OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, April 07, 1906, 3:30 O'CLOCK EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1906-04-07/ed-1/seq-4/

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Eflw!' ' w vw v a'
- r" -'ral
nvnxiNO nuu.nTtN, Honolulu, t it.. SATfnnAY. Arnn. -. lnon.
- Krefr WffiiMllHBLPflBBBBBMiW -
, .vm - -'lrWW.TWWSf . .v ;'y&w';?
7 J
Published Kvr, I'm- T.o )t flmida. ,
nt 12u kins Kir. ' Honolulu,
T II. b llii-
I.I II. ..---
Katcnnj tU Ux I'trMoUltn) nt llxiuu
tioItJn (ui soeond-ctaris matter.
subscription rates.
Pnyrr In Advance.
Evening Dullotln. j
I'or month, nnywhi-rn In V. H..f ."S
1'er quarter, anywhere In V. 8.. s.i'O
I't-r year, nn where lT H r.cwi i
I'or year, poslt-ntd, foreign 11 . i
Weskly Bulletin.
Hlx it.ontlto $ .BO !
I'er v cur. nnv where In 1'. S 1.i
l'cryi-nr. lxwtpntd lon-lun 2. no
Territory of Hawaii, )
Honolulu, )
-no M, Af O..I,,. V
ww. V .w' ."..- ..
;. il mil Kir". littsinnM .Manager ri i
Hip Ilullatln I'tilillililne Company, Urn
ltil, being Orst duly sworn, on oath
drpnsns ami sus That the following
la a trno nml correct statement of rlr- i
filiation lor lhi wcik mllilK Apnl I
Cth, 1306o' tin' Dull) ami WViiUIj
editions of tlu EvonlnK Hnllpfln:
Circulation of Evening Dulletln.
Saturday, Mar. 31 2430,
Monday, Apr. 2 (tpeelal) 45C5 ,
Tseuday, Anr. Z 2178,
Wednesday, Apr. 4 2172
Thurtday, Apr. 0 2183
Friday; Apr. 0 2170
Average dally circulation 2703
Circulation of VVeeUly Dulletln.'
Tuttday, Mar. 27. IMS 2372
N imbcr cf Weeklies delivered on
the Island of Hawaii alone ...10C2
Combined guaranteed averago cir
culation 5078
nm.i.irriN itiimsiiixo company,
lly C. (1. HOCK IIS.
HiibIiiosb Mnungur.
Subscribed nnil ewnrn to ho
fmo ino thin 7th day of
ISlJAI.l April, A. n. irmo.
i. ii. luinN.rrn..
Notary IMmllr. l'lm! Judicial Circuit.
.APIlir. 7. 1S0I
:,. " ', , -
Vesuvius dan forAfciu u pc(rU whc. "
ulip to Icivr I) iirhlnil niriiuih
(ourlit 1'iirlonliy.
Chlucp tl.'p ilri tiV I'M.1!, tin 'W ,
lilraa. 'I hoy lunc wultrl two .sir-
end more iH.ftfrp'taitiAr p; Hi" ii6lttf . i
tactic of mi iiid-faUUiult,S't'piitli pit
cluii-ntlli-illiit lei t!fa.(ry',llRtt.
i i i i
If llnmulTa uutsldo' illnolli aro will
Ins lo take u Stwcuu.uiM loan, tin
dlcpjay aiupU cuiiilHtilfi-rlil.t tluua will
Lo enpyzh ut; a,puyrnjnvn,t kfl (lyt I
toolijift.n.Mett thrOilili. ttidtttrauttii J
Din iMf-ift ("fii i Pi " i i
' , .
Atrrirdlns to the L'oiiton Join mil
Costr.n uiys Us .hnlluif. und lei the
Irnilicis Auit. t1( tlilrjii further eti
tiriiro ot wlnre tu'vtin:m -Ij lilz-Uui
Is leaiIInc.4IJt?i? l.oUgnujiiljfiugii',
tifl.or arrive. ' ' "
Ccnrr.il Smith B-y the Plllplnus aio
oisiiitlally a hume-IONlng people. Hi
wall needs cunaldorahlo of this inn
turlnl piovhled It does tint love hiimt
wllh uui'h an enthusiasm that ll ra
tuscs to so out to work.
