OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, February 06, 1908, 3:30 O'CLOCK EDITION, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1908-02-06/ed-1/seq-1/

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151wt -
Bulletin Want Ads cost One Cent per "Word per Day
From San Francisco:
Mongglla Feb. 4
Alnnieda Feb. 14
For San Fr&mlico:
Korea Fob. S
America Mnru . ...Feb. 14
From Vaaoouver:
Mlowera Feb. S
For Vancouver:
Aorangl Feb. 6
The people of Honolulu read I
the current news columns of the .
pvrTrrwn -DTTTTwrw on,. '
Evening Bullet
read the advertising columns be
came progressive butlness men
have learned that the advertising
columns convey news of another
sort news about their wares,
their products, their capacity for
service, which is important to the
whole public,
3:30 O'CLOCK
The least money for the greatest service
VOL. X. NO. 39 J 8
,tSP2? "M -T1 ; .v" 'rv"w ; jest -
, ft Wp,,
r- .. , ' , .
A people hi mourning, fctiddeuly
stricken with llio noWH of tlio death
of tlio sovereign of their homo conn
try unci his mm, came to lliu Uuthollc
Cathedral HiIh foicuoon to attend tlio
funeral services oor Kins Ctrlus and
tlio Crown Prlnco of Portugal. The
bulldliiK was nileil with (icople, largo
ly Portuguese, while FeJoral and Tor
lltorlnl oinclulH und tho inornbois or
tin- consular corps attended In largo
Tlio occasion vvai a solemn cm
AmldMhe naming candles, tl,u liluo
smoke of thu lnccii30 and tlio sad,
sweet muslr n spirit of reverence
descended over tlioto present. Tlio
High Hequlem M:ij vvu4 said by
Prlnco Illuhop da Sllva, the uoier.inlty
of the occasion being Incicaucd by tlio
knowledge that he lilnibolf Is a sclnn
of thu royal liouso which has so sud
denly been prostrated by tho greatest
of sorrows.
Tlio Cathedral was simply but lm
presslvel' decorated In bluck and
white, Heforo the altar, In tho most
prominent pluce In thu building stood
a catafalque draped In black and sur
rounded by burning tapers. Around
this the consuls, and officials were
seated. On tho right sat tlio consular
corps, Including F. A. Schacfor, Con
Bill of Italy; Consul Forster of Great
Ilrltaln; W. Pfotenhauer, Consul of
Oermany; Dr. A. Mcrquez, ActltiK Con
sTul of Franco; Mlkl Salto. Consul
General of Japan; Chang Tho Fan.
Consul of China; W. Lnii7, Consul of
Mexico; George Ilodlok, Consul of
Sweden; T. Cllvo Davles, Vice-Consul
of Qrcat DrltAln; 11. F. Lango, vice
consul of Belgium, and H. Focke,
Acting Consul of Chile.
Opposlto them, on tho loft, were
tho Territorial ofliclnlB, namely; Gov
urnor Frenx, Treasurer Campbell,
President Plnkham of tl" Board o
Health, Land Commissi : r Pratt,
.Superintendent of Public Instruction
'nabbltt. Auditor Flshor and Survojor
Goueral Wall. Tho Judicial y was reji
rcEcntoil by Chief Justice of tlio Su
premo Court Hartvvell, Associate Jus
tice Hallou, Circuit Judge Lindsay und
District Jtidgo Andrade.
. Behind tho consuls wcro Boated tho
.representatives of the Army, tho Navy
and tho National Guard, Including Ad
miral Very. Brigadier General Drvls,
Paymaster Biooks, Col. John Short,
Gen, Sopor, Captain Geo. Smithies,
Surgeon General C. II. Cooper and
To tho right of tho consular corps
were tho officers of tho Portuguese
tocletles with their banners dinped,
us follows:
A Pntrla J. F. Ilurao, president; J.
C. Souza, president board of directors;
v: a.Tj.-.: .- .
proper dress at a Ball is a
good drcss-su.it or Tuxedo.
Don't wear a shabby one,
The way ho dresses is the
measure of a man's self-respect,
not of his pockctbook.
There's no need for that,
when you can get the best
Alfred Benjamin & Co.
suit for moderate price at
The Kash Co. Ltd.
Cor. Fort & Hotel,
J. P. Hego and .loso Gomes Sllva, ex
prLSldentii oi" A Patrla.
Liikltntia Abel S. do Nasclmento
president, Vincuiito , Fernandez Jr.,
president Board of Directors.
St .Antonio Alfredo O Rosa, pros
Ident; J. C. Ollvelra, president, Uoard
of Directors. '
Club Hecie.itlu Portuguo3 Vln
cento t) Telxeira, president.
