OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, April 25, 1902, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1902-04-25/ed-1/seq-8/

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uas. f:
Chain and Chainless Wheels.
, New Slock just arrived on Sierra,
B. O. HALL & SON, Ltd;
The greatest discovery for tho deglutition oi tln ereati'st iif pests
ANTS. Kills those thnt corao In and le-op others frum coming. Kvory
ti'iuseket per should have a sample bit to uo: no danger from polion.
or P. O. DOX 330.
(Continued from page 1.)
v. nave been weighed lu llii' balance
.iuii not round wanting. Ml In tlii
ocutitry ri'iiii'tnlicr well the passage of
ino MoKlnloy lilll (the free sugar net)
m 1S91 nnd tin' shock It gnvc to the
e-omraunlty and nil who with connect
ed tlnanclally with uh In the Fulled
Stntos. when we were confronted with
free sugar In tin- United State our
lily market. The general hellef win
among tin' ablest thlnkcis we hae
nut wo should not tiuder those condl
tioiiH bo ntjle to get back an olil ilnllar
ler n new line.
"Tbo result was Unit I'eonotnlc moth
e dr weie put III fiiue evetyw Iiito In
these Isliuds imil tint next plantations
tln existing here, which nre now
among the small mien, not only held
tin Ir onn hut nunc ul' them piild iron)
! In 10 per ci lit dividends.
"I believe thai we Hhnll be ahlu In
unit any conditions t lint may urine In
the sugar world and he able to exist
in cornpi tltlon with any other sugar
producing eounliy.
Bonding Resolution.
Following tho lemnrhs of Mr. Dll
llngltnm, the i evolution, as. follows,
v.i.k udupted:
Wbeie-ns, the Mellrydo Sugar Com
pan, l.liulti'dr heretoforo, to wit. on
111" 1st d.'l oi July, V. II. IJinn, s.iii'd
lintuli. to the amount of JTJO.oOm secur
'd lo di'i'd of Must ll poll (ertiiln piop
tut of said lompany, which said
ht,ds have Iiimmi sold and illsriosed of,
Whereas, since the date ol the Issu
nrce of snld bonds, over Jl.-toO.nOO haf
been Npeniled upon the property or
u.ld Mellrjdn Sugar Company. I.lmlt
ed lu permanent ItTipioicmciiTH. lor
which mild siiiiih, as 'Well tut for othur
out'.as. the (ompany lu now Indebted
in Hie sum of (ToU.uuo upon upen ac
count In excess of the amount scent
cd b) Mild oilgimtl bunds, and
Whereas, ailditlonul peimtiiiont Im
PiovernentH to the propctty of tho
company will ftoin tlniu to time be ru
ijilied to be nude In file futuie as the
ptopeity ol tho eoniptm Is developed,
Wli.renn, It In considered epeilleut
hiiii necohsary In the Interests of
said company that all of its prvyicut
obligations. Including snld otlglnul
bond Usui', be discharged and llepilda
ten' or otheiwIhH iro tiled for, by n
Hi w bond Issue Willi li will also pio
lde lor rutin o outlays nml cxpendl-
tu.es as herelnaliovii set loitli: now
Iheteforo Im IT
Itf-Solvcd, by the bloohholdi'is of tho
flillryde Sugar Compmi). Limited,
Tlmt the compiiiiy bp uiiiliuiUi'il to
Ifieic.ifce Its bonded Tiulcbtoilncss to
ti sum totnl or two million dollms ($:'.
Uiii',000) for the pill pose of dlscharK
Inn all cxIsthiK ohllKatluns of tho
cimpany and to pioWdo for tho fur
tlici defelopuunt of the propetty and
business of the iiiiiipniiy us hetuln
libuve roelted; and. be It filllher
Hi-HOlted. That to effectunte tho
)nmlwK the boatd of directors of tho
company he ullthoiized to Issue niorl
y.'lii' bonds to said amount of two mil
lion dollars. In such denominations us
they hhnll deem best, beatint; Interest
at a rate not lo exceed i! per tent per
hi, num. payable semi-utiniinlly, net
above all deductions and taxes, which
n ay bo levied or nssessed In the Ter
ritory of Hawaii, said bonds to be
payable nt such petiod or petlods ns
the board of illrectins shull duteimlno.
