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-i rm wmm:-Ma v "" 'issmm&Hmitm&sr- m-mcrsasmss: WB)Jty I Bfc Wo Kv n r It i YALE & builders' Our stock of builders' hardware Is the most complete In the city. Y. & T, goods are universally known to be the best. We ore sole Agents. The Young building nnd new Punnhou building nre being fitted throughout wtth these goods. We have IN STOCK every variety manufactured. We carry both the dull brass and the old copper finish. GOODS ALL OPEN TO INSPECTION. E. O. Hall EHLERS' niew woolees GEO. A. MARTIN, Tailor, Boston Building. WATER DEVELOPMENT The question of the development of nater fop Irrigation purposes upon the furious plantations thiuughout the Islands of Hawaii, Is a veij momen tous subject, and one that calls for a llgh order of etiglneeilng Knowledge and ability. Upon the Island of Maul much time klid expense has been expended on the ubjcct of water declopment, by the aid ot long tunnels ami drifts driven ior the purpose ot tapping the natural subterranean streams ut the higher t'lcvatluns uud convevlng the water by gravity to point of use Among the englnecis In the Hawa iian Islands at the piesent time who lias met wltn unqualified success In thu tlexelopment of water under the above t-oadlttous Is Carl Wjldcjer of Wul Juki), Muni, who for the past two and A halt jeurs has dcotcd Ills vntlro tlmo and piuctlcal engineering knowl edge to the subject of vvatei develop ment and consequent luci eased supply to the thirst) suit or the dlstiht, I III the successful development of J YstJi- supply which In many or the iane luistng districts of the Hawaiian Jalauds Is thu all Important feature, much cure ami good Judgment must be ixcrctscd as to the geiieiul formation ot the soil and rock nnd Its (Uncus to lwld watt i, the jialu of tile lock, anu iuaay gl the conditions Know u only ta ?a engineer who has made u study ot -ttater dcrlopmcnt for Jems. Mr. Wuldejer has been emplo)ed by the Wulluku Sugar Co (the II. C. & S. Co.) (or the purpose of developing wa ter for Irrigation purposes and for mill ate. He has also developed water for Dr. J. It. Itajmwid on the KahlUlnul ftoik ranch. Maul. In an almost arid Teflon, and bus also been emplu)cd to iftspect and report upon the possibili ties for obtaining u water supply f Hi llock purposes in the KuU distilU of MauL Jlr. Waldejer comeB from n family ot mining engineers, his father befote hi hi hating occupied an enviable posi tion as one of the leading mining en gineers In California and w hose mining operations covered U vast field In the jirlnclpal mining section of that state. "The question of the conservation of the uatnral supply of water emanating Jroni the higher altitudes of the Sierra Nevada mountains In the States o California, aud Nevada Is well under stood, as likewise the ptcscrwitlon of the vast aud abundant undergrowth ihlrh holds In nbeyanie billions of gallons of water which gladdens the earth at the extreme Jower iiUltudes. sod makes valley and plain most fiuil ful. Mary was a conscientious child. One day she was allowed to go aud spend the day with somo little cousins about her inn age. Aftet taking off her vrups she went down to her aunt nnd said, very soberly: "Now. Aunt Cissy, if Sallie and l.lxzlu are bad tuday, Uli-um) don't hesitate to punish them tx'caua- t am here." Tlt-lllts. ,-iS i.' OEEHA.VY-S RECENT MASKED "I bellivc that girl's TOWNE hardware & Son, Ltd. BLOCK. 'Hi 1KEY The annual meeting of the Hawa iian JocKc) Club was held last night In the basement of tho Hawaiian hotel. The flist wok of the meeting wns the choke or officers to scre during the ensuing cur. Col. W. II. Cornwcll was re-elected to the presidency by a unanimous ote, Ldgur Hulstcad, vice president. Gerrltt 1'. WIlil'i- treasurer and Claiencc L. Crabbe, secretary. 