Newspaper Page Text
mBR& r. - t- . tix r.VKNlKQ BULLETIN, HONOLULU, T, II.. MONDAY, JUNE 13. 1901. iMKWWBJKiffKyh .7Tinff!MBfimJ. "'IIjMb m .f.-n SMC , . ., , --- J K f. vl t , V WANTS Sea Pno 8, N12W TO-DAY, for New Ada. BITUATIONS WANTED. c WANTED. Worses to break anil to handle to bar cess; baggago, express. Call at Wallace Jackson's, corner King and Beihel SU.; Tel. Main 176. 253-lm Middle-ago white woman to Janitor 12 rooms; German prolcrrcd. Apply 1281 Fort, near Kukul street. 27S01W A young man to keep a set of bookB. Address P. 3.. Bulletin. 2789-lw A child to tako earo of. "Cars", Bulletin office. Address, 2783-lw SPECIAL NOTICES. HONOLULU EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Malo and female help of any nation sllty Inrnlshed freo on short notice for city or country. Time and trouble saved for house wires. WANTED. Young man for dry goods storo; Seanistretii; Walter; Woman fof Housework. OFFICE 928 FORT STREET, TELEPHONE 358. FOR SALE. Have 5 Houses for sale at Palama; $50 cash; balance WITHOUT INTER EST at $10.00 per month. FOR LEASE. 452 Htuses and building lot; 25 years; Vineyard nr. Llllha. FOR RENT. 25 fr, fine premises, stable servant h. Kallhl Rd. opp. Kamehame lia School. $25 7r. Pllkol nr. Wilder Ave. $18 7r. Manoa road. 8TRAUCH & SCHROEDER, No. 92B FORT ST. TEL. MAIN 358. Bicycles and all light machinery re paired on short notice. Pioneer Mo tor Car Co., Merchant and Alnkea Streets. 2030-tf HOOM AISD BOARD. Boom and lioard In private family. Ad dress H. R.. this office, or call at 1490 Nuuanu Ave. 2070-tf Furnished room, with or without board tn private family; Walklkl toad ror. Kalla Road. 2782 tf TO LET. C-room cottage, newly painted tin ouch (Hit, with stable; reasonable; on Ku aklnl ro.ul. Apply J W. Podmore. Bethel and King. 2789 tf etore on Alaltea near King, opposite, ucciaemai iiotei. Appiy J. w. i-ou-. more. King and Bethel. 2719-tf Ofllie on Bethel near King St. Apply J. W. Podmore Bethel and King SU. 27S9tf Furnished Booms Nice, cool, mosqul-to-proof rooms. Alakea Houfao, Ala Kca SL U.U Hotel and King. 22G5-tf Furnished rooms at 1223 Emma street Mrs. McConnell. 25C3 f - THE BOY IN "Get, I wontUr how ! iwwtwiittvtwwtftmmm CENTRAL UNION PICNIC. The picnic at Puliation grounds Sat urday under tbu auspices of the Cen tral Union Church was a greater sue less this year than ever. There wero probably 1,500 peoplo present. The ath letic games were entered Into with xrrnt spirit and were witnessed by an Interested throng. Lunch wob served to all, 1,250 plates being banded out anil many of them filled a second time. Fine Job Printing at tht Bulletin eBlce. PARTNER WANTL2D. FOR SALB. Tho Ladles' Favorite Mrs. Walty's driving niaru "Dolly", Including hur-, uess and phaeton, all complete; also Hime cholcci l'l) month HoeU chick-, ens. Inquire or 11. U. Watty, at rev Idenco 1S12 l'unahou gt., tor. Has. lings. 27S0-1W fine corner lot In MnklM. Curbing, -c bunged the couiso Irom that un water, fruit and ornamental treos'tiottnccd to twko around 1'onl Island and all Improvements. Two inln- and luirl:-to the Peninsula. The flrs utcs' walk from cars and l'unahou 'class jnchts did not slnrt until after ! College Address It. P., this omco. SIC It Furniture csmplete of 2 bedrooms, par lor, dining room, etc., (heap; owner leaving cnutitr). Apply 1170 S. King street, tor. Aloha lane, or 1127 Tort street. 27S92W Cockntoos and parrots for sale on board the ship Jab"Z Howes nt Pa cific Mall whaif. 27SS-1W Pool table; cheap. Apply Harry Rob erts, cor. Dvii'tnnla on King, next fountain Haloon. 2"8ti-lw Two elegant mountain summer homes on Tantalus Heights. A V. Gear, 122 King St. 2770-tf A young fresh Jersey ow. W. names, Wahlawa, Address A, 2789 I Vaialao lots on easy Gear, 122 King St. 1 terms. A. V 2770-tf TO LET. llooni and board with prlvato family for ellher gentleman, or lady and gentleman; hot and cold water; elec tric lights and use of telephone. 