Newspaper Page Text
' - 'vHPptmmm - - v - --,-. r . '" Jf 3)w"" ,'",f,lV,(Mpe' " ""CP1'''''!!'''''' TSjgygF'iKyr.' w mhtv -!p)f!fwgr i""it- ''aiwp'jw1 ;i vr "' " --- v. EVENING BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. I!., MONDAY, MAY 18, 1903. jjMIIHM 4 -M-f-f-f ttmitHHttHMItr f4-HM-HH RATE8 FOR WANT AD8. i DO YOU WANT ANYTHING ? Ad In thlt column will be Inserted EVERYDAY WANTS AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY HAWAII'S GREATEST OPPORTUNITY FOR LARGE RETURNS ON SMALL INVESTMENTS If eo, consult these column. If you want employes or If yw want employment. If you want lodging or boarding) or have them to let If you 'Want to rent room advertise Per line, one Iniertlon .,.150 Per line, two Insertions ,.25o Per line, one week ,30a Per line, two weeks 40o Per line, ono month 10a In the Bulletin Want Columns. I Thle le the cheapest advertising ever Advertise any want you have and advertise your business. offered the people of Honolulu. f-t-t-t-f t t-t-M- Wg' 8IX Jt v i ear. WANTS Sou Piiko 8, N12W TO-DAY, for- Now AdH. SITUATIONS WANTUD. WANTED Young man wishes posl- tlon In olllce or dry goods Btore. Ad dress T., Uullctln olllce. 2150-lw i WANTED A young Japanese unntB a position In a store or oillce. Ail-, dress "Jlro." this olllce. 2151-lw j WANTED A young man with recom- mcndatlons and 20 years' cxpcrlenco In dry goods business, wishes n po- eltlon as clerk, wholesale house pre- -fcrrcd. flee. Address E. 11. Uullctln of-1 2149-lw SPECIAL NOTICES. -r BOWERS'MERCHANT PATROL AND CONFIDENTIAL AGENCY Compe tent watchmen furnished for busi ness houses and residences. Office, llcretanla and McCtilly streets; 1. O. I)ox 284. HELLO I Have you dandruff? Try Pachcco's Dandruff Killer. At Un ion Darbcr Shop. WANTED COUPLE wants room and board with in walking distance from town. Ad- dress Uullctln. 2137-tf WANTED Any class of Hawaiian translating; correct work guaran teed. Address J. M., this office. 2339 tf WANTED $3,000 for two or three years at 8 or 9 per cent per annum, on real estate security worth S12.000. Address II. C, this office. 23IGtf FOR SALE. FOR SALE A few hunting dog pups, out of thoroughbred Gorman hunt ing dog. Apply to I'aul lsenberg. 2455 tf FOR SALE Horse, buggy and har ness; borso Is joung, sound and gentle; a bargain. Call 1C12 Hack fold Street. 2455-lw FOR SALE An express business with office and telephone attached, 2 horses, 1 wagon and 1 small dray; terms reasonable. Knqulro at this ouce. 2453-tt FOR SAuc Furniture of two bed rooms, parlor, dining room and kitch en; prlco 1100. C58 llcretanla Avo. 2450 tf FOR SALE An incubator; splendid hatcher. Address "Poultry," this of fice. 24391m FOR SALE Second hand upright Grand Piano, nearly now; cheap. Ap ply C38 Deretanla St. 2374-tf I TO LET. TO LET Housekeeping rooms at the Honolulu Hotel. 2I5S-1W TO LET Cottage on Pllkol St., No. 3414, cont. C rooms, lmth and pantry, servant quarters and stable; also -some palms for sale. Inquire on premises. 2 154-1 w TO LET Seven room cottage on cor. Aloxander and llerctaula St. Kn qulro 1215 Alexander St. 2455-lw FOR RENT Neat furnished cottage; suitable for a couplo housekeeping. At 1331 Klnau St. 2400 tf FOR RENT: Furnished Rooms Nice, cool, mosquito proof rooms. Alakea 8L House, Alakea St. bet. Hotel and King. 22C5-tf TO LET Storage room In tho center ot Honolulu. Inquire of A. V. Gear. 2436-tt NEWLY furnished rooms with board; S20 to 125 per month. Rooms 11 per week. At Aloha House. 