Now York Courts have decided thai
romle picture' b loan to the paper thii
prints them rath.er than tlio nrtltt whu
dilljluatM Thus nil thlnss ionsplr
tu priuoet tho aitlst Irim belm; luU
ufttray by ma'.prtnllstic Ideas nml tho
Almlpltiy Uolnr.
IKpnrtlnB paBscni;rrVi from Ilmwill
RpiMk well nt- tho Islunils. 1b the Hull
mony of nun of the popular command
ers, If thny fiel that way when Icav
IiiK It Is assured thai tho tentlmcnl
Kiinvfi mi thrm and Is declaimed unonl
liiBly. Ilusslan pilioncrs are wnadcr'.
Tlillil. of their refualnR to cat and tliub
pmil8lilii; tliB KiisMan gnvcrnmcnl
iJhould snvcial tUuusind tnkn up with
the same tdiu. the Czar tould sav.
cnoiiKh In n short time to pay thu Intcr
(6t on his liberal loans.
Tbo natural iituiunpilnn Ib that
pluulcrs and olliilals are pretty "til
giniimleil on their rights and prlUlcscb
before dcillng wllh cailgruilon niicnri
In the scrlmmngo for labor. It ma)
(omo to n repetition of experiences fu
the Middle West wheu farmers held up
tr.iins nml luijucsU'd the passengers to
The Btutehond flslit that has oci.il
lilcd one srislun of Congress and bids
fair tu tonsuuio a large portion of an
other. Is sen lug 10 aeipiaiiit thn peopl"
With what Alizini, New .Mnxlen tin,
Oklahoma posseiB. I.vcry Aniericnu
Imotva that his Is u big country but ns
11 grueial rillo Iho Terrllory Is nut
figured finite up to standard simply h
cnilPU It lino not i ok lied the fcinaielgn
roiltlcn of Statehood. It Is forHotteu.
Thero tiro other thlucs neater homo tu
think about.
Oklnhomn, for Instaiuo, la scbloai
rcmembctoj as having a groator men
than England and Scotland. Now Mex
ico Is looked upon ns u wide oxpnso
of desert uml Mexicans with Arizona
nlcngsldo with morj dQ3crt, muio Mex
icans uud nu nriay of gun llgliters.
lo public nolleo lu loiifcopteiico of lis
struggle to pi event tiling lieu 10 .-sew
.tirxuo uy nuniiH or suiieuoou ncuei
.. mBM, . ...... .. 1.1. In.1n.,n,ln.lnn tll-.l It
II Mtlliuiy iiii iiiit.'l'. nu. IU ...11,1 U
Stnln and fun ed to nil. ire thn honor
Willi New Mexhti nnil It.i ignorint nud
nnpiogrershc Mi xl.-tins In Arizona's
Vhnl Arizona has In the way of ill-
vcislllcd wealth and oppoitunlly bus
Tweiity-EIjjht Army Generals
Sciul Letters of Endorsement
To Dr. lliu'tumii, the Inventor
of lV-riHiiu
Noothi-r catarrh remedy In Uio world
lias received such utlstlntcd ctilogj
from no many renowned statesmen nnd
military men rw.l'crtitm.
Gen. OUclrnc ot Washington, D. C,
Write l "An many of my frli-mln anil
acquaintance liavo sincefully ucd
Mnir 1'iruna n a cnlnrrli cum, I feci
that It M an effect I vo remedy, nml I rec
oiiimi'iiil it a ouch to tlicwu suffering
from Hint dlcruo an a nnwt hopeful
sonn-v of relief." Jninc It. O'llelrnc,
...ii i...v tn.i.i,,..n ii n
vi ..."......., ...
General S. S. Yodcr of Ohio,
Wrllc: "I have foiiml l'crmm to Ijo n
woiulurfiil rvnirdy. I only nn'il It fur
rhurt tlmo and am thoruuRlily itntldlrtl
n to in mcrlU." H. S. Yodur, Wash
ln;(loli, 1), 0,
Urlgadlcr-Gcii;r;il Klrby
Wrltciil "I can rccommuiid 1'oruna to
all ihuriD who aru nllllctcd ultlicntitrrli."
-II.T. Klrby, Wanlilngton, 1. C.