133S Wilder Ave. STtltf A furnished cottage nmslsting of sit ting, bed and dining rooms, kitchen and bath loom; rent $20. Apply to Mis. Geitz, Gulick Aw., Kallhl. 27S0-tf Two-story cottage. 1115 Atapni street, near tjuarry St; five looms. itc, high, bracing; 2fl month, water In eluded. Apply on piemlM-o. 27S."-lw Two furnished rooms In prlvato fain lly; Young St. townsldo Thomas Sipiaro. A. 11. C, Bulletin. 27S5-1W Two cottages to let at Wall.lkl, one Ka lla road, $10; ninth road, 12. Ap ply 1123 Llllha St. 2779 tf S room cottage, furnished or unfiirnlsti cd, at Cottage Grow, King St.; In nuiro No. 8. 2781-tf One storo on Port street; rent very reasonable. Apply to Bishop Co., Bankers. 2G21-tf Furnished house for rent to party fur nbihlncr references, lnnulre of A. V. Gear. 271Ctf Newly furnished rooms, all modern conveniences. At No. 84 Vineyard St, 2728-tf Furnished cottuge at H19 Prospect near Kaplolunl St.: ery leasoimblc. 2788-Iw POUND. A camera In cai-e, Bulletin odlre. nt WalklM. Apply 27S9-1W ,, SPRINGTIME. toon rtca !! Chlcaao Tuliun. OAHU CLASS DAY PROGRAM. Tho pmgrum of Class Day at Oahu Collego set for next Satmdny atteruoon Is as follows: Kccoptlon by tho Class. Presentation of Flag. ,, .Harold Castlo Class Pi ophecy.. Constance ncstuilck Clnss Will Brnest N. Smith Planting of Class Tieo.Geo. Cauavnrrn Hefreshments. lllug Tournament. "For Rent" cards on sale at Bulletin Ui V"'Z , Jf fiVi S office, un w m KEQATTA SPORTS WERE FINE AT PEARL HARBOR HAWAII WINS MAIN EVENT UN DER TIME ALLOWANCE IMt LA PALOMA COMES SECOND. Tho wind at l'earl Harbor didn't suit tho .uichtsmcn Saturday So they p. in. The Spruy was ghen n limo ni lonancc of twenty minutes and tho Ha wnlt an ullonunto of eight minutes. Tho Spr.iy, under the seamanship oi Vli-e-t'ommodore- Picker whs In good chances of wlunlliK tin race when she went on a icef, wheni she stuck unlit high lido Sunday afternoon. The lluwiilt, with her time allowance, won tho race. Tho l.u Pulomu uud Glndjs wero tho real contestants, Tho flist louud saw tho (Jludjs fully fire min utes uhead. The round was mndo In light wlndsi which are more fuornblo to tho Ulud)s. Tho breeze stiffened during tho second round and the La Pulomu hud no difficulty In closing the pap and gulug to tlin windward of the Ulud.ts. Although the La P.ilomn did not win the race, she came In Hi ft, oentlug the Uhut)s li) n minute und u half The j hi hi Irish. Soienson .1 l.yle. noli tho third class race nt Po-irl Unr--Hir Snttirday ngaliihl MhIIIiIiiI. Ljle: Wlltlwlhl, Thomison; uud Myrtle, t'liizler. 'J ho start was made ut 11 J'olock, tho boats finishing shortly af ter 2. The IrNh gave the others n liattdlcup but outsailed them even then In the loin Hi class, Ll.lji. L. ile 1. Wlllll. llPIlt Olll .IllllllHCn'H M.ilolo. I.el Hoggin', lulling to lliilh. Mu lolo gne handicap to the other two. The pi lies were four steins. 1 he Yacht Club will soou give mi en u nnlnment as n beurtit fur the organ Irntlon. The 111 hi committee meeting will ho today. In the 1'oiiith class Mulolo at one lime hud a lead of 10 minutes bill was on the reef a few minuted, which pos sibly changed the result. The olllclul time, follows; First Class Cor. Time. II. M. S. Hawaii, 8 niln. handicap 2 03 37 Mi P.ilomn, u-ratch 2 01 30 Clail)K, ri-iulch 2 05 45 Third Clat-8 lllsh, senile) 2 .10 55 Wlkinlkl, 4 mhi. handicap ...2 44 11 M Ill's 7 mill, handicap JS 38 Kinirlli Class Skl, fi mln. handicap 3 05 11 Mnlolu, sc-nitih 3 OS 3ii SHORT STORY FOR EVENING HOURS HER LEAP YEAR PROPOSAL There was a blight red spot on each of Thcodostu Allen's s-ift. smooth hecks, and she caught her cilmsou