2430-tf TO LET Furnishing housekeeping rooms; hot and cold baths. Los An geles, 1S43 Fort St. 2335-tt TO LET Two large, cool rooms, for couples; ons with prlvato entrance nnd bay window; both mosquito proof. Apply 488 King St. 2413-tt e FOR RENT On Fort St., C-room mos J qulto-proof cottage. Apply to J. W, i Podmoro, corner King and Bethel " Sts. 2125-tf i; TO LET ltoomy bath tub, with either hot or cold water and all modern improvements. Call at Silent Bar ber Shop. 2019 tf COOL, mosquito-proof rooms; J2 per week. Alakea St. House, Alakea St, bet. Hotel and King. 2205 tf TO LET Ono or two furnished i,oomsl centrally located. Knqulro at this office. 24SG-1W 1 'TCLET' Furnished rooms at Mrs, v McConoel's, Garden lane. tf HliLP WANTED. VANTED Man for Bhort order at sal- nry or per cent, tin. Address M Unite-243C-1W WANTED Customers at the Elite Hnrber Shop, Occidental Hotel. 1'lrst-clnss barber and bootblack Just from Washington. 245G-lm WANTED Partner with a small cap- Ital, In tho saloon business; long lease; best place tu Honolulu. C. 1'.. this office. 2452-lw WANTED Competent stenographer and typowrlter. Apply Room 8, Elite Uldg., between 12 and 2. 2410 tf. TO LET. FOR RENT Klve-room cottage on Kl nau St., between 1'IIKol and Kecau nioKu Sts.; parlor, dining room, kitchen, pantry, etc., downstairs; three bed rooms, bath, and W. C. up stairs; stable and servants' cottage on premises. Kent, 35. Apply to A. H. ATOXO, cor. King and Bethel Sts., upstairs. 2451-2W FOR RENT Klve-room house, modern improvements; South St.; 312 per month. Honolulu Investment Co., Judd Hldg. 2447-tf TO LET Two cottages, modern Im provements; on Cunba's lane, next to Mormon Church. 2447-lm TO LET King bt. Furnished rooms at 874 232C-tf LOS' I . LOST l'alr of uoau glasses, return to this office. Kinder 2455-lw LOOT Kox terrier pup, whlto body, with black head and ears and black spot on back. Enquire IJulletln of fice. Suitable reward. 2455-tf LOST Passbook Xo. 871 on First Na tional Dank of Hawaii. Kinder re turn to Union Grill. 2454-lw i LOST Many thousands of dollars through neglecting to hava stock sufficiently Insured. Honolulu In vestment Co. represent four of tbo strongest fire Insurance companies 2051-tt FOUND. FOUND Insurance against tho break age of plato glass at The Honolulu Imeutment Co. 2051-tf F. E. KING'8 LIST. FOR RENT. AT THE BEACH, cottage, barn, chick en house, bathroom; $20. 6 ROOM COTTAGE, on King St., at Cottage Orovo. FIVE ROOM COTTAGE at Cottage Orove, King BL FURNISHED Housekeeping Rooms. FOR 8ALE. FOUR COTTAGES at a bargaln.known as King Placo by the German Church, llcretanla St. F. E. KING. Cottage Grove, King Street. Tel. Whlto 1461. NUNS I'lNED UNDER NEW LAW. Paris, March 20. The superior and four sisters of the order of Little Sis ters of the Assumption, appeared be fore tho Correctional Pol lit) Court to day on the charge ot violating the law ot associations. The supeilor was sen tenced to a fine of )20 aud the sisters to 10 each. i Their depnrtuie from the court was tho occasion of a demonstration in their favor and of a counter-demonstra tion. Five hundred persons surround ed the carriages carrying the sisters, halt cheering them, while the others shouted "Long lUo tho Republic." A priest who was prominent among the demonstrators, was anested. The po lice dispersed the crowd. The Chamber of Deputies toiluy com pleted the Government's 'piogiam re garding the religious orders which ap plied for authorization to lemaln In France, refusing by a large majority the application of the Carthusian monks, who were separated fiom the other ordeis, they being employed In manufacturing u cordial. This Is the