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JTRTTjn vw "Jt."l"Vli ,LjHW.-lJMrH! EVENINO BULLETIN, HONOLULU, It. T.( TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 180. -pr mgrw "MffnliTrm Vf!iiH9Ri.lPMOfi9nIH A , The Hawaiian Souvenir Playing CARDS THEY ARE HERE THEY ARE BEAUTIES Appropriate at prizes for card games. Suitable as gifts to frlerds and relatives In distant part. Each c.ntalns fifty ihreo half-tone engravings of the cholc frM views if Honolulu, llllo ami the principal points of 'ntereBt in the Islands. Back design of Kamehameha Statue In co'om. Edges In Gold. Double cnaaifl surface, of the very best finish. Large In dexes make them suitable for all card games. Telescope cobcs stamp ed In Gold. These cards are manufactured by the United States Play ing Card Co, who Have spared no pains In making them the finest scenic pack of cartds ever published. , RETAIL PRICE $1.00 PER PACK. irSI;"" WALL, NICHOLS COMPANY, Ltd. i'nTit Wilton, Smyrna ft1 thowing of rugs Is more elegant than ever before and you will 'all to find patterns and qualities to your entire satisfaction. Round Top Dining Tables tock of these win most surely please joti and we have chairs itch. Prices for everybody in nccoraanco with the finish and l. Enameled Iron Beds can show a larger or better stock and OUR PRICES CAN BE BEAT. Come and see before bujlng elsewhere. 4, HOPP & COMPANY Lending Furniture Dealers, CORNER KING AND BETHEL SIS. M leighbor 'It I ' ho buys groceries of us. If does she will tell you of ro le goods, honest prices nnd "Is delivery all of which you not be getting. , visit to our storo will show cleanliness, convenience and uuty. n order by telephone wlll be romptly attended to. T . MAY & GO. r The Popular Grocery. 22 TELEPHONES 24 ; ?ur Customers Like Our i i-urry Powder ! Why? i riiey arcsatlstied that the i Jredlents used In ltd inufacture are the tlnest ; .v'ltnlnablc and that you II think so too when you e It. LEWIS & GO. . LEADING GROCERS. .'. 10CO FORT STREET. 0 Three Telephones 240. .NDIVIDUALITY re is Individuality about eyo- s the same as dress. Not every in be fitted with tho same clip pring. Eyo-glasses should be i to fit the face becomingly and II featured person needs a nmnll- b than one with a broad faco. t each Individual, and tako all lary care without piling tho . JP. N. SANFORD, Manufacturing Optician. i '. on Building, Fort 8treeL Over May & Co. asBBBBBW5BamllBBBBBBBBBsl l-, PVtftVaaaaM ' BSaHH..lBfl 1 ' and Axminster NEW BOOKS ! Golden Rule Bazaar's NEW BOOK LIST : 'The Rights of Man," by Dr. Lyman Abbott, -'allies for tho Fair," by Josephine D. Dasltani. "Sir Richard Calmady," by Maleb. "Stephen Callnarl," by Julian Stiirgle. "French Revolution and Religions" (Reform), by Sloane. '"Schley and Santiago," by Graham (worth reading). "Forna Gonlyecff," by Maxim Gorky. '. iipca nrn nnlv Rpvpn nf tHf. hew books, but we have seventy times seven Just as good and as Interesting. J. M.WEBB, Bookseller nml Stationer. COMFORTS OF HOME Cosy rooms In cottnjjes or main house with or without - board, - all home comforts. I i i INN L. H. DEE, Proprietor. W, Deswlck, Manager. Take the ear to Walklkl. Trumbull & Beebe's CALIFORNIA Flower and Vegetable Seeds Awarded Gold and Silver M,edala Paris Exposition 1000. Beautifully Illustrated catalogue mailed free on application. -TRUMBULL & BEEBE SEEDSMEN- AND NURSERYMEN. 