OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, May 11, 1902, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1902-05-11/ed-1/seq-10/

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Too Much For
The Old Man
Luciile Father, lnat night Charll
Father Stop right there, daughter,
I know that young scamp from top to
toe. Squandered eery cent ot hla
t,randfnther"S hard earned fortune
hasn't he?
Lucille 1 believe he has.
Father Gambles?
Lucille Yes, sometimes.
Father Plays the races?
fticlllc It's true.
Father Owes every tailor, shoema
ker and hatter In the city?
Lucille Well, yes.
Father And could not make a dol
lar to save his life?
Lucille I don't believe ho could.
Inthcr Wouldn't accept a steady
I.osltlon If 1 round it for him?
Lucille No. I suppose not.
Father And yet ho likes the best
Lucille Yes.
Father And the best dinners?
Lucille Yes.
Father And the theatres and op
Lucille Certainly.
Father You teo I know him, don't
Lucille You do. And ns you know
Mm so well. I was about to ask you If
you would glvo your consent to our
Father Well. I'm blessed If I don't!
Probably Space Enough.
Ono day last summer two small boys
vero playing near the country rond nt
Ovcrbrnok. A young lady approached
them salng:
"Little boy. can you tell mo If I can
get through this gate to the plko?"
Ono of the boys replied:
"Yes'm: I think so. A load of liny
went through five minutes ago."
Well Dorn.
Do Style I hoar Miss Manhattan
comes from lighting stock.
fltinbuMn Yes; her mother engag
ed In nine hundred and nlnety-nlno
bargain sales, fought through six him
urcd and ninety-nine brldgo jams and
participated In nlnety-nlno parado
lllghead Life Is a riddle.
Jumpuppe Yes and a mighty tough
one. You can't very well glvo It up,
and even If you do no one knows tho
Gomes & McTighe
eriojMtufctAM whtQuif ,
1.dbji uKtv.wiNi;a,ju4
W 0LP5 WH SX t
"'. xjU3-k"wj7y'yrwv.
All tho finest liquors In stock
at our place. Telephone orders
promptly delivered.
Gomes & McTighe
The Keystone Watch Case Co.
,.., ,i Phtladclphlt.U.S.A.
America's Oldest, and
Largest Watch Factory
For aalo by
The Principal Watch
Dealers in
Hawaiian Islands
Fine lee Creams and Water low,
Chocolate and Confections.
The Finest Resort In the City.
Try our "Elite" Oyster Cocktills.
Woman's Exchange
has removed to the
Arlington Block, Hotel Street,
In the store formerly occupied by
II. W. Foster.
Dr. Archibald N. Sinclair.
Ofuces Jlooms 208-209 Doston build
ing, Fort Street.
Telephones Office, Mala 385; Res
ldence, White 2861.
Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m.; 3 to t
p. m.; 7 to 8 p.m.; Sundays, 12 to 2 p.m.
P. O. Box 801.
Weekly edition of the Bulletin $1 a
The specialist's carriage was an
nounced. He asked the footman how
tneny patients waited for him in tho
"Two," said the man. "The ory
t.'iln gentleman and the very fat one."
'All!" said the Doctor. "I shall not
be able to seo any one else this
morning, James."
The thin, nervous man camo In
quickly, stumbling over tho rug In his
eager haste. His eyes were unnatur
ally bright and his head Jerked ocen-
kidtially In n startling manner. He was
tblr. to emaciation.
'flood morning. Mr. Slimmer," said
tho doctor gravely. "How btp you to
day?" "I feel as though I were going to fall
It. small pieces, or else to fly," said
ino thin man. beginning to finger a
paper knife on the doctor's desk, "i
can't sleep and I can't cat."
The doctor held tho thin man's
wilst for a moment, glancing nt bis
Successful Men's
Organizer nnd president of thu
Br-dslroet Company, International
commercial credit organization, with
10 offices (llslrlbn-'d throughout tho
civilized world. Ho was born In Pre-
hie, Cortland county, Now York, son
of a Presbyterian clergyman. "I am
i debtcd to my father." said Mr.
Clark, "for my early education and to
iuy mother for whatever executive
ability nild virility I have since shown.
llei character, capacity nnd cwcntlvo
utility could hole controlled and made
successful any business cntcrsrlsc."
Mr. Clark went to Detroit, entered
tbc service of Senator Zncharlah Chan- followed, even though it coniitcts with
dler; next studied Inw with a firm tamlly or soclnl prejudices. A man
that made a specialty of commercial tdiould also prepare himself very thor
tnd real estate transactions. While cughly for Ms life's work, particular
il.-io he bccwiu eorr'MoudPiil o' J ily If it Is professional.
