OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, February 04, 1908, 3:30 O'CLOCK EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1908-02-04/ed-1/seq-4/

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$WPrPPPPCr " jip
I EVENING BULLETIN jW6ft SilSLuir d& 'I DaintV Meals 5$&F
P DAILY and WEEm Published by BULLETIN PUBLISHING CO., LTD. ' 9t ' ADAllllii U WflLLttljn T.J served in the best style Rush orders ourfcpecialty.
K At 120 King Street, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii. ... Sfoln HSS'i?4 M'
,'' Daily every day except Sunday. Weekly issued on Tuesday of each week. . WlthdraWS The DOnatJCIl A fjnp dnld-mftimtPri i- i i-i ' T.r -,n, a
BtV tu u j p u ikrt s iiiuuiucu Popular Prices laiil0laS
I" w..u.MB. ,i . - .-..or A"-to"" For Him Back Comb wj:r iio,aaKS
I mrnrn- - ... advakc. ""'- "-.fr " s' .. ,:;ri,:r UTS? makes a handsome Alexander YounSCafe laSA"" ""' .
i mUfornU Insurance Coramnv whlchwii8licMliiKolilllaiilanlhnII.lt MOMS dnanaSOIUe rtlCAdllUU IUUIIgLdlC PHOTOGRAPHIC
RT nviiMMi iiiLLUiw w13iJKL.v11uu.miN oamornm insurance ,uiu.mhj wob decided Hint th Wallach dona- y:P ALEXANDER YOUNO BLDGl NOVELTIES that will make
' m-Mmnh iiintfiiii s s .71 pr si Month. . ln of $3U0, which litis been in tho gill. c$jy&' attractive and welcome pres-
Iks; pWQl,iu..iim.itomi s a...,, ivr r . ,! ,. , i' . i Mutual Life Insm-nncc Company hands of President elm. K. Notley, 1 cnts to Coast Friends.
KM rrtr. iiivi,r,ciiii s .. m.,.1. ivrirui miMiimim . .iti.uia !. luuiuui -ui . " i ' will bo returned to the llnu allaiiB who i
LVL It.--- ...... ......I I........ . II .... n.rli i--...ti..t.l (..i, ... V wi 01 iEW XOlIV l.nl'n nnnlvll.iiln.l l..u nixlu llm flltlfl .. . ..--.---.-----..- ft .. tt t"t J
W "",I ""- """ ' """ - "", . .7.i. ....A. Wc nave just received a nflnn II II KllllTil
& ' . which was subscribed Tor the purpose . -er- IIUIIUIUIU II3UIU
I ' ririrtJTATION LARGEST OF ANY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED of straightening out the tanked nnnn large assortment of Stylish Outfit YoUl'Self Cfinnlv Cl
m ClhLULAXlON LAKUhbl Ut ANX HhVliaaha i-UiJLlsntlJ n, , ()f , ,( a, g(( Ui;U )1() C0MBS of REAL SHELL and . -. .-. jUDplY CO.,
W ., ,.i.i . 1 ... raaiiii " 1 ciepnonu ou gi eat experiment The prices are very reason- wun owce or pcclcet ion btreet.
K fti.i.. ...,i i.i 1-..1 .... nrn 1 - 1 1 -!
Honolulu's doois are nlwa.Nd opon
to the Aincilcnn N.iy. All thin in
t'Kkcd It 11 short forewai 11I11K 111 tthc-ii
the tils puit l ti jin.p. Mii-l-rUe
miahl fintl the lattler 11 little
".nipt .
HiltiRniy allows to what a miser
able state It has dropped, when it
lias to stop and consider whether It
can express sympathy for a people
tind n f.imlly robbed of loved ones
by the hand of munleiem.
Ilnrt Thaw Is piobably one of
tin luckiest men on earth, If life has
r.ny nttraetlont for blm. Ills ilayi
of restraint aie probably niinihered,
for a biace or attoineys that can
save his neik ma be tlopended upon
to have him sunn cured uf his In
sanity. Trot out our favorites for tho
P1esl1lentl.il nomination Hawaii la
soon to puitlflpate fn the only thuie
it has In nanilnK tho Chief Kxecutlvo
of the Nation. Kach party should
ree to It that stroiiR men are sent
to the conventions to represent this
Any plans for the entertnlnmeiit
of tho'Kreat ileot under Admiral Kv
ans must bo mine or less "ephemer
111 until tho people have some dell
nlte Idea of the time when the licet
:s 10 nrrlvo in Hawaiian waters.