UrUadlcr-Gcncral Kin j of Contcdcratc
Vritun! "1 unhenllatlUHly iHato that I
nm convinced l'eruim U a iiu-dlclno that
m 1.1 vltcct Ml tin. curoH thnt arc clalnieil
for U u." J. l'loyil Klni?, Washing
ton, !).(.
General Smalls, Deaufnrt, S. C,
Wrltcit! "I liavo umtl lVrnim for ca
tarrhal trouble nml llml It licnellclal
anil to tx) all that It iiroinluc, and freely
Klo It my untitmllllcd recommenda
tion." Ilohvrt Hmalln.
General Ahliott or Washington, D. C,
Write : "I am fully convinced that
jour romeily l'eruna U an excellent
tonic. Many of ny frlendn liavo lined
II With the mOKt hem llelal resulU for
emiylK, cold and catarrhal troiiblQ."
IraO.AblMtt,ljilM (.,.'. , WmIi
liiKton, 1). (.', '',
Captain Yarnell of Washington. D. C,
Wrltoi "Yolirtaedliiliicl'uriinii;, I be
lieve to bo the clml'dlc!no for catarrh
on ,1110 marlfc. 1 liavo' tokon only a
KtiijUniiioiinl.Mid'ctintico-Tcrv hcncll
eia roultii."V. (I. Yarnell. !3i.l.tn-
cola street, Kf)K7 Washington, I), C,
ticiicruinictriuijoi U.S. a.:
Writes: "J li.iva 'noih'llatliii.In rec
ommendlng I'orui'm ttfiUliK-riidn who
aro atulotftl Willi catarrhal troublov'
.1. D.Mcllrldd. IW lVniisylvnnla Av.,
V.W., Washington,. S.U.. . i
P '. " ., ., n ,, ., J
,i Ccperai noskc or o. v. v., ,
Writes? "I cninniPiifl 1'eruna lo',thos)"
(vim n pi (rouliUut w lli vpliU, liroduclni-
catarrh, sj a most cfUccclotM euro and as
For tpenlal directions everyone
wishing direst correcpondtneo with Dr. Hartman and can wait
,' Siri)th cV Co.iwlll supply the retail drug trado In Honolulu.
been si'iclncily srt forth In an nrtlclo am comparatively povcrty-Btrlckvn
publlslH .1 by Collleni The article Is, think will never icaih sclf-gnvernlug
maiilfc-.lly prejmlhed against Ncwlstuutrc And among them nil wo hnve
Mexico and Is a jurt of the Arizona 'rot mentioned mining. Arizona pro
riimpalgu ngalnst statehood. It Is ucr-jmucd forty million dollars' worth ot
ertlielc.s tilmutlonal in bringing inn roprer In 100V It now ranks next to
nhat Arizona has. It Is Instructive to Montana 'n tint rrspett. and copper U
Hawaii 11s showlnc what an cmnlie of 1, modttet that builds solid cities, not
wc-jlih nml mlural reaotnto Is lo he ' nmpi-n rcioiirte that can bo counted " n""'"0" iu plentiful irescnt ue
foiiml In one of our sUttr Territories, upi-n tu last liilellnltely. Arizona pro- 'y.13,.",11" " '" l,u' ,'",, '",? ...""
"ll lw ...l.l flml Vrl.nnn .nil m....
Arlzonn ran neuv
? of Independent
00 small it proper-1
Mblo land. Uut It
glow to the stature
Statehood because, too
, I.-... ..t I... ..m.. I. n- tl
null ". l.O uiluiI- UM.uiu M..u. j.i. ..
,.,,.. I.I n,., InbS rl (. 1 n . , , ,,,trl 1,1,1
to make a Htato on tho Eastern scale, j "When Congress divided Arizona and', ' "hooi-tlie-chuti s pioposltlon may
Ailzona. with 113.020 squaro miles. Is New Alexlco, oer foity jears ago. It ., .'0. v,c? , " ' ' , l !,re''.0", .
larger by nearly 2,r,no mpmro miles 'did so because their union ttits plainly, sk""". "'it Is tho main subject of dls
than Hie Kingdom of Italy, which also unnatural and ImrdenBome to both. ,'""' " oujeit of praise.
iiilf lie iiui'iiHiviiuie iiit-'an. jk la uimuai
us laige as tno six rov Kiinmnu Kiaiesicontlnautal i)llile which makes eom
and New York combined. It Ib cunsld- jnimilrntlou between them dllllcult.