1'rlncc David Kawjnanakou, Fiank ilalstend and Secly I. Shaw were chos en on the executive committee. The meeting was presided over by Col. Cornwcll, with C. L. Crnbbe as secretary. Among tliose piesent were I'll line Jonah Knlanlanaolc, ldgar Jlulstend, Col. C. J. ,McCaithy, A. V. fleai, C II. Drown, Thos. Hollltiger, W. II. Smith, James Qulnn, Albert I.u (us. John Sullivan, Alex. Robinson. Capt. Sonic, George lions and Fianl; Vldu. Tlie following were elected to mcni beishlp: William Norton, Hobcrt Ily iroft. George Andrews, C. V. Chilling worth. G. S McKenzle, W. A. Allen, Carl S. Holloway. W. J. Iuglnnd ami Geoige lions. The reports of the secretary, which Included those of the treasurer, show ed that the balance left over from last eai s meet wns 3.51, and that per manent Improvements, had been made nt the Knptolanl track last year to the r.niuunt of $1319, Including stalls and grand Mar.d. Col. McCarthy said he was of the opinion that more than ouc day's rac ing was n mistake. The receipts for the second mid thlid days last jear were only about $100 and the purser. $11.00. The piesldtut was of the same oplnlon and he suggested that the tegular races be held June 11, which falls on Wednesday; further that on the following Saturday there be an other day's raring. On motion of James Qulnn, the club decided not to bar hobbles this ear. Mr. Qulnn further moved a suspen sion of section 1 of rule 9 of the Na tional Tiottlug Association prohibiting niore than one horse to stait from the same training stable. This carried. The meeting adojumed to Monday evening, March 21, to listen to the committee's report on program nnd other mattcis. IAPANE8B CAU1ILUKR. The Japanese bicycle rider i In this city ate often conspicuous by their thoughtlessness and rerklesines? This morning one of tliim paid thu penalty for his carelessness h) having Ills vlicel smashed. He was riding along King street outside of Lowers & Cooke's new- building when be ran Into a Chinese hack used as a laundry wa gon. The Japanese mnnugi'd to es'opa tile wheels of thu vehicle but not pn Ills Idke which was run over by both wheels and prett) badly smashed up. All the b slanders who siw Uio .lid. dent, agreed that It was diu to the enielessness of the Japanese. - 'r - ?if - "l? - "ZJ - ; - Ji? - SlMl?W - - 2 - ." - ! HEOARD FOR UNCLE SAM. trying to flirt with me." Chicago Record-Htrald. j '" SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE TIDES. rf m DAY ?$ ? p Bi. i. m, p, m. Honlir Tu.lJ.y , WtJnildty Thurtlajr Fildr , Stturdiy Sunday Moadty I fj 10 it! o )t . m.l I H J." IS 5 to it tj a. m, p m. oo it (t Oft t 4Vtf 4 t to 1 50 I . t 4 '0 4 t o 4 it ot p m. I 3 I 50 I .... 9 o 1.6. o IJ 1.4 to 4)1 4 10 J 4 First quarter of tho moon on tne 10th nt 11:43 n. m Tides from the Untied States Coast and Geodetic Survey Tables. Tho tides at Kalitilul and Hllo occur oliout an hour earlier than at Ho nolulu. Hawaiian Standard Tlmo Is lOh 30m slower than Green wclli tlmo. being mat of tlio meridian of 167.30. Thu tlmo whlstlo ..ows at 1:30 p. m., whlcu Is the same as Greenwich, on Om. Masters of vessels Balling from this port for San Francisco will find thcru n branch of tho U. S. Hydrographlc umce located in tho Merchants Ex change, where Is maintained for their benefit free of charge, complete sets of charts and directions of tho world Latest Information can be obtained re garding lights, dangers to navigation an dall matters of Interest to ocean commerce. Weather llureau, 1'unahoii, March U. Temperature! .Morning minimum i:.1, Midday maximum, 78. llaromctcr nt 9 n. m. 30.03. Itnlnmll 0.00. Dew Point CCF. Humidity at 9 a. m. 74 per cent. Diamond Head Signal Station, March 11. Weather clear; wind S. AMUVKD. Tuesday, March 11. Stmr. Mtkahala, from Naw III will, with 4SD0 bags of sugar. Stmr. Manna, I.on, Slmorson, from Konn nnd Kan ports, with T0IG bags of sugar, &l"bags of coffee, 127 bags of tarn, 104 bundles of bananas, 21 kegs og butter. 