niiO nlherwlse to be In sudi lorm in
the board of directors shall decide;
and. bo It
Uesolved lurther, That said board
ii directors bet and they are lien by,
authorized nnd directed fo secttro tho
payment of fcilld bonds by the exei it
Hon nnd delltety of u do(d of tiust to
Midi trustee or trustees as the board
of directors shall selett, comtIiik all
tin) real and pciBonnl property now
owned by this company or which It
niH hen after acipilie. with such ov
(I'ltlons mid reservations. If any. im
tne tumid of directors shall ilecldu
upon and otherwise tn Im hide In
such I iiict ded such teims. provl
sums and conditions as they shall
deem best: mill, be it further
Hcsolved. Thnt the board of direct
ot s aforesaid be, mid they hereby tiro,
ai'thorln-il to fell nnd dispose of the
Kild bonds ns the same may be reqiilr
1 for the purposes nforesnld nnd to
Allow nnd pay surh commission nnd
rluiiKeH tor the plnelnK of such bond
ns the shall see fit, said board of alt-,
l'i tors beltii; expressly nuthorlred to
c; isitheeate snld bonds or any part
tlii ii of pending tl7i Rale of the Mima
to m elite the panunt of liny obllpn
lion in cibllnatlons whatsoever of the
u"iui.iii. upon btuh termp nnd provt
sli ns as the shull see fit; mid, lb It
li ither
Hi-solved. That said board of direct
oh be aiithurlzed to defer payment of
mid oi initial Issue of bonds or any
P'irt thereof for such lenitth of time
s the shall sen lit. provided they
Keep nt least a like amount of the
h".ds of the new Issue lu tiust to
liquidate and dlsehnti!i said oilKluul
bi'iuls so outstaudltiK-
Mr, Kinney's Views.
In piesi'titlni; the foregoing resolu
tion, Mr. Kinney mnd the follow Im;
I In behalf or the dim tots of the .Mi
'Ilrydo Sugar Co. 1 iP-sIre to'make the
follow Iiik proposition for fiindlng tic
debt of thu company. Tho treasurer's
Matninent Just read shows that (lie
(omp.tny will owe undir piesent ilan
Jioii ood .it the end or this ear on open
account. Tlil.H. with the original botul
Issue now outstanding, would niaki: the
totnl Indebtedness of th" ompany
$l.l!50.om) at that date. We propose to
meet this debt by a bond Issue of 2,.
OOO.uOn, an amount siillit'lent In covir
ill ohllgatlonb of the company up to
the 1st of January of next car and
leave a balanie of $3,10.0o0 for eontlti
gencles and fuither development of the
.ropert.v t'pon the 1st of January next
It Is calculated the plantation will be
it least self-supporting, or In othei
words will pay running expuises and
nil Interest charges out of current te
'."'Ipts irom the sales of sugar.
It Is MlgRoMt-il that the new issue b"
liandled us follows: That $7fi0,0u0
worth of new bonds, or iiitne If con
Vldeieil tidvlfable. be nwirvid to pa
"fT the original bond Issue of ?T."0.n(iri,
which Issue beiomes due and pa able
In liillt. the cotiipati. howeviT, bavin;;
the option to i all In and pay the same
or any part thtrtof at an time after
Jul I, l'.ior., So nun h of the balance
or th new Issue (estimated nt $I.L'."0.
llilii las inn be needed to mver ilm
jlillgatlons of the ionian. up to th.'
ilrst of next e,u will be sold; ponding
vale tliiM- iKiiuU may. If noces-at, b"
li.vpotheiaii d.
The i nurse lieie suggested of setting
isldo a certain amount of a Hew Issiu
vf bonds to meet jilivmeut of an old
Issue not .Ml due is unite common.
While we have seven ytnrn. In whhli to
pay off the original issue of bonds. It
Is antlctpatid that lu much less time,
perhaps within u cur, the old Issue
win be out or tho way.