trnbly lar,;er than New York, renncj I-1 turning Arizona e currcntH of Inler
Minla. New Jersey, and Delaware put .LOttrsc toward California and New .Mex-
toiKihir. All tho farms of lthodo Is-jlto's towaul Toxbb. At that time Cou-
land could bo tucked nuay twice over igrrss gave n pledge that Arizona ehould
In Its vtillejs dlicclly lirlguhlo fiontiln duo tlmo become, n separata State.'
streams, null stml-trnplc Irrigated The only reason for violating that
farms In Arisana will support scleral pledgo now Is oun of partlzan strategy. '
tlmcH as many people to the ctiuaio mile i a iiint Oklahoma and the Indian,
ns the oiillnary farmo of tho Eiht. .Territory, whoto light lo Joint ndmlt-
Thiie are aliejdy 1770 miles of lrrlgtil -
nig canals in the tcnitory, ami it is.iratic mntcs, und lor tlio toio purpose
rstlmated that when fhe ayslems now of balancing their Democratic Sennlois
pioji tfd are completed thcio will be, with two Uepubllcan Senators Arizona
tluco-tpiarteiB ot a million ncroH unihr U to be dragged Into tho Union at tho
illtji. The Salt lilur project alone is j end of Now MoxIco'h lailnt. Her pro
the greatest undertaken by tho (lovcin. pc object to having their Intcicsta tuc
incut In tho whole. Unlleil States. Hut illlced for such an object. They uro
ill HiIb Is only tho beginning of Art- i,ot pluylug puIIUcb; not thinking of
zonn'h agilcultuial resources. , polities, nml thoy nsk tho jiolltlclans lo
"Thcro ate, great nrcas that can bo keep their hands off their f.estlnles."
Iirlgated from unilergioiind water sup-l . . ;
piles, and stretches of EO-callud 'dea- , , ,.
erf Hint will support vast herds ot 'I he only troublo with thoso making
iiipport vast herds ol ' llc "nii trouuio wnu tnoso mtiKiug
sen vegetation Is nut ' Honoltilti a btspplng stone for Japan-
yucca Is n good ma-, ctu hound to San l'nmclsco. Is that
and l.tulicr lluibanlt's't'"' ItitrreHa of Hawaii mo put on tho
latlle. Tlio desci
noitlileiH. The
Iftilnl r.ii linnet nnil
devoliuiment of tbo snincless cactus
ulves a new lesourco to tho stock - rnls -
'"Arlzonn has one unbroken forcatfinlsintlon of labuiers Mom Japan. Nu
hat tovtiis nearly twenty-four million t-no working for tho Intcii-sts of Ha -
ncrts, or over thlity-scveii thousand "' '" "I"""' " "' i' - " -
triuait miles. That plono gieutly ex- ' lal-r tenulied to enrry on IIh In-
ccttls Iho urea of tho whole State 0f ,''"" I'-
Indiana, or of all tho New England, - -
PUtcs. cxccDt Malno. nut toccther. Thoi A Mnlno paper sayu Hut tho first no -
Kaluo ot such n lingo mnsa of woodland
aluo ot such n lingo mass of woodland lltlcal Incident following tho urrlvnl ot
In this ago, when tho whole continent I lui old M. Sewall from Euiopo was a
Is bolng combed for meichantnble tlm- call of tho State Uepubllcan Committee,
ber, needs no discussion. As Democrats carried all tho largo
"In tho Colorado River, running two cities In the recent municipal clcctluim,
hundred milts through tho Or.imi.lt Is not surprising that a Health hah
Canyon In u long succession of falls begun for u Mcsea to load tho way.
und rapids, Ailzona has one of tlio Maluo will hold tho center nt tuc singo
ii utesi water powiis lu tho world this year In loiifcenueiico of tho strenii
Thcro uro many stieams whoso power oua campaign niatlo lo ovi'l throw the
will muko I nt' foundation of n mnnufac. prohibition law, nnd Just tit the pi est tit
tiulng industry, nnd u greater forte tlmo iho Hum Trust seems to bo wln
tliati nil whli Ii will vet bo liarntsBt'd plug all tlm points.
win uiuiio me munuaiiun 01 n munuiae-
'In the gen lit of man. U now running
lu nnsie In the ko1.ii energy that boats
ujim iln ilespl-id diverts
! Tliei-n nm 1 fen of the vailed re-
iuiiih-i, of the 'mining camp,1 which
some nil prior persuii3 lu States that
.A.T4.ISB-ai-BSSSSSK ISSSSSSSSSSSO vXeirT s. -ItV'l-C 11 W. I . t!. KM St Klr-HI
mummim H r.-gN WJkZZ'msU&ffy'
a cood Rencral tonto." Chas. F. Kosko,
ill II St., X. W., Washlnglon, 1). C.