Society S. Miutlntiu. J. II. It. VI
elrn, president; J. F. Houza, Thesour
el 10.
Ills Mnjesty King I). Carlos I was
Honoiary President of the A Patilc
Among thu others to whom be.ila
had been asilgued weie Col. Sain
Purker, Prlnco Dald Kanauanakoa,
Geo. I-. l)avle3, Postolllco Inspectoi
und Mis. Fiauk Hare, Prol. Alexander.
Prof. Stockman, A. S. Cleghom, Jas
F. Morgan, Geo. W. Hmltli, K. I
Spalding, Illshop Moore, Itev. II. II.
Parker, County Treasurer Trent. Sher
iff Iaukcn, Itev. Dr. Crane, C. W. Ash
ford, John F. Colburn, Itev. Mr. Felmy,
Collector C. n. Stackable, l)r U K
Cofor, Senator Dickey, Juilge Pe. r.t
Mark P. Hoblnson, A. L. C. Atkli.M
ltlchaid Ivern, IV. Brlnclterhoff, Per
ley Hor,ne, J. Llghtfont, W. W. Hull,
It. S. Hosiner, the press and others.
Uutll tho ceremonies begun Con Mil
Cauavarro was In charge, assisted by
Judgo Perry, John Marcalllno and
Henry O'Sulllvnn.
Promptly nt 10.30 o'clock Bishop
Libert entered, clad In purple est
mentB, and went to the prayer desk,
whero he lemalned kneeling through
out tho service. Shortly atturwuidt
Bishop da Sllva appeared, followed
by tho clergy und tho choir boys. The
Bishop was clad In magnificent bl udc
vestments heavily embroldoi - ,
silver. Tho procession hnltcii i
of tho altar, and tho Bishop
tho solemn "Hequlcbcat In Pac '
This was followed by a length
ual in Latin, solemn and su
through which tho so-row of n mh,
Ing people found Its expression la -deep-toned
strains of the p i;,-" s it.
and tho slow measured m , ,c f the
ritual. Ktcn tho most worldly unst bo
Impressed and tic 'ighout the sci
Icp. thougn i " nch was packed
to tho doors t utmost stillness
iclgned brokL - rr by tho music and
tho lueantatlt i Blfchop and tho
priests Tho s va3 led liy
Father Valout i wns in excel,
lent !co, whi. a violin solo, ren
dered by onn or " Brothers of the
St. Louis Coi; r , nioat ImpreE-
After the c e'.-j .' - rjf tho Com-
(Cor.t.ji 'd on Ptje 3)
Cvnrtt Cotics tbrMcn
hfAbfi IN NEW YOnW
Wmm MM
nftivi rrf l Bar "I I
Lowers & Cooke today filed In tho
L'nlted States District Court a suit
Lgatnst the llurrcll Construction
t'omiiany and the Aetna Indemnity
Company for the sum of $26,87(1.8::,
with Interest, alleged In tho com
plaint to bo duo the plaintiff for ma
terial furnished tho first named de
fendant for the construction of the
buildings of tho military icscrvatlou
at Kahaulkl. Tho Aetna Indemnity
Company Is on the bond of the llur
rcll Construction Company, and Is
hence Joined as a defendant to the
Lewis & Smith are tlio at tonic) b
for tho plaintiff
LONDON, Eitg., Feb. G. The Brit
ish Government officially denies that
the British fleet in the Pacific will
Le materially increased. ;
MADRID. Snain. Fell. G. Fonnir
Premier Franco, whp is a fugitive
from Portugal, has arrived here. He
it going io ram.
PAHIS. France. Feb. fe. -
- The
Franco-Canadian commercial
uas been adopted.
R. T-.t Co. Declines To
Better Kalmuki
Tiro meeting of commltteo of Her
ctunln street and Wnlnlao residents
with President L. T. Peck of tho
Rapid Transit Co. yesterday after
noon resulted In disappointment for
tho car- patrons. Peck told them
that the company had only been ublo
to pay Its stockholders, outside or
thoi.o holding pref cried stock, a divi
dend of 3 per tent. Inst year, and
then It had put nothing aside (or the
i inking fund. Out of the Beretnnla
Wal.iiau lino It had tnnde only $2000,
(Continued on Page 8)
is never neglected by the wise. It
costs so little to make the welfare
certain of those dependent on you.
