; $000. Rook 229, page, 127. Dated December 14, 1901, Makaleka It. Nakapuahl to Miss M. L. Nakapuahl; deed; 10 1-4 acres of It. P. 7320, Kul, 8302, Makakttolo, Ha inakua, Hawaii; SI. Rook 229, page 9. Dated February 11, 1902. F. Corrcla and wife to Manuel do S. Nevlte; deed; portion Kul. 5225, Ma hele 1. Walluku. Maul; 12100. Hook page 431. Dated February 15, 1902. F, W. Hardy to M. A. Tavares and wife; release; 166 44-100 acres land, 1'ukaianl, Makawao, Maul; $000. Hook 180, page 420. Dated February 3, 1902. A. Hocking to JIaalo; deed; sixteen acres land, E. Kaupakiilua, Hamakua loa, Maul; $140. Hook 229. page 432. Dated December 14, 1891. Antone Sottza and wife to Manuel Alves; deed; thrco acres In liul land or Ulumalu, Hamakualoa, Maul; $23. Hook 229. page 433. Dated October 12. 1!97. Manuel Fernandez nnd wife to John E. Tavares; deed; Ap, 2, II. P. 7896, Ptilehulkl. Kula. Maul; $140. Hook 229. pago 434. Dated January 27, 1902. M. Wachs to W. Nakamura; re lease: frame building. Walakea, Illlo. Hawaii; $300. Hook 220, page 395. Dated February 20, 1902. W. Nakamura to M. Matsumoto; as signment of lease; of plcco land, Wal akea. lillo. Hawaii; $400. Hook 233. page 99. Dated February 22, 1902. Pa Elcmakule to Evangellno da buva; mortgage; R. P, 7602, Kill. 2327 Kalalhulu. Puna, Hawaii; $200. Hook 230. pago 434. Dated February 20, 1902. J. M. Whitney nnd wife to Henry Watcrhoiise & Co.; mortgage; lots 10 and one-half lot 9, block 25, Pearl City, plcco Intnl. Hlngham street, ptei;e land. Wilder avenue. Honolulu, Oa hu; $11,750, four years at 8 per cent. Hook 230, page 435. Dated January 15, 1902. J. M. Monsarrat to M. W. Tsehudl; mortgage; It. P. 5211. Kill. 5063. Mo- anul, Molokal: $100. Hook 230, page 440. Dated March 1, 1902. Grace E. Morgan nnd husband to Cecil Drown, trustee; mortgage; lot 16, block II, Kulaokahua, Honolulu, Oahu; $2000. Hook 230. page 411. Dat ed March 1. 1902, MrK, Kahuakal Kekol to Somldn; bill of sale: wooden house, Kawalhac knl. South Kohala. Hawaii; $125. Hook 235. page 61. Dated February 21, 1902. Ho Fun and wiro to K. W. U. Chris tiansen; mortgte; Iota 4 and 5, block D, and lots 4. 5 and 6, block C. Kalu- lanl trnct. lots 3 and 4, block 7. Kcwa lo tract, lot 71. King street tract, lot 10, Kauluwela lots. Honolulu, Oahu; $2000. Hook 20, page 441. Dated Feb ruary 13. 1902. Mrs. Rebecca Naipo to Fukuuu ct al.; leasu; Kul. 5904, Moalll, Lahalna. Maul; ten years at $50. Hook 233, page 100. Dated January 29. 1902. 5.76 for July. I.ast year: February, 5.55 o 5.60; July, 5.70 to 5.75, and spot No. 7, 7c nominal. Vlslblo supply of world, In bags February 1. 1902. 10.834.OUSr January 1, 1901. 10,870.930; February 1, 1901, 7.217.925. Stock United States, all kinds In bags February 1, 1902. 2,184.290; Jan uary 1. 1901. 2,148.270; February 1, 101, 797.167. Stock Hrazlls In New York, February 11. 1.837,832 bags. Total Hrazlls in the United ointes, 1.972,509 bags. To tal In United States other kinds Feb ruary 10. 251,470 bags. Deliveries tor tho week ending February 8, 132,958 bags, against 112,107 bags last year. Receipts of Hrazlls for week ending February 11, 11,325 bags. PLAY POKERJN COURT New York, Feb. 19. Beroro the trial ot tho action ot Myer Strasberger to recover from Henry S. Lowcnthal $50,000 damage tor alleged slander Is concluded a practical Illustration of ':ie American game of draw poker may be given before Judgo Cochrane and a Jury in the Supreme Court. Alleged slanderous remarks arose as n result of a game of cards played In the Fldello Club, of which both par ties were members. That the Jurors may receive Instruction In the game belore the action Is brought to a close, a duplicate of the top of a poker table round and covered with, green cloth - has been prepared and Is ready to be brought Into court, unless objection sh'juld be madu by