wealthiest organization In France. VISITING CARDS, 50e PER 100. Kngravers' Stock, 04 typo styles. Mercantllo Printing Co., Ltd., Mer chant and Alakea. General Printers, Rulers and Bookbinders, 'Phono Main 173. "For Rent" cards on sale at Bulletin office. KB OF NOVEL ENTERTAINMENT AT IIAMAKUAPOKO HOME SON BORN TO WIFE OF F. F. BALD WIN IMPROVEMENTS TO PU- UNENE HOSPITAL. HOT WAVE. Puuneno, May 1C. Mr. nnd Mrs. K. V. llaldnln are ery happy over tho arrival In the family of a fine boy Eduard Henry Kltrldge Ilalduln. Mrs. II. P. Ualdwln leaves today for a two months' stny In Honolulu. Tho follow lilt; Imitation was Issued b the Ladles' Aid Society or the Ma kawao church: "How old aro thou? Gen. 47-8. Your Own Ulrthday Party. Wednesday exenlng, May 13. 1903, 7:30 p in., at Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hair's, Ha makuapoku " This birthday party Is glu-n to you, 'TIs fcumcthlng nonl; 'tis something new, We send you each a little sack. Please either send or bring It back With as many cents as years ou'ro old; Or, If our age you don't wish to tell "" 8lnlrs two other Japanese inier A dollar In the sack will do bb well, 'ered and caused the offlcer to desist. Well known friends will furnish finu Somcai was armed with neither war- cntertnlnmcnt That will amaze and surprise you, but cost no payment. Then we'll elvn nn unmo thine tn cat They may be sour; they may be sweit. ' The ladles alt with greetings most hearty Feel sure you'll attend your own birthday party. A large number of people attended the pnity, Iniluding friends from Wat- luku, Puuncno and other places. A cry enjoyable muslcale nnd literary program was rendered which Included many humorous selections. Tho pan tomime pictures created much laugh ter. ...e entertainment was quite a success is in every way. Mrs. J, W. Kalua and Miss D. Rich nrdshon of Wallukn spent Thursday In Spreckelsvllle, the guests of Mrs. ...j Hrruki-lf. i The Improvements on the I'uuneno, -u ,u.uuc - uCn u.-.i- lng room, nnd an X-ray room, havoi ueen compieieu. several very success- mi operations were performed during this week. I ITnli.nbfiln 1 .m!i. Vn 1 nflllvit TTn. wallan K. of P., Walluku, Is preparing' tc nbsenc Decoration Day. Tho ex- crtlses will bu held Sunday, Ma 31. , Mr. lloetk of the I'uuneno olllce Is on the sick list this week. Hot waxes today. Mr. J. I). Shaw lentes today for Ho uolulii. HILO SHIPPING. Entered May 11, Am. Bchr. Aloha, I'ryo master, 25 days fiom Port Townscnd, with a tnrgo of shingles, laths and 527,303 tt. lumber for Hllo; also 442.CU5 feet lumber tor l.nlmlna; Hllo cargo, $7,243.34. Total cargo, $13 370 24. May 11. 8. S. Gnterprlsu, .Mil ler master, t passengers, 8 1-2 days fiom San Francisco, with caigo of gen eral merchandise, allied at $58,750.89. Clewed May 11, S. 9 Hawaiian, Delano master, en iiiuto fiom Hono lulu and Kanulul to Delaware Ilrt-ak- water for oiders. From Hllo, sugar as follows: Pepeekeo, 0,760 bags; Wa- lakeu Mill, 8,100 bags; Hawaii Mill . ' 120 bags. Total alue Hllo cargo, $78,- 555.9C. May 14. Am. sn. Falls rlf Clyde, i Matson, master, cleared for San r ran-, rlurii until rn ron tt eutrnt nnil irnnornl ......... ...... .. ... .... ...... r,.....