And, when Death, Fire, or Accident
overtakes you, yoar polioy
to hen. It's a Hslpir.g Hand but
" 'T, re IlssA of Charty! You
,," , i-v'd '-' it
s& fl.iwiiian Trtisl
; v!onii;t , til
Vjg Fori St. fknuljl I
ernes It
. mm (u
East Hawaii . y. . . 20
West Hawaii 16
Maul 32
Oahu 4th Dist 35
Oahu 5th Dist 32
Kauai 12
Total 147
Th In Is the apportionment of tho
delegates to the Republican Terri
torial Convention called for April lit
to name delegates to the Natlo.ial
Nominating Convention.
Chatrriun UoIhtImhi has made the
apportionment according to the vote
cast for tho Republican candidate for
Delegnto to Congress at the last olec
tlon. Tho Fourth District of Oahu
"this sldo of fcuuanu avenue"
ehows ijulte af4lllug otT. which Is nt
trlbutod to the vote It rast.for Mc
Clinnhau, tho pemiratlc cundldate
In the ?,mf election. Novcr,beforo
has the, reprelwntatlon if thet Fifth
District 'been so closu to that of, the
Fourthit It Is noted by tho party
men as "one of the bad results of, the
tyllt-tlcket theory
Chairman Robertson will Issue the
call for the comentlon In about two
Appropriate Ceremonies
Mark Raising Of
New Fiag
Tho raising of u magnificent now
1C0 foot steel flagpolo on tho grounds
of Fort Shatter at Kahaulkl took
place this morning with appropriate
ceremony. Mounted on a black horse,
Major S. V. Dunning, U. S. A., nc-
) bU UydLiUU lit llJl. UUIIUII1D, IIIHl
l.le ,ua ' rirpp unu Heconu Lieuten
ant W- i i dso mounted, led tlio
Imttalk - I tho drill grounds.
Tho oin, ho soldiers v,ero In
(Conti eJ on Page 5)
SUGAR: Beets, 83 ant-ss. 9s.
11 l-4d. Parity, 4.09 cents. Prtv
lous quotation, 10s.
token the trouble to learn how
cheaply we deliver SELECTED PINE
APPLES at mainland points! !
725 King. Phone 15.
PLETE Line of
ever shown in
ti'e M-nfs, nt
ltJS IV.id GT.
J. H.0PP & CO., t
!85 King Street
entton To
Wait And
SEATTLE, Wash., Feb. 6. The
Asiatto Exclusion League has appeal
ed to Congress to absolutely exclude
all Japanese, Koreans and Chinese.
The Senate has passed the bill retir
ing General 0. 0. Howard as Lieuten
ant General.
I PUNTA ARENAS, Chile, Feb. G.
Tho American fleet will leave here
! Friday night. It is expected tho
fleet will salute Valparaiso on the
14th mit.
m ram m
Tourists Delayed Travel
J. Walter Scott,who represents the
Hawaii Promotion Committee In San
Francisco and hns many Important
Interests In that city, expects that
there will be a "looking up" of travel
for pleasure during tiro next few
Mr Poit cum- down on the Mon
gollu wlii i. t of ten that In
cludes Mr. Anderson, roiuios Lieuten
ant (lovcrnor of California. "There
Is no doubt," said Mr. Scott to tho
Bulletin man, "that tho financial pan
Ic of the frtll hurt the tourist trav
el, but things nro picking up. They
(Continued on Page 4)
Ah Kong the real one this time
was arrested this morning at Kallua
by Antono Manuel, for tho Federal
tiovernment, on the charge of buying
postage stamps stolen from tiro Unit
id States.
An arrest was mado a couplo of
days ago of a Chinaman named Ah
Wn, who was thought to bo Ah Kong.
Fronr statements made by him, how
over, the authorities obtained Infor
mation which led to tho arrest of tho
right man.
Tho crime Is over two years old.
Mlkollnna Klko was t ,iv granted a
'Worco from Klko, her 1 i-bund, on
v gioiind of desertion a id non sup-
the tveraeo man's worst en
emy, has ,cs own worst enemy
Hollistcr DrugCo.
HR ii'RY
Is Retired
L M Whltchousu Ih the lowest
bidder for the coat Kiel for comput
ing the Nuuiimi dam. When the bids
were opened nt noon today by Su
perintendent of Public Works .Mars
ton Campbell It was found that of
the four bidders the man who held
the former contract was by far tho
lowest In his tender, bolng over SC
000 under his nearest competitor.
hltehousc'H bid Is 113, 44T for tho
completion of the work In Its entire
ty, against i:!!M7r bid by V. 11.
Hoogs & Co Wilson ,t Chapln of
fered to do the work for fm.OCO.
Former Super lutendetit of Public
Works C S. Ilollown. who had been
regarded us Whltchouso'H most for
midable rival for tho contract, on ac
count of his experience with the dam
and his knowlodgo of the dllflcultles
to be met and overcome, was the far
Vliest from the goal, his tender being
$142,800 ove. JlU.oyi) higher than
the amount bid by Wbttchousc.