The bonds In excess of requirements
for this cur. will lie held lu reserve tr
ue disposed of us may be lluall) decided
by the company. Ily the end of thu
venr, under piesent plans, It Is calcu
lated the company will bu on a basis
to manufacture 15,000 tons ccouoml
tull and will h.ivu completed a large
pot Hon of tho permanent Improve
ments iioiessury to expand consider
ably beund that output.
Tho fixed policy of the directors,
however, evin at the ex-pens of ro
ImillUK uxpanslnu, is to ictnln as
utiung it ii servo lu bonds as possible
against contingencies, until the plan
tation Is on u dividend paying basis,
alio to create and maintain a reserve
Supeilntfiulont of Public Works
James II. Uoyd rejoices In the acmilsl
tlou of land by the government for the
extension of streets out I'unahou way.
Wilder avenue and Dole and Alexan
der sttec-ts ate to be exteuded to Met
lalf streit, according to the whemo.
Metcnlf bttcct runs dlngonally athwart
ihe streets named, skirling tho rice
Iklds and leatiliig toward Senvlcw.
Gifts Intended for Friends Cannot be
Passed as Personal Baggage
Field QIasses and
An Interesting decision was handed
down March 31 by the Hoard of Classi
fication of the I'nlted States General
Appraisers In the protest of J. McDon
ald Peacock.
The ntiestlou at Issue wns as lo
whether prrseuts brought Into this
country In passengers' baggage were
exempt Irom duty under paragraph 697,
of the tariff net of 1S97.
Judge Henderson M. Somervllle, In
an opinion concurred lu by (lvner.il
Appraisers Klschor and Howell, denies
Mr. I'oacork's contention, nnd holds
that presents Intended for friends aro
This decision will probably affect
all classes of travelers, although it Is
possible) nn appeal may be taken to the
United Stntes Circuit Court, and the
matter kept lu tltlgntlon for u lou;,
Tho appellant lu this case protested !
"against the payment of duties" on cer
tain articles contained in his peisunal
baggage, w blcli ho concedes In the pro
test, aud In Mlorg to the Hoard, were
Intended for Christmas presents to tils
friends. I'cacock arrived on thci
steamer Liicnnla on Dec. 8, 10(10, mid
Ills baggage on Dec, M on the La Ure
lagne This delay, however, helnij
caused by the fjlluio or u I'ronch rail
vvii to forward the baggage lu tli.:e for
the l.ucatila, ami, through no fault o:
the protestant. Is no detriment lu his
"There Is no utllrinatlvo rt-ijuesi for
relief In the piotest, ami no paragraph
Ik named ns supplying a cla-sslniatlou
more appropriate than that adopted by
the collector. Hut If we construe this
protest to have the precision ieipilrd
by law and rcfi r It In jiaiiig.'upli W
of the Tarlrf Ait or IKK": and ir It be
ruitlier conceded that the tialnre or thu
articles would otherwise entitle them
to rreu entr ; we nre of opinion that no
construction can be given to para
graph 097 which would extend Its bene
fits to articles for distribution us ptos
I'Uts, "The body of tho paragraph Is limit
ed to such mi tides as 'are in the usu
of arriving passengers, nnd. by Its e
pri'ss terms, 'shall not bo. held to npplj
to merchandise or articles Intended ; r
other persons or lor sule.' Hut, under
doctrine or I lilted States vs. One Pearl '
Xiiklace (III. IVel. Hop.. Ifil), thei
prlvlli'gos or ri tnniliif,- residents of thu j
tnltcil states, with ii'spe-ct lo personal'
baggage, must be bought exclusively lu '
the ptovlso, which reads, mi far six per-1
tlneni, as follows;
" Tiovlilod: That lu case of resident '
of the I'liltcd Stntes returning from)
abroad nil wearing apparel ami other
personal effests taken by them out of I
the I'nlted States to ton-luii I'ountilei'
blind be- admitted five of duty I
but no more than one bundled dot-1
lais lu value of nrtlclos purcliaseil
abroad by such ii-sldenls of the I'nlted
States shall hi' admitted fri'o of duty!
upon their ii turn," I
"'Wearing appaiel ami other per
sonal effects' was construed by the
Hoard lu re Wyninn to I'mbrsce the or
dlnnrj baggage of passengeis. Hut thu
iioci'pti'd definitions of 'baggage' con
fine the term 'tu that which Is per
sonal to the passenger and canli'd foi
his use or convi'iilonce.' and exclude
those tilings Intinded "for larger or
ulterior purpose's.' As thus staled. Its
moaning will not jdmli pix-M'iits In
tended for other pi imus, and the courts
have' mi held. OIIioiwIm'. as was said I
one case, 'It would bo almost Impos
sible to lay down uti.v rule of llmlta
Hon, either as to ejuuullly or value.'