umlcrllp between two rows of beautiful .thlte teeth. She hesitated. The door In front of her wus closed. She, had appioached It with tho firm Intention ot knocking, jrt, with her hand raised, her courage fled. Miss Allen's mother wus u widow, who hud been lelt with a line, largo house on her hands, bin with hardly enough of uu Income to keep it up In proper st)le. That was why sho hud rented two of her best front rooms up- hlulis, to Muxlleld Prentlew, a bachelor whoso hair was beginning (o show u grulsh tinge here and iheie, and who, after trying again und again nml hop lug on through many dUconiiiglng yciua, had succeeded In getting tho I uhllc lo accept Ills uou-ls with some thing that clobfly hoideied upon en thusiasm, "llt-l- Lenp-Yenr Pioposnl," his Int ent sloiy, pioinlsed to be "onu of the six bciit-selhng books," and he found himself In what for nn author may be cotinldcred "affluent c Irciiiiistunces." The door ut which Thoidosla stood opened Into Pieiitlcu's conifoitahly fur- nlhlicd woiiiioom, In iho mlddlu of which wnB his long writing table. Well stocked bookciises and three or four easy chalis gave It u comfortahlo ap pearance. A licuvy eiiitulii divided It from his bedroom, "Ooihq In," ho said, uippoi-lnE, when he heard the soft little, knock upon his door Hint It wus tho housemaid bring ing up his letters. When Miss Allen entered ho hur riedly laid his cigar uslde und stood up, I beg )our pardon," ho said, "for not opening tho door. If I had known It was ou I would havo been more re spectful In extending my Invitation lo enter. I'm nfrald It's rather smoky I heio. You see I have 'a foolish Idea I hat 1 can't write unless I smoke. May I open thu window n moment!" 'Oh, no " she protested, "I like tho scent of tobacco smoke, und I can easily Imagine how n cigar must help In ru ng. I wonder If that's why men gen erally wrllo so much better thun wo men?" "Dint's a new Idea If It Is ti tin that men do generally wrlto better than women. Very few ot tho women are willing to admit that such Is tho caso, Won't you sit down?" They sit with tho long table be tween them and somehow the sunlight fel upon the young lady In such a way ns to mako Prentice wonder why he had never nollced before how pielty she was. Won't )ou pleise go on smoking!" she said, noticing the blue spiral that ascended fiiim the tiny in which his cigar hi) No, I'll nw my cigar until I get ready to go on with my writing, If )ou lon't mind. I'm Just Blurting n new stoiy and 1 nlwaja have to smoKo n good deal until I get things to going." Flint lemlnds me of what I came to ak you. I llnl-lied leading "Her Leap- Year Proposal an hour ago and 1 wnnted to see If )ou would write some thing In the book for me. You see, 1 m jolng to send it to a girl who was a very dear friend of mine In college tnd 1 but mnbo jou don't llko to do 4iKh things. I suppose so many peoplo .Hint you to that ll's a nuisance, so f-" "I shall not consider It n nuisance to it this for you, Mls Allen. Here, I iavo n new copy thul I'll glvo you for inir friend." She tested her elbow upon the table, mid looked across ut him while he v.rwte. He. was not u big man, but ho was well made mid looked strong. Theodosln forgot that she was crit ically studying tho lino shape of his head nini fcutiue-i until he suddenly looked up and caught her at It. "nn rather surprised," he said, "that )nu like this story. I And that few women think much of it. It s from the men thul I get most ot the pialsa tor It." "How do )ou know I llko It?" she 'isked. "You would hardly care to send It ti our friend if you didn't. What d you think of having a girl take ad .