419-421 Santome St San Francisco, California. AN HOUR IN THE MORNING THE 8AME HOUR EVERY fcORNING or afternoon, given to dictation, will keep your correspondence "cleaned up." Try It a month. J. D. AVERY, Business Correspondent Regularity) Certainty Despatch! Tel. Main 76. 9 6145. Elite Dldg. The statement of O A Hlllyerofthe Atlanta Theological Seminary, that tbero are twice the facilities for tho education of the colored ptoplo In tho South that there are for the whlto peo ple may be overdrawn, but there Is some ground for the assertion. Phlla delphla Press, Waik k 1 III THE DICE TOLD WHO SHOULD SHOW THE WAY P. Maurice McMahon, II. M. Ayres, And Another Man Cast Lota Concerning a Voyage. When the Oceanic steamship Sono ma arrived In this port from San Francisco the other day, tn route to Pago Pago, Auckland and Sydney, three well known )oung men of Hono lulu met together In a cigar attirj and cast lots as to which of them hhould pack his grip and board the bn.U for Samoa, Wlltlft Mlo LTnnHfMHOn I.i nini(tm t n not familiar with the life of what arc sometimes termed the "bonca,1 they nevertheless used dice to determine, their fate on this Interesting occH.lon. I Tho young men were P. Maurice Mc Mahon, whom Volcano Marshall, for mer editor of the extinct Sunday Vol- cano, was pleased to dub tin1 "Poet eti Mission, it. m. A res, a local spoil-1 Ing man who wields a poetic pen. and a third gentleman who earns his living HI1UIIK. p. m. For some time these local literary' n..k ri.i.i. e -.. n .. cn. lights had discussed an Idea u I.I h I n?rT no u sfc rn t 'v ? combined trade and literature In en- la ' 8h 8;J BI ," hIf J rAv section with beautiful Samoa. They ! " Sat"n al "M1 Co.s, agreed that Samoa was a good place ,,,'.. . , ... ond that there was money to be mad. Jol,n,w', Cathcart. Deputy Attorney for a book or for magazine and news- Ah Moon on th'e groun(1 , no noM paper articles and also by going to i0 ul0 Territory ?.? "Jn!,11 f.h2 c'vlllfa,Uo" bM "0l A motion to advance and a counter had much o a star and trade useful Motion to strike from the calendar American articles with the natives for,luvo been filed In tho cilcbiated Ka mats, hats and various other things maio Sugar Company catn, m tho Su peculiar to the Islands. pri me Court this mornintr A Chicago wholesale house bad been) Tho Jury secured for tno trial of Me communicated with and prices quoted, Carthy. nflcr talesmen nad been on alarm clocks, suspenders, earrings, brought In, is composed ct Isaac Noar, buttons, shoes, sllg hats, paints, per- E. S. Holt, Jan. 1,. Ahold, G. A. Long, fumes, chewing gum, whiskey, clgar-'Joo Richards, A. 1). Cooley, Charles cites, corsets, trousers, mother hub- Spencer, Chaa. O. 8pciicer, James I), bards, pictures, photograph albums, Coekott. U. Hoaplll, H N. Crabbe, musical Instruments, knives, file arms,1 llaB' Is',"t!y Jr- soothing sjrup and chewing tobacco. Will B. Fisher, tho auctioneer, has It was agreed that one of the.threc had a penal summons sercdon htm on gentlemen, who by the way. stled the charge of not 'ha vine nald his auc- themsches "The Samoan Literary and' Mercantile Improvement Company,' Limited," should go to Samoa and In- testlgatc the opportunities on the Isl-j ands where there arc but few wblto; people, cutting out the more Important Inlands from a civilized standpoint, with a view to reporting back to the two gentlemen remaining in Honolulu. Should the report of the advance agent1 prove