M. Ilradstrect & Son, who published "Perhaps tho most Important quality
Urcdstrect's book of commercial ratals the ability and willingness to work
lugs, nnd aided In compiling the names hard. This does not necessarily
and credit of Detroit Arms. rvan an Incessant grind from ono
Mr. Clark studied the system .nd year's end to another, but It doos sign-solved
to make It his life's profes-Vfy that ono must bo keen nftcr. hla
won, but It did not then pay. To meet duties and not In tho slightest degrco
living expensos ho published the Dc Inclined to shirk them. It Is only by
trolt Directory, and step by step roso doing the work of the mnn ahead of
to tho management or tho Ilradstrect you as well as your own that ono can
enterprise, and finally Tjecamo presi-!bc promoted. It Is almost always
dent of an organization with standing .foolish to avoid responsibility. This
end credit In every pnrt of tho clvlllz-1 Is bound to come to ono and It Is lin
ed world. tosKlbln to dndce It."
All communications to this column to bo nddresscd to Chess Kdltor, Sun
day Bulletin, P. O. Hox 718, Honolulu. Contributions nnd solutions of prob
lems should reach tho editor beforo Thursday noon of each week.
Answers to Correspondents. Coriect solution of Problem No. 40, '.. Kt
x 1" received from C. M. White, .1. T. Moore. F. Schmidt, F. Weed. K. Nlel-
Composed for SUNDAY HULLUTIN by C. II. WHEELER, Chlcnfto.
4 '.$ Wm tiQ
Wo tako tho following gamo and notes (abbreviated) from the DrogU
lyn Standard-Union. Played In the C oirespondenco Match, New York vs.
White. uiack.
Curt. Stadclmann.
New York. Penn.
1 P-K I l p-K I
2 Kt KII3 2 P KU4
3 Kt x P 3 Q II 3
4 P Q4 4 P Q3
5 Kt I) 4 5 P x P
0 Kt 113 fi if 112(a)
7 P Q B (b) 7 Kt K D 3
S Q Q I 8 II K2
0 II K 3 1' II I) 4
Ui II K 2 10 Castles
11 P Kit 3 11 II Kt3
12 P KKt 1 12 P 113 (c)
.3 KtxQP(d) 13 IlxKt
5 PxP 14 () K2 (o)
lo TxP 1!, (JxP
17 K Q 2 f f) J 7 Q-K12
IS Kit QKt IS Q KI12
19 P. Kt4 10 It 1Kb)
20 q n q Kt 20 q k (h)
watch as ho did so.
"II m in," he said; "you really
ought to go to tlermuda, Mr. Slimmer. '
"Impossible, doctor," said thu thin
nan Irritably. "1 can't think of bucu
n thing, f liavo all sorts ot business
affairs nt stake Just now. I can't get
"You tried the hot milk before re
tiring?" "Yes, It was no good."
"And the warm bath and massage?"
"Yes, but It made mo thinner. I de
clare, doctor, I lost weight. I did, I ns
mile you 1 dlil. I want to gain some
t'c-sh. I'm nothing but skin and bone,
i m a living skeleton."
"Ilnvo you tnken the dally exercise
t recommended In the open air?"
"I've been out In my nutnmobllo for
two hours every day."
"That won't do, Mr. Slimmer. Ycu'll
have to walk."
"Hut I don't feel well enough to
walk. It excites me too much."
"You'll have to If you wnnt to get
well. Otherwise I'll have to send you
Starts In Life
Chief Instiuctor nnd professor of
olecttlcnl engineering In Columbia
University. He Is the founder of tho
C'iccker-Wlieelcr Klcctrlc Company,
mil was the president ot tho American
Institute of electrical Knglucers In
1S07 and 1S98: Is the author of several
books and numerous papers on oloc-
tilcnl engineering subjects.
Ho sajs: "In the first place, I bo-
llr ve n man should take up the profes-
s:on or business he is most Interested
In nnd for which he possesses somo
client. I believe this plan should b'a
21 K D(l) 21 Kt 113
22 It Kt7 22 n Q
23 U II 4 ch 23 K It
24 II Kit 0!! (J) 21 11-112
25 Q B I 25 Kt K 4
2n IlxPch 20 KxlMk)
27 Q Kt5ch 27 K II
2S Q x K Kt 28 Ui-slgn.i
(n) Tho Innovation, flood only ir
Wblto doesn't know how to demolish
(b) As noted bcioro 7 Kt K 3 Is
moro to tho point nnd gives Wblto n
decided advantage The next movo
v.na probably played to weaken
Dluck's K P, but although standing
alone, tho second player can success
Hilly defend It for somo tlmo.