General Cru Ill's Recommend.
"Many ot my friends havo used I'o
ruim as a ily'H'ila remedy with tho
most beneficial results." John U.
l'.rwln, Waiblngton, I), C.
UrliJ. General Schcll Benefited.
"ferunalslndetsl a wondarful tutc,
ami for coughs and colds I know of
nothing butter." V. M. tfcltell, Wash
ington, I). C.
General Diifftcld of the Union Army,
Writes: "I havo used lVruna In my
family anil havo fotind it a Valuable
mcdlclrttij'apd tako 'pleasu'ro lfi rccdln
inctidln It to all wlio'luilTcr from ca
tarrh of thostoinach or who rcfjulro a
Ionic of clUclcnny.' TIiq Cairo, Wash
Ingtoi,, U, f).
General tin tier of South Carolina,
Wrllnst "I p.m ricommund ,Vqruno .for,
dyspepsia and stomach, troutdc. I lmve
U-en using your tnedielno for a short
period and feelvcry iiiuuli. relieved,. It-
la Indeed a wonderful medicine, bolde
a good tonic." M. O. llullcT.
, Gen, Powell; llccker Post No. 443, ,
Wrllcs: "After.'uslng ino 'liofUo bf Tc-
ritna I Iwcamo copvlneed of ls cprallye
dualities, and continued Its tuu to d'sto.
thpuld read "The Ills of Life," a copy
i.nccs gold. too. nn.Ullvcr nml lead nnil
' uuUksllvrr ami tare minerals of many
Muds. It has vast beds of valuable
iiulldlns ttonrs. nml Its deserts nrc rich
,.,,,. n,M ln ntwl cltvpr 1,11,1 In.ml fill!
(fuillllll tluilii, .11,(1 .to llsv.va ...: ,.l,
.1.. limn ., i J , l.n 1,1 l.n I u
j ucy uro jmiiituii M'ii.iiuicu 11 iii'J
,slon nobody duilcj. would bo u Demo -
l'lf- '-'ie upshot ot the present ton
1 slltlon Is likely lo bo u
liiroio that
will In 111': nut nu order slopping tho.Lunalllo Street . ..
lltlcal. Incident following tho urrlvnl ot
iiruuiuuiou uw, 1111,1 juoi in uiv iu--i
Deputy I'nllcd Stales Msushnl Hoc-
'nil, ictuined In tho Klmiil today fiiim'
Kolial.t where he subpoenaed tin ec wli-
' ilcsses fi.r the iirohneutluu lu tho Wells
ponlolllco enibctzlciuent eato.
All symptoms ot catarrh liavo disap
peared, yot I contlnuo Us inodcrafo uo
as a preventive, anil an old man's tonic."
W. II. Towoll, llellcvlllo, III.
Gen. Scbrlng of the Confederate Army,
Wrllesi "I can cheerfully recommend
your volurblo remedy l'cruna as n very
cxccllcn t tonic, and al so good for coughs,
colds, catarrh and general debility."
W. H.Scbrlng, 133W.lh St., Jackson
ville, Fla.
General Painciof'VnshliitonD. a.
Writes: "I JdlA with! my romrnlles In
recommeHiitnjj'l'oruha to my friends as
an invigorating fbnld to build up tho
sysjem." Kugeno li.Vaynr, 107 lib HU
N, W-, Wah'lnglo'n11n: 0.
Gri!iMicy.ot..co..y.ni. us. a.' ,
Writes j '"Your l'cruna has Iwcn used
by mo and my friends as a relief for ca
tarrhal troubles with the most ln-ncilcla'
results. I mn so convinced of the ellluacyj
lof 'l'cruna that I do not licsllsj.o. to, clye
p"W recommondatlon."- m. Cooncr
,Tal!Ji.T,i?-,)..81" - E:' Woshlnglon,
P-c- -. ,., -..,
General DUclou Cured.