Of court.0 Honolulu will entertain
the fleet. It has never fnllod in Its
patllotle duty In tills lespiit, and
certainly will not when the Rienlert
battle comblnntlon of modern timet
Is due.
It Is not to be forgotten, liowoer,
that the fleet will be the object of
much attention on the 1'uclUc Coast
and of nun li active solicitation by
I'nclllc-Coast tltlzens that It shall
'gmaln a little lonfier nt every prin-
ilpal port Whether the pull of tho
populace on the Pacific Coast will
upset any Itinerary laid, down by the
Navy Department remains to be seen
but oury step Honolulu taltes mutt
lie made with such an eventuality 111
Thoro is no placo under tho Amer
ican Hub where a larger number of
(.flleei-R nml men In tho American
Navy are so woll known to the citi
zens as In Honolulu. Tho old Ho
nolulu welcome, la ovor on tap.
The business end of It Involves a
Knowledge of when the lleet Is like
ly to arrive and the probable length
ol Its stay, (liven that, the program
anil Mippllcs can lie provided for In
might short order.
The particular attention of 11 u I -
let In readers Is called to the ic
poits of tho committees of the Oaliu
Improvement Club published in this
ibmif. Improvement clubs usuiill
have a hard row to hoo because the
community Js not quick to respond
to btiggestiuns unless It bo spin red
by 601110 special period of enthu
siasm. The report of tlio tonmiltteo ha"-
Ing Ui do with the plan for hand
ling tho Hxecutlvo-biillding section
or the town Is verj valuable. It
may tnko years to ccmiplote tho plan
laid down, but It the people win
keep tho scheme over boroio them II
will be possible to have every ad
vance follow u definite line. .
Tho leport of the committee on
the old flslimarket is also an Impor
tant one nnd tho conclusion appeals
to this paper ns quite sensible-, un
less there Is mime) available or like
ly to bo In tho near futuro sufficient
lo satisfy tho Ideal of an Imposing
harbor entrance.
Aa this matter has been associat
ed with the McKluley memorial. It
is constantly becoming moro app.u
ent thnt If Honolulu ever gets a Mc
Klnloy memorial woithv the name, it
will liavo to ho a. stntuo plaied la
lonie public plot, as, for Instance,
tho parked goro facing on 1'ala")
Square; or. If tho contoi of tli d
cquaro la to bo paiked, In the ceutoi-
of tho square.
Tho Improvement Club Is dolnft
EtSffcl worlt. 'Tho only complaint thai
, fcfll'lttf lH ' - )--f IJI,-. - ' ,: -.U.. -, ' .
1 111 e lie unit!. URalnst stirh nr
K.111I it .His N lhat the niinmiuiltv
1I11, 1 llnu ; Kctii i.iptdly enutit'li.
The irieiil American hen" has
l.ecn attracting much attention In
tho Territory of Hawaii dining re
cent yean, and the hoatlwny made
I etc Is In a ory small nieaRtire a rc
rtpx of what has been nono on the
We are Indebted to n poulti fan
cier for bringing lo our notice a rc
vlow of Secretary Wilson's leport
published by "Conmiciclul Poultry.'
The statements made by the Scer
tiiry of Agriculture arc Hiirpilslng to
the averago reader, but tlioro Is no
doubting the facts.
Secretnry WtWon estimates Ire
nltie of the poultry nntl egg prod
ucts of the country for the jear 1!0"
to be more than $000.001). 000., which
lepi-psontK un lucienMi mtr the plu
vious year of $luo,UUO,UOo.
TMk exceeds the vnluo of the
wheat crop Tor 1007 by S100.000,
1 00. The public has always looked
1 pon wheat as a stiiml-by whllo giv
ing never n thought for the hen.
'The vulue of the poultry prod
ucts eiiuals tho value of the wheat
crop ($500,000,000.) and tho nlfnlfa
"iop ($100,000,000.) combined, and
exceeds by $1,000,000. tho combined
wiluo or the oat crop ($300,000.
000.), the potnto crop ($190,000,
100.). tho ryo crop ($23,000,000.),
1 ml the flaxseed crop ($20,000,000.).