(e) Whlto threatens to win tho King
T'awn by P Kt G, etc., and Black
takes this method with a vlow of sav
ing It, hut permits lllack to gain It In
another way. Whlto has tho adVnn
tugo, howovor, owing to his better do-
ij , jy ' yJBk
to a sanitarium In another month or
so-and I'll glvo up your case. Drlvo
f 'r two hours, but walk for an nour.
T.iko an hour's tramp In tho open nlr.
Wnlk around the square where the
fountain is, you know. There's a nice,
pft tnr path. Twice around takes an
hmir. Drink the Hot milk, nnd and
come nnd see me ngaln In a week."
Mr. Slimmer put his hand nervous
ly In his pocket and took out $25.
which he placed on the doctor's desk
with a nervous Jerk of his head. Then
he flurried out.
Mr. Heavyweight camo In ponder
ously. Ho sat down panting from his
Eliurt walk along the ball. His ryes
r'.iowod dully between his fat lids. Ills
checks hung In bags. Ho had four
chins. Ills waist measuro was liidcfl
n'te. "Ah, Mr. Heavyweight," said tho
doctor, genially; "how are you?"
"No better, doctor," said Mr. Heavy
weight In nn underground voice. "I
lmvo'rio appetite. That Is, I don't en
Joy my food. My digestion Is all
lllll was Just n common son,
Never urenmeu of wcnlth nor fame;
P'odded on nnd didn't try
Sthenics to set the world aflame.
Kept n-golug nil the time.
Iltisy hero and everywhere;
When a task turned iip to do,
Tim wns there!
B'dn't congregate around
nvenlngs nt old Perkins' store;
Where the other boys would tell
All they ever dTd and more.
He Just rose at morning light,
Weather stormy, weather fair;
Alvvnjs work on hand to do,
Dill was there!
Never heard him whlno around
'Cause thlngH didn't go Just so;
In the Joy he whistled loud,
In the pain ho whistled low.
Took filings as they came.
Smiling If 'twns Joy or care,
Never faltered; when things camo
lllll was there!
So he didn't make no stir.
Lived n quiet busy" life;
Lived a life that didn't havo
Itoom for petty thoughts and strife.
He had simple work to do
Wa'n't no call to do nor dare:
Just a constant wntch, you know
Hill was therof
Such a man as Dili drops out
And tho world goes Just tho same:
Dc can't hear Death spenh tho vvoid
When bo calls Mill by the name.
J.'st tho common, plodding sort
Hill has certain gone io where
'Hie) 'II remember how, and when
Hill wns there!
Hartford Times.
He was n Ilroadvvay policeman and
0 tremendously largo one. He loomed
up llko a hugo blue elephant, nnd ns
il.e Jady waited on the coiner near
1 'in for"a car, she couldn't hulp saying
something nbout his size, ho looked so
fcood natured. Sbo rather Inclined to
bellevo that It was In tho way.
"Well, no'iii," bo said, "It comes vciy
londy when Ivo got to push nnd
sbovo through n crowd, or to leach
ifouiid and help a lot of ladles over
the street, or to catch a runaway and
hwlng onto lit m. but, ma'am," and Ihi
wielifd, "when It comes to bujlng pants
leady made. It's h "
The conclusion rather startled tho
lady by Its unexpectedness, but tho
Me man was bo Innocent about It that
she could only laugh,
M-f-M- 4-f f X'mhS
velopment and command of the center
o tho board,
(d) Highly Ingenious,
(o) Wo would have preferred slm
I ly Kt x q H P, giving back the piece
Immediately, followed by q tt q with
somo prospect of an attack.
(f) An odd position. Doth queens
are In extremely precarious positions,
but Illack'a Is immediately threatened.
(g) Defending against II q U 4 and
tliieatenlng It x Kt followed by Kt q
4 ch In somo vnrlntlons.
(h) Now It x Kt would of course
not do bccniiBo of 21 II x Kt ch.