"The pri'clso epnstlyn, however. Is
whither the teiin 'articles purchased
.ihio.ed,' lu the last clause of tho piovl-i
so, has any blonder miaulni.' limn thu
phrase Just discussed. Wi' think not i
No dliTori'Ut coustiiii'tloii unild be glv-1
en It without I'xomptlim' mi meri'haii-i
dli-o I'liuiuerattd in the- tariff act. lethu
value of Jinn, vvhi'ti hioiight bj letl-!
ih ills. Such a it-Mill Is repugnant to
the luti ul of the' paragraph us a whole,
vvhli h wns ibarl framed Tor the audi
iil hot I'Oiupellcd b) the langu.iuo If wij
lippl) the eloi'tiine of niisc Itttr il soclls.
'I Ills view alms at it eonsti notion
"which will carry out the i-plilt nil I
lull ul or the entire piovisloii id die
statute, and, while It lompoits with tie
ciiilltiai.v hiihlts or passengers and Ira
velois, will not oiMii the door fo,
'The protest Is ovei ruled and the ml
lee ttir's declblon assessing duly under
vat luus paragraphs is ntllinicd."
The Hoard handed down another di
clslon iclatlug to thedr personal Ihik
gage of iMbseiigers which Is along the
line's of the Peacock mllng. Chailos II.
Wymnn linpoiled for an uiiuamed party
lleld-glasses and a camera, both nt
which, were assessed for duty, although
claimed to be ftee. The Hoard In sus
taining tho claims laid down the fed
lowing rule:
"Paragraph t,'J7 of the Dingle tariff
Is i-onstmed to evempt fiom duty binli i
wealing apparel and other personal
effects as would b Included lu the term '
'baggage' according to Judicial dellnl- I
"A ll.llr of field td.isscs nml n i-nnii tit
being proper articles er baggage-, anil
held to be 'persuunl e'ffvcts' within the '
meaning of snhl paragraph. Pc-rsunul
effects or a resident or the' I'nlli'd
btates, loft lu a foreign country bj
their owner through accident, mid for-1
warded shortly nfter his return are en
titled to five entry on unlv.il."
P. A. IDas', for many years a liuslol
emplo)n or II, llnckfeld & Co., Ltd., In
very poorly at Santn Il.ubara, C.U.,
whither he rcsoited In search of health
some time ago, Ills wife and family
nre in Honolulu,
t- OH t?
p - a -
a m.la n. p, m.
I u
111 I 4 9 !J
1 7P q u 10 t
futtlty ... ..... '
4 Ll
t M 9 4t IS
Ibundiy . . ...
6 it
4 rft to to
9 Ol 10 40
1-rlJir is
? 41 II II
Sunda ill
.Monday el
1 l
6 40 It 4
I n
p. m
J 41 a 1
l I!
Tides from tho United Htatcs Coast
and Ocodetlc Survey Tables.
Tho tides nt Kahulul ana IIIlo occur
about nu hour earlier than nt Ho
nolulu. Hawaiian Standard Time Is lOh 30m
slower than Orcen wclh tlmo, being
:..at of tho meridian of 1S7.30. Tno
tlmo whlstlo ..owfl nt 1:30 Pirn., whlcn
Is the same as Greenwich, un Om.
xa .BineqaJBIv! oq ni pajBDOi osujo
aiqdBjaojpiH "8 'n om J qanojci n
an dall manors ot intorest to ocean
ruatij pan II' osspnoj neg jo; Jod
SIH1 moil 2utB9 osrfo.v jo sjoiBaivT
Jtoq.1 jcij ponimuiecu 8 ojAqw 'oHuuio
U01VA1HI oi BJoSaxp 'Biq3i .1llpjtl3
oi pouir)qo oq noD ao)euuoja isajtiT
'PIJO.vx oq) jo RnO50Jp pan RVinqa jo
dins oi-'pluioa '03JDU3 jo 031 tU'iO'ia
Wenthtr Hiirr.au, Puunhou, April 25.