-nntage of her leap- ear privllcgo lu i have my heiolno do?" "It's a daring Idea, hut It seems to mo iliat j on have worked It out In nn excellent way. There Is nothing ut all Immodest in her proposal." "No. Still, 1 can seo now here 1 .night -hnu made tho girl ,n much stronger character than sho Is. In tead of having her go to him when ho was overtaken by misfortune uud iroHiu to heiomo Ills wife, nnd the sharer of his sorrows theio would huve been n better chance for Ingenious sit uations If 1 had mad" things turns the other w-ny." "How do you mean?" "Suppose that he hud been fortunate Instead ot uuiortuiinte. Think how much greater her courage would have hud to bo to go and tell hlni she lined him then. In thai cuse, however, I suppose tho critics would have said I had created nn impo;sihlo character. What is your Idea? Do ou think the story Is better us It Is than It would have been tho other wuy?" "I don't believe It would really re quire much courage for u fclrl to go llm mun Hint lfivml liml met utlh 'ti greui mtsfoitiinc and tell him sho wished to be his wife." "But If lit- hud met with great good fortune?" "1 hardly think uny girl could make herself tell a mun under such clrcum sliinces that she wished to be married 10 him, "So jou seu I would, If I had written the story us ll should lime been writ ten, have been told that such u thing never could happen in real life." "Do jimi think ll could?" '"ies; I know it could. Why is It any more unwomanly for a girl to toll her loo with her lips than with her ejes?" "Bui why should sho hnvu lo tell her love with her lips If tho mun cared for her?" "Well, perhaps," he replied It had come to pass In some wuy that they went both on one slda of tho table and that he wus leaning over the buck of her chulr with his face close ti hers "It might be Just for tho sako of prov lug Unit suih a thing could happen." She was looking at the flyleaf ot the hook In which he hud been writing. But for some reason sho failed to real ize what she was guying ut. Her mind uud her ees weio not working lu har mony, "Wouldn't It bo foolish," she asked, "for n man to want u girl to propose to him If hucaied for her?" "It might bo under ordinary clicum- tlunics. What If n man who hnd piom- I'cd a gill us sho la dylug that he would inner usk another to bo his wife wcio to Und himself deeply In loe?" "I never thought of thul," "If 1 were to sit down to study on thu matter I think I could find it docn rcu- finis why u glil might bo Justified In isklug n man lir be her husband. Just now 1 havo thought of another." "What Is It?" "Suppose u man some w hero mound lo lou-d u girl of twenty-threo-or-foiif and she w,-ihn beautiful so beautiful Unit sho could afford to be very Indo IKndciiL Ile might feel, although ho hud reason lo believe she ndoilied him for his success or his genius, that ho would be daring too much to usk her to be his wife. Ho might fear that what he hoped wag lovo on her. part uould turn out, if be asked her, to bo nothing more than udmlrnllon." She turned her head at an angle so that sho could look up Into his eyes. Ho bent a little nearer to her, nnd she mined her nrms until she could take his face between her hands. Drawing him close, to her, she closed ber eiea and whispered: "May I ho your proof that It could happen?" S, E. Klser lu Chicago Itec- ord-Herald. The DU8INE83 MAN'S HANDY IN 3EX, publlsheJ In the Saturday Bull In and the Veekly Edition, gives a ionclte and complete resume of all le jal notices, calls for tenders, Judo nentt, bullaing permit and real e ute transactions. Evening Bulletin, fS ctnti per month. Weekly Bulletin, '1 per year. SIS i Fine Jib Printing at the Bulletin BUSINESS DIRECTORY BALLASTING. ' MU8IC. Hawaiian-Japanese Ballasting Co. Best black sand from 2 to $3 a load according lo distance hauled. Coral rocks for stable, roads and side walks. Third vloor below King, Maifnakra St.; P. O. box 820. Tele phono Main 396. CLEANING AND DYEING. T. Masuda Clothes cleaned, djed and rcpnlred: hats cleaned, 1410 Kort St. nr. Vine) ard. T. Hayashi Clothes cleaned, repaired and dyed. E37 Beretanla St. DENTISTS. Dr. Derby Dentist; Fort and Hotel Stslivllours, 0 to 4. EXPRESS. Monnn. Rxnresi. 