Judge Cochrane or counsel. Strasburger declares that Lowenthal stated that he bad been charged with cheating at cards and had been asked to resign from the club. He Insists that these statements were falso iand havo injured him In many ways, Moscb Tannenbaum, Insurance bro ker and brother-in-law of StraBburgor, testified thaTlie Had Intended to tako Strasburger into the firm of I. Tannen baum, Son & Co., but because ot what he had heard about him regarding tho card game he had not done so. Tho Bulletin, 75 cents per month. No doubt You havo paid for two or three homes during your lifetime). Especially If you have been paying rent; and we regret that you have nothing to show for the money spent In this manntr. xtr & W havs now on sale lots tn the beautiful Puupueo Tract, which contains the finest suburban property In Honolulu. This tract commands a magnificent view of mountains and ocean, ha macadamized streets, artesian water, and the electric car Una passes through the property. For any further Information regard ing prices, terms, etc, address ISLAND REALTY COMP'Y LIMITED. JUDD BUIL.DINO. 304 Corporation Notices. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. At the Annual Meeting of the trus tees of the Chinese United Society, held on January 31, 1902, the follow ing offlcers were elected t serve for tno ensuing year: Wong Kwal President Chong Mee Hlng ..Vice President LI Cheung Secretary Chong Pak Shan ..Asst. Secretary Ylm Quon Treasurer Lau Tong Astt. Treasurer LI CHEUNO, Secretary Chinese United Society. Honolulu, T. H Feb. 22, 1992. 2079-2W NOTICE. Intending steerage passengers from Honolulu Tor United States ports aro hereby Informed that until further no tice the undersigned will not book an- .. . . i... . .,... Z hieh Uto'yagent. ss sain passengers report at their omco al least nine (9) days previous to the scncdtitod date of sailing. Further in- formation may be had upon applica tion at the offices of WM. O. IRWIN &. CO.. LTD., II. HACKFELD & CO. 2079-tf ANNUAL MEETING. , The regular nnnttal meeting of the, stockholders of tho Inter-Island Steam Navigation Company, Limited, will be held nt the ottlco of the company, Queen street, on Tuesday, March IS, 1902, at 10 o'clock a, m. The slock books orthu Company will bo closed to transfers from the 15th to tho 18th insts. Inclusive. C. II. CLAPP. Secretary. Honolulu, March 4th, 1902. 20S6-15t NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that Intend ing passengers per 8, S. "Aorongl," duo to sail for Vancouver on the 12th Inst., and for tho S. 8. "Mlowera," duo to sail for the Colonics on the 15th Inst., must apply for passage by tho former boat not later than the 3d tnst. TIIEO. II. DAVIES & CO., LTD., Agents Canadian-Australian It. M. S. S. Line. 2081 NOTICE. A Special Meeting of the stockhold ers or the PIONEER MILL COwPANi LIMITED, will bo held at the ottlco' nf II. liackfeld k Co.. Ltd.. Honolulu, on Tuesday, March lbth. 1902, at 2 o'clock p. m., for tho purpose of elect ing a Treasurer, and for such other business as may come before said meeting. F. KLAMP. 2089-3t Secretary, WAIANAE COMPANY, LIMITED. The Adjourned Annual Meeting ot tlio Stockholders of tho Walanao Company, Limited, will be held nt tho offico of J. M. Dowsett, Merchant street, on Monday, Marcn 10th, 1992, at 10 o'clock- a. m. J. M. DOWSETT, Secretary. Honolulu, T. II.. February 25th, 1902. 2086 til HAWAIIAN JOCKEY CLUB. Tho postponed annual meeting of tho Hawaiian Jockey Club will bo held at tho Hawaiian Hotel Monday evening, March 9th, at 7:30 p. m. W. H. COHNWKLi.. President. C, L. CRAUHE, Secretary. 