To go a little farther, the value
of the poultry products exceeds by
SI l.uOn.OUli. the combined value or
tho oat crop ($.100,000,000.), the
barley crop ($113,000,000.), tho
buckwheat crop ($10,000,000.). the
flaxseed crop ( J2C. 0(10,000.), tho
lice ciop ($19,500,000.), tho hop
ciop ($r,, 000, 000 ), and the Durum
wheat crop ($30,000,000.)."
Tho otpertB account for this great
Incroaso In value of the hen and her
pioduct by tho manner :n which the
demand la mot. Tho farmer Is now
'tud.lug the birds and endeavoring
10 develop hlgli-clafs egg-pioduceis
i,ii(l toothtomo fowl.
We have no doubt that In tho Ter-
iltory or Hawaii the btumlnrd ot
poultry products has Increased In
'iiin I It v und quantity during the last
llvo years, and much credit Is due
ho funrleia or tho Poultry Associa
tion Tor keeping nllvo tho Interest.
The objo t this Territory shbuld
TlTrTKf .MnnMftdi M.waii.
For Suie
Ten acres of pineapple land at Wa
hiawa. Good location. -More land
adjoining if desired.
lliiilrlinr eitn PnllArva Villa At -
G00 ft 0wner win accept mort.
RRgc for fnll pnrchase price of land
provided buyer builds house.
Hotel Street $50.00
Prcspect Street $50.00
Kaimuki $37.00
Kinau Street $35.00
Lunalilo Street $25,00
Voung Street $25.00
King Street $25.00
Kinan Btreet $30.00
Kcwalo Street $33,50
Kim; Street $15.00
Aloha Lan $18.00
Matlock Avenue 325.00
Emma Street $24.00
Beretania Street $40,00
Waterhouse Trust
Corner Tort nnd Merchant Sti.
: jsst
Sjmfc fjlmk feafW
took Is the supply of our own mar
ket J This Is not done now although
the figures of the Depaitment of
Commerce nml Labor appear to show
that gains arc being made.
In tho month of November, 1900,
tho Territory of Hawaii shipped
fiom maliilatid markets 14,310 doren
eggs, valued at 3,87S. In Novem
ber of 1907 wc shipped C.4G0 dozen,
valued at $1,870.
The leeord for tlio eleven months
ending November, 1300. Is 02. 3r.,-,
dozen, valued at $10,1,19. For tile
bnnio period of 1907 tho figures arc
i.r.,9fi0 dozen, valued nt $15,070. The
value advanced whllo the quantity
was reduced. Tills certainly sug
gests that the poultry-misers nir
tteadlly gaining In suppljliig tho
'oral market.
Our shlpmants of poultry under
the heading of meat pioducts wcro
also 1 educed for the mouth of No
vember, although the ulcvcn-montlis
period shov3 an Inciease In vnluo for
this last vcar.
Hawaii's poultry nntl game ship
ments from tho mnlnlnnd In No
vember, 190C, wore valued nt $4,
398.; November, 1907, $2,325. For
tho eleven months ending In Novem
ber, 1900, tho vnluo was $18,079.
and for the same period In 1907,
All of which goes to show that cm
the mainland und p.ittlciil.uly In
Hawaii tho hen Is vvuith v.-hlle.
(Continued from race 1)
examining witnesses. Nine certif
icates vvero grunted, all tho small
children. The oldest did not nppcar
to bo more than Tour or five.
Thle Is u now record In tho Issuing
or birth certificates, especially to Jap
anese, for heretofore there has been
little Interest In this matter shown
by tho Japanese. It Is apparent, how
over, that something has happened to
cause the awakening of Intoic.it In tho
mutton and nrouso tho Japanese lo a
knowledge of tho probable riituro
value or thceo papers. It Is possible,
that tho new Immigration rules or Jn
pan, making It dlfllcu'it, comparative
ly, for tho Japancso to travel between
hero nnd their homo country, bus
something to do with tho large mini
her of applications. Theso birth cer
tificates will also bo of valuo In piov
lng American citizenship nnd may In
dicate tho tendency ot American-born
Thoso who appeared thin morning
wore nil of tho best elnss of Japan
ese. Tho list of fathers Included two
doctors und sqvcrnl merchants nnd
managers or largo cummorclul houses.
!! ft
(Continued from Paze 1)
, Mott-Smlth, who Is conducting tho
investigation, was not nwnre of this
state of things until nuked about It
this morning.