1 bundle of goat skins, 28 head of cattle and 1G1 packages of sundries, Stmr. Nllhau, Thompson, from Ku hulhaelc. Am. schr. J. H. Ilruce. Miller, 28 ilnvn fromirnvB Harbor. Am. schr. King Cyrus', Johnson, CO da j s from Newcastle. Am. bk. Olympic, Dvnns, 21 days from San Francisco. DKI'AIITKD '- Monday, .March 10. Schr, Malolo, Gardner, for llaiulcl nnd Kallhtwnl. Schr. Iidy, Mokl, for Koolau ports. S S. Dureka, Weedon, for Annhola. Tucsdny, March II. Stmr. Klnau, Freeman, for Hllo ntul way poits. Ilr. ship Peter Iredalc, iJiwrence, for Itoads. Am. schr. Wm. II. Marston, Curtis, for San Francisco. SAIL TODAY. Stmr. Clnudlnc, for Maul ports, at i p. m. Stmr. James Makee, for Kllauen, at 4 p. m. otnir. Wnlalenlo, for Walmea and .eele. nt 4 p. m. Stmr. W. G. Hall, for Nnwlliwill, Ko 'cm, Dlecdu and Hanniepc. at 3 p. m. utmr. Lehua, for Molokal ports. 5 .). m. passkngeics di:paiiti:d. For Hllo and way ports, per stmr, Klmfu. March 11 11. I. .Hobs. C. Sa. wnno, II. A. Kohlei, A. C. Kohler, Henry Kohler and wife, Mrs. Twister nnd son, Miss F. G. Moor, Miss i: M llcnucn. II. L. Williams. II .Moore. A. Hamberg. A. V. Gear, Mrs. Dr. Nott, Miss i: Sargent, II. It. Ding nnd wife. D. Howard llltchcoelc, W A Sexton. J G. Hothwcll, W. C Pea cock, John W. I'ei rls and wife, Miss 11. naelgalupo. Mis. C. F. Gunther, Mrs. II. . Puxton nnd child. Miss I. Derry. Miss M, Ilerry, tl. W. Mooiu and wire. I . A. Greenwood. 1;. W Harle, Paluua Woods, II. .f. Hosier U. 11, 8turges. E. P. Williams. Dr E. W. Young, Carl S. Smith. It. L Dontllller, I). II. Oehr, W T. Schmidt. Horace J. Craft. T. 1. sing, Thomas Holloway, T, C, How oil. Miss L. Wllhelm, Mrs. J. W. Mc Guire, K. Ynmanii nnd who nnd rhlld. .Miss J. ljirncd. Miss C. C. Phelps. Miss F. Hadllek, .Miss A, Anderson. Mrs. lA-ong Yee. Mrs. C. II. Itnmsay, nurse and tin en children: Hev. W, Aiilt. U. Arlobe, C. '. lienton, K. KolmjaBlil. PASSDNGERS AMIIVED. 1'iom Kona nnd Knu ports, per stmr. Mauna Loa, March 11. I) E, J.neas. C. Doyle, II, Matsuda. 11 It. llaiina, Mrs. M. Ashbeiry. T. II. .Mac Fa i land. It. C Manard, Master . Smith, Manuel Andru, Mrs. M. Andra, Miss Minnie Amiia, Miss Lucy Andrn, Miss Mary Andra. C. II. Al.l nnd wife. l It. Hewitt, MIhs M. Morris. Mrs. Jnmes Mnnbolen, Mrs. M Medelrog. . ... lnrden, Yo Lee, and C8 on deck. PASSI.NGEUS HOOKED. For Maul ports, per stmr. Claudlne, March 11, G p. m. 11. T. llayselden and wire, Mrs. 13. II, Wodchousc, Mr. Warner, P, I. Snyder, Mr, Groeii. A. C Alexander, Mrs. K; Manuo "and daughter, Geo. Kauahoa, Dr.' Pratt, Mrs. Huutlnston, T. F. Sedgwick, J. Fugljoshl, ltVsuklgara, .Mis. H. Abo, T M Haiti! and Hev. S Innl. .YIAUNA LOA ARIUVUS. The steamer Mnuna Lot, Captnlu Slmeison, arrived fioin Komi anil Kail pints at 10 o'clock this morning with twenty-one cabin and fifty-eight deck passengeis nnd 701U .bags of sugar. Purser Slmerson icpoits smpoth ra. and veiy little wind along the H.'iiin- kun roast, with somo rain. Along the Kau coast line weather and snunth seas wero experienced, while good weather with smooth seas chararlci li ed the passage along the Kona ccmit. The schooner Eclipse was passed off Kcauhou. The Noeau was to leave Honokaa nt noon today. In the chan ncl the Mauna Loa had ''soft" winds nnd smooth seas, accoidlng to Purser Slmerson . Chief gunner, with a salaiy of $1800 n j ear. Is the best-paid noneommU sloncd officer In the amiy. WANTS 8ITUATION WANTED. WANTED Situation ns cook In n first-class hotel or Institution. Ad dress I. L., this office. 2092-lvv WANTED. WANTED 500 pianos to tunc. Ad dress J. W. ilnll. P. O. ba 473. 2092.1m FOR SALE. FOR 8ALE I.ot 64x90 feet on lane Just off mauka sldo of Vineyard St, near bridge, with a two storied lodging house thereon, quite new and built at a cost of $1000. Apply to J M. Monsnrrnt, Campbell blk. TO LET. L08T. NEW - TO-DAY NOTICE. Princess Knwananakon will hold nt "Punlellanl," Wnlklkl. n "Hawaiian Reception Day on Friday, March 14th, 1902, from 3 to 6 p. m. 2002-31 ST. PATRICK'S DAY BANQUET. Tickets may be obtained from C. J. McCarthy, C. F. Chllllngworth, W. F. Living. U II. Dec. Thomas I. Dillon, Guy Livingston, J. A. Hughes, J. C. ll'i.nn, Charles McGonngle. 