-. mercnnnuise. sugar, waianea aiiii.i lu.uuuuags; repeeKeo, j.iiu uags; na- Kaiau, jij.svu; uiaa, JMsy-uags. io - tal cargo, $192,007.47. Passengers as nml nc informed Mr. Hartrldge that follows: K. A. Horan and wife, J. V. j MrS O'Kcefo's 'Claims aro valid. Fur Day, A. W. Hobson, Jas. T. Sllva, ther assurance was given tho attorney Mrs. J. II. I'urdy and daughter, Lieut, that If necessary a ship will be sent Grace Uurgess and 3 Japanese. to tho Island of Yap to put the widow j or her representatives In possession of WAILUKU COMPANY MAY COME, i whnt belongs to her. In view of this Walluku, Mrfy 1C Captain Wm. E. Ill tho commander of Walluku's mili tia company, has received a notifica tion from military headquarters in Ho' no ul u regarding tho coming camping out of the National Guard companies as well as Inspection ot anus and equipments by regular army officers, Although not many of tho members of tho local company can afford to bo rwny from Walluku for ten days, yet Captain Dal Is endeavoring to get about forty of Walluku's braves to go j sonal property. Mr. Ileavls has been to Honolulu and have a real Idea of, a very successful teachers for natlvo tamp life besides other useful knowl-jboyB, who aro now all sorry to sco edge of military affairs from personul thijr bthoolmaster leave. I lutercourbc and observation. Tho real estate dealer's success de pends on the ground he gains. Tho eyo Is most seusltlvo to green colors. . Sheriff Andrews TRIES TO DEFEND Brutal Officer Hllo, .May 15. An Important point of law procedure will bo argued be fore Judge Hapal Monday morning. It Is the question whether a Court must follow the Sheriff in entering a nolle prosequi In n criminal case or m nether thero may bo discretion exercised. Sheilff Andrews will deny that the Couit has discretionary power In tho matter, and Lclllond & Smith will sup. port the contention that tho Court is greater than tho Sheriff. The case camo up In n manner not lompllmciitnry to the Sheriff's depart ment, j One Japanese Samedl, said by eomo to be a spy for the police, and by tho Sheriff held to bo an officer on tho force, got Into trouble recently In a Japaneso house on Front street. Ho entered an upstairs room occupied by a woman, Kano, by name and piled her with many questions. The woman, who wns In n delicate condition, was unable to Batlsfy the curiosity of her! sltor. He Leonine entnged, caught1 her by tho hair nnd klmona and dragged her down stairs. At the foot or rnnl "r "lcer auge nnu is saiu 10 havo been under the inilucnco or liquor. lno woman, wno was uauiy cuueu "u uruwetl. uiruusu irii-iiiin ciuiiiujcu Lelllond & Smith to prosecute her as sailant. The case was continued onco or twice nnd came up for trial Wodnes- I dny. The Deputy Sheriff stated that he had been Instructed by the Sheriff to. nolle pros, tho rase. Mr. Smith op posed this, contending that the Court' wns not obliged to dismiss a case mere- ly because tho Sheriff desired It. Ha ' claimed It was at least discretionary with tho Judge and that the Court knew enough of the facta in the caso i to warrant It In ordering a trial. .Coun- ' tci claimed that if ono guilty of such niitrnfra no In this t-nca nti1il MrtiDA trml mcrel throUBh tle frIcndablp 0, Snriff. ln, so,.ietr would be with- uuowiin-ui nut nrotivtlnn from .hnirn . PnnnMnllr If ... v...-.i , . .... m. ... i Tha Court ruleJ .., .. tho sh(.rlff . .. .. . .. ..I muvcu a nono prosequi, u was me Ju,wa uu8inwia to dismlsi. thH caso anU gamcdl was turned loose. The Attorneys for the Injured woman heid a further cQnsultntlon and decided t0 ,raw out a nfew warrnnt. This they dlil and took It to tho Sheriff for his r i- ., . .1.- . .1.-. 