Ocn-J. fl. lllctloir, 1M 0 Ht.,N.W
iJinaplWmouoJrno wJlliiba' ft Jiril
plvn mo more, than, ordinary strength
an'd snlrit for work." J. fl. Ult-olmi-.
of vvnTcii surrounds ea"ch bottle, Peruna Is "for sale by all chemists anrTcTrugg'Icts at one dollar per bottle or six "oottleo for five dollars,
tie necessary aejay-in receivinj,a rcp'y,
. , ' ' -;: P ' t
fflll THE 200
In addition to plentiful present de-
"cr 1 on.iid .Miami, of inn kpiiiii
logical Hardens plans a GO by CO-
'.' u"llloor ""Imn.in,; pool. 8 leet
'.e" nt ono cml an'' for fect nt l''
" iiun.nii .'...lull. .11 111, -M-.m.
V. A. Ulrhmond. lull), Hal of the I lilts
High Kehonl, caiim to town by tho Kl
nan fur a short trip during tho Kastor
v wwwwv 0
1 (
.1ir-il"HST COMPANY.
'fJtTini-ttwtfJTATC Actors.
For Rent
Furnished House, Derctanla
Street; 4 bedrooms; pos
session May 1, 10O0 S50.00
No. 1216 Klnau St.
... 25.00
Waklk Beach '
Gandall Lane
College Hills
Young Street
LOT 100x150
Owner leaving country.
Low Price for Quick Sale.
Henry Waterhouse
Trast Co., Limited.
: -s-Vf vr'.s
Central Chase, Asst. Adj. Gcn'l 0. A. R
Writes! "Tho excellence of 1'oruna as
a euro or relief for catarrhal illslurli
ances Is well established. Many ot my
friends havo lieen liuncfltcd by Its use."
II. . Chase, US Harrison St., Ana-
General O'Connor of U. V. Lesions,
Writes: "If you aro suffering from ca
tarrh or physical doblllty, Immediately
commenco Hie uso ot l'cruna. It has
been of tho greatest bcnt'llt andsorvlco
to many of my friends." Dennis
O'Connor, "IS iKud St., N. W., Wash
ington, I). 0.
Gcn.Wrie.ht of the Cgufcdcratc Army,
Writes:, "I ako pleasure ln..rPoni
uivudlng. l'runu.. It-Is aTnmrknbli
medlelno and should 1k used by persons
who dro 111 heed of a gooil tonic mufTiy
sufferers frtlri calarrll!"-Miltrusrighlj
l'l'l Corcoran Ht., Wurhlngtoti, I), C,J)
' Gen. tleivtcy of Washington, D. C, p
Wrl lent "I havo Weil I'criina and find
.It wry beneficial fur kldnry trouble.
and especially good for coughs, colds
and catarrhal troubles." A, I'. Ilawlcy.
Dflif'Ccn. C6ok brjW.-isldnitoii. D. f J
Writes: "iita Dliioti(- Jitjmy frlonuji'j
nnil ni'iiiaintanccs havo u wl I'ertina as
a catarrh curd w ltli good rviults, and a
should addcess Dr. 0. B, Hartman, Columbus, Ohio, U. s. A,
-;'' '.?v ., it ''. J
Bargains in Kaimukt Lots
New Spring Stocks
Real Lace Boleros
New Applique Laces
0 AND o
Shirt Waist Patterns
GRASS LINEN, blue or white,
S8.50 EACH
IRISH LINEN, all white,
iM ew Radium Silks
All plain shades, Including black,
white, pink, and Alice blue, double
width, per yard SI. 50
Figured, handsome effects, double
width, per yard S2.50
Ladies Bathing Suits
All sizes to 44, stunning effects,
S2.50 TO go EACH
Good Goods
Sfiaf- '"v
I am now islng It bonellclally, I can
safely rrriaunrtul Its uo to Jiersolis
suffering from tkls disorder." Oco. W.