(I) With all danger to tho queen
n'oldcd by this movo Whlfo now has
u comparatively easy tlmo of It,
(J) Ilrllllant and decisive HIack can
not enptmo the queen on ncrciunt of
II x P mnto, nor tho Hlshop becauso
of q x Kt mnto,
(k) Often the variations which might
havo occuried but do not nro prettier
than tho actuul play In tho gamo. Aft
er this gamo was finished, Mr. Curt
showed mo tho following lines of play
n this point: 2G , K Kt; 27 B x
Kt, Kt X II; 28 q Kt 5 ch, B-Kt 3;
20 It Kt 7 ch, K B; 30 q II 0. etc.
O", 28 , K Kt; 27 U x Kt, B x II
; B; 28 It Kt 7 cTi, etc.
wrong. I have headaches and a tnBtc
In my mouth. Worse than nil, I've
C-'ilned five pounds in the last week.
I tell you, doctor, I'm desperate."
"You really ought to go to Bermuda,
Mr. Heavyweight. You need a tonic."
"Can't get away, doctor. I've Ave
political banquets to attend in the next
two weeks absolutely necessary.'
"Have you taken the hot water ev
ery day?"
"Yes, It makes me sick. I tell you
I gain weight on hot water."'
The doctor held the fat man's wrist
between his finger nnd thumb, timing
the pulse Tjy his vvntch.
"II m m," be said. "How about
the hot baths and the massago?"
"I'vo taken 'cm till I'm tired. They
give mo heart failure. I weigh a pound
niero nftcr each treatment."
"Have you taken the dally exercise
that I ordered?"
"I drive out my team every day for
n,i hour or two In the Park."
"That won't do; you'll have to wnlk
for an hour also."
Peculiarities of
In Paraguay ilvo the Kadliico In-
d:i ns, n strange and most Interesting
tribe, which Is fast dying out, and
vthich for that reason Is now bolnit
strdlcd by Furopenn ethnologists, tha
most zealous being Herr Thcodor Koch
of Berlin.
l'Ybm him we learn thnt the Kndlu
fos smoke pipes very dllfercnt from
I lip Kuropenu or American sorl. They
nro fashioned out of various materials.
clay being too most common, nnd nro
often richly carved nnd decorated.
A few choice specimens recentlv
fcund their wdy to Furope, and they
eclted so much attention that direct-
orn of several museums are now trying
lo procure others.
It Is said that the Kadlucos havo a
remarkable hlsfory, but very little of
It is known, and, ns the trlbo Is bound
ti become extinct in a short time, It Is
I itctlcally certain that tt will never be
vW-i-'--iV-re.-ffi! TJ-m-xi
Dangerous Man In
Washington, April 2G. Mallnl. tho
n.nglclan. who some time ago removed
efgs ami things from tho mouth of
Wu Ting Fang, tho Chinese Minister,
it the home of Alcxnnder Graham
Bell, today Invaded the sanctum sanc
torum of the head of the Treasury
Department and spirited a crisp ten
dollar "buffalo note" from within tho
clenched hand of Secretary Shaw. Mr.
Shaw had a party of friends In his of
fice and had been showing them
aicund tho Department. Mallnl wns
tlicie to entertain them. The magi
cian handed tho "bn.fnlo note" to tho
"Clench it in your hnnd," he said.
"Hold It tight."
Tho Secretary clenched nccoidlng
tu Instructions.
"It Is there now, Is It not?" tho ma
glclun asked.
"Certainly." lepllcd the Secretary.
Berlin, April 29, nmperor William, of Germany, Is determined to defeat
Signer Mareonl'H plans to obtain a monopoly on vvlieTess telegraphy. Tho an
ncunccmeut mado by Marconi that hlB receiving stations will not tako mes
stges equipped with rlvnl systems ban caused tho German Naval Depart
ment to dccldo upon a-niOBt nggroBSivo courso of action In which It Is striv
ing to Interest tho other powers.
.rr r
"Walk? Doctor. I'm too heavy a
man to go sprinting nround for an
Lour. It looks too silly. Besides, I
rant nnd puff. My heart's weak."
"You'll have to walk, Mr. Heavy
weight, or I'll glvo up your case
You've refused to diet, but you must
walk. Tako a walk around the foun
tain in tho square every day. Twlco
around Is a mllo nnd takes Just well,
it will tako you a little longer. Keep
up tho hot water and and come
Mid see mo ngflln In a week."
Mr. Heavyweight deposited $25 on
the desk with a groan nnd panted out
Tho doctor, who was a man of me
dium build, got Into his coat leisurely
nnd thoughtfully and stepped out to
his carriage. As It turned Into tho
fquaro ho caught sight of two figures
circling the path around tho fountain.