Ti'inpTatiire Morning minimum,
e.s; Mlddiiy majclmniii, 7C.
Hal otuoter at Si a. m. 30.0S Stead
Jtalufall O.nx.
Dew Point 571'.
Iluinldlt at & a. in. 50 per cent.
Diamond Head Signal Station. April
l1.. Wentlur dear; wind flesh NK.
l-'rlday. April 25.
Sir. Wal.ih'.ile. Pllt. from Aunhola,
at S a. in., with 3145 bags or sugar.
Sir. Noeau, Pi'derson, from Honokua,
nt in: 15 a. m.. with 1033 bags of sugar.
Prlda, April 2J.
Str. Manna I.o.t, Slmersou, for Ha
waii and Maul ports, at l:3ej p. m.
Am. Iik. Ujiilslana, Halcrow. ror Pu
gct sound In ballast, at 11 n. m.
For Kauai ports, per str. Mlknhnla,
April 21 W. A. H.-ildwIn, (1. Sherman.
Miss Ah Chuck. K. Kawnmnto. Dr.
Sandow and wife, O. MAtwood, Mr.
Omsted. I'lora Kaul.
Tor Hawaii and Maul ports, per sir
Manila l.o.i. April 25 Itov. K. W.
Thwlng. Mrs. S. K. Nalmoa and child,
Mrs. .1. M. Koomoa. 1'red Clark. John
II. Wilson, Cecil Hrown. II. Morten-
son, Kahue Makaltial, Fred K. Maklno,
II. A. Ualdwln. wife nnd ililld, II.
Ilawxhiir.st Jr r. V.. I line. Miss rtreen
well Gi'o Clark and wife Mrs. W .
Wall and child. .1 J Hi-Nit. i:. J.
Lord. 11. A. Iseiilierg Mlssc .Moss
Miss Ethel Damon will have charge
of the lefreshmonts at the Cleaners'
lawn patty, with the following emiuy
ladles to iissljt her: Jane Wynne,
Abblo Dow. Agues I. vie itoK.ihu,': vViit.
limn. Nln.i Cr.ilg Eawii Craig and Itutlj
riilluwliig will be the wnltii'sses:
I. Ilia Voger, Minnie Schmidt, Mabel
.vii'.vniiri'ws, Justine Ale( lamtliaii,
Oiace l-o.ullhgham, Florence Hall,
Margoi duller. Annie Dow ami Veiy
Judge Oorgi' Clark find MNs Doiu
Mossmau were mnriled at St. Cle
tui'lit's Chapel by the Hcv. John I'm
boine last night. A leoeptlun wits
held at the home of the bride's filth
ei All red 11. .Vlossuiau, Kmtnii street,
wide h wns large! iiltende-d by leln
II es mid I'rieiiils of the eoulraolliig
paiths. The eoiiple leu In the slimm
er .Manila Lna this nlte'rnoon for their
heme at Kallua Mr. Clan. Is district
i:,.ie,lstrnlc at Hint glowing town and
a bailing stockman mid colfi'i- planter
ol the district. Ills bride Is the iddusl
di'iigbii i of Mr Moshtuau alicidy
liioiitloiii il, line of Honolulu s vcleruil
bi.slui sh men.
'I he Woman's Guild of Si. Aiuliew s
Cathedral will meet Moiul.i, April 2v
ft Hie ii'slduiicc of Mi I a I'll vrui
Holt, .ludd slieet.
Hlshop Nichols will ad'diebi the
Guild ul ! o clock. It Is requested that
tin nu mbc I's be punctual, as the Hfsluip
has other I'ligagi'iiu'iils later In the af
tot noon.
Moth wtong
Twelve Inrhi-s Is the avirago dls
tllttee at whleh pi-H'eit its see best
and easiest.