It Is probable that tho Investiga
tion will be concluded some time
this week, although witnesses arc
Mil! being examined. Both Holt
nnd Hiulfitlle have boon icqitestcd
to send In written statements con
cerning tho tumble between them.
.. r
'5- Fine Job Prinlinf ( the Cut
, . '. S-
& Co.,
Fort St.
P. O. Box 716.
At tho meeting of the executive
cummtttco of the Home Itulo party,
which was held In Knhlllaiilanl hall. It
was decided that the Wallach dona
tion of $300, which has been III tho
hands of President Clm. K. Notify,
will bo returned to the llnvvallaus whn
have contributed towards tho fund,
which was subscribed for the purposo
of straightening 0111 the tanv'od flnnn
clnl ntfnlis of the In aler, so that no
pecuniary worries iniulit prey on his
tulnd while ho was engaged on his
glent experiment
This notion was decided on nrier
Wallach had disregarded the advlco of
tho Commlttoo or Ti n. and refused to
sign the agreement which was submit
ted for his signature b the Hoard of
"Tho iiiomhi'ih of tho executive
commlttoo of the lPmo Itulo party
vvero Indignant with Wallach," mild
Notley this morning "Had ho signed
tho agreement, he could have had the
money. Wo Inlomh'd to pay off till his
debts, If ho hnd slgiiyd. In nil Ills
former troubles. I took active part In
assisting htm.
"Wo were willing to stand the ex
penses of his trial. If ho was nulled
In. Hut ns It Is, we cannot mid will
not help him In nil bis rntiuo tilnht
nml troubles, lie has round better
and moro dovoled rrlends. They 1110
Iho Atcherleys."
"Other People a .Money," which
made a big lilt Inst nluht nt tho Or
pheiim, Is to be repeated again to
night, tomorrow nUht and tomorrow
afternoon. Muuiger CooU-v has a
splendid piogram Ibis week, piecedllis
the main performance with n funny
little sketch entitled "A Tip on tho
Itaces." MlsaiJIalzle Martell Is up-
pearjni; In a pew specially nnd Thom
as l.ano Is slngln-; sentimental songs.
Tomoriovv afternoon a souvenir mat
inee will bo given, every ladj intend
ing receiving -a photograph of Miss
Gladys Kingsbury.
Thursday night "The Croat Con
spiracy" Is to bo piesented. This is
a nlav that Is-sure to please every
body, depleting ns It docs not only life
In tho comitryVbut life In New York
society as well.
"Tho Squaw Man," l luo for pro
duction on Monday night next This
Piomlses to be tho Jdg dramatic treat
of the season.
Hustcd'.i Directory of Honolulu
and tho Tenltnry of Hawaii for 190S
l.ns been Issued. Tho publlshcis call
attention lo tho fnct that Mrs. 1 lus
ted, widow of tho Into V. M. Ilusted,
has associated with her tlio Nntlonnl
Directory Publishing House of L. It.
Polk & Co, which has been in tho
directory business for many eais.
The business will hereafter be con
ducted tindei tho firm name of "Polk
Ilusted Dliectory Co."
Tho directory tor this year Is re
plclo with Its usual fund ot Infor
mation for tho lesldcnt and tlio
strnrtger. It has been liberally pa
ll onlzcd by the business men of the
I1USSUV Mary A., tho wife or Al
bert Alexander Hussey, u native
or Hawaii; ago 21 years.
- m tf
Try A
Machine Ri
There i3 nothinp; quite so delight
ful ns an auto ride to Haleiwa. The
roads are in fine condition just
enough rain to settle the dust, and
now packed hard.
is a famous resort in San
Francisco. So is the place
of that name in Honolulu.
Corner Hotel and Nuuanu
W. L. HOWELL, Prop.
Smoke EI Palencia
the mild Havana cigar.
Alexander Young Building,
Oil Kip Mil!
MOUNTED IN SOLID GOLD. iJOrWUO Everything Photographic "
H. F. Wichman & Co.
Entrance Channel Will De Widened
and the Interior Dasln
Tho dredger (iovernor yesterday o-
gan the preliminary work of cleaning
out the harbor. . Tho old lighthouse
point will ho the first placo to bo demo
nwny with, nnd this Job win started
at noon vostorduy, but was delayed 'Jin
account of the breaking of a bolt on
Iho diedger. Tho channel will lie
made ck'ar Into the harbor on a Hue
between tho channel und tho quaran
tine wharves. This will glvo vessels
of nil sizes plenty of room when thej
enter the harbor, and It will nisi) do
away with any danger or accidents
when elifbrlng tho huibor such as bo
rUI the Despatch.