Cno was tho thin man, who walked
Jerkily. The fat man trudged on la
Loilously, puffing llko a' steam engine.
The doctor leaned back against the
cushions chuckling Boftly to himself.
Far Away Lands
In Switzerland three kinds of sleighs
rie used tho so called Swiss Blelgh
the skeleton slelg.i and tho bob
sleigh. The Swiss sleigh Is of the
simo typo as tho ordinary Herman
i.c-lgb, and Is used for practical pup
potes as well as for pleasure. As a
i tile, only one person rides on It, but
when there nro races each of the com
pernors Is generally required to carry
n lady In front of him on tho sleigh.
The skeleton Blelgh Is also Intended
fcr ono person, who, however, docs
not Bit on It, but lies down and steers
It with tho tips of his toes, to which
ere fastened strong Iron spikes.
The Swiss sleigh, on tho eontrarv. Is
ulcered with the hands or with small
st.cks that are tipped with Iron. These
Micks, moreover, frequently do good
fcervlce In enabling tho sleigh to sur
nount such obstacles as it may meet
on Its way.
Treasury Department
"Open your hand," commanded tho
The Secretary opened his tightly
closed hand nnd the bin wns gone.
"I could havo sworn," said Mr.
fcnaw, thoughtfully, "that I felt that
crisp bill In my hand."
The magician then pulled cards out
or tho Secretary's pockets, from down
the back of his neck, from up his
sleeves and from under his coat, and
then asked tho Secretary to arise
fiom his chair. Then he pointed re-
pronclilully to n half dozen cards scat
tcied on the seat and said sorrow,
"I didn't think you'd do It, Mr.
Sl.avv. No wonder I had no success
with my tricks."
TTie Secretary looked bis bewilder
n'C-nt, as ho had not been out of his
chulr since tho magician entered tho
- '-.! &'. 2-f?&. ,3W
; - -tip RMlliil
"Iff V? )2,1&55'.S
v -' Ah 'i 40i$0?M
' i ' lit i
No Document Will
Stand In Courts
Four or five well-known cood fellow
In tho samo lino of business recently
'swore off." They had never tliinloit
to excess. Gut they took a notion that
It would be a cood thine to null, nmt
accordingly quit for a period of thirty
days. Tho agreement was drawn up
In writing, nnd signed by each. Tho
third day after Borne of tho parties to
the agreement began to chafo under
tho restraint. They had never before
lelt the need ot a drlnfc oulte as hndlv
as nftcr the Ink used In drawing up
the agreement had becomo dry, Ono
of them nt last dtopped In on ono of
the others, and, of course, tho swear-
lnc-off proposition was Immediately
brought up.
"I'd like nvvful well to have a l.lp,"
fcolel tho caller.
"Same here," was the response.
"But I don't seo how wo can get
mound that agreement."
"Neither do I."
"I read once that no document, how
ever carefully drawn, will stand In
court 'f II Is attacked In the right
"I see a gleam of hope," wns the re-r';'-
"Let's read this agreement over
They did so, and It was discovered
Hint the agreement did not call for
thirty consecutive days, but merely
lor thirty dnys. Tho man that hit
upon this bright Idea 'was hailed as a
boin lawyer, wno was wasting his time
In the railroad business. There was
nn Immediate adjournment to a popu
lai thlrBt cine establishment.
Less and Less.
"Have you sent off your wireless tel
egram?" "Yes."
"And ordered your horseless car
riage?" "Yes."
"And paid off the motionless messen
get boy?"
"Good. Let's go and get a glass of
hopless beer."
Filial Ingratitude.
The youthful author pocketed his
rejected verses, but he could not swal
low the editor's criticism.
"Sir," Bald he, not without dignity,
"a poet Is born, not made."
"Young man," returned tho editor
blrn'dly, "It won't help your case to
try to shift tho blame on to your par
ents." Hawaiian
Co., Ltd.
816 Fort Street,
Honolulu, T. H.
Agents For
Havlland Ware
Victor Safe & Lock Co.
Jdeal Ready Mixed
Pansy Stoves.
Improved Stono Filters.
And tho Steel Acrmotor.
wall paper !
Tho prettiest and swellest ot
moderately priced wall papers.
Very handsomo with applique
Wo havo every shade under
the sun In Ingrain Papers, and
all the new Art Nouvcaua.
Everyone Invited to see the
Honolulu Investment Co
Real Estate and
Insurance Agents
A. V. Gear. Prerldent
nenry omun vice President
Emmett May Secretary
iD-Hou::::::. Tr"urer

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