Holding book or paper dltlc rcntly
nietins e;ve t-trnln menus nn error In
lefrai'tlon or dif.etlvo' inuselos
nn tins giuve- harm sooner or later.
"A glass in time mvch" -slightly
ehangi'd, but im know the Import, and
i')ia are more Important than btltches.
Manufacturing Optician.
Boston Building, Fort Street
Over May & Co,
Threo seasons ago wo began to bcllevo that wo could please wom
en, by procuring for them ready-mado summer skirts, which would
have nil the chtcness, all the style, all the lit ana all the quality, of
nktrts which were made by exptiislvo dressmakers, and the making
of which cost almost as much as tho making ot cloth or silk dress
That, wo were right Is proven by tho way our skirt business has
mown. Every season, more won en have bought our skirts. .
What's the result? Just this. With every season wo make In
creased efforts to provide choicer styles and an ampler stock and In
buying largely wo buy well. Quantity Is a great factor It) the reducing
of prices
The skirts whlcn we show this week are of a higher grade lhan
nny wo have ever before offered. Thoy were gathered from tho
salesrooms of Now York's foremost makers only a few from each
henco whll the styles are all sure to ho right beyond a doubt, they
are nil different, nnd you are sure of not meeting other, skirts Just
Ilko yours on cevry corner. Tunc hints of them;
with I rows French Insertion,
S Inches apatt and 3-Inch tucks
In spaces $6.00
wide flounc- and 8 rows of
Hamburg bands ....$6.00
very wide Insertion, running In
V effectH ' $1.50
1 French embroidered bands la
Grecian patterns $4.50
I wldii llounce with extra flare
I mid 3 rows op-Mi work trimming
! $4.50
i 4 rows of Insertion running
tram top to bottom $3.50
For Wont Column See Page Six
Pearl City. Hotel
A plnco tor town pcoplo to lay off
lor a low da)-
Furnished rooni3, first-class meals,
di nclng pavilion nice picnic grounds,
jnln) stabling for horses.
Convenient for a country outing.
I 1131-Sm
I'lint t". I remit Ta&rHtnrv ef ttnu'fitl At
'(htimbera. In Probate. In the Matter
of the Estate, of D. H. Smith, late of
n.ileet.e flat... IWnnn,1 Tl, !..
Oahu Deceased,
tltlon nnd Accounts of Cecil Hrown,
' .VilmtntKlrnl.ir nf thu TCntntn nt the
I mill II. Tl Smith ii-lininln hn !ml:n
libi.i Ma nc.-,tnt i, ovnmlnn.l nn,i
i -.. ...... ni .- ..
llel'H-" IU, UUII 111UI U 1111UI UlUl-l li
j it iide of distribution of the property
I i ntiintntne Iti hlu tinnrln in thn nnr.
jsons th.-reto entitled, and discharging
li'm frrem nil ynrther rnunnnalhllltv nn
I - - -.,,.-..-....
Isiieh Administrator having this day
I be c n filed. It N Ordered thnt Monday.
i the 2d eln of June, A. D. 1902. at 10
I o c lock n, m at the Court Room of
i the said Court In the Judiciary build
I Ing. nt Honolulu. Oahu, be and the
mini- hereby In appointed as the time
1 1. ml place for hearing said Petition
'mid Acconntn, and that all persons In
teiested may then and there appear
biiel show cause, If any they have, wny
Hie same, should not be granted.
1 Honolulu, April 21, 1902.
11 the Court
i Clerk.
Administrator in Person.
2121 April 25; May 2. 9, Hi.
MAY 8 to 26,
lirif SfaMm of
tint tlTit RI)JVe41jlli
i itiuit aciur Mr
rfrmaiKts ul
lluiiululu !( the
Frederick Warde
.(nil ins (JUtiiiuishnl tjnianlzatlon who
ill t'f'ot (he (u'limiiiy ilasit ainj
li ik s,j, irenti nrittjire
Thursday Night, May 8,
Saturdiy Matinee, May 10,
Saturdiy Night, May 10,
Tuesday Night, May 13,
Thursday Night, May 15,
Saturday Matinee, May 17,
Saturday Night, May 17,
7 I'e kr tini lor other if,rmam-cs veill l
.Ih' .urn mined
Complete Scenic productions,
Armor, Costumes, Etc., Special
I ly Brought for Each Play.