1. ' old not think the law had been broken; that tho Judgo could havo the arrett made If he those but that the case would be nolle nrosheil. If It came to a trial The Attorneys hnvo agreed to argue Monday tho point nboe set forth. i WANTS ISLAND OF YAP. W. C. Hiirtrldgo, attorney for the widow of David O'Keefe, ot Chatta nooga, Tenn., who up to the time of his death wns king of the Caroline Island ot Yup. has Just returned to Georgia from Washington, where he had been in consultation with the At torney General relative to the claims ot tho widow for the estate left by her husband, which consists ot valuable; lands which he held as king In tho Island valued at $9,500,000. O'Kecfo went to .tho Island about thlity years ago. Ingratiated himself .with the native and on the death of,! ffi nntlVA tnnnnmh una nr,w Tnlmod i ivuifj. flu irigiicu mill BUUBIUtUUIl Itl tlin nnlivnn ,111 in .lift limn nt lilc ' ...W ...... U, w ... ....... V. ... WVH..., keveral months ago. Ills widow, who now resides at Savannah, claims the ,,, but ,ier e)nmB aro olspiltcd uy ' . . ......- , nauve3 ot me island or Yap. Mr. Hartrldge laid tho whole matter ufon) tho AUorncy General. An ' PStitinn .vnB mn,.n ,, thn. nmMni Mr. Hartrldge Is now preparing to mnko formal demand for the O'Keefe estate tn the Carolines. MAUI SCHOOLMASTER LEAVING. Walluku, May 10. Prof. W. Elmo .icavls, principal of Lahalnaluna Sem inary, has tendered his resignation, 'and will leave with his family next , month to takd uu another courso at Ilerkeley University, Cal. Ho is now selling out his furnlturo and other per- TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. i Take Laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets, I All druggists refund tho money If It falls to cure. 15. W. Grove's signature Ms o each box; 25 cents. To Investors AND Home-Seekers I 1 A raro opportunity Is offered to buy real estate at bottom prices. AT KAIMUKI I Fine lot, 100x150, with large, roomy house, one block from 1 Wnlalac Koad $4,250 ' One lot, 100x160 750 IN KAPIOLANI TRACT . Lot 50x100, with 3 .room I house 6 50 IN KAIULANI TRACT 6 lots, 60 x 100 each, for 1,000 (Separato If desired.) ON PUNAHOP STREET 9-room house; lot 75x150. ON YOUNG STREET 8-room house; lot 75 x 140 ,; lot 75 x 140 5,000 2,900 6,000 ON KINAU STREET C-room house; lot 60 x 90 3,500 ON SPENCER STREET 139 feet frontage 3,000 IN KALIHI VALLEY 30-acro tract C,000 Wo Invito tho nttcntlon of Ileal Es tate Agents to tho aboa propositions. Lewers & Cooke, Ltd., King Street, Honolulu. Read This ! Ex Barkentine "KLIKITAT," " Magnolia Brand Condensed Milk, ip. 1 IOC Can .. j..ii t-i... in....... fldYWdlU S 1U dUBb lUUUUIUdll fl Ivmn fi" Paifllli FatTillV FlflUf ' r . ' ') $1.30 pBr sack ni.i r..i ..u.j eo 1C nnr Lit rlgS rBBI. SpiCBQ, pZ.ZOpBlr.ll - ... ,. . nn . Seattle GtllCKBIl CggS, dUC pBT 00Z. -AT- Jas. A. Hassell, 211 Queen Street near Alakea. OUR LEADERS PEERLESS GINGER ALE LEMON SODA CREAM SODA ROOT BEER ORANGE CIDER KOMEL And other popular drinks. Telephone Main 7 J , ., . , t fllien fflfltPri Nnfla . - - - ww Water Works Co., Ld. Factory Fort and Allen Sts. $3,0 0 0,0 0 0 Is a tremendous price tc pay for a Trunk or Trav eling Bap;, but the prices we ask for such goods are as surprisingly low. The Von Hamm-Young CO., Ltd. ALEX. YOUNG BLDG. Phone Main 135. J. N. Shafer, PRACTICAL PLUMBER. Jobbing Promptly Attended to. Sew- "age. Shop: 213 Queen 8t bet Ala and Richard Sts., Honolulu, T. H HONOLULU AUTOMOBILE and MACHINE 8HOP8 . . . Inlon 8t. nr. Hotel 8t. Phone Main 315. P. O. Box 603. Light Machine Work. Automobiles lullt and Repaired. Experts on Call or Outside Work. Nickel and Copper Plating. " w " " " " " " " Weekly Edl'.lon ot tha Bulletin, 1 ,mr year BUSINESS DIRECTORY BARBERS. W. R. CHILTON has removed his bap I bcr shop to No. 32 Hotel St., next