It was n matter of considerable
surprise that there were but four bid
ders for the contract, us oer a dozen
copies of the plans and specifications
had been tal en out by local men,
while other copies weie cent to the
Coast. There were no tenders from
outside. It Is evident that tome of
the contractors combined In making
their tenders.
It Is no great matter for surprise
that Whltehouse was ablo to under
bid his competitors, for, ns has been
pointed out before, he had the advan
tage of t heai of already having his
plaji on t ic giouud and of having
had tho benefit of experience all tiro
work done thus fur, virtually, having
been dune by hlur under the old con
tract. But It was not expected thnl
IiIb bid would bo so far within the
amount appropriated by tho Legisla
ture for the completion of tho work.
There Is J132.000 In tho Treasury to
pay for the completion of tho dam.
The contract has not yet been offi
cially awarded to Whltehouse, as the
Superintendent of Public Works In
tends to thoroughly canvas the bids,
so aB to leave no loophole for future
trouble; but thero Is no .doubt but
that the contract will go to the man
who held tho old one.
Kacli coutrnetonnado two tenderf,
one for completing tho dam with
stone paving of tlio inside face, the
other with concreto paving. Wlrltc
houso's nltcrnate bid was also lower
man that of anwmo else.
It Is not certain i int the dam will
bo completed cxartly uccordlng to tho
plans and speclflca'lr m lstiod by tho
Department, the Supc'l e dout to
serving tho right to rna'ce such c-han-
You'll sieed
Better get
SPICIAL No. 502 P.itent Puxip .Price S3.00
Also No. G02 A 3-c'yilct Oxford Scan, Flexible .
Welt - Trice ?Q.C0
Thece pnmps nfford a atylo that fo neat, tatty, nnd con
servative -just the thljij; for tho Evening Reception or the
P. 0. 3o:4C0. C0m
gis .01 he in.it deem atfvi .i !, U To
prcWde fn: this tontingeiiM, each
' coiitiac toi wus required to bid, not
I only on tho completion of the dam lu
its entirety, but also on each dlter
jtnt division of tho work, so that In
, making any changes proportionate
I amounts muy be added or deducted.
Knch tender was accompanied by a
certified check for $5000.
Superintendent Campbell had call
ed upon the contractors to bo present
In hla oMlcts ut 11 o'clock this morn
ing, io that any questions they might
desire to nsk could be answered and
all danger of mtcundcrttandtiigs ob
viated. All of them came, except
! WhlteliRUte, who seemed so ture ot
Ills position that ho did not put lit
tin nppearanco until 11:53 Thero .
wcro present K. I. Chapln, J. J. Bel
kcr, W. Hi Hoogs, C. S. Holloway, C.
'. mlth. A. A. Wilson. Trunk ltlclx
ardson and Fred. Harrison. In addi
tion to Attorney General HomeHway,,
Treasurer Campbell, Mr. Taylor and'
ether members of tho Department.
Soer.tl of the contractors were ovl"
deiitly there out of curiosity.
An effort was made by Hoogs to
cat the Superintendent to say heforo
the bids were opened what changes
he would make In tho plans In casa.
none of the bids was within tho ap
propriation, hut tills ho refused to
do. "I reserve the right," he said,
to IncreuM' ot diminish the work ns
may bo nccessarj. But 1 will not ad
mit that the bids aro oei- tlio
amount available."
When 12 o'clock arrived and tho
first bid was opened. It was fuund to
bo tint of L M. Whltehouso. When
it had beon read, and tho other con
tractors realized that they were prac
tically out of tho game, thero was
considerably less Interest displayed,
though all wcro curious to Know
where their competitors stood.
Superintendent Campbell states
t.mt ho will m.rkp an oOlclal an
nouncement as soon as ho shall havo
eauvascd tho bids.
Following nro thefigures of each
bidder In detail: '
L. M. Wlrltohouse Entire work,
$123,145; entire work with concrete
concreto revetment complete, c. jd.,
$314-10; rock c yd., $1.73; stouo
revetment s. d., $1.3G; broken stcmo
or quarry undurstuuo s. jd-. $.28;
concreto revetment completo s. yd.,
$2.18; broken stono or quarry under
concrete c. d, $.14; concroto coro
wall c. d , $lfi.20: concrete spillway
a. d.. 5J0.41, paving spillway e. yd.,
12 R0; masonry wall spillway c yd.,
$7 52; lumbor core wall l0o ft.,
$51! 32; excavation core wall trench
(Conricced on Inj-e 5)
tliesu. coon.
tliosn now.
td. Phone 282

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