Scale of Prices Entire Lower"
'j Floor, $1.50; Family Circle, $1;
', Loges, $10; Boxes, $15.
'I Season Sale Now Open at
ij Wall, Nichols Co. Regular Sale
of Seats May 1st.
Scats gnl. rest hy Mall nr Trlqihoneull
I- Uld tittup in itic order teculved, but
item will bo heM utter Ma t.
3 flounces and tucks, very full;
the skirt of tho season $3.50
plain, full skirt with liberal
llaro $2.50
color naCuraT, 3 rows ecru open
work bands $6.00
natural color, very full, with 2
wide flounces $5.00
Mercerized Linen, colors ox
blood, blue, brown, and natur
al, trimmed with S while linen
folds, stitched $3.50
with whlto hair lined stripe, 3
raws of bias folds; stitched and
, wife flaring flounces $5.00
Ala Moana road, between Kerosene
Walk nnd Sheridan street, will bo
closed to traffic from and alter Friday,
ll c 25th day of April, 1902, until fur
ther notice. Dy order ot Superintend
ent of Public Works.
Acting Hoad Supervisor, Honolulu.
Notice Is hereby given that 11. D,
Sr.lKK, ESQ.. has this day been ap
po.ntcd First Assistant Harbor Mas
tci for tho Port of Honolulu, vlco A,
V. MAHX, ESQ., resigned.
JAS. 11. HO YD,
Superintendent ot Public Works.
Department of Public Works, April
13, 1902. 2129-3t
Honolulu, April 23, 1902.
On and after May Isl, 1902, the tils
,,"uutlo"t p,an,R' ,,e,tc" 'm the Gov
r At Viiiuiai.ii TJMr nliinnl Mrlll hn
l""-..e. 4,u..,. .... .e.,.., ...
'" ult" "' "' "' ""' ""'" """
nciays ana nonunys, between tno
hours of 9 a, m. and 12 m and 1 and
n m'
No plants will be given out
ubloss an order Is presented, to be ob-
trlned at the office In the basement of
the Capitol building.
Commissioner of Agriculture and For
J w
Perhaps you haven't a mu
sic cabinet, or If you have one.
it doesn't suit. Wo would
like to sec you If such Is the
Some folli-j hnvo music racks
and stand thojr music on
edge, which soon has It In a
dilapidated condition. Our
cabinets nre tho best for
keeping music In order and
preserv Ing it.
In oak or mahogany, from
$7.50 upward, to match furni
ture or piano.
Ppoftreim Block, Font 6t.
1000 shades MUST be sold at once
from 25c up.
50c shades reduced to 25c.
75c shades reduced to 35c.
$1.50 shades reduced to 75c.
Ji L. S. Mathews,
W 710 Fort Street, Orphoum Block.
I); Ot Samuel Taylor, born In Lough
i! Iliicklaud, County Down, Ireland. Lust
j'l hcaid ot December 23, 18U8, then lu
jfj Honolulu as scpietary to tho Govern
or. Intoi niatiou of mm or any i da
tives In these Ulands sent to his
biother. It. Taylor. 14 Hilton Place,
City Iload, Hradford, Yorks, England,
will be greatly to tho pecuniary ad
vantage or him or them. Anyone in
terested may communicate with D.
Logan, Bulletin office, Honolulu.
2130-31; w-lt
and Broker
65 Queen St.
Office To Let.
Largo front office In Love building.
A line office; rent $15 month.
Apply to
Jas. F. Morgan,
COTTAGE on Emma Square, 3 ;bed- -rooms,
parlor, dining room, pantry, yiqp
kitchen and bath. Meat $40 A.pcf
month. Apply to Jas. F. Morgan,;65
Queen street. " jf..
Carthy tract, Ucrctanla street, be- (
tween Pllkol nnd Kccaumoku streets. J
and Broker
65 Queen St
'Mtm im$MM
' wi W
". NT"
fj..W, .

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