2086-91 HART & CO., (LIMITED) (HE ELITE ICE CBEAH PARLORS Fins let) Creams and Water' lots, Chocolate and Confections. The Finest Resort In tht City, Try our "Elite" Oyster Cocktails. New Map of Oahu. Coaalled froa. Govtranent Survey. a4 CSarta, Map. of Stitfar Plantation., Railway. aa4 Ottwr Jtellabt Source.. THI map is la ikchis, wrtn. artlatlc cotorlar anl neat aoaatmra. ali tor a very utef ul at well as ornaemtat wall . THI r-aica or thi map IS Sio oo, Cotlet caa he oetal4 froa. JAS. T. TAYLOR. P.lO.Moa too. Y Ju" HullJinjr. Honohilul T, H a.1 or MAWAIIA AWAllAN NEWS ITO THEOSOPHY. "Aloha Branch," T. 8., overy Satur day, 7:30 p. m., Arlon nail, back ol Opera House. Lending library. In formation P. O, Box 564,-or 311 Foit street. THE AMOUNT PAID FOR RENT WOULD HAVE PAD FOR A HOME, AND A GOOD HOME TOO. jfi&cnt- Legal Notices. Notice to All Whom It May Concern. United States of America, District of Hawaii. In the District Court of tho United States In and for the District and Territory of Hawaii. 1 United States of America, Plaintiff, vs. One Dozen Articles for the Prevention of Conception. Attachment and Monition. ! Whereas, In said Cause, said Court, on February 24, 1902, Issued Its At tachment and Monltloa: NOW THEREFORE NOTICE THEREOF IS HEREBY GIVEN la al' persons claiming the above mentioned property, or knowing or having any- imnc 10 say tiny saiu ioun suouia J, P n.t the sam. a. r, " " ' ni u.V.i. .j ,i., r . "on now on nie herein and that they ?'';- - ---; - " noiucn in ana tur mc sum uisinci ui Hawaii at the United States court i house In the City of Honolulu tn said District on the 20th day ot March, A. I D. 1902, If that be a day ot Jurisdic tion, and tt not, then on the first day jof jurisdiction thereafter, at 19 o'clock In tho forenoon ot that day, then and thcro to Interposo a claim to te same. and to make their allegations In tBat j behalf. Dated Honolulu, Hawaii, February 24, 1902. E. R. HENDRY, United States Marshal In and for Said District. 1079-llt Business Notices. A CHANCE FOR THOSE DESIRINQ A GOOD HOMESTEAD. FOR SALE At a reasonable figure, a freehold estate at Walomau, near Walohinu. The property consists ot a substantially built and well-furnish ed house with a good water supply; also cartsheds, servants' quarters, di vision fences foe safe handling of cat tle and 353 acres of land, 147 acres ot tho land adjoffis house and thcro la a privilege to secure 104 acres contig uous. There Is on tho land fenced portions containing coffee, orango and other fruit trees In bearing, AH tho lands are alongside or near to tha Out. ernment road. Nearly all tho land has substantial stone fences. With the above go all cattle, horses and pigs, wagons, etc., etc. For paitlculars ap ply to CHAS. MEINECKE, Walohinu, Kau,, Hawaii, 2065-tf FOR RENT. House off School and near Kaluwela street, containing: ' ( 3 bedrooms. ' Parlor, 4 Dining-room, Klchen. .; Pantry, Patent Water Closet. Rental $15 per month. Inquire ot J. FRIAS, OKS-tr 722 Fort Street. NOTICE. Parties visiting Labalna and the Isl and of Maul In gcnoral can secure suit able conveyances and csreful drivers at tho PIONEER 3TADLES, Lahalna, liana or rvtaui. Commercial men will be carefully looked after with suitable rigs. .Ui5-3m NOTICE. The power of attorney hcretofnro glien by me to W. O. Ashloy la hereby revoked. THOMAS CHIII8TLEY. Honolulu Hotel, Nuuanu St. March 7th. 1902. 20S9-3t DR. WM. 6. ROGERS, SURGEON AND SPECIALIST. Eye, Ear, Nese and Threat Exclusively ItF.MOVht) to new otace, 1146 Ala kea Street, epp. Hawaiian Hotel. Hours, 9 to 12, 3 to 5:39, 7 t t; Bun days, 9 to a.. ;r. ArckibaldJ. Siiclilr. Offices Rooms 208-20) Boston build ing. Fort Street. Telephones Office, Mala 315; Ret Ideace. White 2181. ' Hours 11 a, m. to 1 p. m.; 3 to S p. m.i 7 to S p.m.; Sundays, 12 lo z p.m. P. O. Rox $01. A. 0. WALL, D.D.S, 0. B. WALL, D.D.S. DENTI8T8. ' U)Tf ;Dutldlng, Fort Street Hours, 9 to 4. Telephone Mala IM TO Nrf&llfct'fli. v AViL!.LSrUI3kta;iA, kWitsa. .tH&Bj.1; '-4iattjMraM '-.v. :-stJ.utitJdaiiki: i' vt-t ii&j. Yh - .. .'-a