2092-21 ELECTION OF OFFICERS. At the adjourned annual meeting of tho Stockholders of the Hawaiian Fi bre Company, Limited, held Saturday, the 8th Inst., the following officers were duly elected to serve for tho en suing year, viz.: Cecil Brown President M. P. Robinson Vice President Walter C. Weedon Secretary and Treasurer W. G. Ashley Auditor The same constitute the Hoard' of Dlreetois. WALTER C. WEEDON. Secretary and Trensurer Hawnllnn Flbie Company, Ltd.. 2092-3t 111 PL4V AT Immed'ntely following the baseball game played on thu Mo MM gi omuls yesterday afternoon the Junior Assn elation football gamo between the Pu nanou and Mnlle-lltma tennis wns play ed and won by tho lattei by one goat to nothing. The bojs weie very eager, having waited all the afternoon for the baseball mntcli to finish, nnd the gamo was hot Horn the instant thu whistle blew The Mnllo forwards piovcd a good combination and Kept tho ball among themselves, pnsslng freely to one nnother. but those of Punnhou while doing lietote Individual work lulled through lack of combination. For the loseiB llttln Murray, as back proved a surprise, and, although this Is his first match, played a cool game, kicking with ceitaluty and precision 'l ne 'play of Osborn. Dnlley nnd Erllrli for the wlnnets was the most nolo worthy, the last named kicking the only goal of the day. The Punahou star player. Audiows, ii, . not put In an appearance, hnd he played, the result mtgtit have been different, nnd the Mnlles would have lost their last t banco for the medals. The line-up was: Malle Forwnrds, Osborn, Dnlley, Erllrli: backs, l.tldwlgsen, Tinner; goal, Zlcglrr. Punahou Forwards. Dowsett, Drel er. Dodge; baiks, Magoon. .Murray; goal, ullmnn. Tho next game will take place tomor row nt 4:45 p. m., when the protested game between the Wanderers and Mlle-lllmas will be pinyeii, Tho line, up will probably be ns follows: Maile-lllmas Goal. C. l.tldwlgsen; backs, P. Erlic'i and II. Nottr-forwartls. . . Oslioin (captain), II, Hallcy and 1. Dodge. WnndeieiB Goal. II. Kinsley; backs F, Auerliac-h and W. nnllcntne: for wards. II. Auerbarh (cnptnln), I. Hal ley and J. Nott 11 iE NOW SWoTED A lacrosse club Is being formed hcnj and within a few da)s will begin prac tlclng on the drill bhed grounds. Thu game Is a very popular ono In Canada mid tho Eastern States and will be In tioduced here for tho Hist time by ex pel ts who learned the Ins and outs ot the spoit on the Mainland. .Many to cal plajers have signed to go In and team tho gamo and It Is thought that ull the uthetlc clubs, the iitllleiy and colleges will be Induced to take up thu spoit so that nctlve competition will ho tllR reutlll ntlil thn n-anin pmw In 4n.f i, .-... H.... ..- n.,...w n.wi, .,, ,,i,w( Lacrosse Is as exciting' as polo and ijiucii mure scieiicinc, .Ml ma mnierinis ro'r the grille are now here and ,su in dent equipment to supply two teams Is ready. Tliose who will form the pioneer lacrosse team aio Chess, Cham berlain. John Clark, Finnk and, Iluiiy Bachelor, .1. N. Schacfer, T. Hlttz, It. Mullln.fJ. Jones and Messrs, ltoht. Me Conlston, llert Mace, Thompson, (Jhamhcis Chilton, Holster nnd Wise. Tho native boys should pinko good players ns they me long winded and can tun welt. Their sight Is also vcty good nnd tills n great point In In ciosse. The game Is played on foot mid requires the gieatest of skill and ngll Ity. Once tntioduced In Honolulu, It cannot full to Bueceed. It will most certainly be popular with nil rlasses. Theic will be practice of this game on the Mnklkl giounds this afternoon nt o o'clock. Piofessor In the sentenro "money talks," parso "money." Student Money Is a noun, nomina tive