a good one, the other to arei to Immediately communicate with tho Chicago wholesale house, order a bill of goods, await the arrival of the goods In Honolulu and then take them down1 to thq less civilized lslinds of Samoa l and trade them off for Samoan curl-1 Judge Robinson Is tolng Charles ot.lticB. I Malata for assault and battery, under The falfof'thVillce decided' that P.,lu of t0,lr Indictments for two dlltet Maurice McMahon should be the plo- ont crimes. Mr. Matthcwman Is proi ceer and he straightway packed hUt?cutlnfi'.Mr- Kaulukou defending. ThJ rin ,i,i j k, , t.. it ,..,,. (Jury Is composed of John H. Drew, K. ?,&, f . ! .? c Hono1"1" Illake. W. II. Castlo Jr.. Harry II. friends and boarded tho Sonoma for slmi,80n, n. M. UoBSi j. M n'omnt Pago Pago. U. nonear, C. Kimball, Fred. (Jim- And now H. M .Ayres and the other tic, j. t. Tannant, AV .F. Johes, H. local literary light are awaiting news ;. Oarcs. from P. Maurice McMahon. If the mes- ... .,. ,.,., ., n,. a.k.i f M,.hn. .i.n..i.i t.. f.,n..i llr- Meyer, reporter of the Advcrtl- w. ...v.......m ....u ..u,uu.v there will follow, presumably, a deluge of cookoo clocks, pocket knives ico cream forks, washing boaids, becnted soap, porous plasters, plug to- kacco and lithographs upon the unsus- pectins heads of thooc Samoans who leslde In the less frequented Islands I , A laborer. Dloll bj name, employed Mr Cooley. train dispatcher of the mi the marine railway was hurt this O. It. it L. Co.. happened to be In morning b having the after house of a the Judiciary building toda when flail vessol fall on him. He was raising '" Sumner Ellis was snouting '' tho house with Jack screws when It ,al('B,m" rofusod to Pccompiny toppled over, pinning him down. His tl,p b,a, upstalra and ... olllccr so comrades removed the house a the ZTtin &&?S injured man was taken to the Queen's bj. forco f noco,,y. Ti10 0. Hospital In the patrol wagon. Undoes! lcr BB obeyed and Mr. Cooley passed not seem to bo severely hurt but has Bu examinations and challenges for received a bad shaking up . , the Jury that Is trying McCarthy. ? 3f WtJaaHaaliimBmBHBVa bZV. 'LBK 4HbbbLiV'!j'i1! Photo by Iarayttr, London LADY STAV0RDALE. WHOSE RECENT MARRIAGE INTERESTED LONDON. The ru'flil iiiiinliiKt' of l.uil) lli'k'li Sl.-tvinl iLiu.-lilii of l.nniln dcrry, to I.otil Htavniilalc, vviik one l Hie ililci mli'l.v cvcuH of I niuliiii s Winter sc.isou The kiooiii Ik the ildi'rit mn nf llii 1 : i r I n IUIuhIii mid will eventually BUieeed to the title. LOCAL AND GENERAL Sen Tor Sale column for a nice lot. II. W. Foster, Jeweler, 1C8 Hotel St. D. Howard Hitchcock has gone to llllo. Chester A. Do) le Is bark from Kom and Ktui. Company H, N. G. H., will hold i'f t'uction of captain tonight. The present session of the Supreme Court will adjourn on Thursdny. E. It. Wodehousc Is booked to leavo for Maul in the Claudlnc this after noon. Geo. A. Martin, the tailor In tin Doston building, has j new line of woolen goods. Morgan will seel a cargo of damag cd rice paddy tomorrow. See Morgan' column on page 8 A list tf the newly cle:lcd oitliers Lf the Hawalan Fiber Co, Lid., appeals under New Today. nev. V. Anlt of Walluku, Maul, left f?r home ln the KlnaM toda' a,ter a 8no" vml ln l" cuy- Mrs. C. F. Gunthcr and Miss 11. Ilacl- galupo of Chicago were passengers for the Volcano ln the Klnau today A. V. Gear left for Hllo In the Klnau today to attend to some matters of