Congress nppioprlated $430,000 for
this work, nnd not only will tho chan
nel Into tho harbor bo widened, but
also tho basin just opposite tho Inter
iBland docks will bo deepened and
made larger. Tho work will bo rushed
thiotigh ns fnst us possible, Iho men
being worked tiny and night In thico
shiriH, under tho supervision or Cap
lain Otwell.
A Curable Disease
Drunkenness Is a prognsslvo dis
ease; the modcrato drinker Is not Bnt
bficd with two or three drinks a day,
iho craving Tor more and moro be
comes li resistible as tho discaso ad
vances; tho result Is Chronic Alcohol
ism. Tho treatment used successtully by
thousand", right in their own homes U
Orrlne. It Is n scientific euro for
I'mnkonnesH and has given such unl-
ersnl satisfaction that It Is sold
'indor a pojltlvo guarantee to effect u
tlio or our money will ho refunded,
fills guaranteo isglvcn In good faith
pud b can led out to the letter. Or
ilno Is not u new remedy; it has been
wild by tho leading drugclsts in every
city for vcars.
Oirlne No. 1 is tho secret remedy,
Orrlno No. 2, Is for those willing to
'nke the treatment. Either Torm co3ts
tl.OO. Tho gunranteo Is tho same in
either case. Write to Tho Orrlne Co.,
Washington. I). C., tor tree treatise
in Drunkenness, mailed In plain
sealed envelope. Orrlne will bo mailed
sealed cm receipt of price. Sold by tho
lending drupglsU In every town and
city, nnd in this cil by Honolulu
Drug Co., Ltd.
, gvigti jtftfa'Jklki ''(rfti'fA', -
with office or pccltet
DIARIES for daily jottings;
CALENDAR PADS for memoranda,
and the
HAWAIIAN ANNUAL-for daily ref
erence. Each or all to be had at
Thrum's Book Store
Moana Baths
and Buffet
Accommodations uncqualcd
where on the beach. v
Chinese Goods
Wing Wo Tai & Co.
Sanitary Steam Laundry
F. S. NagamK
Kodak Developing, Printing, En
larging and' Interior Photo
graphine. nOTEL ST. bet. Nuuanu & Bethel
Bamboo Furniture Made to Order.
fioture Framing a 8peoialty.
Of All Kinds And Descriptions At
Reasonable Prices.
Emma St. near Beretania.
Improved and Modern SUGAR MA-
CHINERY of every capacity and de-
teriation. made to order. Boiler woik
and RIVETED PIPES for irrigarJou
purposes a specialty. Particular at
tention Fa'd to J0R WORK, and re
tain executed at shortest notice.
Wank books of all sorts, ledgers,
(etc. mnniiractnrcd by tho Ilulhtln Pub-
Uhlng enmnany.
Looks So
in a GOOD dress-suit, and so ORDINARY in an ordinary
dress-suit, that STEIN-BL0CII dressers, wonder why every
man does not wear suits tailored by the STEIN-BLOCH experts.
Get ready for the swcllc3t event of the season tho
UNIVERSITY CLUB BALL. All of the swell people will be
there, and so you must go, and wear one of our dress
suits or Tuxedos. We have Dress-suits, Tuxedos, Dress
shirts, Ties, Collars, White Vests, Mufflers.
Fort and Merchant Sts
' I
Finest American
4-Cylinder, 7-Patient.er Car.
Factory Price includes Bise
macn Magneto, also wet bat
teries. Von Eanim-Young,
Co., Ltd., Young Bid
Winton Touring Car
71ic Finest Cars Em Seed in Hono
lulu. Call and See Them.
Associated Garage,
at the automobiles, buagics and car-
nngei we nave recently ovemauicu
and painted
W. W. WrlRM Go,.
King Street near South
Tel. W2.
Bulls For Sale
Fine Imported
Thoroughbred Stock
Tel. 109
Schuman Carriage Co.,
Carriage Material
, . , , , . , ,
Farming Tools and Implements
Hotel Majestic, Phone 244
with the easiest-riding public auto-
mobile in the, city. Long or short
runs, calling or business.

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