enso, feminine gender Piofussor Feminine gender? How do you make that? Student It talks, doesn't It? Do tiolt Frco Press, WHITNEY LIMITED l IlKryJ Hto U OalKa. Ltcaa, WHITNEY LliMITED IN iUT mm Many jenrs have passed by since the taste of the music loving public of Ho nolulu has been so well satisfied as It was at the lecltal given by Madame Gcncvra Johnstone-Hlshop In the Opera House last night. Honolulu au diences have the name of being vary, eold, pnrtlculaily when passing silent judgment on music but there wns a most enthusiastic gathering In the Opera House last night, Madame, lllshop won her audience when she. (list stepped before the footlights and I when she hnd finished Verdi's "Pace Pace, Mlo Dlo," the genuine enthusi asm uf her listeners knew no bounds ' It was about 8.30 o'clock befoic the conceit begnn, the management wish-1 Ing to have everyone In his sent before ' the work should begin. When that I hour had been reached, every Bent In' the orchestia. driss elide and balcony J was occupied, the best people in Hono lulu being In gicat numbeis. The light I in ml lower box was occupied by Pilnce and Princess Kuwannnakon and Prince nnd Princess Knlanaiiaale white the opposite box was occupied by Gov ernor mid Mis. Dole and their party. The buv. above the princes wns occu pied b n naitv or seven. Doth loges weie filled with Jolly society people, I tho guests ot Albert Cunbii. The stage was very simply but et-fc-ctlvc)-. decorated. On the piano was n bunch of pale pink loses while on the left was n (able with a huge bunch of 'mm (golds. About the base or the music lack weie strewn a lot or yellow- flowers. The number of the piogrnm was the nllegio (Mil Sonata) of Hecthovcn, on piano mid violin, by .Miss Castle and Mr. Amine. This selection wns vvellj done. I No special mention need be made oft the various selections with which Ma dame Hlshop delighted her audience last night. Shu satisfied ever) one und when n singer can do that, her music has reached about the highest notch nttnlnnble. She gave three big alias which would tax the strength or the strongest and she sang ns well ut tho end as the beginning, Madame Hlsh op Is to be judged from the artistic plane and fiom that standpoint her work during the concert lust evening wns delightful as to tone, quality unci cnunelutlon. Each tone was thrilling, null b) liable distinct und the singing pleased the minds us well us tlif cars nt the audience. The singing of "Kuu Pua I P.ionl.u," a copy of which was pieserfJd to Mndaiue Hlshop, could not have been ( done better by singers of the soil. The plaintive btraln that runs thiough all Hawaiian music, the tuny pi minced easily and ns the filial notes died nwuy, Prince David Kuvviiuunakoa nodded his approval, smiled uud then applaud ed. This moi nln g ho said: "Madame Hlshop delighted me. She sings Ha waiian music like a Hawaiian nnd 1 believe she felt cveiy word of thft song Inst night." The second selection of Miss Unstlo and Mr, Amme, the Allegro from up, 13 of Grieg, was so well done that an encoie wus demnnded und leullv the second. .select Ion vns better' thirti the flist. MrsW. I.i"Whltuey ns accom panist woFexccllent. Madame Hlshop cpmptlmentep' her on her playing .iflcr Hie ioptcit was over, Madame Hlshop has declil'd to nc cept the kind Invitation of thn Kilo hnti.t Ait Leat-iiJ nnd n leclhil v. Ill tin givin there Suturilsy aftc-noon (. 3i ocloek. The nii-nngements will be an nounced later. It should be 'mentioned that ntler evciy selection ot Mndan-a (llslioi thn limtd usher handed he.