business. He may stay ocr ono boat. i.rnccss Kawannnakoa will hold a ifnwiin ,i,t nf iv.i. MM, on Friday, .March , from 3 to f, tloneer's license of $600. The cat;? was called In the Police Court today but was continued for a week, during which time it Is expected tint the whole matter will be settled and the iase nolle prosd The funeral of the late 'William J. Auld will be held from the Masonio '""" . " ..:"!. .. l"e . . T """"- "" " 8 II rt wh,,ch",r: AnM "am!. ft ,wUl conductT 'h!. sc" "Tf- I'fl'earers are J. O.Carter. II. Kalau- ?,kpa,"nl' "2Ji"""M' !r'',B- CooI'cr AtfornW a-'mul H ' l,"e- . Bor wag cnp(moj ag a talesman lor n.,, MpRnrthv trlnl h tlm imltlfr. whn hp answered on examination that ho had oxprcssed no opinion, the Court observed. "Someone In join ortlco has, though." Mr. Meyer hair up his sluovo tho disqualifying fact thai he had not heen hero long enough to no a cltlron of tho Territory. Thereby ho escaped. DO YOU REALIZE That when jou buy a HANAN SHOE that ou get exception al valuo? That you nre not experimenting, but b living an established, guaranteed shoo? That HANAN'S reputation for good shoe making Is well Known? Then why experiment with doubtful, uncertain shoes when you can buy a HANAN? ...MclNERNY SHOE STORE... CLIINTOIV J. MUTCMIIV.S, INSURANCE. LIFE fl FIRE M"&if M It Ti V1"" (l ... M iYloINERIW BLOCK, PORT ST. Iron bedsteads BELOW COST PRICES WILL ASTONISH YOU. Thco. II. Davles & Co.'g en tire, stock of Iron beds has been sold to us at a sacrifice. Wc'h&vo them all displayed with prices plainly marked. Come and see them. Coyne Furniture COMPANY, LTD. PROGRESS BLOCK. No More Dread of the Dental Chair TEETH EXTRACTED AND FILLED ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN by our late scientific method applied to the gums. No sleep-producing agents or cocaine. These are the only dental parlors In Honolulu having PATENTED APPLI ANCES and Ingredients to extract, fill and apply gold crowns and porcelain crowns nndectecable tiom natural teeth and warranted for tin years, WITH OUT THD LEAST PAIN. All work done by GRADUATED DENTISTS of from 12 to 20 years' experience, an' each department tn charge of a Special 1st Give us a call, And you will find us to do exactly as we advertise. We will tell you In advance exactly what your work will cost ay a FREE EX AMINATION. Bet Tooth $5.00 Gold Crowns SS.00 Gold Fillings $1.00 Silver Fillings 50c NO PLATES Our name alone will' be a guarante that your work will be of the best. New York Deutal Parlors, Room 4, Elite Building, Hotel Streel LADIBS IN ATTENDANCE Hours, 8 a. m. to 6 p. B. Sundays. 9 a, m. to 12 m. DECKER, FERNANDES & CO, Real Estate Agents. We also make a spnclalty of enlarging PhntographH RENTS COLLECTED. On Ire, cor South and KIiik Streets. P O Ilox 321, Phone 232, Main LOANS NEGOTIATED. Design your own ledgers, caBh books, etc. If you pro undecided, we will help you. That Is In our lino and tho PRICE IS RIOIIT, at the EVEN' ING BULLETIN. "bUUt),.nrtMHtt AX (n .MARINE No One Will Speak of buying whllo showing jou our handsomo stock of German Lincrusta Walton Wo aro pleased with our stock and are sure ou will be pleased also. Lincrusta makes a beautiful and Inexpensive wainscoting for homes, offices, stores and lodgo rooms. Come and let us show you thq goods. It will be a pleasure to us. LEWERS & COOKE, Limited. FORT 8TRDET. Hawaiian ardware Co., Ltd, 816 Fort Street, Honolulu, T. H. AkciUh Tor Haviland Waro Victor Safe & Lock Co. Ideal Ready Mixed Paints. Vansy Stoves. Improved Stono Kilters. And the Steel Acrmotor. L lC'Va4. -.