to tho Honolulu Tobacco Co. 2450-lm BALLASTING. HAWAIIAN - JAPANESE BALLAST ING CO. Heat black sand from $2 to $3 a load according to dlstanco hauled. Coral rocks for stable, roads and sidewalks. lOii Smith St.; P. O. box 820. Telephone Main 390. BICYCLE REPAIRING. C. A. COWAN 1181 Union, opp. Pacif ic Club; typewriters for rent. BROKERS. E. J. WALKER Coffee Broker; room 4, Sprockets bldg. CARPENTERS. E. SHIRAISH, Carpenter and Con tractor Day work. Tables, Bares, etc., made. Cor. Nuuanu and Ku knl. CLEANING AND DYEING. T. MASUDA A . kinds of clothes cleaned, dyed and repaired. Employ ment office. 1 llti Fort St. near Vine yard, Honolulu. T II. T. HAYASHI Clothes cleaned nnd re paired. 537 IJerctanla cor. Punch bowl. DENTISTS. DR. H. BICKNELL Dentist. Itooru 14, Mclntyro Dulldlng. Hours 9 to i. DR. DERBY Duutlst; Fort nnd Hotel Sts.; Hours 9 t) 4 DR. M. J. J. MARLIER DE ROUTON Rooms 27 and 28 Young Uldg., be tween Hotel and King Sts, GUITARS AND UKULELES. J. E. SANTOS Matter of guitars and ukuleles. C2S Ucretanla. PER "NEVADAN" PLUM PUDDINGS, SEEDED RAISINS, CAN DIED PEEL, SULTANAS CURRANTS, CRAN BERRY SAUCE, MINCE MEAT, JAMS, JELLIES and PRESERVES, TABLE FRUIT, UNEDA GRAHAM WAFERS, ZU ZU, GINGER SNAPS ETC at Salter's Grocery 516 S. KING ST. HAWAIIAN STOCK YARDS CO., Ltd E. It. LEWIS, General Manager DR. J. B. De FARIA, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OBSTETRICIAN. Formerly externa and Interne ot the Maternity and Hospital tor Women of Lisbon (Europe), Female Diseases and Confinement Cases a Specialty. Office and Residence 1123 Alakea St. Office Hours From 10 a. m. to 12 M.; 2 to 4, and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone Main 407. DO YOU DRINK? P. O. Box 995, TEL. 18. THE OLDEST CHINE8E FIRM IN HONOLULU. COMMISSION MXROHANTB, Sealer In Fine 8llke and Grata Linens. Chinese and Japanese Goods f All Klnda. NUUANU 8TREET. YAMATOYA, 1044 NUUANU STREET, Japanese Silk Goods, Handkerchiefs, Kimonos, American Shirts, Neckwear, Socks and Underwear. Straw Hat Manufactory. 8hlrts of all Kinds and Pa Jamas Made to Order. . HOTELS. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL All conveni ences. Hot nnd cold baths. Tele phone. First-class system. Fine rooms $2 per week. King nnd Ala kea streets. Dest 25c meals In city. MUSIC. JAMES 8HERIDAN Piano tuning and repairing. Whlto 1371. 343 King St. Leavo orders Ilawn. News Co., Young Uldg. ANNIS MONTAGUE TURNER Vocal Instructor; "Mlgnon," 1024 Dereta nla St. E. K. KAAI Teacher of string Instru ments; studio, 17 Progress Blk., Fort St. MES8ENGER SERVICE. TERRITORIAL ME8SENGER SER VIC Union St. near Hotel.; Tel. 3G1 Main. PHY8ICIAN. DR. GEO. W. BURQE8S 1387 Fort St. cor. Vineyard; 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. and 7 p. m. Telephone Main 123. 2443-6m 3 8TRAW HATS. E. MORIKUCHI 14 Hotel St., nr. Nu uanu. Felt, straw, Panama hats. I WANTED. WANTED Purchasers for our "For Rent", "For Sale", "For Lease", and numerous other cards. Apply Bul letin office. ISLAND OF MAUI, LAHAINA. SUGAR ESTATES, MAGNIFICENT SCENERY , BEAUTIFUL DRIVES, SHIPPING FACILITIES, ETC. ORDER rig from Pioneer Stables, ele gant turnouts; Telephone No. 12C. Weekly edition of the Bulletin, $1 a year. 'PHONE BLUE 3143. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLE. All now and up to date rigs. Importers nnd dealers In all Muds of livo stock. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. LEMON SODA, GINGER ALE, ORANGE CIDER, ROOT BEER, SARSAPA- RILLA, or IRON CREAM SODA ? Then Ring Up Blue 1871. , Hawaiian Soda Works, HONOLULU, H. T.