- up bouquets, baskets ot flowers and lels. KOLACE I-OULP.D ALHATUOHH. Woul hns m rived heio that tho Na val transport Solace rcnhed hau I'runelseo Horn this pent In due time. Af'n.on as she go' inside the hnihor she took command of the bay, us ?ha did heie nnd straightway mad) a bee lino for the Fish Commission's boat, tho Albatross. Shu fouled Urn latter' anchor and the captain of the Albat ross, seeing that tioublo was about to ensue, slipped Ills anchors and put to sen to fbvii his ship and allow tho Naval boat plenty or loom In which to maneuver. & MARSH $& Are the perfection of shape In the new Straight-front, low butt, bias cut, French Gored Designs. They give ' the new figure effect with cue ana comfort. sj Hit W..1 (rata .f (..III ui UallM . D.Ulllr Irlmm.J In Valm.l.on.a " AanaJ with whaUSana. Iff TO 910 V PER PAIR. '",, & MARSH .Where To Get The Best Liquors We are sole agents for the following and they are woi Id known as the very best. ...... CUNNINGHAM AND O.P.S. WHISKEY FREDERICKSBURG AND PROGRESS BEER I DE TURK'S CELEBRATED CAL, WINES We want jour order for table wines. Wo deliver them free nt the following prices CLARET, 50c per gallon. PORT. SHERRY and MADEIRA at 75c per gallon. GOMES & MGTIGHE 93-95 King Street. Telephone Main 140. Opera House SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 15th Grand Production of n Hcrlcs of Interesting Incidents, Ancient Hawaiian History adapted ior tne stage uy tne - HAWAII PONOI DRAMATIC COMPANY to be presented In English by Native Hawaiian!. A Melodrama In two acts, entitled The Lady of The Twilight New Scenes New Costumes New Songs A musical Interlude by the company. Landing of Lono and His Death Characters by tho Company. Realistic Sceneiles have been spe cially designed and painted for both productions. Prices $1, 75 and 50 cents. Box plan at Wall, Nichols. BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WELL By having your photo taken. My work In of the highest quality and prices reasonable J. J. Williams, Take elevator In Boston'Block. W. C. Achi & Co. BROKER8 AND DEALER8 IN REAL ESTATE We will Duy or Sell Real Estate In all parts ot the group. Wo will Soil Properties on Reason nblo Commissions. Tel. Main 125. OFFICE 10 WEST KINO STREET. Kauai, Oahu, Maul. Molokal, Land), Hawaii. Etc., Etc. Set Q 5 mope, $2.00 SO CENTS EACH On sale at office ot . . , THE . . . EVENING BULLETIN - MM h Tt TjwmMmn& MAPS JAS. F. MORGANS Auctioneer and Broker 65 Queen St. FOR ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Auction Sale -OF- RICEPADDY On Wednesday, March 1 2th, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, At tho old KIslimarket wharf, near foot ot Maunakea street, I will sell at Public Auction, for account of whom It may concern ( 730 Dags, moro or less, of Iltce Pad dy, damaged by unit water ex schooner Allco Kimball on voyage of importa tion from Kauai, Ellscn, master, Jas. F. Morgan, AUCTIONEER Honolulu, March 11, 14)' Auction Sale OF- CALIFORNIA HAY ! On Wednesday, March 12th AT U O'CLOCK NOON, At my salesroom, 63 Queen street, I wilt sell at Public Auction 100 Rales Kino California Hay. Just received In good order. JAS. F. MORGAN, AUCTIONEgP Auction Sale OF Calabashes and ' Curious . t On Wednesday, March 2ttr, ( AT 10 O'CLOCK A. H. At my salesroom, 05 Queen St., I will sell at Public Auction Hand-made Kou, Koa and Mllo Cal abashes, y Hawaiian God, Hair Necklaces, . Kapa Sticks, I'ish Plates, fl , And Cuspidors. ,. 7 Jas. F. Morgan ' AUCTIONEER Here is a Chance to Furnish Your House, or to get New Pieces in place of the Old Furniture. On Wednesday, March 12th, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. At my salesroom, US Queen street, I will sell at Public Auction New Furniture, comprising Now Bedroom Sets, Bureaus, Tables. Chairs, Refrigerators. And also a line collection of Hooks. Auction Sale OF Wooden JJuildhFS ! On Friday, March 14th, AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON, At tho premises, 1050 Itlchards Be half way between King nnd Hotel Sts., I will sell at Public Auction the Wooden Buildings and Out-Bulldlngs, Torms Cash, U, S. Ood Coin; 15 days' 'removal. ' 14, - . !, JAS. F. MORGAN. ' AUCTIONEER. JAS. F. MORGAN Auctioneer and Broker 65 Queen St 1. ' ! 1 )l i44j)