-MrjM0T0ft 1 1 ' 7?LtoJyv' "i , Col KID QLOVE I tM ltj- SOi In White, Black and : Colors : at E. W. J. H. FISHER & Company, Slock and Bond Brokers. AGENTS FOR FIRE A880CIATION, of Philadelphia, WE8TERN A8SURANCE CO, of To ronto. Offices 8tanoenwald Blda- M- chant Street. Tel. l..ln 362. HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANQE e Honolulu, March it, I903 NAME OF STOCK fiSop I? B'4 A MERCANTILE. C. Brtwtr A Company i,ooo,y w NS S.cbiDG.Co.LM 60,000 190 m LB, K.rrk Co., Ltd , too,ooo 41H SUGAR Cwt Ptnttlon Co 5,000,000 ) tj'f HtwillAoAfrlculruratCo i ,000,000 100 f Hawaiian Coo ft Su Co too ... 4 Hawaiian Stiff Co to,,.., if HoQOmu Sugar Co . tsooo too . . it Hoootua Sutar Co . teoo,ooo o tw Mtltra SurarCo ..... $00,000 100 iItU Kahuku Plantation Co $00,000 o tS tjM KlhtPlintCo,Ltl, , . 1 ,c jo ,000 $o ie', Klahutu Sotr Co ... 160,000 100 .....( ix Koloa SurarCo .. yx,ooo too ... I ijj McBrydaSuCo.,14. 00,000 o jjij , ,. 0hnSarar Co , .. ,ooo,ooo too . .1 Onomta SucrCo...... 1,000,000 tj; .. Ookala Sorar Plan. Co im 000 ... I. ., Olaa So. Co . Ltl , ai ao 5' 6 OlaaSu Co.LtJ r4up 500100 ao i tU Olowala Comrany 1 30.000 too ... ti Paauhau Su, Plan Co 3000,000 50 Pacific Sugar Mill, 500,000 too to Pall Plantation Co ,.., 750,000 100. 1!) PtprcktoSuru Co... too ...... tn Pioneer Mill Co ttsoooo too ...... u Pioneer Mill Co Aw 500,000 too , .... Walalui Agri Co .... 4,500,000 too 51 WallukuSuear Co . . 700,000 too 54) WaimanaloSuirar Co too Walmta jM'HCo tattoo too MtsetUUMttUS ntttif&p. S2S5S.".:- 7 Muw.i UttixKM co ;2So 1. ,....!. 0.haR&:Lc. ,,J2S , 1"Z1 Ftoplt let b ITI g Co ,BOOO iw BANKS ritil N.tloiull Bank . Fltlt ASB.nHJcTCo , " " BONDS H.wtlUn Oov r.r nt Hllo KM Co 6ircit a Hon KiplJ Tl.mll Ewl PUntat n 6 p cent i. .. .. R St L Co rr c 1.4 . .. PUnUllon tpc . OU PLnLtlon p. e .... Wai.lua Acrkul 6p c Sales 100 Kwa. 23.37 1-!. WATCHED WITH INTBBE6T Tho fllobc Navigation Company's steamship Hureka, Captain Wccdon, tailed from Anahola about 7 o'clock last evening with sixteen laborers to assist In loading Makee sugar. This Is the first time such a large vessel has gono to Anahola and the experiment Is being watched with gr;a: Intmst by local shipping men. The vessel wilt return to Honolulu to ,omplct hir rargo. 4 There were a couple of recesses at the sesslpn of the Police Court thU forenoon. Ono was to Rive Deputy Hhcrllt Chtlllngwnrth a chance to go over to the Second District Court and the other to allow Clerk Zablan to go to tho upper courts as a witness In cer tain disbarment proceedings. Albert Raas FINANCIAL AGENT. STOCK AND BOND BROKER. MEMBER OF HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGE. Orders for tho purcbaso or sale ot stocks and bonds carefuly and prompt. ly executed. Loans negotiated. Office Room 401, 4th floor, Stangen wald Dido. Postoffic'e box 390; Tele phone Main 331. WILLARD E. DROWN. W. A. LOVE. . FRANK IIALSTEAD. ! Halstead & Co:; STOCK AND BOND BROKER8. l MONEY ADVANCED ON 8UQAR SECURITIES. 921 Fort Street, Members Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange. Tel. Main 133. "nl W JORDAN i r 4 "1 . f. ' 1 j h , M 'v":Hl ' '- $ i J 1 v.- Mik -2'i i-MtMibm I iiu4ita!; SM . te.wAiMKW jW-. si T iiw t-'m-iUiiiii i-u :.i-IJii' milimi! i-tdAAOn jmmmmLZiitihwmmA