110 Alsltea. St. Tel Ell Bluo: good service: moderate rales. 2655-tl TWO BVOINES G0U1DE TRAFFIC DELAYED BY SMASH-UP AT PUULOA LANTATION TRAIN TO BLAME. BOTH LOCOMOTIVES BADLY INJURED PASSENGER RIGHT-OF-WAY. Truffle on the Oahu Hallway & Land Co.'s line was delnycd considerably )es hi day afternoon fy a collision ul Alcn plantation between the 3:15 p. in., Nh hukti bound train, engine .S.I, mid ll work train of tho plantation, drawn li) engine Wnlmulu. At tho point where the accident occuired the plan tation truck crones that of the Oahu iiillwu). The Kuhuku train was Just coming to n stop lo drop passengers nl the little station ot Puuloa, when the plantation engine, bringing In a gang of laborers fioin tho fields ninkal ol the main line. rashed Into tho locomo tive of the passenger train, striking be tween the tub nnd the tender. Both engines wcio derailed nnd the passengers of the Knhukit train were somewhat shaken and more or less frightened, especially those who hup. pined to be lu tho coaches near tho en gine. No one wns Injured, though the crews of the locomotives nurrowly es caped serious Injury, It not death, gel ting oft with a few painful bruises nnd minor tuts uud scratches. 'I here was no getting the passenger engine hack on the truck and the road was badly blocked. Both engines were disabled and wedged together. Tho rains were spread nnd ties lorn. No. fj3 splintered her con-catcher against the edge of the station platform and her saddlo was cracked through. Wal mnlii, the plantation engine, was twist ed uroumT almost, at right angles to her track; she und S3, ns they lay wrecked, headed about In tho same direction. I Honolulu was at onc-u communicated with and a train wus ordered from Kwu to go to thu scene ot tho disaster to transfer the passengers. Tho getting of tho Kwn emergency train together and ou the spot occupied some time. Finally, those passengers who wished lo continue their Journey were truns lened, with their baggage, to tho 12wa tialn. Pnsscngcrs wero obliged to walk past tho wreck from one train to tho other. The curs of the 3:15 wero to ho used In carrying to town tho pas- eagers ot the Kahuku-Hunolulii train, which left Knhuku nt 2:13 p. m. Some folks, who wero meiely bound to Pearl City to spend nn hour or two, remained with tho englnelesa train to return to town. Willi tho transferred outwnrd bound passengers tho Kwn train passed the icgular tialn from Kuhuku at Pearl City. Honolulu hound passengers wero liiiiisrgrred at tho wiec-k about U o'clock. The Knhuku trulu reached lis destination nearly two hours lute. An cnglno wus Bent out from Honolulu lo bring In tho passengers for town, Last night u wrecking gang worked on clear, lug tho track so as not to interfere with today's t raffle. Poisons In tho forward cars ot tho 3:15 Mate that the shock ot tho colli Blon created great excitement for n moment. A few who actually saw the accident lay tho entire hlnmo on the rtiew of the plantation train, A gen tleman who occupied tho foremost car, having u koduck with him, took a snnn shot of tho wrecked locomollics. The passenger on the Oahu line had tho right ot way and It Is stated that tho plantation train should not huu attempted to pass aero-s tho lino until tho train from Honolulu hod passed. Some action Is likely to bo brought against tho Honolulu plantation for recovery for-the damaga done. BUY A HOME. We have for sale on easy terms sev eral residences In Honolulu, which II -vlll pay you to Investigate. Among hem Is