Gen. Mlddlcton or Washington, D. C,
Writes: "Your preparation of l'eruna
as ncuroforcatarrh as woll as a tonic
deserves the gratitude, of those allllolrd
with that dlscaso as well as phyxlcal
prostration, I, havo been much licno
filed In every resK'Ct In various ways,
and 1 Xocl it a dtity, tojrvcomiijcjiiljltd
usotulbtstninj'fclloi'clUzuuV.'.'l John
Mltl.lletbl " "r- ' - ' 3
General Sphcr of Washlniton, n. C,
Wrl(es: "After suffering for jears with
neuralgia, I was pvpui-uttil by a friend
tousoyour remedy, ' l'eruna, and after
giving It a fair and thorough trial, T
cAn pow cheerfully recommend l'eruna
in nnv nun in in tni(trinf- wmi
7 r- . " :
IlflS. Gen. Gibson of Washlnftou, D.C..
Wrlfes: "l'cruna Is not only a remedy;
for colds and catarrh, but also an ad
nilrablo tonln and should I") III ovcrv
Jluuschold. I commend Its possession
md ti7TririwrMliis".VfntBTrfgnt
Inyself with good results." A. n.
(ilbsonM xKrwuuvkVWins.AiVut.'
.Judge firar's cases against Assistant Iho lsat meeting nl the Supervisors
Sheriff Vld.i and Officer Wills, for fore nn cccnslon when I.urnB It-It out the
Ibly ejecting him from tho planters ttrcnuoslty, though the published nt-
piemltej at the Immigration landiiia count In tho lltillotlu Inndvcrt'-ntly
tho other day. weie called In I'olhe uuoKd him as saying: "The voice Is
Court this inclining tho voleo of Jamb but the hand Is the
Attorney Frank Thompson nppeared hand of thai lihen tomes lht wind
for the defendants, aim rrpiesentln Lucas did not sa) Esau." Tho li
the pliinters, und asked that tho case mail: wng apropos of Paolo's repot t
go over until Wednesday. This was itiYorlns a .false lor Tieasuror Tii-nfii
granted. ' 'cleric.'
rlnhr appeared as Iho prosecuting
wllnW. , , . I The mvthmnf 1'icd Kllry loiet iikIiIk
Vpu represent Iho Oriental Traillni; tho order niljililliiiling the llrm of Kllev
Company, do you not?' asked Thonip- and tlurmau rts bankrupt was argue I
Ht-ii, jiddrct'Bliig JuiIro flear. today before Judge Dub- uud wus laki-n
"I do," slid (Icnr. under advisement.
. .... .... ... V .- . ' ..
vvtil. men, ill nuiirws inyhrn to
the Allorney (icncrars dcpartuienl."
said Tlionijison nrrnuglng wllh I'roa
ctutlng Attorney Andr.ido for the tnn-
Judge Ocr.r today caused photo
ginphs to bo taken ut tho linmlgrntlou
Slatlon nnd tho planters'- piemlses ad
(Continued from Poe 1.)
third of those who should he
"It seems itinngc that Uio Hulled
States spends $1,000,000 a year In for
eign mnikelB for sugar nnil won't let
Philippine. Sugar come In free.
"China makes the prlco for our
"It Is absurd for Hawaii ever lo fear
anything from Iho Philippines In thn
way of sugar competition. Why wii
can't turn out much men a than soo.ooo
Inns of sugar ii year. What Ib Ihat to
woriy about?
"I do not believe nny pinposlllim In
draw rilliilnoA lo Ilawnll to work on
tho sugar plantations would ever enjoy
suicffs. 'Il.ey wouldn't have Iho Phil
PPlntK. Tho l-'ilplnnn me too much n
hume-lovlug iicoplo.
"I passed tlnotigh Honolulu eight
ycr-8 ago. in isos. In loaiinaml of dm
Klist Callfmnla Volunteer Infantry."
Hcnrral Smith was bom In Sun
Vrancisro Jnnuaiy 28, ISM. Ho was
rdmllti-d lo tho bar In 1881. Ho mai
'led I.lllle A. Dunulgan, In Santa Clara.
In 1K&5. Ilo bernmo enlnnel of Ihn flruf
Callfmnla Itclmcnt. U. S. V.. In 1S98.I
rrrvlng In tho first expedition to tho
Philippines. Mo was lu tho battle m
Malalo Tri-nclioR. July 31, 1S98. nnd at
tho taking of Manila on August 13,
IMS. tho thlitccnth annlversaiy of his
wciiciing nay. no waa deputy piovtm
marshal In Manila. lie was in tho bat
Mo of Santa Ana: In the fighting nt San
I'edio Mecitl, l'literos nnd Tagiilg and
was cnmmcniM for gallanlry In dlu
ptitehM He has held many Inipiiitant
lomniiinds. In lflOd ho wits collector
of eiiEtoms.