an acre and a half near the Kapld Transit at Puunul for 1600; an icre and a third, with dwelling, on Ka mehanieha Road near King street for M500; a quarter ot an ncie, with dwell ing, on Azillliin stieei l'unahou for 12,500; and a quarter of nn acre with -ottage at Kallhl near napld Transit for 13,000, Any ot these will be sold on monthly Installments, If preferred. further Information furnished at the office of the Pioneer Building aud Loan Association, 122 King street, i. V. Piano and organ tuning and repairing Mr, Jas, Sheridan, resident piano tuner, for many years an expert In this business. All orders carefully attended to If left at Hawaiian Newt Co., Young building, or Wall, Nlcb ols Co. Residence 343 King street, near Opera House. Annls Montague Turner Vocal In structor; "MIgnon," 1024 Beretanlt SL Ernest Kaal Music Teacher. Room 69 Young Bldg. Studio, MESSENGERS. Territorial Messenger Berrien Union St. near Hotel; Tel. 361 Mala. MASSAGE. S. Ochlal Expert miisije treitmeni for sick people. Tel. Blue 2266; 61 Kukul Lane. BARRY WINS Jldl . I I I . : . CYCLONE KELLY WES OUT IN NINTH 80UNI JRPHEUM JAMMED WITH SPEC TATORS VHO ChSER THE WINNING PUG, LISTS. BARRY AGAIN. The tvlvctlW Ift api-esrauce- of Kelly and Barry la the ring In Hono lulu ract-i-l the Orrt.eua fjh lat Kil lay nlgtt, when Barry, utetuejtloniibly the mcit '"I'tilir pugilist In Honolulu, added nccf1".' scMp t tN be' Barr) tnd Cyc' .Li fought ttsht hrd rounds. i:ach iui,ti fouled the other, but Iicku hniAa were so olvloutly nccl enliil that co notke wai taken ot ihem l.v th rfere? Burry knocked Ke-llcy down four cr five times and more th-ia 03ce Kelity Cook the ben efit of t'.o count and c.tne tritely, up iguln to fa-t- tb- uaruAlird front of bis mteulni'-Ilfce adversary In the .lilril ami f Hlrth routih, Kll got iu some be.i.y hIs;.) (,j Bo'iy'i head nnd was mat iij the fight de.idedij Inter sting. Ke 'c-j opened m- i. round with rush l ,c t( .-.'tetjK. aii wind would waver bfon the round was half out and e-ery Hue the gon; sound ed Kelley wai la nesj, oi fie brief mi cation. Tl.e fight detauu.ra'ed again Kclley'n at, Jlty to stind c-ualthment and shopa.hiK. a ddCaerciu fighter when pitted a?aln"t any 02 Un cleur anil strong than rave Barry. The light v.eot to Barry In the middle of the ninth, K!leVscat.U3 throwing up tho np'use. Tho preltmlaartei were- below- par, although the ttgkt between Modlln and Custio wjii a very lnt?ret!BS bout. Tho bcut listI six routid. O'Mearn wns refer.). At the? end o! the sixth tho gun.? clumploc ot Ouas; hod been beaten by Kodlln. The four-rcund go between Nigel Jackson and Kupa -i'.i a. oae-ilded uf. fair, genii; to Jackson. The audience had little re-llsh for the fane put oa by the "Punchbowl Dem on" nnd Hnloal, It thn audience had hnd Its vtoh, Dave Barry would have gono,lnto the ring and fetched them up both wPh an exhibition of the real thing. Too crowd yelled to take 'em out and the referee called It no con test. The twain did little- elte than runaway from each other and play the ;lown. Before the fighting bean Joe Rellly of Boston wai Introduced f. the chal lenger of the winner e,f the Barry-Cy-clono flnht Barry replied that he would'nccept the cliullecge If he won Iho fight Uo date had bea nnnoanced when the rlgh. will take place. CASTLE & COOKE, Ltd HONOLULU. Commlssio.) Merchants Sugar Factors 11 AGENTS FOR The Ewa Plantation Co. The Walalua Agricultural Ce, The Kohala Sugar Co. The Walmea Sugar Mill Co. I'he Fultoa Iron Louis, Ut The Standard OU Co. The Geo. F. Blaks Steam Pumps. Weston's Centrifugals. Tbs New England Life Insurance Ce of Boston. Tks Aetna firs Ins. Co. of Hartford Conn. The Alliance Assuranoe Co. of Loeaos LIFE aid FIRE Insurance - Agents AGENTS FOR NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE IN 6URANCE CO. OF BOSTON. AETNA FIRE IN8URANCE COM PANY OF HARTFORD. BISHOP & CO. BANKERS. established In I8S8. BANKING DEPARTMENT. Transact business In all departments of Banking. , Collections carefully attended to. Exchango bought and sold. Commercial and Travelers' Letters of Credit Issued on The Bank of Cali fornia and N. M. Rothschild & Sons, London, Correspondent The Bank of Call fornla, Commercial Banking Co. ol Sydney, Ltd., London. Drafts and cablo transfers on Chjn and Japan through tho Hongkong Shanghat Banking Corporation ana Chartered Bank of India, Australia and Chins, Interest allowed on term deposits at the following rates per annum ,vli: 8even days' notice, at 2 par cent. Three months, at 3 per cent Six months, at 3 1-2 per cent. Twelve months, at 4 per cent TRUST DEPARTMENT. Act as Trustees under mortgages. Manage estates (real and personal), Collect rents and dividends. Valuable papers, Wills, Bonds, etc., received for safe-keeping. ACCOUNTANT DEPARTMENT. Auditors for Corporations and Pri vate Firms. Books examined and reported on. Statements ot Affairs prepared. Trustees on Bankrupt or Insolvent .states. - OFFICE, 924 BETHEL ST. I 8AVINGS DEPARTMENT. Dopotlts received and Interest al lowed at 41-2 per cent per annum, In accordance with Rules and Regula tions, copies of which may be obtained on application. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Agents for Fire, Marine, Life, Acci dent and Employers' Liability Insur ance Companies. Insurance Office, 924 Bethel St, Claus Spreckels. Wm. G. Irwin. Claus Spreckels & Co BANKERS. HONOLULU, : : : t. H. I 8an Franelsoo Agents The Ne ' vada National Bank of San Francisco. Draw Exchange on the Nevada Na tional Bank of San Francisco. London The Union of London and Smith's Bank, Ltd. I New York American Exchange Na tional Bank. Chicago Corn Exchange National 1 Bank. I Paris Credit Lyonnals. Berlin Dresdner Bank, i Hongkong and Yokohama Hong j kong-Shnnghal Banking Corporation. I New Zealand and Australia Bank 1 of New Zealand and Bank of Australa 'sla. Victoria and Vancouver Bank ot I British North America. I Deposits received. Loans made on npproved security Commercial and I Travelers' Credits Issued. Bills of Ex change bougni and sold. Collections Promptly Accounted For. The First AMERICAN SAYINGS AND TRUST CO. OF HAWAII, LTD. CAPITAL, 1230,000.00. President Cecil Brown Vice President M. P. Robinson Cashier W. a. Cooper Office: Corner Fort and King Sts. SAVINGS DEPOSITS received and Interest allowed for yearly deposits at tho rattcof 4 1-2 per cent per annum. Rules and regulations furnished up on application. The YokohamaSpaclB Bank. Ltd. ESTABLISHED 1B80. Capital Subscribed Yen 24,000,000 Capital Paid Up Yen 18,000,000 Reserved rund Yen 9,320,000 HEAD OFFICE, YOKOHAMA. BRANCHES Bombay, Hongkong, Ho nolulu, Kobe, London. Lyons, Naga saki, Newchwang, New York, Pe king, San Francisco, Shanghai, Ti entsin, Tokjo. Tho bank buys nnd receives for col lection Bills of Exchange, Issues Drafts nnd Letters of Credit and trans acts a general banking business. HONOLULU BRANCH, 87 KING ST ALEXANDER COCKBURN, VALUATOR, BUSINESS AGENT, NOTARY PUBLIC. 840 KAAHUMANU ST., : : Honolulu. $500 Reward ?l,.l!)'c.',, ' Rhwjttm Mch mpsoI t fur4 ulihlV. PrumironJ'j LlEti'n'nz RtmHIn ; ihyr. uors vim olnl, Jnn corn, anj hlMfnrJ ini;) M Jy !ncom K'Jirjn-,,1 arnlt In tfd'jihe t-rrl-lo;v. AJlr... IHUMUlAo MlOICIriC COM. PANY, " Wuu Su h'EW VoUK BOWERB'MERCHANT PATROLAND CONFIDENTIAL AGENCY. Competent watchmen furnished for business houses and residences. Office, Room 8, Model Block. P. O, Box 284. Flno Job Printing at the Bullslln ,..-J-li. I.MVkIivupXm Gear, secretary. office. . ' i&fk&tifrl iaWAaiW." taa'Jy&j&4A4fe 1 tKtkm 1. ii0&djlal.-J j . . WJWHsiJWaisiri l'ws