Justice of
In I'JUI ho was Assoclaln
tho Phlllppluo Hum omo
Gen. Henderson or Wasltln2ton,D. C,
Writes: "l'cruna has Iwcn used In my
family wllh Iho very best results, and I
tako plcasnro In recommending your
valuable remedy lo my friends as n flno
lonlo and effective euro for catarrh."
MaJ. Gen. Armstrong or Washing
ton, D. C,
Wrllesi "As many of my old comrades
and friends liavo been greatly lietielllcd
by tho uso of l'eruna for catarrhal
troubles, 1 heartily Join in their en
dorsement of Its curatlvo finalities."
I'M". Armstrong.
General Pcttys of the U. V. U
Writes: "It affords mo pleasure to say
that somo ot my patients who havo used
l'cruna as a lonlo and also for catarrhal
troubles, havo lwcn greatly lieiicilteil
by Iho same. I am satisfied of tho ox
ccllcneo of Iho same." Charles I'cttys.
General Lci of Washington, D. C,
Writes: "1 tako pleasure In endorsing
tho many recommendations I havo
heard and read of l'eruna, bceauo of
having had know ledgo of tho truth of
so many of them.
"Vo alwaj'a toll otur slclc and ailing
friends of Iho remedies that wo havo
learned, from experience, wero good
for us w hen ailing In tho samo w ay, and
wodolt asaduty wo feel that wo owo
"Whyjls. It any Iho less our duty lo
advise, all the people wo can when wo
knovjr.of a good and comparatively In
oxpcnslvo remedy thai makes many
cures, nnil lienellts In almost all caesT
"My own llltlo personal oxpcrlonco
of being relieved of deafness, caused by
aslegonf catarrh, warrants mo In ad
vising all tho aflllcted to Just try
l'eruna." A. M. I'glt.
Col. Shatsucll of Washington, rj C,
Writes: " I commend l'eruna as a most
agrocablo as well as effective luvdlclnu.
Catarrh and catarrhal colds arc cheeked
and gonerally cured by ajudlrloiis usr
f Jtv ltlsagood promoter of digestion
and Is an excellent remedy for a weak
stomach;. Mt tones up tho aptiailtuiand ( V
UfSit "at all iffsagnrablo to 'tkkcVti- ' 1
Nathaniel Nhatswcll
lie. rHimsw.ii. , ., , .
ii Jackson or Wpslilngtnp, q.'c', t'f
: "Iamelghly-tlirco yeArstild,
a veteran nt tho
mr.war.m m
and Civil Wars,
seriously sHccnvwuii, icaiatriL r,iio
stomach, Wfer tho.usloBtliiwiliotfr
01 l'cruna qqty niMHnrauco vi
j .. .. '
f W'lty.f esulW frou,th.Uro ofV.eruna,
bo pleased r glvo you his valuthle ad-
Tlco gratis.
jVtldress'Rrr Ifarttnanj-PrrMsittt-tje -
Tho IIartinanKanltarlum,Columbi u,0.
1411 ,ccrrcnood(.ni:uJjc Wcoufldsu tUJL (w,
Supcrvlhor I.urni'' wit Is ns sponla-
1 nci.tio nnd to the point ns It la fro-
iimnlh sticniiotiB. but thciv wnx nt
. : -. . .. ,;
It Is Cool
The best of everything
uu isirtua ui- lltUICUATION,
Tickets and Information at Oahu
Railway Station and Trent &. Co., or
ring up Halelwa Hotel, King 53.
On Sundayo the Halelwa Limited, a
two-hour train, leaves at 8:22 a. m,;
returning, arrives In Honolulu at 10:10
your peepers on our now Hue of lOnr,
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JtiM opened up.
Tho swell grays
which are, raging
The Cool-looking
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Our Clothes are
Geo. A- Martin
ist-iwy result rrom.t!i,u.-ool,r,crmia, atlt.
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full statement of your eAsu and he will
(h)bL W - JjU .
itJh-UsiiUU -- i- .,
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